Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 26, 1913, Image 3

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Can get you fancy price* for Wild Ducks
and other game in waaon. Write ua for
rash offer on all kinds of poultry, pork, etc.
Pearson-I’ajje Co., Portland
Nature's Oxygen Will M.'ke You Well, perfectly
No or drug«. Our
natural law. Send $1 NOW to
The Lahr Co.. 2101 “rSL .I«* 8. Satromento., < al.
GENTS —Our Household Specialty sells on Hight.
s t r u n g a n d huppy.
tre a tm e n t based on
Ì asy t o handle.
HI* proiits.
Write today, H um L-
(ntfs Specialty Co.. 61i9 E. Ankeny. Portland. Ore.
Second-Hand Machín,
cry bought, - gold and
— exchanged; engines,
bollera, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st
fit.. Portland. Send for Stock List and prices.
information and booklets of value to you.
1M2 Madison St., Portland, Or.
633'535 Chamber of Commerce Building
A school for the teaching of Telegraphy under
the personal supervision of the proprietor. A.
E. Myers, expert telegrapher. Day am! night
sessions. TERMS Courses In eusy monthly
Installments, enabling you to take up u well-
paid profession at little cost. Write for full
sad kills all
Ulus. Neat, dran, or­
namental, convenient,
cheap. Lasts all
Made of
metal, can’tspill or tip
over ; will not b >il or
I n I u r e a n y t h i n * .
Guaranteed effective.
Bold b y dealers, or
6 sent I y expressprs*
p.u 1 lor Jl.
HAROLD BOMEitd, 100 D«JUlb A t #.. Brooklyn. H. T .
W is e Old G entlem an.
An old gentleman, whose character
was unimpeached and unimpeachable,
for some slight cause was challenged
by a dissolute young Hotspur, who
was determined that the old gentle­
man should give him honorable satis­
faction. The old gentleman very good-
naturedly refused to fight, and the
fellow threatened to “ gazette” him as
a coward. "W ell, go ahead—I would
rather fill 20 newspapers than one
coffin,” rejoined the old gentleman.
H ap pin ess in W o rk .
S t. H e le n a H a ll
Tree Absorbed
Lamp Post.
When an old elm tree in the ave­
nue at Bushey Park, near London, was
cut down, tho iron framework of an
old street lamp was found embedded in
the trunk to a depth of several inches
about 25 feet from the ground. It is
believed that the lamp must have been
nailed to the tree many years ago and
gradually became surrounded by th e
Sen ate C om m ittee W ou ld G ive P res­
iden t D iscretion a ry P ow ers.
Suffragists Closely Watched By Op­
posing National Organization.
Hel e ns Hall
Z olU glatc, A ca d em ic and E lem entary D epartm ent«,
If sale. A r t, E locu tion , D om aatic A rt, Doraaatlc Sclenoe,
B jm naslum .
F o r c a t a lo g addrow i—
Washington, D. C.—An amendment
to the Underwood tariff bill adopted
by the majority members of the senate
finance committee would give the
President of the United States author­
ity to suapend certain rates in the
proposed law and to proclaim special
rates against nations which discrim­
inate against products of the United
D irect C h arge T h a t L iq u or In tersU States.
H elp A n tis Is In vited -N a tio n ­ , The amendment is appended to the
clause giving the President authority
al Atm ociation la R iled.
to negotiate reciprocity agreements
with other nations and in some re­
spects resembles the maximum and
Washington, D. C. — A statement minimum clnuse of the Payne-Aldrich
from the headquarters of ,the National tariff law eliminated in the house bill.
association opposed to woman suffrage
In substance the amendment would
announces that the officers o f the as­ provide that when any nation discrim­
sociation have employed attorneys to inates against the products o f the
examine all the speeches and litera­ United States or imposes restrictions
ture of the suffragists “ with a view on United State's exports or, in the
, to protecting themselves from abusive opinion of the President, does not re­
language which at times is practically ciprocate in trade relations, the Pres­
libelous,” and “ for the purpose o f in­ ident by proclamation may suspend
stituting suits for libel against objec­ certain rates and put in effect other
tionable parties.”
The statement rates.
Only specified articles, it is under­
“ The scrutiny o f the material put stood, are to be included under the
out by the suffragists has become terms of this amendment, and the
more thorough since Miss Inez Milhol- rates are specified also. Among the
land, in a public meeting, stated that articles included in the list on which
charges of an alliance between the the President might suspend rates are
anti-suffrage and the liquor interests fish, wheat, wheat-flour, coffee, tea,
had been made, ¡and the fact that no earthenware, wines and malt liquors,
suits for libel had been instituted was silk dress goods, gloves,
good proof that they were true.
sugars and molasses. The duties pre­
"M iss Milholland ought to know, scribed vary as to different articles.
and probably does know, that no state­
ment has been made either on the pub­
lic platform or in the press, which is C O A S T W H E A T E X P O R T S G A IN
in any way libelous. The suffragists
have skilfully avoided giving expres­ In crea se O ver C orresp on d in g P er­
sion in public to a libelous statement,
iod L a st Y e a r A b o u t M illion .
though they have approached danger­
Washington, D. C.—During eleven
ously near to it.
months ended with May, Portland ex­
“ To say that any interests, liquor or
other interests, are supporting a cause ported 7,705,119 bushels of wheat,
valued at $6,545,833, as against 6,-
is not in itself libelous, but if the suf­
829,943 bushels, valued at $5,895,993
fragists in public or in the press ever
during the corresponding months of
make a statement that the liquor in­
last year, as shown by the monthly
terests are giving help to the National
statistics of the department of com­
association opposed to woman suffrage
merce. During May, Portland ship­
or to any representative thereof, a
ped 277,831 bushels of wheat.
suit for libel will be instituted within
Puget Sound during the last eleven
24 hours.
months exported 5,387,735 bushels of
“ We are looking for this opportun­
wheat valued at $5,534,581, an in­
ity. and when it comes we will take
crease from 3,380,157 bushels valued
advantage o f it to the uttermost.
at $2,730,143 for the same months last
"One conviction for criminal libel
will do a great deal to check the flood
Flour exports from Portland for the
of malicious untruths about the wo­
past eleven months amounted to 630,-
men who are opposed to votes for wo­
704 barrels, valued at $2,749,004, for
men which have been circulated by
the same months last year.
Puget Sound flour exports for eleven
months were 2,198,944 barrels, valued
P O IN C A R E T O V IS IT B R IT A IN at $8,597,697, as against 2,549,487
barrels, valued at $9,905,554, last
R u ler o f F ran ce to F ollow E xa m p le year.
To augment human happiness, a
writer in the Edinburge Review re­
marks, must be the purpose, main or
incidental, o f every person.
lutely incidental with most, it must be
The activities connected
o f H is P red ecessors.
with the business of living in a world
London — President Poincare, of
with other men and women absorb us.
Happiness is a by-product of these France, folftfwing the example of his
predecessors since the conclusion of
activities of the common life.
the friendly agreement between his
and Great Britain, has chosen
No thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It’s «
pinch of blue in a large bottle of water. Ask for England for his official visit after his
tied Cross Bull Blue, the blue that’s all blue.
election, and will arrive at Spithead
on the Dreadnought Jean Bart to be
Called f o r B lood .
the guest o f King George and the Brit­
“ Sandy looks as if he had been
He will be
fighting.” “ He has been fighting; a ish nation until June 27.
accompanied by Stephen Pinchon,
fellow said something in his presence
French minister for foreign affairs,
about ‘ musicians and bagpipers,’ and
and other high officials.
Sandy sailed into him.”
Upon the president’s arrival at Spit-
head he will be received by an im­
R esu lt, H ow ever, Is th e Sam e.
mense fleet composed o f England’s
Occasionally a man finds himself in latest warships, which will fire a royal
debt not because he is dishonest, but salute. He will proceed to Portsmouth
because he is a bad hand at mental dockyard, where the Prince of Wales
and the Duke of Connaught, repre­
senting the king, will offer him a for­
mal welcome. King George will be at
Victoria station, Ixindon, to receive
his guest and escort him to York
P ortlan d , O regon
Resident and Day S ch o o l for Girls House, which has been placed at his
In c h a r g e o f S la ter* o f 8 t .J o h n B a p tist (E p is c o p a l)
M any V io la to rs A rrested .
Tacoma, Wash.— Fifteen violations
of the government’s regulations were
found here Sunday on the steamers
and launches that ply out of Tacoma
harbor by the government cutter Cor-
inne, with Captain Mart Giamervig
and Customs Officer Ned C. Adams on
One captain of an excursion launch
with a large party on board, was
found drunk at the wheel. He was
ordered below and the vessel turned
over to the mate. A large fine awaits
this master when the case is put up to
Collector o f Customs Harper.
C rack In P a n a m a C an al A la rm s.
M ake H ea v y T im b er Sales.
Tacoma, Wash.—The annual meet­
ing of officers and stockholders of the
Weyerhaeuser Timber company was
held in this city Friday.
The feature
of the session was the general man­
agers’s report of operations for the
last year. The transactions in timber
lands have been unusually heavy, said
Manager Long, exceeding the sales of
any year in the history o f the com­
pany. The timber sold amounted to
close to 750,000,000 feet, distributed
between 40 and 50 mills. This, he
said, is more timber than the govern­
ment records show was sold from the
United States forest reserves in Wash­
ington, Oregon and California in the
corresponding time. These sales, he
said, refute the imputation that the
Weyerhaeuser Timber company is busy
tying up all the standing timber in
the country.
S ocia lists F in ed $500.
Kansas City — Rev. Thomas E.
Green, pastor of the Bethany Congre­
gational church, St. Louis, and S. B.
Davidson and Thomas R. Sullivan, of
Kansas City, members o f the Social­
ist party, were fined $500 each in Mu­
nicipal court here on charges of block­
ading the street while speaking at a
curb Socialist meeting.
The police
had ordered that no street meetings
which might incite the labor element
to violence he held during the progress
of labor troubles between contractors
and building laborers
N om e Sen ds O ut M illion .
Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Com­
Seattle, Wash.—A million dollars
pound invigorates and strengthens the in gold, the first shipment from Nome,
female organism and builds up the weak­ Alaska, this year, was received by the
ened nervous system. It has carried steamships Senator
and Victoria,
many women safely through this crisis
which completed their first round trip
I o f the season to Bering sea Sunday.
Episcopal Missionary and Party As­
cend Mount McKinley.
B arom eter R ea d s 20,500 Feet— U.
S. F la g H o iste d — “ Te D eum ”
S u n g by M inister.
Fairbanks, ¡Alaska—The ascent of
the highest peak of Mount McKinley
was accomplished successfully for the
first time June 7, when the party led
by Archdeacon Hudson Stuck, Episco­
pal missionary for Alaska, accompan­
ied by Robert G. Tatum, Harry P.
Karstens and Walter Harper, reached
the top of the south peak of the moun­
tain, the highest on the continent.
News of the success of the expedi­
tion was brought here by a messenger
sent by Dr. Stuck, who is resting at
the Base camp. Archdeacon Stuck ex­
pects to return to Fairbanks in Au­
gust and will go to New York in Oc­
Dr. Stuck and his assistants erected
a six-foot cross on the summit of the
great mountain and said “ Te Deum”
on the highest point.
made with the mercurial barometer
indicate the height of the mountain is
20,500 feet.
Dr. Stuck said this can
be checked by comparing the reading
of his barometer with the records
taken at Fort Gibbon on the same
The expedition, which left Fair­
banks March 13, expected to reach the
summit of Mount McKinley early in
May, but was delayed three weeks
cutting a passage three miles long
through ice thrown across the ridge by
an earthquake last summer.
The party found much evidence of
seismic disturbance on the upper
ridges. The upper basin shows evi­
dence of a violent upheaval and the
ridges are badly shattered, but the
summits are not marred.
Archdeacon Stuck confirmed the as­
cent o f the north peak by Thomas
Lloyd and three companions in 1910,
being able with field glasses to see the
flagstaff erected by the Lloyd party
when they accomplished their feat.
L ocu st S ca re Is F a st.
Kansas City— The threatened plague
o f "1 7 -yea r locusts” in this vicinity,
at least, has ended.
Three weeks ago
the woods about Kansas City fairly
swarmed with locusts.
Now they
have disappeared almoat entirely, hav-
i ing caused little if any damage.
I n G irlhood
P u dd in g, T a p io ca o r Shortcake«
M ake D elicious C on fe ctio n .
W omanhood
Rhubarb Pudding— Mash half h
pound of bag or pulled tigs, or use
dates or raisins, or a mixture of all or
of any two o f these fruits. Cover
with boiling water and cook until
water is nearly absorbed.
Cut a
pound of rhubarb in inch pieces, put a
layer of the cooked dried fruit, and
repeat until all is used. Add a quar­
ter of a cup of hot water and bake in
a slow oven until the rhubarb is soft. |
Serve cold alone or with cream.
Rhubarb Tapioca - Soak half a cup
o f tapioca over night and cook until
clear in a double boiler. Place in a
buttered pudding dish two cups of rhu­
barb, cut in small pieces; one cup of
sugar and a pinch of ginger. Pour
the hot tapioca over this, stir in one
teaspoonful of butter, cover and bake
one hour. Put a meringue on it be­
fore serving, if you like, or serve it
cold, with plain or whipped cream.
Rhubarb Shortcake — Put two cups
of rhubarb, cut small, with a scant cup
of sugar in a double boiler and cook
until rhubarb is tender and sugar dis­
Add the juice and chopped
rind of one lemon. Make a shortcake
by your favorite receipt, but cut and
bake it like biscuit. When done, break
open, butter them and arrange on a
hot dish.
Put the rhubarb in be­
tween, and when serving pour the
juce over them.
Mothers will find Mrs. W inslow« Soothing
jjyrup th<* beat remedy to use for their ciilidroo
lu rin g the tee thing period.
N ot In fa n tile N ecessities.
To be an “ infant” in a legal sense
is not the same as being an infant.
A recent case in London was concern­
ed with the question of what consti­
tutes an "infant’s” necessities. The
young man, who was sued by a furni­
ture dealer, had bought, among other
things, 24 candlesticks, 38 weapons, 61
pictures, an Indian spittoon, Burmese
and Chinese gongs, 23 snuff boxes and
two stuffed iguanas. Refusing to pay
the bill, the young man pleaded “ in­
fancy. ” The judge gave judgment for
the plaintiff.
A t Least S om eth in g N ew .
First Mother—“ How was the baby
show?” Second Mother—“ Fair. Of
course, there’s not much change in the
styles, but the display of accessories,
such as five-minute detachable nigh­
ties, cry mufflers and self-starting
cradles was particularly good.”
March of Progress.
The women who have used
M otherhood
Dr. P ierce'» F a v o r ite
Prescription will te ll you
that it freed them from pain—
helped them over painful periods in
their life— and saved them many a day
of anguish and misery. This tonic, in
liquid form, was devised over 40 yeara
ago for the womanly system, by R .V .
Pierce, M. D ., and has been sold ever
since by dealers in medicine to the
benefit of many thousand women.
Now—if gon prefer—gou can obtain Dr.
Pierce'e Favorite Prescription tablets at
your druggist at $1 per box, also in 50c
size or send 50 one cent stamps to Or.
It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. for trial box.
Assist Nature
now and then,
with a g en tle
ca th a rtic Or.
Pierce’s Pleas-
and Pellets tone
up and invigor­
ate liv e r and
•bowels. Be sure
y o u g et what
y ou a ek f o r .
You save both the wholesaler’s and re­
tailer’s profits when ordering, for we
manufacture this material.
ply, weight 35 lbs. to 108 sq.
ply, weight 45 lbs. to 1<»S sq.
ft. 1.50
ply, weight 55 lbs. to 108 sq. ft. 1.75
Write for samples or order direct from
this ad. Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. E. B E RK H EIM ER M F C . CO., Tacoma, W a s h .
Great Virtue.
There is no greater everyday virtue
than cheerfulness. This quality in
woman is like sunshine to the day, or
gentle renewing moisture to parched
herbs. The light of a cheerful face
diffuses itself and communicates the
happy spirit that inspires it.
The sourest temper must sweeten
in the atmosphere of continuous good
humor. As well might fog and cloud
and vapor hope to cling to sun-illum­
ined landscape as “ the blues” and
moroseness to combat jov*il speech
and exhilarating laughter.
There is no path but will be easier
traveled, no load but will be lighter
no shadow on heart or brain but will
lift sooner in the presence of a de­
termined cheerfulness. It may at times
seem difficult for the happiest temper­
ed to keep the countenance of peace
and content, but difficulty will vanish
when we truly consider that sullen
gloom and passionate despair do noth­
ing but multiply thorns and thicken
When Your Eyes Need Care
Who Put “U”
in Blues?
E g g B re a k a g e Causes B ig L oss.
Stomach Bitters
Impure Blood
Gets Good Bath
pimpled and irritated with rash, eczem a,
i or any other blood disorder, ju st rem em ­
ber that almost all the Ills o f life com e
Grand Forks, N. D.— Between the from im pure blood. A nd yo u can easily
you r blood a good, thorough cleans­
bodies of her two children, aged 5 and give
ing, a bath, by using 8. S. 8. There Is
7 years, whom she found dead when no need for anyone to be despondent over
she attempted to awaken them Sunday the Illness o f blood im purities. N o m at­
morning, Mrs. David Grant, o f Beach, ter how badly they a tta ck the system , or
how unsightly becom es tho skin. Just re­
N. D. found a huge rattlesnake sleep­ m em ber there is one ingredient In S. S. 8.
ing soundly.
The bed clothes had that so stim ulates the cellular tissues
been out for an airing Saturday, the throughout the body that each part se­
snake evidently being brought in with lects Its ow n essential nutrim ent from
the blood.
the quilts. When the children retired,
T his m eans that all decay, all breaking
both complained of being “ pinched,” down o f the tissues, Is ch ecked and re­
w ork begins. 8. S. 8. has such a
but soon went ¡to sleep.
It was the
influence on all local cells as to
rattler that had .dealt them a death specific
preserve their m utual w elfare and alTord
a . proper relative assistance to each other.
M ore attention is being given to con-
! stru ctive m edicine than ever before and
M eteor Is o f P u re G old.
8. S. 8. is tho highest achievem ent In this
Fresno, Cal.— Fred Williams, a far­ line. F o r m any years people relied upon
mer of McFarland, near Bakersfield, m ercury, Iodide o f potash, arsenic, phys­
brought to Fresno for the purpose of ics, cathartics and “ dope” as rem edies
r blood sickness, but now the pure
having it assayed a chunk from a me­ fo
botanical 8. S. 8. Is their safeguard.
teor which he says he discovered on
Y ou can get 8. S. 8. in any drug store,
his ranch at a depth of 16 feet when but insist upon having It. T h e great
ift la b o r a t o r y in Atlanta, Ga., pre­
digging a well.
The chunk has the pares
this fam ous blood purifier, and you
appearance of solid gold.
Williams should take no chan ce b y perm itting any
was unable to find an assayer, but took one to recom m end a substitute.
And If your blood condition Is such that
the chunk to several jewelers, who
pronounced it crystallized gold. Wil­ you would like to consult a specialist
freely and confidentially, address the
liams says the mass weighes 20 tons.
M edical Departm ent, T he S w ift Speolflo
Company, 100 S w ift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
Sn ake K ills T w o C hildren.
Pessimism of Mr. Mutshaw.
“It is a great pity,” a trifle grimly
remarked Stanley Livingston Mut-
shaw, who had several unappreciated
Frankensteins on his hands, a boil on
his neck and a grand grouch on his
soul, ‘‘that some children are so sadly
afflicted with bashfulness; and it is a
still greater pity that others ain’t. Al­
so, I have observed that a brother-in-
law never dies and seldom resigns.
And I believe we are going to get this
season a darn sight more rain than
we need!”
Try Mnrlne Eye Remedy. No Smarting— Feels
Fine— Acts Quickly. Try it fo r Red^AVeak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus­
trated Book in each Package.
Murine is
compounded by our Oculists—not a “ Patent Med­
icine” — but used in successful Physicians’ Prac­
tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub­
lic and sold by Druggists at 26c and fiOc per Bottle. Red Cross Ball Blue, the blue that’s all blue. 2 2
Murine Mye Salve In Aseptic Tubes, 2 dc and 60c. your grocer.
Abner Wombat was born in a log
cabin, but every one of his grandsons
Secret M ission B elieved to B e to has a dress suit. Such is life in M u rin e Eye R e m e dy C o .v C h ic a g o
G et P h ilip p in e Indepen den ce.
Raw Meat Popular in Italy.
Tokio—The newspapers here report
Travelers report that in Italy the
the arrival in Tokio of John Aguinal­
devouring of raw meat in restaurants
do, son of Emilio Aguinaldo, the for­
is now so common as to be—to wo­
mer Filipino revolutionary leader.
men, at any rate—a public annoyance.
They say he wore Japanese dress and
The waiter brings the slab of beef­
steak and exhibits it to the eyes of
came to Tokio secretly, being followed
the man about to lunch, who watches
later by a suite o f three Filipinos.
process of cutting and of sprin­
The newspapers reflect the impression
kling with a little oil and vinegar.
which obtains in some quarters that
Over the dish is then poured a raw
Agiunaldo has come to Japan to take
advantage of the negotiations between
Japan and the United States to secure
Y O U R S E L F ; in other
the liberation of the Philippines from
Wife—‘‘In a battle of tongues a
American rule.
woman can hold her own.” Husband
words, your lazy liver. You
—“ M—yes, p’r’aps she can; but she
A dispatch from Tokio June 17 said
have been overloading the
never does.”
reports from Kobe announced the ar­
stomach and thus clogging
rival of Aguinaldo there on his way to
No Time.
the capital. It developed that Aguin­
the bowels. You can easily
“ Have you ever had nervous pros­
aldo conferred in Kobe with several
I work for a salary
stir these organs into
Japanese, and in some quarters it was
which stops when I’m not on my job.”
believed that his visit had to do with a
—Chicago Record-Herald.
movement for the independence of the
daily use of
Simple Lines.
Philippines. The foreign office at To­
What we all need Is grand simple
kio said it had no knowledge whatever
lines in our characters and our work
of Aguinaldo.
as well as in our toilettes.
Washington, D. C.—Nine percent
of all the eggs shipped to market in
the United States are broken in tran­
sit, according to statistics gathered by
the department of agriculture. To re­
duce this enormous breakage, which
yearly causes a loss of millions of dol­
Gave Her All Her Rights.
lars to producers, and raises the price
A woman was charged at Greenwich
of eggs for consumers, the department
is conducting extensive experiments to j (England) police court with allowing
determine the safest manner of pack­ a donkey to stray, immediately after
| a young man had been fined for a
ing eggs for shipment.
similar offense. Mr. Symmons—‘‘You
The waste from the breakage of won’t have a feminine grievance If I
eggs in New York City alone last year fine you the same as the man. If I
was more than 11J million dozen, out charged you leas yon would say you
D enies F lies C arry G erm s.
of a total consumption in New York were not having your rights. No, the
same as the man.”
San Francisco — That flies do not that year of 127,689,600 dozen.
transmit the germs of infantile paral­
ysis is the assertion o f Profesor Wil­
Japan A g a in A p o lo g ize s .
liam B. Herms, the noted parasitol­
Tokio—A further apology was offer­
ogist o f the University o f California.
This is a direct refutation o f the ed to Arthur Bailiey-Blanchard, United
theory recently advanced by Dr. Rose- States charge d’ Affaires, by Keishiro
nau, of Harvard University, and was Mutusi, under secretary of state for
only arrived at after months of experi­ foreign affairs, for the action of the Wonderful
How Quickly
ment in the Berkeley laborator­ persons who wrote on the walls of the
Fifteen thousand flies and 13
monkeys were used during the experi­ rected against the United States and
Awakens W hen tho
ments conducted by Professor Herms calling Americans the enemies of lib­
Blood is Cleansed.
erty and justice The under secretary
on the above lines.
called and voiced his government’s re­
gret. The foreign office had sent a | I f you are dow n with rh eum atism ; If
L o n g R ep rieves G ra n ted.
Phoenix, Ariz. — Five murderers, formal apologetic message immediate­ i you sneeze, feel chilled, are choked with
I catarrh, have a cou gh, or you r skin Is
all of whom were to have been hanged ly after the occurrence.
Panama— Numerous alarming ru­
mors of damage have gained currency
as a result of the crack that recently
developed in the cut-off wall o f the
Mr«. Hilbert Tell* of Her Dis- northwest wing of the Miraflores locks
tressing Symptoms During of the Panama canal. One report had
it that the gates had pulled away some
Change of Life and How
portions of their supporting masonry
and that the cost to demolish and re­
She Found Relief.
build the damaged structure would be
$1,500,000. The canal engineers say
Fleetwood. Pa.—“ Duringthe Change the crack is only a minor one and that
of Life X was hardly able to be around it probably was due to a slight settle­
at all. I always had ment of the masonry.
Friday, were reprieved by Governor
a headache and I
Hunt until December 19, 1914. The
was so dizzy and ner­
W a r on C ancer O u tlin ed.
governor’s action was the result of his
vous that I had no
Minneapolis —- The last day o f the determination to leave it to the people
rest at night. The
American Medical association’s con­ of the state to say whether the men
Hashes of heat were
so bad sometimes vention, was marked by a discussion shall die or live, as the result of a
o f plans for a nation-wide organiza­ vote on the recently initiated bill to
that I did not know
tion and movement to combat cancer. abolish capital punishment.
what to do.
Dr. J. Blood good, of Johns Hopkins initiative measure cannt be voted upon
" One day a friend
university, outlined the movement, until November, 1914.
advised me to take
which has been started in New York.
Lydia E. Pinkham’a
Dr. Bloodgood explained the nature of
F riedm a n n S a ils f o r H om e.
V e g e t a b l e Com­
the American Society for the Preven­
New York— Dr. Friederich Fried­
pound and it made me a strong well wo­
man. I am very thankful that I fol­ tion of Cancer, which will be launched mann, the Berlin physician who an­
The nounced several months ago that he
lowed my friend’ s advice and I shall formally in New York in soon.
recommend it as long as I live. Before * organization was indorsed in addresses had a cure for tuberculosis, has sailed
for home.
His institute here was
1 took the Compound I was always by several surgeons.
closed recently after the board of
sickly and now I have not had medicine
'R a in F ollow s P ra y ers.
health had forbidden the U9e of his
from a doctor for years. You may pub­
The doctor did not say
St. Louis— An hour after prayers vaccine.
lish my letter.” —Mrs. E dward B. H il ­
for rain had been ordered in the whether he would return.
bert , Fleetwood, Pa.
churches o f Belleville, 111., a suburb
Such warning symptoms as sense o f
near here, a heavy rain storm broke J a pa n G u ard s A m erica n E m bassy.
suffocation,hot flashes, headaches,back­
the two months’ drougth throughout
Tokio— The government has arrang
aches, dread o f impending evil,timidity,
Missouri and Southern Illinois Sunday. ed for a stricter police surveillance of
sounds in the esrs, palpitation o f the
heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu­ A hail storm completely blanketed the the American embassy in consequence
larities, constipation, variable appetite, lawns of Forest Park with ice, while o f the action o f unidentified persons
Weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, streets here were flooded for several who wrote on its walls recently a vio­
lently worded inscription in English
are promptly heeded by intelligent wo­ hours.
Lightning did considerable damage directed against the United States.
men who are approaching the period in
life when woman's great change may to the property.
be expected.
One Thing Th at Holds Us.
Most of us would be financially well-
to-do if we didn’t have to pay our
debts.—St. Joseph News Press.
Moral Lesson Wasted.
‘‘Say, mother,” asked a dreamy Ed­
gar, “ when I grow up I’ll be a man,
won’t I?” ‘‘ Yes, my son,” seizing the
opportunity to press home a needed
moral, ‘‘but if you want to be a real
man you must be very industrious
at school and learn how to behave
yourself. You must not be dull or
lazy, if you want to be a man.” “ Why,
mother,” came the wondering query.
“ Do the lazy women turn out to be
women when they grow up?”
Remember Him?
What has become of the old fash­
ioned dentist who used to give you
the tooth to take home with you?
They Know All About Us.
A French writer says that Ameri­
cans use a coal-black china dinner
service when in mouring.
The Tortures of Prickly Heat
and all skin affections are quickly al­
leviated and in a short time complete­ G R A N U L A T E D E Y E L I D S
inflam ed o r Sore» E ye« and Sties
ly cured by using Tyree’s Antiseptic
prom ptly healed with
Powder. 25c. at druggists. For free
sample write J. S. Tyree, Chemist,
Washington, D. C.—Adv.
Roman L y e Balsam
Record for Laziness.
The laziest man is reported in Ar­
kansas, where he conducts a shoe
store in a little town. A woman en­
tered his shop one day and said she
wanted to buy a pair of shoes. The
lazy man, who was sitting on a box I ^ .....
at one end of his establishment, look­
ed at her, yawned wearily, and then
said: “ I can’t wait on you today.
Come In some time when I’m standin’
up.”—San Francisco Argonaut.
is what they all say
Methods of
In the Car.
“ My dear sir, I don’t mind your
walking briskly all over my feet, but
I wish you wouldn’t loiter on them.”
He—“ I wish I had money. I’d trav­
el.” She—“ How much do you need?”
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets repu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
easy to take. Do not gripe.
6R. W. A. WISE, PinistST tat Miaut a
W i s e D e n ta l C o .
om cc HOURS:
S A . M. »O 8 P. M.
Sunday» 9 to I
Phones: A 2029; Mitin 2029.
falline Bldg.. Ih ird and Washington. Portland
Ethel—“ Jack snatched a kiss from
Alice last night and she cried.“ Maud
—“ What for—more?”
Daily Thought.
Silence Is a great, peacemaker.—
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Legal Axiom.
Keep your own counsel and you’ll
never need a lawyer.
Guileless Paragon.
i Oh! for a person who Isn’t trying to
: work something.
H«alth-balldlUfe- reinadlM
fro m
W ork.
Poverty is no disgrace, but it Is hav­
ing a hard time getting itself to be
Out-of-town poo-
pie can have their
plate and brid«re­
work finished in one
day if necessary.
An absolute guar­
antee, backed by 2d
years m Portland
the Chinese doctor.
J ?*
T r y o n c e m o r e i f yon h a v e b e e n d o c t o r in g w ith
t h i« o n e an d th a t o n e e n d h a v e n o t o h ta in o d w»r-
m a n e n t r e lie f . L e t th i* grou t n « t u r e hen lo r d ia g -
n o w j o u r ch « i ' »m l p r o sc r ib e s o m e rem ed y w h in e
a c t io n it q u ic k , s u re a n d «a fo . Ill* pro*« r ip tlo n *
a r e c o m p o u n d e d fr o m R o o t* . ]|ort>*. Hud* a n d
B a rk « th a t h ave S een g a th e r e d fr o m e v e ry q u a r ­
t e r o f t h e g lo b e . T h e e e o re t« o f the««» m odi- m e«
a re n o t k n ow n t o t h e o u t s id e w o r ld , hut h -
h a n d e d dow n fr o m fa t h e r t o so u iu th o p h y s ic ia n «'
f a iu ilie « in C h in a .
I f yon liv e out, o f tow n nnd c a n n o t ca ll, w r it e f o r
s y m p to m b la n k n nd c ir c u la r , e n c lo s in g 4 c e n ts in
stem ps.
162J firal St., Cor. Morrison
Portland, Oregon.
For that troublesome ailment us«
Highly recommended. Sample package 10c.
The Vitalitas Chemical Co.
North Bank Bid*., Seattle, Wash.
P. N. U.
N o . 26, ’ 13
to advertiser*, please men­
w fHEN
tion thi* paper.
w r it i n g
A ra b s A re P ut to R o u t.
Rome—A severe battle fought be­
tween the Italian troops and the Tri­
politan Arabs at Ettangi cost the lives
of one Italian officer and 19 soldiars,
while five officers and 217 men were
wounded. The Arabs were completely
Color more (roods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One lOc package c o lo rs silk, w o o l and co tto n equad^
w ell and is «uaranteed to g iv e perfect resulta. Ask dealer, or w e W U 1 send p o stp ^ d al 1°£ a I^ ck a g e ^ W r n c ^ m lr * *
booklet how to dye, bleach and mix colora.
MONROE DRUG c o m p a n y . Uuincy, uunoia.