Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 24, 1913, Image 1

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    All the News
All the Time
Only Paper in
East Clackamas
KO. 4) or VOL s
Big Bargains in
Desiring t o reduce our
stock o f Wall Paper for th e
next 30 days we will sell the best
grade of flowered papers at 2 0 cents
double roll. Regular price 3 5 cents.
W e also have on hand some beautiful patterns of paper
which we will sell at the very reasonable price of from 10 to
20 cts. and 1 to 3 roll remnants, 5cts per jo l l.
Size 9x12 Axminister and Tapestry rugs will be offered
lor tale at greatly reduced prices for the next thirty days.
White Sewing; Machines, Cash price $35. W e also carry a
complete line furniture, Columbia Phonographs, and records.
Economy Fruit Jars, Caps and
Jelly Glasses.
W. D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors
Odd Fellows Building
Preaching services will be held
in the Christian church uext Sun­
day morning and evening at the
There was considerable excite­
usual hours l>y Rev. Young.
ment iu town Sunday morning
Walter Woodard formerly of Es­ when the word was passed around
tacada but who for the past two that a mad dog was running amuck
years has beeu in the navy is here on in the city. Men become very
a twelve days furlough visiting rela­ much excited and in some instances
tives and friends. He is in the were on the verge of mortal combat
engineering department on the U. The dog which was a stray was
S. S. California which is at present first discovered in the Yonce livery
barn where it acted in an insane
at Seattle.
manner snapping at everything in
Through the kindness and gener-
which it come in contact and sue
tosily of A E. Sparks the Progress
ceeded in biting three other canines
ofKce is sporting a new roll top
It then ran down the street and
desk. Lest our readers might get
crawled underneath the approach
the wrong expression and think the
to the city hall, where Marshal
editor was kicking ov;r the traces,
Ames ended its agony. There were
will state that A. E. only loaned it
some men who were inclined to
to us.
scoff at the affair and treated the
Estacadaites will be numerous matter as a joke but had the cur
east of the mountains during the actually been mad ami bitten some
harvesting and threshing of the member of their family, it would
crops there. There being no em­ be a different story. Precautionary
ployment here for the men it was measures should be taken by the
necessary for them to find work council to protect the public
elsewhere. If the men concinue to About every dog owner in the city
¡migrate from here this week as is willing to muzzle their dog pro
they did last, there will not be a viding that the order is made gen­
corporals guard left.
eral, saying that they do not want
Street commissioner Ames shut to put a muzzle on their dog and
off the city water supply for a short then have him chawed up by some
time last Friday evening in order to rnau's unmuzzled whelp. A dog
mend a broken hydrant, which is answering to the description of the
situated on the corner north of the one killed here Sunday morning is
Home Bakery. Mr. Ames says reported to have bitten several head
that the hydrant was found to be in of hogs, early Sunday morning be­
worse condition than was expected longing to a farmer near Morrow
and asks that people will please not station.
attempt to remove the caps or trifle
with it in anyway.
In response to inquiries the de
partinent of entomology of the
Oregon Agricultural College advises
the use of arsenate of lead, at a
strength of two pounds of the paste
to fifty gallon of water for ail leaf­
eating insects, whether in the larv­
al stage or some other. Growers
are directed to spray both the up­
per and lower surfaces of leaves,
being careful to keep the solution
stirred and evenly mixed.
State °
M otion P ictures
$10 a week
The Hotel Estacada
One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Better Results
will be obtained from your
chickens when permitted to
pick up grain after grain of
the feed they like, and which
for a time w is in our bins.
Knowing what is liked by
poultry and what Is good for
them, there la ks nothing
here to provide for their health
and happiness
Buy your
feed here.
Lumber and Produce Co.
Logan’ s base ball team was de­
feated by the Commercial Club
team of Oregon City in the final
game of the Chatauqna series last
Friday by the scort of 9 to 7. By
those who witnessed the struggle it
was pronounced the best game
played at Gladstone park this sea­
son and errors on the part of the
Logan first and second basemen
was reponsible for the defeat. Neal
Bronson of Estacada pitched for
Logan and Tillford- a former resi­
dent of this city did the twirling
for the Oregon City bunch. Clack­
amas a little hamlet situated on the
banks of the Clackamas river near
Gladstone won the championship
of the county by playing through
the series without a defeat. The
Commercial Club won three and
lost one, Logan won two and lost
two, Price Bros.' team won one and
lost three and Oswego failed to get
in the wiu column.
Double Premium
Stam ps
For Next 10 Days on
and Children’s
Also on Ladies’ White Buck Button Shoes.
Cary Mercantile Company
Mr. J. W. Fergerson Jr. of Esta­
cada has been appointed by the
Saturday night's program at the
State Forester as Supervising
Family theatre will be a Vitagraph
Warden for Clackamas County.
comedy, “ Timid May;’ ’ Biograph
He will have charge of all State,
drama. “ The Informer” and a
County and private patrol work in
Kalem comedy “ Strong Arm Nel­
this Countv, and co-operate with
Forest Supervisors of the National
Sunday night Vitagraph romance,
Forests to the greatest possible ex
Kalem drama and Lubin comedy.
It is hoped that residents ot the
County will give him their hearty
The mail carriers and clerks em­
support and consult him in regard
ployed in the post office at Port­
Some of the business men of Es­ to burning permits, etc., of a local
land held their picnic in the Esta­ tacada last week made an attempt nature. He will be in touch with
cada park last Sunday and had a to re-organize the team here for the all local wardens and will gladly re­
Come and have a
good attendance. The crowd was purpose of playing a series of games fer requests for information to the
Good lime
an orderly one and very much lu with the Clackamas Club but the warden nearest you tor any infor­
contrast with the mob which was majority of the men who played mation or assistance he may be able 1
here the Sunday previous. The vis­ here said that they would be unable to give.
itors spent the day In minor sports to stay. It Is to be regretted that
It will be impossible for the State
and dancing and regardless of the a series of games could not have
Forester to personally inspect all |
extreme heat apparently enjoyed been arranged between those two
the work done by the numerous
T h e famous Rexall, A.
themselves. The Mail Carrier’s clubs as they are both fast and
Supervising wardens in his employ, |
D. S. & Purola Remedies are
band livened things up considerable some mighty good games, would be
and their success will depend very
sold and recommended by the E s­
and did their share in making the a certainly.
largely upon the support they re­
affair a success. There was not as
tacada Pharmacy. Absolute satisfaction
ceive from the people whom the
A town without a base ball team
many people in attendance ftom
or your money is refunded.
Forestry Law is Intended to aid and I
neighboring towns as were at the is like a rivet without water.
firemens blowout, but if it is assured
Hans Wagner Schultz came out
Road supervisors in Clackamas j
them that rodyisin will not be tole­
from Portland Sunday and got his County outside of the heavily I
rated in the park, they will come
T h e second shipment of Dr. Robert’s Veterinary
bats and baseball togs. He will timliered areas have been appointed !
have no trouble getting on with the fire wardens by Su te Forester El- I
Books have just been received and are free to all stock
best amateur teams in the city.
liott for the convenience of ranch­
owners. Call Early.
The manager of the Sun Dials of ers. Those living west of Eagle
An important notice which was Fairview was at Gladstone park last Ceeek may obtain burning permits |
crowded out last week for want of Friday to see Bronson in action from the supervisors of their Dis­
space was a challenge from the lean After the gait-e he made Neal a trict.
The following simple and effect­
men of our fair city to the fat men. tempting ofier to go to Fairview
J. W. Msrrs of Dodge has been
ive wav of bottling berry juices was
to meet them on the bloody sands of and pitch for them.
appointed State Warden for the
the arena or In other words to play
Springwater and Dodge district.
a game of baseball which will settle
Harry Reid of Garfield will be in
for all time the superiority of the out of eleven is some aggregation charge of the district between fire­ Agricultural College, and is a sure BEG IN S it* fo r ty -fifth «chool f w
contesting clubs. Bert Byers that worth watching and that is Estaca wood and the Clackamas east of way of saving loganberries at a 8 IP T IM B C N »• I N I .
good profit on the rainy day: Heat D C G R g C
hero of many a diamond battle was da's record for 1913. It's a darn Estacada.
C MUNCK fttM .
the berries to as nearly the boiling e c o n o m i c o . m i n i m . r t M t t n
the spokesman for the lean delega shame they hid to disband with
Persons wishing burning permits jxiint as possible and strain out the M C ftCJC . P M A M M A C V .
tion and will also guide them in the season only half over, not that should apply to the warden in their
T W O -V C A ll C O U M O I»
their struggle for supremacy. the boys are to be blamed, local district or if not certain--M to the juice. Mix jutce with one third its T U M I H O M I « C O M O M l C M M t C M M M C
A R TS r w H T I I . C M M I I M M U M U C *
Since the last encounter when Bill conditions are entirely responsible. warden in their locality should
T C A C H C R 'S C O U R S A * »•
Underwood’ s feet got chilly and
Doc Douglas the Estacada short apply to J. W. Fergerson at Esta­ tles. shove the cork about two tra in in g , a « rie » 1 tu r», 4 » ■ » » tic « i » » c »
anil art.
Alexandra Sparks went home and stop who plaved with Logan during cada.
inches within I he neck of the bot­ M U S I C , Includ ing piano, itr in g , band
retired to the cellar, the fat boys the Chatauqua series, redeemed
iiiitm m e a t* aad roice cu lla re .
It will be greatly appreciated if tle, and pour melted parafiue to the
have been without a leader and are himself Friday for the bad showing
E A U T I F U L B O O K L E T *otiU*4
ranchers will report any violation top.
This process preserves the " T B hh
now scoutiug for someone to be he made in the opener. You will
E. h i c h u i i t o» R u a . i l a m “
of the Fire laws or any fires which flavors and aromas and keeps the and • C 4 T 4 L O O U « M ill In m a ile d f r * »
their guiding star ind councellor. be reading C. Douglass' name in a
lic a t iv a
they may discover to Mr. Fergerson product indefiui ely. Diluted with
One who will lead them to the gory major league lineup some day.
A i l m i H. M T a n a ir o r , R rfw rrax,,
or the warden In whose district lour times its measurement of water S .-1 -lt » * »)
Curva Ilia. O nego*.
field and help »hem win their crown
they reside.
it is a delicious drink.
F its !•« I,»ans n«*xt.
of glory
$3 a day
(1 A Y E A R
Garfield Country Club
Good Speeches, Music, Dancing
and Sports.