« oft ™ Electrical Voting Device Is Proposed for House General Resume of Important Events Tlircuaiiout the WorkL P resident W ilson has signed Portland-V ancouver bridge bill. the T w enty persons applied for loans at P o rtlan d ’s Remedial Loan office the first day. Marconi has succeedeed in lig h tin g an electric lam p a t a distance o f six m iles by w ireless. The F xieral in vestigators of the strik e situation in Colorado are having some storm y sessions. The Sum pter D redge company, w ork­ ing near Baker, O r., reports the find­ ing of a nugget w orth $1500. Co-eds a t the U n iv ersity of C alifor­ nia have ruled out the tango, m axixe, one-step and hesitation waltz. B urg ars spent two hours blowing up the safe of the N orthern Pacific at Olym pia, and obtained 18 coppers for th e ir trouble. "A ll the 107 employes of the Savory hotel, in S eattle are to work on the profit-sharing plan, divisions to be made m onthly. frtendt didn’t come. There'i nobody due now but Culver Cor—” W ashington, D. C.—The alow pro­ cess of rollcall in the house of repre­ sen tativ es m ay be done away w ith in the near fu tu re in favor of an elec­ trical appliance for re g iste rin g the votes of the 435 m em bers alm ost in­ stantaneously. A sub-com m ittee of the rules com m ittee has outlined a feasible plan which has th e approval o f S peaker C lark and M ajority Leader Underwood. The proposal for a voting machine was m ade by R epresentative W alsh, of New Je rse y , an e x p ert in electrical appliances. Rollcall in the house now requires 45 m inutes, and is resorted to when a filibuster is declared by the m inority. The new scheme would elim inate this from legislative procedure. The sub­ com m ittee’s plan would provide a locked device a t each m em ber's 6eat w ith buttons representing his vote, aye, nay or present. These would cor­ respond w ith spaces beside the mem­ b e r's nam e on the indicator boards placed about the room, show ing the detail of the vote in colored lig h ts and also a t the c le rk 's desk, w here a card FRANCIS XAVIER MATTHIEU. would be punched and tabulated me­ chanically, serving as a full record of N oted Pioneer of th e N orthw est and L ast S u rvivor of Convention of 1843, Who Died on His Old D onation Land Claim a t ltutteville, Or., Feb. 4, Aged 96. the vote in every case. FRANCIS XAVIER MATTHIEU, PIONEER OF NORTHWEST FRENCH OFFICERS ARREST ALLEGED GERMAN SPY The president of the M ercantile Bank of Memphis, T enn., is in jail, Toul, F rance— A m an g iv in g the charged w ith the em bezzlem ent of nam e of Theodore Burgard, whom the about $1,000,000. police believe to be one of the clever­ Silas Christofferson, a Pacific Coast e aviator, broke the A m erican long dis­ st Germ an spies in F rance, wa3 a r­ tance record by flying from San F ra n ­ rested while photographing the fo rti­ cisco to Lerdo, Cal., a distance of 306 fications a t th is place. The police as­ miles. se rt B urgard has been supplying in­ Colonel G oethals has removed the form ation to the Germ an m ilita ry au­ head o f com m issary dep artm en t of the th o rities for the last 16 years. canal zone fo r alleged acceptance of He ostensibly engaged in farm ing . g ra tu itie s from those who furnished in a small way near Nancy. supplies. A search of the m an’s house brought M ilton H. Lee, 73 years old, has con­ to lig h t 50 sta ll m aps and plans of fessed th a t he is the “ gentlem an ban­ fo rts on the northeastern fro n tier. d i t ” who has operated in Montana, Correspondence o f an alleged compro­ W ashington, Oregon and C alifornia m ising nature, w ritte n in Germ an, for the past tw enty years. was also found. T he rifle belonging to Outlaw Lo­ pez, and which he took w ith him into Haitiens Elect President; the Apex m ine when driven to bay by Foreign Troops Withdraw officers, has been found beneath a tre s ­ tle n ear the m ine, which fa c t is taken P o rt Au Prince, H a iti — O restes as evidence th a t the outaw made good Zamor was elected president of H aiti his escape. a t a m eeting of congress Monday by a M exican rebels have captured Maz- vote of 93 out of 105 ballots cast. It atlan, which gives them th e ir first sea­ was announced th a t a fte r the election the detachm ents from the foreign w ar­ port. ships would retu rn to th e ir ships, as P resident W ilson gives unqualified conditions w ere tranquil. The revolu­ approval for the building of two new tionary troops under Zamor occupy all battleships. the m ilita ry stations. There w ere no disorders on the arrival of the revolu­ Spokane, W ash., celebrated “ A pple tio n ists from Gonaives. D ay” w ith the therm om eter a t zero. O restes Zamor form erly was gover­ R ep resen tativ e B rem ner died from nor o f the N orthern departm ent, and cancer in spite of several w eeks' tr e a t­ held th e portfolio of the w ar m inis­ try in 1911. He headed the revolution m ent w ith radium . in the city of Gonaives last Ja n u a ry In stru cto rs in the “ tan g o ” were ap and his forces a few days la te r won a plauded a t B aker, O r., but could not victory over the revolutionists under g e t enough pupils to pay. Senor D avilm ar Theodore, who had Gold in paying q u a n titie s has been proclaim ed him self com m ander-in-chief Theodore returned to found on a side hill w ithin the city of all rebels. Cape Ila itie n , w here he has set up a liib its of A berdeen, W ash. provisional governm ent. B itin g cold grips the Middle W est, Sioux City, Iowa, re p o rtin g zero and Freedom for Philippines Cheyenne, W yo., 18 below. Contractors Prepare to Complete Big Northwest Projects Soon. Eugene to Coos Bay In Oregon, Te- nino Cut-Off In Washington, Will Employ Many Men. Portland — Em ploym ent for more than 3000 men will be provided about March 1 by th e operations of a single Portland concern — th a t of P o rter Bros , railroad contractors. P o rte r Bros, are a rra n g in g to re ­ sum e work on the Coos Bay line of the Southern Pacific betw een Acme and Marshfield and on the Tenino cut-off of the N orthern Pacific south of Tacoma. Both of these projects, which have been under way fo r several years, have been idle on account of the w in­ te r rains. A bout 2500 men will be employed on the Southern Pacific work and about 600 men on the N orth­ ern Pacific project. I t is planned to com plete the Tenino line by Septem ber 1 and the N orthern Pacific expects to have train s running over the cut-off soon a fte r th a t tim e. As a d irec t resu lt o f operations a t Tenino the O.-W . R. & N. company will begin construction o f a new line betw een a convenient point on this cut-off and Olym pia. C ontracts for th is work have not been let, but a con­ siderable force of men w ill be em ­ ployed. PRESIDENT WILSON OPPOSES EXEMPTION FROM TOLLS F rancis X avier M atthieu, the m ost picturesque link betw een the old Ore­ gon o f trad in g posts and canoes and the new Oregon of railroads, steam ­ ships and departm ent stores, .died W ednesday m orning a t the home of his daughter, Mrs. Rose B ergevin, a t B utteville, Or. Mr.' M atthieu was a pioneer o f 1842, and the sole survivor of the fam ous Champoeg convention of May 2k 1842, when it was voted to organize an Am erican provisional gov­ ernm ent. It was his vote th a t decided the issue and probably saved the g re at te rrito ry o f Oregon, W ashington, and a large p a rt of M ontana, Idaho and C alifornia, to the U nited S tates, in ­ stead of allowing it to become a p a rt of G reat B ritain. Mr. M atthieu would have been 96 years old A pril 2, 1914. H e had been ailin g for the past year, b u t retained his m ental faculties until the end. BORAH PLEDGES AID TO COLUMBIA AND SNAKE L ew iston, Idaho — The Lew iston Com mercial club received the follow­ ing le tte r from Senator B orah: “ I am pleased to acknowledge re ­ ceipt o f your le tte r o f Ja n u a ry 23, calling a tte n tio n to the im portance to our s ta te o f an am endm ent which it is understood Senator Cham berlain, of Oregon, w ill introduce to a bill th a t will seek an appropriation of $50,000 for a survey of the Colum bia and Snake rivers, in connection w ith plan of canalizing the sam e from nav­ igation, which will, incidentally, through the necessary dam construc­ tion, provide fo r the »generation of electric power. T his m a tte r will have my earn est atte n tio n , and I am glad to have the view s o f the Lew iston Commercial club for consideration in connection w ith th e subject. I thank you for w ritin g m e .” According to an e stim a te o f John H. Lewis, sta te engineer for Oregon, the w ater power on th e Snake riv e r oe- tween Lew iston and H untington is capable of developing up to 800,000 horsepower. B altim ore—P resident W ilson, in a le tte r to W illiam L. M arbury, of this says th a t the exem ption of Would Bring Disaster city, A box of gold n uggets w orth about Am erican coast-w ise ships from P an­ $40,000 was found by a K ansas home­ W ashington, D. C. — “ The Moro am a canal tolls “ constitutes a very stead er buried n ear his farm . would m ake short work of local Fill m istaken policy from every point of A bill to p rohibit the in te rsta te pino governm ent,’’ says B rigadier view and benefits for the present, at The tran sp o rta tio n of strik eb re ak e rs has G eneral Pershing, in his la te st report any ra te , only a m onopoly.” as governor of Mindanao, to S ecretary P resident also pays a high trib u te to been introduced in the house. G arrison. S ecretary of S ta te Bryan. A divorce granted a woman in B utte, “ The actual relations betw een them M ont., specially declares she shall are such th a t any a tte m p t a t Filipino Protest Moving Liberty Bell. have absolute onw ership of the fam ily governm ent would lead only to rebel­ Militant Suffragists Tire Philadelphia — Mrs. Cora Rogers dog. lion and disaster. Peace in the Moro of Rule of Radicals Bleakley. president general o f the N a­ P resid en t W ilson a sserts him self as province can be m aintained only by a London — Miss Sylvia Pankhurst, tional Soceity o f th e D aughters of the positively opposed to exepm tion of continuance o f A m erican control. If d a u g h te r o f the m ilita n t suffragette Revolution, presented M ayor B lanken­ A m erican vessels from Panam a canal we are to honestly carry out our obli­ leader, announced her secession from burg a petition containing thousands gations to the trib e s who have yielded tolls. to our a uthority and who expect us to the W om an’s Social ana Political un­ of names p ro testin g a g a in st the re guide them to som ething b e tte r, the ion, the m ilita n t w om en's organiza­ moval of the L ib e rty Bell from Inde­ e n tire island o f Mindanao m ust be tion. The E ast End o f Iaindon fed­ pendence Hall. PORTLAND MARKETS Mrs. Bleakley told th e m ayor th a t governed and controlled perm anently eration, which hith erto has been a branch of the parent organization, will among the signers w ere veterans of W heat—T rack p rices: Club, 89® by Am erican officials and under A m eri­ henceforth be entirely independent. the Civil w ar, u n iv ersity presidents, 90c per bushel; bluestem , 98®99c; can sov ereig n ty .” The r i f t am ong the m ilita n t suffra- j professors, bankers and editors. The a m in istratio n ’s Philippine pol­ forty-fold, 90c; red Russian, 87c; val­ g e tte s is said to be due to Miss Sylvia Mayor B lankenburg is not averse to icy has not y e t been worked out far ley, 90c. P a n k h u rst's u ltra-revolutionary as­ O ats— No. 1 w hite, m illing, $25 ton. enough to indicate how fa r the gen­ pirations, which the leaders of the j sending the L iberty Bell to San F ra n ­ Corn—W hole, $35 to n ; cracked, $36. e ra l’s views are shared in W ashing­ W omen's Social and Political union cisco, where it is w anted for the P an­ ama-Pacific Intern atio n al exposition. _________________ B arley—Feed, $22.50 per ton; brew ­ ton. are beginning to believe are dam aging ing, $23.50; rolled, $26®27. th e ir cause. New Sacrifices Coming. Strike Shooting Is Told. H ay— No. 1 E astern Oregon tim ­ Several of the younger and more Stockholm —T h irty thousand Social­ othy, $16.50; m ixed tim othy, $14; al­ Houghton, Mich. — D escribing the am bitious m em bers o f the W omen’s falfa, $14; clover, $9® 10; valley, ists held a dem onstration a g ain st in ­ Social and Political union view w jt |, shooting a t her home a t Seeberville on g rain hay, $12®13.50. creasing the expenditure for arm a ­ unconcealed sa tisfac tio n the P ark - A ugust 14, when two o f her boarders M illfeed—Bran, $21.60 per ton; m ents, and demanded th a t the m inis­ h u rst feud, believing th a t it will end were killed, Mrs. A ntonia P u trien te s­ shorts, $23.50; m iddlings, $29®30. ters work ra th e r for peace and fra ­ the au tocratic sw ay the Pankbursts tified S aturday a t th e tria l o f two dep­ V egetables—Cabbage, 6c per p m n d ; tern ity . The prem ier, M. S ta af, re ­ have exercised over the society since uty sheriffs and th ree Waddell-Mahon head lettuce, $2.50 per c ra te ; garlic, plied in spite of his sym pathy in the Mr. and Mrs. F rederick P ethic Law ­ detective agency guards th a t the face 1 2|c per pound; sprouts, 8® 10c; a r ti­ question of international peace, he rence w ere d .iv e n out of it last year. of a babe held in her arm s w as burned chokes, $2 per dozen; squash, 1 f f/r 2Jc was convinced th a t the Swedish people by powder from th e officers' pistols. per pound; celery, $3.60 per c ra te ; would be compelled to m ake a new and The w itness denied th a t any shots Work on Locks Nears. hothouse lettuce, 50@75c per box; g re a t sacrifice for the country. The W ashington, D. C. — In the opinion were fired from inside th e house. spinach, 76®80c per c ra te ; horse­ governm ent, however, he added, was The strik e rs continued to assem ble radish, 8® 10c per pound; turnips, $1 not inclined to accede to the dem ands of ex-S enator Jonathan Bourne, actual w itnesses to ap p ear before the con­ per sack ; carrots, $1; parsnips, $1; for prolongation o f in fan try service. work on the W illam ette locks may be gressional investig atio n n e x t week. beets, $1. sta rte d this m onth. The Federal en­ G reen fru it—Apples, 75c®$2.26 per gineer has procured for th e secretary Engine to Be Strongest. Boiling Wells Spit Salt. box; cranbessies, $12(0 12.50 per bar­ Chicago - A contract for the larg est of w ar the recom m endation he rep o rt­ Bucharest, Roum ania — Phenomenal re l; pears, $1®1.50. ed to the d e p artm en t of ju stice, th a t Onions—Oregon, $3.50 per sack; and strongest gasoline m otorboat en­ the question o f the easem ent on the geysers throw ing up boiling w a ter and buying price. $3®3.25 per sack a t gine ever built was closed Monday by W illam ette locks would not in te rfere steam heavily im pregnated w ith sa lt Commodore Jam es A. Pugh, o f Chi­ have a ttra c te d num bers o f geologists shipping points. w ith the engineering construction. P otatoes—Oregon, 80c® $l per cw t; cago, who ordered the building o f an The secretarv is expected to sign the to the oil fields a t Fiiipesci de T irgu, The w a­ buying price, 60®90c a t shipping engine o f 1400 horsepower. T his mo­ report, in which esse final action au­ in the province o f Prahova. to r will be installed in the D isturber te r issues from borings m ade in the points. thorizing the tra n s fe r o f title prob­ search for oil. Eggs - Oregon fresh ranch, 34®35c IV, the new hydroplane racer w ith ably would be taken next week. which Mr. Pugh hopes to brin g to I t is throw n to a g re a t h eig h t and per dozen. is accompanied by a terrific hissing P o u ltry —Hens, 16$®17c per pound; Am erica the H am sw orth trophy, em ­ 100 To Speak on Roads. roar th a t can be heard five or six springs, 16$®17c; turkeys, live, 20® blem atic o f the w orld’s cham pionship. W ashington, I). C.— W ith m ors than miles. Around each boring a heavy 21c; dressed, choice, 26® 26c; ducks, The new engine will be o f the 24-cylin- 100 m em bers listed for speeches, the j dcr type, arranged In two blocks of 12 crust of sa lt has been deposited w ithin 14® 17c; geese, 12®12Jc. house Saturday held its first of a series a radius of 500 yards. B u tte r— Cream ery prints, extras, cylinders each. of n ig h t sessions to d ebate the Shack­ 314® 32Jc per pound; cubes, 30c. leford good roads hill. R epresentative 1 Kentucky Legislators Vaccinated. Jobless Ones Want Days. P ork— Fancy, 10Jc per pound. G hicago—Resolutions reeom mending Shackleford, of Missouri, opened the Veal— Fancy, 14® 14ic per pound. F ra n k fo rt, K y.—Several m em bers H ops— 1913 crop, prim e and choice, a N ational Jobless day sim ilar to the discussion, o u tlin in g the project. He I of the K entucky leg islatu re and m any explained th a t the bill proposed a residents of this c ity a re nursing sore 21® 23c per pound; 1914 contracts, annual Labor day celebration were [ adopted here a t a m eeting of the U n it­ m axim um of $25,000,000 of Federal arm s, the result o f vaccination due to 16c. appropriations, allotm ents to be con­ a smallpox scare w hich developed re­ Wool — Valley, 14ft/16r per pound; ed Brotherhood W elfare association. The resolutions w ere forw arded to ditioned upon equal local appropria­ cently, when it was announced th a t Eastern Oregon, 10ft<15c; mohair, tions, the expenditures ra nging in Samuel Gompers, president of the Senator P orter and R ep resen tativ e Ol­ choice. 1913 clip, 26c. Am erican Federation of Labor, w ith three classes, from $15 a m ile for d irt iver w ere ill w ith th e disease. Cascara b a rk —Old and new, 5c. roads to $60 a m ile for m acadam roads. C a ttle —P rim e steers, $7.25ft/7.80; the request th a t the F ederation aid in Turkish Women to Learn. choice, |7 ® 7 .2 5 ; m edium, $6.75®7; estab lish in g recognition o f th e men To Allow Betting on Games. choice cows, $ 6 . 260 ( 6 . 60 ; medium, $6 w ithout jobs. London— A d ispatch to the Daily ® 6 . 2 6 ; h e ife rs, | 6 ® 6 . 7 5 ; lig h t cal-1 ~ H a v an a—G eneral F rey re Andrade, T elegraph from C onstantinople an­ ves. $8 ® 9 ; heavy calves, $6® 7.76; S t r i k in g W a itre s s e s A rre s te d . m ayor o f H avana, is about to issue a nounces th a t a decision has been bulls, $ 4 ® 6 .75; atag s. $6ft/6.60. C hicago—Seven strik in g w aitresses decree, it became known recently, al­ reached to adm it T urkish women to H ogs— L ig h t, 97.50® 8.30; heavy, who continued p icketing a down-town lowing free b e ttin g on baseball games. the u niversity. Special lectures on $6.60® 7.26. re stau ra n t w ere a rrested Monday. Public baseball w agers have not been hygiene, gynaecology, dom estic econ- Sheep — W ethers, $5® 6.86; ewes, They w ere charged w ith “ lounging perm itted here since the occupation of omy, science and w om en’s rig h ts will Cuba by A m erican troops. $ 3 . 60 ® 4 . 7 6 ; lam bs, $ 6 ® 6 . 60 . I and loafing.” be delivered for th e ir benefit. A ROMANCE J f i J h e x B e X c h SUGGESTED BY THE PLAY BY BEACH A1TO BttJL ARMSTRONG C O P Y R IG H T 1 9 1 0 B T HARPER BT » R O T H E R S SYNOPSIS. Cowboy« o f th e F ly in g H e a rt ran ch are h e a r t b r o k e n o v e r t h e lose of t h e i r m u c h - p rlie.l p h o n o g r a p h by th e d e fe a t o f th e ir c h a m p i o n In a f o o t - r a c e w i t h t h e c o o k of the t e n l l p .d e ranclp A h o u s e p a r t y Is on a t th e F l y i n g H e a r t J. W a ll in g f o r d Sp e e d , c h e e r l e a d e r a t Yale, a n d C u l v e r C ovlniiton, Inter-collpsrlnte c h a m p i o n r u n ­ ner, a r e exp ected . H e le n Hluke. S p e e d 's s w e e t h e a r t , b e c o m e s i n t e r e s t e d in t h e loss o f th e p h o n o g rap h . S h e s n ^ e s t s to J e a n C h ap in , siste r o f th e o w n e r of th e ran c h , t h a t s h e i n d u c e C o v i n g to n , h e r lover, to w in b a c k th e p h o n o g rap h . H elen d e c la res t h a t if C o v i n g t o n w o n ’t r u n , S p e e d will. T h e cow boys a re hilarious over th e p ro s­ pect. Speed a n d his v a le t. T .arry G lass, t r a i n e r a t Yale, a rr ly e . H e le n H la k e a s k s Speed, w h o h a s posed to h e r a s a n n th - Iete, to r a c e a g a i n s t t h e C e n t ip e d e m a n . i he c o w b o y s jo in in th e a p p e a l to W a lly , a n d f e a r i n g t h a t H e l e n w i l l f in d h i m o u t . h e c o n s e n ts . H e In sists, h o w e v e r , t h a t he sh all he e n te re d ns a n u n k n o w n , figuring t h a t C o v i n g to n will a r r i v e in t im e to t a k e his place. Speed beg in s tra in in g u n d e r G l a s s ’ d irection. "N ot a t all. W hen C ulver arriv es—” "Oh, th a t is w hat I w ant to talk over with you," Mrs K eap broke in, nervously. "T hen it isn’t about the foot-race? You are not angry?" Speed brightened amazingly. "I'm not exactly angry; I’m su r­ prised and grieved. Of course. I can't forgive deceit—I dare say I am more particu lar than m ost people.” "But you won't tell?" Mrs. K eap in­ dicated in soma subtle m anner th at she was not above m aking term s, w hereupon her com panion declared, warm ly: "I'm yours for life! Ask me for my watch, my rig h t eye, any­ thing! I ’ll give it to y o u !” "I assure you I sh a ’n ’t ask anything so Im portant as that, but I shall ask a favor.” “Nam e it and it is yours!" Speed w rung the hand she offered. "And perhaps I can do more than keep silent—although I don’t see w hat good It will do. I’erhaps 1 can help your suit.” "G racious lady, all I ask Is th a t you th ru st out your foot and trip up Berkeley Fresno w henever he stu rts tow ard her. But him out of the play, and I shall be th s happiest m an in the world." "A greed." ’’Now, in w hat way can I serve you?" Mrs. K eap becam e em barrassed while (he sam e shadowy trouble th at had been observed of late settled upon her. "I simply hate to ask It,” she said, "but I suppose I m ust. T here seem s to be no o th er way out of it.” T urn­ ing to him suddenly, she said, la low, intense voice: "I—I’m in trou­ ble, Mr. Speed, such dreadful tro u ­ ble!" "Oh, I’m so so rry !” he answ ered her, with genuine solicitude. "You needn’t have m ade any conditions. 1 would have dons anything I could for you." “T hat's very kind, for I don't like our air of conspiracy, but”—Mrs. Koap was wringing her slen d er hands—"I Just can't tell the girls. You—you can help m e.” Speed allowed her tim e to grow calm, when she continued: “ I—I am engaged to bo m arried.” "F elicitations!" “Not a t all,” said the young widow, wretchedly. "T hat is the awful part of it. I am engaged to two m en !” She turned her brown eyes full upon him ; they were strained and tragic. Speed felt him self im pelled to laugh im m oderately, but Instead he ob­ served, in a tone to relieve h e r anx­ iety: "N othing unusual In th a t; it has been done before. Even I have been prodigal with my affections. W hat can I do to relieve the congestion?" “Please don’t m ake light of it. It m eans so much to me. I—I’m in love with Jack Chapin." “W ith J a c k !” “ Yes. W hen I cam e here I thought I cared for somebody else. Why, I w anted to come here ju st because I knew th a t—th a t somebody else had been invited too, and we could be to­ gether." “And he couldn’t come—’’ “W ait! And then, when I got here, I m et Jack Chapin. T hat was less than a w eek ago, and yet in th a t sh o rt tim e I have learned th a t he is the only m an I can ever love—the one m an in all the world.” “And you can’t accept because you have a previous engagem ent. I see! Jove! It's quite dram atic. But I don’t CHAPTER VI.—Continued. During the ensuing pause Mrs. K eap took occasion to call Speed aBide. "I have som ething to contribute to the training-quarters If you will help me bring it out.” said she. T he young man bowed. “Most glad­ ly.” ’’W e’ll be back In a little while," the chaperon announced to the oth­ ers. and a m oment later, when she and Speed had reached the veranda of the house, she paused. "I—I want to speak to you,” she began, hesitatingly. "It was ju st an excuse.” W ally looked at h e r with concern, for It was plain th a t uhe was deeply troubled. “W hat Is It?" "I have been trying to get a word alone with you ever Bince I heard about this foot-race.” T he young m an chilled with apprehension as Mrs. K eap turned her dark eyes upon him searchingly. "W hy do you w ant to run?" “To win back the cowboys' tre a s­ ure. My h e a rt is touched,” he de­ clared. boldly. Mrs. K eap smiled. ”1 believe the latter, but a re you sure you can win?" "A bso-bloom lnglutely.” ”1 didn't know you w ere a sprin­ te r.” Speed shrugged his shoulders. "H ave you had experience?” "O ceans of i t ! ” Mrs. Keap m used for a m oment. “Tell m e,” said she, finally, “a t w hat in terco lleg iate gam e did you run la st? ” j “I didn’t run la s t; I ran first.” It was im possible to re sen t th e boy’s smile. "Then a t w hat game did you last run? I hope I’m not too curious?’’ “Oh no, not a t a il!” Speed stam ­ mered. “Or, if it is easier, a t w hat college gam es did you first ru n ? ” Mrs. K eap was laughing openly now. "W hy the clear, ringing, rippling laughter?" asked the young man, to cover his confusion. “Because I think it is very funny." “Oh, you do!" Speed took refuge be­ hind an attitude of unbending dignity, but the young widow would have none of it. “I know all about you," said she. “You a re a very wonderful person, of course; you are a delightful fellow at a house-party, and a m ost suitable In dividual generally, but you are not ah athlete, in spite of those beautiful clothes In your tru n k .” “Who told you?” "C ulver Covington." “I didn’t know you twro w ere ac­ quainted.” Mrs. Keap flushed. "H e totd me all about you long ago. You w ear all the athletic clothes, you know all the talk, you have tried to m ake the team a dozen tim es, but you a re not even a substitute. You are m erely the V ar­ sity c h ee rle a d er. Culver calls you 'the head-yeller.’ " "Columbus has discovered our con­ tin e n t!” said Speed. “ You are a very wise chaperon, and you m ust have a corking m emory for nam es, but even a head-yeller is b e tte r than a glee-club q u a rte r back.” He nodded toward the bunk-house, whence they had come. "You haven’t told anybody?” ’’Not yet.” " ’Yet,’ ’’ he quoted. "The futurity implied in th a t word disturbs me. Suppose you and I keep it for a little secret? S ecrets a re very delightful a t house-parties.” "D on't you consider your action de­ ceitful?” "N ot a t all. My m otto is 'W e strive "Mr. Speed Goln’ to Live H ere?" In­ to please.’ ” quired the Forem an. “T hink of H elen.” "T h at's it; I c a n 't think of any­ see why you are so excited? If the thing else! She's mad about athletics, o th er chap Isn’t coming—” and I had to do som ething to stand off "B ut he Is! T hat is w hat m akes it th is w eight lifting ten o r.” so dreadful! If those two m en should “Is it any w onder a woman d istru sts m eet"—Mrs. K eap burled her face in every m an she m eets?” m used the her hands and shuddered—“there chaperon. “H elen m ight forgive you. would be a tragedy, they a re both so frightfully Jealous." She began to I couldn't.” "Oh, it's not th a t bad. I know w hat trem ble, and Speed laid a com forting hand upon her shoulder. I'm doing.” “You will cause these cowboys to “I think you m ust be exciting your­ self unduly," said he. “Je a n 's o ther lose a lot more money.” HAS TW O PER IO D S O F R E S T Division of Time of Slum ber P revent­ ed Breakdown of Man W orn Out by Overwork. Two hours In bed In the early eve­ ning la the lete st health recipe for the busy m an whose day begins early In the m orning and lasts till late a t night. The "trea tm e n t.” which consists ■Imply of going to bed from 6 till 7 o’clock, was described by a m edical m an who prescribed It for a business man whose m anifold in te rests had been com pelling hlni to crowd two days' work into one, to the detrim ent of his health. "My p atient now has two distinct days and two distinct recuperation period* every tw enty-four hours,” the doctor explained. "H e begins work w ith his sec re tary -a n hour be­ fore moat business men a rs think­ ing of getting up In the m orning. At five o'clock in the afternoon h it first day’s work ends and he goes to bed for two hours’ com plete r e s t At sev- “T h a t’s who it is ! ” R oberta ra iled her pallid face aa the young m an fell back. “C ulvert G reat Scott! W hy, he's engaged—” “W hat I" "N othingI I—I—” Speed paused, a t an u tte r loss for words. “ You see, he'll discover th e tru th ." "Does he know you are h ere?” “No. 1 Intended to surprise him. I was Jealous. I couldn't bear to think of his being here w ith o th er girls— men a re so deceitful! T h a t’s why I consented to a ct as chaperon to Helen. And now to th in k th a t-1 should have m et my fate In Ja c k C hapin!" “I see. You w ant me to break the news to Culver." “No! n o !" Mrs. Koap w as aghast. “If he even suspected the tru th he’d become a raging lion. Oh, I’ve been quite distracted ev er since Ja c k left!" “Well, w hat am I to do? You m ust have somo p a rt laid out for m e?” “ I have. A d esp erate situation de­ m ands a d esperate remedy. I ’ve loBt all conscience. T h a t’s why I agreed to protect you If you'd protect me." "Go ahead.” "Culver Is your friend.” "W e’re closer th an a chord In 0 .” "Then you m ust wire him —” "I have— " “—Not to com e.” “W h a t!” J. W allingford Speed atart- ed as It a wasp had stung him. "You m ust w ire him a t ouce h o t to come. 1 don't care w hat excuse you give, but stop him. Stop h im !” Speed reached for a pillar; he felt th a t the porch was spinning slowly beneath his feet. “Oh, see here, now! I can’t do th a t! ” “ You prom ised!” cried Mrs. Keap, fiercely. ”1 have tried to th in k of som othlng to tell him , but I'm too frightened.” “ Yes, but—but I—w ant him here— for this foot-race.” W ally swallowed bravely. "F oot-race!” storm ed the widow, in­ dignantly. “Would you allow an Insig­ nificant thing like a foot race to wreck a hum an life? Two hum an lives? T hree?” "C an’t you—w ire him ?” Mrs. K eap stam ped her foot. “If he dream ed I was here he would hire a special train. No! It m ust come from you. You a re his b est friend.” "W hat can I say?" dem anded the bewildered Speed, unhappily. ”1 don’t care w h at you say, I don’t care w hat you do—only do som ething, and do it quickly before he has tim e to leave Chicago." T hen sensing the hesitation In h e r com panion’* face: "Or perhaps you p re fe r to have Helen know the deceit you have practiced upon her? And I fancy these cowboys would re sen t th e Joke, doivt you? W hat do you think would happen if they discovered th e ir cham pion to be m erely a cheer lead er with a trunkful of new clothes, who can’t do a sin­ gle out-door sport—not one?” "W a lt!” Speed mopped his brow with a red-and-blue silk handkerchief. “I’ll do my best.” ‘‘T hen I shall do my p a r t ” And Mrs. Keap, who could not b ear decep­ tion, turned and w ent indoors w hile J. W allingford Speed, a prey to sundry misgivings, stum bled down th e steps, his head in a whirl. CHA PTER VII. ERKELEY FRESNO was de­ voting him self to Miss Blake. "W h at do you th in k of our decorations?" she in­ quired. "T hey are more or less ath letic,” he declared, “Was it Mr. Speed's idea?” “Yes. He w anted training quarters." " It’s a joke, Isn’t it?" "I don’t think so. Mr. Fresno, why do you dislike Mr. Speed?” Fresno bent a w arm glance upon the questioner. "Don’t you know?” Helen shook h e r head with bland innocence. "T hen you do dislike him ?” “No, indeed! I like him —he m akes me laugh." H elen bridled loyally. "Did you see those m edals he wore yesterday?" the young man queried. "O f course, and I thought them beautiful.” “ How w ere they Inscribed? He wouldn’t let me exam ine them .” ‘N aturally. If I had trophies like th a t I would guard them too.” Fresno nodded, musingly. "I gave mine away.” "Oh, are you an a th lete?” "No, but I tim ed a foot-race once. They gave me a beautiful nearly- bronze emblem so th a t I could g et In­ to the Infield.” “And did you w in?” "No! no! I didn’t run! D on't you understand? I was an official.” Fresno was vexed a t the g irl’s lack of percep­ tion. “I’m not a n ath le te . Miss Blake I ’m Just an ordinary so rt of chap.” He led her to a seat, while Jean enlisted the aid of L airy G lass and completed the finishing touches to the decora­ tions. "A thletics don’t do a fellow any good a fte r he leaves college. I'm go­ ing into business th is fall. H ave you ever been to C alifornia?” Miss Blake adm itted th a t she had never been so far, and Fresno launched him self upon a glowing description of his native sta te ; but before he could shape the conversation to a point w here hli h e a re r m ight perchance express a de­ sire to see its wonders, Still Bill Sto­ ver th ru st his head cautiously through the door to the bunk-house, and al­ lowed an adm iring eye to rove ovei the transform ation. “Look* like a b a z a a r!” he exclaimed. "W hat the idea?” "T rain in ’ q u a rte rs,” said Glass. “Mr. Speed goin’ to live here?” In­ quired the forem an, bringing th e r e m alnder of his lanky body into view. (TO B E C O N T IN U E D .) en o ’clock he is up again, bathes, dresses and dine*. He is then fresh for another four o r five hours’ b a d ­ ness o r social duties. Hla tw o re st periods combined give him alm ost nine hours in bed. T he ‘patien t’ gets through a g re a te r am ount of work and enjoys b e tte r health.” T h eir W ay. "W hy should you women w ant to vote? You can’t fight?” "C an 't we? J u s t try us and w atch us com* to the scratch .”