POULTRY — ■ and Dairy Produce of all kind* want«!. Writ« for our WHEAT CROP GREAT IT EASY CASH OFFER 1914 Production Estimated to Sur­ SECOND-HAND MACHINERY pass All Previous Records. Eought, sold and exchanged: engine». boilers, sawmills, etc. Send for Stock List and I'riceH. IH K 4. E. kl Alt TIN CO.. 83 lat St.. Portland. Or. Farms. Stock Hanches and Stocks of Marchandise in any in r of Oregon and the Northwest. Send us description, price and detailed information. Smith Investment Co.. 90 Fifth SL. Portland. Ore Prospective Crop Estimated at 70,- 000,000 B ushels—Increase Over 1913 14,000,000 Bushels. I l r \l l \ LADIES* “ COMBINGS' AND “ CUT HAIR“ A WARNING TO MANY o v e r 21 to n s. T h e a n im a l figuring n e x t in th e fu r tra d e of A s ia tic R ussia In p o in t of n u m b e rs w a s th e w hite h a re , w h ich c o n trib u te d 1,600,000 sk in s. Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not stain the kettle. W h en J a s p e r R ain ey w a s aenterttefl to 20 y e a rs in th e K a n s a s s ta te peni- te n tia r y a t L e a v e n w o rth he took a vow n e v e r to sp e a k a s lo n g a s he w as In sid e th e p riso n . H e w as released r e c e n tly on p a ro le an d b ro k e h is si­ le n c e on ly a f te r b ein g in fo rm ed th a t th e p a ro le h ad been g ra n te d . S h a k e In to Y o u r S h o e s Allan's Foot-Ease, a powder for th e feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, sw eating feet. Makes new shoes easy. Sold by all D ruggists and Sho« Stores. Don’t accept any substitute. Sample Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N . Y. About Selling the Common, Etc. “ H ow m ild th e w in te r is.” “ Yes, th e r e ’s been a lo t of h o t a ll In c irc u la tio n la te ly .” Pet Ants Are Barred From United States Washington, D. C.—Mrs. C. W. Morse’s pet ants cannot be admitted to the United States. No stretch of the immigration laws will permit these undesirable alien insects to enter. They will be deported at the expense of the steamship company that brought them over. This is the dictum of the bureau of entomology of the United States de­ partment of agriculture, as announced by Dr. Leland C. Howard, chief en­ tomologist, who said: "Of course it is not a question of Mrs. Morse's ants being pets, for the law is absolute. They are insects and under the law no foreign insects may be imported into the United States.” Miss Tyler Loses Office. th is w o n d erfu l rem edy. Dodds K id n ey P ills, 50c p e r box a t your d e a le r o r Dodds M edicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. W rite fo r H ousehold H ints, a ls o m usic of N a tio n a l A nthem (E n g lish an d G erm an w o rd s) an d r e ­ cipes fo r d a in ty d ish e s. All 3 s e n t free. Adv. 10 C E N T “ C A S C A R E T S ” FOR L IV E R A N D B O W ELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliouaneis, Sour Stomach, Bad B reath— Candy C athartic. A n k la S p rain an d D islocated H ip. " I sprained my ank'e and dislocated my hip by falling out of a third story window. W ent on crutches for four months. Then I started to use your Liniment, according to directions. I must say it is helping me wonderfully. We will never be w ithout Sloan’s Lini­ ment anymore.”—£A