Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 04, 1913, Image 3

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J producing light, dainty, whole-
Advise quick w hat you have for Holiday Trade. Will sell your 1'oultry and
riv e you and reliable service for live per cent of gross sales. Ship your
P oultry where it will be properly handled. G W salesmanship. Cold storage in
building and quick returns.
fin .
^ _____
PEARhON-PAGE CO., Portland, Ore.
Hotel Washington
Portland, Oregon.
•1 M. « 2 . 0 « , , d 12.SO P e r D s j W ith P r i n t « B sth .
S p e tla l P a ir s bu w t e k u r m o n th .
H u . to a n d from t r a i n , s n d b o a t,, o r t . k c . D .p o t U r to
W s s h m s to n St no d t r s n . f r r . s o t off s t T w e lfth B treo t. t u r o p r . n pl»n. ino o u u i d . room“
r t n p r u o f B u lk ltn * . m o d o n t and rU-sn in r v r r y r. »Pr c t. H o t and cold r u n n in s w n to r s n d b o th
l ' ," rtl S itisln n r ilm ib l. itw inaim ..__ 1 ars»- P a rlo r off M ain larbby.
high grad« and |
f m oderate in price -
f 25c lb. tin a t grocer
Currency Still in Air—Commerce
Court Abolished and Unions
Exempt From Trust Law.
Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides
I Get Out “ of the Rut” 1
White House Bride Sails.
Tackle Catarrh Now
Be Free All Winter
Colds, Stall Pleumonia, Keep Your Nose
Clear a id Your Throat Free.
New York— P resident W ilson ac­
complished S aturday the two purposes
th a t brought him to New York from
W ashington— he said good-by to the
W hite House bride and groom, his
dau g h ter and F rancis Bowes Sayre,
- who sailed for Europe on th e ir honey-1
moon, and as com m ander-in-chief of
the arm ed land and w a te r forces of ,
the country he attended the army-
j navy football gam e
a t th e Polo
grounds, w here he was a non-partisan
but in terested spectator. In the even­
ing the P resident w ent to the th ea ter.
Union to Fight Strikes.
Don't Walt Till You’re AD Bupged Up. Use S . S. S . N ow.
I f you w ill go Into mnv first clas« sto re b alan ced h e a lth a s t h s n u tritiv e p ro p e r­
an* r e t a b o ttle o f S. S. 8. you a r« on tie s of th e g ra in s, m eats, s u g a rs, an d fa ts
th« w ay to g e ttin g rid o f C a ta rrh . B u t
don’t le t an y o n e w ork off th a t o ld tric k
of so m eth in g “ J u s t a s good.”
B. 8. S. Is ta k e n Into th e blood ju st ao
naturally a s th e m o st n o u rish in g food. I t
o p rssd s It» Influence o v e r e v ery o rg a n In
th e body, com es th ro u g h all th e v e in s a n d
arteries, enable» all m u co u s surfac« « to
e x ch a n g e Inflam m ato ry a cid s a n d o th e r
Irritating s u b sta n c es fo r a rte ria l elem en ts
th a t effectu ally cle an se th e sy ste m an d
th u s put an end to all c a ta r rh a l pollution.
8 . 8. 8. clean s o u t th e s to m a ch o f m ucous
accu m u latio n s, en ab les only pure, blood-
m aking m a te ria ls to e n te r th s in ts stln e s ,
com bines w ith th e se food e le m en ts to
e n ts r th s circu latio n , an d In le ss th an an
hour le a t w ork th ro u g h o u t th e body In
p * p ro cess of purtflcallolL
T b s m edicinal co m p o n en ts o f 8. 8. 8.
tern re la tiv e ./ lu s t a s a ss a n tla l to
o f foods. A ny local ir r ita tin g influence
In th e blood Is re je c te d by th e tis su e cells
e n d elim in ated by re a so n of th e e tlm u la .
tin g influence of S. S. 8.
You will soon re a lise Its w onderful In­
fluence by th e ab se n c e e f h eadache, a d e ­
cided c le arin g o f th e a ir passages, ■
s te a d ily im proved n a sa l condition, an d ■
sen se of bodily re lie f th a t proves how
com pletely c a ta r r h o fte n in fe s ts th e en­
tire system .
You will find S. S. 8. on sa le a t a n drug
sto re s. I t Is e re m a rk a b le rem edy for
s p y an d all blood affections, such as
e csem a. ra s h , lupus, ts tte r . psoriasis,
bolls, sn d all o th e r diseased conditions e f
th e blood.
F o r special a d v ice o n any
blood d ise a se w rite to T h e S w irt Speclfle
Co., 101 S w ift B ld g . A tla n ta , Oa.
D e not trifle w ith s u b stitu te s , tm lte.
»lone o r a n y e f th e h o rd e of “J u s t 8d
C ounterfeits of S. 8. 8,
K ansas C ity— A new labor organiz­
ation, bound by its constitution to op­
pose strik es and uphold the a rb itratio n
m ethods of se ttlin g disputes, and also
to favor a graduated, ra th e r th an a
uniform , w age scale, was c hartered in
the C ircuit court here Monday. Found­
ers of the o rg an izat on. which is known
as the N ational Association of U nited
B uilding Labor, say it is th e ir plan to
extend the association to all p a rts of
the U nited S ta te s in the hope o f re­
ducing the num ber o f strik e s and
otherw ise prom oting harmony.
Japanese Will Be Aided.
Mexico C ity— The Japanese m inis­
te r conferred w ith Nelson O ’Shaugh-
nessy, the A m erican charge d ’a f - 1
fsi res, re g ard in g the protection of
Japanese subjects on the W est Coast.
The M inister was assured by Mr.
O ’Shaughnesey th a t they would re ­
ceive the sam e protection as fa r as
the U nited S ta te s was concerned, as
| o th er foreigners.
No odda how bad your liver, stom ­
ach o r bowels; how m uch your head
aches, how m iserable you are from
constipation. Indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels—you alw ays get
relief w ith C ascarets. T hey Imme­
diately cleanse and regulate Ihe stom ­
ach, rem ove the sour, ferm enting food
and foul gases; tak e th e excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con­
stipated w aste m atter and poison
from the intestines and bowels. A
10-cent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stom ach sw eet and head clear for
m onths. They work while you sleep.
Restriction of Credits to Meet Im­
pending Currency Laws Entire­
ly Unnecessary, He Says.
W ashington, D. C.—The longest
HAIR STOPS FALLINO continuous e x traordinary session in
the history o f congress came to an end
Save your H alrl Get a 25-cent bottle Saturday and the regular session be­
of Danderlne right now—Alao
gan Monday.
Two g re a t projects
W rite fo r ta g s a n d o u r n e t c a sh p ric e list.
stops itching scalp.
W e g u a ra n te e f a ir tr t u tn ie n t, h ig h e s t p rices, ami
have held the a tte n tio n of congress
"C heck by R e tu rn M a il." G ive u s a tria l w ith
and the country throughout th e work
y o u r n e x t lot o f p ro d u ce, f . M. s < hnial# & C o.,
W U » (apfel. $10,000
141 143 Frsal St. Feitlaad, Ora.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy of the year. One of these, tariff re ­
< hair is m ute evidence of a neglected vision, crystallized into law in Sep­
SP O T C A S H FOR Y O U R scalp; of dandruff—th a t awful scurf. tem ber. The currency reform still is
T here is nothing so d estructive to the chief subject o f legislative in­
E g g s, P o u ltry , H o g s, V e a l
N e t p ric e s f. o. b . P o rtla n d , no com m ission. F re sh i the h air as dandruff. It robs th e h a ir tere st.
e g g s, 3f>(<440c d o zen; tia iry b u tte r, lhc; live h ens of Its lustre. Its stren g th and its very
The special session began w ith a
a n d sp rin g s . \2(a 14c; d u c k a . 0*i 12c; geese, lOfu 12c: life; eventually producing a feverish­
reorganization of party leadership in
tu rk e y s . 1 8 « l#c—d reseed . 1 ' '22c; fan c y po rk ,
10c; fan c y veal, 13*114c; d ry c a n ca ra b a rk . c. ness and Itching of the scalp, which the senate which brought the so-called
S h ip u s fu rs, wools, m o h air, w ax am i hides. W rite if not rem edied causes the h a ir roots
P rogressive
fo r f u r p ric e lis t o r o th e r p ric e s. A ssets 130.000.
to shrink, loosen and die— then the
R U B Y & C O ., 107 Frml St. PORTLAND, OR. hair falls out fast. A little D anderlne T hroughout the contests on ta riff and
tonight—now—any tim e—will surely currency the session has been m arked
by solidification of the Dem ocratic
W u t s o n K . <'o le i n ii n, save your hair.
> »lent L a w y e r,» .s h iu g lo n
Get a 25-cent bottle of K now lton’s ranks. Dem ands of the Dem ocratic
D.C. A dvice a n d books free
Rates m iao nable. H ig h est references. Best aervice* D anderlne from any drug store.
currency bill be
You leaders th a t the
surely can have beautiful h air and passed a t once brought the e x tra ses­
E. BURTON — Aaeayer a n i Chemist, lots of It If you will Just try a little sion to a stirrin g close, day and night
Leadville, Colorado. Hpeeinieu prices: Gold, Danderlne.
Save your hair! T ry It! sessions o f the D em ocratic currency
«liv er. Lead, t l. Gold, Bllver, 75c; Gold 50c; Zi no
or Coppor, $1. M ulling envelop««» a d fu ll price lint
conference having m arked the last
• e n t o n applicatio n . C ontrol and Um pire work so
No E nthusiast.
week, and day and n ig h t -sessions of
licitad. Role ro u te: QubouaU* NnUouni Bank.
“ Your husband says he is In favor of the senate are prom ised for th e new
votes for women.”
session until currency legislation is
"Yes,” replied Mrs. Corntossel.
“And w hat are your views on the concluded.
A lthough P resident W ilson urged
B o u g h t, sold anti e x c h an g e d ; en g in e s, boilers, su b ject?”
Bawmill8, e tc . Send fo r S to ck L is t a n d P rices.
“ Well, I don’t Bee why us women congress to hold itself to the two chief
T H E J . E. M A R T IN CO .. 83 1st S t.. P o rtla n d . O r.
shouldn’t vote if we w ant to. But It projects, tariff and currency, several
won’t do any good unless we neglect m atters of general im portance were
the house and hang around the polls considered.
One im p o rtan t legisla­
to see th a t the men don’t g et mixed tive act was the so-called Newlands
up countin’ the ballots.”—W ashington law for m ediation and conciliation in
labor disputes.
The abolishm ent o f the U nited
F re e to O a r R e a d e r«
S ta te s Commerce court also was ac­
W rite M u r in e E y e R e m e d y C o., C h ic a g o , f o r
complished, through an am endm ent to
4 8 -p ag e i l l u s t r a t e d E y e B o o k F r e e . W r i t e a l l
the deficiency appropriation bill. An­
a b o u t Y o u r E y e T r o u b le a u d th e y w ill a d v is e
a s to t h e P r o p e r A p p l i c a t io n o f t h e M u r in e
o th er appropriation bill “ rid e r” took
E y e R e m e d ie s i n Y o u r S p e c ia l C a s e . Y o u r
out of the classified civil service m ost
D r u g g i s t w ill t e l l y o u t h a t M u rin e R e lie v e s
of the deputy U nited S ta te s m arshals
S o re E y e s , S t r e n g t h e n s W e a k E y e s . D o e s n ’t
S m a r t , S o o th e s E y e P a i n , a n d s e lla f o r 60c.
and deputy collectors o f internal rev­
T r y I t i n Y o u r E y e s a n d in B a b y ’s E y e s f o r
Exem ption o f labor unions
! S c a ly E y e l id s a u d G r a n u l a t i o u .
from prosecution under the a n ti-tru st
H o u rs, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Main 5714
A little change In the hand Is w orth laws so fa r as certain funds w ere con­
or by u p p o in tm e n t
I more th an a g re at change la the cerned also was accomplished.
j w eather.—St. Paul Dispatch.
The long fight over the proposed tax
on cotton fu tu res to prevent “ cotton
gam b lin g ” failed in the final develop­
m ents prior to the passage of the ta r ­
Scientific T re a tm e n t o f all A c u te a n d C hronic
U ncase«. L icensed P ra c titio n e r. S u ite 424-5-7
iff bill. Many bills which underw ent
A rcade B uilding. S e a ttle.
preparation in the com m ittee rooms
will be pushed to conclusion in the
new congress.
include the
seam an’s servitude
b ill,” which
Don’t continue, day after I “ passed
th e s e n a te ; the H etch Hetchy
“P ape’« Dlapepsln” m akes Sick, Sour, _ day, in that half-sickly con- _ bill, to g ra n t San Francisco a w ater
supply rig h t in th a t valley, which
Gassy Stom achs surely feel fine
■ dition—with poor appetite, ■ passed the house and is to be voted on
in five m inutes.
| sallow complexion, and clog- ■ by the sen ate early in the session, and
the A laskan railw ay bill, w hich the
If w hat you Just a te Is souring on
ged bowels. You can help
senate has agreed to ta k e up in De­
your stom ach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch | Nature wonderfully in over- | cem ber. The A laskan m easure wonld
provide for governm ent railroads to
gas, and eru ctate sour, undigested
coming all Stomach, Liver
open A la sk a ’s resources.
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste 9 and Bowel troubles by tak- |
In m outh and stom ach-headache, you
ing a short course of
can g et blessed relief In five m inutes.
P u t an end to stom ach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
P ape's D lapepsln from any drug store.
W ashington, D. C. — W ar d e p a rt­
You realize In five m inutes how need­
m ent officials who have been prpear-
ing, w ith R ep resentative K ahn, a bill
less It Is to suffer from Indigestion,
to d istrib u te 800,000 K rag-Jorgenson
dyspepsia or any stom ach disorder.
It's the quickest, su re st stom ach doc­
rifles now stored in governm ent arse­
Try a bottle today. Avoid
to r In the world. It's wonderful.
nals to civilian rifle clubs in ord er to
I substitutes.
I prom ote m arksm anship throughout the
T he m unicipal a uthorities of Berlin
country, have decided to include free
have forbidden men to sm oke while
am m unition w ith the rifles.
I t has
driving automobUes, ruling th a t m any
been decided th a t school cadet o rg a n ­
accidents have been duo to the prac­
izations also will be supplied w ith free
A Quick Trip.
j rifles and am m unition.
“ Mr. L ane called again this m orn­
R epresentative Kahn, as chairm an
l l o t h . n w ill And. M n . W in slo w -« S o o th in g ing, Bir,’’ said the new office boy as
o f the N ational D efense league, which
S y r u p t h e b<-Bt r e in e d v to u s e t o r t h e i r chU U xee
l u r i n g t h e t e e t h i n g p e r io d .
“Did you tell him I’d gone to Eu­ suggested the d istrib u tin g of the
T he B ritish governm ent’s old age rope as I told you to, E dw ard?" asked rifles, will soon introduce the bill in
the house.
pension schem e is producing som e re ­ Mr. S tu a rt
"Yes sir.”
m arkable figures for the sta tistics of
“T h at's a good boy,” said S tu a rt Kansas Women Want
1912 show th a t 603,380 women w ere In
receip t of old age pensions, as com ­ “And w hat did he say?"
Initiative and Referendum
“ He w anted to know when you’d be
pared with only 362,628 men.
back," replied Edward, “and I told him
Topeka, K an.— K ansas women who
'a fte r lunch,’ sir.”—H a rp er's Maga­ m et here to form ulate a declaration of
D r . P e r r y ’s V e r m if u g e “ D e a d S h o t” k ills
* n d e x p e ls W o rm s in a v e ry fe w h o u r s .
principles to be placed before the v a r­
ious political p a rty organizations of
London's proposed postal tube Is to
S o r e E y e s , G r a n u l a t e d E y e lid s a u d S tle a the sta te as an expression of w h at the
be nine feet In diam eter and six and p a a r o m m . p t A ly d v . h e a le d w i t h R o m a u E y e B a l­ women voters would have incuded in
a half m iles long. It is to be fitted
for tw o tracks, each tw o fe et wide, j At the Ohio sta te experim ent sta ­ the platform s in the n e x t cam paign,
carrying steel tru ck s operated by mo­ tion. a t W ooster, the crops have av er­ decided the first im p o rta n t and m ost
tors. T he line proposed will be con­ aged, for a term of years, about twice nepded legislation was the subm ission
o f a constitutional
stru c te d throughout in th e London as m uch to th e acre as the usual yield and adoption
am endm ent providing for the in itia-
of all grain fields In Ohio.
| tiv e and referendum .
If they don’t know how th e fire
In tim e a photographer learn s peo-
W ith this d irec t vote and com plete
started, the genera? disposition is to pie will stan d for considerable flat- I suffrage in K ansas, the women feel
blam e It on the sinful cigarette.
I tery, and becom es an A rtist.
they can enforce any legislation.
Secretary McAdoo Says Financiers
Have No Cause for Worry.
n t M fg. C o .. Set
! H O S T E T T E R 'S !
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stom ach, Bad
B reath—Candy C athartic.
' some cakea and pastries—
Congress Quits Many Months oí
Stirring, Strenuous Work.
Same Kates for One or Two Persons in a Room
W ashington Street, Corner o f Twelfth.
(H A S . H. ROWLKY. Manager.
II oo. |1.SO 12.00 Per Day W ith Bath Privilege.
Better than other powders—
S ize lVix5.
C om plete W ith
E v e r -R e a d y B a tte r y
REG U LA R P R IC E «1.25.
»•mi $1.10 a nd T h is A d. a n d W e Will D e liv e r to
Y our H om e. W ire le ss S u p p lie s. H e a tin g
a n d C ooking A p p lian c e s. E v e ry th in g
E le c tric a l.
Look Mother!
If tongue Is coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali­
fornia Syrup of Figs.”
M others can re st easy a fte r giving
"C alifornia Syrup of Figs,” because In
a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
sour bile and ferm enting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children n e ed n 't be coaxed to
tak e this harm less "fru it laxative."
Millions of m others keep It handy be­
cause they know Its action on the
stom ach, liver and bowels Is prom pt
and sure.
Ask your druggist fo r a 60-cent bot­
tle of "C alifornia Syrup of Figs,"
which contains directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups.
The Value of a Name.
T he e ditor of a g re a t m agazine sent
for a certain a u th o r who had subm it­
ted an unsolicited m anuscript.
"I am glad' to m ake your acquaint­
ance, sir,” said the editor, enthusiasti­
cally. “T he story you sen t us is per­
fectly splendid. But why use a nom
de plum e? L et us publish it over
your own nam e and it will m ake you
fam ous.”
“ I’m not a fte r fam e,” objected the
author. “ It's money I w ant.’’
“ But you'll get Just as much money
In e ith e r case.”
“No, I w on’t. If I publish it over
m y own nam e m y wife will get the
money."—Cleveland P lain Dealer.
S hake In to Y our sh o e s
A llan 's F o o t-E a s e , a p o w d e r fo r t h e f e e t. I t c u r «
p a in fu l, sw o lle n , s m a r tin g , s w e a tin g f a e t. M akes
new sh o es e a sy . S o ld b y a ll D r u g g is ts a n d Shoe
S tores. D o n 't a c c e p t a n y a u b s tltu t* . Sam pis
F R E E . A d d re s s A . S . O lm ste d . L e Roy. N . Y .
“ Magnus Nugas.”
We dream of subjects w orthy of our
V ast as th e welkin, varied as the
seas ;
Of visions th a t shall storm the world
of m en—
Y et Virgil sang of bees,
We p ray for inspiration to have birth
W ithin our souls; to clarify our
W ith fancies unidentified w ith e arth —
Y et Shelley wooed the lark.
—L ipplncott’s.
yield immediately to Sloan*« Lin­
iment. It relieves aching and
•wollen parts instantly. Reduces
inflammation and quietsthat agon­
izing pain. Don’t rub—it pene­
Kills Pain
r m quick relief from cheat and
? \ hroat
affections. Have you tried
Sloan’«? H ere’« what other« «ay:
R e lie f f ro m R h e u m a tis m
"Mr mother has used one 60c. bottle
of S lo a n ’s L in im e n t, a n d althoufh she
la ov « r 83 y e a r« of age, «he h«« ob­
tained «rest r e lie f from her rheuma­
ti s m .'— M r,. H . C. l.u u U U a f. G ilroy. CoL
G o o d f o r C o ld a n d C r o u p
M A 1. .A I _ 1
A lit tl e txiy n e x t , door I, h . a .1 d ... oro o p . I
h e r Sloan's
‘ Li ni «sent
------- --- to
n v e t h e mother
. S h e r a __
r e him
h im t th re e _
_ __ on
... su g a r
b e fo r e g o in g to b e d . a n d h e g o t
n t the c ro u p in th e m o r n i n g . " r w.
L Strong*. 3721 Elmwood A m ., Chicago, ILL
N e u r a lg ia G o n e
"R oan’« L i n im e n t i3 th e beet m e d i­
cine In the world. It h a s relieved me
of neuralgia. Thoae pain« have all gone
and I c a n truly say your Liniment did
■to^them .”—*r*. C. M. Dowhor o f Joham-
A ta O D ealer«. P r ice 2 S e .. SOe. 4k « 1 .0 0
S lo a n ’s In stru ctive B ook let o s
H orse« cent free.
B*«t 0 « | h Syrup. T m ’» O*o4. C m
ia lia « . loM by I>*Btrl«ts.
M n 'iiiS U tV W
W o n u m .W ti
M i s s e s , B o y s . C h i ld r e n
S l . S O t l . 7 S S 2 S2.& O S3
Began btulneaa In
1*7«: now th«
1 nrg «si. maker
of «1. $'i »0
and $4 shoes
In th# wot id
trrr ISO itt„/ee' ndo/usu
in till lot, t n __
sizes anti a i Uth*.
W. L. Douglas 8lio«s are famous
everywhere. Why uot give them a
w trial ? T he value you will receive
for your money win aatonlah you.
‘ If you would visit our factory,
the Urgent In t he world under
one roof, and aee how carefully
W. L. Douglas shoe« are made.
you would understand why they are
w arranted to look better, fit better,
hold tbelrnbape and wear longer than
other make» for the price.
Your dealer should supply you with
them .D on U akeaeuS itltute.N oue
genuine w ithout W. L. Douglas
name etam pm on bottom . Hhoes
sent everywhere, direct from fac­
tory, by Parcel Post, postage ire«*. Now
Is the tim e to begin to s a \e money
your footwear. W rite today for IIIua-
trated C atalog showing how to order
by mall. w . L. DOUOLAJB,
2 1 0 S p a r k S t., B ro c k to n , M aes.
W ashington, D. C.—S ecretary Mc­
Adoo issued a sta te m en t S aturday de­
claring th a t banks throughout the
country reported to be re stric tin g
credits to m eet the provisions of the
expected currency law are m aking a
If prisoners worked as hard for dol­
m istake.
He announced th a t the lars when they had a chance as they
resources in the treasury would be at afterw ard s work for pardons, the Jails
the disposal of the banks to aid them would be empty.
in complying w ith the new law when
it is put on the sta tu te books.
The secretary expressed the convic­
tion th a t the new law would impose no
hardships on th e banks and th a t the
tra n s fe r of cap ital and reserves to the
proposed Federal reserve banks would
be accomplished w ith little o r no in­
convenience to the banks and to gen­
eral business.
The secretary said the T reasury de­
p artm ent had large available resources
a t its comm and; th a t he should not
h e sita te to use them to aid the banks
T h e s e sh e lls c o s t a little m o re th a n b la ck p o w d e r loads,
to compy w ith the new law, and th a t
b u t for bird s h o o tin g th e y are w o r th m a n y tim es the difference, ]
in his opinion the banks could with
a s there is no sm o k e to h in d e r th e secon d barrel. T h e y are
p erfect sa fety proceed w ith th e g ra n t­
ing of accomm odations to th e ir cus­
b y far th e b e st lo w p riced sm o k e less lo ad on th e
tom ers in the norm al and usual way.
m arket. W h e n y o u b u y , in sist upon h a v in g them .
The secretary said he did not, of
course, assum e to advise the banks—
he only wished them and the business
public to know th ere was no ground
for apprehension ; th a t the a ttitu d e of
the T reasury d e p artm en t was to be
helpful and he thought i t could be
effectively helpful.
He said if any .banks were laboring
under the im pression th a t the new law
would n ecessitate or occasion a re stric ­
tion of credits, they w ere controlled
by error, as no such th in g would re ­
Cures the sick and acts as a preventive for others, Liquid
g riven
ven on the
th e ton
gu e. KaleJor
Bafe.for brood mares and all others. Best
Kidney r em ed y ; 6 0 cen ts and $1 a bottle; $6 and $10 th e dozen.
Sold by all druggists and horse goods houses, or sent, exprès«
Militant Chains Herself
paid, by the manufacturers.
Smokeless Powder Shells
to Gain Time to Yell
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists. Goshen. Ind.
London — M ilitant su ffrag ettes are
re tu rn in g to th e ir old tactics.
One of
them fastened herself to a chair in
C axton hall w ith a chain and padlock,
from which point of v antage she
shrieked “ Votes for w om en.”
R ight
Hon. Joseph A lbert Pease, M. P ., for
the Rotheham division of York, was
forced to suspend his speech for sever­
al m inutes w hile the stew ards endeav­
ored to remove the suffragette. They
w ere forced to sm ash the ch air before
th is could be done.
As an additional safeguard against
H er Cousin—Maud is alw ays very
Icebergs one tra n sa tla n tic passenger , positive in her assertions,
ste am er is carrying a 72,000 candle-
Rejected S uitor—Yes, she was even
power senrchlight w ith an effective positive in h e r negative.—Boston
\ T ranscript.
range of five m iles.
No man is L
Than his
Stom ach
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
ET the g re a te st ath lete have dyspepsia and his
stre n g th will soon fail. One'H stam ina—force-
fullness and stre n g th of mind or muscle
depend upon th e blood, and the blood in turn,
requires a healthy stom ach, For the stom aeh is th*
laboratory w here the food is digested and such ele­
m ents are taken up—or assim ilated—which m a k e
blood. In consequence all the organs of the body,
such as heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, as well a s
the nervous system , feel the bad effect if the atom-
ach is deranged.
Nome, A laska—The power schooner
1 M ary Sachs, one o f the boats o f Vilh-
jalm u r S tefansson’s Canadian A rctic
1 exploration
has been !
w recked in the ice off the A rctic |
j coast o f A laska.
News o f the loss of i
the M ary Sachs w as received here in
a le tte r from P e te r B ernard, captain |
of the vessel.
The ice crushed the boat into small
b its and all the provisions and scien­
tific instrum ents aboard w ere lost.
The le tte r gives no details of th e mis- .
hap. As nothing is said of any injury j
to th e men on the boat, it is believed
all are safe.
Be *ure that you ask for Wright’» Indian
Vegetable Pills, and look for the signa­
ture of Wm. Wright on wrapper and box.
For Constipation, Biliousness and Indiges­
______ _
tion. A dv.__
R ubber In Brazil.
T he B razilian D epartm ent of Agri­ Big Plot Revealed to
culture has decided to Issue a m onthly
publication specially concerned with
Corner Potato Market
the efforts to protect the rubber In­
W ashington, D. C.— A new phase
dustry from the consequences of ruin­
ous com petition of the m ore cheaply of th e cost of living problem was
produced cultivated rubber of the Far b rought to the a tte n tio n of the depart-
m ent of agriculture.
T. P. Gill, sec­
E ast.—Baltim ore American.
re ta ry of the Irish board o f ag ric u l­
tu re, told S ecretary
Houston th a t
speculators in the large c ities o f the
U nited S ta te s w ere actively buying
up th is y e a r's short A m erican potato
crop and planning to hold out for high
prices, counting on the e x istin g q u a r­
a n tin e ag ain st potatoes from m any
foreign countries to aid them in th eir
Mr. Gill is here to urge the removal
of th e em bargo on potatoes from his
country and has received p riv a te ad­
vices from various sources on the po­
ta to situ atio n in A m erica. He insists
th a t the powdery scab found on pota­
toes im ported from Ireland is no cause
for a q u arantine, because a sim ilar
blem ish already is common in the
U nited S tates, and declares th a t con­
tinuance o f the em bargo will co n trib ­
u te to the grow ing cost o f living.
Tw inges
W .L .D O U G L A S
The Medical Adviser by
X . V. Pierce, M. D . , Buf­
falo, N. Y. answers hosts
o f delicate q u e s tio n s
about which every man
or woman, single or mar­
ried ought to know. Sent
free on receipt o f SI one-
cent stamps to pay fo r
wrapping and vuiiling.
helps the stom ach to d igest food properly, s ta rts th e
liver into new activity, rem oving th e poisons from th e
blood, and the various organs g e t rich, red blood, in­
stead of being illy nourished. The refresh in g influence
o f this e x tra c t of n a tive medicinal plants has been
favorably known fo r over 40 years.
E veryw here
some neighbor can te ll you o f th e good it has done*
S o ld b y a l l m e d ic in e d e a l e r s In l iq u id o r t a b l e t fo rm s
o r s e n d 5 0 o n e - c e n t s t a m p s t o D r . P i e r c e , In v a lid s *
H o tel, B u ffa lo , a u d a tria l b o x w ill be m ailed you*
W 7/£/?£Y Û I/C A M *rA V fE ’A f0 /Æ Y r
Our big 1U13 catalog (free), shows thousands of the most wonderful bargains ever offered i n t h e l
h i s t o r y o f the building business. I t will show you how t o save m o n e y o n Lumber, Sash, D o o r s , 1
H a r d w a r e , paints and all building materials.
We sell t o you direct at factory prices.
■ u r
e jC >
io get our
m a nufac-
turer« priest be-
fo r* you buy
paint. We ll save
you money o n
palnta for Houae.
Floor. Wagon or
B a r n . B a rn
Bath tuba.)
Be your ow n
p lu m b er! We
s e l l plumbing
materials of all
kinds at whole­
sale prlcct Toll*
ets. Lavatories,
Sinks, Pipe, Fit-
ti n g s , valve»,
faucets, etc
of * i yles | ■ —
and size* |— |
in stock
i — i
$1.25 up
O u r f r e e cstn-
log s h o w s t h e
f 1 n e ■ t lin e o f
doom sh o w n a n y ­
I ia(4, ar natalde bone G ravity
Chicago — “ R ag-tim e w ritin g and
speaking underw ent a m erciless attack
here before the N ational Council of
T eachers o f E nglish. Percival Chubb,
of S t. Louis, delivered an address
charging th a t in deatroying the har-
moniea o f speech as well aa of aong,
i Am ericana are chief ainnere.
Buy youi lumber from the Aral grading. Don't buy
from ret,¡11 yard« that sell lumber that h a s b e e n gradad
J or « timet Ours la all flrat grad# and first quality
VW «all direct nt mill pr.«w Rand us your l i s t s and
get our »ock-bottom. prepaid prlc«»
US today
p o in t.
W e will tell
t o your station.
N a m e Jimr »hipping
i .1 w h a t I t w ill c o a t Height
C a ta lo g i r e * .
w h e r e , n il a t n iU |
Dr. Andrew D. W hite 81.
Dr. Andrew D. W hite, first presi­
dent of Cornell university and form er
am bassador to Germ any and Russia,
observed his eighty-first birthday at
his hom e on E ast avenue, the Cornell
cam pus, today.
Dr. W hite is in splendid health and
m ay be seen alm ost any day walking
briskly on the cam pus, a s well as
H is health has been good for years,
although he finds it w ise to spend
“ Movie” Tiger Escapes.
m ost of his w inters in a w arm er cli­
E pem on, F rance — The whole coun­ m ate.—Ithaca (N. Y.) Correspondence
try sid e is living in te rro r of a tig re ss Philadelphia Public Ledger.
which escaped from an enclosure when
Constipation causes and aggravates
a cinem atograph tig e r hunt was in many serious diseases. It is thoroughly
progress here recently, and succeeded curad by Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets.
in reaching th e forest. A detachm ent Th# favorite fam ily laxative.
of soldiers, a num ber of fo rest guards
A bstainer Is Made Drunk.
and policemen and a few am ateur
A grape p re sse r in a w inery became
sportsm en have endeavored to track
drunk th e o th er day on alcoholic
the anim al, b u t w ithout success.
T he tig re ss has occasionally been fumes. T he man brandished a club
and waa dangerous for a few m inutes.
seen by te rro r-strick e n peasants, but T he man la a total a b stain er and was
so fa r it is not known to have injured nowise responsible for his unfortu­
nate condition. He gave th e police
a bad half hour, but soon recovered.—
P ittsburg Dispatch.
Sultan Loses His Suit.
New York — The sultan o f T urkey
Aunt—Bobby, how can you be so
was a losing iitig s n t in the A ppellate
division of the Suprem e C ourt of New selfish w ith your apple? D on't you
th a t a pleasure shared Is a
York recently. H is H ighness sued to
recover $10,000 from the e sta te of plaasure
Bobby—Yes, but an apple shared is
H ovhannes Tavsharrjian, a w ealthy A r­ haired.
m enian rug dealer m urdered in this
city in 1097.
This sum was le ft to
T av sh an jian ’s m other, who died before
TSJT h o l l o w w ir e
receiving it. Because she died in te s­
ta te in C onstantinople the sultan claim ­
ed th e money. The su it was decided
RapvrUr U> at! «th«r j»r*«««r»
a g ain st him by the Suprem e court and
Soft, «l«ar powerf'il light,
ItUi, ut K|«rit*, attractive
the A ppellate division affirmed it.
i f l , te r e s , p r e s s u r e ta n k a n y w h e r e
Better Engliah Is Plea.
/ L
L a m p « a l a o . 0 * ic a ta l» f. a g e n t,
te rr a # , ,n < t f a ll 4 » t* lla e f e a r 8 p ^
Mai P r e m ia ta Offer i
(N o. .7 P ratno J u n io r . photo«
| U a 4<4 > F ree to p u ro h a a tf
• J •S S va la m p * In one y e a r.
S U N L IG H T C O .
Westlahe A n
More or Less.
E. II. Sothcru is telling this story
about Sir C harles W yndham : A ch er­
ished possession of tho Loudon G reen­
room club is a chair which once be­
longed to the famous David Garrick.
One night Sir Charles, who Is not so
young as he used to be, entered the
club a fte r Im personating G arrick a t
(he th e a te r and seated him self w eari­
ly in tho G arrick chair. An adm iring
friend Im m ediately rem arked: “Sir
Charles, you grow m ore like David
G arrick every day.”
To which W yndham replied:
"And less like him every night.”—
Philadelphia Record.
T rieste, A ustria s leading seaport,
expects to profit greatly by tha In-
creased comm erce of W estern Europe
with the Ear E ast and tha Balkan and
M editerranean cou ntries.
~ ~ ~ OUT
JT ^
can receive prom pt tre a t-
monte of non-Polaonoee,
th e C hinese dootor.
e J E Z ^ t Í
__ *u
Try one«* morn If yon hay# hoan doctoring w ith
thin one and th a t one nn<l hava not o btained par-
mane-nt rn liff. Lot thin gr««at nafura hH«)ar diag-
nn«e yonr <■*>•« ftnd praacrlh« aoiaa rwroady whom
actio n !a quick, aura and eafa Mia ¡ reportptiony
a m compounded from Roota. Herb«, Rnda and
Harke th a t havo been gathered from ovary q u a r­
te r of tb a gloU*. Th« am-mra of th«»an aiedlclnas
a m not known to th a outalde world, hut aa«« baaa
hand«»! down from fa th e r to ao a in th a physiol«»«
fam ilies in China.
I f yon lir a out o f town and cannot rail, w rite tor
symptom blank and circular, eacloaing 4 cents ia
162J First Si., C ot . Morrison
Portland, Oregon.
P. N . U.
1413 Msrkst St.. Csnto«, 0.
\ V I I F N w ritin g to I
tio n th ia paper.
N o 49. T3