Oregon His. Society, 207 Second St ESTACADA PROGRESS E ST A CA D A . OREGON. TH U R SD A Y OCTOMBER 23, 1913 NO. 6 o r VOL. 6 Old papers at jc a bunch at this office. | H e r e F o r B a I Men’s Boston Jungle Short Duck Boots at - $4.25 1 1 This is a Rolled Edge Snag Proof boot and usually sells at a higher figure. 1 1 See our prices on Rubber Coats and boots for boys, women and men. 1 25 per cent Discount 1 1 on Ladies', Men’s and Misses’ Sweat- ers. I Mens' extra heavy wool Sox at 40c per pair I 1 1 Regular 50c kind. i • 9 lb sack Cream Oats - W. Givens and Adix and wife were six o’clock dinner Sating home Monday - 45c Log Cabin Maple Syrup, 2 qt can - 45c W e have just unloaded A CAR OF FLOOR 1 1 | per pair, complete with screws and bolts. Roller bearing, flexible and with lateral adjustment. W e will be pleased to quote prices. What about Your W IN TE R SUPPLY? :: Rayo No. 0 Lanterns 40c The regular 60c Rayo No. 2 Improved Lanterns, 95c B a r g a in s in Every D e p artm e n t This is a short globe cold blast lantern. W e show many styles of lanterns. A R Y • o f our B ig S to re M E R C A N T 1 L E C O . -------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------------------- - Horse Blankets, Storm Aprons, Rain Covers, Robes We have just received a nice assortment of Stable Blankets— both light and heavy. Aquapelle Rain Covers in ’all sizes. Storm Aprons — Rubber, Oil Drill and Aquapelle. Robes—Pantata, A u tom obile, Rubber Lined Protector, Oil Drill Plush and Fancy Plush Robes of all sizes and prices. A Special Price on Fencing. A good heavy woven wire, 40 inch, 3 4c rod. 26 inch 25c rod. H A R D W A R E , P A IN T S , O IL S . IM PLE M E N TS A N D B U G G IE S B E R T H. F IN C H , The Hardware Man Mrs. \V. A. Heylman visited The Progress is glad 10 see that property ownerson the main streets friends at Portland Friday. are repairing their sidewalks. Mrs. E. W. Bartlett visited Misses Anna Forsyth and Ethel friends at the upper dam Tuesday. Moffit of Portland were guests of W. Givens was in Oregon City a Miss Rachel Dodge last Sunday. couple of da>s last week attending W mt a «arati m .d, ta lit ran. i a k h r i ■ «a r a n t e . . TtliM tat at «earf yaicawl ta Mrs. C . F Frazier - Local News Ul FRANCE IS SENTENCED We still have a nice line of WALL PAPER A T R E D U C E D P R IC E S Pure Food Department 1 Barn Door Hangers 85c This is a good one. kind. $i A Y E A R James C. LaFrance, convicted in­ Mrs. B. O. Boswell was a Port­ surance swindler, was sentenced land visitor today. yesteiday by Circuit Judge Kava g a i n s ! . . | The Weekly Oregonian from now naugh to serve from one to five ^ until Jair. 1, 1915 for only 75c at years in the penitentiary. Boone this office. Cason, attorney for the prisoner, C. Wisnar is in the vicinity of asked for leniency for his client, Deputy Dis­ Eagle Creek cooking for men work­ suggesting a parole. 25 oz. can K . C. Powder - - 20c trict Attorney McGuire, in oppos- ing on the bridge. A & H. Soda per pkg - - 6c mg a parole, urged that the evi­ One of the best of orchestras Yeast Foam “ “ - - - 4c dence upon which LaFrance was from Portland will furnish music convicted showed that he had de­ Magic Yeast “ “ - 4c for the dance here Salurdey night. liberately planned and executed the Cream of Wheat per pkg - 18c Mrs. Ollie Duncan of Portland plot which resulted iu his defraud­ Columbia Wheat Flakes per pkg - 30c was the guest of Mrs. Fred Jorg ing three life insurance organiza Grape Nuts 2 pkgs - - 25c and other friends over the Sabbath. tions for a iota! of $15,000 and that Shredded Wheat Buscuit 2 pkgs - 25c ■ Mr. Paulson and wife were here he didn’t believe conditions justified Royal Baking Powder per pound 45c g from Portland Sunday visiting the a parole No leniency was shown Royal Baking Powder, 51bs * $1.90 1 tatter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. by Judge Kavauaugli. Harkenrider. Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs - - 25c I C Only Paper in East Clackamas Mrs. John Nagle and three chil­ the Haas case. dren ot Multnomah, Ore., visited Dr. R Morse arrived the latter Mrs. Nagle's sister, Mrs. Fred Jorg, part of last week and will occupy for a couple of days last week. rooms over the Estacada Pharmacy. A merry crowd of youngsters to Among the passengers to Port­ the number of 23 were invited to land Saturday were W. H. Holder, the Fred Jorg home Saturday after­ Mrs. E. E Sating and Mrs. Robley noon. it being Tommie's birthday. and little son. 9 X 12 Which are good values at the prices Furniture and Queensware MRS- ROSWELL ENTERTAINS wife and Dr. entertained for A social event of much import­ at the C. C. ance was the afternoon party Friday evening. at the pretty little home of Mrs. B. L. E. Belfils was able to leave O. Boswell, or in other works, the hospital yesterday and was go­ “ Orchard Home,” As soon as the ing to Spokane to visit a sister for Civic Improvement club ladies, of a few days before returning home. whom the party was given, com­ Mrs. E P. Prescott of Portland menced to arrive, they were made is here visiting her sister, Mrs. to feel the hospitality of this good Henry Dubois. Mrs. Prescott is woman. About all the members formerly of Boston. This office ac­ were in attendance and enjoyed the knowledges a pleasant call from afternoon to the uttermost. Some of the guests played five hundred both ladies last Thursday. Harry Morgan, who is attending while others visited until a bell rang A visit to school in Portland, came home Sat­ announcing luncheon. urday in lime to see the football the dining room was then made and game and visit his parents until a delicious lunch, such as Mrs. Sunday. Harry was a member of Boswell is famous of preparing, was the Estacada football team last served cafeteria style. The lunch included some home-made cider year. which had the “ Boswell” brand. A large number of the members Ou their departure, each guest was of the church and other friends presented with a sack of nice ap­ called on Rev. and Mrs. Rees Mon­ ples, grown in the Boswell orchard. day afternoon and evening, their purpose being to m'.ke the new Estacada to Have Lights pastor and family presents ofa sub­ Estacada is to have its streets stantial nature. lighted again, thanks to the Civic The Odd Fellows and their fam­ Improvement club. It was so de­ ilies had a very enjoyable time Sat­ cided at its meeting yesterday after­ urday evening after the lodge meet­ noon. The lights will be turned on ing. A feast of good things for the Saturday evening, Nov. 1. This is inner man was provided by the an enterprise well worthy of com­ ladies and much sport had in play­ mendation and the people of Esta­ ing games of different kinds. cada should show their appreciation Owing to the serious illness of by “ boosting” for the club when­ his mother, Dr. Haviland is spend­ ever an opportunity presents its self. ing each night m Portland with her, returning to Estacada each morning Estacada, 20; Hilsboro, 0 on the 10:30 car. Dr. Ilavilatid’s The Estacada football boj s were office hours will be from 11 a. m. happy Saturday night because of until 4 p . n . until further notice. the result of the game that after­ Has anyone from this locality noon with Hilsboro. There was a sent exhibits for the United States good attendance and the local team Land Show at Chicago. If not and was encouraged by an enthusiastic you have something good which bunch of rooters. Womer was the was produced here, send it at once star ground gainer for Estacada, to C. C. Chapman, Oregon State while on the defense Bartlett, Fel­ Immigration Agent, Portland, Ore­ lows, Graham. Gord and Denny were particularly brilliant. It was gon. an entire scoop for the Estacada Some of the Civic Improvement boys as the score showed 20 to o. club members headed by Mrs. Fiaz- zier, have been working dilligently this week to get the building in a Preaching Services for Estacada a. tn. presentable condition for the first October 26 . . . . meeting yesterday afternoon. They November 2 .............. 7:30 p- in. 1 f a. m surely are entitled to a Carnegie 9 * » l 6 . ................ 7:30 p. m . medal. f » a. m . 23 - A new citv ordinance at Portland 1 t ................ 7:30 30 - p- tn. makes it necessary for pedestrians a. m. December 7 - to cross the streets on the street • » 1 4 . . ................ 7:30 p m. corners. No more “ cutting across.” I » a. IU . 21 . Estacada people will please remem­ 9 9 2 8. ................ 7:30 p- m. ber this and when you come to a C. B. Rees, Pastor of Methodist corner, strike a soldier altitude, Episcopal Church. turn squire and “ hike” along. Mrs. B. H. Kellogg visited Port- The daily papers report cold Mrs. N. Weltef of Woodburn, Isnd lsst Thursday. weather east of the Mississippi riv­ Ore., mother of Mrs. J. E. Stubbs, The church was crowded Sunday- Mrs. W. S. Pyle was s passenger er, a blizzard in Chicago and all arrived Saturday evening for a night to hear Rev. Rees, it being that son, while Oregon is basking week’s visit. his first service at this place, as for Portland Saturday morning. in sunshine snd roses. pastor of the M. E church. The Mrs. U. S. Morgan was in Port­ B. F. Ford and Kenneth Bartlett Christian church people dispensed The orchestra engaged to play land Thursday of last week visiting visited Gresham Monday night. for the dance at the pavilion Satur­ her sister and son Harrv, who is at­ with their regular Sunday evening Mrs. C. M. Idleman of Portland, day evening, Nov. 1, will arrive at service in courtesy to the new pastor, waa the guest of her sister, Mrs. U. 6,-30 and dancing will commence at tending school in that city. and Mr. Givens and his congrega­ Miss Clema Harkenrider came up S. Morgan Tuesday. tion helped to give Rev. Rees a 8:3a from Portland Saturday evening to cordial welcome. Mrs. Marian Lady went to Port­ One of the officials of the P. R. visit at the home of her parents, land Saturday, returning Monday The jurv "hung” on the Haas L. & P. Co. was in Estacada Satur­ Mr. and Mrs. F. J Harkenrider. afternoon. case which was tried at Oregon day and while in conversation with J. R. McCurdv and family left City last week, and Haas is really Lee Bronson and wife hare moved one of onr business men suggested Estacada the latter part of last on parole at the present time for into the Stubbs residence in the west that If the town would do the work week for Portland where they will j good behavior. It is said that the pan of town. the company would furnish gravel make their home for a time at least judge gave Haas ? good lecture and The Progress is sorry to report to improve the stret running from Mrs. L- E. Belfils went to Port­ told him that if he behaved himself the illness of Dr. Haviland’a moth­ the bank corner west Some par­ er, who lives In Portland. She baa ticularly tmi footing buildings near land Thursday to see Mr. "Belfils, for a year, he would wipe the case been very low for several days and the track waa also requested to be who is a patient in a hospital at from the docket. Otherwise the her death is expected at most any put in better ahape. It is time now | that place. She reports that he is judge would bring it up again and getting along nicely, | Haas wouM get no leniency. for somebody to get busy. that. Some Tapestry Rugs Which we will be pleased to quote you prices on. Come and see us before go­ ing to Portland and see if we can’t make a deal with you. ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. W. D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors Odd Fellows Building Estacada State Bank OFFICERS: Leroy D. Walker, President Thos. Yocum, Vice-President L. E. Belfils, Cashier J. A. Somer, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: Leroy D . Walker, Thomas Yocum, L . A . Brandes, G. A. Cobb, L. E. Belfils —* fJ. During the past year there has been several fake agent* taking subscriptions for magazine* in Estacada and vicinity. Beware! If you intend to subscribe or rer.ew any magazine let the Estacada Pharmacy take your order at the publishers’ price. Through the courtesy of Mrs. E. E. Saling aud her fine horse and buggy, the editor was privileged to visit the vicinity of Garfield last | Sunday afternoon. That certainly is a fine country out there. The lovely orchard* looked good to us and only the barbed wire fences kept us from desecrating the Sab­ bath by “ swiping” some of the luscious fruit. , This office printed bills for the first of a series of dances, which the Civic Improvement club are to give during the winter, which is to be Saturday evening, Nov. 1. The object of these dances is for the ! purpose of raising money to light the streets of Estacada. If you want to help along a good cause, attend this dauce. We save you the cost, trouble and risk in sending. Remember, Nov. rst many magazines will advance their price and discontinue their club offers, so don’t delay. Club rates given on request. Estacada Pharmacy * I f" Our Provision Counter Is a boon to the woman who wants to change from the l>eef, mutton, lamb or pork of every day use. Su; ir cured hams and bacon, perfectly triced satis?ges and frank­ furters, bologna and liverwurst that to see is to get greedy for. Come in and P-ok them over. Palace Meat Market