Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 05, 1914, Image 1

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All the News
All the Time
Only Paper in
East Clackamas
NO. 24 or VOL. 6
Local News
T. H. Dodge visited Portland
L. M. Wickluud of River Mill
has gone to Portland.
The Progress again announces
C. W. Devore had legal business that the second Booster Meeting
in Vancouver yesterday.
will be held in Estacada on next
Mrs. Seal returned Tuesday from Saturday, March 7, commencing at
ten in the forenoon. Be on hand
the hospital at Portland.
early and don’t miss any of it.
Wm. Kurasch was an Estacada The committee will make a report
visitor for a few days the last of on the cannery proposition and as
the week.
an added attraction. Prof. C. I.
Mr. and Mrs. R \V. Cary were Lewis and — Brown of the Oregon
Portland and McM.nuville visitors Agricultural College will address
the meeting concerning the subject.
At two in the afternoon the an­
F. B. Guthrie accompanied the
pruning demonstration will be
high school basketball team to Park-
in the orchard of W. R. Ried at
place Saturday.
Guy T. Hunt went to Portland
and other places in Oregon Monday
C. I. c.
to investigate the cannery business.
At the regular meeting last Sat­
CARY’S Mercantile Co.
To Quit Premium Stamps
Tuesday, March 10th will be the last day for
us to give Premium Stamps.
Bring in books and get premiums.
$1 A Y E A E
W e are giving this space to let you know we
want you, one and all, to see the D I S T R I K
S K O O L , F R ID A Y
evening, M A R C H 13th,
The Progress is pleased to report urday afternoon, which was also
that Mrs. A. Demoy, who has been library day, the response for hook
dangerously ill, is now improving, donations was liberally responded to
Miss Ruth Califf of Oregon City and 88 books were contributed as a
is visiting Estacada friends this starter towards a public library for
Estacada. It is understood that the
week, being the guest of Miss Lelah
E. church people will donate 75
or a 100 volumns which will also
Mrs. W. R. Stokes came up from add much to the library.
Portland Friday morning to visit at
Several questions of importance
the home of her daughter Mrs. R. were discussed at this meeting, the
W. Cary.
most important being that of pur­
Mr. aDd Mrs. J A. Arquett en­ chasing the building on the corner
tertained 29 friends at their home west of the bank for permanent
last Saturday evening. A good headquarters. This property can
be secured at a reasonable price on
time is reported by all.
account of a mortgage foreclosure,
Miss Florence Kendall returned
and with some improvements would
from Portland the latter part of last
make a good location for club pur­
week and is now ill at the home of
poses as well as the public library.
her sister, Mrs. A. K. Morton.
W . D. and L . M. Henthom, Proprietors
A committee composed of Mes-
George VaNetta, who has been
dames Jess M. Bartlett, Carrie L.
employed in the Estacada Pharmacy Adix and M. H. Evans was apoint-
out of school hours, went to Port­
If you want Furniture. Beds, Matres, Rugs or Matting, Wall
ed by the president, to get terms,
land Tuesday to seek other employ­ cost of repairs, etc. A special meet­
Paper or Dishes call and see us before going elsewhere. We will
try and please you.
ing will probably be called to act
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fisher and upon the question. A recess of fif­
son Alvin, of Portland, and Mr. teen minutes was given and all the
We just hurd the Distrik Skool wuz to be heer on the nite of
and Mrs. Balltrsten, of California, club ladies had an opportunity to
March I 3U1 I 9I 4 and wont to tel awl the peeple not fale to sea this
were guests at the Fred Jorg home look over the property.
souqerb konipuy. I f we culd h*v skools lik this in our citi we wuld
last Sunday.
It was decided by a vote of the
wilinglee pay tyce our prezunt taxus.
Landlord Lauryy and wife of the club to continue with the monthly
dances and an advertising commit
Estacada hotel returned home Sun­ tee composed of Mesdames Irene
day evening, but only remained a Cary, Josephine Somers and Lera I
day or two when they left again for Dale was appointed. The committee I
that will have charge of the March
a trip to California.
28th dance is Mesdames Minnie
C. Wisner and family gave up Ewing, Jess M Bartlett, N ellie i
MRS. E. H. K E L L O G G , Proprietor
the hotel business at this place and Cnrrin, May Lovelace and Anna
left for Portland Sunday afternoon.
An entertainment will also be
The familliar sign of “ Jeff's Place"
given sometime this month for the
will be seen in Estacada no more.
benefit of the club and the commit­
Good Clean Rooms in Connection
Board By Day or Week.
Mrs. E. H. Kellogg has opened tee on entertainment is Mesdames
Home Made Cooking.
White Help.
up the restaurant and short order
C. T. Ecker.
Rates Reasonable
house which was made vacant by
C. Wisner. The Progress wishes
Mrs. R. W . C ary Entertains
Mrs. Kellogg success in the busi­
Mrs. R. W. Cary was the charm­ Pound Supper
ness. See ad in this paper.
Butler and P. F. Standish, and any
ing hostess to seventeen lady friends
Largely A ttended one else may do so by applying to
If U hav knot hurd about thee
Friday afternoon at her attractive
the E. F. G. A. whether members
DISTRIK SKOOL, git yse, IT wil
The Pound supper given by the
home. Most of the guests did fanev
then wont to sea it. Giv ur nay-
work, but by way of diversion, the Ladies’ Aid of the Christian church
bors a nudg, Tel em to reed thee
M, E. Church News
hostess had each one write a tele­ last Saturday evening, proved to be
kards in thee windos of the biznus
gram commencing each word with a decided success iu everv way.
revival meetings will be
howsus in E S T A K A D A .— adv.
the letters contained in the word There was a large attendance and held lu the Methodist church, be­
C. S. Bard was here from Port­ Longfellow. The telegrams were everybody thoroughly enjoyed the
ginning Sunday, March 29, Rev.
land Friday and called at this of­
The weighing of those
read later and occasioned much occasion.
| Wm. Parks and wife of Seattle,
fice to say that he was going to-
amusement for their original com­ who partook of the splendid supper Wash., will be the evangelist.
move to Farmington, Wash , to position and clever arrangement. prepared by the ladies, caused very
C. B. Rees, Pastor,
again engage in farming.
Following this exercise, the hostess much enjoyment, as they paid ac­
move is regretted by a large num­
H atchet P arty
realized the necessity of a stimulant cording to their weight. The heav­
ber of friends of the family in this
The first social tffair of the Mn-
for the over-worked brains, and im­ iest man and woman and the light­
mediately served a delicious course est man and woman prizes, which j trial Improvement Society proved
Mrs. Wm. Kurasch and sister, luncheon. She was assisted by her was a free supper, was won by J i fully as successful as the more seri­
Mrs. Simmons, were called to Port­ mother, Mrs. W. R. Stokes of Port­ W. Reed, Mrs Milt Marshall, Fred ous meetings of the past few
land last week on account of the land and Mrs. W. S. Pyle. The North and Mrs. Charlie Brouson | months. The club members were
death of their sister, Mrs. Roy hostess also favored her guests with An orchestra furnished music all I most graciously received at the M.
Gilbert. Mrs. Gilbert was quite vocol selections, rendered in her evening and the young people E. parsonage last Wednesday by
well known in Estacada where she most delightful manner, during the played various games. The pro­ I George and Martha Washington
ceeds amounted to $38.00, with I (the Rev. Rees and Mrs. W. S.
resided at one time, being employ­ afternoon.
only a small expense.
ed at the Cary Mercantile, and had
Pyle) who, with Mrs. J. W. Reed,
Balloon Contest closes Mch.14
Bring your ticke ts in before th e 14th
vvidu to
lu aiiiiuuiiu-c.
n it a
m v a i ui
e wish
announce the
Our New Spring Goods
W e have just received a complete line of
Garden Tools
Fishing Tackle
Granite W are
And Cutlery
N ew Plows, Harrows and Discs
W e give S . & H . Green Trading Stamps
W ith all C A SH Purchases.
B ER T it. FINCH ,
Hardware, Harness and Implements *
We handle only the best of meats
L ard , Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickles.
A complete line of fresh and salt meats.
Fresh vegetables in their season.
Fresh E g g s and Butter.
FRED JORG, Proprietor
i ------------------- ■
. -
but not to your horses. Give
them some of ours for a change
and see how they will eat it
much more greedily than they
have been attacking their old
fodder. Good feed means good
feeding and as a horse owner
you know that means better
horses in every rtspect.
Estacada Lumber and Produce Co.
The fact that there is less dyspepsia and
indigestion in this community than there
used to be is largely, we believe, due to tlie
extensive use of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets,
hundreds of packages of which we have
sold. No wonder we have faith in them.
No wonder we are willing to offer them to
you for trial entirely at our risk.
Among other things, they contain Pep­
sin and Bismuth, two of the greatest diges­
tive aids known to medical science. They
soothe the inflamed stomach, allay pain,
check heartburn and distress, help to digest
the food, and tend to quickly restore the
stomach to its natural, comfortable,
healthy state.
There is no red tape about our guaran­
tee. It means just what it says. We'll ask
you no questions. > our word is enough lot
us. If Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets don't re­
store your stomach to health and make
your digestion easy and comfortable, we
want you to come back for your money
They are sold only at the 7,000 Rexall
Stores, and in this town only by us. Three
sixes. 26c. 50c and »LOO.
Estacada Pharmacy, Estacada, Oregon.
many friends here who were griev­
ed to hear of her sudden death.
The Progress extends sympathy to
the bereaved family.
The moving picture entertain­
ment at the Family theatre Friday
night for the benefit of the football
bovs of the high school, was well
patronized and the proceeds amount­
ed to enough over the expense to
purchase sweaters for the boys.
After the picture show which con­
sisted of the "Battle of Gettysburg,’ ’
pupils of the high school put on a
burlesque play entitled "Smythe vs.
To all concerned:
Be it known that I will not make Smith." Each one of the players
good any debt that Amo* Ya.ieu did his and her |>«rt well and «ere
may contract.
heartily applauded by the large
Mary E Vallen.
The Home Restaurant
Fair Date Chosen
At the second meeting of the
Estacada Fair Committee it was
decided to have the lair on Sept. 8
and 9 As the date for the County
Fair is to be Sept. 16 to 20, this
will give ample time for winning
exhibits to he sent to Canby. To
help defray some of the necessary
expense involved an admission fee
will be charged. 15 cents for
adults, ten cents for children, 12 to
15 years inclusive. Children ex­
hibitors and those under 12 free.
Now is the time to start things
gri wing seeds, c h ic k s
p igs and
\Y> want i'. be able lu sing,
"Everybody's Doin' It."
K. W, Botkin, Secy,
constituted the reception committee.
Prune G row ers Hold Meeting Various games, such as a President
Prune growers of the Estacada | identification contest, origi lal poem
Fruit Growers’ Association had a ' competition and cherry estimate
meeting Thursday. Mr. Copley, were first played. Music and re­
of the Williamette Valiev Prune freshments both dainty and appro­
Association, gave an interesting priate completed a very pleasant
talk explaining the pooling system evening. Great credit is due to the
of selling prunes and giving the reception committee for the manner
prices received for 1913. After in which they conducted the inaug­
a general discussion, those present ural entertainment of the club.
decided to pool for the coming year
with the W. V. P. A. which was
The Progress was requested to
accomplished by the E. F G. A. again ask for contributions to the
buying one share of stock in the Rummage sale.
If you have any
W V. P A
Those joining were article which you canuot use your­
C. Ii Denting, Walter Snu.„.i, P. self, but would do someore else
H. Wagner. Chas. Duncan, H. D. some good, give it to the C. I. C.
Traff, F. W. Bates, Thomas St rummage sale.