:ESSIÛfiAL «----------------------- ----------------------- ' — ----------- H E N R Y V.ADIX.M .L P H Y S IC IA N & SUR G EO N OFFIl'H, ADJOINING RR6IDRNCB Local and Lon.s Distance Telephone The (liK-tor’s ptioiw! can 1* connect*?« with your home phone at night if re quested. Oue lout? ring D r , W. K . H a v i l a n d ïhc Christian Church. ESTACADA I 1 » r e a c h i n g - - Preachi ng - - i -7 :^ The public cordially invited to vices. W. Cl 1 vit n s , Pastor. Methodist Episcapal Church Sunday School - - • io a. tn Hpworth League - - • 6:30 p. m Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m 1 The public cordially ioviteil to all services. C. Ii. Rees. Pastor. P h y s ic ia n a nd Surgeon The Re-Orna.'i/.ed Church of Jesus Christ of I,. 1 ) S. meets in O f i c e u n M a i r i St. b e t w e e n fsL store building on the corner, form t u i d 2 n d . T e l e p h o n e C o n n e c t i o n s erly the Howe stote, Sundays as R e s id e n c e c o r n e r o f S e c o n d follows: Sunday School at 10, and preaching at it o’clock A. M. All a n d C o r r i t i streets. cordially invited. J. F. W iles, Elder. D r . . A. W E L L S D E N T IS T PO RTLAND, OREGON Will he in Estacada on Fridays i Saturdays. Appointments may made with Dr. Adix. DR R. M O R S E . P h y s ic ia n a n d Surgeon Tests eyes and fits glasses. Office over Drug Store Local and long distance y phone. The Mail Schedule Arrival ____ _ .6:50 A. M. A rrival_____ 4:1.8 P. M. Departure.. 7:23 A. M. Departure ____ 4:40 P M. Office hours 7 A. M to 6 P. M. Sundays 7 A M. to 8:30 A. M. Holidays 7 A. M 109:30 A. M and front 3:30 P. M, to 6 P. Jd. Positively no mail delivered through Drug Store. A. N. Johnson, Postmaster. tele- *C L A U D E W. D E V O R E A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W and N O T A R Y P U B L IC BUSINESS LOCALS They have it - good fresh vege­ tables. Go and see them. Fred I J°rH F r e d J o rg E. W. B A R T L E T T , LAW YER For Trade Timber Claim in Washington for city property. 1 3tf Require of H. M. jatnes t '* For 46 ale—T*tT6roughbred S. C, W'hite Leghorn Cockrels, Prize Oregon winning strain. Enquire of C. A. Jacques, Estacada, or the Progress office. 18 W4 'Office on Broadway. •“ Estacada, JOHN THE BROWN IN S U R A N C E MAN O F G R E S H A M PH O N E 513 ‘ O R E G O N F IR E R E L I E F A S S O C 1 T IO N O F M CM IN N ViLE. O R E . Automobile Insurance a Specialty : s a n s a s ^ A. E. Sparks Successors to Reed & Sparks Repairing of All Kinds Plumbing and Electric Wiring © cS>t$ 3 > « © c© € 5 » 1 « © « 53 >«S 8 >e$S>< | § 1 f gressive attitude of the former exe­ cutive committee. The corporation I SM C ADA, OKI GO IN I understand that there is s movement will be known as the Garfield Coun­ NINA H, K C K LR , Editor «nd Manager 011 foot to buil t a new ehureli at Cnr- try Clnh and will now be in jiosi- rinville and l thought possibly it might tion to transact business, social and entered at the poetofflct in F.stacada Orsgcn as be of interest to ihe rising generation to otherwise on a more substantial sacond clasa mal. know the early history of tlieold church. In I865 Philip Linn and family came basis. Under the chatter regula- , S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S j across the plains from Illinois and tious it is impossible for any one j Dna year ... bought the Knight place, north o f Cur- person to own or hold title to more | I Six months nnville. Thia place included the Taylor than one share of stock. The sane- | farm, G. B. Linn farm and Robert ness and advantage of that article j Thursday, January 22. 1914 Currin farm. About that time the con­ Call readily be seen. All other ar­ ference o f the M E. Church. South, had Mrs Clara Larsson was elected sent a man by the name of McFarlan ticles are similar in effect and will i i? tnayot of Trontdalr, Oregon, and here to preach. Rev. McFarlan later act as a benefit to the community be.c me quite a noted preacher ami a rather than the individual. The J/r was installed into office last week. presiding elder As they ha I no church Mrs. Larsson is the second woman building they he'd their services in directors for the ensuing year are; I r » to become mayor of a citv in O re-! Philip Linn's h use until 1 SS 6 or I867 Geo. Hathaway. II. G. Trowbridge, gon There is a general belief that when they concluded to build a church. W. LaBarre, G. Hunt and H G ! % Philip Linn deoiled two acres of land Sanford. It is well to mention that j the new ntavor will “ make good.” for a church and camp meeting ground only through the ceaseless efforts < g _ . , , where the cliurcli now stands. His The Progress received a sub ,, , , . , „ ,. i and integrity of the initial members *6 * three sons. \\m. 1 .. John A. and If. e.. scription last week front a ntan owned a saw mill on the Clackamas 1 lat 1 le Prcscut results have been ! living in another state, who wanted river just west of the lleiple farm and . accomplished. The extensive tin-, ^ the paper so as to be kept posted tl,ey sawed all the rough lumber used provenietits will stand as a monu- ] ffl j on weather conditions, as well as lnits construction I the larger part ment to their perseverance. , , . , - * * I of the labor was done by Mr Linn and: _ , ... , , , , local news. And so it behooves u s ! his V!„ sons ______ .... tv .... 1 Ed They hhearer was lately elected 1 and , thre e sons-in-law. to say something concerning the aimed to set the church about the treasurer of the Oregon State Poul­ wtalher occasionally for the benefit center of the two acres but wheu in try Association, after years it was surveyed they found of people living at a distance. The Garfield Dorcas Society held it was to one side. They built a long c pen shod on the east end of the church an all-day meeting on January 15. On account ot the supreme court where they had preaching in summer with Mrs T. Yocuin who served a of the state declaiing the act of the and at times when the church would not most delicious dinner which was last legislature unconstitutional, hold the congregation. The writer re­ highly appreciated The main work every voter in Clackamas county members attending church in this shed. cf the day was the making Some o f the heaviest contributors to will have to register this year and the church outside of the Linn family comfortable. At the business ses­ _ before the May primaries, if they were Wm. Howlett, who died recently. sion it was decided to hold a spring want to vote at that time. The Uncle Ge6rge Currin, father c f Robert sale in the near future, time and coumy clerk has designated C. W. and Mrs. Hale, George Githen, father place to be named later. Devore as one of the deputies in of llenry and John, and Mr. Cook, I /si father of Al, of Damascus. No doubt EAGLE CREEK Estacada aud he will take the j but others gave but I do not know who F.agie Creek Grange met Saturday. | names of voters. they were. 1 do not think any of them Published f\ e r v Thursday Moffilnq at F .n tH r iiiln . Rbitof Progress: Dr., Ian. ly , 1914. f f ji Wanted Highest price pa’d for eggs at the I’alaee Meat Matket. E sta ca d a . O re g o n T h e Early History o f the and the iucoiporaticn of the club as a social beneficiary, matks the pro­ Currinsville Church PROGRESS (I ncorpohatkd ) Ilible school A good " T I P ” for everybody. Order your I.oganberry plants now of Roscoe C. Denting, Estacada, Ore For S ale—Nine Pigs. Enquire of R. W. Alspatigh, Alspaugb, Ore. 17 w3 The Weekly Oregonian has ex ­ tended it’ s sul«scription rates until the first ( f February. The Week lv Oregonian and the Estacada Progress for only $ 1.5 0 Now is the time to renew vour subscription to both papers. Just ten more days. For Sale -6 head of cows on the O. C. Klaetsch farm near Cazadero. l8-2p Ten , Electric Generating PLANTS Widely scattered have been built by the Portland Railway, Light & Power t o . for the purpose of providing Reliable Electric Service to its patrons. Through high tension trans- mission lines, each of these generating plants are intercommunicative, so that the service is insured against unforseen inter- rjptions. WHERF LOCATED Portland (2 ) Oregon City Silverton Cazadero Estacada Bull Run Boring St. Johns Salem s Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. There was a very good attendance about gave over teu dollars, but please bear 64 being present. A fter partaking of a I Show us a merchant that makes in mind that ten dollars then amounted fine dinner, the following officers were | Broadway and Alder Streets 0 use of space in the papers of his far mure than at the present time. installed: M .C. Glover, master; F. \V. ! Phones: Marshall 5100 Home A-6131 ^ I11 those days they usually had preach­ Bates, overseer; Mrs. S. FI. Bates, lect­ city or town and we will show yon ing once a month but in the winter the a live and wide awake business man roads were so bad and the streams urer; George Smith, steward; Willie G > (g g > (S S P (S S 3 > (g S S (g g > g £ 3 > l@ a ^ 3 > (g 5 a ^ a c^ g i(g $ sg ) and oue who is prospering Then were too high to ford at times, so it Still, assistant steward; Mrs. L . Glover, chaplain; H. H Hoffmeister, treasurer; show us the turn who dots not use was impossible for the preacher to fill Mrs. M. C. Glover, secretary; Willie his appointments. There were very the paper or one who does so spas­ Lane, gatekeeper; Mrs. Lina Gibson, H ¿2 a day $ 10 a week modically, and we will show you a few bridges then. Along about the ceres; Mrs. Linda HolFmcister, pomona; time the church was started or before Miss Ethel Hale, Flora; Miss Minnie man who is ready to say at any there was a camp meeting ground down G time: “ Oil, business is very poor. where Alspaugh Station now is that was Steinman, lady assistant steward. Mrs. S. FI. Hates, assisted by E. N. Bates, Shears & Sawbuck, the mail-order all heavy timber then, there were a installed the officers. A fter the in­ folks, are getting all the trade now number of log cabins built to accomo­ stallation the lecturer had an interest­ MODERN C O N V E N IEN C E S date the campers. Once while they ing program. days.” —Camas Post. were holding meeting there Bishop K av­ Rev. Aue, chaplain of Spring- anaugh preached, and when they dedi­ One of the most delightful the Talking of the weather for the cated the new church they called it water Grange, was present at benefit of those of our readers who \ KavanaughChapel, The M. E. Church, Grange Saturday. do not live here to enjoy it, the South, held the church until six or Dr. Hays, who has been holding Local and Tourist Progress can do no better than to seven years ago when the Northern meetings at Eagle Creek, took din­ Methodist took charge of it and has re-print the following from the held it ever since. Just how this trans­ ner with tlie Grangers Saturday Oregon City Courier: fer was made I do not know The old ! alu' was present during the instal- The pussy willows and cherry trees FILL YOUR OAT BIN building has been practically rebuilt 1 lalion and lecturer's hour, are budding; roses have never stopp­ from time to time. It has had a new j M C. Thomas and L H Kirch- with a supply from our stock ed blooming; grass grows almost as floor, new roof, rustic put on the out- 1 cm were GraIlge v jsjtors Satu rday. fast as in spring; the thermometer and you'll fill your horse with side, new windows put in and also beer* has not gone below 34 above zero the satisfaction that comes from this winter; the grey squirrels are papered a number o f times. In those! Roy Douglass and wife took din- out doing spring work; wheat is up good feeding. Commence the early dava it was nothing uncommon; ner with Mr. tud Mrs. Naylor to the second joint; and not a flake for the church to be filled to overflow- j Sunday. good work by giving us your of snow. People would go for miles to a t-i , . . . next order. It will not be long Oregon has every place beat a ing. . tend , church . , and those .. . , 1 Mr. and Mrs. Murphy entertair.- who came a long | b before you'll see the difference mile when it comes to good and en­ distance were always invited to stay for ec^ W alter D ouglass and w ifi at in better conditioned stock, joyable weather and it is not adver­ “ dinner” by those who lived near the dimier Sunday. with no increase in feed ex ­ tised as a health resort either. church. There were no Sunday Schools Aleck Baker, who had an attack pense. or Kpworth Leagues then and I might of the measles, is well but his son, Farmers of Oregon who deter­ mention no ten cent theatres nor basket George, has had them for a few ball games to go to or telephones to mine to make corn one of their visit over, but for all that the people days, crops next year will be furnished seemed to be as happy and contented Mr, McMillan, the new renter of free seed by the O W. R & N. Co. as they are at the present day. the Elliott place, brought his bride Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Aue of __________R. D. on condition that they plant, culti­ Springwater conducting tbe funeral The H o te l E s ta c a d a Resorts on Coast Trade Solicited Estacada Lum ber and Produce Co. For (a le :— Batved Rock cocker­ els, good ones. Come aud see llieni out last week and on Wednesday near Christian church. Also a few vate and harvest the corn in the SP R IN G W A TE R evening last a crowd gathered and services. pure-Lred pullets. manner prescribed by the com­ SATURDAY NIGHT Chas. Freeman and wife were charivaried them. The Dodge basket ball team 4W-16 H. Dillon. pany’s crop experts. Since the Mr. aud Mrs. Guy Ciester and Sunday visitors at Dix Bros.’ at played tbe second high school team corn shown last fall many inquir­ at Estacada Friday evening. The children, Mrs. Ciester, Ellsworth, Shubel. ies tegarding seed have been re­ Notice for Publication W. Snodgrass and wife, who REELS game went 16 to 19 in favor of the Charlie, Orpha and Hal Ciester, Department of the Interior, U. S. ceived, and, as far as it will and Mrs Kate Douglass were the have been working for Mrs. L. P. Dodge team. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, reach, the corn exhibited will Ire W . A. JO N E S Charley Marshbank has been guests of Ed Douglass and wife Elliott since October, left last week January 17, 1914. distributed among interested.farm- SUNDAY NIGHT for Wash , where they expect to NOTICE is hereby given that Fabian ers. The company is also planning (l llite s’ck hut we are R'ad 10 ^iear Sunday PROPRIETOR Oscar Wyman, of Cherry ville, Oregon, Dr. Hays, the Presbyterian mis- work in a camp. to organize boys' corn clubs | *hat he is improving Good rips unci careful drivers always who, on September 14, iqo 9 , made Chris. Bittner has bean appoint­ sionary, visited the Pleasant Hill REELS REELS Homestead Entry, No. O2208, for SE** throughout it’s territory and will | Harald Horner hurt his kneecap SPECIAL ATTENTION Sunday School Sunday and gave a ed road supei visor of district num­ Given Hunting and Fishing Partie. of S E ; Section yo. Township 2 .South, ! offer prizes to the lads raising the ! while playing ball last week and ber 45. Range 6 Fast, \\ illamette Meridian best field corn in the largest quan- i has been having trouble with il i short talk after Sunday School. S. B. Brown has completed a flue Will Douglass and wife were has filed notice of intention to make I tities per acre. Tue company will | since. He was not able to play in his house. Team W ork and Hauling by Final Five Year Proof, to establish | Iystacada visitors Saturday. Jesse Cox done some shopping claim to the land above described, | require each farmer receiving f r e e j last Saturday evening, Mrs. Howlett spent Sunday with the D ay or Contract for Mrs. L- P. Elliott. Jim Millard is hauling car deck­ before Register and Receiver, U. S. I seed to agree to dispose of none of Mrs. Lottie Woodle. Laud Office, at Portland. Oregon, on j his crop except for seed and if lie ing from Horner Bros ' mill to Es the 2nd day of March. 1914. Claimant has more than enough for his own ! tacada and is patching up the REPO RT OF TH E CONDITION OF ELWOOD WOOD delivered in any quantity names as witnesses: John Friel, Jr., E. | and liis neighbors' use, the com-' worst places in the road on the Iis- Grandma Dix and son Use of ESTACADA STATE BANK or length, ist class 4 foot wood L. Banty, George Flynn, Sam Cox, all pany will buy it from hitn at to per | tacada hill. at Estacada. in the State of Oregon, al of Cherryville, Oregon. Coitou were dinner guests at the the close of business, January 13th, 1914. slabwood delivered at f 2 00 per cent, above current market p.ices. H. F. Higby, Mis. Fred Horner got her foot home of M. T. Freeman Sunday. cord. 16 inch at $2 50 per load Register. R ESOURCES hurt while playiig basket ball last Loans and discounts......................................... $ 6 0 4 5 1. 7 7 First pub. 1-22-14 A few E'woodites spent Satur­ week aud it has been so very bad ALSPAU GH Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.......... none W . M. Y on ce Last pub. 2-19-14 day evening in Estacada. Bonds and warrants................................ 5 0 9 1 .0 5 Mrs. John Githens and daughter : slle col,!‘l ha,dlT 'va!k around' but j Banking house ............................. 3 4 5 0 .0 0 C. E. Surftis and wife of Dodge Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................... 1 7 9 9 .3 4 GEORGE Hazel spent Sunday aflernoon with is mending now as tlie time f o :' visited at the home of W. Hender­ Due from approved reserve banks........... 7 8 5 6 . 4 0 J. BARR another game approaches. Well, Mrs White and Mrs. Heck left Mrs. Frank. hecks and other cash item s.................... . 8188 son and Dan Stahlnecker Satnrday C Cash we art glad it is any way, if it does on hand........... ....................................... 5 216.29 for California Sunday, Clias Sparks and wife were Esta­ and Sunday. . take the excitement of another Total ................... $ 8 3 9 4 6 .7 3 Blacksmith and Wheelwright Mrs N. Sheel and children and cada visitors Saturday night. F. N. Cadanau and family of game tn cute it. LIABILITIES Mrs F.ilers, Moro Grafenhacn. Hy. / M iss Hazel Githens was the guest We hear that there are two new Estacada spent Saturday and Suu- j Capital stock paid in..*................... .......... . $ 2 5 0 0 0 , 0 0 At tlie Old Stand Joyner and wife were lire guests of of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Githens Fri I Surplus fu n d .................................... ......... ...... 2 5 0 .0 0 bachelors in ihe Springwater dis­ day at tbe home of John Park and Undivided profits, less expen ses and [ N. Ochs aud wife Sunday. , day. wife, Mr. Park still! being quite 1 taxes p a id .......................................... .............. 9 .6 4 trict. Keep 5 our e> es open, girls, Otto Paulson went to Portland GIVE HIM A CALL 5 6 .0 0 Noel S a rv e r, who has been sttr- they may want a house keeper miserable from his recent attack of Dividends u n p a id....... .. ........................... I Postal savings bank d e p o s its .................... . 3 0 5 9 .6 5 Wed nes< I a y . i veying Dear Tlie Dalles, has re- some of these days. ! ia grit [te. I Deposits due State T r e a s u r e r .................. 3 0 0 0 .0 0 Henry Johnson went to Portland 1 turneei home. deposits subject Harley Freeman is suffering from 1 Individual C a rp e n te r S h o p Sunday. There is not much doing up this to :h ec k ....................................................... ..... 5 0 3 7 0 . 2 8 Mrs. Edgar Hiep'e has been wav of late. We had quite a frost ilienmatism, but at the present Demand certificates of deposit.................... 5 2 7 .2 5 T im e certificates of d e p o s it......................... 1 6 7 3 .9 1 General repair work, saw-filing C. A. Johnson aud wife made a quite sick, but is getting better. writing is some better. Sunday night. N otes and bills reiiscounted ...... . | none and gumming. Plowshares trip to Iistaeada Thursday. Echo and Hazel Githens were Notina Yallen came home from B ii . s payable for money borrowe d j Mr. and Mrs Coop and a Latter ground. : ; ; Total . $ 8 p 9 4 6 .7 3 Mrs. P. Itlml and children were Estacada visitors Saturday. Day Saint elder, Mr. Cook, were school Friday, returning Sunday N o Taylor in America can pro­ the guests j>( Mrs P. Paulson1 _____________ _ State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: Shop one door south of the guests at George Guthridge s Sun­ afternoon. duce such high-grade clothes at I, Irwin I). Wright, cashier of the Murcfahmik Restaurant. 1 liursilay j A. J. Tucker is becoming quite day afternoon, returning home Miss Alma Hubbard of Portland above m a t I bmk. Hr. soleiunlv swear 1 such low prices as the IN T E R - C A. Johnson and wile were t h e !,n expcrt Jn maVing furniture. He Monday. The elder preacned a is staling with Mrs. L P. Elliott A. J. T U C K E R . tlnt the a’v.v- statement is true to the M A t t a m a t t , . , . guests of Henry Joyners’ Sunday , 1(HS N A T IO N A L . If you don’ t be­ 1 al pieces which were very interesting sermon Sunday for an indefinite time. Lest of my knowledge a n l belief. lieve it let us prove it to you nt tlie book case vvcniug while there. Irwin D. Wright Cashier. j considered good, Miss Lizzie Lohre of South Da­ hci erening. Lo3t —A dark brown J- Subscribed and sworn t before uie this without any way obligating « H Miller, wife and daughter he made for Mrs. Boswell is sure a kota who cam? lure fot the bench; l7th day of Jauuarv. I9r4. | you to buy. GARfltLD G lid xsan d Miss Armstrong went nice piece of workmanship. mot 1 vV ago, u* u»tut‘ tiesta L. K. , Notary public, to Portland Saturday. The recent purchase ot the prop ,|, at the h is- r . ¡ j Correct—Attest. Irwin D. Wright, R. G. Marchbank, .) I HoimuiiOD gladly Attend the Civic Club dauee Sat- erty, known as the Garfield Conn Eunon, January oth, and was Thomas Yocum, LcRoy D. Walker, di- G. Eiltr went to Portland Satur received try f.'te undersigned Estacada, Ore. i ttrday night. j try Club, consisting of five acres, buried in the Mt, Home cemetery, i rectors, day. i f - ti H Joyner, George P. O- FAMILY THEATRE Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE V.