Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 03, 1913, Image 3

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Pacific Coast Festival» Aaaociation
Take» Up Work.
Can get you fancy prices for Wild Ducka
and other tcame in season. W rit« ua for
caah offer on all kinda o f poultry, pork. etc.
Tacoma, Wash. — One o f the most
important gatherings in the history of
the United States in the interests of
the "S e e America F irst,’ ’ movRnent,
Nature » Oxygen Will Moke You W ell, perfectly particularly as it affects the West,
strong and happy. No exercise or drug«
treatment baaed on nu'ural law. Send $1 NOW to will be held at Tacoma early in July,
The la h r C o ., 2101 T St, Dept 8. Sacram ento., Cal. when the annual meeting o f the Festi­
AGENTS—Our Household Specialty Bella on sight. vals Association o f the Pacific takes
Easy to handle. Big profit«. W rite today. Hast­
The movement now embraces
ings Specially Co.. 629 E. Anki ny, Portland, Ore. place.
many o f the lending cities o f the Pa­
D A T C M T C W a t i o a V. ( a i r m a n ,
| O Q r 1« I
Patent l.awj er.W asmugloli cific Slope, and, at the annual meet­
|) t - A d v ic e a n d b o o k s free.
Raten r»i.sonable. IItfflu-at reference«. Rest services ing, the applications o f a number of
other cities, Salt Lake, North Yakima,
OWARD E. BURTON — ¿«rayer ana Uhsnilst, Boise, Ida., Everett, Wash., Oakland
Lead ville, Colorado. Hpeoimeu prices: Gold,
Silver, Lend. SI. Gold, Silver, 75c; Gold 60c; Zino and Sacramento, will be considered.
or Copper, SI. Mailing envelopes • id full price list
A plan is on foot to petition con­
font on application. Control and Tinnirò work so
Hotted. Bolero noe: OurUmute National Bank.
gress and the President o f the United
States to create a National board,
, Second-Hand Machin­ which shall have for its object thè di­
ery bought. sold and version o f a large share o f the nearly
exchanged: engines,
boilers, aawrnilln, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st 1500,000,000 which Americans spend
8t* Portland. Send for Stock l.iai and prices.
each year in travel and
The cities, carnivals and expositions
now embraced in the association are:
information and booklets o f value to you.
PACIFIC GUANO & FERTILIZER CO. Tournament o f Roses, Pasadena, Cal. ;
l v- M ad iso n S t., P o r tla n d , Or.
Mid-Pacific Carnival, Honolulu, T. H. ;
Rose Festival, Portland, O r.,; Pow
Wow, Spokane, W ash.; Montamara
Festo, Tacoma, W ash.; Golden Pot­
533-535 Chamber o f Commerce Building
latch, Seattle, W ash.; Carnival Week,
B. C. ; Mount Baker Mara­
A school for the teaching o f Telegraphy under
the personal supervision o f the proprietor. A.
thon, Belligham, Wash. ; Round-Up,
E. Myers, expert telegrapher. Day and night
Pendleton, Or. ; Portola Festival, San
aessionB. TERMS: Courses in easy monthly
Installments, enabling you to take up a well-
Francisco; Panama-Pacific Interna­
paid profession at little c o s t W rite for full
tional Exposition, San Francisco, and
Panama-California Exposition, San
D iego, Cal.
Pearson-Pajfe Co., Portland
M. & M
k Cures While You Walk.
Allen*. Foot-hare i . a certain cu re for hot,
« « e a t ln f , caliti«, and sw ollen, ach in g feet. Bold
b r a i l D ruggist«. Price Jf«-. D on ’t accent anr
< * ,s tltu tc. Trial naukace
Mkage _ FliEJfi. A d d r e u
Alleu 8. Olmsted Le Roy, N. Y.
Worth Extra Time.
“ Prisoner at the bar,’ ’ said the
judge, “ is there anything you wish to
say before sentence is passed upon
you ?” “ No, my lord, there is nothin’
I care to s»y, but if you’ ll clear away
the tables and chairs for me to thrash
my lawyer, y^u can give me a year or
tvyo extra. ”
When Your Eyes Need Care
T ry M hrine Ey« Rem edy. N o S m arting— Feels
F in e — A cts Q u ick ly. T ry it f o r lte d ( W eak,
W atery Eves an d G ra n u lated E yelids. Illu s ­
trated B ook la e a c h P a ck a ge .
M urine ia
compounded by our O culists-not a “ Patent Med­
icine” — but used In successful Physicians* Prac­
tice fo r many years. Now dedicated to the Pnb-
lu. and sold by Druggist s at 26c and 60c per Bottle.
Muriuo Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes, 2&o and 60c
Home is a place where men can
swear and do other things that were it
M u rin e E ve R em e dy C o ., C h lo a g o
anywhere else he would he run in for
disturbing the peace.— Florida Times-
Gift o f Books.
When I consider what some book«
have done for the world, and what
Thje Oft Told Tale.
they are doing, how they keep up out
It would not be kind to wish one’ s hope, awaken new courage and faith,
friends untold agonies, but one cannot soothe pain, give an ideal life to those
help wishing that one only had to hear whose hours are cold and hard, bind
their agonies told once.
together distant ages and foreign
lands, create new worlds o f beauty,
bring down truth from heaven; I give
eternal blessings fo r this g ift, and
thank God for books.— James Freeman
Yields to Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound.
Athens, Texas.—" I had a complica­
tion o f diseases, some o f them o f long
I wroté
to y o u for advice
and took Lydia E.
Pmkham’ s Vegeta­
ble Compound, and
some other things
t h a t you sugges­
ted. I must confess
that I am much bet­
ter in every way and
have been relieved
o f some o f the worst
troubles. My neigh­
bors say I look younger now than I did
fifteen years ago.” — Mrs. S a r a h R.
W h a t l e y , Athena, Texas, R . F . D .
Ho. 3. Box 92.
W e know o f no other medicine which
has been so successful in relieving the
Buffering o f women, or received so many
genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E.
Pinkham’ s Vegetable Compound.
In nearly every community you will
find women who have been restored to
health by this famous medicine. Almost
every woman you meet knows o f the
great good it has been doing among
suffering women for the past 30 years.
In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., are files containing hundreds o f
thousands o f letters from women seek­
ing health, in which many openly state
over their own signatures that they have
regained their health by taking Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable C o m p o u n d ,
many o f them state that it has saved
them from surgical operations.
If you wnnt special advice write to
Don’ t buy water fo r bluing. Liquid blue is al­
most all water. Buy Rad Cross Ball blue, tbs
blue that’s all blue.
Moral Indifference.
I f ignorance and passion are the
foes o f popular morality, it must be
confessed that moral indifference is
the malady o f the cultivated classes.
The modern separation o f enlighten­
ment and virtue, o f thought and con­
science, o f the intellectual aristocracy
from the honest and vulgar crowd, is
the greatest danger that can threaten
liberty.— Henri Frederic Am iel.
M others w ill find Mrs. W in s lo w s Soothing
8yrup the b> st rem edy to use for th e ir children
du riu g the teeth iu g p eriod .
Shrinking Cotton.
As cotton materials shrink they
must either be shrunk in the piece or
made a size larger and luck trusted
that the garment may not shrink be­
yond all wearing.
In shrinking any­
thing, use Trailing water until it is
thoroughly saturated and then wring
out and dry; sprinkle and iron on the
wrong side with a hot iron until the
fabric is perfectly dry.
Dr. Pierce’ s Pellets, small, sugar-
coated, easy to take as candy, regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow­
els. Do not gripe.
Made His Speech Too Long.
Little Herbert, aged five, was in­
vited to a party, and before leaving
home he was cautioned to be sure to
say “ Thank you” to the hostess and
tell her he had a nice time.
On leav­
ing he said to the hostess; “ Thank
you very much. I had a nice time,
and your supper was good enough.”
Cleaning Velvet.
Nothing cleans a velvet hat or gown
like another piece o f velvet. A small
Lydia E. Pinkliiiin Medicine Co. (confi­ piece held firmly in the hand and used
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by • like a brush will produce excellent re­
woman and held in strict confidence. sults.
A m
Veterans of ’63 Gather Once More
On Famous Battlefield
Hot äun Causes Many to Fall-Fir^t
Death on Field Due to Heat
- Arrangements Perfect.
Gettysburg, P h . — Gettysburg step­
ped 50 years backward Sunday into
history and looked again on an army
o f Blue and an army o f Gray, meeting
at her doorstep. From early morning
until long after sundown the veterans
in blue and gray trooped into the little
town which has slept peacefully among
its hills since Lee and Meade turned
their legions southward long ago.
More than 30 special trains came
into the village during the day and
thousands o f veterans who tramped up
from the Shenandoah on their former
visit rode in com fort from Harrisburg,
Baltimore and Washington. Instead
o f the roar o f guns that greeted them
in the other days they entered into the
quiet Sunday calm o f a country town.
Only the flags flying from every win­
dow, the city o f tents in the distance,
and the crowds told that Gettysburg
had come out o f the usual into the
extraordinary once more.
From the station o f the two railroads
that enter the village is a long mile to
the camp o f 5000 tents where the vet­
erans are housed. Thousands shoul­
dered suitcases and walked under a
scorching, cloudless sky. Several suc­
cumbed before they found their tents.
There was no complaining, however.
Every possible arrangement for the
com fort o f the united armies has been
made. The camp o f brown army tents
is under the direction o f officers of the
regular army The streets o f Gettys­
burg are under the scrutiny of the
Pennsylvania constabulary, and for the
care o f the sick the Red Cross has
made extensive preparations.
The camp itself lies on ground that
lias been baked as hard as a brick and
dried into dust by winds that sweep
the* hills, but its sanitation, its water
supply, and its plan for the feeding o f
thousands o f men, have been made
with the utmost care.
Augustus D. Brown o f Livermore
Falls, Maine, was the first veteran to
die on the field. He was taken sud­
denly ill and died just as the army
surgeon reached him. The heat prob­
ably caused his death.
Launch Goes to Rescue.
San Diego, Cal.— Colonel C. R. Ra­
der’ s crack oceangoing launch Paxino-
sa sailed from here Tuesday for Esper
anza, 40 miles south o f Guaymas,
Mexico, where 200 women and chil­
dren are waiting transportation from
the revolution-swept district.
Paxinosa will carry refugees from
Esperanza to the mouth o f the Colo­
rado river, where they will take auto­
mobiles for Yuma.
Captain J. N.
Ross will be in command. The Paxin­
osa is one o f the most famous ocean­
going launches on the Coast.
Dissolution Plan Ready.
Washington, D. C.— The plan for
dissolving the Union Pacific-Southern
Pacific railroad merger, which A ttor­
ney General McReynolds, with the ap­
proval o f President Wilson, has agreed
on with officials o f the railroads, will
be presented to the Federal court at
St. Paul this week.
The attorney general gave out the
plan for publication in the newspapers,
but later withdrew it with the request
that it be withheld from publication
until after it actually had been pre­
sented in court.
Convicts Leave No Trace.
Kan. — An all-day
search for Richard Osborne and Walter
Layman, convicts, who made a daring
escape from the Federal prison early
Monday developed no trace o f the men.
Both men have escaped-from M cN iel’s
Island, the government prison on the
Pacific Coast. The two men were cell­
They sawed the bars off
their cell and off a door 10 feet
away, leaving dummies reposing in
their cots.
Oregon Pine Rounds Horn.
New York — The American steam­
ship Santa Cruz, in from Seattle and
Pacific and Atlantic ports en route,
docked here Sunday, creating the im­
pression that the Yankee merchant
marine m ight be coming back on the
installment plan.
Captain Crosely
said he had had a fine voyage and that
finally he hoped to take hia ship
through the Panama canal pretty reg­
ularly to and from the Pacific Coast.
Washington, D. C.— The adminis­
tration currency bill is to undergo
some important changes before it is
pushed for action in either house or
The provision for the retirement o f
national bank notes and the refunding
o f 2 per cent government bonds with
a 3 per cent issue is to be put back in­
to the measure later, it is expected,
with the consent o f the administra­
tion. This provision was in the bill
before the final conferences at the
j White House, but was taken out be­
cause o f the opposition o f Secretary
Bryan and others.
Much o f the criticism against the
measure among
members o f both
houses has been directed at the pro-
| posai to create a new kind o f paper
currency without withdrawing the na­
tional hank notes or providing against
a depreciation in value o f the 2 per
cent government bonds that secure
these notes.
This objection has be­
come so strong as to convince adminis­
tration leaders the provision must be
restored if the bill is to pass.
Chairman Glass and Democratic
members o f the house currency com­
mittee, at a conference Thursday,
agieed to undertake individually to
“ sound ou t” impartial bankers, busi­
ness men, experts and students o f
financial affairs, to ascertain how the
provisions o f the Glass bill are regard­
ed by that part o f the public which
will be affected most directly by mon­
etary changes.
Russian Diplomat Advised
Treaty Negotiations.
Lot, Proposed in Trieste.
Trieste, Austria-Hungary. — There
has been such a decline o f receht years
in the marriage rate o f Trieste that
one o f the civic dignitaries suggests
the institution o f a system o f compul­
sory matrimony. It is proposed that
on a given date in each year all spin­
sters who have attained their 25th
year and bachelors who have attained
their 30th years should be required to
present themselves before the syndic
in whose jurisdiction they reside.
The names o f those who on medical
examination prove to be thoroughly
sound would be sorted according to
sex, placed in separate urns, and then
drawn two at a time.
The couples whose names are drawn
together would, at the conclusion o f
the draw, be united in marriage forth­
with by the syndic.
or any part.
Manufacturing and selling direct enables us to give you
factory prices on the Material for your Home, Garage, Bam
or any building whatever, or any part thereof. Our big cat­
alogue contains valuable information concerning styles and
prices on Doors, Sash, Moulding, Columns, Etc., Etc., Etc.
Send for it today, it will be the means o f saving you big
money on your building materials.
Retirement o f National Hank Notes
to Be Restored By Consent.
Washington, D C.— Responding to a
suggestion made some time ago by the
Russian government, Secretary Bryan
has informed Ambassador Bakhmeteff
that he would be glad to enter into ne­
gotiations for a new treaty o f trade
and commerce between America and
Russia. No attempt has been made
actually to open negotiations as yet.
It is understood that the ambassador,
who has communicated Secretary Bry­
an’ s message to his government, is
awaiting instructions from St. Peters­
Secretary o f State Bryan said that
the exchanges had not passed beyond
the expression o f a mutual desire to
have a new treaty, and that there had
been no attempt to outline the basis of
a new convention.
It had been reported from St. Pe­
tersburg that President Wilson had
notified the Russian government his
CUPID MAY YET BE DRIVEN administration would be willing to en­
ter into a new treaty only on the con­
dition that
American citizens be
Compulsory Marriage, Drawing by “ freely admitted” to Russia.
LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES on the whole material bill
Flagman and W ife Allow They’ll
“ Fix Up Nicer Now.”
Spokane — Latest reports received
from Sprinfield, 111., by Mrs. Minnie
Beadle, o f 401 Chelan street, who re­
cently was made one o f the heirs to a
$175,000 estate left by a sister in that
I city, places her share in the estate at
more than $45,000, or double what
was at first thought to be her share.
Mr. Beadle is a flagman for the Spo­
kane & Inland Empire railroad, sta­
tioned at Trent avenue and Sherman
“ We like our place here,” said Mrs.
Beadle. “ We have made it our home
and i t Would be hard for us to give it
up. Mr. Beadle likes his work and I
thihk that we will stay here and go on
' as before. W e will fix our home up
nieer now .”
Fifty-Eight for Federal Rail Line.
Washignoton, D. C.— A roll o f the
senate completed Thursday shows that
58 senators are in favor o f the bill au­
thorizing government construction o f
the trunk line railroads in Alaska.
Whether or not, in view o f this show­
ing, the bill can be passed this session
will depend largely upon the tariff and
currency program.
I f time can be
found to consider this bill so as not to
interfere with the President’ s pro­
gram, friends o f Alaska think the bill
may be pushed through, but strong
opposition has developed.
Steamers Collide in Fog.
San Francisco — In a dense fo g ten
miles outside the Golden Gate the
steamers Missourian and Daisy Mitch­
ell collided bow-on Wednesday. As a
result the Daisy Mitchell, a small lum­
ber carrier, bound here from Grays
Harbor, made her way into the harbor
with a large hole in her bow and a
quantity o f water in her hold. The
Missourian, o f the American-Hawaiian
line, a 10,000-ton steamer, bound out
for Seattle, also returned to harbor.
It is not known what damage the Mis­
sourian suffered.
Flying Rancher Has Fall.
Denmark Plana Reforms.
New York — David Starr Jordan,
accompanied by Mrs. Jordan and their
son, Eric, left Monday afternoon on
the Atlantic transport liner Minne-
waska on his world tour in the interest
of^universal peace. Dr. Jordan, who
ia chancellor o f Leland Standford Uni-
vesrity, expects to be gone a year or
more and will lecture in Europe, Asia
and Australia.
Copenhagen— A t an extraordinary
session o f the Rigsdag the premier.
M. Zahle, said that a new cabinet had
been formed in order to secure such
amendments to the constitution as
would make effective the popular de­
mand, shown in the recent elections.
He added that elections for both
chambers would be held on an equal
i universal suffrage basis.
Without good red blood a man has a weak heart and poor nerves. Thinness of
ithe blood. or anaemia, is common in young folks as well as old. Especially is it
'the case with those who work in Illy ventilated factories- or those who are shut
up indoors in winter time with a coal stove burning up the oxygen or emitting
carbonic (oxide) gas. This blood, or blood which lacks the red blood corpuscles,
in anaemic people may have been caused by lack of good fresh air breathed into
lungs, or by poor digestion or dyspepsia. Sometimes people suffer intense
rain over the heart which is not heart disease at all, but caused by indigestion.
Whatever the cause, there’ s just one remedy that you can turn to —knowing
that it has given satisfaction for over 40 years.
Philadelphia Mayor Won By Young
Ladies From West.
Washington, D. C.— Lobbyists all
are the nine young women from Ore­
gon, Washington and Idaho who in­
vaded the East under the leadership
o f Phil S. Bates, o f Portland, to wrest
temporarily from the City o f Brother­
ly Love its most treasured relic, the
Liberty Bell.
When Mr. Bates set out for the
East with his party, mostly school
teachers, he and the others had the
idea that the Liberty Bell is a nation­
al relic, in which the people o f the
Pacific Coast have the same interest
and control as the city o f Philadelphia,
where the bell reposes. The Philadel­
phians, however, produced their proof
to show that the Liberty Bell is in
fact the property o f the city o f Phila­
delphia, having been purchased by the
city away back in
This necessitated a change in the
tactics o f the young women, and in­
stead o f making a demand that the
bell be sent West in 1915, they used
their artful wiles on the hearty mayor
and on the hundred-odd members o f
the Philadelphia city council to con­
vince them that Philadelphia, in the
interest o f patriotism, ought to allow
its treasure to be carried across the
continent. In the party headed by
Mr. Bates are Marvel Ramey, Nez
Perce, Lewis county, Idaho; Laura M.
Dawson, Voltage, Harney county, O r.;
Ethel M. Hutchcroft, Yamhill, O r.;
Nett R. Drew, Klamath Falls, Or ;
Belle Crawford Nelson, Vespers, O r.;
Mabel Morrison, Colfax, W ash.; May
Springer, Walla Walla, W ash.; Sara
A. Mosely, Bickleton,
Wash., and
Mrs. G. L. Barkey, chaperon, county
superintendent o f public instruction,
K ittitas county, Washington.
Mayor Blankenship extended a cor­
dial greeting to the young women,
who pointed out that by the taking of
the bell on a journey to the Pacific
Coast thousands o f school children
along the route would.have an oppor­
tunity to gaze on the relic.
The mayor replied that his last
doubt had been removed, and said that
in so far as it lay within his power he
would help along the project.
He ex­
plained that the city council, rather
than the mayor, had control o f the
However, as the matter must await
the election o f a new city council, no
definite answer can be had until next
winter. The members o f the Bates
party are satisfied they have paved the
way for a favorable decision.
P IE R C E ’ S
Priceless Relic Is “ Personal Prop­
erty” o f City—Question Rests
With New City Council.
is a blood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver and stomach into vigorous
action. It thus assists the body to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the
heart nerves-brain and organs of the body. The organs work smoothly like
machinery running in oil. You feel clean, strong and strenuous instead of tired,
weak and faint. Nowadays you can obtain Dr. Fierce’s Golden Medical Dis­
covery Tablets, as well as the liquid form from all medicine dealers, or tablets
by mail, prepaid in $1 or 50c size. Adress K. V. Pierce, M. L>., Buffalo, N. Y.
You save both the wholesaler’ s and re­
tailer’ s profits when ordering, fo r we
manufacture this material.
ply, weight 35 lbs. to 108 sq. ft ..................$1.25
ply, weight 45 lbs. to 108 sq. f t ................. 1.50
ply, weight 55 lbs. to 108 sq. ft.. . . 1.75
Write for samples or order direct from
this ad. Satisfaction guaranteed.
J . E. E E R K H E IM E R M F G . C O ., T a c o m a , W a s h .
Does Memory Go on Strike?.
Foolish Self Condemnation.
Can the human memory goon strike,
leaving the other tangible and intang­
ible parts o f the mental and physical
make-up to continue their ordinary
work-a-day routine?
Will this e x­
plain the strange disappearances and
wanderings about o f men and women
which occur so frequently?
No com fort for the living or the
dead can be won from vain self-con­
No consolation can be
gained while you nurse the imagining
that a certain trouble might have been
avoided. What we have to do is to
try to escape from other troubles that
are truly avoidable— troubles o f a use­
less remorse, a present neglect, a list­
less apathy that will not reach forth
for the good things still to be gatb
ered.— Exchange.
P o r t l a n d , O h boon
R e sid e n t and D ay S c h o o l fo r G irls
I n charge of
of St.John Baptist (Episcopal)
C ollegiate. A ca d em ic and Elem entary D epartm ents,
M usic, A rt, E locu tion , D om estic A r t. D om estic Science,
For catalog address—
Sudden Torridity Causes Suffering
East o f Rockies.
Chicago— The follow ing is the death
roll from the excessive heat for one
day throughout the East and Middle
W est:
Chicago, 10; Mailwaukee, 5; Phila­
delphia, 9 ; St. Paul, 10; Boston, 1;
Cleveland, 15; Minneapolis, 1.
From the Rocky Mountains to the
Atlantic seaboard the sun Saturday
beat down pitilessly, causing death
and suffering over a wide area. F if­
ty-one deaths, directly attributable to
heat, were reported from the larger
centers o f population, and 114 prostra­
tions were reported, this latter figure
evidently being far short o f the actual
number o f persons who suffered sun­
stroke, as from many places the num­
ber o f deaths only was sent over the
wires, with no mention made o f the
number o f prostrations.
Women to Oppose Ballot.
Boston— A hot weather stump-speak­
ing campaign extending “ from the tip
o f Cape Cod to the top o f the Berk-
shires” is announced by Mrs. James
M. Codman, follow ing a meeting o f
the executive committee o f the Mas­
sachusetts Society Opposed to the Fur­
ther Extension o f Suffrage to W o­
men, o f which she is president. Open­
ing on July 22, a week will be devoted
to Cape Cod, after which the “ no
more votes for women” speakers will
move westward.
The organization
has a membership o f 20,000 women.
Geneva Women Vote First.
Geneva, III.— The honor o f being the
first women in the state o f Illinois to
vote under the new woman suffrage
law will come to the women o f this
city July 16, when a proposal for free
kindergartens goes before the voters.
Promoters o f the free kindergartens
say that with the women voting suc­
cess is assured.
Sweet Crackers.
8 1 . H e l e n s 11*11
Violin Notes Attract Mosquitoes.
In some parts o f India, where mos­
quitoes abound, it is impossible to
play the violin because the music at­
tracts the insects in great numbers.
When the first notes are heard the
mosquitoes swarm in clouds around
the player and make the movements o f
the hand impossible.
Dissolve five cents’ worth o f bakers’
ammonia in two cups o f sweet milk
over night. In the morning cream 2}
cups o f sugar and one cup o f butter.
Beat two eggs and add to butter and
sugar. Then add the milk and three
tablespoons o f any flavor. Then flour
to make a stiff batter, roll very thin,
cut with cookie cutter, bake in quick
Gymnastic Stunt.
| I M
“ A Big N it”
There is nothing makes a bigger hit
Barbour— “ You seem warm; have
you been exercisin g?”
“ Yes, indeed; I went to the mutes’
dance and swung dumb belles around
all evening.” — Michigan Gargoyle.
Senatorial Saying.
“ Let me go on the junkets o f a
country,” says Senator Wombat, “ and
I care not who makes the law s.”
with a hungry person than to know
the digestion is working properly
and that your meals are going to
benefit you.
class take
I f you are not in this
It is an excellent medicine for all
Stomach, Liver and Bowel Ills; also
Try it Now
A ies. N eat,clean.or­
namental, convenient,
cheap. L a a t a a l l
r e a s o n . Made o !
metal, can’ tspillortlp
ovc r ; will n t s ¡1 or
InJ lir e a n y th i n g.
C, :.irinfre<l effective.
Bold b y dealers, or
6 sent I y express pew
paid for Jl.
H A R OLD tíOMKRá, 150 DeKAlh A v e ., B rooklyn . V . T»
Visible Evidence.
One day a teacher was having a
first-grade class in physiology.
asked them if they knew that there
was a burning fire in the body all the
time. One little girl spoke up and
said: “ Y es’ m ; when it is a cold day
I can see the sm oke.” — National
Successful Jelly Making.
Use good fruit which is a little un­
der ripe.
Use the best granulated sugar.
Do not make large quantities o f je l­
ly at one cooking.
Heat the sugar in the oven before
adding it to the fruit juice.
The jelly will be clearer and finer if ]
the fruit is simmered gently and not
stirred during cooking.
* Golden Straps Restored.
Set the jelly in a sunny window for
Washington, D. C.— Naval officers twenty-four hours, then cover with
want their golden shoulder marks melted paraffine and set in a dry, cool
back, and Secretary Daniels decided place.— Woman’s World.
Saturday that they should have them.
Rear Admiral Badger, commander-in­
Beside the Mark.
chief o f the Atlantic fleet, and a ma­
Excited remarks o f opera managers
jority o f his officers recommended the
reversal o f several o f ex-Secretary to the contrary notwithstanding, the
Meyer’s orders for changes in the un­ proof o f an opera singer is in his or
iform. The order provides for a re­ her voice.
turn to the type o f shoes formerly
worn and makes it optional with bu­
reau chiefs whether they shall wear
the rear admiral's uniform on special
Water in bluing is adulteration. Glass and wa­
ter make liquid blue c<. t ly. ituy R« h 1 Cross Bai)
Blue, make« clothes whiter than snow.
T ill; S IS T E R S U P E R IO R , O ffic e 30
Rickreall, Or.— While flying at the
rate o f 20 miles an hour, John A. Rid­
dell, aviator and rancher, steered his
big 50-horse power biplane toward an
open stretch o f land to avoid sailing
over the timber, and in rounding the
curve the machine dropped suddenly to
the giound.
Riddell escaped any in­
Girl o f It Is Heroine.
The machine struck a barbed wire
San D iego, Cal.— James C. Brock
fence and both planes, the propeller
way, a former street superintendent
and the skidder were broken.
o f this city, was killed near Imperial
Saturday, when he fell under a heavy
Mrs. Rockefeller Feeble.
Cleveland — John D. R ockefeller is wagon. Hazel Stephenson, aged 14,
in Cleveland once more to pass the made a heroic attempt to save Broek-
summer at hia Forest Hill home. He way's life. She took the injured man
is accompanied by Mrs. Rockefeller, in her automobile, and, holding him
her sister, Miss Lucy Spellman, and a up with one arm, drove the machine
squad o f servants.
Mrs. Rockefeller into Imperial, a distance o f eight
appeared feeble as her husband sup­ miles, at utmost speed, using only
ported her from their private car to one hand for steering the car. But
Brockway was dead when Imperial
an automobile.
was reached.
Jordan Begins Peace Tour.
is what they all say
" f our
Methods o f
For a Red
Blotchy Skin
The Remarkable Action of
a Fam ous Remedy and
Som e Facts About It .
T h e sk in Is b u t a net w o rk o f fine b lo o d
A n d It is a p e r fe c t ly n a tu ra l
c o n s e q u e n c e th a t a n y in flu e n c e In th e
b lo o d th a t Is a c o n d it io n o f ill h ea lth
m a k e s Its first a p p e a r a n c e in th e sk in .
T h e r e are c e r ta in m e d icin a l p r o p e r t ie s
t h a t fo llo w th e c o u r s e o f th e b lo o d s tr e a m
an d the In flu e n ce o f th e s e p r o p e r tie s is
t h a t o f a n a n tid o te . T h is is w h y S. S. 8 .,
th e b e s t k n o w n b lo o d p u rifie r, h a s s u ch
a p o s itiv e a c t io n in th e sk in .
T h e re Is
o n e In g red ien t In S. S. S. w h ic h p e c u lia rly
s t im u la te s c e llu ia r o r g la n d u la r a c t iv it y
t o s e le c t fr o m th e b lo o d o r fr o m th is
fin e n et w o rk o f b lo o d v e s s e ls In th e sk in ,
t h o s e e le m e n ts w h ic h it re q u ir e s f o r r e ­
g e n e r a tio n .
T h u s p im p les , a c n e , e c z e m a , lu p u s , o r
a n y o t h e r b lo o d c o n d it io n th a t a t t a c k s th e
s k in o r se e k s a n o u tle t th r o u g h th e s k in
is m et w ith th e a n tid o ta l e f fe c t o f S. S. S.
T h e a c t io n o f S. 8 . 8. In th e e e llu la c
tis s u e s o f th e b o d y s e r v e s th e a c t iv e p u r ­
p o s e o f s t im u la t in g ea ch c e llu la r p a rt t o
th e h e a lth y a n d J u d ic io u s s e le c tio n o f Its
o w n es s e n tia l n u tr im e n t.
N o t o n ly th is,
b u t If fro m th e p r e s e n c e o f s o m e d is t u r b ­
i n g p oison a c o n d it io n o f d is e a s e a ris e s,
8 . 8. S. s o d ir e c t s th e lo ca l c e lls th a t th is
p o is o n Is r e je c t e d a n d e lim in a te d fro m
t h e ir p resen ce.
T h is Is w h y s k in tr o u b le s v a n is h so
r e a d ily an d w h y t h e y d o n o t retu rn .
U n d e r th e In flu e n ce o f S. S. S. th is flno
n e t w o r k o f b lo o d v e s s e ls in th e sk in is
c o n s t a n t ly t a k in g fr o m th e b lo o d th e n u ­
tr it io n requ ire«! f o r h e a lth y tis s u e a n d th e
c a u s e o f d is e a s e is ju s t a s c o n s t a n t ly b e ­
in g re m o v e d ,
m a ttered
ren d ered
h a r m le s s.
T h e s e f a c t s a r e m o r e fu lly
e x p la in e d In a b o o k on sk in tr o u b le s sen t
b y T h e S w ift S p e c ific C o., 160 8 w if t
B ld g ., A tla n ta , fTa. Y ou w ill find 8 . 8. 8 .
o n s a le a t all d r u g s to r e s.
G et a h ottlo
, t o d o y a n d b a n is h a il sk in a fflictio n * .
DR. W A. WISt. PiuioiHT ino Miiasi«
Out-of-town peo­
ple can have their
plate and bridge-
work flnished in one
day if necessary.
A n abiiol u te gu ar-
nntee, backed by 24
vears in Portland
Wise Dental Co.
8 A. M. lo 8 P. M.
Sundavs 9 to 1
Phones: A 2029: Mein 2029.
railing B ide., third end W ashington. Portland
can receive prompt treat-
men'* of Ifon-Foleonons,
HealUl-baildlQg remnllN
the Chinese doctor.
Try once more if yon have I-eon doctoring with
this one and that one and have not . ........<1 per-
mam-ni relief. Let this great nature healer ding-
nose yon r case and preaorihe (tome rim.-dv whose
action la quick, anre and safe. Hia |<r* -*<-riptions
are compounded from Root*«. Herb*. Hnda and
Parks that have been ant.'.«rod fsom orery qnar-
terof the globe. The secret* of the-«* medicines
are not known to the outside world, but have been
handed down from father to son in the physicians’
families in China.
If yon live out of town and cannot . all. write for
symptom blank and circular, enclosing 4 cents in
stam ps.
1 6 1 ) first St., Cor. Morrison
Portland. O regon.
P. N
N o . 27. ’ 13
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