Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, April 09, 1914, Image 2

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Villa Gives Order to Expel
A ll Spaniards fro m lorreon
Develop Halibut Fishing
On Oregon Coast Banks
S ome
It seemed that a battle must be in
progress behind the screen, for, min­
gled With the gasping screams of the
athlete and the hoarse commands of
the trainer, came sounds of physical
contact. The barrel rocked upon Its
scaffold, the curtains swayed and
flapped violently.
“ Stand s till!"
"It’s— It's as c-c-cold as Ice!”
"N ix! You’re overheated, that's all."
“ Ow-w-w! Ooo-h-h! I'm dying!”
'‘It’ll do you good.”
“ He's certainly trainin’ him some,”
said Stover.
"Larry, I ’ve got a cram p!"
“ It did harden him," acknowledged
“ What’s wrong with you, anyhow?"
demanded Glass.
" It’s not me, It's the w-w-water!”
Evidently Speed made a frantic
lunge here and escaped, for the flow
of water ceased.
"It froze d-d-durlng the night. Ob-h!
I’m cold!”
"Cold, eh? Get onto that rubbing-
board; I ’ll warm you."
An Instant later the cowmen heard
the sounds of a violent slapping min­
gled with groans.
"Go easy, I say! I'll be black and
blue all— look out!— not so much In
one spot! O w !"
"Turn o v e r!”
"H e ’s spankin' him,” said Stover ad­
Again the spatting arose, this time
like the sound of a musketry fusllade,
during which Berkeley Fresno entered
by the other door.
"Don’t be so brutal," walled the
patient to his masseur.
"I'm pretty pear througV There!
Now get up and dress,” ordered the
trainer, who pushing his way out
Torreon, Mexico— General Francisco
Villa has ordered that the 600 Span­
iards o f this city be deported. He is­
Newport The halibut industry o n ' and D. P. Simons, a lumberman o f
sued instructions that trains be pro­ the newly discovered banks lying otf Seattle, have investigated the indus-
vided at once and that the exodus to Newport soon will be developed to the try and announced that they would
El Paso, Tex., should begin immedi­ fullest extent. Two corporations are have a schooner fishing on the banks
almost ready to commence catching in May. They are prepared to buy all
ately. Their property will be confis­ fish. The government steamer Alba- the fish caught by the smaller fishing
cated, temporarily, at least.
tross will survey the banks this month boats.
The Wachsmith Fish company, o f
It is the tragedy o f Chihuahua over and the fishing will take place imme-
President Wilson expresses confi
Portland, will have its boat in opera-
dence of a complete victory for his again and is said to express the deep- diately afterward.
M. Maiden, o f the Newport ice tion as soon as the bar is smooth1
rooted suspicion and even hatred with
canal tolls plan.
plant, has formed a company which enough to permit small vessels to go
It is expected the new currency sys­ which the Mexican looks upon the has raised $40,000 to buy a fishing outside.
There are several other.
tem will be in full operation by crop- Spaniard.
! schooner, which will be equipped with boats, including the Fish, commanded
moving time this fall.
Villa expelled the Dons from Chi- 1 six dories.
j by Captain Dolbeare, and the Pilgrim, |
Boston painters and decorators won huahua four months ago and since | George Henderson, o f Tillamook, | commanded by Captain Colver, ready |
a wage increase o f 5 per cent after a then has repeatedly declared that other who owns an ice plant at Pacific City, to fish now.
Spaniards would better get out of |
strike lasting only two hours.
Mexico before he caught them. His
Single tax has been declared a fail­ abiding conviction that they are work-1
"H ave you heard from Culver?”
S Y N O P S IS .
ure at Vancouver, B. C., and the end ing as one man against the revolution
"Didn’t you know about It?” Speed
o f the system is believed near.
found frequent expression while he
C o w b o ys o f th e F ly in g H e a rt ranch w_*e swallowed.
Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, presi­ was in Juarez, at which time he as- j
rtb rok en o v e r the loss o f their much-
Roberta shook her dark head.
* *
ph on ograph by the d e fe a t ot their
dent o f the National Womens’ Chris­ serted he would execute every Span-1
"He's In— he’s detained at Omaha
I cham pion In a fo o t-ra c e w ith the cook o f
iard found in Torreon.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- manner until either the space or the the C entipede ranch. A house p a rty Is
tian Temperance Union, is dead.
for ten days. I fixed it,”
Villa promised he would investigate vallis—The only apparati needed to seed is exhausted. The strip is then cn at the F ly in g H ea rt. J. W a llin g fo r d
Mineworkers at Terre Haute, Ind.,
The overwrought widow dropped
Speed, ch eer leader a? Y a le, and C u lver
closely the conduct o f each Spaniard test seed corn by the rag doll method rolled up from one end and tied near I C
back Into the bammock, crying weak­
have voted to continue work pending and that in due course those found to
are a strip o f white cloth a foot wide the middle. It is next stood in a pail ! ner, are expected. H elen B lake. S peed’s
the adoption o f a new wage agree­
eeth ea rt, becom es Interested In the loss ly:
have lent no aid to the enemy would and three to five feet long, a pencil of slightly warmed water for about a | o sw
f the phonograph. She su ggests to Jean
"Ofi, you dear, good boy!"
be allowed to return.
To establish and a rule. The cloth is marked off in day, when the water is poured off and Chapin, sister o f the o w n er o f the ranch,
"Yes, I'm all o f that. I—I suppose
a t she Induce C ovin gton , her lover, to
Early returns show that Oscar W. their innocence while not represented two equal parts by a line drawn the pail covered to keep the moisture j th
win back the phonograph. H elen declares I'd be rnlsspd If— anything happened
Underwood leads Richmond Hobson in before the investigators, with their lengthwise through the center. A row in. The doll is kept at about house i th a t I f C o vin gto n w o n ’ t run. Speed w ill,
T h e C ow boys are h ilariou s o v e r the pros­ to m e!”
the race for U. S. senator from Ala­ cases in the hands o f a hostile court o f three-inch squares is then made on temperature for five to seven days, j pect.
Speed and his va let. I.a r r y Glass,
"How ever did you manage It?"
and themselves in a foreign land, will each side o f the center line, leaving when it may be unrolled and the corn tra in er at Y a le , a rrive. H elen B la k e asks
“ Never mind the details.
It took
w ho has posed to h er as an ath-
Seven promoters o f the Sterling De­ be an almost hopeless task and it is about a foot at each end o f the strip examined, Care is required in hand- lete. to race a gain st the Centipede
some Ingenuity."
guares are j ling to keep the grains in their own T h e co w b oys jo in in the appeal to W a lly .
benture corporation o f New York City thought certain that few will be a l- for rolling. The left hand squares
Mrs. Reap wrung her hands. "I fe a r in g tlia t H elen w ill find him out.
numbered 1, 3, 6, etc., and the right spaces.
he consents. H e Insists, h ow ever, that he was so terribly frightened!
were convicted o f using the mails to lowed to return.
You see,
hand squares 2, 4, 6, etc.
This is a very effective and simple shall be en tered as an unknown, figu rin g
C o vin gto n w ill a rr iv e lr. tim e to take Jack will be back to-morrow, and 1
Six grains o f corn are then removed means of testing corn and is used by that
Prospective Millionaire Will
his place. Fresn o, glee club sin ger from — waa afraid— "
Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison, la­
a mvrlnnn lUnvint'L-vt front different rows on an ear to be the extension agronomists of the Ore- S tan ford u niversity and in love w ith
There was a call from Glass from
Become A m e rica n uiuejucKei te3ted> and piaced in square 1. The gon Agricultural
11, credit. _8peed wUh ti,,
p f A i N P It
i t la
in I
I «•!»". trlf*8 if <
bor leaders twice convicted o f con
_ _ College
. h Decause
ladlM and tbe roxvboyt».
Speed and Glass the tralning-quafters.
spiracy, have been granted a third
Eugene, Or.— Notre Dame Meyer, I ear is put aside and numbered 1 also, not only good but the apparatus is put
; ... in the tim* they .. •' supposed to be
“ How can I ever do enough for you?
tra in in g p la y in g cards In a secluded spot.
a man who probably will be worth mil- Each ear to be tested is treated in like easily secured anywhere.
T h e co w b oys explain to Speed h ow much You have averted a tragedy!"
the ra ce m eans to them. Speed assures
Churches and church societies ex­ lions within a few years, walked i n t o -------------------------------------
"Don’t let Helen know, that’s all. If
them he w ill do his best. T h e co w b oys
press great satisfaction over Secretary the United States navy recruiting sta- 1 Three Ways Given to
Declares Mussel Valuable
tell Glass it Is up to him to see th a t Speed she thought I'd been the head yeller— ’’
wins the raco.
W illie , the gunm an, d e­
Daniels’ order forbidding the use of tion in Eugene recently and asked for
"I won’t broathe a word, and I
Wage War On Fly Pest
Source o f Food Supply clares the tra in er w ill go back east p a ck ­
a position on one o f Uncle Sam's bat­
wine in the navy.
ed in Ice, If Speed falls. A teleg ra m com es hope you win the race for her sake."
tleships at a trivial wage.
He seeks
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
Newport— The mussel will probably from C o vin gto n sa y in g he Js In ja il at
Mrs. Keap pressed the hand of her
A consignment o f nearly 1000 tons to work two or four years while his
Om aha fo r ten days. G lass In a panic
vallis — While it is much better to prove a valuable commercial bivalve forces Speed to begin tra in in g In earnest. deliverer, who trudged his lonely way
o f Chinese eggs has arrived at Van­ fortune is accumulating.
o f the Oregon coast in the near future. ^pe*d d eclares to I^arrv that th e best w a y toward the gymnasium, where Glass
couver, B. C., consigned to various
According to the story told, which keep the flies out o f the room than it From Agate Beach to Siletz Bay and out la fo r him (S p eed ) to In ju re h im self.
Class w o n 't stand fo r It. Glass forces was saying:
places in the United States.
is believed by K. W. Wheeler, recruit­ is to exterminate them after they have farther north there is apparently an Speed out at sunrise to p ractice running.
" 'The volley was fired at sunrise.'
entered it, unfortunately it is not al- unlimited quantity of mussels clinging
A big German mercantile firm oper
That means Saturday. Bo.”
C H A P T E R XII.— Continued.
ating three department stores in Ber­ He claims to have produced a machine | ways possible to do so.
When filthy to the rocks along the beach.
"Larry, you’re the best crape-hanger
Along the road toward the ranch
lin has been declared bankrupt, with drill which is superior to any in use, premises, either our own or our neigh­
S. G. Irvin, of Agate Beach, sent
of your weight In the world.”
and has arranged for its promotion by
liabilities amounting to $6,000,000.
some samples to Professor Hodge, o f building* plodded two dusty pedes­
Larry bent a look of open dlBgust
bor's, breed swarms o f flies on hot the gocjal biology department o f the trians, one a blond youth bundled
an Eastern concern.
upon his employer.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., says his
Instead o f waiting idly for his in­ summer days, some of them are almost extension department o f the Univers- thickly In sweaters, the other a fat
conscience is clear regarding the Colo­
"And you’re a good runner, you are,”
vention to make him rich, as the local sure to find entrance into the rooms no ity o f Oregon, and received an enthus- man who rolled heavily, and paused
rado coal strike troubles, and inti­
said he. "Why, 1 beat you this morn­
officer believes it will after hearing matter how carefully guarded. When iastic letter in reply that Professor now and then to mop his purple face.
mates that his father might be some­
the man’ s story, he has decided to this unfortunate condition is present Hodge was so impressed with the mus­ Both were dripping as If from an Im­
The younger man glanced up hope­
what to blame.
spend the time in the engine’ rooms o f and it is desirable to rid the house of sels that he had sent some o f this sam­ mersion, while the air about the latter
The Cummins bill to make common an American man-of-war, and to re­ flies that have come in, without wait­ ples to Professor Irving A. Field, o f vibrated with heat waves. They both fully. "Couldn't you beat this cook?"
“ You’re the only man In this world
carriers liable for the full value o f turn after a period o f years to count ing for the action o f sticky paper and Clark University. Worcester, Mass., stumbled as they walked, and It was
I can outrun.
He le ft for poisons, the following treatments are who, Professor Hodge said, was res­ only by the strongest, effort of will
shipments carried has been reported his accumulated wealth.
"Stand S till or I’ll W allop Y o u l”
favorably by the senate interstate com­ Mare Island navy yard.
*' 'A tear, a sigh, a last “ food-bye.’* ' "
ponsible for making mussels a com­ that they propelled themselves. As
inexpensive and effective.
the blankets, halted at sight
merce committee.
1. Heat a shovel or similar utensil, mercial staple. Professor Hodge will
“ Shut up!”
of the onlookers.
and drop into it 20 drops o f carbolic arrive this month for a visit o f ten lying ranch-house, already reflecting
Portland, Or., has been selected by Bulgarian King to Visit
As Glass consented to do this, the
the hot glare of the morning sun, a
“ How is he?" demanded Stover.
the postmaster general to be the first
America With His Queen acid. The vapor will destroy the flies i days, which he will pass examining man’s clear tenor voice came to them. speaker mused, bitterly, “ ‘Early to
“ He— he's trained to the minute. I ’m
in an ordinary room.
the mussel beds.
o f a series o f model postoffices, in
doin’ my share, gents.”
Washington, D. C.— Queen Elea-
2. Burn some pyrethrum powder
Mussels are long, blue-shelled bi-
which many radical reforms in the
“ T h e vo ile w as fired a t sunrise,
“ Sounds that way,” acknowledged
nore, o f Bulgaria, will be accompanied (insect powder) in each room. Tnis valves like oysters, except that they
Just at
3 break o f d a y " --
service are to be tried out.
Stover’s companion. "Say, does It look
on her American tour by King Ferd­ will stupefy the flies so that they may turn yellow when cooked and are not
like we’d win?”
"Did you get that?” one of the two
under water all o f the time.
The house has passed a bill provid­ inand himself, i f the political condi­ be swept up and burned.
"W ell, he just breezed a mile In
This in­
exclaimed hoarsely. "T h ey’re practic­
8. Dissolve 1 dram o f chromate of
ing $130,000 for a Federal building at tions in Bulgaria permit.
forty, with his mouth open.”
formation has been formally commun­ potash in 2 ounces o f water and add a Full Directions Given for
ing a death-march, and It’s ours.”
Pendleton, Or.
’ ‘A mile?” Fresno queried.
icated to the United States govern­ little sugar. Put in shallow dishes
"And as the echoes lingered.
"W ell, ain't It beautiful!" The stout
Making Good Fly Trap
Carranza, acknowledged head o f the ment, together with a few details of and place about the house.
“ A mile?” Fresno queried.
A few
H i* soul h ad passed a w a y .”
The party drops o f formaldehyde placed in a
Mexican revolution, has given out a the proposed royal visit.
"Yes, a regular mile— seven thou­
University o f
Oregon, Eugene—
complete outline o f the Constitutional­ will sail May 21 on the Kaiserin Au­ small quantity o f Bweet milk is very Communities in Oregon that are or-
"That’s you. W a lly !" wheezed the
sand five hundred and thirty feet."
"A ll them colors and tints and shades
ists’ proposed policy towards
the guste Victoria from Hamburg and effcctive when placed about the house ganizing spring anti-fly campaigns can trainer.
"Is ’forty’ good?” queried Willie.
United States and other foreign na­ travel in the United States strictly in­ in shallow dishes.
"Good? Why, Salvator never worked
j now secure a model o f the most effec- "Into the arms ot his Maker,
cognito. The purpose o f Queen Elea-
no faster. Here he Is now— look for
The foregoing directions are taken tive flytrap ydt devised by writing to
There to learn his fate” —
The motorman on a California elec­ nore is to study the American hospi­ ■from the twelve-page pamphlet re- the Extension division o f the Univer-
"Here, what are you singing about?" thing.”
Speed appeared, partly clad, and
tric car was paralyzed by horror when tals and the methods o f training nurses cently prepared by the entomological sity o f Oregon.
This is the fly trap
angrily protested Speed, as he round­
glowing with a rich salmon pink.
he struck a man walking on the track in this country.
department o f the Agricultural Col- employed by Dr. Clifton F. Hodge
In the circumstances, the royal vis­ lege on “ How to Conduct a Fly Cam- the fly campaigns he supervises, and, ed Into view.
"Good morning,” said Fresno po­
and the car ran wild for over a mile
you waiting for? Get those dog-beds litely.
"Oh, It’s Mr. Speed!”
"1 came In to see how you
before he could gather his senses and itors will not be regarded as official paign.” It is not necessary to be- while in anti-fly literature he gives
guests o f the United States, which lieve that the whole o f Oregon can be full directions for constructing the
"Good-morning!" chorused Helen
liked the cold water.”
shut off the power.
honor they seem desirous o f avoiding. made absolutely flyless during one trap, possession o f a model will make and the chaperon.
"So that was one of your California
"Don’t be so rough; I’ll come. You jokes, eh? Well, I ’ll— ”
The house o f commons voted down a
"Welcome to our c ity !” Fresno
year in order to begin a war o f ex- construction easier The trap suggest
Sealer With 173 Men
Speed moved ominously In the di­
plan to reject the home rule bill.
termination o f the fly. Flies breed in ed for general outdoor or stable use is greeted.
Glass tottered to the steps. "Them ing for me.”
rection of the tenor, but W illie checked
A re Given Up for Lost filth but they also breed in litter such about three feet in height. Light songs,”
Captain J. II. Griffiths, U. S. A.,
he puffed, "is bad for a man
as paper, hark and chips that is not lumber, wire screen and nails are the
protege about the room regardless of
disbursing officer stationed at Seattle,
St. Johns, Newfoundland— The seal­ filth.
But in all centers o f civiliza­ only materials used, and the trap is when he’s trainin’ ; they get him all
"W e put the tee In that bar’l, Mr.
worked up.”
is missing, after having been placed ing steamer Southern Cross, missing tion this litter as well as the filth inexpensive.
under arrest for embezzlement, and it since the big blizzard over a week should be cleaned up, and when breed­
"W e had no Idea you would be back
"Y o u !"
is now discovered that he financed a ago, has been posted as lost with her ing places are destroyed the race of
so soon,” apologized Helen.
W illie and Stover nodded.
173 men. Hope for the safety o f the flies must o f necessity perish.
$600,000 timber deal in Portland.
"Soon!" Speed "measured the dis­
“ Then let me tell you I expect to
steamer and her crew was abandoned
in Springfield Greenhouse tance to a wicker chair, gave It up,
Better send for the bulletin, “ How
have pneumonia from that bath.” The
A ll employes o f department stores, when the stricken survivors of the
and sank beside his trainer. "W e left
to Conduct a Fly Campaign,” Exten­
young man coughed hollowly. "That's
Springfield - Using a 16-inch plow
hotels and other public places in New sealer Newfoundland told their stories
sion Series 2, No. 20, and by applying and breaking the clods with a 12-foot yesterday! W e're run miles and miles
the way I caught It once before, and It
York City must be vaccinated by May o f the disaster which cost the lives of
the scientific principles that it con­ harrow, all under glass, indicates in a and miles!”
wouldn't surprise me a bit If I’d be too
1 i f the establishments where they 77 o f their comrades.
“ You can't be In very good shape,"
tains make every lick count.
This measure the magnitude o f the plant of
sick to run by Saturday."
work wish to be placed on the “ white
The colony, plunged into mourning bulletin is especially useful to officers
volunteered the singer.
"Oh, no; you don’t get pneumony
F. B. Chase, northwest o f Springfield,
lis t’ ’ issued by the health department. by the greatest tragedy in its history,
"Oh, Is that so?” Glass retorted. "I
of civic societies which are waging where vast quantities o f vegetables
but once.”
has waited in vain, hoping that the war on the fly.
say he’s great. He got my goat—and
Address requests for
"And, besides,” Fresno added, "It
wireless search might bring some word them to R. D. Hetzel, Extension Direc­ are raised for the early markets.
I’m some runner."
wouldn't have time to show up by
from the missing vessel whose loss tor, Agricultural College, Corvallis.
"And I'd be obliged to you If you’d
200 feet in size— was completed last
cut out those deeply appealing songs.”
“Get that Ice-chest out of my room,
Wheat — Track prices: Club, 92(3) would deprive whole settlements of
Spesd glowered at his rival.
that’s all; It makes the air damp.”
Weather Station BVinferf.
93c; bluestem, $1; fortyfold, 93c; red their breadwinners and make more
than 10,000 women and children de­
It was Helen who hastened to
"No Indeed!" said Still Bill. "W e’re
Russian, 91c; valley, 93c.
Medford— Believing it necessary to pectation o f harvesting the ripened
First hopes,
smooth things.
goln’ to see that you use It reg'lar.”
Oats— No. 1 white, milling, f23(3 pendent upon charity.
based on the stoutness o f the ship,
"It’s all my fault. I asked Mr. Fres­
Then of Glass he Inquired: "What do
23.60 per ton.
Mr. Chase’s greenhouses cover
River valley to have the government
no to sing something new."
you do to him next?”
Corn— Whole, $33.60(334; cracked faded when survivors o f the N ew ­
foundland told of the two days’ bliz­ weather station maintained especially
That was written by W il­
$34.60(335 per ton.
in March and April during the frost cords o f wood a year are required to liam Cromwell.”
Barley — Feed, $22(322.60 per ton; zard and the condition in which it
caught the Southern Cross.
Captain period, the directors o f the Commer­
"No more of them battle-hymns,”
Blessing of Contentment.
brewing, $23(323.60; rolled, $25.
cial club have decided to petition the
Glass ordered. “ They don’t do Mr.
Charles Telller, the Inventor of cold
Hay— No. 1 Eastern Oregon timo- Martin said he parted company from
Chicago Likes Oregon Broccoli.
Speed no good.”
storage, waa banqueted In Paris at
ty, $18; mixed timothy, $16; alfalfa, her a week before, when the Southern officials at Washington for a continu­
Cross turned homeward with 17,000 ance o f the bureau conducted for many
"A ll I want Is a drink,” panted that ■He's Detained at Omaha fo r Ten the age of eighty-five years.
Roseburg — As an experiment the
$14; valley grain hay. $13(314.
"Telller," said a New York corre­
farmers o f this vicinity a few weeks youthful athlete, and Helen rose quick­
D ays.”
M illfeed—Bran, $23 per ton; shorts, seals. She was so deeply laden that
all her provisions and part o f the centy retired. Copies o f the petition ago shipped a crate o f broccoli to the ly, saying that she would bring Ice-
spondent, "has now been granted a
$25.50; middlings, $31.
complaints that were muffled by the pension, but up to now he was poor
Chicago market.
Two letters have water.
Vegetables — Cauliflower, 75c (3 $1 bunker coal were stored on deck so
"But the trainer barked sharply: thickness of the sweaters—"for my almost to the starvation point. He
per dozen; eggplant, 80c per pound; that every available space below could in the senate, the house, and to Secre­ been received from Chicago wholesal­
I've told you that twenty life, and I'll bo out of a job Saturday. could not even afford cold storage
ers, in which the writers o f each letter “ Nix!
peppers, 36c; garlic, 12Jc; sprouts, be filled with the catch.
asked for the sole agency o f the Doug­ times, Wally. It ’ll put bob-nails In Now, get under that shower!”
10(311c; artichokes, 75(385c dozen
Douglas Fruit Promising.
Libraries Help Ilahies.
"I Interviewed him on his poverty,
las County product. The Chicago deal­ your liver.” He rose with difficulty,
celery, $3.60(34.50 crate; hothouse
and he lit up the Interview with an
Roseburg— Reports from the various ers said they were much surprised at swaying upon his feet, and where he
lettuce, 75c(0fl.25 per box; spinach,
Washington, D. C.— “ Better Babies”
had Bat was a large, Irregular shaped,
90c(3$l crate; horseradish, 8(310e.
will be one o f the subjects discussed sections o f Douglas county indicate the quality of the broccoli produced
“ Come on!
O you -know, Larry, I'm be­
" 'I was never really unhappy,’ he
that this year’s crops will far surpass here, and admitted that it surpassed sweat-dampened area.
Green Fruits— Apples, $1.(32.50 per
at the conference o f the American L i­
ginning to like these warm said, ’for I learned the lesson of con­
those o f former seasons.
The semi­ that grown in the Eastern states. Don’t get chilled."
box; cranberries, $12(3)12.50 barrel.
brary association here May 25 to 30,
" I ’d give twenty dollars for a good
showers; they rest me." As tentment. Contentment, you know. Is
cold wave o f last week was followed About 40 acres has been planted to
Onions— Old, per sack, $4(34.26.
because of the educational campaign
he spoke, Wally took his being satisfied with what you haven’t
by a warm rain, which has caused the broccoli this season, and several car­ ch illi” exclaimed the overheated col­
Potatoes— Oregon, 75c per cwt; buy­
conducted by Samuel H. Rinok, in farmers and fruitgrowers to be jubi­ loads o f the product will be shipped lege man longingly.
place beneath the barrel and got.’ ”
ing prices, 40(>i 50c at shipping points.
charge o f the public library at Grand lant. Prunes and early fruits are said East for disposition.
"I would like to see you a moment,
pulled the cord that con­
Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, 19c per
Rapids, Mich. For some time the li­ to be in a most healthy condition, and
Mr. Speed ” Roberta rose from the
nected with the nozzle. The
Mutual Forbearance.
brarian circulated slips to mothers
next Instant he uttered a
are far advanced for this time o f the
Poultry— Hens, 18J(319c; broilers,
When Margaret Wllaon, daughter
Farm Topics Discussed.
whose names appear on the official year.
"Oh, and I've forgotten my— " Helen _________ piercing shriek and leaped of the president, attended a legisla­
80c; turkeys, live, 20c;
birth register, giving the names o f all
Baker— Professor Fitts, o f the de­ checked her words with a startled from beneath the apparatus, upsetting
tive hearing In the assembly chamber
Several fruit buyers have already
choice, 25c; ducks, 17<319c; geese,
glance toward the kitchen. "It will Glass, who rose In time to fling his at Albany, she was put on the high
ll(o 12c.
visited Douglas county with a view
brary dealing with the care o f babies. to securing the season's yield.
sor Lawson, o f the department of be burned to a crisp.” She hastened charge back Into the deluge.
Butter — Creamery prints, extras,
place where the speaker ordinarily
He has aroused much interest. .
"L et me ou t!" yelled the athlete, sits.
agronomy, and Mrs. L. G. Rollins, do­ down the porch, and Fresno followed,
27(329c pound; cubes, 233024c.
and made another dash, at which his
Experiment Station Tries Pears. mestic science instructor, all o f Ore­ while Speed looked after them.
Pork— Fancy, ll ( o T l i e per pound.
"Where Is she? Show her to me,”
Customs X ot Cnderstood.
"H e must be an awful nuisance to guardian bellowed:
Veal— Fancy, 14(314ic per pound.
said a political heeler, passine at
Ashland—The Southern Oregon ex­ gon Agricultural college, visited the
Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Many periment station, near Talent, in this Sumpter Valley and lectured before a nice girl. Think of a fat, sandy-
“ Stand still or I'll wallop you! close range.
Hops— 1912 crop, prime and choice,
persons who have attempted to drive county, is reported to be cultivating large crowds at McEwen, Sumpter and haired husband in a five-room flat What’s got Into you, anyhow?”
17(318c; 1914 contracts, 15c.
When she had been pointed out,
The heads of Stover and Willie, he gazed at her steadily for about
Pelts— Dry, 10c, dry short wool, 7c; through the post when the “ Star Span­ the largest assortment o f pear trees o f Prairie City on “ Dairying,” “ Soil Cul with pink wall-paper and a colored
Run along, Muldoon,” to thrust through the door, nodded* with three seconds and then, moving on
fori janitor.
dry shearlings, 10c; green shearlings, gled Banner” is being played by the any such institution in the United ture” and “ Domestic Science
10c; salted sheep, 90c(o,$l; spring Twenty-first Infantry hand have been States. The trees are standard and Housewives on Dairy Farms.” The Cilass, "I'll be with you In a moment." gratification.
briskly, said:
When the trainer had waddled out
stopped. Some have concluded that o f all the leading varieties. This same party will visit Mount Vernon and then
lambs, 16(o 25c.
"It's got him livened up consider­
“ Oh, well, she didn't say anything
to go experiment station also is affording may go overland to the interior o f the of hearing, Mrs. Heap Inquired, ea­ able," quoth the former. “ Listen to to me; I guess I won't aay anything
Hides— Salted hides, 13c per pound; vehicles are not permitted
that I ”
salt kip, 14c; salted calf, 19c; green through the post. The truth is an or­ weather forecasts for the horticultur­ John Day country.
to her."
— — —
hides, lc ; dry hides, 24c; dry cslf, der was given to stop everyone in the ists o f the valley, and in this line is
26c; salted bulls, 9c; green bulls, 8c. post when the hand plays the national supplementing the work o f the main
Sheep Shearing Started.
L IK E T H E OLD T IM E S A IL O R S i tains found their wsy across the track- ltlve navigation these shippers reach
Wool — Valley, 17(3l8c per pound; air. A ll are expected to come to at­ forecasters’ office at Medford.
Pendleton — Shearing operations in
less wastes of the ocean without dlf- port In safety year after year. There
Eastern Oregon, 12(3l8c; mohair, tention as a mark o f respect to the
Eastern Oregon are well under way.
flag and to remain so until the music
1913 clip. 27c.
School Produce to Re Canned.
are about 7,500 men engaged In this
according to Jake Wattenberger, man­ Csptalns of French Fishing Vessels
Grain Bags—In car lots, 7|c.
Still N svlgste the Atlsntie Ocssn
They take observations for latitude, fishery. They leave France In March
Springfield—Nearly 200 plats, cov­ ager of the Wattenberger shearing
Cattle — Prime steers. $7.60(38;
W ithout Chronom eters.
but they have no chronometers and and the voyage takes from fourteen to
ering half a city block, are being cul­ crew. With a crew o f from eight to
choice, $7.30(37.60; medium,
$7(3 Glen Martin*Ascends 14,000 Feet. tivated by the pupils in agriculture in 12 men he has been at work in the
are unable to tell their longitude ex­ forty-five days, according to the weath­
7.25; choice cows, $6.25(37; medium,
The French sea captains who bring cept by guesswork. On the westward er. They return In the fall, and their
Pomona, Cal.— Glenn Martin. South­ the Springfield schools, and the prod­ vicinity o f Echo for several days, hav­
$6(36.26; heifers,
$6(37.25; light ern California aviator, was credited ucts o f these miniature farms will be ing removed the fleeces from more their veseels acrose the Atlantic every voyage they can tell by soundings total earnings for the seven months
calves, $8(39; heavy, $6(37.60; bulla, with having broken the American al­ used by the girls in the domestic sci­ than 12,000 head o f sheep.
spring to fish on the Newfoundland when they arrive on the banks. On average not more than $160.
$6.60(36; stags, $6(37.60.
titude record o f 12,120 feet Sunday ence department in their experiments
The Smythe sheep shearing plant banks navigate almost exactly as they the return voyage In the fall they
Hogs— Light, $8648.76; heavy, $7 when, after a flight ‘ made in connec­ in canning.
Vegetables only are near Arlington has also been put in did In the days of Columbus. Of the roughly estimate their position when
If you censure your friend for every
tion with a speedway fete, he an­ grown. Most o f the seeds were fur­ operation.
A crew o f 25 men is in M0 French sailing vessels on the they cross the lanes of the trans-At- fault he commits, there will come a
Sheep — Wethers, $6(36;
ewes, nounced that his barograph had regis­ nished by the United States govern­ charge and a total o f 65,000 head will j banks last year 240 were fitted out In lantlc liners converging toward the time when you will have no friends to
Normandy and Brittany. Their cap- English channel. In spite of this nrtm-
tered 14,200 feet.
$S»60@6; lambs, $6(37.
ment through Senator Lane.
be sheared.
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liU M ta rt tec World.
Testing Seed Corn By
The Rag Doll Method