Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 26, 1914, Image 1

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    On eK°n
All the News
All the Time
NO. 27
VO L. 6
q .
Only Paper in
East Clackamas
E S T A C A D A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 26,
L», », * Sd
I Dry Goods, Shoes and
65 c
25 Percent Discount on all 'Woolen
Dress Goods.
All 7c Calico at 5 1-2 c.
10 Percent Discount on all Men’s,
Ladies’ and Children’s Summer Under­
12 l-2c and 15c Gingham and Chain-
bray at 11c.
10 Percent Discount on all Shoes.
All. 6c Calico now 4 3-4 c.
$1.50 Ladies’ Shirt Waists at $1.19.
20 Percent Discount on all Laces, In­
sertions and Embroideries.
10 Percent Discount on all Straw Hats.
25c Ccld Cream, 19c; 25c Tooth
Paste, 19c; 25c Tooth Powder, 14c; 25c
cakes Toilet Soap 19c; 10c cakes Toilet
Soap, 8c.
10 Percent Discount on all Rubber
Boots and Overshoes.
Men’s regular 25c light Wool Hose on
sale at 18c.
Men’s regular 25c Initial Kerchiefs on
sale at 14c each.
20 Percent Discount on all Ladies’ and
Men’s Umbrellas.
Spring Time
Civic Club dance Saturday uigltt.
The question of how to secure
I Win. K aake was a Portland visit­ the capital to build a ennuerv was
the chief topic of discussion at S at­
or yesterday.
urday's meeting. While there were
“ Brother Josiah” at Boner’s thea­ not many present, at least a thous­
tre Friday night.
and dollars could have been raised
Miss Roth Welch visited home among them if asked for
T h is!
folks in Portland Sunday.
goes to show that perhaps after all
J N . Johnson, Kstacada’s nasby, it will not be very difficult to dis­
pose of sufficient stock.
visited Portland Saturday.
Chairman E . W . Bartlett in­
M iss Mable Fanning has returned formed the convention that Iista-
to the position as milliner at Dale’ s. cada business men could be depend­
H arry W alker visited friends in ed upon to subscribe one-fourth of
Portland last Thursday aud Friday. tire stock. With this assurance as
a starter a committee consisting of
Landlord Laureyy and wife left
A. K. Sparks, J. A. Somer aud R.
the first of the week for a trip to
W. Cary was appointed to select
canvassers for each section in this
Carl Cary was in Portland Sun­ community, who in turn will call
day to see his wife who is ill at the upon their neighbors and solicit
home of her mother at that place.
their financial support.
C. J. Oaklev of Sparta, Wiscon­ were placed at ten dollars each.
sin, arrived Tuesday and surprised These canvassers are all at work
his sister M rs. J. W. Reed and ; now and will be given a week or
fam ily.
j ten days to finish their tasks. The
Notions Underprs ced
$1 A Y E A R
Third Booster Meeting.
Local News
Mrs. F . E . Guthrie entertained
|jth e Sophomore class of the Esta-
cada schools last Saturday after­
noon iu boner of Miss Helen
j Keith.
Elliott Bros, of Oregon City, who
conducted a fire sale of merehan-
dise here last week, packed tip their
goods and left for greener fields
j Saturday.
T h is section has been treated to a
variety of weather during the past
three days. A little rain, a little
hail and lots of sunshine. T h is is
] spring weather sure.
I ,e.Sult ° f, their labors wil1 be rePort'
ed at a fourth meeting on a date
which will be announced in the
Progress next week.
J . C. Rupert, of the Northwestern
Fruit Grower’ s Association, was
present and delivered an address.
He admonished his audience not to
j t xpect too much at first and said
that even if the company broke
even for the first two years, it
would he a good investment and
would prove a boon in the future.
He al.-o gave some wholesome ad­
vice on what kind of products to
raise for shipping and canning
Mrs. W illiam s and daughter of
Oskaloosa, Iowa, a neice of O. N.
Scliock, has been a gnest at the
There will be no literary program
Schoek home for several days. Mrs.
Mable Ballinger of Portland, was at the high school room tomorrow
also a visitor at the Scliock home the afternoon, but there will be a pro­
gram in connection with the spell­
latter part of last week.
ing contest, which will be held in
H arry W alker is enjoying a visit
the high school room at 1 o’ clock
with his brother, A rthur M. W k
in the afternoon. It is expected
er of Port Alberns, B, C., who
that there will be ten schools repre­
arrived in Estacada last Saturday.
sented with four spellers from each
Mr. W alker has just returned from
school. Those who are to repre­
an extensive trip to South America,
sent Estacada in this contest are
Mexico, New Y o rk , Washington,
Carrie Hannah, R ay Drill, Win
D. C. and Chicago.
Oberstaller and Kenneth Ewalt
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Paulson of The subs are Emma Batr and E r ­
Portland came to Estacada Th urs­ nest Ryuning. T h is contest will
day and visited at the home of Mrs. be conducted by Supervisor James.
Paulson’ s parents until Sunday.
N O T IC E — The Rod and Gun
Mrs Paulson had the misfortune
to burn her arm quite badly but Club will have a business meeting
she was able to use the injured Friday evening, March 27. E very
membered again and came for her body invited.
baby, who had been at the home of
The masquerade ball at Garfield
its grandparents for several days.
Country Club last Friday night was
Spelling Contest
We have a nice lot of ROCKERS on the way which
will soon be here to fill up the vacant space. Call and see
Furniture of All
at prices that are right.
We also have some Wall Paper at reduced prices
and a few Rugs, Matting, Graniteware and Fishing Tackle
We are headquarters for the best grades in fishing outfits.
Call and see us. See our shelves full of Dishes. We
" want your trade, you want our goods. Yours for business,
E stacad a F u rn itu re Co.
M. E. Church News
A quiet wedding was solemnized
Special Revival Meetings will be­
Wednesday, March 25, a few min­ gin in the Methodist church next
utes before noon at the home of Sunday morning, March 29, at 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. John Stormer, when a. tu. R ev. Wm Park and wife of
ilieir daughter Lora Pearl was g iv ­ Seattle, Wash , will conduct the
Spray C om p o u n d s, Spray P u m p s Hose
en in marriage to Mr, Bernard meetings. Y ou aie invited to lie
Schonburg of Bull Run.
Rev. present.
N ozzles and Fittings for S p ra y Outfits.
Rees, pastor of the Estacada Metho­
Sunday afternoon of A pril 12. at
dist church performed the ceremony 2 p m. the Sunday schools and
in the presence of a upmber of rela­ friends of the Methodist church
largely attended aud a splendid tives of the fam ily, after which all from Garfield, Mr. Zion and Cur-
The play, “ Brother
which will be presented by the time is reported.
partook of a sumptuous wedding rinsville will meet with our Sunday
Estacada High school students F r i­
school here in Estacada. A pro­
Special meetings are to be held at dinner.
day evening, will no doubt be well the Methodist church, beginuiug
The bride is well known at E sta­ gram iu keeping with the day wil)
worth the price of admission. The Sunday morning.
The announce­ cada and vicinity, having been be given.
cast is composed of Robert Morton, ment that the evangelists, Mr. and saleslady at C ary’ s Mercantile for
Each Sunday school will furnish
Earl Tracy, Leroy C ard , Guy Mrs. Park, are excellent musicians the past two vears mostot the time. its own part of the program.
Graham , Albert Shanklaud, H arry has preceeded them and Iistacada Beiug possessed with a charming
Come aud enjoy a good time.
C. B. Rees, Pastor.
Chester Womer, E lva people no doubt, have a genuine personality she has won many
Adams, Mattie Maplethorpe, Gladys
treat iu stcre.
Mrs. Tressie E llis aud G . L .
Carpenter and Erma Graham .
The groom is also well known in
This week the I'yggrcss received
Mitchell of Portland, were killed
A very pleasant affair of last communications from two different this section, aud is a young man 1 last Sunday about 4 o'clock by a
week was when Miss E va Wash neighborhoods and as much as it well spoken of by all. He has a P. R. L. & P. excursion train near
ctitertained the prim ary teachers would have pleased us to print good position with the Portland Errol station. The couple were
W IL L O W , T I T W I L L O W .
of the Methodist Sunday School these items, they were consigned to Railw ay, Ligh t & Power Co. at] walking on the track and the lady
A N ’ a tre e by a riv e r a little tom tit
S a n s . "W illo w , titw illo w . titw illo w !’’ Saturday evening Miss Lora Storm
Bull Run, where the happy couple]
the waste basket because the writ­
caught her left foot between the
A n d l sa id to h im : "D ic k e y bird, w h y do
you ait
er. the bride-to-be, beiug the guest er’ s name was omitted. It is rot will make their home.
We handle
ties. It was while the man was
S in g in g ‘ W illow, titw illo w , titw illo w ?’
The Progress joins with a host
1^11^1 f| l
The young ladies were that we want to print the name,
Is it w e a k n e ss o f in tellect, b ird ie," I of honor.
trying to release the foot that the
entertained at the expense of the but simply ask this requirement as of friends in extending best wishes
"O r a ra th e r tough w orm in y o u r little
car struck them.
in sid e ?’ ’
prospective bride but all enjoyed an act of good faith. Please bear for a prosperous and happy wedded
and salt meats.
W ith a sh a k e o f ltis poor little head he
the merriment and showered in­ this in mind.
"O w illow , titw illo w , tit w illo w !"
The guests present at the wed­
numerable good wishes and con­
The fourth series of spelling con­ ding were Mrs. Landweer, sister of
T T E Slapped a t h is ch est n s he s a t on the gratulations upon the bride-to-be.
1 1
tests in Clackamas county was held the groom, from Pacific Beach,
F R E D J O R G , P r o p r ie t o r
Light refreshments were served.
Very likely other; have advised you to
Sin g in g . "W illo w , titw illo w , titw illo w ’. "
And a cold persp iratio n b espan gled his
at Damascus last Friday afternoon. Cal., Mr. and .Sirs M. Harrington use Rcxall Dyspepsia Tablets, because
brow .
scores < f people in this community believe
Mr. and Mrs. A , E . Sparks,
Supervisor If. M. Jam es conduct­ and Letha Harrington of Oregon them to be the best remedy ever made for
"O w illo w , titw illo w , titw illo w !"
H e sobbed, and he sigh ed, and a g u rg le pleasantly entertained a party of ing the same.
There were three C ity, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bard, Mr. Dyspepsia and Indigestion. That is what
be g a ve .
we think, too, because wc know what they
friends Tuesday evening at a 7
T hen he th rew h im se lf into th e b illow y
schools represented, Union, Rock and Mrs. J. A . Sliibley, Everett have done for others and what they are
w a ve,
o’clock dinner, at their pretlv little Creek and Damascus
The contest Shibley, Mr. and Mrs. J. E . Dibble made of. We have so much faith in them
A n d an echo a ro se fro m th e su icid e 's
that we urjjc you to try them at our nsk.
home on Main street
A fter the
of the and daughter, E lva Sliibley. Mr. If they don't help you, they won’t cost you
w illow , titw illo w , tit w illo w !"
guests had made an effort to con­
cent. If they don’t do all that you want
but not to your horses. G ive Y O W , I feel Ju st a s s u re a s I ’ m su re sume all of the good things pre­ 7th grade, of the Union school. | aud Mrs, J, E. Shibley, Mr. and them to do—if they don’t restore your
Mrs. L. S. Tcnny of Spnngw ater, stomach to health and make your digestion
them some of ours for a change
pared for the inner man by the
Isn ’ t w illow , titw illo w . titw illo w ,
easy—just tell us and we will give back
and see how they will cat it T h a t 'tw o s blighted affectio n th at m ade hostess, a most delicious three- ed three numbers for the program Jam es Marrs of Dodge. John A . your mon^y without a word or question.
him ex cla im .
and Union and Damascus played j Howland, August A. Schonburg,
Containing Pepsin and Bismuth, two of
much more greedily than they
"O w illo w , titw illo w , tit w illo w !"
course dinner such as Mrs, Sparks
the greatest digestive aids known to medi­
have been attacking their old And i f 5*011 rem ain ca llo u s and o b d u ra te 1 is famous for, the game ol ’ '500” baseball, with Damascus as winner \ Mr. and Mrs Stormer and Oral cal science, they soothe the inflamed stom­
Sh aft p erish a s h e did, an d you w ill know
ach lining, help in the secretion of gastric
w hy.
fodder. Good feed means good
W. S . Pyle was called to Bull 1 Stormer of Estacada,
juice, check heartburn and distress, pro­
T h o u g h I p ro b ab ly s h a ll not e x c la im a s I was enjoyed until the midnight
feeding and as a horse owner
mote regular bowel action, and make it
hour. When the guests departed
"O w illo w , titw illo w , t it w illo w !"
for you to eat whatever you like
you know that means better
Mass will he said next Sunday possible
all agreed that Mr
and Mrs to look after the stock of dry goods
— F ro m "T h e M ik ad o ."
whenever you like, with the comforting
horses in every respect.
that there will be no bad after­
“ Do yon think Charley is still at­ Sparks were ideal enter' liners
believe them to be the best
Those present were M r. and Mrs. and Mrs. Pyle expect to move to A. M. A priest from Portland will remedy i de for dyspepsia and indiges-
tached to you?-
conduct the services, which will lie tion. Bold •'nly at the more than 7 ,U 00
“ Oli, yea! But of course I havo R. W. C»ry, Mr. and Mrs W. F
to S irin g ' him now and then.” — C ary, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde ICcker to the regret of a large circle of held in the banquet room of the Rexali Stores, and in this town only at our
ttore. Three sizes, 20 c, 60 c and 91 (X).
Odd Fellow’ s building.
and Mrs. N B. E ckcr.
J- friends.
H stac ad i P h a r m a c y , K sta ca d .*, O r e g o n
If you haven’t already sprayed your trees—better do it NOW. We have the
different kinds of
We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle, Garden Tools,
Everything in Hardware, Harness and implements
Bert H. Finch,
Estacada, Ore.
e s c re w ? -jngvl
only the best of meats
Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut,
A comp'ete line of fresh
Fresh vegetables in their season.
Fresh Eggs and Butter.
Estacada Lumber and Produce Co.