Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 19, 1914, Image 2

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General Resume of Important Events
Throughout the Worll
R ailroad engineers and firemen w est
of Chicago have requested an increase
in wages.
The arm y o f unemployed a t S acra­
mento, Cal., has dwindled from 1500
to about 350.
The A m erican Society for T h rift
says A m ericans have a nation-w ide
contem pt for saving.
H arvard U niversity reports a deficit
of $20,000 for the p ast year, over its
yearly incom e o f $2,727,877.
Chicago dressm akers have opened
w ar on P aris designers and declare
they will se t the styles for Am ericans.
Inspectors disagree in fixing the
blam e for the M onroe-N antucket m a­
rine collision, in which 41 lives were
A cap tain in the San Francirso fire
d ep artm en t died from the effects of
the heat and smoke a t an unim portant
a ttic fire.
P resident Wilson has expressed ap­
proval o f four a n ti-tru st bills, and rec­
ommended th a t they be incorporated
into one bill.
“ M other" Jones declares neith er
P resident nor governor will prevent
her from re tu rn in g to the strik e zone
a t T rinidad, Colorado.
L atest rep o rts'say 83 were killed by
the A k ita earthquake in Japan, and
th a t in m any cases e n tire fam ilies
were swallowed up in g aping crevices
in the earth .
Mme. H e n rie tta C aillaux, w ife of
the French m in iste r of finance, shot
and killed Gaston C alm ette, editor of
the Figaro, of Paris, for w aging a b it­
te r cam paign ag ain st her husband.
Public prosecutor of Cook county,
III., (Chicago), says [it is alm ost im ­
possible to convict a woman of m ur­
der, although th e ir crim es are often
more brutal and ferocious than those
o f men.
Although no proclam ation has been
¡Bsued, practical m artial law rules for
m iles along the border each side of
Tecate, w here an Am erican store was
burned and the postm aster murdered
by Mexicans.
Harrowing Scenes As
Big Store Is Closed
New Y ork—The F o u rteen th -street
store and th a t o f the Simpson Craw ­
ford company, properties of Henry
Siegel and Frank E. Vogel, under in­
d ictm ent in connection w ith the fa il­
ure of the Siegel private bank and
m ercantile enterprises, closed th eir
doors S aturday night by order of the
Federal court in response to a p e ti­
tion by receivers and creditors.
B ut for the assistance prom ised by
o th er departm ent stores and by ch ar­
ity w orkers and employm ent agencies,
2600 men, women and children would
be throw n out of work. Most of these
have prom ises of jobs, however, and
others, it is expected, will find places
before another week is out.
Aisles crowded w ith patrons seeking
last-hour bargains, the a rre st of a few
shoplifters, the appearance of organ­
izers of the Industrial W orkers of the
World, the reported presence of agents
of questionable employm ent bureaus
offering g irls work, and the hysterical
weeping of women who had lost their
savings in the Siegel bank w ere inci­
dents th a t attended the closing of the
P rinted lists of reputable employ­
m ent agencies and respectable board­
ing houses w ere distrib u ted among the
women and girls by social workers
who had been inform ed representa­
tives of w hite slave agents w ere m ing­
ling w ith the discharged employes.
Hand bills bearing " A Call to the
Unem ployed” to organize w ere dis­
tributed, in v itin g clerks and shopgirls
to attend an I. W. W. mass m eeting.
W orkers of the G irls’ P rotective lea­
gue urged the employes not to attend
the I. W. W. m eeting.
Several men who attem pted to m ake
street-co rn er addresses to the d e p art­
ing employes advised them to steal
bread if they got no opportunity to
earn it.
A com m ittee representing the de­
positors in the Siegel bank called on
the attorneys o f Siegel and Vogel and
was inform ed th a t the p a rtn e rs had
not prepared a new offer of settlem en t
as the depositors had been told.
“ In view of the present tu rn the
case has taken it would be impossible
for us to m ake any o ffer," said Louis
S. Levy, o f counsel.
" W e do not
w ant to hold up the hopes of the de­
positors only to sh a tte r them .
will not countenance the offer of bad
securities, and the depositors can rest
assured th a t w hatever is offered w ith
our sanction will be bona fide."
Quake Kills Hundreds;
Does Great Damage
Tokio — A serious earthquake oc­
George W estinghouse, inventor of
curred in the p refecture of A kita,
the a irb ra k e for railroads, is dead.
Island of Hondo. Several persons in
The unemployed a t Sacram ento, the city of A k ita were killed and
Cal., have arm ed them selves w ith m any houses destroyed. In the village
of Kowakubi, which was ruined, there
were m any casualties.
George W. V anderbilt, who died re­
The volcano Asam a Yama, 90 miles
cently, le ft $20,000,000 to his wife northw est of Tokio, is in eruption.
and daughter.
Full details of the disaster have not
The C arnegie Peace fund is a tta c k ­ been received, due to the in terruption
ed as a scheme to fu rth e r an alliance of comm unication. Sixty bodies were
found in the basin of the Omono river,
w ith G reat B ritain.
w here 320 houses were destroyed. The
A speech by B ritish Am bassador village of K itam eno was burned.
As a result of th e earthquake a cop­
Page upon the Monroe D octrine and
kindred subjects, has sta rte d and in­ per m ine a t T sunm dato collapsed.
The fa te of the 300 workm en in the
m ine is unknown.
A Chicago judge discharged a man
Sim ultaneously w ith the earthquake
who tore from a wom an’s h a t a long came explosions and the bu rstin g of
feath er oranm ent which kept h ittin g flames from the volcano A sam a Yama,
him in the face.
which terrified the inhabitants.
R uling political p a rtie s in Denm ark
have agreed to im p o rtan t points of
constitutional reform .
President W ilson signed the A las­
kan R ailw ay bill and work will begin
on the e n te rp rise a t once.
S cientists in v estig a tin g the scene of
the recent volcanic eruption in Japan
say they are m aking discoveries of
g re at scientific value.
I t is currently reported in W ashing­
ton, D. C., th a t the youngest daughter
o f the P resident is to m arry Secretary
o f the T reasury McAdoo.
W heat — T rack p rices: Club, 900$
91c per pushel; bluestem , $1(3)1.01;
forty-fold, 91(t£92c; red Russian, 90c;
valley, 91c.
O ats—No. 1 w hite, m illing, $23.50
<3)24 per ton.
Corn — Whole, $33.5001)34 per ton;
cracked, $34.50(3 35.
Barley — Feed, $22(u22.50 per ton;
brew ing, $23(0 23.50; rolled, $25.
Hay — No. 1 E astern Oregon tim o­
thy, $17; m ixed tim othy, $14; alfalfa,
$14; clover, $9(<0lO; valley g rain hay,
M illfeed—Bran, $23 per ton; shorts,
$25; m iddlings, $31.
V egetables—Cauliflower, $2.26 per
c ra te ; eggplant, 25c pound; peppers,
20c; garlic, 15c; sprouts, 10(« H e ;
artichokes, $1.25 per dozen; celery,
$4.60 per c ra te ; horseradish, 80$10c
per pound; rhubarb, $2.60(u2.75 per
box; turnips, 75c per sack; carrots,
85c; parsnips, 85c; beets, 85c.
Green F ru its— Apples, $1(02.50 per
box; cranberries. $12(012.60 per b a r­
re l; pears, $1(016.0.
Onions — Old, $3.50 per sack; buy­
ing price, $3 per sack a t shipping
P otatoes—Oregon, 76c per c w t; buy­
ing price, 450; 66c a t shipping points.
Eggs — Fresh Oregon ranch, 181(0
19c per dozen.
Poultry—H ens, 17c; broilers, 25(0)
30c; turkeys, live, 19(»20c; dressed,
choice, 25(026c; ducks, 14(Ol8c; geese,
lO td llc .
B u tte r—C ream ery prin ts, e x tra , 27
(3.29c per pound; rubes, 23fii)24c.
Pork— Fancy, 10(O10$c per pound.
V eal— Fancy, 14c per pound.
Hops— 1913 crop, prim e and choice,
17(018e; contracts, 15c.
Wool — Valley, 14(018c; E astern
Oregon, 12(017c; m ohair, 1913 clip,
C ascara b a rk —Old and new. 6c per
Grain bags— In car lots, 8c.
Cattle— P rim e steers. $7.50(08.15;
choice $7.30(07.60; m edium, $7(07.25;
choice eows, $6.26(07; medium. $6«;
6 .2 5 : heifers, $6(o7.25; lig h t calves,
$8(3)9; heavy, $6(>i7.60; bulls, $4(0
$.6 0 ; stags. $6(07.
Hogs—Light, $8(08.86; heavy, $7
« 7 .8 6 .
Sheep—Wethers, $6;<;6.25;
$ 3 .5 0 « $ . 10; lambs, $S « 7 .
Navy Needs 30,000 Men.
Boston — “ The governm ent is look­
ing on the new U nited S tates power­
boat squadron as one of the ultim ate
com ponent p a rts of the naval re­
se rv e ," Franklin D. Roosevelt, assist­
a n t secretary of the navy, said a t the
annual m eeting of the Boston Y acht
He argued for a bigger navy and
referred to the need of 30,000 addi­
tional men.
He said the fleet recently organized
among the yacht clubs along the A t­
lantic Coast was expected to prove a
feeder for the navy in tim e of w ar and
to serve as an auxiliary to it ev entual­
Ships Talk by Phone.
Rome — The Duke d'A bruzzi, re­
ported to the m inistry of the navy
th a t excellent results were obtained
by W illiam Marconi last week in
his experim ents on board the b a t­
tleship R egina E lena w ith a new
radio-telephone apparatus. Communi­
cation was had w ith ships nearly 45
m iles away and w ith ships 13 m iles
away w ith land betw een the communi­
c atin g vessels. Telephonic connection
continued u ninterruptedly betw een the
ships for 12 hours, according to the
Woman Asks for Delay.
W ashington, D. C.— M embers o f the
Congressional Union for Woman S uf­
frag e were urged by Miss Alice Paul,
to bring all possible pressure to bear
to delay final action by the senate on
the am endm ent.
“ We have three
m onths a t least to work before the
end of the session,” Miss Paul said,
“ and m any a successful b a ttle has
been fought and won in three m onths’
tim e. The g re at sim ultaneous demon­
stra tio n , May 2, in every corner of the
country, will produce a wave of public
opinion which congress may hear. ”
Kuaaia Has Mud Storm.
Tiflis, R ussia—An unusual phenom­
enon occurred here and in adjacent
country Monday.
The sky was cov­
ered early in the m orning w ith dark
yellow clouds and fog. L ater there
was a heavy snow fall, m ixed w ith
dust, which covered the ground in a
thick layer of pasty mud. The phe­
nomenon is a ttrib u te d to storm s in the
Baku d istric t, w here the wind raised
such trem endous clouds o f dust th a t
railroad traffic was stopped.
Japanese Held for Graft.
Tokio — Vice Adm iral T surutaro
M atsuro, inspector general of naval
reserve, was arrested, charged w ith
com plicity in alleged g ra ft in naval
expenses, Adm iral Matsuo, who Is 60
years old, was graduated from the en-
g in e e rs’ dep artm en t of Tokio U niver­
sity in 1886. He served the govern­
m ent abroad for several years and sev­
eral tim es had been decorated. On
his re tirem e n t he w ent into business.
Home-Made Apparatus
For Testing Seed Com
T esting seed corn may be done w ith­
out expense by using m aterial about
the place and w orking a t odd mo­
m ents.
Any shallow box of the size wanted
will do. Shave sides and ends down
until they are about two inches above
the bottom . Fill nearly to the top
w ith clean sand. Measure both sides
and both ends into two-inch spaces,
driving tacks about half way down on
the m arks.
Lace tw ine strin g s be­
tween each pair of tacks, both cross­
wise and lengthw ise. L etter them A,
B, C, along the end and num ber them
1, 2, 3, along the side.
Take one g rain o f corn from the
third row from the bu tt of the ear.
Revolve the ear a little and remove
another one-fifth of the rem aining dis­
tance to the tip, and so on until six
grains are taken. P u t them in square
A 1, and num ber the ear A 1.
T rea t
another e a r in the same way, num ber­
ing it A 2, until you have enough to
provide one ear for each acre to be
planted, w ith a few e x tra for bad
Cover the box w ith a piece o f cloth,
press it down over the corn, and
sprinkle sand or saw dust over it to
keep it m oist. Now put the box away
w here it will be kept a t about house
tem p e ra tu re for a week. E xam ine by
rolling back one edge of the cloth, and
unless six seedlings are appearing,
good and strong, in each square, reject
the e a r w ith the corresponding num ­
ber. The squares w ith six strong
plants are filled from the best ears for
T here are m any good ways, but this
is q uite satisfacto ry on the farm . It
is the method used by the Oregon A g­
ricu ltu ral College.
Garden Meet Favored
for Children at Fair
Salem —T hat a m ajority of the sta te
will be represented a t an industrial
congress of school children to be held
a t San Francisco during the Panam a-
Pacific exposition is assured.
plan which was suggested by J. A.
Churchill, sta te superintendent of
schools, has m et w ith the approval of
many superintendents of other states,
and Mr. Churchill has assurances th a t
they will co-operate.
Mr. Churchill
w rote to various
sta te superintendents several weeks
ago, asking th a t they send w inners in
the school industrial contests to the
proposed congress, explaining th a t
program s could be arranged for boys
and girls of the various sta te s d e ta il­
ing th e ir experiences in preparing ex­
“ In nearly all the s ta te s ,” said Mr.
Churchill, “ the departm ents of educa­
Supreme Court Decides
“Dry” Vote Is Valid
Salem — In denying a rehearing in
the case of W. B. W iley against the
County court of W ashington county,
the Suprem e court applied the finish­
ing touches to its opinion w ritten
some tim e ago th a t the local option
elections last Novem ber were valid.
W ith the action of the court the last
recourse of the liquor in terests van­
ished, and the various cities and towns
th a t voted “ d ry ” will be so until the
rule of the people is reversed.
The W ashington county opinion was
the m ain one, all o ther local options
hinging upon the decision in th a t suit.
Additional argum ents, but no points
th a t had not been considered before,
were subm itted by law yers for the
saloon men in briefs tendered w ith the
m otion for rehearing. Ju stic e E akin,
who w rote the original opinions, in an
oral sta te m en t said th a t the court ad­
hered to its original decree.
The Dalles Plans Big
Celebration at Rodeo
The D alles—The D alles Rodeo, the
Wild W est show which was in au g u ra t­
ed here last fall w ith such g re a t suc­
cess, will be staged Ju ly 2, 3 and 4
th is year, m aking it include a celebra­
tion of Independence Day.
The Rodeo was held last year com­
bined w ith the County F a ir.
farm ers objected to th e W ild W est
show in connection w ith the fa ir, con-
tending th a t it detracted from the ex-
hib its and other features.
So it has
been decided to hold th e County F a ir
in the fall and the Rodeo in July.
J . L. Kelly has been chosen as gen­
eral m anager of the Rodeo, Judd S.
Fish, secretary, and M. Z. Donnell,
Women’s Political Clubs
Brush Up On Live Issues
Hood R iver— W ith two political re ­
search clubs form ed, the women of
the Hood R iver valley are holding
weekly m eetings for the purpose of
studying political questions of the
day. One club has been organized in
the B a rrett d istric t, o f the W est Side,
while the o th er is composed o f the
Pine Grove women o f the E ast Side.
‘ ‘These m eetings are not p artisan or
p o litica l,” says Mrs. L. H. Diamond,
president o f the B a rre tt club, “ but for
educational purposes, placing issues of
the day before the women th a t they
m ay cast an intelligent v o te .”
tion have answered, indorsing the
m ovem ent and m any have offered to
co-operate in arranging for the indus­
tria l congress. The industrial work
in some sta te s is being directed by O.
H. Benson, o f the U nited S ta te s de­
partm en t o f ag riculture, and these
sta te s do not wish to pledge them -
selves to sending th eir w inners until
Professor Benson
p la n .” •
M ontana, N ebraska, W ashington,
C alifornia,
M innesota,
U tah,
Ohio, Tennessee,
Kansas, Verm ont, W est V irginia, W y­
om ing, M assachusetts, Iowa, W iscon­
sin and Louisiana, Mr. C hurchill said,
were a rra n g in g to send children to the
Oregon has arranged to send the
w inners of the 10 classes a t the S tate
F a ir next fall to the congress.
S Y N O P S IS .
C o w b o y s o f th e F ly in g H e a r t r a n c h a r e
h e a r tb r o k e n o v e r th e lo s s o f th e ir m u c h -
p riz ed p h o n o g r a p h b y t h e d e f e a t o f th e ir
-h a m p lo n In a f o o t- r a c e w ith th e co o k o f
th e C e n tip e d e r a n c h . A h o u s e p a r t y Is
a t th e F ly in g H e a r t. J . W a llin g f o rd
S peed, c h e e r le a d e r a t Y ale , a n d C u lv e r
C o v in g to n , I n te r -c o lle g ia te c h a m p io n r u n ­
n er, a r e e x p e c te d . H e le n B la k e , S p e e d ’s
s w e e th e a r t, b ec o m es I n te r e s te d In th e loss
>f th e p h o n o g rn p h . S h e s u g g e s ts to J e a n
C h a p in , s is te r o f th e o w n e r o f th e ra n c h ,
t h a t s h e In d u c e C o v in g to n , h e r lo v e r, to
w in b a c k th e p h o n o g r a p h . H e le n d e c la r e s
t h a t If C o v in g to n w o n ’t r u n . S p eed w ill.
T h e C o w b o y s a r e h ila r io u s o v e r th e p ro s
p ec t. S p e d a n d h is v a le t, I . a r t y G lass,
tr a in e r a t Y ale, a r r iv e . H e le n B la k e a s k s
S peed, w h o h a s p o sed to h e r a s a n a t h ­
lete, to r a c e a g a in s t th e C e n tip e d e m a n .
T h e co w b o y s Join In th e a p p e a l to W a lly
an d f e a r i n g t h a t H e le n w ill fin d h im o u t.
h e c o n s e n ts . H e I n s is ts , h o w e v e r, t h a t h e
s h a ll be e n te r e d a s a n u n k n o w n , fig u rin g
th a t C o v in g to n w ill a r r i v e In tim e to ta k e
h is p la c e . F r e s n o , g le e c lu b s in g e r fro m
S ta n f o r d u n iv e r s ity a n d In love w ith
H ele n , t r i e s to d is c re d it. S p eed w ith th e
la d le s a n d th e co w b o y s. S p eed a m t G la s s
p u t in th e tim e th e y a r e s u p p o se d to be
tr a in in g p la y in g c a r d s In a se c lu d e d s p o t.
T h e c o w b o y s e x p la in to S p eed h o w m u c h
th e r a c e m e a n s to th e m . S p eed a s s u r e s
th e m h e w ill d o h is b e s t. T h e cow boy:
te ll G ta s s It Is u p to h in t to see t h a t S p eed
w in s th e ra c e . W illie, th e g u n m a n , tie
-la re s th e tr a i n e r w ill g o b a c k e a s t p a c k
?d In Ice, If S p eed fa lls .
C H A P T E R X.—Continued.
C arara returned the knife to its
hiding-place, sw ept the floor graceful­
ly with his som brero, then placing the
spangled head-piece a t an exact angle
upon his raven locks, lounged out, his
silver spurs tinkling in the silence.
Glass took a deep breath.
“He doesn’t m ean to kill you—just
Agricultural College Will cut you,’’ said Speed
Send Cadets to Fair “I got It," declared the other, fer­
Again he laid repressing
Oregon A gricultural College, Cor­ hands upon his bulging front and
v allis— Plans are being m ade for the looked down a t it tenderly. "They've
cadet regim ent of the Oregon A g ri­ all got It In for my pad, haven’t they?"
“I told you to keep away from th a t
cultural College to v isit the Panam a-
Pacific exposition a t San Francisco in
“H um ph!” Glass spoke with soulful
1915. All alum ni who w ere m em bers conviction. "T ake It from me, Bo, I’ll
of the cadet organization w hile a tte n d ­ walk around her as If she was a lake.
ing college m ay join the excursion by Who’d ever think th a t chorus-man
was a killer?"
providing them selves w ith the re ­
"S urely you don’t care for her serl
quired equipm ent and conform ing to ju sly ? ”
the prescribed regulations.
Many of
“N ot now. I—I love my Cuban,
the faculty m em bers will accompany but"—he quivered apprehensively—
the students, and the educational ad­ '“I’ll b et th a t rum my packs a ’shiv’ In
v antages o f the g re a t exposition will every pocket.”
From outside the bunk-house cam e
be fully utilized.
the low, m usical notes of a quail, and
W hile the henefits of the trip are Glass puckered his lips to answ er,
m any the expenses will be m ade light. then grew pale. " T h a t’s her,” he de­
If the plan of charterin g a govern­ clared, in a panic. “I’ve got a date
m ent tran sp o rt succeeds the expenses with h er.”
of the e n tire trip w ill be about $11
"A re you going to keep It?”
per man. This sum includes the cost
"N ot for a nose-bag full of gold nug­
of travel and living accomm odations gets! T ake a look, W ally, and see
for two w eeks—th ree days going, what she's doing.”
e 'Kht days a t the exposition and three
Speed did as directed. "S he’s w ait­
days returning.
The trip will be m ade early in May,
"L et h e r w ait,” b reathed the trainer.
in order to in te rfe re as little as possi­
"H ere comes Stover and W illie.”
ble w ith the reg u lar college work.
"M ore bad news.” Glass unrolled
By m aking the excursion general and his prayer-rug, and stepped upon It
going in a body ra th e r than in small hastily.
"Say, w hat's th a t word?
groups, the students and faculties will Quick! You know! T he password.
reduce the in terru p tio n of routine Q uick!”
work to a m inim um.
"A llah!"
"T h at's h e r!” The fat man began
xr n
to mumble thickly. It was plain th a t
L V a n S V a lle y f a r m e r s
his sp irit was u tterly broken.
Plan Social Center But this call was prom pted purely
Ashland—“ A social and intellectual by solicitude, It seemed. W illie had
c en ter” is planned as the outgrow th little to say, and Stover, Ignoring all
of a movement now under way by res­ mention of the earlier encounter he
idents of Evans valley, in this county, had w itnessed, exclaim ed:
“T here’s been some queer goln's-on
for the institu tio n o f a central farm or
country life school. Several d istric ts 'round here, Mr. Speed. Have you no­
would be consolidated in the m ergpr in ticed ’em?"
“No. W hat so rt? ”
a territo ry of w hich Rogue R iv er s ta ­
“Well, the other m ornin’ 1 discov­
tion is the hub. Roads in th is section
are of the best and o th er conditions ered some track s through one of Miss
Jean 's flower-beds.”
are favorable.
“T ra c k s!”
The project im plies high and graded
Strange tracks.
schools, housed in a su b stan tial build- j “Sure!
ing of five or six rooms, one of which tracks.”
"W hat does th a t signify?”
should be an auditorium for public
“We a in ’t altogether certain. Ca­
gatherings. Farm , home and cultural
topics would be added to the ordinary ra ra says he seen a stra n g er hangln’
courses of studies, the curriculum in around night before last, and Jest now
general being in line w ith the pro- we f°und w here a hoss had been pick-
gressive m ovem ent which is being et<‘d out !n ttle rav*ne- Looks like be d
urged by the people of th a t locality.
stood th ere m ore’n once.”
“It has nothing to do with me."
Attendance Record H igh.
t '" '1 8ure’ “ ‘°ok8 ’to
m anner to reassure. "If th ere ’s any
shoottn’ comes off, I’ll be In on It.”
”S—say, w hat’s to prevent us being
m urdered when we’re out for a run?”
queried Glass.
"M e!” declared the little man. “I’ll
saddle my bronc’ a n ’ lope along with
you. W e'll keep to the open country.”
Instantly Speed saw the direful con­
sequences of such a procedure, and
sum m oned his courage to say: "No,
It’s very kind of you, but I shall give
up training."
“W h at!"
"I m ean training on the road. I—
I’ll run Indoors.”
"N ot a bit like It,” declared Stover.
"You’ll get your dally run If we have
to lay off all the punchers on the
place and put 'em on as a body-guard.
We can’t let you get hurt. You’re
w orth too m uch to us.”
“L arry and I will take a chance.”
"N ot for m in e!" firmly declared the
trainer. ”1 don’t need no m ineral In
my system . I’m for th e house.”
“Then I shall run alone.”
"You’re gam e," said W illie adm ir­
ingly, and his auditor breathed easier,
“but we can’t allow It.”
“I—I’d ra th e r risk my life th an put
you to so m uch trouble."
" It’s only a pleasure.”
“N evertheless, I can’t allow it. I’ll
run alone, If they kill me for It."
"Oh, they won’t try to kill you
T hey’ll probably shoot you In the legs.
T h at's ju st as good, and It’s a heap
easier to g et away w ith.”
Speed felt his knee-caps tw itching.
’T v e got I t! ” Bald he a t l a s t “I’ll
run a t n ig h t!”
Stover h esitated thoughtfully.
"I don’t re c k o n you could do your­
self Justice th a t-a w a y , b u t you m ig h t
do your tra in in ’ a t d ay lig h t. The
Centipede g o es to work the sam e tim e
we do, and the chanceB Is your a s sa s
sin w on't mlsB his b r e a k f a s t.”
"Good! I—I’ll do th a t!”
“I sure adm ire your courage, but if
you see anything suspicious, let us
know. W e’ll git ’em,” said Willie.
“T hank you.”
The two men w ent out, whereupon
Glass ch attered:
"W —w hat did I tell you?
I t ’s
worse’n suicide to stick around this
farm . I'm going to blow.”
"W here a re you going?”
“New York. L et’s beat It!”
“N e v e rl” exclaim ed the college
man, stubbornly.
W e’ll h e ar from
Covington before long.
Besides, I
can’t leave until I g et some money
from home."
“L et’s w alk.”
“Don't be a fool!"
"T hen I've got to have a drink.
Glass sta rte d for the living-quarters,
but a t the door ducked quickly out of
sight. “She’s th e re !” he whispered
tragically. “She seen me, to o !”
M arledetta was squatting In the
shade opposite, h e r eyes fixed stolidly
upon the training-quarters.
“T hen you’ve got to lay low till she
gives up,” declared W ally. “W e’re In
trouble enough as It Is.”
F or nearly an hour the p artn ers dis­
cussed th e situation while the Mexl-
C H A P T E R X I.
HAT was a terrible hour for
J. W allingford Speed. As
for L arry, once he had
grasped the full significance
of the telegram , he became
a different person. Some
wrought a chem ical a lte ra ­
tion In his every fiber; ha
became a dom ineering, iron-willed au-
tocrat, obsessed by the one Idea of
his own preservation and not hesltat-
Ing to use physical force when force
became necessary to lessen his peril.
R epeatedly Speed folded his arm s
over his stom ach, rocked In the throes
of anguish, and walled th a t he was
perishing of cram ps; the tra in e r only
snorted with derision. W hen he re ­
fused to don the clothes selected for
him. Glass fell upon him like a raging
"You won’t, eh?” W e’ll s e a l”
T hen Speed took refuge In anger,
but the o th er cried:
"N ever mind the hysterics, Bo.
You’re going to run off some blubber
“B ut I have to go rid in g !”
"N ot a chance!”
" I tell you I’ll run when I come
back,” m aintained the youth, alm ost
tearfully beseeching. ‘‘T hey’re w ait­
ing for me.”
"L et ’em gallop—you can run along­
“W ith all these sw eaters? I'd have
a sunstroke."
‘It's the best thing for you. I never
thought of that."
As Glass forced his protege tow ard
the house, the other young people ap­
peared clad for th e ir excursion; th eir
horses were teth sre d to th e porch.
And It was an Ideal day for a ride—
warm, bright, and Inviting.
(T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
"ke l1’8
. a . . «
somebody from the Centipede. They re
Monmouth— An attendance average eqUaj ^ any devilm ent."
of 96.07 per cent, 2877 pupils on rec-
Speed showed an u tte r lack of com-
Cheese Company Electa.
ord in Polk county, 1855 pupils n e ith e r prehension, so W illie explained,
Seaside— A t the first annual m eet­ absent nor late, are some of the item s
“U nderstand, we’ve m ade this race
ing of the C latsop County Co-operative in a report issued by H. C. Seym our, pay or play. Mebbe they aim to
Cheese association, the follow ing di­ county superintendent, for the m onth cripple you.”
“M e!” Speed started. “Good heav-
rectors were elected :
Hugh McCor­ of January. T here w ere 493 cases of
m ack, John Sundquist, Fred Pool, C. tardiness. The num ber of v isits by e n s!”
“Oh. they'd do It quick enough! I
A. Anderson and David Tagg.
The parents is constantly grow ing, 166 be-
board elected John Sundquist to suc­ ing recorded for the m onth. F ifty - wouldn't put It past ’em to drop a .45
ceed him self as president o f the asso­ five schools were placed on the county through your w inder If It could be
ciation. David T agg was chosen for roll of honor for m aking 96 per cent in done safe.”
"Shoot me, you m ean?”
vice president. D uring the y ear the attendance, 16 w ere credited w ith
“A llah!” said Glass, devoutly from
association received $15,760, of which having had no tardies.
. his corner.
nearly $13,000 was paid to the farm
era and dairym en of the vicinity. A
Caves E a s ie r o f Access.
Stover and W illie nodded. “If I was
one-ton auto truck was ordered.
G rants Pass—T ourists trav e lin g in >’ou- r d kceP the Iam P betw een me
Southern Oregon sig h t seeing will find and ,k ® winder every night.”
th a t a side trip to the Josephine Coun-
“W hy, this la abom inable!" ex-
Apple Experiments On.
Eugene —To secure, if possible, some ty caves may be m ade w ith g re a te r c'aim ed the young college man, stiffly,
The redeem ing * I can * stand for this, It’s getting
m arketable apple th a t will be more | ease than last year.
re sistan t to scab than th e varieties featu re has been brought about in the too serious.
"T here ain ’t n othin’ to fear," said
now raised in Lane county, 60 m e m -, changing of the H olland-Sucker creek
"Rem em ber, I
bers of the Lane County H orticultur- i m ad. The new road will elim in ate Willie, soothingly.
is ts ’ association recently took each his w hat is known as the Red Hill told you a t the sta rt th a t we’d see
share of the 3000 scions received from and will extend the Sucker creek (here w asn't no crooked work done.
the orchards in the Ozark region j road w ithin 4$ m iles o f the caves. Well, I'm goin' to ride herd on you.
of Missouri and from Canada, as i The Holland route is fu rth er, b u t a constant, Mr. Speed.” He smiled In a
b e tte r road
th an
W illiam s
well as from an Oregon nursery.
These g ra fts will be given thorough creek.
testa and the results will be reported
from tim e to tim e to the horitcultural
Indians to Receive Dues.
H atter Becomes Indignant W han C u s ­
W ashington, D. C .— A t the request
tom er E n te rs C o m p lain t About
of Senator C ham berlain the Indian
Hie Purchase.
Grange Opposes H-Hour Law.
office has decided to pay the am ounts
Ablany — Believing th a t an eight- due the Chinooks and o th er bands of
Pittsfield, In the B erkshire hills,
hour law having application to farm s, Oregon
„ __________
and _______
W ashington
Indians, , w
dairies and o th er ag ricultural pursuits out reopening the rolls or having fur- had In the old days, like many a n ­
would be an injustice, the Linn County th er heirship bearings held in the other New England town, a num ber
of men and women who were called
Tomona G range has passed a reaolu- field.
tion p rotesting against such a regula-
The approval o f the payroll by the "characters." One of th ese was “Bill"
It is recited th a t such a law secretary of the in te rio r will he the Rrown, a man unfortunately addicted
would be wholly im practicable to the final action prelim inary to th e pay- to drtnk, and frequently Intoxicated
tor days a t a time.
conditions peculiar to farm industries, m ent.
U lan allowed hi* mouth to open Is
am assm ent. The day was replata
with surprises.
” ’96!” he said, while the light of un­
derstanding cam e over him. "Y ou’re
Cloudy-but-the-Sun S h in es?”
"Yes—Carlisle." Cloudy threw back
hla head, and pointed with dignity to
the flag of hla Alma M ater hanging
upon the wall.
"By Jo»e, I rem em ber th a t! ” ex­
claimed Speed.
“So will Yale so long as she llvee,"
predicted the Indian, grimly. "You
crippled me In the Becond half”—he
stirred his w ithered leg—"but I
dropped It on you; and—I have not
forgotten.” He ground the last sen­
tence betw een his teeth.
"See here, Bo— Mr. Cloudy. You
don't blame us for th a t? ”
Cloudy grunted, and threw a yellow
envelope on the floor a t Speed’s feet.
"T h era, is som ething for you,” said
he, while his lips curled. He turned,
and limped silently to the door.
"And I tried to kid h im !” breathed
Glass with disgust, w hen the visitor
had gone. "I ain ’t been In right since
Garfield was shot.”
" It’s a telegram from C ovington!"
cried Speed, tearing open the m es­
sage. "At la s t!"
. "T hank the L ord!" Glase sta rte d
forw ard eagerly. "W hen ’ll he be here?
Q uick!” Then he paused. J. W alling­
ford Speed had gone deathly pale, and
was reeling slightly. "W hat's w rong?"
The college man m ade uncertainly
for hla bed, m urm uring Incoherently:
”1—I’m sick! I’m sick, L arry !" He
fell limply a t full length, and groaned,
“Call the race off!”
Glass snatched the m issive from his
em ployer’s nerveless fingers, and read,
with bulging eyes, as follows:
"J. W allingford Speed, Flying H e art
Ranch, Kidder, N. M.:
“ Don’t tip off. Am In Jail Omaha.
Looks like ten days.
T he train er uttered a cry like th a t
of a wounded anim al.
"Call It off, L arry.” m oaned th a
Hope of the Flying H eart. ’T v e been
"Poisoned, eh?” said the fat man,
trem ulously. "Poisoned! Nix! N ot
with m e!” He walked firmly across
the room, flung back the lid of Speed’s
athletic trunk, and began to paw
through It feverishly. One a fte r an­
other he selected three heavy sw eat­
ers, then laid strong hands upon hla
protege and Jerked him to his feet.
“Sick, eh? H ere, get Into th ese!"
"W hat do you m ean, Law rence?" In­
quired his victim.
"If you get sick, I die.” Glass
opened the first sw eater, and half-
sm othered hla protege with It. “ H ur­
ry up! You're going Into train in g !"
“Th e re's Som ething for Y o u .”
can m aid retained her position; then,
when Glass w as on the verge of m ak­
ing a desperate sally. Cloudy entered
silently. Although this had been an
unhappy m orning for the train er, here
a t least was one person of whom he
had no fear, and hla natural optim ­
ism being again to the fort, he greeted
the Indian lightly.
"W ell, how's the w eather, Cloudy?”
“Mr. Cloudy to you.” said the other.
Both Glass and hla protege stared. It
was the first word the Indian had
u ttered since th e ir arriv a l- L aw rence
winked a t his companion.
'All right, If you like It better.
How's the w eather. M ister Cloudy?”
He snickered a t his own Joke, w her»
upon the aborigine turned upon him
slowly, and said. In tterfect E nglish:
Your hum or Is misplaced with ms.
Don't forget. Mr. Glass, th a t the one
Yale football team you trained, I
dropped a goal on from the forty-five-
yard line.”
L obsters T hat Do Not Boll Red.
N ative French lobsters are growing
scarce as the result of a series of epi­
demics, and an a ttem p t Is being m ade
to Introduce those from RoumaDla.
H ungary and Russia. But these for­
eign lobsters have little flesh on them
and tu rn a dull color when they a re
To give them If possible the a ttra c t­
ive scarlet tint, appetizing odor and
delicious ta s te of the native Professor
Leger is making researches In his lab.
oratory of plsclcultured In the Uni­
versity of Grenoble, and he hopes, In
naturalizing the foreign species, to
give them some a t least of the French
Lord W olverham pton's com plaint of
the burdens added to the cares of
heads of departm ents In official life
by bad handw riting recalls an am using
incident which occurred when the
House of Lords was In com m ittee on
the reform bill of 1867. The clerk of
the house Intim ated th a t an am end­
m ent had been handed In, the w riting
of which was so illegible th a t he was
unable to say w hat It was about or
who had w ritten I t It was then dis­
covered th a t Lord L yttelton was th e
author, and It turned out to be s pro­
posal disfranchising all persona who
could not w rite!—London Answers.
On one occasion he w ent Into the
"Look here, I thought yon said th is
shop of the local hatter, Mr. Sm ith, here beaver would lost me a life­
and asked for the best beaver he had. tim e."
Mr. Sm ith produced the desired a rti­
”8o It would,” growled Mr. Sm ith.
cle, saying, as he took the money:
’’If you had died when yon ought te.”
"T hat beaver will last a man a life­
tim e.”
S im p le Enough.
BIB w ent proudly down the main
"Ton a re ninety-seven y e a n old?"
stre e t w ith his fine beaver on his ; “Yep."
head, and Im m ediately celebrated tb s
“W hat are your rules to r reaching
event with a protracted debauch
such an unusual age?"
W hen he recovered he returned to
“I dunno as I have any In particular.
the shop with • most disreputable Ju s t keep on living and you'll get
tkere, young man."