n rr I idíj U» J d E N R Y V .A D IX .M .L P H Y S IC IA N M 4» 84» 4» .8 .OFINCK. ADJOIN IN G RKKIOKNCH Local and Long Distance Telephone -.Hie doctor’s phone can he connectct .with your home plione at :i,,;h; I ri 1 ,quest«)l. m D d o n e Barn $1 00 50 One t.itig fin ;' . R I ¡Muck*. n:;!i and Wheelwright p h y s ic ia n and S urg eon At the Old Stnnil (OftLCQ on M a i n St. b e t w e e n V - ‘ ! t.and 2 n d . 7 ulepliQiie C onnection : , Give him A CALL Rcside/ice Hotel Estacadu Q Dr. . ¿1. W E L L S . PORTLAND. OREGON ^vVill be in hstuciub on Fris. Appointments may lx uiude with Dr. Atlix. P R . R. M ORSE. p • p '% 1 0 D E N T IS T 11 @1® * ' i t) 0 if" '* v ¿ /-* ,!’ ■ ’ td l i t o 'l T E T S ( jot .0.0 > CT • ¿ a ) - .J- - ' • - -U fi;. \«cjr un.j- tr.! t pr.„ ■ ,r t, cv V*. *0 I Mrs. C. F TV-id*; P h y s ic ia n a fid Surgeon The Christian Ci.uitii. lutile school Preaching Office over Drug Store Local .phone. and long ,i C L A U D E distance tele- W. D E V O R E A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A kV und N O TA R Y P U B L IC - - . 11 a. tu. V. 1 ». «S 0 . K. 7 p. 1:1. P reachin g * - 7: 45 j>. m. Tht- public c o rd ially invited t all ser- vices. W. G i v e n s , Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church Est uca da, O r a t o l i JO H N 10 a. in 1 1 a. m. 3 p ill lipwortu -cague - 7 P- •" Prayer tin '.tug Thursday 8 p in The pul c coidially invited to services. C. K. Rees. P astor. BRO W N IN S U R A N C E M AN O F G RESH A M 10 a.in. - Sunday ay School Set mon P H O N E 513 The Re Organized Cltur.lt of Jesus Christ of I,. D S. meets in Bon r Hall Sundays as follows Sunday School at to, and preaching at it o’ clock A. M. All cordially invited. J. F. Wiles, Elder. O R E G O N F IR E R E L IE F A S S O C IT IO N O F M C M IN N VI L E , O R E . Automobile Insurance a Specialty R M l 'o R T U F T U I ' C O N D I T I O N OP Mr. Hewitt <>f Portland sjvn t a ESTACADA STATE BANK Morning at few hours on his ranch last Sunday. • >t list.. ida, in tile State ol Oregon, at ■ of business, October list, 1913. A ¡¡oud number enjayed the meet- tlu c ° IS ftrtO A . OKI 6 0 » RESOURCES ing and program at the Grange Sat- NINA It. PICK MR, M.litor and Mau s e r . :io m t e c o u r ij S 60 821 .67 non« u n ity, Oct. a y 1 *. The Rev Mr. Ov*. irait,. 5a.".irtí and uttgoeur«iJ....... U n l i and warrants ... ........ 4 9S4 56 at tht posroffl Esr¡ n at Rees of Mstacada v. as taken in a , a Baritine honte . ....... .................. ........... ,5 450 00 E.,i vi • ar i ftarjraa t 7 .0 34 member. b y L iv e r y GSKHLU) Putnir.fcrd fverv Thurvlar Ar M O R R O W S Dr. W. K. H a v U a n d l TH E PROGRESS l lKCOJtPt K ITK*>) W C. Whitfield S!J G E O N C l ESTACADA Thursday. October 39 , 1013 Miss Roberta Reid of Portland spent Saturday pud Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. K. Reid D i» from a p irea d reserve ranks........ Checks and other .ash items ............... . sti on hanl ...... I l 7 3 ' 23 . 0 .0 0 4 841 06 T otal............... ........................................ ............. ............. *8 7 4 0 2 .8 6 Capita! stock paid LIABILITIES In .................... $. § f The Best Light At I Th e Lowest Cost I I i J tome Schultz and Ifarry Reid UiviividaJ profit». lass e.cpor.res and 71843 Following ore measures upon et'.joN ! W illiam I'aversUaiu's pro­ taxas paid.... ........ ..................... Postal savings Link deposits................... 2 623.25 which R efer tilum h is liern or duction of Julius Ccasar Depot It» due .State Treasurer........... 3 030 .00 Individual dcpo*ltj subject dered by pet il ini of lit ■ people and The new hunt • of Ralph Lemon to c h e c k ...................... ... ........ S3 6 4 !.3 3 are to be vote I upon next Tuesday, is very neat contpk. ian. Demand certificates of deposit . 590 .02 ,r . . . . j Time certificates of deposit I 818 91 N ov. 4: In e ranchers are :ne ivgninm** to n *es and f rejiico-ntei il.: d i-iycb.e for money borrowed State Univi r.sitv Repair Fund. “ beat it for the tall timbers” in T otal......................................... I'u ivt r .iu of O egon New Build­ hopes of getting a stray buck. $57 402 .86 ing Appropriation. Cheer up! T w o new settlers' S*. ;tt* of O rcgou, C ounty o f C liickanm s, ss: Sterilization Act. I, L e ro y 1). W alk er, presid en t of the have move I in among us. Wilde ab > .e nam ed hank, do solem n ly sw ear Wi rhingmeti’sCompensation Act. there are signs of life, there is hope 1!» it the above statem ent is true to the Clackam as County School Super­ best of m y k n ow led ge and belief. intendent Act. L e ro y I). W alk er, P resid en t. Al.SPAUGH Clackamas County Public Library Sub scribed and sw orn to before m e this J. \V. Dmvty iv.is a Portland vis • 29th d ay of O ctober, 19 13 . Act. itor Saturday. Claude W. D evo re, N o tary P u b lic. C orrect— A ttest: T hom as Y ogu in , G . Oregon City is now in the threes T red Kly of Portland was visiting A . C obb, director*. of a Sunday closing fight. w i t l t j W. Dowty ami family last week. CONDZNCliD STATEMENT Clias. Sparks and wife were Esta T h t W eekly Otvgotii tn from row October 2 ’ . 1913 until Jan. 1 19 15 for only 75c at cada visitors Saturday. this oft:ce. RESOURCES K ’g ir Ilieple has been sawing wood throughout the- neighborhood. L o a n s , H o o d s e n d W a r r a n t s $ 6 5 ,4 7 6 .2 3 Bonking House &. Fixtures S , 2 4 1 ).3 4 The Oregonian sn\s, ‘ Butter Miss AT. 1 S .r v e r went to Port C ash and S .g h t E xch an ge 1 0 , 0 7 7 .2 9 from tar away S h li t has just ar- laud this week to secure a iKisitioti j Total C o 7 ,4 'T T Ü 6 lived 0:1 tin* market. But did it there. vc me unattended ?” LIABILITIES The Modern Priscilla were very C a p it a l , S u r p lu s P r o fit a 2 5 .7 1 8 . 4 3 delightfully entertained by M rs j D e p o s it s 61.654.43 If you favor a County Public •Mary Ilieple Saturday. Total 87 , 402,66 Library with blanch librai ics to Le UNDER STATE SUPERVISION Ed Still and-sons have been ship I iipportcd by a county levy of not STATE DEPOSITORY mou than 45 ce its on fifteen liuti ptng a carload of apples to Portland, j POSTAL SAVINGS DEPORITORY died dollars of assessment, vote lid gar Heiple and Veterinary 3 1 2-’s Y I S at the special election White of l ‘o ti.ind went huuiing ' at T ucm T ii V last week and killed a number of There is a new song going the China pheasants, rounds and it runneth in this wise: Tiie C ivic Improvement club of ” \Ye don’ t want to lniv at your A number of people attended the I’.st • ada is very nnieli interested in place, we won’ t trade there any [j $2 a day dance at liagle Creek Saturday the County Public L ibrary Act, more, you’ ll be sorry when you see night. which is to .b e votid upon next us going lo some other store. Von 1 uesday, us tile club lias been ciiii t sell us any stale goods, we Newspaper Law agitating the iptestion r.f a public The supreme court of United have opened wide our eyes, we library for Kstacada If it carries ■ States recently made a ruling which don t want to trade at your store l.stacada will be the seat of one* of jin substance makes the subscriber cause you do not advertise.” the largest (tranchey. who takes his paper out of the post § S § E L E C T R IC L I G H T is the most suit­ able for homes, offices, shops and other places needing lights, Electricity can be used in any quantity,large or small, there­ by furnishing light. any required amount of Furthermore, electric lamps can be located in any place, thus affording any desired distribution of light. N o other lamps possess those qualifi­ cations, therefore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. 3 ft % I % I ft Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Seventh and Alder Sts. Phones: Main 668S, A 6131 •ft $ 10 a week Th e ¡lù t e i [E s ta c a d a M O D ERN CON V K N IE N C K S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast office and re-fuses to pay the sub- Dr. J. A. Van Bruckle, Clacka­ j scription, guilty of felony and liable Local and Tourist Trade Solicited A rrival _______ 6:50 A. M. mas county health officer, who is •o arrest as any o lu r vvi;o defrauds. ■ m i m i in n sm a sc c A rr iv a l____________ 4 :1s P. M. l i i v i ig ail kinds r.f trouble lo hold >aj s the Olympia I tidep ndent Notice is hereby given that we, the Departure, g________ 7:23 A. M. the office because lie is an Osteo­ T h e following is 1 s\ uopsis of the A. E. Sparks I Departure. ___ . . 4:40 P M. path.' s a js ; “ If the medical doctors V. S supreme com : decision regard | undersigned Tax Payers, consisting of j ton per cent, of the Tax Payers in Successors to A F!\E HORSE think they can on t me from tlicoi- iug delinquent subscriptions and i ! Office hours 7 A . M. to 6 P. M. I Roa i District No 9 , Clackamas County, tiee tliev are going to have-a mighty published as a matter of information j Oregon, hereby give notice to the Tax jj Sundays 7 A M 1 0 8 :3 0 A. M. deserves fine feed. In fact, it » j Holidays 7 A M to 9:30 A. M ami haul fight on their hands.” It is for all tho.se who are subscribers to ! Bayers c f raid Road District 9 that must have it to retain its fine j there will be a meeting of the Tax the fitst case of the kind in the jfiom 3:30 P M. to 6 P. II. Repairing of All Kinds * Positively no mail delivered through l'u iled State.; and the plucky osteo­ newspapers: appearance and condition. .. , , , . Payers of said District in the school Subscribers who do not give ! hou>e Bt Georj,e_ 0re _ on t!)e 22ll(1 (lay H u íh M m j u n d Electric ,¡ Drug S an e . Most owners of fine horses in path says lie will fight it through express notice to the contrary an- of November, 19 kJ at 1 o’clock P. M,, the Supreme Court. Wiring A. N. Johnson, Postmaster. this town know this and will considered as wishing to renew to vote on additional tax ill said t)i trict for road purposes, as provided by ail TTrasassaraï ...... slu jílls - s ?. « ; 7 give their stable none but their subscription. The W orkm en’s Compensation LFEELj 2. Subscribers ordering the dis­ act of the legislature in 1913 , Section BUSINESS LOCALS the best of feed. A n d that’s iid 21 . Page 21 , of the Road Laws of Act, was framed bv a commission continuance of their periodical the Oregon, and which Act provides as why so many of them get all T h ey have it ■ good fresh representing the Grange, the em­ ¿0 publishet may continue to send it follows, to-wit: • i table:». Go ami see them their supplies here. Fred ployers and the workeis. The law until all arrearages are paid. 6321 . Vote of Additions! Tax by Tax­ J° r g provides automatic compensation payers---Proceedings For. 3. If subset hers neglect or re. for injured workmen and their wid A. M. Jamst-n fuse to take their periodical fiom F ves tested and glasses fitted ows and children in case of death, W, A. JONES Henry N. Jalinsan the postoifice, tlie> are responsible A . H. Miller Office hours i to , P. M. Office and is designed to do away with P R O P R IE T O R until they settle their bill and order (!. Swieimann over F iist State Ilauk. Good ri}”T and careful drivers alw ays actions at law against employe! s for llieir paper discontinued. E Grafetiheimer Dr. Geo. Inglis, Gresham, O damages in cases where workmen SPECIAL ATTENTION Fred Linn 4. If subscribers move to oth r are injured or killed. The fund G iven H un tin g and Fibbing Partief Th-.o. Hardesa places without iuformiug the pub- N. Rath Wauled Highest price paid fo. from which compensation is io be ¡id ier and any papers are sent to Ed. Harder 7 w 4 ¡•aid. is made up from the following rgs at the Palace Meat Market, the former address, subscribers are Fc-aæ Work and Hauiinj bj ’ •sources: Three-fourths io be paid F r k ii J u k i ; responsible. by the employer, one-eighth by the 5 Courts have decided that re­ Notice for Levy'of the Day or Contract woikmeu and one-eighth by til • For Rent Or Lease fusing periodicals from the office or Additional Road Tax state. T h e Progress management has made arrange­ moving and leaving them uncalled Ten acres all fenced, adjoining Notice is hereby given that we, the WOOD delivered in any quantity for is prmia facie evidence of inten undersigned 1 ax Payers, consisting of town. F ive room house, barn and ments with the P o r t l a n d E v e n i n g Tele­ or length, ist class 4 foot wood It is said that the Oregon State ton per cent, of the Tax Pavers in lion to defraud. plenty of good water, slabwood delivered at 2 0 0 ¡ .r University is the most poorly sup- g r a m whereby we can give subscribers the 6. If subscribers pay in advance j t’ < a -1 Di: trict No. 33 , Clackamas C'oun- i>r. II V A lix (cord. to inch at £3 50 | r r load P >1 ted of any other state University. . . . ., tv, Oregon, hereby give notice to the advantage of a gigantic combination offer for a 1.1\ Payors of said Ron! District No 33 While some argue that the couulry W . M. Yonce etui of lime if they do not want lo that there will he a meeting of the Tax For Rent 40 acres of land 111 boys end g ills who attend, in most limited period. Y ou can get a Metropolitan under cultivation Buildings on cases go to the cities for employ-j .continue taking it, otherwise the Payers of said District in \V. J. Lcvel- evening pajyer with all the latest news from all : publisher is authorised to send it ' len's hall at Pn ingwatcr, on the 22nd J. W. MILLER same. Inquire of W. F Sbau non, incut, is not a very strong argu ­ and the sub- riber will be resjon- ’ day of November, 1913 at two o’clock over the world and all the news of Estacada anc^ Spi ii g water. Ore. j P. M., to vote an additional tax in said ment, for if we did not have tjie 1 BLAtKSMIlli sible until .111 express notice with vicinity in the Progress at a remarkably low District for road purposes, as provided U niversity people would go to! M X I’ K K T H O K S K S H O lttt by an act cf the legislature in 1913 - For Rent— Modern five-room cot- states to reside where tln ir children ^ payment 1; sent to the publisher. price. Section 6321 , Pag1* 24 , of the Road tage, lights and water. A il work guaranteed \j'pl> *•’ j cotilel not oulj. uet the high school Laws, of Oregon, m l whi.h Act pro CROW : 1 P.D HiMSELF, ' T h e E v e n i n g T e l e g r a m is the best L. il Bel fi Is. advantages, but 11 college education j vales as follows, to-vvit: paper in the state, market reports unexcelled, as well. It the state dees not main j An Impromptu C er em o n y In W hich ( 321 . Vote o f Additional Tax by Tax­ K i n g C e c r g i IV. Figured. payers—Proceedings For. For Rent Mv furnished rest tain its U niversity the school goes j Saturday edition contains a magazine and com ic -We manufacture i ll kinds of Cédai Th.nl evus ¡i curious sort or Impromp­ L. Baker backward. For this reason the up-, tu eon ii l io n in itili: h Ills m ajesty deuce on Terrace Addition. Phone ¿iliinglort and aie prepared at all J . M. Park section in colors. C M. Sparks. a t! propriatiou bills fot the University Kltic W I : ! I a :u IV o f Bugia uel 1 : eri reel C. II. Dcrney jtimes to deliver the same. Also Things did i.ot un tory well with Karl Ih e Portland Evening Telegram- $5. per year of Oregon shcu’.d be supported. J . > 1 . Stornier f.o sell at the mill, having stoc on j G roy's go\orimi, ut a fto r the ses-ond V/. H. Blotch The Estacada Progress - • ■ • - $1. per year U VIC\I* ST U M P A C K For Sale. I ion;!: ; ,, Hie ill*: t reform ed bili hud hatid at all times , J . F. Hoger i'll'. County Sup-, rint- ud.-n.-v Act been ci, led h.v a m ajority o f one in All good fir About 150 cords, i Total-$6. F. Howell tv tt. mid one F riday In April they Apply at this office. 4 31 i provides that the county .-.hool tuuh’ en 'y go: tile 'g a g to go dow n and W. Howell superintendent of Clackam as coun­ I r- p gite pnrllatneiil In person. Hutae- T. If. Hayner Mrs. T. H Hayner n r» r For Sale Fight cows und one ty shall spend lit least four d ays cf I» ily went c:T lu t! ;• T ver lo fetch the Hstacada Agent A. Morrow crow n, und wirb 11 nern'eh tiody o f a t­ W. A. Bard Brood Sow which will farrow No etch week in the supervision of tendants h i) m ajesty d rov e dow n to Mrs. VV. X Bard i i r d schools, that the office be al­ the lmiv o f lords. Wli.at hnptiencJ \ ember . .1. R L . M vt 1 -, tm.'iunr J . A. Peid lowed additional cleik hire and that (hero to described In G r e v il e s tiiarj- ’ pa'igh, Ore, 5 ’ V N, ra Reid the sd .iry be fixed at $1600. T h t olrs. M. M. Butler T h e !.. g cortil not property to t r u e Countv ieducstional Board agreed worn t':e crow n, p e te r L ivin g ticen J. H, Conway Suckling pigs for sale at Ah x with the member« of the Legislature crow ned, bnt tvh *n he w as in the rob­ Irvin 's. Garfield, Ore. that one supervisor, would be dis- ing r o o ;a he v.ihl to laird Huntings: "Lord llnstdm s, | wetir the crow n. Tuesday a fellow bv the name of If von aie L demg for bargains pe-u-id w itli it th-.- bill 1« came a law W hore Is I t :" It wits brought to hau. Armstrong, who is straw boss on voti will End tl : in at the Rumman Under this agreement the county end when Lord H ustings was poing to wt-nt.; save sevt ral hundred dollais put It on Itls l*< . ,1 ho said. "N obody the bridge crew working on the The Portland Evening Telegram -hall put Ute e n m n ■ *■ my head tint Don't forget that the Progress ’ • X- T:, our j li e tl' thio m yself," H e put It on «m l thou turned liagle Creek bridge, nearly met for one year, only $ 3 50 if ordered with a serious accident. He was lull -lioul become a law as the sal lo Lord G rey and said. "N ow , my lord, does job printing, Satisfaction The Progress, if on the bridge signaling to the con at this office. utrv of v.utr home and family. ,u ary is v v low as compared with the coronation Is over. ’ - guaranteed. The best sep-.rator made. ' put : v paid a year in advance, and the T he crow n did not Bt very well, we 1 it off until too late, as many other counties Clackam as cm.iiti are to'd . hut the prore g ali 0:1 was su c­ doctor of a car which was gn; 75 over, when a piece of iron .* r-- ’ Telegram for oth.’ts have done. Better cal! A fviurlti in the number of children cessfu lly effected.* London .C ti-onlc!". nini. o il tor the quick assistance of SI Stephens right now while you of school nge, fifth in number of | Remember the Hallowe'en dance j« r* n»* barton think about it. Gat field x 659 Lot the Progress do your job n train man, lie would have re-1 Are you a subscriber to the at the pavilion Saturday evening, teachers but is twenty-fifth iu su- Oregon 7W I 1 Progress ? Ii not why uol ? ccivc-J greater injuries. printing. Nov. i. Everybody invited. periuUudcut’s salary. Reed & Sparks The Mail Schedule NOTICE FOR LEVY OF .» a m road m à L'very, Feed & Sal STABLE Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. Great C o m b in a t io n Offer CEDAR SHINGLES A. KRIEGI :t For Sale By jj. F. GlDSOn BOTH FAPERS THROUGH THIS IF PAID IN FOR 1 YEAR, CN OR BEFORE DECEM­ BER 31, 1513. $ 4-25