Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 22, 1914, Image 2

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Mexican Refugee Army
Reaches Railway Station
Ten Oregon Counties
to Have Field Agents
so I have arranged a little plan w h e r»
by you can do som ething to prove
your prowess, and still not Interfere
with Mr. Covington In the least."
Speed cleared his th ro at nervously.
"Tell m e,” he said, “ w hat It la.”
And Miss Blake told him tho story
of the shocking treachery of Humpy
Joe, together with the m iserable un­
doing of the Flying H eart. “Why.
those poor fellows sre broken-heart­
ed," she Concluded. "T heir despair
over losing th a t talking-m achine
would be if it were not so tragic. I
told them you would win it back for
them. And you will, w on't you?
P le ase!"
"I'll tak e ten chances,” he said.
“W here does the raffle come off?”
“Oh, it isn 't a raffle, i t ’s a foot-race.
You m ust run w ith th a t C entipede
"I! Run a ra c e !” exclaim ed th e
young college man, aghast.
“Yes. I ’ve prom ised th a t you would.
You see. this isn’t like a college event,
and Culver isn ’t here yet.”
“But h e ’ll be here in a day or so.”
Speed felt as if a very large m an w ere
choking him ; he decided his collar
was too tight.
"Oh, I ’ve talked it all o re r w ith
Jean. She doesn't w ant C ulver to
run, anyhow.”
"W hy not?” inquired he, suspicious­
"I don’t know, I'm sure.”
“If Miss Chapin doesn’t w ant Culver
to ruq, you surely wouldn’t w ant me
“Not a t all. If Mr. Covington knew
th e facts of the case, he would be
only too happy to do it. And. you
see, you know the facts."
Speed was about to shape a gracious
but firm refusal of the proffered honor
when Still Bill Stover appeared a t the
Bteps, doffed his faded Stetson, and
bowed limply.
“M ornin’, Miss Blake.” To the re a r
Speed saw th ree other m en—an In­
dian, tall, sw art, and saturnine, who
walked with a lim p; a picturesque
Mexican w ith a spangled h at and sil­
ver spurs, evidently the captor of
Law rence Glass on the evening previ­
ous; and an undersized little m an
with thick-rim m ed spectacles and a
heavy-hanging holster from which
peeped a gun-butt. All were sm iling
pleasantly, and seem ed a bit abashed.
“Good m orning, Mr. Stover,” said
Helen, pleasantly. "This is Mr. Speed,
of whom I spoke to you yesterday.”
Stover bowed again and mumbled
som ething about the honor of this
m eeting, and Miss Biako cast her
eyes over the other m em bers of th e
group, saying, graciously: " I’m afraid
I onn’t introduce your friends; I
haven’t m et them .”
The loquacious
forem an
prom ptly to the rescue, rejoicing in an
opportunity of displaying his oratori­
cal gifts.
"Then I'll m ake you acquainted
with the best brandin’ outfit in these
p a rts.” He waved a long, bony arm
a t the Mexican, who flashed his white
teeth. "T his G reaser is Aurelio M aria
Carara. Need I say h e ’s Mex, and a
preem eer roper?” C arara bowed, and
sw ept the ground with his high-peaked
head-piece. “Tho Maduro gent yonder
is Mr. Cloudy. His m other being a
Navajo squaw, named h i m a o o o i U I u ' t o
the rights and custom s of her tribe,
selecting th e title of Cloudy-but-the-
Sun-Shines, which sam e has proved a
misnomer, him bein’ a pessim ist for
Miss Blake and her companion smil­
ed and nodded, a t which Stover, en­
couraged beyond m easure, elaborated.
'H e's had a h lst’ry, too. W hen he
M arfa, T ex.— Footsore, ragged, a l­
m ost fam ished from th e ir three-day
m arch on foot of 67 m iles over a wind­
sw ept m ountain road, the 3300 M exi­
Oregon A gricultural College, Cor­
T he work o f Floyd Rader, the W al­
can federal soldiers and generals rout­ v allis.—Ten Oregon counties have now lowa county agent, has shown the pos­
ed from O jinaga, M ex., by the rebels, m ade appropriations for the support of sib ilitie s of expert agricultural super­
arrived w ithin a few m iles of M arfa, ! county agricultural agents, and a num ­ vision. L arge savings were m ade by
whence they are to be transported by ber of o th er counties have taken steps reducing the dam age done field crops
by sm ut, and a model pig house, de­
Lord Strathcona, high commiasioner tra in to F o rt Bliss, a t El Paso. W ith to put the county dem onstration policy signed by Mr. Rader, has resulted in a
for Canada, ia critically ill a t his home them are 1067 women and 300 c h il- , into effect. Thus approxim ately one- m aterial saving of young pigs.
1 third of the counties of Oregon have
In Coos county Field A gent Sm ith is
in London.
The ragged rem nant of the H u e rta now, or soon will have, county demon­ o rganizing the dairy industry. He is
The D elaw are & Hudson railw ay
a t present supervising an organization
strik e has been settled and all union arm y, which sought asylum in this stra tio n agents.
country ra th e r than face possible e x ­
The counties th a t have already m ade o f cow -testing associations. T his is a
men are back a t work.
term ination by the rebels, will be for­ appropriations for th is work are H a r­ necessary step in scientific dairying,
English suffragettes declare they m ally interned
a t F o rt Bliss, as ney, W allowa, Union, G rant, K la­ designed to improve the dairy herds.
will have an audience w ith th e king, w ards of the governm ent.
They are m ath, Coos, Tillam ook, Lane and M ar­
County dem onstration work is being
or know the reason why.
to be held indefinitely on the footing ion. Not all of these have been sup­ organized very rapidly in the N orth­
I t will be the plied w ith the field agents, but appli- w est. A conference of the sta te lead­
The Japanese volcano S akurajim a of prisoners of w ar.
th a t ra ck e t m eans welcome, I don’t
awakens to new activity, and furth er first tim e the A m erican arm y has been cations for the positions are being ers and county agents for Idaho, Ore­
w ant It. Take th a t clothes-line off of
called on to shelter, feed, and clothe considered by Professor H. T. French, gon and ¡W ashington will be held a t
outbursts seem im m inent.
b o y s o f th e F ly in g H e a r t r a n c h a r e m e.” C arara loosenedvhe noose, and
an e n tire division of a foreign arm y, sta te leader o f the county dem onstra­ Pullm an, W ashington, Jan u ary 26 to h e C a o r w
Unusually mild w eather and Igrge which includes six disarm ed generals. tion work, who announces th a t the po­ 29.
The three sta te leaders and a p riz ed p h o n o g r a p h b y th e d e f e a t o f th e ir his captive rolled up the steps mop­
im ports from New Zealand are bring­
a f o o t- r a c e w ith th e c o o k o f ping his face with his handkerchief.
None o f those in th is unique car­ sitions will soon be filled.
num ber of county men will p articip ate c th h e a m C p e io n n tip In
e d e r a n c h . A h o u s e p a r t y is
ing down the price of butter.
"W hat m ade you ru n aw ay?” de­
avan which struggled fo r m iles along
In all of these counties the Bum of in th is convention. There will be rep­ on a t th e F ly in g H e a r t. J . W a llin g f o rd
, c h e e r le a d e r a t Y ale, a n d C u lv e r manded Speed.
An Illinois man has confessed to the road was more visibly affected on money set aside fo r county demon­ resen tativ es from the ag ricultural col­ S C p o eed
v in g to n , in te r - c o lle g ia te c h a m p io n r u n
"Any tim e a bunch of bandits un­
m urdering his w ife, th a t he m ight coming w ithin sig h t o f M arfa than stratio n work will be duplicated by leges of the three states. The Oregon n er, a r e e x p e c te d . H e le n B la k e , S p e e d ’s
General Salvador Mercado, H u e rta ’s the state. The U. S. d e p artm en t of A gricultural college will be represent­ s w e e th e a r t, b ec o m es in te r e s te d in th e lo ss hitch th e ir gats. I’m on my way," sp u t­
m arry his 15-year-o!d step-daughter.
o f th e p h o n o g ra p h . S h e s u g g e s ts to J e a n tered the fat man. "I’m gun-shy, see?
form er m ilitary chief, who ordered the ag ricu ltu re also co-operates in fu r­ ed by Professor R. D. Hetzel, director C h a p in , s is te r o f th e o w n e r o f th e r a n c h ,
San Francisco’s m unicipal carline is evacuation of O jinaga in face of the nishing resources for
Work. of extension, and by Professor French. t h a t s h e In d u c e C o v in g to n , h e r lo v e r, to And when this hold-up comes off I
in b a c k th e p h o n o g r a p h . H e le n d e c la r e s
declared to be paying all expenses and rebels’ fire.
T hroughout the e n tire country there
The dem onstration policy has re­ w
th a t if C o v in g to n w o n ’t r u n . S p e e d w ill. beat It till th at Cuban rum m y w ith the
a good in te rest on every cent invested.
General Mercado, rid in g on a horse, are about 200 such agents employed in ceived the hearty endorsem ent of the T h e co w b o y s a r e h ila r io u s o v e r th e p r o s ­ medals on his dicer rides a live horse
p ec t.
up my back."
Smallpox has been found among the his uniform covered w ith dust, was the various stateB, some sta te s work- U nion County F arm ers’ union. A fte r
"You don’t appreciate the honor,’
1000 or more unemployed men quar­ confessedly hum iliated, not only a t ' ing as high as 20 men in the field. h earin g the plans explained by Pro­
C H A P T E R III.— Continued.
tered in the Gypsy Sm ith auditorium the defeat of his arm y and the neces­ The work is being extended very ra p ­ fessor French, the m em bers promised
It was growing dark when the ra t­ explained his em ployer; then turning
sity for his flight to foreig n soil, but idly and results in m ost instances are to support and co-operate in carrying tle of wheels outside the ranch house to the others, he announced: “Will
in Portland.
also because of a re p o rt from Mexico ! high y g ra tify in g .
on the work in Union county.
brought th e occupants to the porch tn you allow me to Introduce Mr. Law
In a prison m utiny a t M cAlester, City th a t he would be court-m artialed
tim e to see N igger Mike h a lt his buck- rence Glass? He isn’t really a valet
O kla., four officials and three convicts should he re tu rn to his n ativ e country.
board and two figures prepare to de- you know, Miss Chapin, and he doesn’t
w ere killed and several others wound­ Besides General Mercado, who m in­
care for the w est yet. It is his first
ed, but none escaped.
trip .”
gled w ith the U nited S ta te s cavalry­
T h f council o f Portland is consider­ men who acted as guards, were the
"I have heard my b ro th er speak of
Then she u ttered a scream as the vel
ing the licensing of all places where federal generals C astro, Aduna, Lan-
L arry Glass,” said Jean, graciously,
foodstuffs are sold, including every da, O rpinal and Romero, all of them
Mr. Glass courtesied awkwardly,
tongues of flame, while a shrill yelp-
shorn of th e ir swords b u t some still
kind of hotel or restau ran t.
and sw inging his rig h t foot back of
E arthquakes in Ja p a n loosened a re ta in in g on th e ir uniform s b its of
Hood R iver— Through the efforts of
“ I t is a possible th in g ,” said Mr. | “It’s the boys,” said Jean. "W hat
wall of rock, a t the base o f which 300 gold braid which had not been torn off th e ir president, H. F. Davidson, who Sieg, th a t by the end of January few ! on e arth has possessed them ?”
volcano refugees had taken shelter,
has been passing the w in ter a t New apples will be left in Hood R iver for
B ut Stover had planned no ordinary
and it fell upon them , k illing every aga.
York, w here he has charge of all of sale. It is our policy to sell the fru it reception, and the pandem onium did
the eastern shipm ents of apples and on a basis th a t will give the buyers not cease until the men had em ptied
Am erican te rrito ry of so many foreign
C aptain F rancis Inch, who com­ soldiers and women w ith th e ir baggage the export trade, the N orth Pacific the advantage of some speculation. th eir weapons.
manded the burned steam er Volturno, abounded w ith incident. The b irth of F ru it D istributors are bringing about When this system becomes thoroughly
Then Mr. J. W allingford Speed came
w ill have command of a larg e r and a child, the death o f several wounded a new order of things in the exports understood by European buyers i t will stum bling up the steps and Into the
be of inestim able benefit to the m ar­ arm s of his friends, the tails of his
b e tte r ship, which has ju s t been soldiers, the search fo r w ater in the of N orthw estern box apples.
Up to th is y ear all N orthw estern keters in handling future crops.”
dust-coat stream ing.
desert, the constant B traggling away box apples have been consigned. Con­
Mr. Sieg says th a t grow ers have to
“Really? This Is m ore than I ex­
In view of the loss of the subm arine from the line of m arch, and the round­
signm ents have been taboo th is year, learn lessqns as to the handling of pected,” he gasped; then turning,
A 7, the B ritish adm iralty board has ing up again o f scores of the refugees
and the m erchants of the C ontinent fru it. “ Too much o f the crop of the doffed his straw h a t to the half-re­
condemned all subm arines of the A w ere some of the difficulties w ith
class, and they will likely go to the which the U nited S ta te s cavalrym en, and England have been m aking direct y ear is still in the hands of the grow vealed figures beyond the light, and
purchases of the fru it.
ers. Many loads of apples are coming cried, gayly: “T hank you, gentlem en!
Bcrap heap.
commanded by M ajor McNamee, had
“ The buyers find the new order into the storage houses this week.
The M exicans, guarded of things to th e ir ad v an tag e,” says This is too late to pack f r u it,” says T hank you for m issing m e!"
A noted professor of the Rockefeller to contend.
In stitu te has arrived a t Pacific City, v irtually as prisoners, outnum bered W ilm er Sieg, sales m anager of the d is­ Mr. Sieg. “ Much of th is tardiness is j “Yow—e e !” responded the cow­
on the C alifornia coast, w here he will the escorting A m erican cavalrym en tributors. “ I g e t daily w ire commu­ due to the carelessness of grow ers, but boys.
“How do you do, Miss Chapin!
try to create original anim al life by ten to one.
nications and le tte rs from Mr. D avid­ a system of co-operative packing­
Since they w ere routed from O jin­ son, and the new method is bringing houses, w here the sm aller orehardists Speed shook hands w ith his hostess,
the use of chemicals.
and In the radiance from the open
aga by General V illa ’s rebel forces
* Continued blizzards, cold and deep and compelled to cross the bolder into about a w ider d istribution of the can haul th e ir product and clean it up doorway she saw th a t his face was
snows in France am ount to a national the U nited S tates a t Presidio, Tex.,
round and boyish, and his sm ile pe­
Scandinavian elim inate the bad effects of having
calam ity, and the arm y is w orking full ten days ago, the M exican soldiers had points in Ita ly and
culiarly engaging.
force to clear th e roads and city had only scant food supplies.
T heir
She welcomed him appropriately;
stre e ts and restore railw ay comm uni­ m arch of 67 m iles to the nearest ra il­
then said: “This reception Is quite as
startling to us as to you. You know, Felt a t If a Large Man W as Choking
way statio n a fte r they had been dis­
[Mr. Speed, th a t we have w ith u s a
P resident W ilson ra te s tru s t ques­ arm ed and held prisoners by the Am er­
friend of yours." She slightly drew his left, tapped the floor with his toe.
tion and rural credits as of equal im­ ican troops was m ade possible by the
Medford — The recent city election
Gold H ill—New and novel employ­ j Helen forward. "And this Is Mrs
establishm ent of the th ree cam ps pro­
“You w ere a tra in e r a t Yale when
vided en route.
These camps were resulted in a victory for the C itizens’ m ent for the idle hours o f sta te gam e | Reap, who is looking a fte r us a bit Jack was there?"
Five m em bers of the arm y of unem ­
w ardens may be found in the exam ple | while m other is away. Roberta, may
‘T h at’s m e,” Mr. G lass wheezed
ployed in San Francisco m ust face all foodstuffs and w a te r had to be car­ ward was recalled, Dr. H argrave w in­ set by D eputy W arden Ham m ersley, 11 p re sen t Mr. Covington’s friend, and “I’m th ere with the big rub, too. W al­
charges of rioting.
ly said he was going to tra in during
the m archers were poorly clad and Councilman S tew art, in the Second stationed at W illow F la t, in a typical | “Don't forget me,” said Fresno, vacation, so he staked me to a trip
W ilson’s position on the ta riff was w ithout blankets, so th a t th e ir suffer­ ward, was recalled, V. J . Em m erick Oregon w ilderness and h u n ters’ para­ pushing into the light.
out here, and I cam e along to look
severely criticized by the National ing a t night was intense.
w inning 368 to 300. In a large field dise, 20-odd m iles north of this city, j “Mr. Berkeley Fresno, of Leland a fte r him.”
W oolgrow ers’ convention a t S alt Lake
Hence the hopeful look th a t appeared E lm er Foss, c ity recorder, was re ­
‘Come into the house,” said Jean.
This warden is adding to the efficacy Stanford U niversity.”
C ity.
in the faces of the dirt-begrim ed men elected by a large m ajority, and G.
I "Hello, F re z !" Speed th ru st out his
of gam e protection by a trap p in g cam- j hand warmly. Not so the Californian. “ Stover will see to your baggage.”
Investigations show the Japanese is­
As they entered, Mr. Berkeley F re s­
The o ther m em bers of the C itizens’ paign ag ain st predatory anim als dur­ He replied, w ith hauteur:
land recently torn by earth q u ak e, to the m arch was alm ost over.
no saw th e late arriv al bend over
ing the dull w in ter m onths, and al­
“Fresno! F-r-e-s-n-o; ” and allowed H elen Blake, and heard him m urm ur:
be thickly coated w ith m elted sulphur
Am erican officers th a t of all the m arch­ Medynski and Col. H. H. S argent, ready has a long lis t o f captured v a r­ | the new-comer to grasp a limp, m oist
‘The sam e unforgettable eyes of
and ashes.
T he women lined up m ints to his credit.
ers the Mexican women w ere the best. councilmen.
[ hand.
Italian blue.”
A cting under
instructions from
W heat prices a re strong on account T here w ere instances of women yield­ throughout the city for the reform
“Ah! Go to th e head of the class!
And Mr. Fresno decided to dislike
The adm inistration forces S ta te Game W arden Finley, the W il- I I’m sorry you broke your w rist, how­
o f the Japanese demand, occasioned by ing their places on horseback or on tick et.
W ally Speed, even if It required an
low F la t deputy outfitted w ith tra p s
burros to men who found them selves th rea te n to contest the result.
the failure of crops is th a t country.
ever. ” T he eastern lad spoke light­ effort.
A strong effort will be made, how­ and lures last fall, established a 13- ly, and gave the palm a hearty sqeeze,
tire d out w ith the w alk.
C hairm an Moon, of the house post-
m ile tra p line, a n l began the cam ­
The m arching column was stretched ever, to forestall th is action.
office com m ittee, defies the P resident over a g re a t distance to prevent con­
paign which he is now so successfully then turned to Jean.
"I dare say you a re all disappointed,
in the m a tte r of civil Bcrvice practice. fusion and to reduce as much as possi­
waging. Each p elt secured is careful­
T was on the following
Maniac Killed in Fight
ly prepared for taxyierm y purposes Miss Cbapln, th a t Culver didn't come
'S o u th A frican strik e rs who had for­ ble the suffering from th e dust th a t
m orning th p t Miss Blake
and is shipped to P ortland, w here it is with me, but h e ’ll be along In a day
tified them selves in th e ir m eeting hall
m ade bold /to request her
m ounted. These trophies will adorn [
finally surrendered to the m ilitia and
"I did think when you drove up th a t
favor from J. W allingford
Salem —F rank E. W allace, an in­ the s ta te biological collection.
th e strik e is believed broken.
Speed. T hey had succeed­
m ight be Mr. Covington w ith you,”
It was a curious m ingling of people and m ate of the insane asylum, com m itted
ed in isolating them selves
M iss Chapin rem arked, wistfully.
P resident Moyer, of the W estern anim als, while in places the women from Portland, who gave his occupa­
"Oh no, th a t's my m an." Speed
upon the vine-shaded gal­
Federation of Miners, has been indict­ w ith th e ir red dresses and shawls gave tion as sailor, soldier, salesm an and Cheaper Fuel Forecast
lery a t th e re a r of the
glanced around him. “And, by-the-
ed fo r conspiring, w ith 37 o th er offi­ a touch of b rillian t color to the scene. editor, engaged in a b a ttle to death
way, w here Is he?”
house, and the conversation
cers and m em bers of the union.
R ations for the refugees who are to w ith Oliver W hitney, an atten d an t.
J . C. Turney, of Burns, is of the
The sound of angry voices cam e had been largely of athletics, but this.
be interned a t El Paso have been or­ W allace, it ia said, frequently a tta c k ­ opinion th a t the developm ent of the through the gloom, then out Into the
Judging from the ra p t expression of
The soldiers, generals and ed attendants.
W hile he was polishing the floor in oil prospects in C entral Oregon and light cam e Still Bill Stover, W illie, the girl, was a subject of surpassing
other officers o f the d efeated H uerta
H arney county w ill prove a g re a t fac­ ind Carara, dragging betw een them a interest. Speed, quick to tak e a cue,
arm y will be sheltered in 1200 ten ts the day w ard W hitney approached and to r in solving th e problem of cheap
W heat—Track p rices: Club, 85J(iil
globular person who was rebelling plunged on.
spread out on the reservation of F o rt asked him a question. W allace jum p­ fuel for factories in Oregon.
I loudly.
86c; bluestem , 96c; forty-fold, 86((( Bliss on a spur of th e railroad. The ed upon the a tte n d an t and a rough-
“I would have m ade tho V arsity
“ Cheap fuel is the basis o f the m an­
78c; red Russian 85c; valley, 86c.
“Stover, w hat Is this?” questioned basket-ball team myBelf if I hadn’t
m onthly food supplies required for the and-tum ble fight of several m inutes ufactu rin g industries, and will be the
O ats—No. 1 w hite, $24.50fri.'26 ton.
Miss Chapin, stepping to the edge of been so tiny,” said H elen. “I have
self-invited guests will be
33,000 resulted. Finally W allace was thrown
C om —Whole, $35; cracked, $36 ton.
in g th a t will give m anufacturing ;he veranda,
alw ays w anted to be tall, like Ro­
pounds of beef, 20,000 pounds of to the floor, his abdomen strik in g th
the biggest im pulse in Oregon w ithin
B arley— Feed, $24@24.60 per ton;
“This gent stam pedes in the m idst berta."
beans, 135,000 loaves of bread and the polishing block which he had been the next few y e a rs,” he says. “ The
brew ing, $25.50; rolled,
using. O ther atten d an ts w ent to the
1 shouldn’t care for th a t,” said the
several tons of coffee.
assistance of W hitney, but th e ir help I oil prospects in C entral Oregon have
young man.
The women will do the cooking.
not y e t oecn opened up, and thus fa r
H ay—No. 1 E astern Oregon tim o­
was not required.
You know she w as a wonderful
“The Four-Eyed Gent Is W illie.”
thy, $16.50; mixed tim othy, $14; al­
W allace’s groans indicated th a t he the work has been chiefly prospecting, I
*!*> ( <m£ J
W ire le ss S ite is C h o se n .
falfa, $14; clover, 9(ri)10; valley grain
reaches m an’s real-estate th e Injun
had been severely injured and a phy­ but I am of the opinion th a t in these
'So I’ve heard.”
hay, $ll(ri'18.
W ashington, D. C.— A special board sician found th a t several of his ribs ! fields lies largely th e source of the
'Do you know,” m used Helen, "I agent ropes, throw s, and hog-tles him,
M illfeed—Bran, $21((i22 ton; Bhorts, of naval officers has selected as a site had been fractured and th a t he was in­ fuel supply from which the sta te m ust
have never forgotten w hat you told then sends him e a s t to be cultivated.
draw in fu tu re .”
$23(0 24; m iddlings, $29(0)30.
m e th a t first day we m et. About your He spends four years kickin’ a foot­
for a high-pow er radio sta tio n on the jured internally. He lived about two
Onions—Oregon, $3.25 sack; buy­
friendship for Mr. Covington. I think ball—’’ Speed interrupted, with an
C alifornia coast a location on L aJolla hours.
ing price $2.75 f. o. b. shipping points.
N ew B rid g e I s W a n te d .
exclam ation of genuine in te re s t
it is very unselfish of you.”
H eights, about four m iles east of San
V egetables — Cabbage, 2c pound;
S m a llp o x C a se s F o u n d .
"Oh, it's tru e as gospel,” the fore­
“ Oh, I wouldn’t say th a t,” ventured
Florence— Because the Lane County
Diego and 11 m iles from th e seacoast.
cauliflower, 75c(fi$1.25 dozen; e g g ­
the young man, vainly racking his m an averred. "W hen he goes lame
P ortland—Two cases of sm allpox of court will do nothing to replace the
It is expected th a t a tr a c t of land
plant, 10(<il2Jc pound; peppers, 6(d,7e
brain. “Nobody could help liking Cul­ in his off leg they ship him back, and
the m alignant type have been discov­ bridge through Acme, the people of
pound; garlic, 12ir0115c;
sprouts, com prising 72 acres w ith an elevation
in spite of them handicaps he has be­
of 450 fe e t above the sea level soon ered in St. Johns, a suburb of this th a t town held a m ass m eeting and
12Je; artichokes, $2 dozen; squash,
Yes; but how m any m en would come one ru stlin ' savage a t a round­
will be acquired by the governm ent city.
l j f t i l l c ; celery, $3.75 c ra te ; hothouse
step aside and let th e ir best friend win up.”
for about $15,000. As soon as title to been m ade about the o th er alleged tions and applying for help from the
lettuce, $1(9)1.25 box; spinach, 75(0
prize a fte r prize and never undertake
“W hat college did you atte n d ? ” in­
the site has been acquired the d e p art­ case, which is in the fam ily o f a Mr. court. The town is built over a slough
80c c ra te ; turnips, $1.25 sack; car­
to compete against him ?”
quired Speed, politely. The question
m ent will begin the erection of a sta ­ Baker on W illam ete boulevard. The and the only m eans o f travel through
rots. $1.10; parsnips, $1.25; beets,
fell upon unresponsive ears.
tion w ith funds already authorized.
son is reported to have sm allpox, and it is by this bridge, which was built
e st m an m ight have done.
He don' talk none,” Stover explain­
the fa th e r is going to and from the along the county survey by local re si­
Cucum bers— Hothouse, $1.50(0)2 per
ed. "Conversation, which I esteem as
T w o D ie in F ig h t O v e r P o s ts .
For some tim e th ere have- dents in 1900, and has been m ain­
a gift tievine, is a lost a rt w ith him.
Billings, "M ont.—A double killing been several cases of m ild varioloids tained by them until the last two
W alnuts—Black, 5c per pound.
“Then please don't speak of it to a I reckon he don't average a word a
Now the court has
fo r­
Poultry— Hens, 16(d)16}c; springs, occurred a t I’om pey’s P illa r, a small in St. Johns, but so fa r they have es­ years.
Had Planned No Ordinary Reception.
week. W hat language he did know he
16(3!l6Jc; turkeys, live, 20(022; d ress­ town in the E astern p a rt o f Yellow­ caped detection. It is said th ere are bidden travel over the walk.
deal th a t first day, but—”
has forgot, and w hat he a in 't forgot
ed, choice, 26(0'274c; ducks, 12(016c; stone county, as the result o f a quar­ a t least four or five cases of th is form.
of our welcome." explained, th e fore­
“B ut I have spoken of it, and I said he d istru sts.”
rel over cedar posts, which it is said
F a rm e rs A s k P o lic e P o w e r.
geese, 12(014c.
man, "so we have to rope him before I thought it was fine of you.”
T urning to the near-sighted man
C la ss I n v e s ts In S to c k .
E g g s—Oregon fresh ranch, 34(0 35c had been stolen from th e Crow Indian
Eugene— Proposal to in itia te a law he gets away." It was seen now th a t
“You have spoken of it? "
who had been starin g a t th e college
reservation. E. F. G ately, stockman
Creswell — A new word in practical to give farm ers the rig h t to a rre st C arara's la ria t was tightly draw n
“Yes; I told Jean."
youth m eanwhile, the spokesm an
R u tter— Cream ery prints, e x tra s, 33 and owner of several ranches, is said school sp irit and education was spelled hunters trespassing on th e ir farm s about the new a rriv a l's waist.
The Yale m an 'Undertook to change took a deep breath, and said, simply
to have fired the first shot a t Ed W il­ here last week when the g raduating was m ade a t a m eeting of the Lane
(9)3Sc pound; cubes, 30c.
T hen the valet broke into coherent the conversation abruptly, but Miss yet proudly, as if describing the pleoe
liams, a cowboy employed on a neigh­ class of the Creswell high school County F arm ers’ P rotective associa- speech, but he spoke a tongue not
P ork— Fancy, 10}c pound.
Blake was a determ ined young lady. de resistance of this exhibition:
boring ranch, wounding him slightly. bought seven shares of stock in the tion.
V eal— Fancy, l l j c pound.
Members o f several of the common to his profession.
She continued:
“The four-eyed gent is W illie, plain
Hops— 1913 crop, prim e and choice,
Creswell F ru it and Vegetable G row ers’ granges of the county w ere present a t
“ Nix on th a t welcome stuff," he
"O f course, it was very m agnanim ­ W illie, a born range rider, and the
ing and m ortally wounding G ately, Co-operative association, instead of the m eeting, and assured the farm ers burst forth, in husky, alcoholic ac­
21(0 22c; 1914 contracts, 16c.
P e lts— Dry, 10c; dry short wool, who, before he fell, killed W illiam s.
spending the money for the custom ary j th a t the grange would be glad to as­ cents; "th a t goes on the door m at!" It favor of your best friend; but it Isn 't, best hip shot this side of the S an ta Ft
and tim e honored class pins and sist. The association was form ed for was plain th a t he was very angry. "If fa ir to yourself—it really isn ’t. And tra il!"
7c; dry shearlings, 10c; green shear­
(TO B B C O N T IN U B D .)
S u b m a rin e Is N o t F o u n d .
lings, 10c; salted lights, 60(O75c;
j the purpose of g e ttin g jo in t action by
Plym outh, England. — A dozen to r­
salted heavy, 75(090c.
The purchase was m ade a t the cele­ ) the farm ers a g ain st sportsm en who,
Wool — Valley, 14(9150; E astern pedo boat destroyers and m ine sw eep­ bration of the association's first year w ithout perm ission, tram p across cul­ WHEN LATIN IS ABBREVIATED l Virgil, H orace and a num ber of o ther as one m ight very easily suppoaa, but
Oregon, 10@15c; m ohair, 1913 clip, ers cruising up and down W hitesand of operation when the capital stock of tiv a ted ground, or who are careless.
Roman authors, to say nothing of H e­ an abbreviated and som ew hat unnsual
hay for the past th ree days have failed the organization was increased.
Inscription on a Pension Check rodotus and a few of th e G reeks, ad- adjective m eaning north. T he first
Cascara b a rk —Old and new, 5c per
IIofT to R e q u e s t F a n s .
Proved Difficult to T ranslate, but
| in it ted It was beyend him. And sm all two syllables a re a changed form of
sank in the course o f th e recent m a­ In d e p e n d e n t C o m p a n y C o m p la in s.
Salem — Labor Com m issioner Hoff
W as Finally Solved.
wonder. It was also beyond two high the L atin word septem , m eaning
C attle— Prim e steers, $7.60(0)7.75;
Salem —The Home Independent Tele­ has issued a ruling th a t where possible
school L atin teachers to whom it was seven. T he way "aeven" happens to
choice, $7.25(07.50;
medium, $7(0
phone company has complained to the the owners of shingle m ills m ust in­
A le tte r from MaJ. W illiam Grebe propounded.
be in an adjective m ean!eg ''n o rth ”
$50 S to le n ; $.10,000 ia L e ft.
7.25; choice cows, $6.25(0 6.75; m e­
S ta te railroad commission th a t the Co­ stall v e n tilatin g fans in th e ir plants of Bonner Springs to the K ansas City
Finally a girl of sixteen dug out the
dium , $6(d'6.25; heifers. $6(07; light
Berkeley, Cal. — Six old Roman operative Telephone association had for the removal of dust from a ir su r­ Star some tim e ago Inquired the meaning. T he four L atin w ords sig­ ia th a t the ancients, who w are g reat
sta r gazers, associated the north w ith
calves, $8(0)9; heavy, $6(07.76; bulls, coins, valued by th e U n iv ersity of declined to interchange service w ith rounding the operators of shingle m a­ m eaning of the L atin Inscription
nify “T he Seal of th e T reasury of
$4(05.76; stag s, $6(0 6.50
C alifornia a t $6000 apiece, w ere over­ it over long distance lines. The Home chines. Mr. Hoff says th a t num erous which adorns the seal on the new pen­ N orth A m erica" All the L atin words the aeven sta rs form ing th e '
tion of the G reat Be
H ogs — L ight, $7.25(08.06; heavy, looked by thieves who broke into the company asks th a t the association be com plaints have been made to him by sion checks. The inscription runs.
are abbreviated in the inscription, and
coincaees a t the u n iv ersity library. compelled to interchange calls and th a t operators, and he has decided th a t the "Thesaur. Amer Septent. Sigll.” The “septent," which was th e “sticking
Give me a garden, The rest of the
Sheep— W ethers, $5(0 5.75; ewes, O ther coins having a value o f about it establish trunk lines leading to regulations re la tin g to the m achines major, who has read Caesar. Cicero,
point” in the Inscription, is not a verb. world can be your*.
$S.60@ 4.60; lam bs, $6.60(96.35.
$50 were stolen.
Sum m erville, Elgin and Cove.
shall be more rigidly enforced.
Generai Resume cf Important Events
Tfirougliout the Wor!i
Now Sell Apples Direct;
No More Consignments