HEWS OF THE W STRONG DEMANDS ON HUERTA Punishment of Soldiers and Release of Prisoners Ordered. W ashington, D. C .—S trong repre­ sentations, the most d rastic in phrase­ ology th a t have been made since the present Am erican adm inistration came into power, w ere made to the H uerta governm ent in Mexico Monday. The U nited S ta te s governm ent de­ manded not only the prom pt arrest, Chinese rebels have abandoned theii" court m artjai and punishm ent of the Mexican federal soldiers who shot advance on Pekin. Charles B. Dixon, J r ., an Am erican R epresentative H aw ley says the im m igration official a t Juarez, Mex., D em ocratic steam roller is the best but the im m ediate release o f Charles ever. Bissell and B ernard McDonald, m in­ King George and Queen M ary are ing m anagers, im prisoned by federal planning to visit the U nited S ta te s in soldiers a t Chihuahua C ity and said to be threatened w ith execution. 1914. So serious w ere these incidents re- London police are reported to have ^ a r,je(j ¡n official circles th a t they been inform ed of a su tfra g ette plot over*hadowed largely the discussion against the king. I o f policy which th e v isit of Ambassa- Secretary McAdoo charges the banks dor W ilson had brought to a clim ax. was so of the country w ith conspiring to re The am bassador him self alarm ed over the developm ents th a t he duce the price of governm ent bonds. d ictated two strong telegram s, one to Pum ping was resum ed in several of the em bassy a t Mexico City and the the large Lake Superior copper m ines Qther to the A m erican a t J u a r. closed recently by th e m iners strike. ez, and while S ecretary Bryan slightly General Resume of Inptant Events IKroiifDdtii the World. OREGON STATE NEWS IN GENERAL ^ I solated Industrial and Educational Items of Interest To Oregonians 1 OREGON FISH WINS FRIENDS FIND CURE FOR HATED PEST Hot Weather and Tariff Take Back Farm er’s Hybrid Wheat Chokes Out Seat for Salmon. “Jim Hill” Mustard. W ashington, D. C.— H erm an W ise can re ta in the postm astership a t As to ria as long as the D em ocrats retain control of the governm ent if he will occasionally ship a fresh salm on to his friend, Will R. King, w ith instruc tions to serve it to the p a rty leaders in W ashington. Several days ago Mr. K ing received a big 50-pound king salmon from Mr. Wise, and, like the c rafty politician he is, he called in all the D em ocratic national com m ittee­ men then in W ashington, to g eth er w ith o th er prom inent D em ocrats in official life, and gave them a ta s te of the fish o f which Oregon is ju stly proud. F resh salmon is som ething rarely enjoyed by the people o f the E ast, and invariably when salmon from the Col­ um bia are shipped in ice to W ashing­ ton, and served as they are served at home, they caused a d istin c t sensation. Mr. K in g ’s big salmon m ade such a h it th a t those atten d in g his salmon luncheon a t the U n iv ersity club for­ got, for the [tim e being, th a t Secre­ ta ry Bryan was out on the lecture platform e arn in g e x tra do llars; they forgot, for a tim e , th a t P r u d e n t W il­ son is running his patronage dispenser on low g e a r; they forgot ta riff em ­ barrassm ents, aud even forgot the hot w eather. Everybody present talked fish and ate fish. m ent end which were so objectionable to the powers would stand, and the United S tates would see th a t they were enforced. T hree days later Hannibal Prudent created a cu rren t of the Im penetrable Z ray th at Isolated the whole Ameri­ can continent from the re st of the world. Fifty years had passed; fifty years of Independent peace. The C entral und South Am erican republics had Joined the g re at U nited S tates and a confederacy was formed th a t secured their Independence and the freedom of commerce. Those fifty years of peaqe had cre­ ated wealth, happiness and a scientific progress suck as had never been equaled. * Now the man whose genius had mado this possible lay dead, and hie last words urged preparation for war. A stra sat before her fa th e r’s desk; before her lay a docum ent thgt de­ manded careful study—th e will of her adopted father. She did not look a t the long list of bonds and stocks; she did not care for the vast w ealth th a t from now on would belong to her alone. T he pa­ per she was reading contained far- reaching tnetructlons, prophetic In­ sight Into th e future. T he last page was a farewell letter: "My dear A stra, knowing th a t I am nearing the lim it of hum an existence, and th at re st aw aits me a fte r a long and full life, I set down such facts as will enable you to m ake the best uso of the knowledge th a t I, the old tree, wish perpetuated In the blossoming plant; It Is you who will be respon­ sible for the coming prosperity of th e country. Ood gave you a broad mind th a t has developed to Its fullest ca­ pacity under my care and I am proud of you, dear girl; you a re chosen to do great things for your country and humanity. “There Is only one m an on earth who Is worthy of calling you wife; you w ill find this man, or he will come to you, as you two a re ordained m ates, comrades. "W hen I go to my re st I feel th a t I will leave turbulent tim es behind me. My Z ray will not rem ain Impene­ trable forever, and when the day comes th a t It Is destroyed, the coun­ try will need a brave, com petent man to drive away the dreadnaughts. He will come, na he has been fully In­ structed. T ru st In him, my dear daughter. "This country was not developed to be blasted by w ar; the adventures of w arfare and strife aye not for It. Our C reator selected this country to pro­ m ote freedom, equality and science. Thundering cannons shall never more sound on our shore; our land shall be a land of love and peace. "I have labored hard to spread this gospel. After I am gone the task Is your Inheritance, dear Astra. "Before I die I will tell you w here to find the one man com petent to a ssist you and will fu rth er Instruct you In your duty. "God bless you, my daughter, you have ever been my Joy and pride.” A stra put down the paper, and, s ta r­ ing out Into the beautiful garden, mur- m ured to herself: "H urry to the Island of Clrynlth! Clrynlth? I have never heard of the place, and he left no spe­ cific Instructions.” The entrance of John, a faithful old servant, woke her from h e r reveries. W ith shaking lips he announced th at a reporter for tjie Hourly Stylograph wished to see her. Folding up the documents, A stra locked them In the safe, then said, ”1 will receive him a t once In the green room.” The servant left. A stra hesitated for a moment, then she said aloud, with quiet determ ination: "F ather, I will accept th e Inheri­ tance. I will w ait for him to come and help m e; I will take the burdens on my shoulders and faithfully carry out your teaching«. God help me to !" Pendleton—Earl Tulloch, one o f the biggest farm ers of U m atilla county, declares he has found a positive cure for the “ Jim H ill” m ustard, which has proved such a )>est to the farm ers of the Inland Em pire d uring the past ten years, in a hybrid w heat which he planted in a large tra c t th a t last year was filled w ith m ustard. COPYRIGHT 1913 -BY W.&GHAPMAN 1H U t UNITTD SIATW AMD GREAT BRITAIN < E arly in the season the m ustard had 1 ther. T ears filled her eyes as she C H A P T E R I. disappeared almost entirely, the w heat called the doctor. having choked it out. One of Mr. But Hannibal P rudent had reared Astra’s Inheritance. Tulloch’s neighbors, who planted A gloomv foreboding of approaching her, and after the first burst of grief some o f the same w heat, has had a she remembered her duty. Taking the sim ilar experience. The w heat Tul­ d isaster hung over th e capital. H annibal Prudent, ex-Presldent of m essage from Europe and her notes, loch planted was a hybrid seed he se­ cured from the W ashington S ta te A g­ the U nited Republics, was dangerous­ she hurried to h e r father's library. ricultural college a t Pullm an, which ly 111. The people walked quietly and W ith a steady hand she transcribed has a com plete pedigree of the w heat. talked in subdued tones, as though her notes on the typew riter, but when she cam e to the word w ritten by Han­ Fire destroyed the lum ber in the modified th e ir tone, they were ap- In addition to sm othering the m ustard | they feared to disturb him. yards of the Palm er L um ber Co., a t proved and prom ptly dispatched. the w heat is showing well as a pro- j H annibal P rudent, the scientist nibal Prudent, “Clrynlth,” the tears Am bassador W ilson declined to dis­ La Grande, O r., causing a loss of ducer. Tulloch is g e ttin g from 21 to whose Invention had saved the coun­ cam e again. cuss the affair, b u t he probably will 24 sacks o f No. 1 g ra in to the acre try, was eighty-four years old, but he about $400,600. She could not understand the m ean­ explain his views on such happenings from it, which is equivalent to from had carried the w eight of his years ing of th e command: “H urry to the General Felix Diaz, noted Mexican when he m eets P resident Wilson for 47 to 54 bushels to the acre. The lightly and had worked unceasingly. Island of Clrynlth." W as there an leader, is en route to Japan, supposed­ a general explanation of affairs in On a flying trip to L abrador he had Island of th a t nam e? She had never soil in w hich it is planted is light. ly to thank th a t country for its frien d ­ Mexico. _________________ contracted a severe cold which devel­ heard of It. liness and assistance. CAR PROBLEM IS TACKLED oped Into pneum onia Ju st as the dis­ W hile A stra was In her father's An A tlantic Coast fre ig h t steam er GIVES LIFE TO SAVE SISTER ease was nearing the crisis a curious library the sad news Bpread through ran ashore on the New Je rse y coast in | thing happened, som ething th a t had the city. The stylographed extras be­ State Railroad Commission Seeks not happened In the half-century the dead of night, but im m ediately gan to appear a t th e autom atic news Eight-Year-Old Girl Snatches Babe to Avoid Shortage This Year. summoned aid by w ireless. which had passed since he had put an stand. T he short paragraph telling From Railroad Track. Salem —Announcing th a t the season Isolator betw een Am erica and the about the wireless m essage from A m em ber of the lower house of the Spokane, W ash .--A n eight-year-old for m oving crops is near a t hand, the o th er continents. Germ any alarm ed everybody. V irginia legislature has been found A w ireless m essage had come from S ta te R ailroad commission has issued More than fifty years before, In the guilty of accepting a bribe in connec­ girl gave Her life Sunday afternpon to Europe. The children, a c ircular to shippers and railroads year 1919, the now prosperous and tion w ith the recent election for U. S. save hear baby siste r. A lthea Mary S ta rk and Susan S tark, COAST LINE WORK STARTED urg in g them to co-operate w ith each The g reat m an had been awakened peaceful United StateB had experi­ senator. the la tte r only 14 m onths old, were o th er and calling th eir a tten tio n to the by th e ringing of the 4,500-mlle bell on enced a great dlsuster. New em igra­ A G reat N orthern fa st m ail tra in playing in fro n t o f the store a t T rent, rules for handling cars so as to a v ert a the small electro-stylograph th a t stood tion law s and the new tariff had pre­ left the rails from some unknown about nine m iles e ast of Spokane. Grants Pass and Crescent City to car shortage. by hie bedside. To his astonishm ent cipitated an International conflict that cause near W hitefish, M ont., killing The N orthern [Pacific m ain line runs Be Linked by Railroad. The farm ers and o th er shippers have the Indicator th at autom atically reg- had Involved not only the leading Eu­ the engineer and fireman and badly in­ close to the house w here live Mr. and G rants Pass — A ctual construction suffered severely for years because of lstered th e sending station pointed to ropean m onarchies but Japan and ju rin g the express m essenger. Mrs. C. R. S tark, the parents, and the work has begun on the new C alifornia, a shortage of cars, and the commis­ Berlin, Germ any. He stared In amaze­ China as well. The ultim atum came President Wilson and Mexican Am ­ wagon road crosses the trac k alm ost Oregon & E astern railw ay, w ith te r ­ sion is doing everything possible to m ent a t the Instrum ent and saw «park from the E ast und the W est. Europe bassador Wilson hold radically differ­ a t the very spot w here the accident m inals for the present a t G rants Pass, prevent a recurrence of the conditions following sp ark on Its sm all, square, was mobilizing on one side; the orien­ ent views on the Mexican situation occurred. A lthea heard the rum ble of in Josephine county, Oregon, and Cres th a t caused the shortage. I t is be­ m ilk-glass plate. tals on the other; all the nations and it is not unlikely the resignation an approaching tra in , a f ru it special, cent C ity, in Del N orte county, Cali lieved th a t if the shippers and tra n s­ He put forth a shaking hand and ad­ against one. The question was w heth­ and saw her baby siste r on th e track fornia, on the coast, 20 team s and men portation companies will co-operate justed the receiving horn. The elec­ e r It was best to bow before the will of the la tte r will be requested. w ith the engine thundering down upon being on the grade. and observe the rules o f the commis­ tric sparks then formed a picture—a of the united enemy, or to lose Inde­ It is thought possible th a t m ediation her. A lthea leaped tow ard the child The Public U tilitie s comm ission of sion th ere will be sufficient cars this m oving picture th a t talked! A man pendence. Congress seemed unable to in Mexico may be the next move in peril, evidently g iving no heed to the city council has contracted w ith fall to transport all products in sea- In m ilitary uniform looked a t him decide. of the U nited States. her own danger. She reached the the In te rs ta te C onstruction company sonable tim e. Com missioner M iller front the picture and a clear voice The tim e given the United States Portland newsboys have voluntarily rails only a couple of seconds before fo r the com pletion of the road to will go to E astern Oregon this week w ith a Germ an accent said In English: for consideration was rapidly passing. agreed not to listen to I. W. W. th e engine came on. T here was W ilderville, ten m iles from G rants to m ake an investigation of crop con­ ’’P rofessor PrudentT ” The President was In despair. Ho speakers on the streets. stre n g th enough in the arm s of A lthea Pass, w ith in 90 days, and w ork is to ditions w ith a view to preventing a ‘‘Yes, sir. H annibal Prudent." gave orders to the fleet and land to l if t the baby from th e track . A f­ T he figure bowed reverently. "1 am forces, but In his h e art he cried, be continuous and unin terru p ted . The car shortage during the moving of The c h arter granted to Dr. Sun Y at Count Von W erdensteln. As you see, "W hat Is the use?” Sen for a network of railw ays in te r th a t th ere was no tim e for the lit­ first u n it of the road will be m unici­ grain. tle heroine to save herself. I have bored through your Isolating The night before the day of final a n ­ pally owned, the construction company China has been cancelled. Federal Aid for Dairymen. ray s with my sparks of electricity. sw er he stood before the window, The cow catcher of the engine tossed ag reein g to tak e city bonds to the ex- both children, but the baby was far Los Angeles schools have barred the ... . - -i * te n t of $200,000 in paym ent o f con­ The U nited S tates Division of T his la the beginning. T he next tim e looking hopelessly Into the starless “ M erchant of Venice” as being an un­ enough from the track to escape al­ struction. A co n tract has also been D airying, in co-operation w ith the Ex- I talk to you th ere will be nothing to darkness. m ost unscathed. fa ir portrayal of Jew ish character. m ade w ith the C alifornia people com­ tension division of the Oregon A g ri­ keep the fleet of consolidated Europe Suddenly a m an’s head appeared at A lthea paid fo r her heroism w ith posing the construction company above cultural college, will in the future from entering the ports of the Am eri­ the window. The next m oment the W hile v isitin g in Los Angeles, Sec­ her life. She w as tossed nearly 20 nam ed w hereby they m ay buy w ithin m aintain a dairy field man who will cas. I am giving you this w arning be­ Intruder Jumped Into the room. re ta ry Daniels was presented w ith the feet, and lived only a few m inutes th ree y e a rs ’ tim e the m unicipally- a ssist th e farm dairy men of Oregon cause I adm ire you—you were my Before the surprised executive could Pacific Ocean in m iniature upon a sil­ a fte r she was picked up. constructed and owned portion o f the w ith the m any problems of successful honored fa th e r’« teacher." cry out th e Intruder exclaimed: ver p latter. The figure on the plate bowed again, road, to g eth e r w ith the term inals a t dairying. Professor W. A. B arr has “F or three days I have tried to gain been selected for this im p o rtan t work th en vanished. G rants Pass. an audience with you, but In vain. T urks have begun three se p a ra te in­ Europe Teaches U. S. Lesson. H annibal P rudent gazed curiously Since I know th a t tom orrow will be A large order has been placed w ith w ith headquarters a t Corvallis. His vasions of B ulgaria. W ashington, D. C.— Senator Fletch­ the steel m ills for 90-pound steel rails assistance m eans a v isit to the dairy a t the glass of the apparatus, trying too late I have forced by way to you.” er, of Florida, chairm an o f the A m er­ E x-Senator Bourne is believed to be and w ith local lum ber m ills for ties. farm s when desired, suggestions on to believe th a t he had experienced a “W hat brings you h ere?” the Presi­ the principal power behind the oppo­ ican com m ittee on a g ricultural co­ The road will be completed to Kerby, building up 'more profitable herds, vision; but when he saw the words of dent asked. sition to the proposed reduction in operation, which has ju st returned in the h e art o f the Illinois valley, 30 feeding and m anagem ent, barn, silo W erdensteln clearly printed by the “My desire to save my country, to from th ree m onths of study in foreign " ‘¡f™ “¿ ^ parcel post rates. Pass, w ith in 15 and m ilk house construction, and rec­ m agnificent Instrum ent on a sheet of countries, has announced th a t the com­ m onths, the w in ter to be consumed in ords of feed and m ilk w eights. The paper by the stylus he fainted. The repulse the enemy. I can defend the entire continent against any Invasion. The adm inistration currency bill m ission has perfected plans to digest tunneling through H ayes H ill, 18 use o f the yearly record book fo r each vitality th a t could com bat physical Don’t think me mad—I am not; I have m et a storm of opposition in the con­ and compile the inform ation obtained. m iles from G rants Pass, which will be cow will be shown, w hereby the profit­ suffering could not bear the m enacing Invented the greatest power. To be ference of the house currency and P erm anent headquarters will be im ­ able cow m ay be selected and the un­ news th at the' little Instrum ent had exact, I have discovered It. A man who pierced by a half-m ile tunnel. banking comm ittee. m ediately opened here, and the en tire profitable cow detected and elm inated brought. solves one of n ature's problem s is not commission will assem ble in Novem ber from the herd. W hen he opened hie eyes his daugh­ an Inventor but a discoverer. My dis­ S tate m ilitia, well supplied w ith to pass on a final report. T his will be “ Pure Wool” Mostly Cotton. P rofessor B arr calls a tte n tio n to the te r A stra stood a t the bedside and the covery Is an Invisible power th at re­ amm unition, have been ordered to the sent to congress, to the governors of P ortland—“ P ure wool socks,” said need of b e tte r cows. A profitable houBe physician was counting his sists all attack. D on't doubt me be­ scene of the big strik e o f copper states, to the officials o f the Canadian j the sign in the window of N athan herd, he says, can be had w ithin four pulse. The scientist still held Wer- fore I have finished. I will create m iners in Michigan. governm ent and to the Southern Com­ B ialkin, dealer in m en’s fruishings, a t or five years by using a pure bred sire densteln's m essage crum pled up In his around me circle th a t will defend m ercial congress. 64 N orth S ix th stre et. A m ajor in the reg u lar arm y pay and m aking the actual record the guid­ old Angers—the m essage th a t con­ me and will ask you to try to touch “ The commission is deeply im­ “ Seventy-five per cent co tto n ,” was ing facto rs in selection. corps has applied to the courts for an veyed such crushing nows. Im patient­ m e.” pressed w ith the v ital im portance o f a the result of the analysis of the hosi injunction to prevent the prom otion of ly, as one who knows his tim e Is short, H e took a sm all Instrum ent from thoroughly organized and united rural ery in question subm itted as evidence Agriculture in Schools. another officer over his head. he asked to be left alone w ith his his pocket, and stepping back from population. In th is respect the coun­ in C ircuit court. daughter. As the door closed behind The people of Oregon are m aking a the president, the continued: Governor Tener, of Pennsylvania, trie s o f E urope offer a lesson which “ Ten dollars fine,” said Judge Mor dem and for a g ric u ltu rists in the public the doctor he cried out In agony: “All “W hen I motion tow ard you try to signed the bill requiring all applicants may not long be disregarded in A m er­ row. schools th a t m ust not longer be denied. my hopes and all my life work are touch me.” fo r m arriage licenses to s ta te in th eir ica w ithout serious consequences,” The case a g ain st B ialkin was brought A num ber of the best city su p erin ten ­ threatened. I had hoped th a t here He m anipulated springs on the In­ applications th a t they are not afflicted Mr. F letcher said. last Decem ber by the law and ethics dents in the sta te are in th e field sim ­ w here I had established It peace would strum ent, then signaled to the P res­ C H A P T E R II. w ith transm issible diseases. com m ittee of the Portland Ad club ply begging for practical school g a rd ­ abide—peace th a t has spread comfort, ident. T he executive stretched his Chinese governm ent troops have Governor Sulzer Favors Suffrage. under the sta te law a g ain st fraudulent contentm ent and happiness over our eners. “ The people and tim es are arm tow ard him. An invisible force Nominee of the Continentals. successfully repulsed rebel attacks, ripe for public school a g ricu ltu re, and continent; peace th a t created and bent first his hand, then his arm New Y ork—Governor Sulzer has put advertising. Morning found the g reat capital In and are forcing the rebels back. This m akes th e fifth conviction in conserved fortunes g re ater than any it is too bad th a t w e cannot g e t a back. He could not touch the man the splendor of deep mourning. The Shanghai is so full of refugees from his nam e to the p etition to the U nited such cases recently. Two w ere se­ train ed teacher in our to w n ,” said the ever before known to m an; peace th at from any side. elevated sidewalks, the roof gardens, the scene of b a ttle th a t they are S tates senate which is being circulated cured under the new city ordinance. perm itted developm ents so high th a t superintendent of a larg e school to the by the Men’s L eague fo r Woman S uf­ A fter several experim ents the as­ the terraces were crowded by people obliged to sleep in the streets. even the boldest would not have dared w rite r of the Oregon A gricu ltu ral Col­ frage. The p etition urges an amend­ tounded P resident was convinced of dressed In black. The new spaper roof lege Press Bulletin. T he A gricultural to dream them fifty years ago. the Im portance of the discovery. m ent to the constitution o f the U nited terraces were especially orowded; Clatsop Cruising Progresses. "All this will go." His voice failed S tates extending the rig h t o f suffrage The Intruder removed the force from there, on Immense opal glass plates PORTLAND MARKETS A storia—The N ease T im ber com­ college is unable to tra in teachers fo r a m oment. "Read this." As the fa st enough to supply th e demands of about him and told of his plans to sparks of electricity printed the latest to women. pany has reported the cruise on 130 the schools of the sta te . sta rtle d girl read W erdensteln'« mes­ Bave th e country. They talked until new« and Illustrated the happenings In signing his nam e to the petition W heat—T rack prices: New club, sag es he cried b itterly: "They want sections o f tim b e r land in C latsop long a fte r th e first rays of the m orn­ of the m oment with moving pictures. 79(ffi80c; new bluestem , 82(ii83c; new Governor Sulzer m ade the statem en t vengeance." He felt his own pulse, ing sun Bhone through the windows. On the main tow er of the new capi­ to R. Beadle, secretary o f the league: county, m aking 220 sections th a t have Welfare School to Open. forty fold, 80; new red, 77c. been reported thus fa r. The copmany w atching the large chronom eter on “ I am now and alw ays have been W hen the m idnight visitor had fln- tol building (a colossal creation of O ats—No. 1 w hite, $29 per ton; A shland—A two d a y s’ session of a th e wall opposite his bed. "M.v will has about 100 m ore sections cruised pure American architecture) the Bell and alw ays expect to be in favor of new, $25(0 25:50. and 40 men are now engaged in the general w elfare school, to be held un­ Is In the safe In my library. H ere Is O rchestra, com prising four hundred Corn — Whole, $32.50; cracked, g ra n tin g women the sam e political th e key. The Europeans think th at work. As an illu stra tio n o f how the der th e auspices o f the extension de­ players, played the m arch of "Com­ rig h ts th a t men possess. T here should $33.50 per ton. ing Peace,” a m arch th at thrilled the Millstuffs— Bran, $24.50 per ton; be no abridgem ent in the U nited new cruise is com paring w ith the p a rtm en t o f Oregon A gricultural col­ th e Z-ray alone hinders them from entering our beloved country, but they am ount placed on the form er assess­ lege and the Oregon H ygiene society, h e arts with Its melody, th a t elevated S tates of the political rig h ts of women shorts, $26.50; m iddlings, $31. the souls with thoughts of Heaven, Barley — Feed, $24@24.50 ton; ju st because they are women. In my m ent rolls, on 21 sections, picked a t will be open in th is c ity A ugust 11. a re m istaken.” He gasped for air. "I will defy them again. A stra, w rite random, the new cruise shows 420,- A rrangem ents for the m eetin g have th a t drove away evil thoughts with Its brew ing, -nom inal; new feed, $23(