Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 15, 1914, Image 3

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and Dairy Produce
of all kinds wanted.
Write for our
'P a p e 's D ia p e p sin ” m a k e s Sick, Sour,
G a s sy S to m a ch s su re ly feel fine
in five m inutes.
Feel Comfortable
SHORTAGE OF GUNS Hotel Washington
Pearson-Page Co.
W R ITE Moving Picture Play;!. Big money. Send
•tani|>. SCENARIO, i 17 Kothchild Bldg., Portland, Or,
910.000 Prize-Winning Receipt for Women. 25c.
Stamp» or Silve . Pox 1170, Portland. Oregon.
ABSOLUTELY I* REE' Hoys arid jrir!s j?et jewel­
ry. skates. cameras, n r rifles, etc., for only few.
hours easy work. VC rite t«*<uy.
J. IRELAND SUPPLY CO.. Multnomah, Or
are price.! right. If
■ -ll. send accurate. comi>lete deacriD-
C wiah lo hT.
•94 Morrison St. St. C harles Hotel. Portland, Or.
^ iifnon K . t o 'e m m i ,
Vat eut Lmvyer.W uslmiglon
D.C. Advine und ImnkN free
«ates rtuaouabit*. II Iglo nt ntferem ea. liest Service«
OWARD E. Rl’ RTOR -, ■ Annnyer »nur rhomint,
_ . Leadville,
------ -----------_ —
--------- J ttpei-n
p e c im e u p r ic e s : H old.
Silver. Lead, 91. CluM. Silvi r. i .' h G
5Uo; Zino
old óUo;
r ___
full price!
orice lii
... —- $1. ---------
-—- envelopes
___ fi .d d full
sent on appiicnt¡on. Cont
Control ’ and J Cmplre work
lioiled. Ho fu ronco: (Jorbonuto National iiauk.
If what you Just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas, and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
in mouth and stomach-headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
Pape’a Diapepsin from any drug store.
You realize in five minutes how need­
less it is to suffer from indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It’s the quickest, surest stomach doc­
tor in the world. It’s wonderful.
O ne
R ich ard
H a rd in g
D avis.
A dreadful story is in circulation
about Richard Harding Davis, the nov­
Mr. Davis, as everybody knows, Is
a wit. He was therefore terribly an­
noyed the other day to hear that a
brother author has spoken unfavor­
Bought, sold an.I exchanged: engines, boilers, ably of his witticisms.
Coming upon
sawmills, etc. Send for Stock List and Prices.
brother author, he said:
T H E J. E. M ARTIN CO.. M 1st St.. Portland, Or.
"My boy, I hear that in a house
where other people were kind enough
to consider me witty you declared that
H A I R S T O P S F A L L I N G I was not so. Is this true?"
"No; not a word of truth in it,” the
other answered cheerily. "I was never
• a v e y o u r H a ir ! Get a 25-cent bottle in a house in my life where anybody
of D an d e rin e righ t now — A ls o
considered you witty.”—Philadelphia
sto p s itch in g scalp»
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
U se Roman E ye B alaam for scald in g sen­
sation in eyes and iuilam m atiou of eyes or
hair is mute evidence of a neglected eyelids.
scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf.
A W a r Story.
There is nothing so destructive to
"Who are you?” demanded a Juarez
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, its strength and its very saloonkeeper of a man who had been
life; eventually producing a feverish­ i hanging around for several days.
"I am the rebel army.”
ness and itching of the scalp, which
"That may be. Hut you’41 have to
if not remedied causes the hair roots
away from my free lunch coun­
to shrink, Joosen and die—then the
hair falls out fast. A little Danderine ter."
"That is impossible, senor. It is my
tonight—now—any time—will surely
base of supplies.”
save your hair.
Get a 25-cont bottle of Knowlton’s
Danderine from any drug store. You
F r e e to O ar R ea d ers
surely can have beautiful hair and
W rite Murine E ye Rem edy C o., Chicago, for
lots of it if you will just try a little 4 8 -p a ge illu strated E ye Book Free. W r ite a ll
Danderine. Save your hair! Try it! about Y o u r E ye Trouble and they will a d viss
U su a l W ay.
"Who are we going to blame this
wreck on?"
"Anybody killed?"
"One man."
"Riamo it on him, of course.”—Pitts­
burg Post.
a s to the Proper A p plication o f th e M u rlns
E ye R e m e d ie s in Y o u r S p e cia l C ase. Y o u r
D r u g g is t w ill tell you th a t M urine Relieves
K ore E y e s , Strengthens W euk E yes. D oesn ’t
S m a rt, Soothes Eye P ain, an d sells for 50c.
Try It in Your E yes an d in B a b y ’s E y es for
S caly E yelids and G ran ulation .
W h e e d le r Is W e ll Nam ed.
Gibbs—Did you succeed In raising
the other 10 you needed to pay your
Our Idea of e promoter is a chap
Dibbs—Hang It all, no! I boned
who buys a gold brick at a bargain
and unloads It on some other chap at Wheedler for It, but before I could
get away from him he’d borrowed the
a profit.
10 I’d got from him.
M oth er, w in And M r ., w i n , l o w . Soothing
Byru p the b' , t reined? to use t o , their children
| during the teeth ing period.
A Gentle Hint.
“I was speaking with your father
last night.” said the young man.
“Oh were you?” answered the sweet
young American, lowering her eyes.
“ What were you talking about?”
“About the'Tikelihood of war with
Mexico. Your father said if there was
war he hoped it would be short”
“ Ob, yes; I know papa Is very much
opposed to long engagements.”
yield immediately to Sloan’s Lin­
iment. It relieves aching and
swollen parts instantly. Reduces
inflammation and quiets thatagon-
izing pain. Don’t rub- it pene­
Kills Pain
Iv e s quick relief from chest and
hroat affections. Have you tried
Sloan’s? Here’s what others say:
Relief from Rheumatism
*'M y mother has used one 60c. bottle
o f Sloan's Linim ent, and although she
is over 83 years of age. she hns ob­
tained great relief from her rheuma­
tism ."—liln. H. L. Linde leaf Gilroy, CaL
Good for Cold and Croup
**A little boy- next door had croup. I
gave the mother Sloan's Liniment to
try. She gave him three drops on sugar
before going to l>ed, and he got up with-
t the croup in the morning.”—Mr. ir!
Strange, 3721 Elmwootl Ave., Chicago, ILL
Neuralgia Gone
"S lo a n ’s Linim ent is the best medi­
cine in the world. It 1ms relieved me
o f neuralgia. Those pains have all gone
and I can truly say your Liniment did
Stop t h e m .’ ’—Mr*» C. Af. D ocker o f Johan-
n—ourg, Mich.
At all Dealers. Price
2 5 c ., 5 0 c. & $ 1 .0 0
Sloan's Instructive Booklet on
Horses sent free.
To Breal: In New S h o e ,.
A lw ays shako in A lle n ’s F oot-j£.so, & powder,
ft cures h ot, sw eatin g, ac h in g , sw ollen fe e t
Cute* corns, Ingrow ing n u il, and bunions. A t
i ll d r u g g ist, hnd shoe steres, 2,r><\ D on t accept
m y su b stitu te. Sample m ailed KREK. Addreas
Allen S. O lm sted , Le Roy. N. Y .
T h e P o p u la r Fad.
“ Well, this will be your son’s last
year at college and football.”
“ Yes.”
“Of course you’re glad. He'll soon
Bettle down to something practical
and useful.”
“ I'm afraid not.”
“No. He expects to be a sociolo­
gist”—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Constipation causes many serious
diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. One
a laxative, three for cathartic.
M a rve lo u s.
“ Don't tell me there is nothing In
fortune telling,” exclaimed the fiancee.
“ I consulted one today and she de­
scribed you to a dot.”
“ What did she say?” Inquired the
“ Said you had thoughtful eyes, a
firm mouth and a noble brow.”
J o k in g
“ How much does Impecune owe
you ?’’
“A cool thousand.”
“ Ah! Cool but not collected, eh?”
Wages distributed to white miners
In British South Africa during the
first six months of 1912 totaled $25,-
000 , 000 .
Of the 3,293,335 Inhabitants of Mis­
souri, 2,222,926 are native born.
Wonderful Blood Remedy
That Works in the Tissues
Tbo Very late st Theory About How and Why tha
Blood is Disordered.
8. S. S. Means Pure Blood Which Insures Long Life and Health.
T h e g r e a t e x p e r ts In C h e m is t r y a n d
P h y s io lo g y n ow d e c la r e w h a t h a s a ll
along b ee n c o n ten d e d b y t h e S w ift Lab­
oratory that the g e r m s o f b lood d iso r d e r s
find lodgment in the in te r s t ic e s o f the tie-
A n d In r e g e n e r a tin g th e t is s u e s 8 . 8 . U*
h a s a rap id an d p o sitiv e a n tid o ta l effe ct
u p o n a ll th o s e ir r ita tin g in flu e n ces th at
c a u s e r h e u m a tis m ,
s o r e th r o a t, w eak
e y e s , lo s s o f w e ig h t, th in p a le c h e e k s, and
t h a t w e a r in e s s o f m u s c le an d n e r v e th a t
1» g e n e r a lly ex p e r ie n c e d , b y a il su ffe rers
w ith p o iso n e d blood.
And h erein Is w h e r e S. S. S. goee to
work r a p id ly , e ffe c t iv e ly and w it h w o n ­
derfully n o tic e a b le r e su lts.
G e t a b o t t le o f 8 . 8 . 8 . a t a n y d ru g
This f a m o u s b lood p u rifier c o n t a in » sto r e , an d in a fe w d a y s y o u w ill n ot o n ly
medicinal c o m p o n e n t» J u st a » vrra! a n d fee l b r ig h t, a n d en e r g e tic , b u t y o u w ill b «
essential to h e a lt h y b lood a s t h e n u tr itiv e t h e p ic t u r e o f n e w life.
elements o f w h e a t, r o a s t b e e f, a n d 'f a t s
8 . S . 8 . Is p rep ared o n ly In t h e lab ora­
and the sugars that m a k e up our d a lly
t o r y o f th e S w ift S pecific C o ., 201 S w ift
B ld g , A tla n t a , G a . W h o m a in ta in a very
A s a m atter o f fact there Is-one In g r e ­ e ffic ie n t M e d ic a l D e p a r tm e n t, w h e re all
dient In 8 . 8 . 8 . w h ic h s e r v e » th e a c t iv e w h o h a v e a n y blood d isord e r o f a stub ­
purpose o f s t im u la tin g e a c h c ellu la r p art born n a tu r e m a y w r ite fr e e ly fo r ad vice.
o f the b o d y t o t h e h e a lt h y an d Judicious
8. 8. S. U sold everywhere by all drug
•election o f Its o w n e sse n tia l n u trim e n t.
That Is w h y it r e g e n e r a te s th e blood s u p ­ stores.
ply; why it h a s su ch a tr e m e n d o u s In-
Beware o f all a t te m p ts to sell yog
, in o v e r c o m in g e c z e m a , rash, pim- something " J u s t as g o o d .”
Insist upow
1 aU sk in a fflic tio n * .
Entire Federal Garrison, With 1500
Civilians, Flees Across Line.
Short of Ammunition, No Resist­
ance Is Made to Final Blow —
Refugees in Bad Plight.
after eatin g a hearty
meal?—or is there a sense
of fullness—of bloating—
or Nausea. This indicates
a weakened condition of
the Stomach which can
be materially benefited
by a short course of
Presidio, Tex.—The Mexican feder­
al army with its nine generala, evac­
uated Ojinaga, Mex., at 10 o ’clock Sat­
urday night.
The triumphant rebel
forcea under General Francisco Villa
immediately occupied the village.
The defeat o f the federal army fol­
lowed only a few hours’ fighting in
which the rebels, beginning at sun­
down, started to close in on the be­
sieged garrison with a terrific fire of
cannon, Bhrapnel and rifles.
General Castro and Generaal Mer­
cado, of the federal regulars, saw that
the assault was to be nothing less than
Hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.
i 5714
a massacre. The federals had left
or by appointment
only 50 rounds of ammunition for each
General Castro and Mercado
therefore gave the order to evacuate.
C h ir o p r a c to r
All the federal soldiers and their offi­
cers who could scramble to the Ameri-j Scientific Treatment of all Acute and Chronic
P »eases. 1 .¡censed Practitioner. Suite 424-.'.
can side did so. The others ran in all
General Pascual Orozco, commander
of federal volunteers, threatened with I F Y O U R C H I L D IS C R O S S ,
summary execution by Villa, was the i
first to cross. It was believed he cs-1
caped into the mountains of Texas.
k M o th e r!
If tongue Is coated,
Twenty-eight hundred Mexican fed­ L o o cleanse
little bow els w ith “C a li­
eral soldiers, six generals, 200,000
fo rn ia S y r u p of F ig s.”
rounds of ammuntion, two cannon,
four large field pieces and 1600 civil-1
Mothers can rest easy after giving
ian refugees were in the custody of
the United States army border patrol "California Syrup of Figs,” because in
as the result of the rout of the federal a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
army and its flight into American ter­ sour bile and fermenting food gently
ritory and the occupation of the village moves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
by General Francisco Villa’s rebels.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
The distress of the refugees is ap­
palling. Men, women, children, dogs, take this harmless “ fruit laxative.”
and chickens and cattle are pack-t to­ Millions of mothers keep it handy be­
gether in a space covering several cause they know its action on the
acres About them are scattered all stomach, liver and bowels is prompt
the wrack and turmoil they brought in and sure.
fleeing from the Ojinaga battle.
Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot­
Urgent requests for immediate re­
tle of "California Syrup of Figs,”
moval of the soldiers and refugees to which contains directions for babies,
some other place were sent by Major children of all ages and for grown ups.
McNamee to the War department
through Brigadier General
T h e A m e ric a n Autom obile.
Generals Mercado, Castro, Orphinal,
New York Commercial: According
Romero, Aduno and Landa are in cus­ to American and European statistics
tody of the United States troops there are in use in the United States
awaiting their disposition by the War 1.400,000 motor cars. In nine of the
leading countries of Europe there are
General Pascual Orozco and General ’about 544,000. The citizens of the
United States, in other words, operate
Ynez Salazar, federal volunteer com­ more than twice as many automobiles
manders, escaped along the border to as do England, France, Germany, Rus­
a point remote from Presidio. Sala­ sia, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Spain,
zar was wounded.
They were accom­ Norway and Sweden combined.
panied by General Caraveo, General
Rojas and 300 cavalrymen. Salazar
Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not
and Orozco are being watched for in
the United States on indictments stain the kettle.
charging them with violating the neu­
H ia D isp o sitio n .
trality laws.
During a concert tour of the late
General Landa said he was certain T h o o d o r « T h o m a s a n d h i s c e l e b r a t e d
orchestra one of the musicians died,
all the federal generals escaped.
and the following telegram was imme­
diately dispatched to the parents of
Dry Sheet o f Paper
the deceased:
"John Blank died suddenly today.
Extinguishes Fire Advise by wire as to disposition.”
a few hours the answer was re­
Portland — A newspaper served as
fire extinguisher Sunday when sun­ ceived, reading as follows:
“ We are heartbroken; his disposi­
light concentrated by a magnifying
tion was a roving one."—Washington
glass hanging in the window of a jew­ Herald.
elry store at 191 Morrision street be­
came focused on a background o f soft
A R E Y O U C O N S T IP A T E D ?
Wright’s Indian V ege tab le P ills have
Noticing a group surrounding the proved th eir w orth fo r 75 years. Test them
store window about noon when on his y o u rself now . Send fo r sam p le to 872 Pearl
way to a restaurant, a fireman investi­ 3 t .f N ew Y o r k . A d v.
gated and found the woodwork smoul­
A P ittsb u rg Episode .
dering. The fireman notified Captain
Homeward hound after a night with
Dalton at fire headquearters and when the boys, a Pittsburg man paused to
that dignitary arrived and saw the \ investigate the mysteries of a milk
source of the smoke he refused to depot
* and
J came to grief ’ in a conglom­
allow the show window to be broken. eration of milk, milk cans and bottles.
Calling for a newspaper, which was
furnished by one of the onlookers, forcibly that he crashed through the
window of a one-armed lunchroom.
Captain Dalton placed a sheet over
"What’s the trouble here?" asked a
the window, thereby shutting cut the policeman, attracted by the noise.
The smoke ceased and no
“ Milk stew to take out!” sang the
alarm was necessary.
man behind the counter.—Buffalo Ex­
Major Genera! Wood Declares Sit­
uation Most Deplorable.
Same Ratea for One or Two Persona in a Roon
Washington Street, Corner of Twelfth.
C’HAS. II. ItOWLEY, Manager.
$1.00. SI.Ml $2.00 l*er Day With Hath Privilege.
$1.50. $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day With Private Hath.
Special Rules t y week or month.
Buf^to anti from trains and boats, o r take a D epot ear to
Washington St. ana tiunsfer. get off at Twelfth Street
E u n Dean p an. 160 ou
■!•• ro a n i,
f i r e p r o o f B uilding, m odern and clean in ev ery respect. H ot and cold ru n n in g w a ter and both
lephonea in ev< ry room . S in gle or doiihie bedroom s. L arge Parlor o ff Main L obby.
A R esem blance.
He (to wife at the piano)—That
new piec-f* you are trying is pretty dif-
ficult, isn’t it?
She—Yes; I feel like an aviator.
Ammunition Also Lacking— Guns
He— How so?
Without It Worse than Junk
She -I’m trying to conquer the air.
E a s ily A ccou n te d For.
Aunt—How’s this. Hobby? I hear
that the little boy next door gets pro-
moted at school much oftener than
you do.
Hobby— Well, his father’s a pro-
—Folley to Wait.
»A Human Match Factory*
Washington, D. C.— Explaining his
judgment was not influenced by the
The body contains phosphorus sufficient to make 483,000 matches. Phos­
Mexican situation, Major General
phorus is one of fourteen elements composing the body—divided among
Wood, chief of staff of the army, has
flesh, nervous system and other organs. The perfect health of body
advised committees of congress that it
requires a perfect balance of the elements. These elements come from the
should appropriate $3,000,0(10 for field
food we eat—the stomach extracts and distributes them.
guns and ammunition for the regular
But if stomach is deranged—the balance of health is destroyed and the
army and $3,000,000 for the militia.
blood docs not carry the proper elements to the different organs, and there
“ If you sent our troops into war as
is blood trouble nerve trouble—heart trouble. Pain is the hungry cry of
they are now, without guns or ammu­
starved organs. Put the liver, stomach and organs of digestion and nutri­
tion into a condition oi health. That is just what is done by
nition, it would be absolute slaugh­
ter,’ ’ the general told the house mili­
tary committee. “ If called into the
field suddenly we should have to go
d is c o v e r y
with a small allowance of ammunition,
It is now put up in
even for the guns in the hands of the
tablet form, as well ai liquid, and can be obtained of medicine dealers
troops, and we should have neither
everywhere or by mail by sending 50 cents in lc stamps for trial b o x -
guns nor ammunition enough for our
address R.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N.Y.
field artillery forces.”
General Wood, in a written state­
ment, said:
is a b o o k o f 1 0 0 8 p a g e s h a n d so m e ly h o u n d in c l o t h - t r e a t s
f P h y sio lo g y H y g ie n e , A n a t o m y , M e d ic in e a n d is a con-.t i. tc
“ We have neither guns nor ammuni­
H o m e P h y s i c i a n -S t u d 3 1 , Xc s t a m p » t o R .V .P ie r c e ,B u ffa lo , N .Y .
tion sufficient to give any general
commanding any assurance o f success
if attacked by an army of equal size
An aerial cableway 75 miles long,
Some remarkable flights have been
which is supplied with its proper the greatest in the world, will be built made in Russia recently by an aero­
plane capable of carrying its crew, 10
quota of field artillery.
!>*• ’0
It is my belief that no modern war tation for a region where the soil con- passengers, enough
1700 pounds additional weight.
between first-class powers will last for
more than one year, and thus if pri-1
Greece has a limited supply of for-
The candy bill of the American girl
vate manufacturers are not encour­
est timber. This is mostly mountain is $134,000,000, $10,000,000 more than
aged to manufacture ammunition for pine, which does net yield a first- the cost of the nation’s paint and var-
our guns until after war is declared, grade lumber.
they will not be in a condition to do so
until after the war is finished, and the
supply of ammunition during the war
will be limited to what the arsenal can
turn out. i f guns are not supplied on
the battlefield with the ammunition
which they can be reasonably expected
to use, they are not efficient, and
when guns have exhausted the ammu­
nition supplied they are worse than j
junk, for they must be protected by
other troops.
“ The War department believes that
in case of war with a first-class power
an army of 500,000 men will be need- j
ed to give this country any chance of
success against invasion, and that this
force will be needed at once. To make
it efficient it must be given its proper
quota o f field artillery.
To do this,
this ammunition must be on hand, for
W om en from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections
it cannot be supplied after war is
of this great country, no city so large, no village so small
P raise L ydia E. P in kh am ’s V egetable Com pound
Washington, D. C.—Aid was ex­
tended Friday to the distressed dis­
tricts of Japan, Mexico, Bulgaria and
the United States by the American
Red Cross society.
Five thousand dollars was cabled to
| the American ambassador at Tokio for
relief work among the people of the
northern section of Japan, where a
famine is reported.
A similar sum
was sent to Bulgarian war sufferers, i
$500 was dispatched to Choix, Sinaloa, j
Mexico, where there is a food short- [
age; $10,000 was forwarded to the
central flood relief committee at Hous- j
ton, Tex., and $1000 was telegraphed!
to Presidio, Tex., for the relief of the
Mexican wounded at Ojinaga.”
“ Strictly Fresh” E gg
Packed Five Years Ago
but that some woman has written words of thanks for
health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­
pound. N o woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar
to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy
a trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for
these women it will do for any sick woman ?
W onderful Case of M rs. Stephenson,
on the Pacific Coast.
I n d e p e n d e n c e , O r e g o n . —“ I was sick with what four doctor»
called Nervous Prostration, was treated by them for several years,
would be better for a while then back in the old way again. I had
palpitation of the heart very bad, fainting spells, and was so nervous
that a spoon dropping to the floor would nearly kill me, could not
lift the lightest weight without making me sick; in fact was about aa
sick and miserable as a person could
ild he. I saw your medicines ad-
vertised and thought I would tiy them, and am so thankful I did for
they helped me at once. I took about a dozen bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and also used the Sanative Wash.
Since then I have used them whenever I felt sic)-.. Your remedies
are the only doctor I employ. Y ou are at liberty to publish this let­
ter.”—Mrs. W . S tephenson , Independence, Oregon.
A Grateful A tlan tic Coast W o m a n .
Bellefountaine, O.—John J. Sween-1
ey, of New York City, was suspicious
IT ododon , M e .—“ I feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women tc
of an egg he bought in market a few
tell what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound did for me. Ona
3ays ago. It bore the name of Clara
year ago I found myself a terrible sufferer. I had pains in both sides
Baker carefully pencilled on it, and
and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My
Mr. Sweeney wrote to Miss Baker to
back ached, I had no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep,
know about how long ago it was that
then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around.
she wrote her name on the egg that
It seemed almost impossible to move or do a bit of work and 1
Mr. Sweeney had bought for “ strictly
thought I never would t>e any tetter until I submitted to an opera­
fresh. ”
tion. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegetable Compound
The letter was delivered to Mrs.
and soon felt like a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good
John Wright, o f Bellefountaine, who,
appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam­
before her marriage four years ago
ily of four. I shall always feel that I owo my good health to youi
last July, was Miss Clara Baker. She
medicine.”—Mrs. H a y w a r d S o w e r s , Ilodgdon, Maine.
3300 Pounds o f Timothy
W orm s expelled p rom ptly from the hum an remembered having written her name
Seed by
i system with Dr. P eery’s V erm ifu ge “ Dead on an egg she packed for shipment at
For SO years Lydia E . P inkham ’ s Vegetable
S h o t .” A d v .
Compound lias been the standard remedy for fe­
Asotin, Wash.—The mail route be­
male ills. No one sick with woman’s ailments
T h e D ip lom a tic “ L o b b y .”
about six months oefore her marriage.
tween Lewiston, Idaho, and Baradise,
does justice to herself if she does not try tills fa­
In Mr. Thorold's “ Life of Henry La- |
mous medicine made from roots anil liorlis. It
Or., is handling 3300 pounds of tim­ bouchere" this story is quoted; The H n tr-h n n rl A lh n n is in e
has restored so many suffering women to health.
othy seed by parcel post. Not having grand duchess of Tuscany had a ven- lJ u l c n a n a A I D a n ia n S
sufficient stamps nor sacks enough in erable maid of honor about 70 years
Disarm Turkish Force
_ _ •(CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice.
the Paradise office, requisition had to of age. She had piercing black eyes j
will l»c opened, read and answered
be made for them.
The seed is being
by a woman and held in strict coaiidpucc.
sent via Asotin.
The roads are in painted up, and with new lamps. “ How claiming martial law here haa been
such bad condition the shipper found old do you think I am?” she once ask­ issued, owing to the excitement
it cheaper to Bhip by parcel post than ed me, with a simpering smile that among the Albanians over the airest
The farmers and wage-earners of
to make the trip himself.
The rate | caused my blood to run cold. I hesl- of six Turkish officers and 200 Turkish Tennessee have progressed rapidly
1 tated and then Baid: "Twenty.”
will be $1.04 per hundredweight,
with their cooperative union, both in
"Flatterer,” she replied, tapping me
therefore costing him $34.32.
with her fan, “ I am 25.”—London Austrian ateamer from Constantinople. the country and in the city, and they
now have their first store in Memphis.
nouncing the accession to the Alban­
Anarchy Grips Albania.
Probably some men hesitate about
ian throne of Izzet Pasha, formerly
Vienna— Private letters from Av-1 10 C E N T “C A S C A R E T S ”
paying their debts because they fear
F O R L I V E R A N D B O W E L S Turkish minister o f war.
or ex p erim en t w ith freak trusgos
Iona depict Albania as the prey of
their creditors may have heart failure.
— it’s e x p en siv e and dangerous. No
m a tter h ow severe o r lon g sta n din g
famine and anarchy.
Owing to lack C ure Sick Headache, C o n stip a tio n ,
Radium Patient Better.
the rup ture, w e lit a truss to suit,
Great Britain in 1907 made and sold
of money, business is at a standstill.
by m ail or in person — th a t's ou r
B ilio u sn e ss, S o u r Sto m ach , Bad
Baltimore—Joseph P. Tumulty, sec­ 5,000,000,000 bricks.
b usin ess. W e gu a ra n tee s a tis fa c ­
Exports have ceased and imports are
B re a th — C a n d y C athartic.
tion. Send NOW . o r call, for F R E E
retary to the President, and United
so small that the people face starva­
BOOK. It tells all.
States Senator Hughes, of New Jer­
tion. Flour and meat are at exorbi­
No odds how bad your liver, stom­
309 Journal Bid*.. Portland. Ore.
sey, Thursday visited Representative
tant prices and other articles of food
ach or bowels; how much your head Bremner, of New Jersey, who is un­
can scarcely be obtained. The towns
and villages are overrun with beggars, aches, how miserable you are from dergoing radium treatment for cancer
whose importunities are so threaten­ constipation, Indigestion, biliousness at a sanitarium.
Although there are hundreds of pre­
Mr. Tumulty said he left the patient parations advertised, there is only one
ing that they really amount to robber­ and sluggish bowels—you always get
ies. Despite efforts of the provisional relief with Cascarets. They imme­ in splendid spirits and that his condi­ that really stands out pre-eminent as
diately cleanse and regulate the stom­ tion was reported by the doctors as a remedy for diseases of the kidneys,
authorities, crime is rampant.
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food much improved.
ca n r e c e iv e p ro m p t tr e a t­
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root stands the
It is understood that the treatment
and foul gases; take the excesa bile
m en ts o f Non Pu n o n o «* .
Nmval Bal'oons Advised.
highest, for the reason that so many
Washington, D. C.—Equipment of from the liver and carry off the con­ with radium, which was temporarily people say is has proved to be Just
the remedy needed in thousands upon
all battlehips with at least one aero- j
thousands of even the most distress­
plane, the use by the navy o f dirigible from the Intestines and bowels. A
ing cases.
the Chinees doctor.
balloons and the concentration of all
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly
Try once rrnro If yon hare t een doctoring with
Washington, D. C.—No timber land
naval aeronautical training work at keep your liver and bowels clean;
thin one and that one and have not obtained per­
Pensacola, Fla., are among the princi­ stomach aweet and head clear for will be subject to the income tax until because its mild and immediate effect
manent relief. Let thin great nature lien lor d ing-
is soon realized in most cases. It is
noae yonr cam ind prnncriUc no me remedy whone
pal recommendations of the board of months. They work while you sleep. the timber is cut and marketed, and a
action 1» quick, oire and nnfe His prencriptlons
gentle, healing vegetable compound.
are compounded from Room, HerLa. Rude and
then only the profits, after the cost,
officers appointed by Secretary Dan­
Barkn that have Been gathered from «eery Quar­
ter of the gloue The aecretn of then« medicine«
which will include protection of the cian’s prescription for special diseases
iels to draw up a comprehensive plan
are not known to the outside world, but have bees
"This Is a queer role you have In growing timber, is deducted, will be
handed down from father to eon in the phyniclaag*
for the organization of a naval aero­ this new production,
which Is not recommended for every­ fanalieein
subject to assessment This is the in thing.
nautical service. The board’s report
“ How queer?"
waa made public Monday with the an-. "It is a crooked role In a straight terpretation placed by P. S. Ridsdale,
A Sworn Certificate of Purity Is
I f yon lire oat of town and cannot call, write for
symptom blank and circular, enclosing 4 cents in
secretary o f the American Forestry as­ with every bottle.
nouncement that it had been [approved drama.”
For sale at all drug stores, in bottles
sociation, on a decision of the Treas­
by the secretary.
Sec­ of two sizes—fifty-cents and onc-dol
Sugar cane in' Argentina this season ury department on the subject.
Is expected to yield 200,000 tons of retary Ridsdale requested information lar.
Shanghai Editor Killed.
1 6 2 } First St., Cor. Morrison
Shanghai—Z. F. How, manager and
Portland, O regon.
1» order to prove what Swamp Root,
tax on timber lands may be estimated.
director of the Commercial Press, waa has had.
shot dead in the street Sunday. The
remedy will do for you, every reader
Steamer Passes Canal.
assaaain was arrested.
How began
J H .lt « ,I C H .«
of this paper who has not already
NO. 3, '14.
P . N. U .
Colon—The first steam vessel passed tried It, may receive a sample size
hia career as a small printer and built
CfBfh SfTup. T w « Oood. U m
through the Panama canal January 7. bottle by Parce ls Post Enclose ten
up the Commercial Press, which pos­
ta tim«. ftol4 by Dragnets.
It was the Alexander Lavalley, a cents and send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., 1 V H E N writing to advertisers, plef
sesses the finest printing works in
tlon this paper.
i crane boat, and carried no paasengen. Binghamton, N. Y. Write today.
E maammiEm