Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 12, 1914, Image 3

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and Dairy Produce
of all kind« wanted.
Writ* for our
Pearson-Page Co.
We guarantee buy­
er» for farm» that
are priced right. If
you wiah to »ell. »end accurate, complete deacrio-
204 Morrison St.
St. Charle» Hotel. Portland. Or.
*Mll> An»werea.
P ree fo O ur R ead ers
Write Murine Eye It.-LmMy Co., Chicago, for
IS |iug« Uluwl^au-.l Eye Uoi.k free. Write all
about Your Eye Trouble and they will u«lvi»e
“ to the Proper Applleatlon ul the Moriue
fcyo Itemedlee In Your Hpeclul t'u»e. Your
Druggist will tell you thut Murlue Helieteu
Sore Eyes, Strengthen. Weak Eyes. Doesn't
Smart, Soothed Eye Pain, and sella for 50c.
L ' i . J « ' “ y,"ur *>•«• »'Id lu liahya Eye» io l
Scaly Eyelid» aud Urauulatiou.
War Munitions May Be Freely Ex­
ported to Mexican Territory*
Huerta Gains Little by New Order
— Rebels Will Benefit—Expect
to End Struggle Soon.
There are 438 Iron mines in the Uni­
Washington, D. C., Feb. 3.— Presi­
ted States, employing 65,170 persons,
and costing for operation and develop­ dent Wilson has decided to lift the
ment 174,017,830.
embargo on exportation of arms to
The busy bee is all right In Ills way Mexico.
but one should keep out of Ills way.
A proclamation under the authority
of the congressional resolution of 1912,
which will restore the status of the
arms question to where both the Hu-
reta forces and constitutionalists may
import arms from the United States
will soon be issued from the White
Dahlias Roses Perennials
G u a ra n teed T rue to N a m e.
General Carranza and other leaders
» “ « A L f'REp OFFER -To induce Smu to test out our new!» we make the following offer-
of the rebels have repeatedly declared
Pick out not to exceed 5 Item» In the liet lielow und we will mail them to you for 6c juet
enough to pay tho packing and mailing expenee,
in the past that the lifting o f the em­
B ean s
bargo would mean the prompt over­
P a is n ip s
S w e e t P ea s
B eets
F ie ld C o rn
C a n d y tu ft
throw of the Huerta regime.
C abbage
C u cu m b ers
R a d ish
C alU opsls
maintained that Huerta had the ad­
C a n o ts
L e t tu c e
R u ta b a g a
P o p p ie s
n r Our New Illustrated Catalog is free to all. - » *
vantage, in that he could import arms
freely from other countries, and since
GILL BROS. SEED CO., R. F. D. No. 1, Portland, Or.
the only source for the rebels, which
Be sure to mention this paper.
was across the United States border,
was cut off by Wilson’s order, they
were left on an unequal footing.
The rebels have been depending
Hit It.
largely for their supply of munitions
Polly (to big sister’s admirer)—
upon Buch as they could take from the
Guess what father said about you last
Huerta forces that they conquered.
Adolphus-—Oh, I couldn't guess,
Shoot or Banish Huerta Supporters
Polly—I’ll give you a peach If you Leaves Kidneys in Weakened Condition
Juarez, Mexico, Feb. 3.—A warning
can guess.
was issued by General Francisco Villa
Adolphus (flustered)—Oh, Polly, I
Doctors in_ ajl parts of the country today that all Spaniards captured in
haven't an Idea In the world.
. • have been kept busy with the epidemio
Polly—Urr-you was listening.—Syd­ of grip which has visited so many the Torreon campaign would be dealt
ney Bulletin.
homes. The symptoms of grip this with summarily. General Villa said
year are often very distressing and he had positive proof that Spaniards
tTse Roman Eye BalsAin for scalding sen­ leave the system in a run down con­ in Torreon had taken up arms againBt
sation lu eye« and iutlammatiou of eyes or dition, particularly tho kidneys which the rebels, and that all such would be
eyelids. Adv.
seem to suffer most, as almost every shot. Others, he said, would be ban­
Guadeloupe Is growing a new kind victim complains of lame back and ished from the country.
of coffee, Introduced from the Congo urinary troubles which should not be
country. This la known as "coffee neglected, as these danger signals of­ John D. Is Assessed on
robusta," and it was discovered In ten lead to dangerous kidney troubles.
Druggists report a large sale on Dr.
Estate o f $900,000,000
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root which so many
people say soon heals and strengthens
Cleveland — John D. Fackler and
Worms expelled promptly from the human the kidneys after an attack of grip. William Agnew, deputy state taxation
system with Dr. Peery’a Vermifuge “ Dead
Swamp-Root Is a great kidney, liver officers for Cuyahoga county, went to
bhot.” Adr.
and bladder remedy, and, being an the home of John D. Rockefeller on
.« The earliest use of the word “strike” herbal compound, has a gentle healing Forest Hill, East Cleveland, Wednes­
In the sense of stopping work, occurs effect on the kidneys, which is almost day, and filed a written demand on
In the London Chronicle for Septem­ immediately noticed in most cases by
ber, 1765, In connection with a coal those who try it. Dr. Kilmer & Co., him that he pay taxes on his personal
Binghamton, N. Y„ offer to send a property, estimated at $900,000,000,
sample size bottle oT Swamp-Root, on into the treasury o f this county.
They contend that under the Warnea
receipt of ten cents, to every sufferer
who requests it. A trial will convince tax law Mr. Rockefeller, by residing
any one who may be In need of It. in the county the greater part of the
Regular size bottles 50 cts. and $1.00. preceding 12 months, has made him­
For sale at all druggists. Be sure to self liable to taxation here.
mention this pajier.
The total of Mr. Rockefeller’s per­
sonal property is as great as the en­
tire tax duplicate of the county.
Quickly Yielded To Lydia E. IF Y O U R C H I L D IS CROSS,
The tax officers did not see Mr.
Rockefeller personally, but left a let­
Pinkham’s Vegetable
Look Mother!
If tongue Is coated, ter notifying him o f their demands
with members of his household. The
cleanse little bowels with “ Cali­
officers place Rockefeller’s tax at $12,-
fornia Syrup of Figa.”
Baltimore, Md.— “ I am more than
0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
glad to tell what Lydia E. Pink ham'a
Virgil P. Kline, attorney for Rocke­
V e g e t a b l e Com­
Mothers can rest easy after giving
pound did for me. "California Syrup of Figs," because in feller, said:
‘ ‘ Mr. Rockefeller is a legal resident
I suffered dreadful a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
He has
pains and was very sour bile and fermenting food gently of the state of New York.
irregular. I became moves out of the bowels, and you. have not maintained a residence in Cleve­
land for a quarter of a century. He
alarmed and sent for a well, playful child again.
has already paid his taxes for the cur­
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Sick children needn't be coaxed to rent year in New York.”
V e g e t a b l e Com­
pound. I took it reg­ take this harmless “fruit laxative.”
ularly until I waa Millions of mothers keep it handy be­ Navy Ranks Filled By
without a cramp or cause they know Its action on the
Numerous Enlistments
pain and felt like stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt
another person, and and sure.
Washington, D. C.— For the first
Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot­ time since the Civil War, the enlisted
it has now been six months since I took
any medicine at all. I hope my little tle of "California Syrup of Figs,” complement of the navy allowed by
note will assist you in helping other wo­ which contains directions for babies, law has been filled and hereafter only
men. I now feel perfectly well and in children of all ages and for grown-ups. specially qualified applicants for the
the best of health.” — M rs. A u g u s t
navy will be accepted.
Mellen on Bankruptcy.
W. K o n d n e r , 1632 Hollins Street, Bal­
Secretary Daniels made this an­
timore, Md.
Charles S. Mellen, at a dinner In nouncement with some pride.
attributed it to the adoption in the
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­
“ His bankruptcy was like that navy o f the general system of educa­
pound, made from native roots and which the parent described.
tion of the enlisted men; to the popu­
herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful
‘“ Pa, what’s bankruptcy?’ a little
larity of the recent European cruise of
drugs, and to-day holds the record of boy once asked.
being the most successful remedy for
“ And pa, who had been ‘bit’ that the fleet and to the knowledge on the
part of young men of the approaching
female ills we know of, and thousands week, answered bitterly:
“ ‘Bankruptcy, my son, is where you cruise o f the Atlantic fleet to the San
o f voluntary testimonials on file in tho
Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., put your money In your hip pocket Francisco exposition.
and let your creditors take your wal­
seem to prove this fact.
let and coat.’ ”—Knoxville Journal and
Toll.Bill May Go Over.
For thirty years it has been the stand­ Tribune.
Washington, D. C.—After a confer­
ard remedy for female ills, and has re­
stored the health of thousands of women
ence with President Wilson Senator
who have been troubled with such ail­
Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills have O’Gorman, one of the chief supporters
ments as displacements, inflammation, proved their worth for 75 years. Test them of exemption from tolls for American
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc. yourself Dow. Send for sample to 873 Pearl coastwise vessels in the Panama canal,
St., New York, Adv.
I f you want s p e c i a l advice
expressed the opinion that the ques­
tion would not be reached during the
Write to Lydia E. Pinklinm Med­
Wasted Advice.
“Go to the ant, thou sluggard,” said present session o f
icine Co., ( confidential) Lynn,
doubt,” said the senator, “ whether we
Mass. Your letter will be opened, the sage.
“ Not as long as I have anything to will do much more than pass the trust
read and answered by a woman
take to my uncle,” sneered the fool.
bills, the agricultural extension bill
and held in strict confidence.
and the appropriation bills.
This is
going to be a short sfession.” The toils
provision may be suspended.
Send your name and addre»» on a postal and we
will forward you by return mail our new plan of
selling trucks of all capacities without any initial
payment. Let the trucks pay for themselves.
P. O. Box 1062. Portland. Or.
OREGON G R O W N s p ra n g }
"Pape's Olapepiln” makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs sorely feel fine
In five minutes.
If what you just ate Is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas, and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
| in mouth and stomach headache, you
can get blessed relief In five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
Pape's Dlapepsin from any drug store.
You realize In five minutes how need
less It is to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doc
tor in the world. It’B wonderful.
“What do you think about wigs?”
“ That sometimes they are a costly
luxury and sometimes a bald neces­
U Cures While Y ou Walk.
"w l '
Allen’s Foot-Kose is a certain cure for hot,
«westing,csllux,an.l „wollen, Hehirig feet. Sola
by all Druggists. Price 25c. Don't accent any
•ubstitute. Trial package i-'Rhh. xddrt-sa
AUenS. Olmsted, Le ltoy, K. Y.
New York's first elevated railroad
was built In Greenwich street in 1857
and was operated by a cable which
ran underground and over the struc­
ture upon spider wheels.
At least 225,000 womén and girls
work in manufacturing establishments
in Pennsylvania, 25,000 being under 16
years of age.
Peculiar After Effects
of Grip This Year
Tackle Catarrh Now
Be Free All Winter
Avoid Colds, Stall Pneumonia, Keep Your Nose
Clear end Your Throat Free.
Boiled Dinner in Court.
Topeka, Kan.— It is up to the Kan­
sas Supreme court to decide what a
boiled beef dinner that caused indi­
gestion is worth to its hungry victim
in damages.
The District court of
Smith county declared it was worth
$1000, and gave the plaintiff a verdict
for that amount. J. D. Manlone, a
farmhani who ate the dinner, thinks
he should have $16,000, while Mr. and
Mrs. Henry D. Jones, who served the
meal, and for whom Manlone worked,
assert the farmhand should get noth­
Mr. Bremner la Sinking.
Don’t Walt Till You’re AH Banged Up.
I f yon wilt go into a n y first class store
and get a bottle o f S. 8. 8. you are on
the way to gettin g rid o f Catarrh. But
don’ t let anyone w ork off that old trick
o f som ething “ Just as g o o d ."
8 . 8. 8. Is taken Into th e blood ju st as
naturally as th e moat nourishing food. It
spreads Its Influence over every organ In
tb# body, com es through all the veins and
arteries, enables all m ucou s su rfa ces to
exchange inflam m atory a cid s and other
Irritating substances fo r arterial elem ents
that effectually cleanse the system and
thus put an end to all catarrhal pollution.
8. 8. 8. cleans out th e stom ach o f m ucous
accum ulations, enables only puqfc, blood-
m aking m aterials to enter tba Intestines,
com bin es w ith these food elem ents to
enter the circulation, and In less than an
hour la a t w ork throughout tb s b o d y In
t b s p rocess o f purification.
T b a m edicinal com ponents o f A 8. 8.
o ra reiauvuiy ju s t
essential to weU-
Uæ S. S. S. Now.
balanced health as the nutritive proper,
ties o f the grains, meats, sugars, and f a t .
o f foods. Any local Irritating Influence
In the blood Is rejected by the tissue cells
and eliminated by reason o f the stimula­
tin g Influence o f 8. 8. 8.
You w ill soon realise Its wonderful In­
fluence by tb s absence o f headache, a de­
cided clearing o f the air passages, a
steadily Improved nasal condition, and a
sense o f bodily relief that proves how
com pletely catarrh often Infesta tba en­
tire system .
Y ou will And 8. 8. 8. on sale at all d rug
stores. It Is a rem arkable rem edy fo r
a n y and all blood affections, such as
eczem a, rash, lupus,* tetter, psoriasis,
bolls, and all other diseased conditions o f
th e blood.
F or s o c i a l advice on any
blood disease w rite to The Sw ift Specific
Co.. *0 ! Sw ift B ld g . Atlanta, Ga.
D o n ot trifle with substitutes. Ilnlta-
tlons o r any o f tb e hords o f “ Just as
g o o d " C ounterfeits o f 8. S. 3.
Baltimore— Robert G. Bremner, rep­
resentative in congress from New
Jersey, who had radium valued at
$100,000 placed in a cancer last De­
cember, is dying in a sanitarium here.
It is announced that complications
have arisen and death is a matter of
only a few days, perhaps hours; that
only the indomitable #111 of the con­
gressman is keeping him alive.
Karlnk Life Belt Found.
Restore the
Assist the
Promote Liver
Induce Bowel
by the daily use ol
Hotel Washington
Important Discovery Made By Stan­
ford Professor of Geology.
A V r , t £ otr °SÔ£
Radium-Bearing Carnotite Found
While Testing Ore Samples
From South America.
Stanford University, Cal. — While
testing specimens which had been sent
to him from South America, Professor
John Caspar Hranner, head of the geol­
ogy and mining department of Stan­
ford, has discovered radium-bearing
ore o f extreme value. The specimens
over which Professor Branner was
working in his laboratory are fiom the
state o f Ceara, in Brazil. Radium
was not known to have existed there.
The ore which led to the discovery was
u pinch of greenish yellow earth, less
than a thimbleful of carnotite, one of
the two known sources of radium.
The Stanford geologist was testing
for other minerals when his attention
was drawn to the carnotite. The car­
notite was subjected to the tests em­
ployed to determine whether an ore
contains radium and responded.
News of the discovery has been sent
to Brazil. The exact location of the
region from whence the samples came
has been kept secret, as has the name
of the sender of the ore specimens.
Only two carnotite deposits
known to exist in the United States.
Both are in the West, one in Colorado
and the other in Utah. Australia has
the largest carnotite deposits. From
carnotite ore is obtained uranium
oxide, and radium comes from this lat­
ter substance. According to geolo­
gists, only 2 per cent of the carnotite
is uranium oxide, and only one part in
3,000,000 of this oxide is uranium.
This advances the price of radium to
about $90,000 a gram.
Dr. Branner is well acquainted with
the geology of Brazil, as he has spent
considerable time there on govern­
ment work and has written a text
book on Brazilian geology.
Professor Branner received the Hay­
den medal in 1911 for distinguished
contributions to geology and is recog­
nized as one of the world’s foremost
B«m« Rat«» for On« or Two Porson« In a Boom |
Portland, Oregon.
Washington Street. Corner of Twslfth.
I HAH. H. ROWLEY. Manager.
$1.00. $1.50 12.00 Per Day W ith Bath Privilege. $1.30. $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day With Private Bath.
S pecia l K a tes hy w ee k o r m onth.
Bus to and from trains and boat», or take a Depot car to
Washington St. and transfer. get off at Twelfth Street. European plan. 150 outside noma.
Fireproof Building, modern and clean in every respect. Hot and cold running water and both
telephone» in every room. Single or douh’e l*d rooms. Large Parlor off Main Lobby.
1 9 1 4 C a ta lo g o f
“Diamond Quality"
testep S
T R U T H F U L L Y illustrating
" and presenting the most
desirable varieties for the
The best o f everything
tor Market or Home
Cardens, Poultry-
men and Beekeep-
A reliable and trust*
Worthy reference of
vital interest to every
grower and
l»y planting the new and
improved varietiea we
offer. T hey have been
grown and te«ted under
our direct supervision by
careful« intelligent selec­
A Safe Guide
to your
V Mailld
Diamond Quality Seeds
A quarter century of success in serving North -
western growers qualifies us to serve you .
Portland Seed Co.
N o. no
A Freiburg physician reported in his
practice alone seven persons whose
eyes were permanently injured by
gazing at the sun during the progress
of an eclipse.
France has one automobile for every
500 people, one cycle for every 13 and
one motorcycle for every 1382. Be­
tween 1910 and 1911 there was the
enormous increase of 300,000 cycles.
New York city has 82,015 regular
Cancer yearly kills 25,000 persons in
municipal employes.
the United States.
Canada is nearly 30 times as large
as Great Britain and Ireland, the total
area of the dominion being only 237,
000 square miles less than the whole
continent of Europe.
Students working their way through
Princeton university earned more than
$20,000 during the academic year end
ing last June.
50 Cent Bottle (32 Doses)
Just because you start the day w o r­
ried and tired, stiff legs and arm s and
m uscles, an ach in g head, burning and
bearing dow n pains in the b a ck — worn
out b efore the day begins, d o not think
you have to sta y in that condition.
Be strong, well and vigorous, with nc
m ore pain from stiff join ts, sore m u s­
cles, rheum atic suffering, a ch in g back
or kidney disease.
F o r a n y form o f bladder trouble ot
weakness. Its action is really wonderful.
T hose su fferers who are in and out ol
bed half a dozen tim es a night will appre­
ciate the rest, com fort and strength thii
treatm ent gives.
T o p rove the W illiam s Treatm enl
conquers kidney and bladder diseases,
rheum atism and all uric acid troubles,
no m atter how chronic o r stubborn, 11
you have never used the W illiams
Treatm ent, w e will give one 50c bottle
(32 doses) free If you will cu t out this
notice and send It with you r nam e nnd
address, with 10c to help p a y distribu­
tion expenses, to The Dr. I). A. W ill­
iam s Com pany, Dept. 2396 P. O. Bldg.
East H am pton, Conn. Send at once anc
you will receive by parcel post a regulai
5oc bottle, w ithout charge and without
incurring «any obligations.
One bottle
only to an address.
But No Elephants.
A woman living in an aristocratic
section a mile and a half from hei
grocer went to the phone.
“ This you, central? Four, five, four
“ This you, Mr. M? Please charge
and send 10 cents’ worth of animal
crackers, and pick out the elephants
as the baby is afraid of them.”—New
York Globe.
To the department of public instruc
tion and fine arts of Spain has been
allotted $63,000 for use toward estab
lishing and improving workshops ol
the country’s industrial schools.
10 C E N T “C A S C A R E T 8 ”
Cure 8ick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath— Candy Cathartic.
No odds how bad your liver, atom
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, Indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels—you always get
relief with Cascarets. They Imme­
diately cleanse and regulate the atom
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con­
stipated waste matter and poison
from the Intestines and bowels. A
10-ceiit box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stomach sweet and bead clear for
months. They work while you sleep.
Washington, D. C.— A life preserv­
er bearing the name “ Karluk,” the
Real estate untaxed and owned by
whaling vessel on which Vilhjalmar religious and charitable bodies In Phil­
Stefansson, the Artie explorer, sailed, adelphia Is valued at $230,000,000.
and which was last reported in August
off Point Barrow, the northernmost
point o f Alaska, has been washed
I J H .H M M ' A S M
ashore at Kivalini, Alaska. This waa
• Crash Syrep. Test re Oosd.
la time. Soi« i f Dra«ri*t».
reported to the United States bureau
of education by William T. Lopp, chief
[ E C B i E B
o f the bureau's Alaska division.
Along with dyspepsia comes nervousness, sleeplessness and gen­
eral ill health. Why ? Because a disordered stomach does not permit
the food to be assimilated and carried to the blood. On the other hand,
the blood is charged with poisons which come from this disordered
digestion. In turn, the nerves are not fed on good, red blood and we
see those symptoms of nervous breakdown. It is not head work that
does it, but poor stomach work. With poor thin blood the body is not
protected against the attack of germs of grip— bronchitis—consump­
tion. Fortify the body now with
Munich, Germany—Ingold, an avi­
ator, Sunday broke the world’s record
for an endurance flight. He remained
in the air 16 hours and 20 minutes,
and covered a distance estimated at
1050 miles without landing.
started at Mulhausen, Alsace, and flew
to the north.
He then proceeded :
southward to Munich, landing in a sub­
The previous record o f 14 hours, 7
minutes, was made by Brunolanger at
Johannisthal, February 3.
D R . P IE R C E ’ S
Golden Medical Discovery
an alterative extract from native medicinal plants, prescribed In both liquid
and tablet form by Dr. R. V. Pierce, over 40 years ago.
More thnn 40 year» o f experience has proven it» superior worth a» an In­
vigorating ntomach tonic and blood purifier. It Invigorates and regulates
the stomach, liver and bowel», and through them the whole system. It can
now also he had in sugar-coated tablet form o f most dealers in medicine.
If not. send 50 cents in one-cent stamps for trial box to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.
Japan Much Pleased
By Action o f Congress
-The Common Sense Medical Adviser.
IS A B O O K OF 1008 P A G E S H A N D S O M E L Y B O U N D IN C L O T H -T R E A T S
Washington, D. C.—Notable im­
H O M E P H Y S I C IA N . S e n d 31 o n e - c e n t s ta m p s t o R . V . P ie r c e , B u ffa lo. N . Y .
provement in the relations between
the United States and Japan is be­
lieved to have resulted from the
events in the house of representatives
China proper has less than 0.4 mile T A K E S O F F D A N D R U F F ,
last week connected with the passage of open railway to every 100 square
of the Burnett immigration bill. Re­ miles of territory, and, estimating the
ports from Tokio are to the effect that
Save your Hairl Get a 25-cent bottle
a profound impression was caused in mile of line to every 10,000 inhabitants.
of Danderine right now— Also
stops itching scalp.
the Japanese capital, not only by the
refusal of the house to include in the Byrup tho !»• st remedy to use for their ciuidreu
bill the proposed prohibition against during the teething period.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
the entry of Japanese into the United
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
States, but even more by the non­
The heart of a standing man beats scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf.
partisan appeal of Representative 81 times a minute, of a sitting one 71
There is nothing so destructive to
times. When the man is lying down the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of Its lustre, its strength and its very
The demonstration o f the fact that
life; eventually producing a feverish­
in dealing with such large subjects of
and itching of the scalp, which
international importance, Americans
Putnam Fadeless Dyes color ness
if not remedied causes the hair roots
stand ready to ignore mere party con­ more goods than others.
to shrink, loosen and die— then the
siderations, and that there is no rea­
hair falls out fast. A little Danderine
sonable ground for expecting a differ­
Fifty-seven years of continuous serv­ tonight—now—any time—will surely
ent viewpoint on international affairs ice as a w’eaver Is the remarkable save your hair.
to result from a change in the political record of a woman employed In a
Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s
cast of the administration is said to cotton mill In Saco, Me.
Danderine from any drug store. You
have been something of a revelation.
surely can have beautiful hair and
lots of it if you will just try a little
The Japanese statesmen are de- j
Danderine. Save your hair! Try itl
clared to have been much pleased,
however, by the house’s reception o f |
Squelching Her.
the appeal for fair treatment of aliens
The stage drivers in Yellowstone
and for abstention from legislative
Park are bothered considerably by the
interference with the executive de­
foolish questions asked by their pas­
partment in its efforts to arrive at a
sengers, und often resort to satirical
settlement of the open issue between
answers. Once a lady tourist who
are quickly relieved by Sloan’s
the two countries.
seemed deeply interested in the hot
Liniment. Lay it on — no rub­
springs inquired:
Officials here are encouraged in the
bing. T ry it.
"Driver, do these springs freeze over
hope that the proceedings have gone
in winter?”
far to insure an early and satisfactory
Ankle Sprain and Dislocated Hip.
“ Oh, yes, yes; a lady was skating
adjustment o f all issues between the
" I sprained my ank'e and dislocated
here last winter and broke through
my hip by falling out of a third story
two governments.
window. Went on crutches for four
and got her foot scalded.”—Every­
months. Then I started to use your
body’s Magazine.
Liniment, according to directions. I
Sprains, Bruises
(Stiff M uscles!
Notables Just Miss Fire.
Washington, D. C.— Fire started in
a local theater Sunday [a few minutes
after it had been cleared o f a great
crowd that included Vice President
Marshall, Secretary Bryan, Rev. G.
Campbell Morgan, pastor of Westmin­
ster Chapel, London, and prominent
church dignitaries from practically
every state in the Union. The crowd i
was gathered to attend the first of a
series of international Bible confer- j
ences to be held in this country. Rats
with matches started the blaze, which
was quickly extinguished.
Alaska Troops to Shift.
Washington, D. C.— The War de­
partment soon will take up the prob­
lem of relieving the Thirtieth Infan­
try from duty in Alaska, that regi­
ment being due to return to the Unit­
ed States next summer.
Owing to
conditions on the Mexican border, the
department will have some difficulty
in selecting a regiment for Alaskan
duty, and possibly only a battalion at
war strength will be sent. According
to the schedule of prior foreign serv­
ice, the Fourteenth Infantry, is most
likely to be sent to Alaska.
must say it is helping me wonderfully.
We will never be without Sloan's Lini­
ment anymore."—'ff»««. Johnson. Lau Son
Constipation causes and aggravates
many serious diseases. It is thoroughly
cured by I)r. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets.
The favorite family laxative.
Kangaroos on their native heath
have been known to jump 70 feet.
Colon, Panama, has arranged to
have a taxicab service.
K ills Pain
” I fell and sprained my arm a week
ago and waa in terrible pain. I could
not use my hand or arm until I applied
your Urn ment. I shall never be with­
out a bottle of Sloan’« Liniment."— hire.
H J». Springer. LUsabelh, S . J.
run r eoe Iren rompt treat-
n ie n ts o f
A t all D oolor». 25c..
50c. and $1.00
Send for Sloan's
f r e e , instructive
book on h orses,
cattle, hogs and
poultry. Address
ffn n -P u ta o n o « « ,
Fino fo r Stiffness.
tho Chinese doctor.
T r y o n c e m o r e If yon h a v e I w m d o r fo r in * w ith
t h is o n e an d th a t o n e an d h a ve n o t o b ta in e d p e r ­
m a n e n t r e lie f. i#*t t h is grea t n a tu re h e a le r d la * -
nnse y o n r ca s e an d p r o s c r ib e «o m e rem edy w h ose
a c t io n 1« q u ic k , sure an d aafe. H is i.r e a c r ip tio n f
a r e c o m p o u n d e d fr o m H oot», H erbs. Buds an d
B a rk s th a t h a v e been fa t h e r e d fro m every q u a r ­
t e r o f t h e *lolx* T h e •**. r«?n o f th ese m e d ic in e s
a r e n o t k w w n t o t h e o u t s id e w orld, hut have b e e «
h a n d e d d o w n fr o m fa th e r t o son in th e physicians*
f a m ilie s in C h in a .
C O N S U L T A T IO N F R E E .
I f yon 11 vo o n t o f tow n an d c a n n o t c a ll, w rite f o r
s y m p to m b la n k an d c ir c u la r , e n c lo a in * 4 ren ta ia
THE C. 6 E E W 0
1 6 2 ) First St., Cor. Morrison
Pest Treated By Phone.
III. — To prevent the
spread of smallpox, Rockford doctors
are treating pest patients by tele­
This condition came about
when two physicians who had small­
pox patients refused to continue treat­
ing them becauae they could not carry
on other practice.
Splendid fo r Sprains.
Sloan's Liniment haa done more
good thnn anything I have ever tried
for stiff joints. I got my hand hurt so
badly that I had to atop work right in
the busiest time o f the year. 1 thought
at first ttiat I would have to have my
hand taken off, but I got a trot tie of
Sloan's Liniment and cured my hand."
— *F Uton U homUr, ¡¿orris, Ala.
Portland, O regon.
P. N . U .
Bt DUB. S. SJOAN.I sc .
k ». aus.
*. S il
are tested seeds.
are above the standards
o f the pure seed laws-
seed laboratory is in charge o f a
certified seed analyst« and w e are
the only seed company maintain­
ing a seed laboratory in Oregon.
16 CONSECUTIVE HOURS “ All Is W ell That Ends W ell”
I li S a M i »
thought. »okl and exchanged; engines, boiler»,
•awmills, etc. Send for Stock List and Price».
THE J. E. M Alt ! IN CO.. 83 let St.. Portland. Or.
... u
John, didn't I tell you that If you
came home tipsy another night I d go
home to my mother?"
“ Yesh, tn’dear."
"Then why have you come home In
this condition?"
"Didn’t you shay (hie) you’d go
home t' your mosher?”—Boston Tran­
N o . 7, '14.