I H E N R Y V .A D IX .M .L P H Y S IC IA N A SURGEON I k ■ k j A . .v . S ^ 3 f U m m i OFFICK. ADJOINING R F S ID K N lf Local and Long Distance Telephone The- doctor’s phone cun lie connectei i kith your home phone nt uigbt it r* i tfuested. One Ion« nil:' D r. W . K . H a v i/ a n d P h y s ic ia n a n d S u rgeon C 'C3 on Main St between 1st! a J 2 nd. 7 tele phone C r n n e c i i o n s R esidence cornt-r o f Second a n d C u r r in streets D r . L. A . ■ to m ■ K is T HIS simple rule of health is daily called attention to by every doctor in the land, whose first question to the patient almost invariably is, “ Are your bowels regular?” Yet there’s not one person in fifty who takes proper care of the bowels. And the result of this foolish neglect is nine-tenths of all ill-health. If today you are unable to free your body of waste matter at the usual time, or if the uc t causes straining, pains and discomfort, don’t lei that condition occur again tomorrmr. Unless your bowels can carry away the waste materials left after food is digested., decay sets in, the poisons of which, taken up by the blood, increase the lisl: of Typhoid Fever, Appendicitis, and m-.ray other senous diseases. In treatmg constipata o, there is a right trag and a wrong way. The wrong way is to ta!»; harsh purga­ tive.- vv:.\:h i ven though th y do clear the bowels, cause griping and nausea, injure the delicate tissues, and £..« ui-furb tho normal functions as to cause the return of constipation. The right way is to help Nature to produce natural movement, without pain or discomfort, by using WELLS Associated w i t h Dr. H. V A aix. D R R. M O R S E , P h y s i c ia n e n d S urgeon tele­ C L A U D E W. D E V O R E A F TO R N E Y -A T-LA W and IN O TA R Y P U B L IC lE sta ca da. O r e g o n E. W . B A R T L E T T . LAW YER O n e H u n d red M illio n W e r e S o ld L a s t Y e a r tems cannot stand anything harsh—by women during pregnancy, and after child­ birth, when any medicine with a violent action would be particularly dangerous. Many of these people arc your neighbors and friends. Ask anyone who has ever used them—they’ll tell you Rexall Orderlies satisfied afid helped them THE BROW N IN S U R A N C E MAN O F G R E SH A M P H O N E 513 O REGO N R E L IE F F IR E A SS O C IT IO N than 7,0 00 Rexall Stores and In this town only by us. In vest pocket tin b o xe s, 10c, 25c, 50 c \Ve won't hesitate, or ask you any ques­ tions, Your word is enough. If Rexall Orderlies do not do all you expect them io — if you don’t feel better after using them and find that they are the pleasantest-acting and best laxative you have ever used, we want you to tell us and get your money back. Estacada Pharmacy Orrgon JO H N T h is Is O u r G u a ra n te e — You Risk N o M o n e y — a gentle laxative in the form of a chocokate-tnsting tablet. One of these tablets eaten just before going to bed " ill help to restore T h a n your bowels to normal activity at a time when, your body being ut red, the medicine can do its best work. As a result of taking that tablet (or say two, if your case is ob stinate), i/our bowels will move easily and naturally in the morning. The use of Rexall < Jrdcrlies i'6r a few days afterward will restore nor­ mal regularity. Even chronic consti­ This enormous quantity was pation is benefited by them, and it If Rexall Orderlies do not make used with good results by busy men is not necessary to continue the your bowels act right, tell us so and who suffered from constipation, due treatment fo r a long time, b, - we’ll give back your money without cause, instead o f driving to lack of exercise, or indigestion Suture, they sim ply help asking a single question. There is no caused by overwork by children whose her to help herself. red tape to this guarantee. It means parents realize the harmful effect of com­ just what it says. \ou sign nothing. Sold only at the more mon purgativ.o by old people whose sys­ Office on Broadway. Estacada, s I S W W a Widely scattered have been built by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. for the purpose of providing fr) | Reliable I 2 E le ctric Service ® § £ to its patrons. Through high tension trans- mission lines, each of these generating plants are intercommunicative, so that the (f) G M o re ^ G © S vj f WMERF LOCATED Portland (2 ) Oregon City Silverton Cazadero Estaeada (g Bull Run iSj St. Johns Q Salem P ortland Railway, L ig h t & Power Co. M pi 0 la) ^ B ° rin K ® © || service is insured against unforseen inter- ruptions. fa Broadway and Phones: Marshall 5100 T Alder Streets jg) Home A-6131 $2 a day ft $ io a week The H otel Estaeada O REGO N E ST A C A D A , i I Electric I Generating 1 PLANTS -i D E N T IS T Tests eyes olid fils glasses. Office over Drag Store Local and long distance phone. Tpn MODERN C ON VEN IEN CES One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast ^ e * o £ t* M e c in s » KING Q ï M X ’ - r O u ir s Js T h e «••«>• x>,. 4 -: - t t . « n ■ Local and Tourist Trade Solicited .O F M C M 1 N N V I L E . O R E . B U C kS M IT H IN G REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP G4RFILLD Summons ESTACADA STATE BANK The March meetings of the Garfield In the Circuit Court of the State of —AND— at Estacada, in the State of Oregon, at Dorcas Society was held at the home of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. The forenoon V. Lingelbacli, Plaintiff, the close o f b u sin ess, M arch 4 t h , 1 9 1 4 . Mrs. Edward Shearer. I have bought the Soda Works of Ely & Wade, of was spent in sewing carpet rags. The | vs. RESOURCES Currinsville, and am ready to supply Soda at wholesale .. .. $ 54 312.10 hostess accommodated her guests about J James Yeakey, Executor of the Neatly done by— Overdrafts, secured and unsecured . three table in her large kitchen-dining estate o f Emma Yeakey, deceased, A. E. Sparks ..... 5 554.13 and retail. It’s all in the water. I use pure Spring Water. room. The different members contrib- James Yeakey. Martin Yeakey, ...... 3 450.00 Successors to J. R. MORROW, ...... 1 799.34 uted to the refreshments, which were Grace Arville Yeakey, and Jesse Your business appreciated. Defendants, At Morrow’ s Barn. Estacada, Due from approved reserve hanks... ..... 12 182.71 substantial, varied and delicious. It Yeakey, 263 80 was plain that the thoughts o f the little j Checks and other cash items.......... To James Yeakey, Executor of the Oregon, 4 786 04 Cash on hand..................................... company were centered about the mem- ! Estate of Emma Yeakey, deceased, 320.92 bership contest which had been carried James Yeakey. Martin Yeakev, Grace Repairing of All Kinds ..... $82 669,04 Total................................................. on for a month under the two captains, Arville Yeakey, and Jesse Yeakey, the ESTACADA PROGRESS (I n co rpo rated ) Mesdames Trowbridge and Dunlop. As above nam’ed defendants. Plumbing and Electric LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In......................... .... $25 000.00 the former was unavoidably absent, In the name of the >81016 of Oregon Wiring ! G I V E S . Ot H. 250.00 Mrs. Whitcomb wa3 chosen to act in you are hereby required to appear ESTACADA, O R E q o n Published Evcrv Thursday Morning at TRADING STAM Undivided profits, less expenses and her place. Early in the afternoon the and answer the comp’aint filed in the ► MH* •*•**•*«.¡-ri - ¡*4 ESTACADA, OREGON regular business session was held. Im­ above entitled action on or before the NINA B. KCKKR, Editor and Manager Postal savings bank deposits ............ ...... 2 884.45 mediately following, by previous ar- j eighth (8) day of April A. D 1914, said Deposits duo State Treasurer.......... .. . 3 000.00 rangement, the two captains read alter­ date being more than six weeks from Individual deposits subject nately the names of the newly acquired the date of the first publication of this Sntered at th« postoffice In Estacada. Oregon as to check.............................. 48 472.66 members. Twenty-two names were ! summons, and if you fail so to appear, second class mail Demand certificates of deposit................... 1 548.02 Tirrte certificates of deposit...................... 1 513.91 read by each, when Mr.-. Dunlop ceased plaintiff will apply to the court for the Noias and bills rediscounted ....... I none SUBSCRIPTION RATES and Mrs. Whitcomb continued to read relief prayed for in Uia complaint, to wit: Biiis payable for money borrowed J One year............................................................. $ 1 00 up to thirty-four, making fifty-six ac- W ill take juilgeinint for the sum of SI* months............................................................... 50 W . A. JO N E S Total..................................................... $82 669.04 cessions to a membership of twenty- j Three hundred rnd fifty five (#355 73) State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: one, or seventy-seven in all. The win-1 dollars and seventy three cents with PRO PRIETO R E. H. K E L L O G G . P r o p r - Thursday, March 26, 1914 I, Irwin D. Wright, cashier of the nine side was ready with a song of interest nt the rate of 8 percent per above named bank, do solemnly swear victory, which was rendered with en- annum, on Three hundred (v’ yoo) dollars »Good rigs «nd.careful dfivers always --------- o o -------— that the above statement is true to the ergy. One of Mr. Shearer’s fine Brah- from the 10th. day of Augu-t 19 11, for A P P L E CIDER O R A N G E C ID E R SPECIAL ATTENTION THROUGH THE SNOW. ma cocks, adorned with the slogan, #50.00 Attorneys fees, together with the best of my knowledge and belief. Given Hunting and Fishing Parties V\,TE fared together through the snow “ Watch Dorcas grow, hear us crow ,” costs and disbursements, which indebt Irwin I). Wright, Cashier. ' ’ How should we heed the driving io G A L L O N CIDER KEGS 50c EACH. Subscribed and sworn to before me this was brought in with instructions to ' edness n-iscs out of a certain promissory bluM I felt her heart heat warm below crow lustily. But the presence of so j note made, executed and delivered to loth day of March, 1914. Team Work and Hauling by The arm that held me fast. many ladies discouraged him. The los- plaintiff by Emma Yeakey (now deceas­ L. E. Bclfils, Notary Public. And in her cheeks ttie laughing blood Bloomed like a rose beneath her hood. Correct—-Attest: Leroy D. Walker, ing side bore its defeat calmly and at ed), mother of the above named defend- the Day or Contract T I O W Hhould 1 miss the summer flowers Thomas Yocum, Irwin I). Wright, di- t>nce repaired to an adjoining room to ants, and for a decree fortclosing tlie formulate ¡¡Ians for entertaining the certain real estate mortgage executed •*A W ith such a flower ho sweet and ¡rectors, close? society at the next --------- meeting to ...... anil delivered -------- „ which ............ is ~ — ^,1 bv vj said Emma Yeakey W h ite winter seems a friend of ours. 1 be held at the home of Mrs, Dunlop, to this plaintiff to secure the payment of And all his drifted snows MRS. E. H. KELLOGG, Proprietor Commercial Patronage But hint of w inter snows that hide April Hi. 1 he opinion prevails that the s.id note, which real estate is described Summons Here in the breast against my side. In the Circuit Court of the State of good natured rivalry of the past month as follows, to-wit: Lots four and five a specialty. p O M K singing April soon or late Oregon for the County of Clackamas. SS. will prove of value to the entire mem -1 (4 » 5 ), niock six (6), Original Townsite For all tlie frozen world, for me. bership old and new alike. j of the City of Estaeada, Clackamas Grace B. Barkley, Plain tiff, Oh. I can well afford to wait For bloom and bird and bee I County, Oregon, and that said real estate v*. Board Bv Bay or Week. ; t Good Clean Rooms ia Coaaectioa W . M. Yonce If only she and 1 can go J be sold under execution, or so much ELWOOD Samuel W. Barkley, Defendant. W alking forever through tlie snow! White Help. Home Made Cookiap. there of ss shall be necessary to satisfy — Richard l.e Galllenno. To Samuel \V. Barkley, defendant Mrs. Carl Anderson of Portland is Rates Reasonable almve named. visiting in Elwood and Colton for a the judgement, interest, attorneys fees, costs and disbursements, and accruing In the name ot the State of Oregon, short time. BUSINESS LOCALS costs and disbursements, and as provided you are hereby required to appear and Mrs. Lohre ia spending a few days in i by Jaw for the sale of real estate under answer tlie complaint filed in tlie abeve her father, Mr. Cromer, of Logan ALSPAU G H BldcksmUh end Wheeh* rigtit They have it good fresh vege- entitled action 011 or tmfore the eighth Portland. ¡execution, and for a decree that the last week, Mr. Cromer had been Stella SmoJofTski is on the sick list Everyone is enjoying the good interest of each of the defendants and al! tables. Go and see them. Fred (8) day of May A. I). 1914, said date and has been absent from school for the persons claiming under them, in said weather and are very busy sowing very ill. being more than six weeks from the date Jorg At the Old Staud , mortgaged premises, subsequent to snid their crops and spraying their of tlie first publication of tills summons, past week. Notice for Publication Miss L. Fredolph was in Portland mortgage be foreclos'd of all right or orchards. Oranges çôst. 3 for 10c, 40c per and if you fail so to appear, plaintiff will GIVE HIM A CALI Mrs. J. W. Dowty drove to apply to tlie Court lor the relief prayed Saturday and Sunday, the guests of her j claim of interest, except the equity of Department of the Interior, U. 3. doz. at R. G. Marchhank’s. sisters. ¡redemption, and for such other and Eagle Creek Saturday with her Land Office at Portland, Oregon, Feb­ for in her complaint, to-wit: For decree awarding plaintiff an abso Jchn Pr.tk made a business trip to 1 further relief as may seem equitable to new buggy horse and brought ruary 20. 1914. CIO T O - Wanted Highest price pa'd for lute divorce (toni said, defendant on the Oregon C.ty last week. I the Court in the premises. home a tree sprayer. NOTICE is hereby given that Clande eggs at the Palace Meat Maiket. grounds of desertion, for a decree award­ Hazel Githens has been very V. Chapman, of Rowe, Oregon, who. A. J T U C K E R S S H O P , Bertha Bittner has returned to her | This summons is served npon vou by ing plaintiff the custody of the minor home in Oregon City after an extended [ publication in pursuance of an order of busy paint’ iig during the past week. on March 80, 1910, made Homestead F red J o rg . tstm cad n, Oregon children, and for such other and further visit with her grandparents, Mr. ar.d the Honorable H. S. Anderson, Judge of Frank and John Dowty were vis- Entry, No. 0251T, for NqSE*. NWg- For Carpenter and Contract j relief ns tlie court shall adjudge (-quit Mrs. Park. SExSE*, NsSWfcbE* and NEgSWg, 1 ) the County Court, for the County of | ,n ng wjth their parents Sunday. Dr Morse also tests eyes able. Clackamas, State of Oregon, made on xvotk, Cabinet Making and Repair-i Misses Echo and Hazel Githens Section 12, Township 3 South, Range Mrs. M. E Vallen was a Sunday call­ and fits glasses. Office over tlie 21st. day of March A. D. 1914, Service of this summons is served upon 7 Esst, Willamette Meridian, has filed *ng, plow shares a xe s and knives visited friends in Hogan last week er at the home o f Mrs. S. B. Brown. directing that said publication be made you by publication in pursuance ot an ,, _. , . ... , notice of intention to make Final Five ground , sav filings and gumming, drug store. John Githens had the ratsfto.tune Vear proof tQ Frank Wilson returned to his home in the Estaeada Progress. order of the Honorable H. S. Anderson, Proof, to establish clsim to the Band sawing, rip sawing and plane- The date ol the first publication oi this to hurt his toe very badly while land above described, before the Regis­ Judge of the County Court, for the in Dodge Monday after an absence of a For Sale 20 months old colt, j pruning trees by having a branch week occasioned by the illness o f him- ( In g. gnu repairing, small blatk- summons is March 26, 1914, and the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, ter and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at C. Whitbeck. fimithing, turning lathe for wood cheap. date of the last publication is May 7, fall on it. made on the list, day of March A. I>. self am little children. Portland, Oregon, on the 8th day of Echo and Hazel Githens called April, 1914. Teddy j 4914. Mrr. M. Freeman and 1 work, soldering done. | 1914, directing that said publication be on Mrs. Noah Hitple one day last railed on Mrs. Della Vallen Thursday. C LA U D SW . DEVORE, Wanted A subscription solicitor made in the Kstacada Progress, Claimant names aa witnesses: C. W. Shop on* door south or March- week. Attorney for Plaintiff. Mrs. Cora Jacobs is spending a fewr Miller, of Rowe, Oregon, W. J. Fau- for the Progress. E n q u ire at this The «late of the first publication of bank's Restaurant Mrs. Chas. Sparks was in Esta­ bion. of Brightwood. Oregon, Glen Mc­ oflfi-'e this summons is March 26, 191«. and the days at the home o f her father, Jesse Intyre, of Brlghtwood, Oregon, William [ date of the last publication is May 7, Cox. Gresham has begun to think that cada Satutday. «00« HTRf Mis. Hattie Boyer is staying with Welch, of Welches, Oregon. Misses Kibe Cox and Nouns Vallen a cannery is one of the good things I 9U . tot Someffcinq To S»N f Fresh cow tor sale. CLAUDE W. DEVORE, H. F. Higby, Register. A d vertise >a Pruqress were home f-om High School Saturday i it needs, and being a live town Mrs. Edgar Hieple. Sold! Baser found í 7tf W. J Moore. Cazadero, Or. Attorney for Plaintiff. ‘ will undoubtedly get what it wants and Sunday. Mrs. Noah Hieple was visiting Last pub. 3-26. Automobile Insurance «Specially HORSE SHOEING Reed & Sparks R. G. MARCHBANK Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Carom and Pocket B IL L IA R D PAR LO R The Home Restaurant J. V. BARR * Í*1 o