A)reKoq His. Society. Í07 Second St All the News AS the Time ESTACADA PROGRESS Only Paper in East Clackamas ESTA CA D A , OREGON. TH U R SD A Y FEBRUARY 12. 19« + HO. it or VOL. <6 L oca l N ew s $t A Y E A k BI6 MEETING TO BE HELD School (cir today. On Saturday, Feb. 21, com­ Ed. Fleming was out from Fort- mencing at ten o'clock iu the land Sunday. It T Foster of Eagle Creek has forenoon' citizens E ast C la c k ' been quite sick. amas county will gather in Esta Miss Maud Sturgeon purchased a cada for the purpose of consider- new piano last week. ing the canning factory proposi- Civic Improvement Clab meeting ^ rQads and such Qther Saturday afternoon. \ L. M. Wicklund was a Portland ^ as m aV ** b o u g h t visitor over the Sabbath (before the m eeting for the ccm - Ed. Loveland of Portland was a mon good of town and com- guest at the F. J. Harkeurider munity. home last Sunday. Regarding the canning factory Mrs. George Dale went to Port- proposition the Progress suggests land last Friday to visit for two or that some one or a committee go to three days with Mr. Dale. Newberg or Corvallis or both before B. P. Ford went to Salem Mon- tbe meeting is held and investigate day to attend a meeting of the trus- lbe factories at those places. It is tees of Willamette University. i said that *>°tb‘ started on very ; small capital, have been very sue- Miss Beatrice William* of Port- , nd prosperous land was a guesi .t the home of her j ______________ sister. Mrs. Frazier, Thursday * Mr> a n d M rg Lindsey Leave Cary’s Mercantile Co. Bills wiu soon be out announcing i a . I.. Lindsey and wife departed | the C. I. C dance, at tlie Kstacada Morel ay morning for Portland and pavilion on Saturday evening, Feb. Tuesday left for Scoby, Montana, 21st, where they expect to make their Frank Boyer of Currinsville is home. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey have suffering with a broken ankle, been residents of Estacada for over caused by a stump puller falling on ten years and during that time have made many friends who are very him. sorry to have them go away. Born -To Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Estacada people in general feel a Wade of Currinsviile, on Monday personal 'oss in tiieir removal-from morning, Feb. 9, a twelve pound our midst. They will be greatly boy. missed in the lodges where both Mrs. C. P. Wellman of Palo Alto, have taken an active part and been California, visited her neice Mrs. identified since the organizations as E W. Bartlett for a few days last two of the best working members. week. The Progress can recommend Mr. Kstacada high school basketball and Mrs. Lindsey to the people of team goes to Gresham tomorrow Scoby as first class citizens and night to play the Gresham high trusts that their new home may bring them health, wealth aud school team. -*■ happiness. Cary's Mercantile Store presents quite an improved appearance this League Social week, since a* general changing The E-worth Leaguers held a around has taken place. social meeting Monday night at tile Wm. Robertson and wife of St church and there was a large at­ Clair Apartments, Portland, were tendance and a very enjoyable time guests at the K. W. Cary -home in is reported. To be iu harmony Estacada Saturday and Sunday. with St. Valentine festivities, many Mesdatnes U. S. Morgan. J. W. games and exercises in which Reed and R. M. Curriu were Port­ “ Hearts” predominated, were in­ land vLsitors yesterday and attend­ dulged in. Light refreshments ed ihe matinee performance of “ If I were served and the evening proved a very enjoyable one to all who Were King.” atteudtd. Mr. and Mrs. Paulson came over from Portland Saturday and visited M. E. Church News until Sunday evening ot the home Thcte will be preaching services of t i f f Paulson's parents, Mr. and in the Methodist Church, Sunday Mrs. Harkeurider. morning' Feb. 15 at 11 A . M, All Rev. C. Rees went to Beaverton, are invited to attend. Ore., Monday where he formerly C. B. Rees, Pastor. resided, to preach the funeral ser­ mon of an old lady, a former mem­ Social ber of his church at that place. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. J New Goods Arriving Daily 1 Come in and look over our NEW lines of Plows, Harrows, Seeders and Manure Spreaders. New goods in Hardware, Wire Fencing, Poultry Netting and Harness t B rin e in y o o r cld harness and have it put in shfcpe before the spring rush. W e can do it cheaper now while not so busy. ’• : BERT H. FINCH, Hardware, Harness and Implements Carom and Pocket BILLIARD PARLOR E. H. KELLOGG. P R O PR- -------- 00------ — APPLE CIDER ORANGE CIDER JOHNSON’ S CHOCOLATES PALACE MEAT MARKET. W c handle only the best of meats L a id , B acon, Sour Kraut, Pickles. A com plete line <4 fresh and salt meats. Fresh vegetables in their season. Fresh E g g s and Butter. FRED JORG, Proprietor rr-^ — Estacada $1 Per Y ear. Progress N ow is die time to subscribe. EGGS FOR SETTING THE PEOPLEARESEEKING A If You Have’m Advertise It IN T H E Taxes must be paid before the 1st day of April; pro­ vided one half of the tax may be paid before the 1st day of April and the remaining half to be paid prior to the 1st day of September. If taxes are not paid before the 1st day of April, a pen­ alty of one per cent for each month is added. In case one half of the tax is paid before the 1st day of April, a penalty of one per cent for each month is added and collected with the remaining half of such tax to be paid prior to September 1st. All taxes remaining unpaid on the 1st day of September shall become delinquent. This bank will receive and pay taxes for anyone without extra charge. Taxes are now due and payable. ESTACADA STATE BANK. Have y r ever teen a District sch ool o f pioneer days produced? See it on March 13th and com pare the methods with "our present school system. ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. W . D. and L . M. Henthom, Proprietors Odd Fellows Building Furniture and Undertaking | Coming----Martha Washington School Items Tea at the C. I. C. rooms, Feb. 23. By Our H igh School R eporter The regular monthly business Carpenter Tucker is building a meeting of the Student Body will new porch on the B. O. Boswell be held tomorrow, so there will lie residence. no literary program, but everyone is The birthday of Abraham Lin­ welcome to the Student Body meet­ coln ’will be observed today in ings. Oregon for the first time as a legal The reporter of these articles holiday. (speaking for the manager and coach A special car service has been of basketball, and these two speaking for the team, and the team speak­ secured for those who wish to go ing the sentiment of the Student to Gresham with the basket ball Body Association) wishes to thank team tomorrow (Friday) night. everyone for their presence at the Another big dance will be given game last Saturday night, and also at Cogswell’s Hall. Eagle Creek, wishes to see that large a crowd for on the evening of March 7. Beers’ every one of the remaining games. orchestra of Sandy will furnish The total receipts were twenty-six music and there will be special late Several of the Estacada cats that church will give a social at the C. dollars and five cents while the ex­ car service. won prizes at the cat show iu Port­ I C club rooms on the evening of penses were twenty-five dollars. Basketball at the Estacada pavil­ land last month, have since died. Feb. 14. Hot coffee will be served The latter included sixteen dollars ion Saturday night, Feb. 14, be­ with boxes Sandwiches, railroad fare, five dollars hall rent, It must be that city life, if only for free tween the McLaughlin team of two dollars for printing and two cake and coffee will also be sold at a few days, was too strenuous for Thus you see Portland and the Commercial Club lunch counter. Games, fish pond dollars for meals. them. Car will not and a general good time for all. that one dollar and five cents was team of Estacada. Mr. Demoy had a bieakdown cleared from the game, which was leave for Portland until after the Everybody invited. Tuesday moruing after he started game. ‘ he first O D e that has not been a out to make his regular trip with On account of the school fair Mutual Improvement Society losing proposition. the mail, and was obliged to return The Websterian Literary Society there was no school yesterday after­ The Mutual Improvement Society to Estacada for repairs to his held another of its profitable meet­ will give the program for Feb. 20. noon and no regular school exer­ vehicle. ings on Wednesday night. The Mrs. Devore has consented to sing cise* today. Everybody should Mrs. W. P, Potwin and daugh­ topic for special consideration was that afternoon and there will also visit the school fair and thus show ter Elizabeth of Forest Grove, Ore., the effectiveness of prohibitory be several appropriate selections for your appreciation of the pupils' ef­ were guests of Mrs. Emily Lady laws. Reports from various states Washington's birthday. A mock forts along this line. from Friday until Monday. Mrs. showed that states where prohi­ trial, the famous breach of promise The price of the daily Portland Potwin was formerly a resident of bition is strictly enforced are char­ case ot Smythe vs. Smith will be Journal, Sunday included, is $7.50: Estacada. acterized by the prevalence of sound given by the “ Websterian Bunch’ ’ , j without Sunday $5 00. To all Mrs. J. E Seal ..ent to Portland minds in sound bodies, and great Estacada always does turn out well those subscribing at the Progress to a trial and when thev find out Monday and to a hospital where moral and material progtess. office at the prices named above, she w«s epe-ated upon Tuesday Other subjects which have been that such notable attorneys as Rob- 1 we will give one and a half year's morning for some trouble of loug discussed more or less exhaustively ert Ethelbert Morten and Garfield subscription to the Progress free. standing. At last reports she was by the club during the winter are: Fiarl Tracy can be heard the same This offer will expire very soon. getting along nicely. Panama Tolls, the Currency Bill, ' afternoon, there will certainly be a Mrs. Pstrick, the woman who Anti-Trust Legislation, Nayal Poli­ j rush for the schoolhouse about Dr. Adi* went to Portland Tues­ | 2:05. So you ' i d better start at stole sweaters, umbrellas, switches, day morning to accompany Chas. cy of the Powers, Russian Treat­ 11:30 and get there nu time. and other articles, and who was Carson home from the hospital, ment of the Jews and the Montes- Another student fell from grace ' tried and found guilty over in sori System of Education, * where he was operated upon a short last Monday night About a year : Washington county and sentenced time ago. It is reported that be is ago he tried to hire a rig one rainy to a term of one year in the county Card of Thanks getting along as well as could be night but failed in the attempt, so 1 jail and to pay costs, was parolled Coon Boyer says when he has expect eJ. he climbed up on the water wagon on condition that she pay the same lots of booze he has lots of friends The District School will be here and when his booza is gone he and said ‘ never again.’ ’ All went and hereafter live up to the law» on Friday, March 13th instead of hasn't got but a few friend». I will 'til the first o f the week when and report Fo the sheriff once a he fell from his enviable position, < month. the 12th. Some of the very best The hair switches and hereby thank the people of Kata U " ‘ will appear with this com- I cada for their kindness toward me and it look* now as if even the other articles were returned iu most president of the Student Body ot j ¡■ suy. No one can afford to miss Coon Boyer. E H S can be drawn away from j cases, but we have heard of no this, whether they live in the coun­ the comfortable fireplace of home! goods being returned to Estacada try or in town.— Adv. parties. by booze (Bews). 1 Don't forget to REG ISTER . Progress I The Payment of Taxes