Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 18, 1913, Image 1

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    <r C
Or, eKo„
* * «ec,
Only Paper in
East Clackamas
All the News
All the Time
NO. i
E ST A C A D A , OREGON, T H U R SD A Y S E P T E M B E R i8, 1913
VO L 6
Ed. Allen has moved into the
E. D. Allen was a Portland \ is-
Lichthorn residence.
itor Monday.
Did you see the eclipse of the
Atty. Devore transacted business
moon Monday morning?
in Portland Saturday.
D. S Fleming and family were
L. S. Belfils was a Portlaud vis­
Portland visitors Friday.
itor Saturday and Suuday,
Mrs. Ann Morton visited her sis­
C. W. Devore had legal business ter at Cedarbrook yesterday after­
at the county seat Tuesday.
Mrs. Dora Eschlemau and chil­
E. B. Byers has accepted a posi­
dren have returned from the hop tion in R. G . Marchbauk’ s res­
"B o b ” Standish came home from
B. H Finch’ s family artived the
Portland F'riday, returning Monday first of the week and they are now
getting comfortably settled in their
W. D. Henthorn and family re­ new home.
turned from the hop fields near
Quite a number of Estacada peo­
Wilsonville, Or., Tuesday.
ple attended a party at the C. C.
D epartment
.. Saturday Sept. 2 0 . .
Cary Metrcantile Co.
soon shows the profit in
using our feed. More milk
at the same cost is what
comes from our feed. Give
it a trial. It will cost you no
more to make the test. The
result will prove itself.
Estacada Lumber and Produce Co.
$ io a week
$2 a day
The Hotel Estacada
One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Local New*
George Dodge was in Portland
Mrs John Eli was a Portland
visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Reid and daughter Roberta
were Portland visitors last Satur­
Mrs. B. F . Ford and children re-
turned from Portland last Thurs-
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Givens vis­
ited friends at Gladstone Sunday
Miss Elizabeth Reid left on Mon-
State University
at Seattle.
j day to attend the
Jas. Freeman was here from Port­
land Sunday visiting his aunt, Mrs.
Wm. Kurasch,
T. J. Reagan came home Mon­
day from a three weeks’ stay in the
hop fields near Wilsonville.
Miss Mable Fanning has returned
and will look aft^; the millinery
department in Dale's store.
J. W. Stubbs moved with his
family to Fairaday Monday where
he has work in the power house.
R. M. Standish left for Helena,
Mon., Monday, where it is quite
likely he will except of a position
offered him.
Boost the Town— Boost Yourself
Subscribe for the
° n* St
Malcomb Woodle departed Mon­
day for Aurora, 111 ., to attend col­
lege. We understand he is study­
ing for the ministry.
The Aue concert, which was to
have been given at Springwater
Tuesday evening, was postponed to
some future date.
Mesdames George Dale and W. Saliug home Monday night. All
M. Yonce returned from the hop report a good time.
fields near Brooks Friday evening.
There will be a dance at Coggs-
Mrs. W. W. Wright and daugh­ well's hall. Eagle Creek, on Satur­
ter of Portland visited at the home day evening, Sept. 27th. Good
of her sister, Mrs. Belfils, last music and everybody invited.
Nina B. Ecker has taken charge
Miss Myrtle Woodle went to of the Estacada Progress as editor
Dodge Monday where she will and is making the paper just a little
teach the young idea for the next better than it ever was before.
—Gresham Outlook.
nine months.
C. R. Beets, who has beeu mak­
Friday was B. O. Boswell’s birth­
ing Estacada his home for some day and the anniversary was cele­
time, left on Tuesday morning for brated by a fine dinner which his
Eugene to enter the university.
wife prepared and a general good
Before the day was over Mr.
The Estacada Rod aud Gun Club
received over 140.000 small fish Boswell was the recipient of a large
from the government last week, to postal shower, from friends at Port­
supply the creeks and rivers in this land and other places.
section. Most of them hare been
The seventh annual fair of Mult­
nomah county commenced Tuesday
taken away.
Last week, Eddie, the 9-year-old at Gresham. It is said that all the
son of Mr. and Mrs D. S Filming, space in the pavilion has been tak­
hurt his hand quite badly while en, all the stock barns are full and
alighting from a horse The ser­ there are many good attractions.
vices of Dr Adix were required to Quite a number of Estacada people
are going. The fair will continue
attend to the injury.
until Saturday.
Miss Tressie Hicks accompanied
The Jolly Hikers went on a trip
her brother George to Portland
Springwater last Friday, There
Friday to see him off for Raymond,
Washington, where he joins his was not a very large number but
mother and sister.
Miss Tressie they report an “ elegant" time and
On the way
returned to Estacada the same “ splendid eatins."
there, an autombile overtook them
and the driver was obliging enough
There has been a change in the to give them a lift up the hill,
time of the freight train on this which they appreciated very much.
road and since it went into effect
There will be a grand ball in the
the mail train does not carry freight
and will hereafter be run on more Estacada pavilion, on Saturday
regular time. Instead of staying at evening, Sept. 21. A 5 piece or­
this end of the line all night, the chestra will furnish the music and
freight starts from Portland In the supper will be served at the March-
bank restaurant. For the accomo­
morning and returns at night.
dation of those living on the car
The O. E. S. held its regular line, arrangements have been made
monthly meeting Tuesday evening for a car to leave hire at 3 o’clock
and as it was the last time that a. tn.
Rev. Browne and wife were to meet
There will be a reception at the
with the order as officers and mem­
bers, as they expect to remove from school house for the teachers at 8
Estacada, a little reception was o’ clock Friday evening, Sept. 19.
held in their honor after closing the A musical and literary program
regular session. Refreshments were will be given in the way of enter­
served and a general good time had tainment, to which an invitation is
visiting. Rev. Browne and wife extended to all. It is the wish of
ate charter members in the Estaca­ the school board that people out
da Chapter and have been efficient side as well as in the district, at­
tend this reception.
and valued members.
Marshal Ames went up the Little
Sandy from Bull Run one day last
week, at the request of the Game
Warden, to look after some dogs
that are causing trouble with the
deer. While Mr. Ames was there
a deer was chased into the river by
dogs and died from the effects of
fright and the shock of the cold
He brought the animal
home and Dr. A dix’ dogs had a
feast. Parties owning dogs in that
vicinity, have been notified to keep
them up or they will have trouble
with the game wardens.
P. R. L. & P- CO. NEWS
ST A T IO N S G and M
H. M. James attended the Gresh­
Supt, and Mrs. F. G. Rol.ley are
am fair yesterday. His little daugh­ back from Ashland. Ore., where
ter Mercedith and Victor Adix Mr. Robley spent his vacation.
accompanied him.
Alf. Drill, Superintendent of the
Mr and Mrs. Henry Wilson of Water Power Plants, was at Station
I Portland and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. M Saturday.
I Locke of Sellwood were guests at
Jesse Stubbs has moved to Fair­
; the E. S. Shankland home last aday and has a position as machin­
! | Sunday.
Russell Betts, who has been tend­
Mrs. Thos. Yocum went to Port­
switchboard at station O, left
land Saturday to visit her daughter,
returning the same day, accom­ for Eugene Monday where he will
panied by her little grand-daughter, attend school.
O. G. Ward has resigned his
who wiil stay here until her mama
position at station G.
comes after her Saturday.
There being an almost entire
change of text books for the public
schools this year, makes the prepar­
ations to commence school duties
this week, rather arduous as well
as expensive. But as the old books
are taken in exchange for new ones,
this helps some on the expense ac­
count. The Progress understands
that text books for the public
schools, are changed every six
years here in Oregon.
The Estacada (Oregon) Progress
comes to our desk this week with
the familiar name of Nina B. Ecker.
Editor and Manager, at the head of
the editorial column, anil elsewhere
in the paper is the announcement
that Mr. Boyle, who went from
Winside last spring to edit and
manage this paper has gone to
Montana, and Mrs. Ecker has tak­
en the place made vacant. With
all respect to her predecessor on
the job, the Democrat predicts
that The Progress will progress un­
der the able management of Mrs.
Ecker if she will be given the sup­
port which will enable her to do
her best. She is a writer of expe
rience and ability, and well knows
how to successfully manage a local
newspaper. Wishing the new edi­
tor success.—Nebraska Democrat.
$ i A VF.AK
Desiring to reduce our
stock of Wall Paper for the
next 30 days we will sell the best
grade of flowered papers at 20 cents per
double roll.
Regular price 35 cents.
We also have on hand some beautiful patterns of paper
which we will sell at the very reasonable price of from 10 to
20 cts. and 1 to 3 roll remnants, 5cts per roll.
Size 9x12 Axminister and Tapestry rugs will be offered
for sale at greatly reduced prices for the next thirty days.
White Sewing Machines, Cash price $33. We also carry a
complete line furniture, Columbia Phonographs, and records.
Economy Fruit Jars, Caps and
Jelly Glasses.
W. D. and L. M. Henthorn, Proprietors
Odd Fellows Building
Estacada State Bank
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thos. Yocum, Vice-President
L. E. Belfils, Cashier
J. A. Somer, Asst. Cashier
Leroy D. Walker, Thomas Yocum, L. A. Brandes,
G. A. Cobb,
L. E. Belfils
Attention Ladies!
On September 25, 26 and 27
There will be a FR E E Demonstration at the Estacada
Pharmacy of the New Silver Cleaner we have recently
added to our stock.
It is an entirely new device which instantly removes the tar­
nish without any rubbing or polishing.
Bring your tarnished silver during the demonstration and we
will show you how majically the cleaner will remove the tarnish,
without injury to the silver.
Our Provision Counter
Is a boon to the woman who
wants to change from the beef,
mutton, lamb or pork of every day
use. Sugar enrer* hams and bacon,
perfectly spiced sausages and frank-
finters, bologna and liverwurst that
to see is to get greedy for. Come
and look them over.
Palate Meat Market