Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, April 16, 1914, Image 2

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Skeleton o f Prehistoric
Elephant Is Unearthed
Los Angeles With the exception of
a few minor bones, the complete skele-
j ton of an imperial elephant, the only
specimen in the world, has been taken
| from asphalt beds of La Hrea, and
1 when the bones are assembled, scraped
and polished, they will be ready for
mounting. The skeleton will be [/laced
in the Museum of History, Science and
A rt at Exposition Park and will give
Italian troops have been called out that institution a dignity among sci­
entists attained by no other building
in the threatened railway strike.
of its kind.
Close friends of Miss Eleanor W il­
Frank S. Daggett, director of the
son say her wedding has been set for museum, reported that the men in the
May 8.
pit where the skeleton has been im-
It is reported that Roosevelt will re­ bedded for centuries beyond estimate
turn to New York much sooner than he ; are taking out the last particles of
had originally intended.
1 osseous matter.
“ The animal in life was more than
The third cut of 5 cents a barrel in
| 16 feet long and 14 feet high, and its
the price of crude oil has been made
j tusks
were approximately 16 feet
in the Kansas oil fields.
long,” he said. “ The find is a won­
Handwriting e x e r ts
declare that derful one and the condition of the
the same person cast eight different hones is splendid.
It is my belief
ballots in a recent election in Chicago. that the pit where the imperial ele­
Huerta requests millionaire’s club phant was found is much older than
o f Mexico City to see that all poor the pits from which the remains of the
Mexicans are at least provided with a saber-tooth tigers and the mastodon
were taken.
decent pair o f trousers.
“ That is not easy to determine, and
Forty-five dancing masters from 5000 years means nothing, geologically
Europe and the United States attended speaking.
I feel certain, however,
a congress in Paris to select a dance to that the imperial elephant which we
serve as a typical figure for 1914.
now have belonged to the pleistocene
President Wilson gave a party and age, which was perhaps 200,000 years
egg-rolling frolic to all the children of ago.”
Mr. Daggett said nothing new had
the capital Monday.
They had full
been learned regarding the supposed
freedom o f the Whitehouse grounds.
A rich Japanese farmer, after fast­ prehistoric human found at the fields.
General Resume cf Important Events
Ttirougliwt the Worll
ing and praying a week for the recov
ery of the Dowager Empress, com­
mitted hari-kari when he learned that
she was dead.
A heavy fall of snow, a gale o f wind
and a temperature 10 degrees below
freezing April 14 made one o f the
most unpleasant April days that the
province of Quebec has ever known.
The South Baker Power plant, prop­
erty of the Eastern Oregon Light &
Power company, was destroyed by fire.
The origin o f the fire in unknown.
The loss is estimated at $75,000.
Decatur, 111., citizens avowed their
intention o f making the township
“ dry” as powder. Sale of liquor for
medicinal purposes or otherwise will
be barred in drugstores, no soft drink
parlors will be allowed to operate and
shipment o f liquor into the city will be
Construction work started on the
government-owned and controlled rail
road to run from Yuma, Ariz., 20
miles southwest through part of the
land reclaimed by the federal reclam­
ation project. The engineer in charge
announced that the road would be open
for traffic by the middle o f June.
The Dowager Empress of Japan is
dead, and the entire nation is in deep
The state of Minnesota has received
$82,538 inheritance tax on the estate of
the late John W. Gates.
Northwest Regular Troops
Will Camp With Militia
San Francisco General Arthur Mur­
ray, commanding general o f the regu­
lar army and organized militia joint
maneuvers and joint camps in the
Western department, has issued the
following particulars for the summer
maneuver campaign.:
For Washington, from July 1 to 10,
a joint camp Tear American Lake, to
be participated in by a battalion of the
Infantry regulars from
Fort Lawton, Seattle, and the mobile
troops of the organized militia of
For Oregon, a joint camp in a suit
able terrain now being selected, to be
participated in by the Twenty-First
Infantry regulars from Vancouver
Barracks, and the mobile troops of the
organized m ilitia of Oregon.
July 13
to 22 is the tentative date selected for
the Oregon camp.
For Idaho, a joint camp in the vicin­
ity of Portland, Or., in a terrain to be
selected, to be participated in by the
Twenty-First Infantry regulars and
the mobile troops o f the organized
militia of the state of Idaho. July 14
to 23 is the tentative date.
Webb Liquor Law Upheld
llg Kansas Supreme Court
The Webb-Kenyon bill,
Spokane High School girls voted to passed by congress, which gives the
wear plain cotton dresses at their com­ states control over liquor shipments,
met the favor of the Kansas Supreme
mencement ceremonies.
court. As a result o f the decision
The city o f Montreal, Canada, is Kansas will take charge o f all liquor
without a government, pending a re­ shipped into the state.
The case was that o f a St. Louis
count of the ballots in the recent elec­
company appealing from a decision of
the District court in Cherokee county.
A dirigible balloon presented by citi­ The St. Louis company shipped a car­
zens to the Italian army exploded and load o f beer to Corona, Kan.
was completely destroyed when a by­ officials confiscated it under the Webb
stander lighted a cigar.
law and the company sought the return
A boy not yet 16 years of age is in o f the beer or reimbursement.
“ Without this law no state has any
the Walla Walla penitentiary for life
more control over liquor than it has
for murder.
over the shipment of wheat and corn,”
The Denver conference of Western said Justice R. A. Burch, who wrote
governors agrees that the West needs the opinion.
help in irrigation.
“ We believe that the liquor traffic
can be made subject to the same regu­
General Villa is reported to have lations as obscene literature and white
forced a British consul to risk his life
slavery, and that congress has suffi­
in carrying messages.
cient power to regulate the shipments
Oregon farmers claim to have found o f liquor as it has to prohibit trans­
the tuber moth in potatoes imported portation o f white slaves.”
from California, and demand a strict
all California
Dominican Rebels Quit.
Santo Domingo
The rebel forces
who have occupied the citadel at San­
tiago have surrendered to the govern­
ment, it was announced Monday. An­
Wheat — Track prices: Club, 93c other rebel force under command of
per bushel; bluestem, $1; forty-fold, General Jiminez, the chief o f the in­
94c; red Russian, 92c; valley, 93c.
surrection, which occupied a fortified
Barley Feed, $22(//22.50 per ton; position at. Lavega, also has surren­
brewing, $23(//23.25; rolled, $24.50(// dered to the federáis commanded by
Tanocredo Savinon, who has been ap­
Oats No. 1 white, milling, $230/ pointed governor there.
23.50 per ton.
Bordas, at the head o f 1500 men, now
Corn Whole, $34 per ton; cracked, is on his way to Santiago, having
taken the field against the insurrectos.
Hay No. 1 P^ast Oregon timothy,
$160/ 17.50 per ton; mixed timothy,
Parent*' Du tic* Topic.
$140/15; valley grain hay, $12,500/ 14;
Washington, D. C. Full discussion
alfalfa. $120/ 13.
Bran, $23.50 per ton; of the responsibility of the parents to
see that their children are trained in
shorts, $26; middlings, $31.
Vegetables Cauliflower, 75c0/$1.25 good citizenship has been provided for
per dozen; cucumbers, $1,750/2; egg­ in the program of the Third Interna­
plant, 25c per pound; peppers, 35c; tional congress on the welfare of the
Announcement was made of
radishes, 25c per dozen; head lettuce, child.
$2.50 per crate; garlic, 12£c pr pound; this portion o f the program Monday,
sprouts, 100/11c; artichokes, 75c(d85 and Judge Lindsey, o f Denver, a lead­
per dozen; celery, $3,750/4 per crate; er in juvenile court work, will be one
hothouse lettuce, 75co/$l per box; o f the principal speakers. The general
spinach, 5c pound; horseradish, Ho/ subject will be “ Parents’ Responsibil-
10c; rhubarb, 30/3Jc; cabbage, 20/ j itv in Training Children for Self-Sup­
2¿c; asparagus, $1,500/2 per crate; port, Home-Making and Citizenship.”
peas, 70/8c per pound; garlic, 12Jc,
Excitement ¡ h Fatal.
beans, 20c; turnips, 75c sack; carrots,
Monte Carla Ferdinand Forest, an
85c; parsnips, 85c; beets, 90c.
aged inventor of a motor, died sudden­
Mint 60c per dozen bunches.
Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, 19c per ly while testing a new autoboat in
which he was to break the mile speed
Poultry Hens, 17 Jo per
pound; record. The boat ran against a jetty1
broilers, 300/32c; turkeys, live, 20c; The craft was only slightly damaged,
dressed, choice, 250/27c; ducks, 170/ but the excitement proved fatal, as he
suffered from heart trouble.
20c; geese, 100/12c.
Butter Creamery prints, extra, 25c was the first man to construct a four-
cylinder engine and apply the magneto
per pound, cubes, 22c.
Pork— Fancy, lOJO/llc per pound.
Veal— Fancy, 12Jo/13e per pound.
Choir School Is Endowed
Hops— 1912 crop prime and choice,
New York Frederick G. Bourne, a
160/17c; 1914 contracts. 15c.
Wool — Valley, 170/18c; Eastern wealthy manufacturer and capitalist,
Oregon, 120/18c; mohair, 1914 clip, once a choir boy in Trinity church, has
given $500,000 to the Cathedral o f St.
27c per pound.
John the Divine for the endowment of
Grain bags In car lots, 8c.
The g ift was an­
Cattle Prime steers, $7,500/8.20; the choir school.
choice, $7.30o/ 7.50; medium,
$7o/ nounced at the Easter service.
7.25; choice cows, $6.250/7; medium. Bourne’s only condition was that he be
$6o/6.25; heifers, $60/7.25;
light elected a member o f the cathedral
$60/ 7.50; choir. He was elected unanimously.
bulls. $60/6.25; stags. $60/7.
Smallpox Closes School.
Hogs -L ig h t, $80/8.80; heavy. $70/
Grass Valley, Cal.
Owing to the
Sheep -Lambs, wool, $6,750/7.10; prevalence o f smallpox, all the public
ambs, sheared,
$6o/6.25; wethers, schools here have been ordered closed
A campaign
wool, $6,750/ $7.10; wethers, sheared, by the board o f health.
$5,250/6.65; ewes, wool. $4,750/5; o f compulsory vaccination is in prog­
ewes, sheared, $4,250/4.50.
••Certainly not.'*
Power Lures Factories to
Pacific Coast Locations
Eugene— Manufacturers all over the
East are looking to the Pacific Coast
with a view to locating branch factor-
j >•». and the Willamette Valley is today
able to offer manufacturers electrical
energy for less than power o f any sort
now costs them in the East, according
to Elmer Dover, of Tacoma, president
of the Oregon Power company, and di­
rector in the H. M. Byllesby company,
o f Chicago, who has just returned from
a three months’ trip in the East and in
California. He declares manufactur­
ers have set 7,000,000 as the popula­
tion the eight Pacific Coast states must
have before virtually everything used
on the Coast can be manufactured here
cheaper than to be shipped across the
He declares that the move taken by
the promotion department o f the Eu-
gene Commercial dub to substitute a
factory campaign and use the $7000
promotion fund toward bringing indus­
tries instead o f printing gold-embossed
literature and working for people
alone, is timely.
“ While I was in the East I found
that manufacturers in general are look­
ing forward to the Pacific Coast mar­
ket,” said Mr. Dover.
“ A factor to favor the Willamette
valley is that any Eastern manufac­
turer will find his rates for [tower
cheaper when he moves his plant to ,
the Pacific Coast.
The Willamette
valley, the entire Pacific ( ’oast, in
fact, can sell and is selling power
cheaper than it can be had anywhere
else in the United States. It can un­
derbid Eastern coal in the coal dis­
fn ex B each
1Q1Q B T W APFEff & P R O T H E
S Y N O P S IS .
! C o w b o ys o f the F ly in g H e a rt ranch a re
h ea rtb ro k en o v e r the hiss o f th e ir much-
j prized ph on ograph by the d e fe a t o f th e ir
ch am pion In a fo o t-ra c o w ith the cook o f
! the C entipede ranch.
A house p a rty is
on at tin* F ly in g H eart. J. W a llin g fo r d
I Speed, ch eer leader at Y a le , and C u lve r
C o vin gto n , in te r-c o lle g la te ch am pion run-
j ner, a re expected. H elen B la k e, S peed’ s
sw eeth ea rt, becom es In terested in the loss
o f the phonograph. She su ggests to Jean
Hood River— By approving the plans will be acquired on the membership | Chapin, sister o f the o w n e r o f tho ranch,
a t she induce C ovin gton , h er lover, t«i
of the reorganization of the A p p le ; basis and the other haif on the ton- th
w in back the phonograph. H elen d eclares
Growers' association the amalgamated nage basis.
The association members th a t if C o vin gto n w en t run. Speed w ill,
h e C o w b o ys are h ilariou s o v e r the p ros­
selling agency of the Hood River val- ultimately will become owners of the j T pect.
Speed and his v a let, L a r r y Glass,
ley, as outlined by A. W. Stone, man- plants o f the Hood River Apple Grow- tra in er at Y a le ,«a rr iv e . H elen B la k e asks
j Speed, w ho has posed to her as an a th -
ager o f the association and o f a recent­ ers' union and the Davidson Fruit [ lete, to race a ga in st the C entipede man.
ly appointed reorganization committee, company, both of which are now leased T h e co w b o y s jo in in the appeal to W a lly ,
fe a r in g that H elen w ill tind him out.
The aggregate worth and
400 growers, members o f the associa­ by the concern.
he consents. He insists, however, that lie
tion, set in motion a campaign which o f the entire properties is more than shall be en tered as an unknown, fig u rin g
th a t C o vin gto n w ill a r r iv e in tim e to ta ke
will result in revolutionizing the meth­ $250,000.
I his p lace. Fresn o, g le e d u b singer from
ods by which the co-operative selling
Provision is made for recall o f di­ I S ta n fo rd u n iv ersity and in lo ve w ith
elen , tries to discredit. Speed w ith the
rectors, but only one member of the H
concern is to be administered.
ladies and the cow boys. Speed and G lass
The committee, which has been at board may be recalled at any meeting put in tin* tim e th ey a re supposed to !»*•
tra in in g p la y in g card s in a secluded spot.
work for the past month preparing a or adjournment thereof.
T h e co w b o y s exp la in to Speed h ow much
As a basis for financing the hand­ th e ra ce m eans to them . Speed assures
plan for forming a more closely co­
he w ill do ills best. T h e co w b oy s
operative organization, recommended ling o f the fruit crops the report es­ them
tell G la ss it is up to him to see th a t Speed
that the board o f directors o f the re­ timates that for the ensuing year a I w ins tiie race. W illie , the gunm an, d e­
the tra in er w ill go back east p a ck ­
organized association be elected by a charge not to exceed 10 cents a box clares
ed In Ice, if Speed fa ils. A teleg ra m com es
double system o f voting a member­ shall be made for marketing pears, ap­ from C o vin g to n s a y in g he is in ja il at
m ah a fo r ten days. G lass in a panic
ship vote and a direct representation ples and strawberries, and 5 cents for O
fo rce s Speed to begin tra in in g in earn est.
An additional Speed declares to L a r r y that th e best w a y
o f tonnage, Each member will be en- cherries and peaches.
is fo r him (S p eed ) to In ju re h im self.
titled to one vote and the affiliated charge of not more than 2 cents a box out
G lass w o n ’ t stand fo r it. G lass fo rces
grower will be given an additional for all fruits is recommended for ad­ Speed out a t sunrise to p ractice running.
vote for every 100 boxes o f apples, vertising purposes. A ll surplus after A t the in stiga tion o f F resn o the co w b oy s
put ice in Speed’ s sh o w er bath.
Revolutionize Methods of
Co-operative Fruit Selling
pears or strawberries.
A vote will be added also for every
200 boxes of peaches or cherries rep­
A t the formation of the association
last spring the storage plant of the
National Apple company was pur-
chased. The members o f the organiz
ation under the plans will become own-
ers o f this property, one-half o f which
marketing expenses and other outlays
have been met are to be returned to
the growers on a pro-rata tonnage
While sentiment as expressed was
overwhelmingly in favor of the change,
a concerted opposition was evidenced
by a number o f the growers and during
the discussions several warm tilts oc-
“ Does look rar’,” agreed the fore­
“ Then take it out and build a fire
under it. I’ll consent to eat here, but I
won’t turn cannibal, even to please
“ I’m sorry.” Stover did uot inter­
rupt his carving.
“ Your diet, ain’t been right,” ex­
plained Willie. “ You ain’t wild enough
to suit us.”
“ Is this a joke?”
“ We ain’t never Joked with you yit,
have we?”
“ No. But— ”
“ This breakfast goes as she lays!”
Glass broke abruptly into smothered
merriment. “ When i laugh nowadays
it’s a funny joke.” he giggled.
That grown men could be so stupid
was unbelievable, and Wally, seeing
himself tho object of a senseless
prank, was roused to anger.
“ Lawrence, get my coat,’’ said he.
“ I’ve been bullied enough; I ’m going
up to the house.” When Stover only
continued whittling me.hodlcally, he
burst out: „’¿Stop honing that shin­
bone! If you like it you can eat it!
I’m going now to swallow a stack of
hot cakes with maple syrup!”
“ Mr. Speed,” W illie impaled him
with a steady glare, “ you’ll eat what
we tell you *to, and nothin' else! If
we say grass,’ grass it’ll be. You’re
goin’ to beat one Skinner if it takes
a human life. And if that life hap­
pens to be yours, you got nobody but
yourself to blame.”
“ Indeed!”
“ You heard me! I ’ve been set to
ride herd on you daytimes, the other
boys ’ll guard you nights. We been
double-crossed once— it won’t happen
“ You intend to make me eat this
disgusting stuff, whether I want to or
not?” Even yet the youth could not
convince himself that this was other
than a joke.
"No.” W illie shook his head. “ We
just aim to make you want to eat It.”
Then Larry Glass made his fatal
“ Say, why don’t you let Mr. Speed
buy you a new phonograph, and call
the race off?” he inquired.
Stover, stricken dumb, paused, knife
in hand; W illie stared as if bereft of
motion. Then the former spoke slow­
ly. "Looks like we’d ought to smoke
up this fat party, W ill.”
Willie nodded, and Glass realized
that the little man’s steel-blue eyes
were riveted balefully ,upon him.
“ I’ve had a hunch it would come to
that,” the near-sighted one replied.
“ Every time I look at him
I see a
bleedin’ bullet hole in his abominable
region, about here.” He laid a finger
upon his stomach, and Glass felt a
darting pain at precisely the same
“ That’s where you hit the gambler
at Ogden,” he heard Stover say— It
might have been from a great distance
— “ but I aim for the bridge of the
“ The belly ain’t so sudden as the
eye-socket, but it’s more lingerin,’
and a heap painfuller,” explained the
gun man, and Speed was moved to
“ Larry only wanted to please you—
eh, Larry?” he said, nervously, but
“ Oh, you fellows take It too Mii*
ously,” Fresno offered carelessly. “ He
might have to.”
W illie’s upper lip drew back, show­
ing his yellow teeth.
“ They don’t sell no railroad tickets
before Saturday, and the walkin' is
bad. There’s your breakfast, Mr.
Speed. When you’ve et your fill, you
better rest. And don’t talk to thorn
ladies, neither; it spoile your train of
C H A P T E R X IV .
OW that the possibility of es-
capo from the Flying Heart
was cut off, the young man
felt agonizing regret that he
had not yielded to his train­
er’s earlier Importunities
and taken refuge in flight
while there was yet time.
Everything was too latenow.
Even if he made a clean breast of the
whole affair to Jean, or to her brother
when he arrived, what good would that
do? De doubted Jack’s ability to save
him, in tho light of what had just
passed; for men like W illie cared
nothing for the orders of the person
whose pay roll they chanced to grace.
And Willie was not alone, either; the
rest of the crew were equally des­
perate. What heed would these no­
mads pay to Jack Chapin’s commands,
once they learned the truth?
There were still, however, two days
of grace, and to youth two days Is an
eternity. Therefore, he closed his eyes
and trusted to the unexpected. How
the unexpected could get past that
CHAPTER XIII.— Continued.
“ I give him a nerve treatment. A
jack-rabbit jumped at him this morn­
ing and he bolted to the outside fence.”
Larry forced his employer to a seat,
then, securing a firm hold of the flesh,
began to discourse learnedly upon
anatomy and hygiene, the while his
victim writhed. It was evident that
W illie ’s Hypnotic E y e T ra v e le d S lo w ly
the cattlemen were intensely interest­
to Speed.
ed. “ Well, sir, when I first got him
City Buys Boat for
Pendleton Woman Claims
grim, watchful sentry Just outside the
his sploven was in terrible shape,”
Trade With Metropolis
Preserved Egg Hatched said Larry. “ In fact, I never saw-
door he could not imagine, but when
the breakfast-bell reminded him of bis
Bandon— W. E. Catterlin has been
Pendleton — Arguments against an- such a— ”
hunger, he banished his fears for the
“ What was in terrible shape?” ven­
delegated by the business men of Ban- cient eggs received a decided offset
sake of the edibles his /custodians had
tured the tenor.
don to go to Portland to complete ar here last week when a healthy, strut­
“ His sploven.”
rangements for the purchase o f a pas­ ting chick was hatched from one
“ Don’t you want anything to eat?”
“ Sploven! Is that a locality or a
senger and freight boat to be put on nearly one year old, according to Mrs. beverage?”
he inquired, when Larry made no move
the run between Portland and Ban­ Charles Daniels.
to depart for the cookhouse.
Glass glowered at the cause of the
Filling an incubator three weeks be­
“ No.”
interruption “ It’s a nerve-center, of
The business men here have sub­ fore Mrs. Daniels found that she had course!” Then to the others, he ran
“ Not hungry, eh?”
scribed money for the purchase of a I not sufficient eggs to complete the job. on, glibly: “ The treatment was sim­
“ I ’m hungry enough to eat a plush
boat. The present volume o f freight
cushion, but— ”
ple, but it took time. You see, I had
is sufficient to make a boat between
“ What?”
to first trace his bedildo to its source,
Portland and Bandon a paying ven­ and salt in which she had put a quan­ like this.” He thrust a finger into
“ M ary!”
ture, it is pointed out. Practically all
“ Mariedetta?”
W ally’s back and plowed a furrow up­
o f the shippers here have signed up,
"Sure. She’s been chasin’ me again.
ward. “ You see?” He paused, tri­
agreeing to route all their freight
If somebody don’t side track that Cu­
the three taken from the preservative, umphantly. “ A fore-shortened bedildo!
from the north via the direct boat
ban, I ’ll have to lick Carara.” He
It ain’t well yet.”
Improved service from Portland to had produced a chicken.
sighed. “ I told you wo’d ought to tin
“ Can a man run fast with one of
Bandon will mean a large amount of
can it out of here. Now it’s too late.”
them?” inquired Willie.
trade which now comes via San Fran­ scared to death on seeing the shell of
It was perhaps a half-hour later
“ Certainly, cer-tain-ly— provided, of
cisco to Bandon. Those backing the
course, that the percentage of spelldif-
that Helen Blake came tripping into
venture contend that the freight busi­
fer in the blood offsets it.”
the gymnasium, radiant, sparkling, her
ness from Bandon to Portland will be a healthy, strutting chick was the re­
Both cowboys came closer now, and
crisp white dress touched here and
doubled by the improved service which
there with blue that matched her eyes,
Mrs. Daniels says she is sure that hung eagerly upon every word.
a boat making direct and regular runs
“ And—does it do— that?” they ques­
in her hands a sunshade, a novel, and
will give.
a mysterious little bundle.
servative, as she had marked all the tioned, while Fresno suggested that it
was not easy to tell without bleeding
“ W e were so sorry to lose you at
Klamath Falls Court Retrenches others.
the patient.
breakfast,” she began.
Klamath Falls— Continuing its pol­ 246-Foot Oregon Fir
“ No, no! You can hear the spell-
Wally led her to the cosey-corner,
differs.” Glass motioned to Willie.
icy of retrenchment, the County court
and seated himself beside her.
Reaches Fair Grounds “ Put your ear to his chest. Hear
“ I suppose It is a part of this hor­
has cut off the salary allowed the as­
rid training. I would never have men­
San Francisco — The great flagpole anything?”
sistant to the county superintendent of
“ Heart’s poundin’ like a calf’s at a
tioned that foot race if I had dreamed
Miss Maud Carleton, the oc­ of Oregon fir, which was towed to San
it would be like this.”
cupant o f that position, had been in Francisco from Astoria for the Pana­ brandin’.”
“ Which proves i t ! ” proudly asserted
Here at least was a soul that sym­
the office a number of years, having ma Pacific Exposition, will be set in
served under former Superintendent place on the exposition grounds in the the trainer. "Barrin’ accidents, Mr.
“ The only hardship is not to see
Swan. Another move in the direction last week of May, when the delegation Speed will be in the pink of condition
you,” he declared softly.
o f economy has been the abolition of of Portland Rose Festival people by Saturday.”
The cowmen beamed benignantly.
Miss Blake dropped her eyes.
Special cere­
the bounty on rabbit scalps. Here­ visits San Francisco.
“ That’s fine!”
“ I thought you might like to go walk­
after, if the rabbits become a pest as monies will accompany the raising of
“ We are sure pleased, and we’ve got
ing; it’s a gorgeous morning. You
formerly, the farmers will have to the pole, and the day will be made one
see, I ’ve brought a book to read to you
of especial celebration on the exposi­ something for you, Mr. Speed. Come
devise means to keep them down.
on, Mr. Fresno, and give us a hand.
while you rest— you must be tired aft­
tion grounds.
er your run.”
The timber, donated by the Whitney W e’ll bring it in.”
$60 Ore Is Reported.
“ It’s a present!” exclaimed the ath­
“ I am, and I will. This is awfully
Ashland A quartet o f Nevada min­ Lumber company, and towed to San lete, brightly, when the three had gone
good of you, Miss Blake.” Speed rose,
ers were in town this week with speci­ Francisco in one o f the Hammond out. “ They seem more friendly this I
overwhelmed with joy, but the look of
mens from a rich strike just made near rafts, was cut in the Nehalem country. morning.”
Glass was not to be passed up. “ I—
the summit o f Grizzly creek in this It is 246 feet long and 5£ feet in di­
“ Y e s !” Glass laughed, mirthlessly.
I’m afraid it’s impossible, however.”
vicinity. The prospectors are Womack ameter at the butt. It weighs 93,000 “ They think you’re going to win.”
The blue eyes flew open in aston­
brothers, Major Wilson and J. E. Rum- pounds and contains 23,515.46 feet o f
“ Well, how do you know I can’t I
ishment. “ Why?” the girl questioned.
mel, who have located 10 claims on lumber.
(T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
Owing to its great weight it will win? You never saw this cook run.” |
government land, the croppings on
“ I don’t have to; I ’ve seen you.”
which are said to he 300 feet in width. cost fully $1000 to prepare the big
Hecatan Tried To. '
“ Just the same, I ’m in pretty good
The hanging wall is slate and the foot stick, raise it and set it in place. It shape. Maybe I could run if I really
"Philip,” said the teacher, “ parse
wall granite. Samples assay as high will be the largest flagpole standing in tried.”
tht sentence, ‘Yucatan is a penin­
as $60 a ton. There is an abundance the world.
sula.’ ”
“ Send yourself along, kid. It won’t I
o f water and timber in the locality and
“ Yes'm,” falterlngly began Philip*
harm you none.” The speaker fanned
15-Year-Old Spells Best.
they say shafts will be sunk.
who never could understand gram­
Oregon City — The Monte Cristo himself, and took a seat in the cosey-
mar any way, “ Yucatan is a proper
Use For Alder Is hound.
spelling bee record was broken at
noun, nom’tive case, second person,
“ Ah!
Here they come, bearing |
Eugene—Twenty-five million feet o f St°ne Friday afternoon, when 134 gifts.” Speed rose in pleased expec­
“ Why?” asked teacher In amaze­
red alder stands in the Siuslaw valley pages of the spelling book were cov- tancy. “ I wonder what it can be?”
ment, "how do you make that out?”
tributary to Eugene ready to be manu- ere^ before the best speller o f the 20
The three who had Just left re-en­
factured into clothespins,
clothesuins. according to contestants could be declared. Each tered the room, carrying a trayload of “ H e a rt's P o u n d in g L ik e a C a lf's at
“ Yes’m,” said Philip, swallowing
bard. “ First person I ca tan, second
the announcement o f H. B. Rankin, of the five schools represented. Stone. thick railroad crockery.
B ra n d in ’.”
Yucatan, third person, Heca­
“ W e’ve brought your breakfast to
supervisor of the Siuslaw National
forest, following a series o f experi­ Sunnyside, had an organized rooting you,” explained Stover. “ W e’d like you Glass made no reply. His distended tan; plural, first person We-atan, sec­
ments by the government to determine section. School yells were given and j to eat alone till after the race.” Still orbs were frozen upon Willie. It was ond per—”
But right here the teacher fainted.
the proper use for this wool, which is at times the contest resembled a foot­ Bill began to whittle what appeared to doubtful if he even heard. »
“ Our honor ai^’t for sale,” Still Bill
found all through the forests of the ball game more than a spelling bee. he a blood rare piece of flesh, while
O ne W a y to C u re H a b it o f S tu tte rin g .
Oregon coast. A general demand for Martha Watts, aged 15, won the con-| Willio awkwardly arranged the dishes. declared.
Here Berkeley Fresno spoke. “ Of
Recently a weIl-know§ woman phy­
“ You want me to eat as well as sleep
such a wood exists, says the forestry test.
wrote a pamphlet on “ Stutter­
that Speed is trying to ge^ out of the ing Children,” and sent It to all her
Seaside Plans Cleanup.
“ Oh, I can’t do that!
I ’m sorry» race. He wants tP run! And If any­ friends. In it she told the mothers
Potato Men (let Together.
Seaside- The annual meeting of the
thing happened to prevent his running of all children who are Inclined to
Klamath Falls A meeting o f potato Seaside Civic Improvement club was but—”
"Don’t make us insist.” W illie looked he'd be broken-hearted, I know he stutter that the way to aggravate the
growers of the county was held at held here Saturday. May 2 was select­
affliction is to notice It
up from his tray, and Glass raised a would!”
Mount Laki school house for the pur­ ed as “ clean-up day” by the club and
Willie's hypnotic eye left the train­
“ Pay no attention to it,” she wrote,
pose o f deciding on standard varieties details for ridding the city of rubbish moist hand and said:
er’s abdomen and traveled slowly to “ but when the child talks particularly
“ Don’t make ’em insist.”
to be grown here. It is believed that will be worked out by a committee.
clearly, praise him for It. Keep him
With fascinated stare Speed drew Speed.
if this is done and care taken in pro­ The proposition to clear out the trail j
“ What could happen?” questioned in the open air as much as possible.
nearer to Stover and examined the
curing seed potatoes, the produce will to Tillamook Head was taken up. It
There are only a few cases that must
find more ready sale.
Many o f the is probable that as soon ag the weather meat bone.
“ N-nothing that I know of.”
bqj sent to a school to o v u c o a e the
“ W hy—why, that's raw !” he ex­
growers promised to follow the deci­ becomes more settled a force o f men
stuttering habit.”
“ You don’t aim to leave?”
sion o f the majority and all have will slash out the accumulated brush
promised to sort and grade their crops and logs, as the trip is one of the
popular diversions among the summer
prior to shipment.
WHEN EXERCISE WONT HELP weary. All you need Is rest and more grocery bill and save your shoe
air in your lungs. Sit down quietly leather.”
Trust Laws to He Enforced.
If yo u A re M e n ta lly W e a ry , S it Down and comfortably and breathe deeply
State Bank Superintendent
twenty-Hve times. Rest a moment and (
Q u ie t ly and C o m fo rta b ly and
Sargent has notified 75 corporations j Eugene Eighteen thousand dollars
Motorist—What's your name and
B re a th e D e e p ly.
that they will either have to quit busi was paid by the Oregon & California
"This air forced Ihto the body re- j address?
ness or comply before June 4 with the Railroad company, a subsidiary of the
Are you weary? Breathe more: eat move* the waste material which makes
Victim—John S—Smith— 14—B— B
law relating to trust companies, which Southern Pacific
company, for 46
you weary.
—Bean street.
was passed at the last session o f the acres in Springfield, purchased for the less.
Active eiercise will not rest you
"Don't eat all you want.
Motorist— Righto.
legislature. Hi suggested to the com- purpose o f holding for the construction
from mental work.
“ Food not needed for support of the stop now; tomorrow I'll call at your
panics having the won! “ trust" ir of machine shops. The Property was
"When you are tired with mental system is so mBch extra work for the ■ house and try to convince you that
their names and not doing a trust busi purchased from Etnilia A. Smith, hus-
work." says a well known physician, body nnd requires more air to dispose you should carry an accident policy
ness that they file supplemental arti- hand, and heirs of the Brattian estate,
"do not think you must take active e i­ of it.
in the company I represent— London
cles o f incorporation changing their The deal marks the end of litigation
That will make you more
"This regimen will diminish your Opinion.
j extending more than a year.