POULTRY V i • " and Dairy Produce BRYAN GIVES VIEWS Western Governors Demand Tu o More Regional Banks OPERATESONHEART W.L.DOUGLAS K 0V E R A LLS SHOES A L L R IG H T S R E S E R V E D ^ Denver —Governors o f seven states, delegates to the Western Governors’ Men’s KSSK-ra&j Keep Kids Kleen conference in session here, went on The mote practical, healthful, playtime Women’s ll «?’ * l* P e a rso n -I’affi* Co. pSKHi.A.i5!> record with a demand on congress for gar menu ever Invented for children 1 M isses, B o ys .C h lld re n the establishment o f two more region­ to $ year» of age. Made In one piece 1 1 .5 0 S l . f S t l 1 2 5 0 1 3, with drop back. Easily slipped on or al banks one in the Pacific North­ off. Easily washed. No tight west and the other in the Rocky Moun­ elastic bands to nop circulation. O W A R D K. B Ü R T U H A m a y n r » a r t C & # n il«t. » 4 .* « .9 4 ,, Ma.le in blue denim, and blue and prMtjc Ciol't. H 1.114*1 Vi Ko. Color.i'lo. tain states. I ' d » 4 . 3 D •*•>•• Silver. Low l. $1 G o ld , Bilvttr, 75c; Uniti. BUe; /i n o white hickory »tripes for all the in in* Murid. or Copper. SI M ailing *»nvel<>i>»*ii • i $1,006,279 material for summer wear. All Governor Ernest Lister, o f Washing­ licitoti. Koforeai o: Out nouute National Bank. IN C R E A S E garments trimmed with fast red or O f------- ---- ton and was concurred in by Gover­ blue gaiatra. Made in Dutch neck L il»*rs. I day, reviews at length the Panama j draft resolutions in conformity with ner o f a Nobel prize for science, dis­ la i he ¿»rice. r a v n iilla . e tc. Send for Stock L i»t and IJriceB. Levi Strauss & Co., San Francisct^ cussed Saturday his latest experiment TA KE NO S U B S TITU TE . j tolls question and in the course o f the ! the motion as passed. T i l t J . E . M A R T I N C O .. W 1st S t.. P ortiand. O r. It was Governor Carey who broached in surgery o f the heart before the gen u in e w it h o u t W L D on gla * nam e j statement declares that the repeal of Just Like the Doughnut. p ed o n th e b o t to m . I f VV. T Iruugla* the question o f the regional reserve American Surgical association. These ■ —ire nut for Mi«- hi your vicinity, order A small hoy had been given a penny ; the tolls expemption in the Panama | banks. item t*. fury. Slu e* for every member One Sign. S & T m a c h in er y with a hole in it. Handing it to a still canal act “ cannot be construed to be a j “ I think the gentlemen who fixed experiments were performed on dogs, S te a m . G asolin e. H o istin g anni. f ».* ."«P. W L DOÜGLA8, | with the idea o f developing methods i | construction o f the H ay-Pauncefote! “ Here’s a critic says the drama la E le ctric Motora or L ig h tin g P lan ts. C on crete M ix - 210 Spark B’.m t . Brockton. M u i in its second childhood.” ‘ Jimmie, I dare you to go Into that treaty,” but is “ simply a refusal on the places for these banks forgot the I and technique which can now be suc- era. D errick s. Boilers, Cumpa. Saw s, Etc. “ We discovered in | cessfully applied to human subjects. S ta n d a r d M a c h in e ry C o ., 46 2d S t ., P o r tla n d , O r . store and buy something with this j the part o f the United States to raise W est,” he said. “ I notice it has taken to playing in 1907 that it was not so much the own­ penny.” the mud.” Storm Center. “ In several recent instances,” Dr. I that question in that w ay.” ership o f money that counted, but the Jimmie was quite willing. Enter­ I Carrel said. “ I have succeeded in | “ Uneasy lies the head that wears a Mr. Bryan discusses various fea - 1 fact that the East held all our money. clamping en masse the neck or pedicle ! crown.” It is estimated that a day of dark ing boldly, he said: tures o f the subject the limiting of "I want a doughnut.” And taking it, A bank has been placed in Boston; | o f the heart, thus shutting off the cir- I "In a republic, it Is the president’s ness in London caused by fog costs debate in the house o f representatives, ' D E A F N E S S . he hastily presented the penny. private secretary who acquires the in­ the inhabitants $25,000 for gas, as well another in New York, another in INSTANTLY RELIEVED BY THE OLD as a large sum for electric light. “ Here,” said the clerk, ‘‘ this penny the Baltimore platform and the effect Richmond— nobody knows any reason j culation o f the blood for two or three somnia.” ----------------------------- u ------ minutes and giving opportunity for a o f repeal on the treaty. I has a hole in it.” for placing it in Richmond. The Un- j rapid opeartion on the aortic and pul- Asserting that the opponents of the i "So has the doughnut,” announced ioh Pacific railroad has no convenient | monary valves. A fter the operation I Jimmie, triumphantly holding it up.— repeal have seized upon the charge O C t f A T A U DRUG STORES OR SENT PRC banking facilities. L 3 PAID BY LM MUM •*£(IEYEIAM!L0HI0 Delineator. j was completed and the clamps re- that the President is “ surrendering to “ To us in Wyoming, San Francisco ) moved, the heart resumed its pulsa- *‘A P erfect Woman N obly Planned England,” Mr. Bryan declares that the is more foreign than London, and we I tion, and after a short time the pulsa- Badly Located. opposition to the repeal has attempted To Warn, to Comfort and Command” have no business relations at all with | tions become regular. D f A CAT losses surely prevented An interrup- "I want this patrol box removed from to appeal “ to prejudice rather than to 111 / i l .K Cutter's Blackleg Pills. I,uw- Kansas City. The governors should I tion o f circulation for a much longer Nature never intended woman to he delicate, ailing, or a sufferer from priced, fresh, reliable; preferred hj in front of my bank. It’s a menace to reason. ” Western stockmen becauso they pro­ insist on the enactment o f a special period is undoubtedly possible, so that “ nerves.” Women in middle age complain of "hot flashes.” Many tect where other vaccines fail. business^ “ What has Great Britain done,” he women suffer needlessly from girlhood to womanhood, and from moth­ Write for booklnt and testimonials. law creating two more local banks. operations o f a more complicated na­ “ How so?” asked, “ to jutsify the accussation that 10-doso pkge. Rlarkleg Pills $1.00 erhood to middle life, with backache, or headache, dizziness, faintness, or I “ Every time there’s an arrest a she is trying to dictate to this coun­ The Northwest is entitled to one, and ture could be performed. 50-dose pkge. Blackleg Pills 4.00 bearing-down sensations. For a permanent relief from these distressing Use any Injector, hut Cutter*! best. crowd gathers and people immediately I believe one should be in Denver.” The »uperlorlty nf Cutter products Is due to over 13 “ In no case were there any acci­ try? She has simply called attention symptoms nothing is so good as | conclude there’s a run on the bank.” years of specializing In vaocines and serums only. dents nor was there any need o f mas- j to the terms o f the treaty and asked Insist on Cutter's. If iiu"Main,t 1*\ order Colombia Signs Treaty THE CUTTER LABORATORY. Berkslsy, California DR. PIERCE’S saging the heart when the interrup- j for arbitration o f the question o f con­ struction, in case this government d if­ With United States tion o f the circulation did not exceed | j two and one-third minutes. The val­ Rhode Island's Fame. fers from the British government in Bogota, Colombia— The treaty be­ ves were generally exposed by an in- It was a geography lesson and the the construction to be placed on the tween the United States and Colom­ teacher had been asking what some as a soothing and strengthening ner- T h e “ F avorite P rescription ’ * ! cision about an inch and a half long, language. The very men who are so bia, settling the 1’ anama controversy, | made half in the pulmonary artery of the different states were noted for. is kn ow n everyw here an d for over 40 years as vine— allays and subdues nervous excitability, insistent upon construing the treaty to t h e s t a n d a r d r e m e d y fo r th e diseases of Looking at one of the little girls, she irritability, nervous exhaustion, and other w was signed at the State department of | and half on the ventricle o f the o m en . Y ou r dealer in m edicines sells it in permit free tolls delayed for months distressing symptoms commonly attendant liquid asked: Colombia by the American minister, heart. ’ ’ o r tablet fo r m ; or you can send 50 on e- the ratification o f the treaty with upon functional and organic diseases of the c e n t stam p s for a trial box o f Dr. Pierce's ‘‘Tell me, Florence, what Rhode Thaddeus T. Thomson, and represent­ and do it today. Delay only feminine ergans. It induces refreshing sleep Favorite Prescription tablets. Add ress D r. Great Britain because o f their opposi­ Island Is celebrated for?” atives o f the Colombian government. Pierce, Invalius’ H o tel, b u fta lo , N . Y . and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Federal Reserve Banks tion to any arbitration on the subject. For a moment the child was silent, aiTK’ravates matters and pro­ The signing o f this treaty is looked Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate In other words, they construed the then an inspiration apparently came Defended B y Committee upon here as a most momentous event stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. i • longs your suffering. For to her. treaty to permit discrimination and in the history o f the foreign relations ‘ ‘ Rhode Island,” replied the little Washington, D. C. The Federal re- then objected to allowing any interna­ any weakness o f the Stom- o f Colombia and marks a new era for : serve bank organization committee has girl, ‘‘ is celebrated for being the only tional court to express an opinion on her future. The settlement o f this one of the United States that is the j issued a statement defending its | ach. Liver or Bowels you the subject. If, as a matter o f fact, vexed question indicates a marked j choice o f reserve bank cities and defi­ smallest.”— Harper’s Magazine. COLT DISTEMPER the treaty grants the rights which , will find change in the sentiment o f Colombians nition o f reserve districts. It was the Cun be handled very easily. T h e «irk are cured, and all other« !s Great Britain claims, is it a ‘ surrender name »table, n o m atter how “ cjrr'Oxeil." kc> t from having th e di« It has been demonstrated that over- for the United States, in which they first official answer made to criticisms ease. by u»ing L lU H N ’ B L IQ U ID i E.M l'ER C U RE. ? to Great Britain’ for oui nation to re­ grazed stock ranges in the national th e toneuo o r in feed, Art* on th e blood and czreln germ s o f it I. frankly acknowledge their best inter­ voiced in congress and heard from forma o f distem per. Be*t remedy over known for mure« in foal peal a law that raised that question? forests can be brought back to use O ne bottle guaranteed to euro «»no ciih «». S0o and $1 a hot: If; $5 in « ests and future development lie. cities which sought reserve banks but “ The repeal o f the law cannot be S10 dozen, o f drugtfiHtB and hnm es» dea er-t. or »out expr •-» paid bj under a system of regulated grazing manufacturers. Cut »hows how to poultice throat». Our Fra« failed to get them. faster than if they are left unused. construed to be a construction o f the Booklet yives overythi ir . I.oenl tm -ut» wanted. L a r y o t »ollin, Indians Wield Injunctions hom e remedy in exL tenee—twelve yearn. For the first time some o f the sta­ treaty. It is simply a refusal on the Chemists and Bacteriologists. GOSHEN, IND., U. S. A* A thousand tons of soot settle part o f the United States to raise that In Place o f Scalping Knife tistics used by the committee in reach­ SPOHN MEDICAL C f monthly within the 118 square miles ing its conclusions were made public. question in that w ay.” Seattle— Replacing tomahawks and of London. Particular attention was given to Discussing the President’ s right to war paint with the injunction, the the com mittee’ s reasons for choosing expect the support o f congress when braves o f the Lummi Indian reserva­ Atlanta, Ga., and Dallas, Tex., in very helpful. It strength­ he deals with international questions, tion. located in Whatcom county, near preference to New Orleans; for select­ depends upon the integrity Secretary Bryan adds: “ The chief ens and assists them in per- Bellingham, are out after the scalps ing Richmond, Va., instead o f Balti­ executive speaks for the nation in in­ of the liver. of^fishtrap owners who, they declare, more, and for naming Kansas City in­ ; forming their daily func- ternational affairs and it is only fair to IS CURABLE are encroaching upon fishing grounds stead o f Denver, Omaha or Lincoln, IF YOUR LIVER IS TORPID assume that he speaks ¡advisedly when i tions. Ry wenrlnjr a S E E L E Y S P E R M A T IC reserved to the Indians through an Neb. The committee called attention he declares that intercourse with other S H IE L D T R E S S . N o w o rry in g or d a n ­ I _____________________________ ancient treaty with the United States. to the fact that since 37 cities were ger o f an operation. R u p tu re is not a tear nations is seriously embarrassed by United States D istrict Attorney Clay applicants and only 12 were named, 25 or breach, as com m only su pposed, bu t is the free tolls law which he seeks to re- th e stre tch in g . <>r d ilation, <>f a n atu ral Allen has been asked to become chief had to be disappointed. peal.” o p ening. T h is S E E L E Y S P E R M A T IC “ A C L E R G Y M A N ’S T E S T I M O N Y . o f the band and lead in the contem­ S H I E L D appliance closes this op ening in “ With so many conflicting claim s,” The Rev. Edmund Heslop of Wig- plated legal strategy. 10 d a y s in m ost cases. I f you can ’ t com e. W Find Tusk o f Ancient said the statement, “ someone had to ton, Pa., suffered from Dropsy for a w rite fo r m ea su rin g blank and literatu re. Sr Through Craven & Greene, attor­ year. His limbs and feet were swol­ Sold only by Wild Boar In California neys o f Bellingham, representing the judge. Congress constituted the com­ W ILL W A K E IT UP AND len and puffed. He had heart flutter­ mittee a court and gave the Federal ifOUR SYSTEM W IL L NOT ing was dizzy Los Angeles— That California was Lummi Indians, Allen has been noti­ Reserve Board the power o f review. LAU E-DAVIS DRUG CO. | and exhausted at at one time the home o f practically fied that Mattson Bros, are driving a Disappointed competitors should seek 1UN DOWN. Third and Yamhill, Portland, Or. p the least exer­ every kind o f animal has received fur­ fishtrap in waters adjacent to the res­ a remedy through the orderly process W h o are T ru ss E x p e r ts and E x c lu siv e ¿5 tion. Hands and ther proof from the discovery o f the ervation, near Point Frances, in Bell­ the law prescribes. No Legal Way to Stop Him. S t a t s A s s n t a i ir th l a p p l mu feet were cold skull and other portions o f the skele­ ingham Bay. The Lummi, by virtue sufferers find instant relief in However brave the policemen are, and he had such o f a treaty ratified years ago, claim Sloan’ s Liniment. It pene­ they are careful about not breaking a dragging sensa­ ton o f an immense wild boar in Imper­ the exclusive right to the fishing priv­ Radium Tests Under Way. ial Valley The skull with its 10-inch the laws and ordinances. A patrol­ tion across the trates to the painful part — Washington, D. C.— Debate in the man was kicking his feet down on one ileges o f the waters in question. They Example Followed. loins that it was tusks has arrived in Los Angeles. The soothes and quiets the nerves. senate on the bill for the governmen­ of the locks on the lake front the other Landlord—Good morning, sir. Just difficult to move. find was made on the California-Mex- ask District Attorney Allen to bring •7 V-f' ' No rubbing—merely lay it on. After using 5 ico Land & Cattle company's ranch, suit in the name o f the United States. tal control o f the radium-bearing lands morning when an excited citizen ran ! dropped in to see if it’s convenient for o f the West was opened Saturday by up to him and cried: “ Say. hurry up! | you to pay your rent, Rev. E. Heslop. boxes of Dodds one o f the great tractor plows having Chairman Walsh, o f the mines com­ A man has just jumped off the pier!” j Tenant—Glad you called. I want to Kidney Pills the swelling disappear­ brought the skull to the surface when Consumers Not Interested “ With his clothes on ?” asked the ! complain about the doors; none of mittee. ed and he felt himself again. He says preparing the ground for a cottoi. field. them will shut. In Parcel Post Buring he has been benefited and blessed by Emphasizing the importance o f the officer. One tusk o f the great pig lacks just “ Yes—fully dresed. H urry!” L.— New house you know sir— takes the use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Sev­ La Crosse, W is.— In La Crosse, one measure, Senator Walsh said radium­ a fraction o f being 10 inches long, “ What