O re*on His. Society, 307 Second St NO. 36 of PROGRESS ESTACADA All the News All the Time VOL. 6 Only Paper in East Clackamas ESTA CA D A , OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 19. 191t Si A Y E A R t li-jiurBssss« DOWN W E MUST HAVE MONEY TO PAY OUR DEBTS = It is only good b u sin ess th a t w e red u ce o u r stock. = Wc are Unpacking Our Big McMinnville Stock. $17,000. in Dry Goods, Notions, Underwear, Hose, = = = = = S H O E S , ETC. CH 23rd Our Big Sale Starts 1 — — — — ¿ S mbhb — wii^u * 1 , a—MiMir." iff.'j« 7 h T i,r ^tfirra T H E G R E A T E S T S E L L IN G E V E N T K N O W N T O E A S T C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y . All iTien’s D re ss and Nose reduced. All A ll m e n ’s, ladies’i A ll C hinaw are and Hundreds of D re ss All Men’s Ladies’ and * cs . ant^ an<^ ch ild ren ’s Shoes G lassw are a t cost and children’s Underwear Patterns, underpriced. W ork Shirts reduced, children . s ^ Hose at re- below cost. We will close out this a n d Oxfords red u ced department. reduced. Big bargains to be had. duced prices. Men’s Suits Kid Gloves Reduced W e have both Perrin’s and Simmon’s W e have a small stock of men’s suits, make. The colors are black, white, tan, . , gray, champagne ahd taupe. Big bargains Pants. etc., but you will find every article a to be had in kid gloves. big saving in price, as these are to be One lot kid gloves, regular $1.50, now closed out. 97c. C o m e M o n d ay Save M oney on Groceries All Jewelry at Cost a tte n d o u r $ll.50 worth of groceries for $10.00 and below cost. W e have no jewelryman * ^ ! O n e rn n p * Every article in this assortment guaran- at present and are anxious to close out this teed’ 0r money refunded. These assort- department. We have many nice things in this department and can save you money. merits will not last long. Estada. Oregon I « ....■— Local New s Going to Paint Any This Spring? Let us figure on your paint bills. W e have just received a nice line of the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils and Varnishes and can sell you ATTENTION! SATUROAY Mrs, J. W. Rted is in Portland today. Mrs. Ftcd Jorg was a Portland visitor Saturday. R, G, Marchbank was a Portland visitor yesterday. Yes, commencing at ten W. S. Pyle was a business visitor o’clock next Saturday morning, in Portland Monday, FATE OF THE CANNERY J. W. Stokes was in Kstacada March 21, the Third Booster from Portland Monday. Meeting will be called to order paint from $1.00 a gallon up. We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle, Garden Tools, Everything in Hardware, Harness and Implements Bert H. Finch, — ■«a— Estacada, Ore. Mrs. W. J. Kmett has been quite and before it adjourns it will be sick for the past few days. known whether this community “ Brother Josiah" at Boner’s will go forward or stand still; Theatre Friday evening, March 27. whether it will invite prosperity J. W. Reed is making some im- provemeats to the Home restaurant in or let the present unsatis­ building. factory condition prevail. ESTACADA STA TE BANK. Mrs. W. A. Heylman went to As should every fruit raiser Portland Tuesday to attend a cat and gardener attend, so should club meeting. every business man in Estacada Rev. Ford of Oregon City visited at the home of his son, B. F. Ford be present. The farmers arc Monday night. anxious to ascertain how busi­ PALACE MEAT MARKET. We handle only the best of meats Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickles. A complete line oi fresh and salt meats. Fresh vegetables in their season. Fresh Eggs and Butter. FRED JORG, Proprietor ALL FEED MAY LOOK ALIKE TO YOU THIS STOMACH REMEDY ~ Roy Gilbert of Portland was in Kstacada Saturday aud Sunday HELPS YOUR FRIENDS visiting relatives. Almost every day some grateful person comes into our store and tells us of bene­ fits received from the use of Rcxall Dys­ pepsia Tablets. Knowing how much good they have done others and knowing what they are made of, we feel sure they will 1 d p you. So great is our faith in them that we urge you to try them entirely a t our risk, with our personal promise th a t if they don’t do all you expect them to do and make your stomach comfortable and healthy and your digestion easy, we’ll hand back your money. We couldn't endorse anything any more strongly than we do Rcxall Dyspepsia Tablets. Containing Pepsin and Bismuth two of the greatest digestive aids known to medical science, they soothe the stomach, check heartburn and distress, promote a natural flow of the gastric juice, and help regulate the bowels. Remember, if they don’t make your digestion so easy and com­ fortable th at you can eat whatever you like whenever you like, we wont you to come back and tell us and get your money. Sold only a t the more than 7,000 R xall Stores, and in this town only at our store. Three sizes, 26 c, 50 c and (1 00. but not to your horses. Give them some of ours for a change and see how they will eat it much more greedily than they have been attacking their old fodder. Good feed means good E .ta c a d . P harm acy, K stacada, O regon. feeding and aa a horse owner you know that meaus belter John Brown, the insurance man horses in every respect. from Gresham, was in Itstacada and vicinity Friday adjusting the loss sustained by the fire at J. W. Hughes' residence. Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. ness houses they are patroniz­ ing line up. A strong pull, a united pull, Miss Sadie Ingram returned Sun­ day evening from an extended visit at Saturday’s meeting and the at Hillsboro, Ore. Cannery will be a reality. Mrs. Walter Paulson was here from Portland Saturday night and Sunday visiting home folks, Mrs. D. S. Fleming and chi’dren visited relatives at Hillsboro, Ore­ gon, the latter part of last week. R. W. Cary made a business trip to Gresham yesterday and started a new style of not wearing a hat. The meetings being held by Kl- der O. M. Shippy each evening are well attended, and considerable in­ terest shown. City Council Meet At a meeting of the City Council Tuesday night, J. V. Barr was ap­ pointed to take the place of W. K Straight as councilman of the 5th ward. Mr. Straight having removed from Kstacada. Mrs. W. F. Cary, in behalf of the Civic Improvement Club, attended the meeting and presented the two suggestions be­ fore the cottncilmen. for an ordi nance prohibiting expectorating oti the sidewalks and the placing of hitching posts off of Main street. A new crossing was ordered put down from the City Hall to the sidewalk south, and other new walks built. Two candidates were taken through the various degrees at a regular meeting of the O. K. S. chapter Tuesday evening, after which the committee ou entertain­ ment served a nice luncheon, every­ Gardening is the principal occtt thing on the St. Patrick order. patiou now days. ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. W. D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors If yon want Furniture. Beds, Mattre«s, Rugs or Matting. Wall Paper or Dishes call and see us before going elsewhere. We will try aud please you. W c give Green Trading Stamps.