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About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1914)
Oregon HU. Society. 207 Second St All the News All the Time NO. 28 op ESTACADA PROGRESS E ST A C A D A , OREGON. TH URSDAY, A PR IL VOL. 6 Only Paper in East Clackamas 2. 1914 St A Y E A R Local News Ready for Your Inspection! The Biggest, the Best, The Most Carefully Se lected Stock of SHOES in Clackamas County Queen Quality and American Lady Shoes for Women Ralston and American Gentleman Shoes for men Endicott-Johnson and Chippawa Heavy Shoes for men and boys Hamilton Brown and Pontiacs for children E V E R Y P A IR G U A R A N T E E D - “ W E C A N F IT E V E R Y F O O T ’ Our Dry Goods department is complete. uine French Gingham, 25c. stripe Voile, 30c. ¡nch Percale, 10c. Amcskeag dress Gingham, 12 l-2 c. Silk finished Crepe De Chene (all colors) 54 inch all wool Serge $1.50 to $2.00. Gen 50c yd. Silk 36 inch Serge, 50c up. 31 36 inch Percale, 12 l-2c. Get a Cash Register Receipt! Bring $25.00 in cash receipts and get ia Merchandise— absolutely free. : $1.00 : A new stock of C U R T A IN SCRIM S and Etamines received Monday. Come in while the stock is complete. : : : CARY’S MERCANTILE CO. ESTACADA, OREGON. We gueaatee eatisfectiee. “ If yeu are tatiafied te l year friend*. If aot, teN am." Spring Time Is Spray Time If you haven’t already sprayed your trees— better do it N O W . > W e have the Spray Compounds, Spray Pumps, Hose Nozzles and Fittings for Spray Outfits. different kinds of We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle, Garden Tools, Everything in Hardware, Harness and Implements Bert H. Finch, Estacada, Ore. PALAC E M EA T M A R K ET. We handle only the best of meats Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickles. A comp'ete line of fresh and salt meats. Fresh vegetables in their season. Fresh E ggs and Butter. FRED J0RG, Proprietor ALL FEED MAY LOOK ALIKE TO YOU but not to your horses. Give them some of ours for a change and see bow they will eat it much mpre greedily than they have been attacking their old fodder. Good feed meaus good feeding and aa a horse owner yon know that means better horses in every respect. Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. Spelling Contest The fifth county spelling contest Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Howe visited at the high school room Friday Portland Sunday. Paul Womer was an Estacada afternoon, was a very interesting affair. The schools tepresented visitor this week. were Dodge, Eagle Creek, Boring. J. A. Sotuer left Tuesday for a Tracy, Garfield, Springwater, Bar trip to California. ton, Currinsville and Estacada, with Mrs. R. Morse visited relatives four spellers from each school with in Portland last week the exception of Garfield who had W. S. Pyle and wife were Port but three. A short program pre- land visitors Monday. ceeded the spelling contest, given J. W. Reed was in Portland for a by the pupils of the Estacada schools, which was entertaining day or two this week. and well received. H. M. James W. F. Cary was a business visit- took charge of the contest which ! 1 or at Oregon City Tuesday. lasted over an hour. The spelling The Civic Improvement Club has was brisque and when completed, commenced to make plans for a 4th three contestants Chariot DeFord of July celebration. and Lona Davis of Barton and Big robbery attempted by Har Ralph Wade of Currinsville were vey Barton at Garfield Grange, left to have a final contest at a la ter date, if agreeable to all con April toth.— adv. cerned. The next contest will be W. W. Boner and wife returned held at Logan Aptil 17, During last Friday from a visit of several the afternoon pupils from different weeks in California. schools enjoyed themselves with Miss Grace Hessell of Gresham giving their class yells and visiting. was a guest at the B. O. Boswell The high school room would not home Saturday night. hold the large number who attend Mrs. M. E. Graham, daughter ed the contest which shows the Erma and son Guy, visited Port great interest taken in this most laudable undertaking conducted by land Saturday and Sunday. Supervisor James. Mr. and Mrs. A . N. Standish of Chicago arrived last evening to visit their sons, R. M. and P. S. Civil Service Examination The United States Civil Service Standish. Commission announces an open com The Rod and Gun Club of Esta petitive examination on April 25, at cada is planning on giving a mov Estacada. for Clackamas couuty, ing picture exhibition in the near for a rural carrier to fill a vacancy. future. The examination is open to all male A large number of lady friends citizens of the United States who “ surprised” Mrs. Dave Escheltnan can comply with the requirements. Thursday afternoon. All report a Application form and full informa good time. tion concerning the requirements of F. B. Guthrie visited his ranch the examination can be secured at Creswell, Oregon, Saturday. He from the secretary of the local ex says the country down the valley is amining board cr the postmaster. looking fine. Civic Improvement Club John Naab of Portland was an The club met Saturday afternoon Estacada visitor last Friday night. He was the guest of Guy Graham at the usual time, with twenty-five members and one visitor present while in town. In the absence of the secretary ft. W . Cary went up into the Mrs. Pyle, Mrs. A, K. Morton was mountains Saturday. Mrs. Carv appoiuted secretary protem. The visited home folks in Portland dur principal event was the voting upon ing his absence. the proposition of buying the prop A new rural route for Estacada erty west of the bank. A ballot will be in operation by June first. was taken which resulted in an un A civil service examination notice animous vote against the proposi is printed in this paper. tion. Mrs. Gertrude Grimm has retired from tho position of assistant to her M. E. Church Newt biother, W. Givens, as the P. R. Revival meetings ere now being L. & P. Co.'s agent at this place. held in the Methodist church. Rev. Misses Kittle Reagan, Mary Woodle and Ruth Welch attended the Epworth League convention at Woodburn, Ore , Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. H. G. Trowbridge of Gar field, left last Sunday for a visit with relatives in Minnesota. Mr. Trowbridge accompanied her as far as Portland. Dr. Steiner came over from Sandy Saturday, returning Mon day. On account of not being able to get a suitable residence, Mrs. Steiner will not go for a time at Judges and Clerks of Election least. Barton: Judges— Harvey G ib The special meetings at the M. E. son, C. O. Davis, Joe Devine; church are being well attended. Clerks—J. M. Anderson, Edwin Mr. and Mrs. Park are both inter Bates, Clyde McMurrey. esting speakers and their singing is Eagle Creek: Judges— E. L. one of the features of their protrac Trnllinger, J. W. Doty, John ted efforts. Gitbens; Clerks— H. S. Gibson, Lance Read, who has been visit M. C. Glover, Henry Hoffmeister Estacada No. 1 : Judges—John K. ing his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Ely, J. P. Woode, Granville Linn; J. W. Antrim, left on Tuesday to Clerks— A. H. Erickson, Lester Hale, enter the electrical testing depart D. S. Fleming. ment of the Westinghouse Co. in Estacada No. 2: Judges—R. D. Kim- Pittsburg, Pa, mel, J. W. Reed, John Stormer; Clerks—W. M. Dale, W. A. Jones, Luther Henthom. Garfield: Judgea—Henry Epperson, A. O. Whitcomb, A. J. Krigbaum; Clerks—B. T. Rawlins, L. J. Palma- teer, T. E. Thomas. Georgd: Judges- -Fred Lins. Henry Schmitt, N. Rath; Clerka—H. If. John son, Mrs. Hu Ida Rath, Mrs Theresa Millea. Springwater: Judges—J. A. Reed. W. E. Shannon, James Guttridge; Clerks—J. W. Mam. J. A. March- bank, C. 8. Bard. Mrs. Adilaid Miller, who has been in St. Helens, Ore., all winter, returned to Estacada Saturday, She reports that her health is not very good and she had to come back to this health resort for a time at least. Wm. Park and wife are the evan gelists. Preaching every evening com mercing at 7:30. No meeting Satur day evening. Specical meetings Sunday morning at ri a. in. and evening, 7:30 p. m. You are urged to come and assist in these services. C. B. Rees, Pastor. “ Uncle Josiah” at Boner's thea tre Fridav evening, put 011 by high school pupils, was a splendid suc cess. Each oue who took part in the play did unusually well for amateurs and showed much talent. Mr. Nash of Portland furnished some violin and mandolin music with piano accompaniment by Miss Hattie Belfils. The stage settings were good as also were the cos tumes and the play was carried out without a bitch. A large and ap preciative audience greeted the play ers. Proceeds amounted to nearly $50 00. Etiquette Contest Next The spelling match came off, but people crowded in till it was almost suffocating and then they skuffed their feet on the floor and whisper ed till the contestants could scarce ly hear the words pronounced Some who sat near to them would stait spelling at the words before the contestants had time to spell them. The next is an etiquette contest. Observer G H. Lichthorn received so many compliments on the little, "spiels’’ he gave at the Deestnk Skool" a short time ago. that he The Sandy News is a new ven decided to give a few “ spiels” to Jasper White, the nigger, asserts ture i : i t h e n f r « p i v , r P e M •>» S v . i t , . »he people of this section, through he did not steal the chickens. Hear Ore. Chas. R. Bennett is the the Ptogreas. See his ad in this his trial at Garfield Grange, April editor. 10th.— .adv. paper. Build up Estacada bv depositing Estacada money in the ESTACADA STATE BANK Now conducted by representative men of the community. SECURITY IN Q ltS MOVABLE. LEROY D. WALKER. President THOMAS YOCUM. Vice President IRYWN B. WRIGHT, Cashier W e have a nice lot of R O C K E R S on the way which will soon be here to fill up the vacant space. Call and see them. Furniture of All Kinds at prices that are right. W e also have some W all Paper at reduced prices and a few Rug9, Matting, Graniteware and Fishing Tackle W e are headquarters for the best grades in fishing outfits. Call and see us. See our shelves full of Dishes. W e want your trade, you want our goods. Yours for business, Estacada Furniture Co. >The Home Bakery < G. H. LICH1 HORN, Proprietor. Fresh Bread and all Kinds of Bakery Goods -------- always on hand,-------- We also keep a large stock of- Staple and Fancy Groceries Confectionery and Cigars V E G E T A B L E S And FRU ITS IN TIIE IR SEASON W E G IV E G kkkn T “ S. & H .” r a d in g S tam p * G. H. Lichthorn HOME R E S T A U R A N T MRS. E. H. KELLOGG, Manager Home Cooking. Meals 35c up. Chicken Dinner Sunday, 50c Lunches 10c Ip Lunches Put up For Travelers G O O D ROOM S IN CONNECTION Estacada Progress $1 Per Year. Now is the time to subscribe. Try us for Job Work