O fR on His. Society. *°7 Second St ESTACADA All the News All the Time NO. 29 op EST A C A D A , OREGON, TH U R SD A Y , A P R IL VOL. 6 Ready for Your Inspection! The Biggest, the Best, The Most Carefully Se­ lected Stock of SHOES in Clackamas County Queen Quality and American Lady Shoes for Women Ralston and American Gentleman Shoes for men Endicott-Johnson and Chippawa H eavy Shoes for men and boys Hamilton Brown and Pontiacs for children E V E R Y P A IR G U A R A N T E E D - Our Dry Goods department is complete. uine French Gingham, 25c. “ W E C A N F IT E V E R Y F O O T ” Amoskeag dress Gingham, Silk finished Crepe De Chene (a ll colors) stripe Voile, 30c. 54 inch all wool Serge $1.50 to $2.00. inch Percale, 10c. 36 inch Percale, 12 l-2c. 12 l-2c. Gen­ 50c yd. 36 inch Serge, 50c up. Silk 31 Get a Cash Register Receipt Bring $25.00 in cash receipts and get in Merchandise— absolutely free. : $ 1.00 CARY’S MERCANTILE CO. E S TAC AD A, OREGON. We gaarautee satisfaction. “ If you are satisfied tell your friends. are the W orld ’s standard machine for Lon g W earing and Close Skimming. $10 to $20 down W e can and pay the balance out of your cream checks. Come in and let us show you this machine and explain how easy you can get one. Hardware, Harness and Implements Bert II. Finch, PALACE M EAT M ARKET. We handle only the best of meats Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickles. • A comp'ete line of fresh and salt meats. Fresh vegetables in their season. Fresh E g g s and Butter. KRED J0RG, Proprietor ALL FEED MAY LOOK ALIKE TO YOU but not to your horses. Give them some of ours for a change and see how they will eat it mnch more greedily than they have been attacking their old fodder. Good feed means good feeding and as a horse owner you know that means lietter horses in every respect. Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. Local N ew s S P E C IA L M E E T IN G S Tomorrow is Good Friday, The special meetings at the M. E Boost for the East Clackamas church are meeting with good suc­ cess. Mr. and Mrs. Park the Fair. evangelists are both very pleasant Track Meet Saturday at Esta- speakers and are giving some ex cada. cellent sermons. Tuesday night Mrs Gertrude Grim visited Port­ Rev. Park took for his subject. land Friday. “ Should Christians Dance” . The Mrs. Emily Lady was a Portland church was crowded with a very- visitor Saturday. attentive audience. He hit the R. W. Cary transacted business dancers pretty hard and went after in Portland Frida)*. card players as well. His sermon Ihe ESTACADA SIATE BANK is now tinder the Mrs. Ellen Patterson visiied 1 was the topic of general conver- Portland Saturday. management of representative and success­ | sation all next day and sometimes : discussed with very much spirit Members of theC. I. C.—retnem ful men and deserves the patronage of home from both sides of the question. ber the meeting next Saturday. people. Mrs. C. F. Howe aud daughter Wednesday evening Mrs. Park oc­ cupied the pulpit and the subject of Lelah were in Portlmd Saturday. We will be glad to have your business. her sermon was “ Profit and Loss” . Attend the play at the Garfield Mrs. Park speaks with kindness U R 0 V D. WALKER. P resid ent Grange hall, Friday night, April 10. and true consideration and her ser­ 1 MOMAS YOCLM. Vico P resid ent *’ A Family Affair” at the Ely mons are convincing and seem to Hall at Currinsville, Friday night, win the hearts of the people, as was IRWIN U. WRIGHT, Cashier April, 24. evidenced by the large number who Among the Estacada visitors in went to the altar that evening. Portland Saturday was Miss Ger­ The meetings will continue this trude Dillon. week aud perhaps longer, Mesdames J. W. Reed and A. E. Sparks were i« Portland Friday- T h e East Clackam as Fair night to hear Parsival. At the meeting of the committee Ed. Hunt made a trip over to of the East Clackamas fair, held Oregon City Monday evening, re­ Saturday afternoon in the C. I. C. turning the next day. rooms, reports from various com­ Mr. aud Mrs H, Dillon enjoyed mittees indicated that the plans are a visit Saturday night and Sunday rounding into shape for a liye suc­ cessful fair in September. with their daughters from Salem. We have a nice lot of R O C K E R S on the way which It is planned to have competition will soon be here to fill up the vacant space. Call and see Guy Graham and Hurlev Fellows them. left Estacada Tuesday for Alaska among the Granges ol the district, where they will speud the summer. which if taken up in the proper spirit, will insure a fine display and Mrs. Ida R. Holder left this week much interest. for Salem to spend a month with A sub committee on a prize list friends. Mrs. Holder taught in the was appointed to report at the next Salem school at one time. at prices that are right. meeting, also a committee ou the Mrs. T . Yocum visited ber publication of prize list. daughter in Portland and return­ We also have some Wall Paper at reduced prices The committee is anxious that ing home Monday brought ber every section of Eastern Clackamas and a few Rugs, Malting, Graniteware and Fishing Tackle little granddaughter with her. couuty be represented by exhibits, W e are headquarters for the best grades in fishing outfits. Mrs. B. F. Ford entertained a and wishes to urge everyone with a Call and see us. See our shelves full of Dishes. W e number of ladies Tuesday afternoon piece of ground, a domestic bird or want your trade, you want our goods. Yours for business, in honor of Mr. Ford's mother and animal, the ability to cook or can sisters. Those present report a or sew, to get into some contest. most enjoyable lime. Don't come empty handed to the L : C R F L N TRADING S T A M P S Sanford Cox moved into the 1 st Annual East Clackamas fair B m H B B E & i house belonging to the bank on and after looking at the results of upper Broadway last week and your neighbor’s forethought, care Charlie Sparks moved back into his and public spirit, say, "W hy. 1 could have raised something as own house on Terrice Addition. Mrs. Ford and daughters Iva aud good as that.” This will indicate G. H. LICH1 HORN, Proprietor. Sadie of Oregon City arrived Mon­ to the mau who hears you that you Fresh Bread and all Kinds of Bakery Goods day to visit at the home of Mrs. either lack in public spirit or ve­ racity. Boost, boost, boost for the Ford’s son, B F. Ford for a few -------- always on hand.-------- days. Rev. Ford joined them East Clackamas Fair. We also keep a large stock of-------- Com. Tuesday evening which completed Bill D IP ESTACADA PATRONIZE MOME INSTITUTIONS > The the family gathering. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Howe went to Portland one day last week to meet Mrs. Howe's father and moth­ er, Mr. aud Mrs. A. A. Foehlinger of St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Foehling- et’ s son preceeded them to Estaca­ da and has bought the Jas. Linn farm where the father aud mother will reside. Som e Increase in Population This part of Oregon may be de­ ficient in raising swine and corn, hut it is prolific enough when it coiues to increasing the population, as the following from our birth re­ porter indicates: Born to Mr. and Mrs, Otto Sagtier March 19, a boy; to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Fisher j March 21, a boy; to Mr. and Mrs j Orin Blue March 22, a girl: to Mr I and Mrs. B. Loony April 3, a boy;! to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tanner April 6, a girl. Home Bakery < Staple and Fancy Groceries Confectionery and Cigars V E G E T A B L E S And F R U IT S IN T H E IR SEA SO N W E G IV E ” S. & H .” G. H. Lichthorn Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Ecker left Estacada Tuesday fot Independ­ ence, Oregon, where Mr. Ecker will go into the newspaper business with George O. Dodge who has been working on the Progress for There will he a Track Meet at the past seven months. They e x ­ Estacada, Saturday afternoon, com­ The Garfield Dorcas society will pect to purchase the Independence mencing at 1:30, Portland Academy I The Progress wishes vs. Estacada High. Admission 25 ! have an all day session April 16. at Monitor. them all kinds of success. cents. the home of Mrs. S. D. Dunlop. E. W. Bart’ . ett was in Oregon A s a sample of the productive­ The Garfieid Grange will present ness of Oregon soil: P. M, Wagner City Tuesday and attended a meet­ “ The Corner Store” at the Grange raised a cauliflower which weighed ing of the Live Wires where he hall, Friday evening, April 10. gave a talk on the attitude of the eleven pounds. Admission 25 cents for adults and people in the country toward Ore- 15 cents for children. Supper The Progress printed posters (or a gan City, discussed the road bond­ served at the hall after the play. dance at Eagle Creek, on the even­ ing question aud talked of the The Grange people put on a play ing of April 25. The same hall plans F^stacada has for entering in­ last year which is said to have been and same music as usual. to an agreement with Oregon City very much of a success and they There will be a special car Sun­ to secure pure mountain water. will surely give good satisfaction. day morning at 3 o’clock for Port­ Mrs. W. F . Cary entertained a land to accomodate those who may few friends Monday afternoon in George O. Dodge left this morn­ wish to attend the Firemen's dance honor of Mrs. Clyde Ecker, who ing for Independence, Oregon, ! Saturday night. was to leave Estacada the next where he has purchased the Mon­ ¡i ■ H U M 1 ■ i Everything seems to be working day, The game of 500 was played itor at that place and will he asso- 1 I $2 a day all right in regard to raising of until five o’clock when the hostess dated in the newspaper business! funds for the cannery. The propo­ served light refreshments. The with C. T. Ecker. Mr Dodge has sition is meeting with no whirlwind score cards were suggests e of the assisted in the Progress office since' success, but good work is being ac­ departure of the guest of honoi, be- ' the present editor has had charge complished just the same. log suit cases in shape and contain- and we can recommend him as a The young man of excellent morals and The spelling contest between the ing baby ribbon handles. three pupils who were to have an­ napkins also were adorned with a principals. With Mr. Ecker who One of other trial, will be held next Mon­ suit case or traveling bag. The has had considerable exjierietice in day at Eagle Creek. This contest favors were given to Mrs. W. S. newspaper work, there is every decides the t est speller in the con- Pyle and Mrs Somers. All re­ reason to believe that they will port a very pleasant afternoon. “ make good” . test recently held at Estacada. Estacada, Ore. I. $1 A Y E A R Estacada Furniture Co. If not, tell us.’* De Laval Separators sell you one on very easy payments. 9, 1914 Furniture of AH Kinds A new stock ° f C U R T A I N S C R IM S and Etamines received Monday. Come in while the stock is complete. : : : Everything in PROGRESS Only Paper in East Clackamas G kbhn T rad ing S t a m i - s HOME RESTAURANT MRS. E. H. KELLOGG, Manager Home Cooking. Meals 35c up. Chicken Dinner Sunday, 50c Lunches 10c Dp Lunches Put up Lor Travelers GOOD R O O M S IN CONNECTION h 1 i TUrt The Hotel Estacada $ io a week MODERN C O N V E N IE N C E S the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited I