PROFESSIONAL CARDS H E N R Y V .A D IX .M .L P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G E O N O F F IC K , AD JO IN IN G R K SIU K N l'H EXPERT , HORSESHOEING W. C. Whitfield DONE AT M O RRO W S Local and long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connecte» with your home phone at night if re quested. One lone’ ring L iv e ry Barn OREGON A G R IC U L TU R A L COLLEGE D r. W. K H a v i lan d P h y s i c i a n and Surgeon O ffice o n a n d 2 nd. B E G IN S 'I* forty-fifth school year S tP TcM ecn M a i n S t. b e t w e e n 1 s t T e lep h o n e C o n n ectio n s Residence Hotel Estacada BY to io n . D E G R E E C O U R S E S >n many piloses of AQKICULTURC. EN GIN CCaiN Q H0MC EC O N O M IC S . M INING. f O R C S T R Y . C O M - ! m crcc . P h a r m a c y . TWO-YEAR COURSES Dr. . A. W E L L S D E N T IS T PORTLAND. OREGON Will be in Bfttacüda on Frida) s •»•.r Saturdays. Appointments may I* made with Dr. Ariix. C L A U D E W. D E V O R E and Est aca da. Ore go n JO H N BROW N T H E IN S U R A N C E M AN O F GRESH AM PH O NE 513 O R E G O N F IR E R E L IE F A S S O C IT IO N O F MCMINNVILE. ORE. Automobile Insurance a Specialty A. C. Sparks Successors to Reed & Sparks Repairing of All Kinds Plumbing and Electric Wiring Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE W. A. T E A C H E R 'S C O U R S E S in manual training, agriculture, domestic science and art. M U S I C , including piano, string, band instrum ents and voice culture. A B E A U T IF U L B O O K L E T entitled “ T h e E n r ic h m e n t o r K c r a i . L i f k " and a C a ta u o o l k will be mailed free on ap pl ic ati on. A d d r e s s H. M T k x n a n T, R e g i s t r a r , ttw-7-ift to 0 - 0 ) Corvallis, Oaegon. P R O P R IE T O R SPECIAL Tht Christian Church. Rible school Preaching - - - - 10 a. m. It a. m. • Y . P. S. C. E. - 7 P *>»• Preaching • - - 7:45 p. m. The public cordially invited to all ser­ vices. W. G iven s , Pastor. Methodist Episcapal Church Sunday School - - Sermon . . . - • to a. tn. 11 a. m. 8 p in Epworth League - - • 7 p. tn Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p tn The public cordially invited to al services. W. R. F. Browne, Pastor. The Mail Schedule Arrival___________ 6:50 A, M. Arrival_________ 4:18-P. M. Departure_________ 7:23 A. M. Departure____ ____ 4:40 P. M. Office hours 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays 7 A. M. to 8:30 A. M. Holidays 7 A. M to 9:30 A. M. and from 3:30 P. M. to 6 P. M. Positively no mail delivered through Drug Store. A. N. Johnson, Postmaster. BUSINESS LOCALS They have it— good fresh vege­ tables. Go and see them. Fred Jorg. JO N E S Good rigs and careful drivers always Given aomeuE- TURC. HOME ECONOM ICS. M ECHAN IC A R TS rORESYRY. C O M M IR C I. PHARMACY A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W N O TA R Y P U B L IC In ATTENTION Hunting and Fishing Parti« Eves tested and glasses fitted Office hours 1 to 5 P. M. Office over First State Bank. Dr. Geo. Ingiis, Gresham, Ore. George H. Douglas, violin teach­ er. Anyone desiring to take les­ learn Work and Hauling by sons from him address Box 194, Estacada. Ore. *41 the Day or Contract WOOD delivered in a ty quantity FOR SALE or length. 1st class 4 foot wood Ten acres partly improved, one slabwood delivered at $ 2.00 jie» half mile from city limits on Currins- cord. 16 inch at $3.30 per load ville road, house, barn and chicken house, span of horses, wagon, har- W. M. YONCE tow, plow, cultivator, 2 milk cows, 4 h. p. gasoline drag saw with grub pulling outfit. J. V. BARR Occonor. X 4 t B L A C K S M IT H $350 U itilt at th* old itand and willing to de will buy to acres near Cazadero on any of the work in hi* line good road. Write 222 W. Sumner. GIVE HIM A CALL Portland, or call Woodlawn, 2007. * 4 t CEDAR SHINGLES We manufacture all kiuds of Cedai Shingles and are prepared at all times to deliver the same. Also to sell at the mill, having stock on hand at all times WILL GIVE AWAY for $50 each, three scholarships in the Behnke-Walkhr Business col- loge, worth $60 each, or will trade one for oats. C. M. W o n a c o tt . In care of Y. M. C. A.. Portland, or A. M. Stephens, Estacada. x 4t A. KRIEGER ---- PROPRIETOR---- Estacada Agent WANTED A. Morrow J. W. MILLER BLACKSMITH E XPER T HOfcSHSHOKR All work guaranteed Bids foi labor for clearing three acres of land. S. D. D u n lo p , it Garfield. Wanted Highest price pa;d for eggs at the Palace Meat Market. F rhp J oro The Simplex Cream Separater e best separator made. For Sale By F . n .i (jID S O n Barton Oregon •O Y I A I t r E X P E R IE N C E P atents . . . . . r iR»oe rann«* Desiane C o* y r ig h t a h r- A nton* ««ndlng n «k«trh *n<1 d— aHfU i i f mmf qairktr M>c«rtaiii our epmi >n fr«o »h«tli«r «a lpv«nn>n *• prob «My ----- d o n ..»»terty covtld*et£J. M-SCOOli « tloiMEtrlrtly oci;tld«fit _ _ •«ut fr*«. Old*at «*rvi>c? fo r ««nanna ••n» fr««. « «*f*Mtc? fo r ««rtirfn« «*t«ut*. A l'iitenf« t«k«a thrnugh Munii C tptcVU notto* wifhont ch*rse, in th« I*«t«tit« taken S c k n t i f k A m e r ic a n A h«nd*oin«lr llln#tr*»«d w«*klj. I a t h i L A lt- culaU ou o f « n r «ci«iillllo Journal. T arm a. $3 • r«nr : to u r m entii». $L S o l i bjr «Il D « *K lM l« ri, W ttK x s m » ESTACADA PROGRESS (I ncorporate ») CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB A meeting ol the club arts held at the usual place last Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance. I SI AC AO A, 0*1 GOA NINA B. KCKKR, Hditor »nd Manager Meeting was ca.Vd to order by the I president, Mrs. Sparks. Minutes » ostatile* In E Esistita. fscoo. as !nt*r*d si ai ths th. toetcfflc* iMeada. Oisxoo. at1 1 Q . f |,st n,eetjng read atld approved. second class mat: By a cordial invitation from H. M. James, the club will attend the SUBSCRIPTION RAT ES On« y«ar__ ..$1 00 Juvenile Fair, Sept. 6th. and have Six month«.. 50 a picnic dinner in the park. A committee was appointed to arrange Thunday. September 4 , 1013 the menu and all members and their family are expected to lie present. Readers of the P r og ress will A general discussion of the water notice a change of editors with this situation in Estacada took place issue, Mr. Boyle having decided to and the contemplated visit of the locate in Montana, where he will ladies to the reservoir to investigate take a position on the Poison En* conditions, was deferred for a time terprise In assuming charge of at least, for fear that greiter preju­ the P rogress , I shall not tire it’s dice against using the water would readers with a long salutatory. exist if a thorough investigation Suffice to say that the alluremeuts was made. “ Where ignorance is of a print shop were too great to bliss, ’ tis fo lly to be wue, ” etc. resist and I am here because, I am However, tht ladies will not discon­ here. While 1 do not expect to tinue the agitation of a better water keep up the excellent standard of system. my predecessors, the P rogress will The subject of keeping up the continue to he for the upbuilding Rummage Sale was discussed and and best interests of the town and on account of the busy season surrounding country. A good news­ among members at present, it was paper in a town is an indication of decided to close the sale until the thrift and activity. Will the busi­ first Wednesday in October when a ness men of Estacada assist me in new and most up-to-date line of ar­ making it such? Everybody boost ticles will again be on sale. The for Estacada. Rummage sale lias been a good N in a B. E c k k r . proposition for the club. A motion was made and carried There is a growing feeling of to amend the by-laws so as to make alarm at Oregon City as to an epi­ seven a quorum instead of eleven. demic of typhoid fever and a thor­ Two new members, Mesdames ough investigation as to the cause Morgan and Kaake, were added to of the malady is being made by the the membership. city council and officers of the state A t the close of the meeting, Mrs. board of health. Forty-four cases Fred Jorg extended an invitiou to were reported and one death Ore­ the club to meet at her home at gon Citv’s water is obtained from the next regular meeting, which the Willamette river, but an analy­ will be Sept. toth. sis of the water shows no trace of colon bacilli. Here in Estacada you can almost taste “ colon bocilli” in the water, or something equally The Labor clay excursion and as bad, with, perhaps, not as big a picnic conducted by members of name, but people shut their eyes Portland's Electrical Workers’ Un­ and drink it down with no appar­ ions at Estacada Monday was a bit; ent had results. Will some one success. The weather was ideal please rap on wood? and a large number of people were f very Thursday Morning LABOR DAY COURSES OFFEREO IN AGRICULTURE This partly explains why so many are electing same. First year.— Agricultural. General A g ­ ricultural. This course is a brief compre­ hensive survey of Soils, Plant Life, Field Crops, Soil enriching, Live Stock, in ­ cluding horses, cattle, sheep and swine. Text, Page Tw elve. Plant Propagation and Vegetable Gar­ dening. This course will give the student the theoretical and practical knowledge of plant increase by cuttings, buddings, grafting, etc, Also a study of most of the garden vegetables and crops grown in Oregon as adapted to her conditions. Field and laboratory work w ill be im­ portant features of this work. Text. Vegetable Gaideniug. Second year— Dairy Stock and Dairy Practice. Study of dual purpose aud special dairy breeds. Dairy conforma­ tion and selection of dairy, sire and cow. Dairy products. M ilk and cream testing, and butter making. Text, Dairy Farm­ ing by Michels. Farm Crops aud Crop Rotation. His­ tory, Soil ami climate conditions of the various farm crops. Breeding of grains. Selection of grain, grasses with the cul­ ture of all crops. Special emphasis on purity and cleanness of seed. Plant ene­ mies, weeds, insects apd diseases. Third year- Stock Breeds and Stock Judging. All important breeds of Amer­ ican live stock. Students will learn to classify all breeds and give breed charac­ teristics. How to score and judge breeds and classes. Trips to nearby herds. County Fair, and Portland Stock yards. Fruit Growing and Orchard Manage­ ment. Science of fruit growing. Prep­ aration, planting and care of an orchard. in attendance and enjoyed the day with picnic dinners, boating, etc. Beginning with a band concert at eleven o'clock and closing with the ball in the pavilion at eight o'clock, the day was well occupied with amusements. There were all kinds of athletic sports and contests in the afternoon and a large number of prizes were given away to the winners One part of the program, which did not take place, was the wedding on a telegraph pole; $100 in cash was offered as a wedding present, but the young lady who promised to be married in the air. changed her mind, and, as no other couple volunteered for the attrac­ tion, many people were disappoint­ ed. Gov. West was not here, but Bud Anderson, the aspirant for national pugilistic honors was, and refereed the boxing match between a couple of amateurs, which some­ what appeased the disappointment of some for not having the privil- edge of seeing Oregon’s great man. The prize’ waltz at the pavilion was quite an attraction and was won by a Portland couple as usual. The dance lasted until eight o’clock when tiie last excursion car left for Portland. BUNK STOCK SOLD Mr. W. D Jellison and A. C. Jel- lison sold all their holdings in the Estacada State Bank to Mr. Leroy D. Walker, L A. Brandes and G. A. Cable. LO CAL NEW S AND PERSO NAL M ENTION Juvenile Fair Saturday. member the date. Re- The Best Light At The Lowest Cost Miss Kittle Reagan was a Port­ land visitor Friday. “ Bobbie'' Morton went to Port­ land Friday evening. J. W. Reed made a trip over to Tillamook last week. A. K S f arks was • business vis itor at Portland Saturday. E L E C T R I C L I G H T is the most suit­ A. P. Benson of River Mill was a Portland visitor last week. able for homes, offices, shops and other places needing lights, Prof. Ford visited his family at Portland over the Sabbath. Electricity can be used in any quantity,large or small, there­ Miss Florence Kendall visited Estacada friends Friday night. Chas. Dubois arrived home Mon­ day night from Forest Grove, Ore. by furnishing light. any required amount of Furthermore, electric lamps can tie located in any place, thus affording T. H. Dodge of River Mill was among the Portland visitors Sat­ urday. any desired distribution of light. N o other lamps possess those qualifi­ D. S. Fleming and family of Riv­ er Mill returned Friday evening from a trip to Hood River. cations, therefore it is not surprising that There will be a moving picture show Saturday and Sunday even­ ings a« usual, at the Family Thea tre. Wm. Robertson and Miss Mar­ garet Robinson of Portland were week end visitors at the Roger Cary horn*. • others in modern establishments. F, W . North of Cazadero, pat ronized the P kck '. ress office last week with a large order for job work. Mrs. C. F. Frazier and Mrs. A. K. Morton left Friday evening for Ocean Park where thev will spend a week. electric lamps are rapidly replacing all I Portland Railway, Light § & Power Co. % ^ ^ 3 Seventh and Alder Sts. Phones: Main 0688 , A 6131 | © € 5 ®<£ 5 ®<£§®( 2 ii®< 8 $ ® 1 € 5 ® Ennis Townsend returned Sun day from Calgary, Canada, where T he has been working with a con­ W. Givens was a business visit r struction party, in Portland Tuesday. Kenneth Bartlett returned home J. R. Reid was a business visitor last week. He has been working in Portland yesterday. with a surveying party for tbe P. A number of government survey­ R. L. & P. Co. ors are camping in Estacada. Mrs. G. W. Burch and Miss R. H. Marchbank has been Comstock of Silverton, Oregon, vis­ afflicted with an attack of asthma ited last week with their cousin, this week. Mrs. A. J Mills. Atty. E. W Bartlett had legal Mr. and Mrs. Stokes autoed from business at McMinnville this week, Portland Thursday to visit their returning yesterday. daughter, Mrs. Roger Cary, return­ Among the passengers for Port­ ing home Friday. land Tuesday were H. S. James Miles Standish and wife of Port­ and J. V. and Warren Barr. land arrived Friday evening and Mrs. James and son from Oregon were guests at the Margaret Evans City have been guests at the H. M . home until Tuesday. James home for several days. Mrs. W. V. Pendland and little W. S. Pyle was on the sick list son of Portland, visited for a cauple of days last week with her tbe first of the week but was able to be on duty at the store Tuesday. sister, Mrs. Fred Jorg. Mrs. J, A. Som«s enjoyed a Miss Clemo Haikenrlder of Port­ land was an over Sundav visitor at visit with her sistM Mrs. Jos. the home of her parents, Mr. and Douda and husband of Portland Monday. Mrs. F, J Harkenrider. The W. C T. U will hold their T h e Progress is pleased to an­ nounce that Mrs. C. Somers, who next meeting at the home of Mrs. has been suffering with a broken Woodle, Friday afternoon Sept. 5th at 2:30. arm, is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. W . F. Cary spent Fred Jorg and E. H. Kellogg and wife left Tuesday morning for the the day Tuesday in Portland’s mountains to pick huckleberries. wholesale houses buying goods for They expect to be gone several Cary’s Mercantile Co. days. J. E Snyder of Lents went fish­ F. B. Guthrie and L. H. McKen- ing at the lower dam last Thursday □ey returned from Eastern Oregon and came back with a basket of Sunday morning where they have fish which weighed 17 pounds. been exercising themselves in the Rev. Browne went to Portland harvest fields for several weeks. Monday to meet his daughter Miss Beatrice Williams visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frazier, from Tuesday until Friday of last week, when she left for Portland. Miss Williams will teach in the Portland schools the coming year. Grace, who has been visiting at Myrtle Point since school closed. Spireli BmmfêbMÆMêW. lV e O R S E TS ( mot « ou » in « t o w ) • corset mad« to fit you. Aak for • •troix/i. T ctophooo u t o»®d p— «cord to Mrs. C. F Frazier - EXAMINATION FOR RURAL MAIL CARRIERS at Eagle Greek for Clackamas county, Saturday, Sept.(> * 7 » * 9 * 3 - Tbe United States Civil Service Commission announces an open competitive examination on the date and at the places named above, as a resnlt of which it ia expected to make certification to fill a vacan­ cy in the position of rural carrier at Eagle Creek, Oregon, and other vacancies as they may occur on rural routes at postoffices in the above-named county, unless it is found to be in tbe interest of the service to fill any vacancy by reinstatement, transfer, or promo­ tion. The usual entrance salary for rural carriers is from $600 to $[,100 per annum. Age. 18 to 55, on the date of ex­ amination. The maximum age is waived in cases of persons honor­ ably discharged from the United States military or naval service. An applicant must have his act­ ual domicile in the territory sup­ plied by a postoffice in tbe county for which the examination is an­ nounced. The examination is open to all male citizens of the United States who can comply with the require­ ments. Application Form 1341, and full information concerning the require­ ments of the examination, can be secured from the secretary of the local examining board or tbe \ ost- master at any o f tbe places named above, or from the U. S. Civil Ser­ vice Commission. Washington D. C. Miss Nina Taylor, formerly of Rockwood but now living near Es­ tacada, has been engaged to teach Laboratory and field work. T e xt, Fruit Growers’ Guide Book by Favor. the Currinsville school during the Fourth year— Poultry Husbandry. Guy LaFollette, former editor of coming year.— Gresham Outlook. Breed, history and characteristics. . Rais­ this paper, was in Estacada fer sev­ ing poultry for meat and egg production. A stray dog that was acting rath­ eral days visiting old friends and er mysteriously, was taken to the Marketing, etc. Trap-nesting, keeping of records and ju d g iag . Text, Farm received a warm welcome. Mr. dog pond by Marshal Ames to The president of the “ Jolly H ik­ Poultry by Watson. LaFollette is now connected with await further developments as to Forestry. Forest conditions and ef­ ers" club requested us to announce the Daily Independent of Helena, the reason of it's incarceration. fects of forest areas. Deforestation and that the “ Hikers" will take a trip Montana. reforestation. Forest trees, their habits Miss Edith Chapman has decid­ every Friday. Those who wish and value. National and state forest Miss Mary Oakley arrived from ed to locate in Estacada and will I to joiti these mountain climbers, problems. should meet at the J. W. Reed resi­ Wisconsin last Thursday and visit­ have a class in piano. Miss Chap­ ed her sister, Mrs. J. W. Reed, un­ man is no stranger to the people of Took Tim at His Word. dence at to o'clock Friday morning til the next day when she left ac­ Estacada aud no doubt will be "That cignr of yours," said the pas­ Th* D m * Watch Tick»*. 1 where the start will be made. Mrs. senger With the chin beard, smiling A strong box containing family rec­ companied by her sister. Miss June successful in her undertaking. H. M. James will select the route genially, “ has burned about bulf Its ords nod heirloom* waa opened t few Oakley, for Seattle where both length down one side.” for next Friday. The marriage of Clarence O'Neal diiyi ngo to examine an old rnann- have positions in the Seattle public Th e box had not been disturbed "SoY' frowned the man with the of Eagle Creek and Miss Jennie ■crlpt. for several yeara. and tba women who curled mnstnihw turning bla bead schools. Sbankland, daughter of Mr. and had taken It Into a private room were •lowly and looking at him from bead ; We have been requested to an­ to font “ Well, that la the way I like After a visit of several weeks Mrs. Elmer Shankland of Currics- surprised when they removed an old nounce that • change in the plans my rtgarm. air." with friends in this locality, Mrs. ville, took place yesterday at the fashioned open face watch from Its resting place to hear It tick loudly. So when a spark from hie elgar fell for the picnic Saturday by the on the skirt of bis new sixty dollar Civic Club has been made, and all Fred Gardner and children left lor home of the bride's parents. The This to them was evidence that tbe box thefr home in California Friday. P r og ress has no particulars of the hud been tampered with. But e very overcoat and pro» ceded to bum a hole in It the man with tbe chin beard re­ members who attend are requested Mrs. Gardner was a resident of this •him: was found Intact and In keeping wedding at this time. flected, -Perhaps that’e the way be to take lunch for themselves aud with the memorandum of contents, and J place a few years ago, Mr. Gardner likes hta overcoats.” and said nothing. | family. At a special meeting of the board they ivere much perplexed because ol being employed as bookkeeper in — Chicago Tribune, the ticking watch, which ceased Its ae- of directors' held yesterday. L. D. tlvlty before tbe box was returned to ' the Estacada State Bank. Walker was elected president to Its ploce A watchmaker who w i t con- Rev. Brown was forced to give A Distinction. Miss Gertrude Lee, sister of Mrs. succeed A. C. Jellison and L. A. ■ulted said that eu< h "momentary life' "Hem do yon pronounce fhe word up speaking in tht middle of his In “ilend-“ timepieces when distorted p a p-A. Ml*s J lb le j.” Hlcken- sermon at Cnrrinsville last Snnday | H. M James, arrived Monday from Brandes and O. A. Cobb to succeed was nut unusual.— New York Tribune. I am th looper-**pnp-paw ro u g h k lunn A <«. r t e or a l r l popperT central Michigan. Mrs. James met J. A. Somer and Chas. E Dubois writing »in artici® on ‘How Amerlcao morning on account of an attack of Net Nesseeary. Girls Sp«Nik.' •• sickness His condition improved, ber in Portland. Miss Lee has \ respectfully as directors. A final Wife— What do you mean by tatting 1*J. I sa? pnp-pniv, of course,’* re­ however, so that he was able to “ J®* to Oregon to make her home J statement will be issued to the pub- Mrs Crewso's husband you never asl plied Miss Jibley "I want to distin­ my advice about anything? It ns band g u i b my fstber fmr?» my firme®, who give his regular discourse at home Y°r * tirae at least, having secured |jc and published in our next issue 1 Well, my daur. I don't you don't wait Is my popper."- flarpcr's Weekly. in the evening. * *«*>«>» near Oregon City. 0f this paper. to he sake* JOLLY HIKERS