Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 25, 1913, Image 2

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Indian War Pensions
Provided by New B ill
W ashington, D. C.— Following is
the te x t of the new Indian w ar pen­
sion bill introduced by R epresentative
Hawley, which, if passed, will g ra n t a
pension of $20 a month to all Indian
w ar veterans in W estern and Pacific
Coast sta te s:
T hat the secretary of the in te rio r
be, and he is hereby authorized and
Madame Schum ann-H eink,
noted directed to place on the pension roll
prim a donna, has sued for divorce.
the names of the officers and soldiers
Snow is blockading train s in the of the Indian w ars of the U nited
Blue m ountains of E astern Oregon.
S tates which occurred prior to the
Banks all over the country are rush­ y ear 1880 a t the ra te of $20 per
ing applications to join the new cur­
month, upon m aking proof of the fa ct
rency system .
of such service, according to such
The 293d anniversary of the landing
of the I’ilgrim s was celebrated in the rules and regulations as the secretary
of the interior may provide.
Old N orth Church, Boston.
Section 2. T hat where th ere is no
P resident H uerta saved the London
& Mexico bank o f Mexico City from record of enlistm ent or m uster into
failure by calling a holiday.
the service of the U nited S ta te s in
A Germ an balloonist w ith two pas­ any of the w ars covered by the provis­
sengers made a new w orld’s record of ions of this act the record of pay by
the U nited S tates or the record of
1738.8 m iles, being up 87 hours.
such service, enlistm ent, o r m u ster in
The C alifornia sta te superintendent the W ar d ep artm ent of the U nited
of schools advocates a uniform dress S ta te s or on file in the office o f any
for girls a ttending the public schools. a d ju ta n t general of any of the sta te s
A trem endous wave sw ept away a or territo rie s shall be accepted as full
m ile of trac k on the Portland.T illa- satisfacto ry proof of such enlistm ent
mook line directly in fro n t of a passen­ and service: and further, w here there
is no record of enlistm ent or m u ster
g e r train .
into the service of the U nited S ta te s
Mexican federáis cap ture wives and or in the office of the a d ju ta n t general
sisters o f rebels and compel them to of any s ta te or te rrito ry w here the
trav e on troop train s to guard against service was perform ed, then o th er
rebel attack s.
adequate proof m ay be m ade o f the
The N orthw estern E lectric company perform ance of such service; Provid­
began its service in Portland, Or., ed, T h at each such officer o r soldier
bringing the first genuine com petition shall have served a t least 30 days in
such Indian w ars; Provided, further,
to the city in th a t line.
T h at nothing in th is act shall be so
R efugees en route from the troubled
construed as to effect a reduction in
zones of Mexico to the U nited S tates
the am ount of pension now received by
border are held up by V illa’s forces
any such officer or soldier.
and m ade to pay heavy trib u te .
General Resume of Important Events
Tlffoustiout the W orli
San Francisco postoffice au th o rities
are sw am ped by parcel post business,
and gave up try in g to keep a record of
the num ber of packages handled.
An arm y of 120 unemployed men
camped n ear Fresno, Cal., w ere given
food and clothing by citizens. They
w ere strictly orderly and will move on
south in search of work.
From his p riv ate box P resident W il­
son joined w ith the audience in sing­
ing the chorus of “ Old N assau,” the
alm a m ater song of Princeton, a t a
perform ance by the Princeton U ni­
v e rsity T riangle club.
The sheriff of B aker county. Or.,
refuses to close the saloons of th a t
county upon the order of the governor,
having been advised by the d istric t
a ttorney th a t the move wou'd be ille­
gal, and the governor says he will close
the saloons by m artial law, if neces­
Women Help Enforce
Cold Storage Rules
New Y ork— M em bers of the House­
w ives' L eague w ill help the sta te
health dep artm en t enforce th e new
cold storage regulations by a ctin g as
volunteer inspectors. The d ep artm ent
has accepted th e ir services because, it
w as said, the law failed to provide
enough inspectors fo r its enforcem ent.
The volunteers will serve w ithout com­
Four women, led by Mrs. Ju lian
H eath, head of the league, have prom ­
ised th e ir services.
In accordance w ith the new law the
s ta te health dep artm en t has notified
all persons and firms re ta ilin g cold
storage products th a t they m ust dis­
play prom inently a card inscribed:
“ N ote to consum ets.
Cold storage
food is sold here.
It is a m isdem ean­
or to sell cold storage food w ithout
rep resen tin g it as such.
are advised to inquire of the salesm an
in each case in reference to the c h ar­
a c te r of the goods and to re p o rt in
cases of m isrepresentation to the sta te
com m issioner of h e a th .”
Newberg Growers to
Displace Middleman
N ew berg—Inspires! by an account
given by Senator Paulham us of w hat
has been accom plished for the farm ers
of the Puyallup valley of W ashington,
600 fruitg ro w ers gath ered a t the New­
berg opera house and subscribed stock
necessary to purchase a cannery and
finance fru it-sellin g operations n e x t
season. G ro w trs will m ark e t d irec t
to the consumer.
An offer of S enator Paulham us to
m ark et stra w b errie s,
peaches and loganberries through the
^ I solated
C ontinent
selling m achinery which he has cre­
ated through 12 years of operations a t
Puyallup was accepted.
The Puyallup-Sum ner association
will be equally benefited through this
arran g em en t for the reason th a t it
m arkets only tw o classes o f fru it, red
raspberries and blackberries.
assorted car lots are ordered. S enator
Paulham us has found him self unable
to accept the business, but through
his connection w ith the association a t
N ew berg it will no* be possible to
m ark e t the berry crop in any q u an tity .
Hood River Growers to
Ship 1000 Cars Apples
Hood R iver— “ The A pplegrow ers’
association expects to ship 1000 cars
of apples from Hood R iver th is sea­
so n ,” said W ilm er Sieg, sales m ana­
“ The average num ber o f boxes in a
car will run about 640. The bulk of
the apples a re now in, although some
of the grow ers have been slow to g e t
the crop packed and hauled to our
w arehouses.
“ Our experience th is y e ar demon­
stra te s the need of central packing
houses for the quick handling o f the
fru it a fte r it is ready to pick. Many
of the grow ers try to do all o r m ost all
of the work them selves, to save hirin g
help, thus d ra g g in g out the crop until
way into the w in ter. In stead of sav­
ing money they are losing, as the
fru it g e ts over-ripe, o r is otherw ise
affected by im proper handling.
rain which we had th is fall djd much
in delaying picking and packing, and
ham pered us in g e ttin g th e apples to
m ark e t early. I f we had central pack­
inghouses w here the apples could be
hauled in from the field as fa st as
picked, then packed out w ith a force
day and n ig h t, the f ru it would be in
much b e tte r shape, it would not g et
over-ripe, and the g ra d in g and pack
would be all alike. As it is now, even
w ith the m ost rigid inspection, i t is
hard to g e t th e best results. T here is
a difference in the ripeness of the
fru it, a difference in the grading, and
a difference in th e pack.
W hile th is
is m ade as uniform as possible by
careful inspection, y e t the resu lts are
not as sa tisfac to ry as w here i t is
handled by a large force packing un­
der set rules and regulations. We
would be enabled in m any cases to g et
enough b e tte r retu rn s to m ake the
cost of such handling to the grow er
less th an it is now under the individ­
ual packing.
“ The m ark ets are show ing strong
in all p arts of th is country, but E uro­
pean m arkets are slow.
The holiday
trad e is over and the foreign trad e is
w a itin g for the late w in ter and spring
grades. I look for a good im prove­
m ent in the European m ark e t la te r on.
“ C alifornia is proving an excellent
m ark e t for us this y ear in w orking off
the commoner grades, and we look for
an early clean-up in all v a rie tie s, in­
stead of having a large surplus stock
d ra g g in g out through the late spring,
as it did last year.
We have been
w orking up a good trade in Portland,
b u t individual shipm ents dum ped in
th ere on consignm ent and occasionally
sold below the m arket, have m ade it
difficult to build up a satisfacto ry
m ark e t there for Hood R iver apples.
“ Selling i u r apples th is y e a r f. o.
b. instead of consigning them , has
m ade re tu rn s come in quick, and we
have been m aking a liberal d istrib u ­
tion to grow ers as fa st as the retu rn s
cam e in. Up to the first of December
we have been able to d istrib u te an
av erag e of about 50 cents a box to
grow ers, and by the first of the y ear
th is should be increased to about $ 1 .”
Hungarian Partridge
Mills Arc Big Help to
En Route to Oregon
District About Banks
F o r flft 't y y e a r s t h e c o n t i n e n t o f N o r t h
A m e r i c a ! tma
___ b I e ___
e n Isolated fro m th e rest
I o f t h e w o r l d by Z - r a y s , t h e I n v e n t i o n o f
H a n n ib a l P ru d e n t, p re s id e n t of the united
I g o v e r n m e n t . A m e s s a g e f r o m C o u n t vo n
W erdenatein, cha ncellor o f G erm any, th a t
in- h a s s u c c e e d e d In p e n e t r a t i n g tlm ra;
h a s t e n s tin- d e a t h o f P r u d e n t . D y in g , “K
w a r n s h is d a u g h t e r A s t r a t h a t f o r e i g n in
v a s i o n Is n o w c e r t a i n . A s t r a s u c c e e d s h e r
f a t h e r a s president. N apoleon Edison, a
f o r m e r p u p i l of P r u d e n t ' s , o ff er s to a s s i s t
A s t r a and h in ts a t n ew discoveries w hich
will m a k e N o r t h A m e r i c a i m p r e g n a b l e . A
m a n g i v i n g t h e n a m e o f C h e v a l i e r di
I .e o n o f f e r s W e r d e n s t e l n t h e s e c r e t of
m a k i n g g o ld In r e t u r n fo r E u r o p e a n d i s ­
a r m a m e n t . T h e c h e v a l i e r Is m a d e a p r i s ­
oner. C o u n te ss R o sin y , a spy. becom es a
p r i s o n e r In t h e h o p e o f d i s c o v e r i n g dl
L e o n ’s s e c r e t . S h e f a l l s in lo v e w i t h h i m
a n d a g r e e s t o Join h i m in a n a t t e m p t to
escape. B y th e use of ro c k e ts he s u m ­
m o n s a c u r i o u s flyin g m a c h i n e . H e e s ­
capes and sends a m essage
A stra
w h i c h r e v e a l s t h e f a c t t h a t h e Is N a p o ­
le on E d i s o n .
H e w a rn s A stra th a t the
c o n s o l i d a t e d fle ets o f E u r o p e h a v e s a i l e d
to i n v a d e A m e r i c a . If-* c a ll s on A s t r a t h e
f o l l o w i n g n i g h t a n d e x p l a i n s h i s p l a n s for
defense. B y the use of ae ro p lan es m a d e
o f a n e w s u b s t a n c e Wh ic h is I n d e s t r u c t i ­
ble h e e x p e c t s to a n n i h i l a t e t h e E u r o p e a n
forces. H e delivers a note to von W e r-
d e n s t e i n o n h is f l a g s h i p d e m a n d i n g I m ­
m e d i a t e w i t h d r a w a l . H e is a t t a c k e d a n d .
by d e s tro y in g tw o w a rs h ip s an d sev eral
a e r o p l a n e s , f o r c e s v o n W e r d e n s t e l n to
a g r e e to u n iv e rsa l d is a rm a m e n t .
c o u n t e s s , w h o h a s r e m a i n e d in A m e r i c a
a s a g u e s t o f A s t r a , r e c e i v e s a n of fer
from von W e rd e n steln of th e p rin c ip al­
it y o f S c h o m b u r g - L i t h o w in r e t u r n f o r
E d i s o n ’s s e c r e t . E d i s o n a n d his a s s i s t a n t .
S a n t o s , g o in s e a r c h o f n e w d e p o s i t s o f
th e r e m a rk a b le substance , clrynith. T he y
find It or. t h e e s t a t e o f S c h o m b i i r g - L l t h -
©W. T h e c o u n t e s s g e t s S a n t o s in t o I * r
She pro m ise s to reveal E d i­
s o n 's se c re t as soon a s von W e rd e n ste ln
tu rn s o v er the S ch o m b u rg -L fth o w e sta te
t o h er . O n t h e d a y o f t h e w e d d i n g o f
A s t r a an d Edison th e cou n tess an d S antos
flee t h e c o u n t r y . S a n t o s p e r f e c t s a m a ­
ch i n e , is m a d e a c o u n t a n d m a r r i e s t h e
co u n tess, now princess of Scho m b u rg -
L ithow .
E d i s o n fin d s a n e w d e p o s i t o f
c l r v n l t h a n d b u i l d s a n e w fleet o f a i r ­
s h i p s . H e a c c i d e n t a l l y d i s c o v e r s a li qu id
t h a t wil l r e n d e r o p p o s i n g a i r s h i p s h e l p -
S a n t o s c o m p l e t e s a fleet f o r t h e
princ ess
T h e a v i a t o r s o f t h e fleet el ec t
h e r queen.
S h e p l a n s to
m aster
w o r ld . W e r d e n s t e l n s e n d s a n u l t i m a t u m
to A m e r i c a .
H e d i s c o v e r s t h e p r in c e s s '
r e a l p l a n s a n d is in d e s p a i r . E d i s o n ’s n e w
r y e n a b h ^ h is fleet t o o v e r c o m e
t h e fleét o f t h e p r in c e s s .
"A nswer me, do you see her?" She
began to sob. "Ah, don’t say no—say
you see her. She is my own little girl.
She is good and not like her m other.
She Is good, 1 Bay! She m ust be good
to be happy.”
She sobbed wildly.
T urning to Napoleon bhe scream ed:
"Speak! Oh. Bpeak to me, or I shall
go mad entirely."
He took her hands In his and In a
mild voice said: “R osltta. bo quiet;
you don't know w hat you are B ay in g ."
She pushed him away. A wild look
cam e Into h e r eyes.
“You fiend! You have killed me.
and I'll kill you now !" H er hand
slipped Into her bosom and a short
«'lit Venetian dagger glistened bright­
ly. She darted forward blindly and
Just m issed Napoleon.
H er dagger
struck th e wall fiercely. The blade
broke and fell with a sh arp clink to
the floor. The next m oment she fain t­
ed In Napoleon's arm s.
He carried h e r to the sofa and
brought fresh w ater to revive her.
For two long hours her soul trav ­
eled through unknown regions where
there Is neither tim e nor distance.
W hen she opened her eyes again she
was not the sam e youthful, vivacious
Rosltta. She had become old.
She did not speak for a long time,
and Napoleon had the patience to
aw ait her pleasure, notw ithstanding
his neglected duties a t W ashington.
At last she sa t up and said weakly:
"N apoleon Edison, you have won. You
are strong; I am weak. The Queen
R osltta Is dead. The only one I ever
truly loved, my little daughter. Is
dead, and now I can m ourn the re st
of my life. You may go, Napoleon.
T h at kiss of yours on the roof at Hel­
goland—th a t kiss given as alm s—Is
responsible for all I have done." She
offered her hand. "P lease go; there
are m any aw aiting you. I w ant to
re st in this solitude."
Napoleon took h e r hand. “Good-by.
Should you need me, th ere Is a special
signal arran g em en t In the o th e lro o m ;
use It." He left, and she w atched his
form disappear In the dark night. The
man she had once feared, loved and
hated was gone, and, It was strange,
but she found all these conflicting
em otions gone as well.
T hat was th e la st ever heard of the
P rincess
Lithow, the am bitious Queen of the
En routo to W ashington Napoleon
talked with his men on Clryne.
W histler told him th a t his in stru c­
tions had been carried out to the let­
te r and Sullivan told of th e success­
ful capture of the four aerodrom ones
from th e west.
It was ten o'clock In th e m orning
when he sighted the capital, and Con­
gress was In session.
T he new spapers had already de­
scribed the battle betw een the Eagle
and the Princess and the capture of the
whole aerodrom one flotilla. W histler
had reported to the proper authorities,
but no one knew w hat had become of
th e Princess R osltta.
Loud shouts filled the cham ber when
Napoleon cam e In. R epresentatives
left th e ir chairs and, lifting him up,
carried him on th e ir shoulders to hie
B anks—This section of W ashington
As soon as Santos realized w hat had
county shows an increase in business
happened, he turned to th e door and
a ctiv ity . Banks is th riv in g in a n tic i­ opened It: "Come, Rosltta, my wife. It
pation o f early operation of a lum ber will be sw eet to die together.”
m ill here. The Eccles company forces
"Id io t!” she shrieked.
fo r the m ill are on the ground and
Clarence H. Mackey denies th a t any
He looked a t h e r and knew. He
telegraph monoply exists.
; turned to his m aster, who waved a
sta rte d on the Buxton L um ber com­ friendly hand a t him. and said sadly
p a n y ’s new sawm ill.
Spanish a v iato rs routed a force of
"N apoleon, forgive me. I was blind­
A force of 20 men was put to work ed."
Moors by dropping bombs upon them.
on th e site, about a m ile from B ux­
Eleven cases of sm allpox have de­
He Jumped Into the sound and the
More than 50,000,000 fe e t of
veloped on board the battlesh ip Ohio,
tim b e r is standing in this vicinity and w aters closed over him. R osltta had
in Cuban w aters.
the capacity of the m ill is scheduled not even glanced a t him as he fell. She
Illinois beekeepers will try taking
a t 75,000 fe et daily. A flume will be stepped Into his place In th e doorway
constructed and a spur trac k about and had h e r foot on the first rung of
th e ir hives South in w inter, th a t the Suit Filed Against
the ladder th a t led to the top of the
bees may work all the year.
one-half a m ile long will be laid.
Alleged Lemon Trust
m achine when he touched the w ater.
Car thieves a t E ast St. Louis, drove
Napoleon opened the door for her,
New Y ork—C harges th a t a lemon
off a train crew and got away w ith
w ithout saying a word.
several wagon
loads of valuable
W hen she was In the upper m achine
m aintained a lobby in W ashington to
freig h t.
she stood looking a t Napoleon, who
fuse to divulge th e ir plans.
reduce the tariff on lemons are made
T hree fam ilies employed by the Ec­ was aw aiting her fu rth e r action.
Fresno, Cal., has decided to furnish
At last she said: "W ith you I would
cles company a re seeking houses in
a good feed fo r the arm y o f unem ploy­ in a su it filed here by W illiam S.
Two room ing houses are go down there." T hen she flushed and
ed, and then if th ey do not "m ove on” A rm strong, receiver for the Merca-
planned and one larg e boarding house an exquisite little sm ile appeared on
d rastic m easures will be employed.
dantc-R egan company, im porters of
is being fitted up r e a r the railroad her face. "You devil of a m an! You
have won again! W bat do you Intend
The Index, a w eekly new spaper of fru its.
to do w ith m e?"
A rm strong seeks to recover dam ­
E vanston, III., will be changed to a
Accidents In State 338.
He looked a t h e r sadly as he replied
daily and will be run e n tirely by wom­ ages from th e Sicula Am erican S team ­
ship company, which, he says, entered
Salem — L abor Com m issioner Hoff in a m easured voice:
en, from m anager to sp o rtin g editor.
into an agreem ent in 1911 w ith the
"I will m ake a queen of you.”
rep o rts th a t th ere w ere 338 accidents,
Wood saw yers of Portland have F ru it Im p o rte rs’ union and o th er im ­
10 of which w ere fa ta l, to persons em ­
"Oh, th an k s! T h at Is kind. I pre­
asked the city council to increase the p orters of lemons, to add two pence,
ployed in Oregon in d u stries in Novem ­ sum e you have selected a very beauti­
license to $100 per year, in the hope English money, to the freig h t ra te on Manager of Klamath
Saw m ill w orkers head the list ful cou n try ?”
th a t some will be compelled to q u it every box o f lemons brought here by
w ith 44 accidents, pap er m ills second
"Yes, R osltta Rosiny, a very beau­
Project Up and Doing w ith 38, and m achine, foundry and tiful country. You will have every­
and thus m ake it possible for those re­ the^ line.
The M ercadante*Regan
m aining to earn a living.
company, which failed in 1912, was
K lam ath F a lls—J . G. Camp, project boiler i-hops th ird w ith 37. T h irty - thing you need—it Is a veritable Gar­
not a m em ber of the union or a p a rty m anager fo r the reclam ation service, two persons w ere injured by railroad den of Eden.
to the agreem ent, A rm strong relates, has been v isitin g farm ers all o ver the tra in s and 14 w ere injured w hile en­
9he looked a t him In alarm , then
but was compelled to use the steam ers project. H is last trip of inspection, gaged in ra ilro ad construction.
looked tow ard her fleet. E very one of
of the Sicula A m erican company and made in an autom obile, was along the
T w enty-six loggers w ere injured, her aerodrom ones had been captured.
W heat—T rack p rices: Club, 85c; pay the e x tra rate.
four of them fa ta lly . Eleven persons
T hey reached land. Napoleon called
bluestem , 95(u96c; forty-fold, 85J(tt
The plaintiff alleges th a t this e x tra bed is being gradually uncovered by engaged in construction w ork w ere up W histler and, giving orders regard­
86c; red, Russian. 84c; valley, 85c.
tax was to be used to lobby for a re ­
h u rt and one died.
ing th e em pty aerodrom one th at he
O a ts—No. 1 w hite, $25.50 per ton. duction of the ta riff on Italian lemons evaporation. The land belongs to the
was leaving on a sandbar, released it
Corn—W hole, $36; cracked, $37.
in opposition to the efforts of the C ali­ recommend a system o f leasing these
from the electric clutches of the Eagle.
W o rk U n d e r W a y .
B arley— Feed, $24 per to n ; brew ­ fornia lemon grow ers, who w anted the
E ugene—The bridge-building equip­ T hen he flew up again, w ith R ositta
lands to se ttle rs u n til th e u n it is
ing, *25; rolled, $26.50(/[27.50.
tariff retained.
sittin g m otionless and unseeing on the
of W illiard & M cCreary was
Millfeed — Bran, $20.50fti21 ton;
bench. Sending the Eagle tow ard the
shorts, $22.50 > 1 23; m iddlings, $29(tf
moved to the second N oti crossing la st south, he turned on full speed.
w eek, and erection of the only large
T he m an who had outw itted his en­
Ju arez, M ex.— Advices w ere re ­ w here drainage is needed and some of
H ay—No. 1 E astern Oregon tim ­
bridge y et to be b u ilt e ast o f Noti em ies w as silent, w atching the rich
othy, *16.50; m ixed tim othy, $14;
tunnel will be begun a t once.
L aying country run backw ard un d er him. Nei­
alfalfa, $14: clover, $9(«10; valley, a t O jinga, on the border, will soon line, and he will recom mend th a t such of track through th e tunnel and down th e r spoke on the long Journey south­
g ra in hay, *12((il3.
m arch w est to cut General Francisco
the Siuslaw w atershed can now be ward to th e Garden of Eden.
Onions Oregon, $2.76(0 3 per sack, V illa's rebel arm y off a t Chihuahua. rendered fit for cultivation again.
The first N oti crossing was
buying price; $2.50 f. o. b. shipping A t some point south of Ju arez, i t is
com pleted th is w eek, and w hile track
said, the federal com m anders plan to
was being laid for the m ile betw een
V e g eta b le s—Cabbage, l)(>tl}c per destroy the teleg rap h and railroad
Eugene— N otices have been posted the two bridges across N oti, th e con­
pound; cauliflower, 75c(u$1.25 per lines and thus leave V illa in a pocket. in the E ugene sta tio n of the Southern trac to rs placed th e steel for th e first
A sm all house had been erected
dozen; eggplant, 10(0 12$c pound; pep­ V illa has about 5000 men a t C hihua­ Pacific company in v itin g application c ro s,' nK over t he L ong Tom river,
hear the C rystal Lake. It had two
pers, 6(<i 7c; head lettuce, $2.25(0 2.50 hua. He has had to m aintain a guard
room s and kitchen, th a t was all; but
for 10 positions as m otorm en, 10 posi­
per c ra te ; garlic, 12i(015c per pound; along 225 m iles o f railroad which con­
It had been pleasantly and well fur­
tions as conductors and 20 positions as
sprouts, 10c; artichokes, $1.75 per nect him w ith 2000 soldiers whom he
My Son, Thou Shalt Be a Citizen of a
trainm en on the electric cars which
C resw ell—A total of $44,000 will be nished w ith everything a lone woman
dozen: squash, ltfo T Jc ; celery, $3(01 le ft to garrison his base a t Juarez.
H appier and More Peaceful Age.”
are to be installed Ja n u a ry 15 on the p iid patrons o f th e Creswell co-oper­ m ight w ant. W hen Napoleon assisted
3.50 per c ra te ; turnip s, *1.25 per
Portland-M cM innville loop o f the P o rt­ a tiv e cannery as th e proceeds o f the R osltta from the aerodrom one he led chair. He stood th ere a m oment and
sack; carrots, $1.10; parsnips, $1.25;
Rate Fight Is Abandoned.
land, Eugene & E astern.
first y e ar's business was effected a t a her Into th e p leasant living-room She the enthusiastic audience became
beets, $1.25.
Rock Island, III. — The executive
It is asserted here the proposed g a s­ m eeting of the board of directo rs held followed him obediently, as If In a silent.
Green F ru it — Apples, 50c(0$2.60 council of the Modern Woodmen of
to be paid trance, seatin g h erself In the chair
G entlem en! R epresentatives of the
per box; cranberries. *11(011.50 per A m erica announced th a t it had aban­ oline car service betw een E ugene and | here Monday, w hen prices
The can­ indicated w ithout a word.
Corvallis will be begun a t th e tim e the patrons were determ ined.
U nited Republics of America!
b a rre l; pears, $1.25(0 1.75 per box.
doned its fight for increased ra te s and Portland-M cM innville loop is e le c tri­ nery will pay $30 a ton for beans. $70
"T his is your future home, R osltta,”
' I have to tell you th a t the dangers
Potatoes Oregon, 80c(o$l per hun­ th a t the question would not be pro­
for (loganberries, $80 for stra w b e r­ he said, simply.
surrounding us. caused by the design­
dred; buying price, 70(o80c a t ship­ posed a t the N ational head camp m eet­
ries, $90 for ra sp b errie s, $40 for
She did not reply, but sa t looking ing and am bitious Princess von
ping points.
ing to be held in Ju n e a t Toledo. This
blackberries. $40 for cherries and $22 out the window, a t the cle ar lake and Schomburg-Lithow, are dissipated for­
Wheeler Men Are Building.
Poultry— H ens, 14(ol5c; springs. ends a b itte r fight th a t has been
W heeler—J . M. Donovan is erecting for pears. Five carloads o f canned the steep m ountain sides th a t over­ ever. H er fleet of aerodrom ones le In
14(o 15c: turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, waged w ithin the society since the in ­
2500 cases, shadowed the little valley forbidding­ my possession and will be disposed of
a tw o-story building, the low er Poor goods, appro x im atin g
choice, 25<o26c; ducks, 12(0 16r.
creased ra te s ordered a t the head camp
ly. A stra n g e fire ehone In h e r eyes. as you see fit.
E ggs—Oregon fresh ranch, 39(0 42c m eeting in Chicago two yeasa ago. o f which will be for a m oving-picture were shipped th is year.
She stood up slowly and cautiously
"T his act of force, com m itted by me
show and the upper story of which
per dozen ; storage. 28(o 33c.
Taxation Values Boom.
Several m onths ago the society was
and stepped to th e window. She alone, was done In the Interest of
B u tte r — C ream ery prints, extras, enjoined by the courts from enforcing will be fitted up for a hall. The build­
looked out a t the beautiful green fo­ peace, according to th e tw elfth chap­
ing will cost $550(1.
34oi 35c per pound ; cubes, 28(0 32c.
the new rates.
valuations o f the holdings o f public liage and th e blooming flowers for a te r of the International peace pactum ,
Mr. A rchibald is p u ttin g up a two-
P ork—Fancy, 10c per pound.
service corporations as fixed by the long tim e, and Napoleon did not dis­ th a t holds the president of the peace
story a p artm e n t house.
The lower
V eal—Fancy, 14c per pound.
Suffragettes Burn House.
floors will be used for com m ercial p u r­ sta te ta x hoard shows th a t $411,041 of turb her. H er actions com m anded re­ com m ittee responsible for peace be­
Hops -1 9 1 3 crop, prim e and choice,
he to ta l am ount ia tax a b le w ithin the spect.
B ath. E ngland—An arson squad of poses and a ten a n t is w aiting.
tw een nations.
20 m 21c; 1914 contracts, 16(0T8c.
lim its o f the city o f A storia.
A sm ile appeared on her face, a
Wool — Valley, 16(0 17c per pound; the m ilita n t su ffrag ettes early Sunday building will cost nearly $3000. Bodle
"T he m anufacturing of aerodro­
sm ile th a t rem inded Napoleon of his m ones Is my exclusive privilege for
burned down a valuable house situated A Cronin have been awarded a con­
E aste rn Oregon, 11 (it 16c.
own m other; It expressed m other the next seventeen years, according
in extensive grounds in the vicinity tra c t to sluice down 25.000 yards of
M ohair, 1913 clip. 26c.
o r about *2,000,00 m ore than it was love, th e m ost holy of all.
to paten ts secured, and. since I be­
C a tte — Prim e steers, $7.50(08.10; ! of th is city. The place was unoccu- d irt into the gulch on F ront stre et.
"See—se e how green th e g rass Is! lieve this abortive a ttem p t to crush
choice, $7(07.50; m edium, $6.76(07; '• pied. A q u a n tity o f suffrage lite ra ­
How blue th e eky Is! How mild the liberty will not be repeated. I take
choice cows, $6(u6.60; m edium, *5.76 tu re was found strew n about the
63.1 Attend Farmers’ Week.
December Strawberries Ripe.
air. and the w ater of the Lago dl Mag-
(06; h eifers, $6(06.86; lig h t calves, i grounds.
Oregon A gricultural College. Cor­
N ew port— P e te r S chirm er. th e Bur- giore Is as sm ooth as a m irror.’’ She pleasure In offering my sixty aerodro­
$8(09; heavy, $6(07.75; bulls, $4(0
vallis— W ith a total re g istra tio n of hank o f Lincoln county, cam e into beckoned to Napoleon. "J u st look a t mones to the United Republics of
Border Fence Meant for Cattle.
5.75; stag s. $6(o6.50.
633, the annual fa rm e rs' week, given town S aturday w ith several c ra te s o f th at sw eet little girl, see how she runs Am erica, to be used In accordance
with arrangem ents to be made. 1 will
Hogs — L ight, $7.26(0 7.76; heavy,
W ashington, D. C .—S enator As- by the faculty o f the Oregon A gricul­ delicious stra w b errie s.
Mr. Schirm er
$6 50(o 6.85.
hurst told the senate th a t his bill for a tural college, under the direction of grows stra w b errie s outdoors every on th e shore— she Is a fte r a b u tte r­ re serv e the right of ow nership and the
Sheep — W ethers, $4(06.50; ewes, barbed w ire fence along the Mexican the extension departm ent, was brought m onth in the y e a r and by carefully fly. Don't you see her, m an! Don’t engagem ent of aerom en for the ma­
$3.50(<i4.35; lam bs, $6 6(V(i6.50.
boundary was not designed to stop in­ to a close. Two hundred and ninety crossing several v a rie tie s he has ob­ you te e h er?" She gasped theae last chines."
P e lts— Dry, 10c; sp rin g lam bs, 40(0 cursions o f rebels into A m erican te r r i­ four o f those reg istered w ere reg u lar tained one called th e Schirm er stra w ­ words hoarsely and grasped Napole­
An enthualaatlc "h u rra h !” sounded
60c; shearlings, 30(060c.
tory, but to keep out Mexican c a ttle college students, m aking a total of berry. which (will b e ar fru it in cold o n s arm . A nam eless te rro r had hli and a fte r quiet was restored Napoleon
tin n e d :
C ascara bark-*-Old and new, 5c.
infected w ith ticks.
341 special students.
w eather.
A car o f H u ngarian p a rtrid g e , to be
lib erated in Oregon, is en route from
New York on th e la s t leg o f the trip
from E urope w herein they a re being
brought by Max Muller, form erly su­
perin ten d en t of the S ta te asylum
poultry farm .
Muller, who is a n ativ e o f H ungary,
le ft for E urope w ith the comm ission
to bring back all the birds he could
Several o f these birds are already in
They w ere tak e n to the
poultry farm a t Salem , w here they
w ere w atched closely. The eggs are
highly productive.
Of an e x p eri­
m ental nest, 15 out o f 18 hatched.
The p a rtrid g e m ake good field birds,
well able to tak e care of them selves.
The new gam e fowl is h a lf way be­
tw een a quail and a pheasant. I t is
thought th a t in four or five y ears h u n t­
ing of them m ay be allowed. The
deputies of the gam e d e p artm e n t are
catching about 1000 C alifornia quail
in Southern Oregon, which will be
distrib u ted in the W illam ette valley.
Thousands of bass, in dan g er o f being
stranded in the slough n ear The Oaks,
ju st above Portland, have been re ­
moved to the river.
- r a g men captured on the P rin c e e r
fleet are to be returned to tb elr re ­
spective countries and tried as con­
sp irato rs against tbo world peac©
com m ittee and I have no doubt th a t
am icable relations will soou exist be­
tween all the nations.
’’The United Republics of Am erica
is a m onum ent to Freedom and Peace.
T hese two conditions crea te satisfac­
tion, w ealth and advancem ent of such
ch ara cte r that we a re n earer the Al­
m ighty, who created man In his own
Napoleon was interru p ted here by
an atten d an t, who slipped a sm all en­
velope into his hand. It was ad­
dressed to him In his m other’s well-
known handw riting. He tore it open,
ran through the lines and his face be­
cam e radiant with happiness. He
waved his hand tow ard the waiting
audience and w ithout a n o th er word
quickly left the hall.
Ills e rratic actions would have
caused uneasiness if his face had not
been so exprcBeive of happiness. He
had hardly reached the exit when the
| rep resentatives cheered once again,
| He waved his hand In acknowledge
j inent and dnshed out.
He raced to the elevator th a t car-
{ rlcd him to his aerodrom one and In
a few m inutes he was on the roof of
the C rystal l’alace.
He quickly de­
scended to the ap artm en t of A stra, his
His m other aw aited him outside th e
door; th e ir em brace told much.
A m inute late r the g reat man, the
hero, the patriot, the inventor, was
kneeling at the bedside of a sm iling,
happy m other, m urm uring brokeD
phrases of joy a t her well being.
At the m other’s request, w ith shak­
ing hands In fear of hurtin g him, he
raised the little, kicking boy and, as
he kissed his son, he said with wet
"My son, tho u s h a l t be a citizen of
a happier a n d more peaceful age.”
T here Is little m ore to say.
T hat afternoon Napoleon looked
through the mall th a t had accumulat-
ed and found Count von W erdensteln's
m essage addressed to Astra. He car­
ried It, together with o th er u rgent le t
tere, to her. She asked him to read It
to her.
"Y our Ladyship: My se c re t service
agents have Informed me th a t the
Princess Schom burg Llthow Is plan­
ning to overthrow the present peace­
ful balance th a t exists all over the
"I was reared a m an of arm s and 1
have been a believer In our glorious
traditions. It has taken a long time
for me to realize the blessings ol
Equality, L iberty and F ra tern ity , but
I have realized them at last.
"I re g re t th at I have not the power
to crush the prln cm s’ conspiracy, for
which I, personally, am to blame. On
account of my inability to do this I
beg your ladyship to Inform your hon­
orable husband of the contents of this
letter. He Is the only one who can
check the uprising, nnd I hope this
will find him prepared.
"F o r the future, I Intend to do all
I can to m ake the coming generation
a b e tte r and m ore contented one. I
Intend to try to follow the example
set by the man whom I now appre­
"In the hope th a t my w arning will
reach you In good tim e and will be of
service to your ladyship, I remain,
with Blncere regards.
"I am glad th a t a m an like the
count has seen the light," was Napo­
leon's sim ple com m ent when he had
finished reading the letter.
A stra ’s eyes rested lovingly on Na­
poleon, then wandered over to the
crib in which th eir baby boy slept.
T hey both felt the dawn of a hap­
pier age.
Reflections of One Who Has Seen
Life T hat It by No Mean*
a t Ita Best.
It would be all right not to Judge
a man by his
money—If th ere
was any o th er way of m easuring him
I a in ’t a pessim ist, but—I've seen
tale n t too many years sticking
around unregarded while ta c t In m an­
aging a m anager gets a taxicab
sta rt and an electric light over the
th e a te r finish for me to be classed
with the optim ists.
T em per and tem peram ent—w hat's
the difference? It's tem per In the cho­
ru s and tem peram ent In th e sta r's
dressing room.
A Job th a t m eans b reak fast every
day and d inner reg'lar. I alw ays been
saying so, is worth all the razzle-daz­
zle fcastlngB going while w aiting for
an engagem ent.
Fam e—when all la told, w hat does
It come to? T he rouge from la st
night don’t last longer than fame.
By tom orrow even the callboy's for­
gotten your name.
W hen the shoe fits th a t's a sure
sign we could w ear a size sm aller
It's push th at gets a girl a
place to stand a t the foot of the lad­
der. and it's pull th a t hoists h e r final­
ly to the top.
I heard a m anager say once th a t
the scariest sight he ever seen waa a
show girl before breakfast.
Rock Cannon.
W hen the Island of M alta w as un­
der th e rule of the K nights of SL
John they defended th eir fortifications
with cannon bored In the living rock.
Each one of these strange weapons
contained an entire barrel of powder,
and as It was not possible to vary tha
aim of these cannon 60 were m ade
ready, facing various directions from
which the enem y m ight approach.
W hen the fam e of th ese arm s of de­
fence becam e known to the world the
Idea was taken up of tran sp o rtin g
rocks to sum m its to serve -the sam e
purpose; but It was soon recognised
to be Im practicable, and the cannon
of Malta, bored In aolld rock, b a se
passed Into history as tha sole weap­
ons of the kind ever known.—H a r­
per's Weekly.
T he Outeeme.
He—T he man who offers me a drink
Insults my manhood.
She—Well, th a t's all right aa long
as you don't follow your usual
and swallow th e ln au lt