Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 12, 1913, Image 3

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Training the Colt.
Many valuable horses are spoiled
by im proper or harsh trea tm e n t In
C an K«t y o u fa n c y p r ic e s fu r W ild D u ck a
training. A man who is incapable of
a n d o th e r n a m e in avanon. W r it* ua fo r
the disposition of
caah o ffe r on a ll k in d s o f p o u ltr y , p ork . ®tc.
horses is certainly incapable of tra in ­
them. Two-thirds of the horses
Pearson-Pa^e Co., Portland ing
th at have been called vicious can be
m anaged by proper treatm ent, says a
contributor to Farm and Home.
It is had policy to train a colt unless
. S e c o n d -H a n d M achín -
he is in the best of spirits. The brain
Z J e x c h a n g e d : «Turine*, will be more active, therefore the dis­
b oilers, s a w m ill* . e t c . T h e J . E . M artin Co., 8Ü la t
position easier to control. On the
fc>L. P o r tla n d . B end fo r S lo c k l.ia t an d p rice s.
other hand, if you train a colt while
he Is thin in flesh, in poor spirits and
WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE on light food, as soin«» men do, he will
not tak e notice of objects, and when
in fo r m a tio n an d b o o k le ts o f v a lu e to y o u .
PACIFIC GUANO & FERTILIZER CO. on good feed later, he is not well
trained. Have them in good spirits,
Ife2 M a U se n S t.. P o rtla n d . Or.
give plenty of feed, and use less whip.
M o th e r * w i l l fin d
$ 1 .0 0
I.«‘iirn to b e a
$ 1 .0 0
M rs. W l n r l o w s S o o t h in g
Byrup the beat r e m e d y to v # » f* c children
ihe teething p e r i o d .
d u r in g
O n e D o lla r P e r W ee k
E a r n fr o m $ 1 5 0 t * $ J 0 0 p a r m onth
F u ll c o u r s e in fe w w e e k s .
L e s s o n s h ig h ly
e x c i t i n g an d in t e r e s tin g . F o r fu ll p a r tic u la r s
w r it e Intel is houal Dele* live I raining Cwrcspoodrare Sdwsi
S10 12 Dctue 114 . Twdurf. Or eg ml
fllna. Nr*t, clean, or*
njinrntal, convenient,
cheap. L a s t s a l l
s e a s o n . M ade o l
metal, can'tspillortip
over ; will not s >11 or
Inj u re a n y t h I n f .
C.iiaranteed effective.
Sold b y dealers, or
6 cent I y expresspre­
paid for f l.
BAK OLD SOMXJtA, 1 M Ds&alb A n . , Brooklyn. M. V.
This Wife a Treasure.
The saving habit may not be as
much in favor today as th irty years
ago, but one New York m an has had
occasion to be converted to a belief
in it. He is a man who has worked
seventeen years as a carpenter. H is
wife died decently, leaving him enough
money to live in comfort the re st of
his duys. He knew th at his wife took
care of his' money, hut had no idea
th a t she had saved so much.
Matter of Judgment.
"So you suspect th a t m en are quick­
e r of Judgm ent in practical m atters
than wom en?” asked her friend of the
middle-aged spinster. “ Yes,” replied
Miss Cayenne. ‘‘Men have heeded the
w arnings of the new spapers and quit
buylug gold bricks, but women con­
tinue to m arry for money.”
Better Not Take His Word.
D eclaration from a learned source
th a t the “day of judgm ent” is m ythical
m ay com fort such' among us as have
lived w ithout due regard for the here­
Life’s Tearfulness.
Uncle Snooks Puzzled.
“W hat puzzles m e,” said Uncle
Snooks, as he looked up from a book
| he was consulting, “is this. If a man
Is standing on the side of a hill or
m ountain, how is he to se ttle in his
m ind w hether he is on an acclivity or
a declivity? According to my diction­
ary here, the form er is ‘a slope up,*
and th e la tte r ‘a slope down.’ I’ve
never yet seeu a slope up th a t didn’t
slope down.”
R**d C rcaa H all B lu e w i l l w a s h d o u b le a s m a n y
c lo t h e s a s a n y o th e r b lu e . D o n ’t p u t y o u r m o n e y
in t o a n y o th e r .
Peculiar Alpine Custom.
Blood Bath
Knocks Rheumatism
Chop Suey $25 a Dish.
High cost of living is not worrying
the Chinese. One big Chicago restau- >
ra n t run on the Hong-Kong style has Remarkable Effects of
on Its menu a dish th a t costs | t f .
“Foony wong wu yin” is w hat they
Remedy That Actually
call It, and one portion is enough for
Irrigates the Entire
five hungry suffragettes or six ordi­
nary men. It has to be ordered tw en­
Blood Supply.
ty-four hours before you get It.
I t s o u n d s q u e e r to ta k e a b lo o d b a t h
b u t t h a t is p r e c is e ly t h e e f fe c t o f a m o s t
r e m a r k a b le r e m e d y k n o w n a s S. S. S. I t
| h a s 1 o p e c u lia r a c tio n o f s o a k in g th r o u g h
th e i n t e s tin e s d ir e c tly in to th e b lo o d . In
a few m i n u te s it s in flu e n c e Is a t w o rk in
j e v e ry a r t e r y , v e in a n d t i n y c a p illa r y .
| U very m e m b r a n e , e v e r y o r g a n o f th e b ody,
Frequently Happens.
A m an m ay work so hard running e v e ry e m u n c to r y b e c o m e s In e f fe c t a A lter
s t r a i n th e b lo o d o f im p u r itie s .
a fte r a band wagon th a t when he over -1 to
s tim u la t in g p r o p e r tie s o f S. S. S. c o m p el
tak es It he’s too tired to get any pleas th e s k in , liv e r, b o w e ls , k id n e y s , b la d d e r
ure out of the ride.
t o a ll w o rk to th e o n e e n d o f c a s t in g o u t
e v e ry I r r it a ti n g , e v e ry p a in In flic tin g a to m
o f p o is o n : It d is lo d g e s b y ir r i g a ti o n all
a c c u m u la tio n s In t h e jo i n ts , c a u s e s a c id
a c c r e ti o n s to d is s o lv e , r e n d e r s th e m n e u ­
t r a l a n d s c a t t e r s th o s e p e c u lia r f o r m a ­
P o r t l a n d , O r room
n s In t h e n e r v e c e n te r s t h a t c a u s e
R e sid en t a n d Day S ch o o l for G irls s tio
u c h m y s ti f y in g a n d o f te n b a f f lin g r h e u ­
ch arge o f Sinter* o f S t.J o h n B a p tist (E p iscop al)
tic p a in s .
laglata. Academic and Elementary Departm ents,
Music, Art. Elocution, Dom estic A rt. Dom estic Science, A n d b e s t o f a ll, th i s r e m a r k a b le r e m e d y
F o r c a ta lo g address—
Is w e lc o m e to t h e w e a k e s t s to m a c h . If
T H E S I S T E R S U P E R I O R , O fflc # 80
y o u h a v e d r u g g e d y o u r s e lf u n ti l y o u r
S t. H e le n a H u ll
s to m a c h is n e a rly p a r a ly z e d , y o u w ill b e
a s to n is h e d to And t h a t S. S. S. g iv e s n o
s e n s a ti o n b u t g o e s r i g h t to w o rk . T h is
is b e c a u s e i t Is a p u r e b o ta n ic a l In fu s io n ,
Is ta k e n n a t u r a l l y in t o y o u r b lo o d J u s t a s
p u r e a i r is in h a le d n a t u r a l l y I n to y o u r
lu n g s .
is what they all say
T h e g r e a t S w if t L a b o r a to r y h a s s p e n t
m illio n s o f d o lla r s in p e r f e c tin g , p r o d u c ­
o f ou r
in g a n d p la c in g in th e h a n d s o f th e p u b ­
lic th i s w o n d e r f u l re m e d y . So g iv e y o u r
Methods of blo o d a g o o d b a t h w ith S. S. S ., f o r it
k n o c k s t h e w o r s t f o r m s o f r h e u m a ti s m
E xtracting
a n d g iv e s y o u fr e e d o m to e n jo y life .
Y ou c a n g e t i t a t a n y d r u g s to r e a t
f 1.00 a b o ttle . I t Is a s t a n d a r d r e m e d y ,
O u t -o f- to w n p e o ­
re c o g n iz e d e v e ry w h e r e a s th e g r e a t e s t
p le ca n h a v e th e ir
blo o d a n t id o te e v e r d is c o v e re d . If y o u r s
p la t e an d bridge- is a p e c u lia r c a s e a n d y o u d e s ir e e x p e r t
w ork fin ish ed in on e a d v ic e , w r ite to T h e S w if t S p eciA c Co.,
d a y i f n ocean a ry
160 S w if t B ld g ., A tla n ta , G a.
O nly W ay.
K nlcker—A fashion note says th at
sk irts are to be six inches narrow er
a t the ankle. Bocker—Will the girls
stand on one leg?
St. H e l e n s H a l l
A n a b s o lu te g u a r ­
a n te e . b a ck ed b y 28
ven ra in P o rtla n d .
Wise Office
tf A. M. t o S P . M.
Sundays 9 to 1
P h o n e s : A 2 0 2 9 : M ain 2 0 2 9 .
f a l l i n g B ld g ., T h ird a n d W a s h in g to n , P o r t la n d
cun receive nrom pt treat-
m ent* o f Nmi-Polr
E ealth-baildlng
C O N S U L T A T IO N F R E E .
I f yon liv e ou t o f tow n and ca n n o t ca ll, w rit# for
sym p tom blank an d cir cu la r , en c lo s in g 4 c e n ts in
162| First St., Cor. Morrison
WHEN -Hill«
Graft the Neglected Apple Tree»
T here are thousands of apple trees
growing in fields and pastures and
roadsides th a t hear only poor, natural
fruit and m any of the apples are left
to ro t on the ground. If these tree*
had been grafted 15 or 20 years ago
they m ight be bringing a handsom e
profit now. Many of them are not
yet too old to graft. See th a t they are
properly trim m ed and fertilized.— (W.
W. Maxim in Farm and Home.)
Still a Chance.
Case of “Nerves?”
H o t fla s h e s , d iz z in e s s , f a in t in g s p e lls , b a c k a c h e , h e a d a c h e ,
b e a r i n g - d o w n p a in s , n e r v o u s n e s s — a l l a r e s y m p t o m s o f i r r e g u l a r i t y
a n d f e m a le d is t u r b a n c e s a n d a r e n o t b e y o n d r e lie f .
to a d v ertiser» , plena* men -
t i e s U U pm
Committee Reverses Action to Meet
President’s Views.
is t h a t o f a fa m o u s p h y s ic ia n u n u s u a lly e x p e r ie n c e d
i n t h e t r e a t i n g o f w o m e n ’s p e c u l i a r a i l m e n t a . F o r
fo r ty y e a r s i t h a s b e e n r e co m m en d e d to s u ffe r in g
w o m a n k in d . T h o u s a n d s o f w o m e n c a n b e a r w it n e s s
t o i t s b e n e fic ia l q u a litie s . P e r h a p s i t s a id i s a ll t h a t
i s r e q u ire d t o r e s to r e t o y o u p e r f e c t h e a lth a n d s t r e n g t h .
N o w ia th e t im e t o a c t , w r it e D r . R . V . P ie r c e 's , B u ffa lo .
M r s . D ominio RODOOS, o f S an Francise«», C alif., write* :
ta k e pleanure in recom m ending your wonderful rem edie*. and
ih to say
in beh aif o f your
’Favorite Praauiptw
___ __
m ' and ’Uotoaa
Medical D iscovery’ t h a t th r o u g h their Qse 1 am now c u r e d o f th o
various troubles th at a woman is heir t o . T hese rem edies cured
mo when others fa.ied and 1 therefor« resolve to tak e no other.
I thank you for your advice."
Carnegie Off for Berlin.
Mrs. I’ankhurst la Better.
London— Mrs. E m m aline Pankhurst,
the m ilita n t suffragette leader, whose
“ license” expires June 9, is recovering
from the illness arisin g from the
“ hunger s trik e .” She was too weak,
however, to a tten d the usual Monday
m eeting of the W om an’s Social and
Political union. In a le tte r from Mrs.
P ankhurst, read a t the m eeting, she
expressed the hope th a t she would be
able to be present next week.
le tte r breathed continued defiance of
the governm ent. Mrs. Pankhurst de­
clared th a t her sp irit was unbroken.
Prince on American Soil.
“ Anti-Hatpin” Law Passes.
N iag ara Falls, N. Y .— Prince A l­
b ert Frederick George, second son of
K ing George, of England, was on
Am erican soil Saturday.
He and 60
fellow cadets of His M ajesty’s ship
Cum berland, now a t Quebec, arrived
here from Toronto shortly a fte r noon.
The prince and his p a rty traveled
from Lew iston by trolley along the
A m erican side of the gorge.
prince, who is 17 years old, traveled
“ incognito.”
S e a ttle —The “ a n ti-h atp in ” ordin­
ance introduced into the city council
a t the request o f the Federation of
W omen’s clubs was passed unanim ous­
ly. The ordinance provides th a t the
point o f a hatpin shall not be per­
m itted to extend more than one-quar­
te r inch beyond the crown of the hat
and in no case beyond the brim . Vio­
lation o f the ordinance will be punish­
ed by a fine of not more than $100 or
im prisonm ent not more than 30 days.
Fruit Traffic Plana Laid.
Favorite Prescription
London—Andrew C arnegie sta rte d
for B erlin Saturday.
E m peror W il­
liam has fixed the m orning of June 16
to receive him and his associates, Rob­
e rt S. Brookings, of St. Louis, and
Jacob G. Schmidlapp, o f C incinnati,
who are to present a congratulatory
address signed by m any prom inent
Am ericans. In fixing th e d ate o f the
audience, Em peror W illiam rem arked
th a t it would be the anniversary of
the first m orning he rose as em peror
25 years ago. Mr. C arnegie considers
the selection a g re at honor to the U. S.
Portland—George R. M erritt, of St.
Paul, general ag en t for th e re frig e ra ­
to r service of the N orthern Pacific, is
in Portland to prepare for handling
the fru it crop o f the N orthw est this
year. He sta te s th a t th e road will
place 1100 new re frig e ra to r c a n in
commission th is year.
These, with
the 2600 new c a n built la st year, will
give th is line nearly 7000 re frig e ra to r
I A M B ro w C U R E D
2 4 —' 1
W ashington, D. C.— An unexpected
turn was given to the “ lobby” inves­
tig a tio n when Senator Townsend, of
Michigan, Republican, declared on the
stand th a t the influence wielded by
P resident W ilson and the Democratic
secret caucus on the m aking of the
tariff bill constituted the “ nearest ap­
proach to undue influence on members
of congress” th a t the investigating
com m ittee would be able to find.
Senator Townsend
criticized the
com m ittee for not having asked mem­
bers of the senate w hether the Presi­
dent had sought to influence them and
declared th a t, even though the Presi­
dent had not intended it, his recent
denunciation of “ lobbies” working in
support o f changes in the tariff would
force certain senators to vote against
am endm ents they knew to be just.
“ Who are those sen a to rs? ” demand­
ed Senator Reed.
“ I don’t care to nam e anyone,” re­
turned Townsend.
The two D em ocratic m em bers of the
com m ittee present, Senators Reed and
W alsh, indignantly resented any in ti­
m ation th a t P resident W ilson had
used p atronage or th re a ts to force
anyone to support free sugar or free
wool or to support tobacco as a whole.
S enator W eeks, of M assachusetts,
also a Republican, follow ing Senator
Townsend on the stand, expressed the
opinion th a t “ executives had more in­
fluence on bills than all the persons
who have come to W ashington put to­
g e th e r.”
“ The sta te m en t th a t the P resident
put out in re g ard to an insiduous lobby
influenced th e public m in d ,” said Sen­
a to r W eeks, “ and th a t has its effect
upon the senators.
The public be­
lieves the lobbyist is a bad m an and
no senator likes to oppose a m easure
if the P resident says the lobbyists are
seeking to change i t . ” Senator Shive­
ly, a D em ocratic
m em ber of the
finance com m ittee, said he knew of no
lobbying influences a t work on the ta r ­
iff bill.
Did Not Live Up to It.
Our high appreciations and even our
expressed desires are not alw ays indi -1
ces of our character. “Let me die the
death of the righteous,” was th e pray­
er of Baalam. And then he w ent right
away and joined him self to the hea»
then and was slain by a righteous man.
W e rc e ’s
Michigan Senator Says President's
Arraignment of Lobbyists Has
Changed Many Votes.
Boise, Id a h o - D eclaring for the im­
m ediate organization to perfect selling
plans w hether the W enatchee d istric t
or others refuses to join the move­
m ent, the officers and directors o f the
Idaho-Oregon F ru it G row ers’ associa­
tion went on record here as back of
the N orth Pacific D istrib u to rs' asso­
ciation. The conference was attended
by representative grow ers of South­
ern, Southw estern Idaho and E astern
Oregon and included J. H. Lowell,
Roswell; M. J . Higley, Buhl; H. M.
Dorman, C aldw ell; J. M. Johnson,
N am pa; E. H. S nm h and R. H.
Woods, P a y e tte ; B. F. Tuasing, F ru it-
land; W. N. Yost, Meridian, and H.
E. McElroy, Boise.
F ruitgrow ers of the interm ountain
country are
enthusiastic in th eir
praise of the work of the N orth P a ­
cific F ru it D istrib u to rs’ association
and believe, particularly in Southern
Idaho and E astern Oregon, th a t the
success of the rapidly-grow ing fru it
industry of the W est largely depends
on the work of the big selling agency
which has been perfected.
The Idaho-Oregon F ru it G row ers’
association is one of the largest and
m ost representative in the N orth P a ­
cific F ru it D istrib u to rs' association.
W ashington, D. C.—Reversing its
form er action in voting to place w heat
flour, oatm eal and fresh m eats on the
dutiable list, the senate finance sub­
com m ittee in charge of the agricul­
tural schedule voted to place livestock,
w heat and oats on the free list.
This action, it was auth o ritativ ely
declared, was taken to m eet the view s'
of P resident Wilson, Senator Sim ­
mons, chairm an of the finance com m it­
tee, and other adm inistration leaders,
who disapproved the decision
nounced previously to tax m eats 10 per
cent compensatory to a duty on cattle
in the Underwood bill and to assess a
compensatory duty on both flour and
oatm eal.
The vote to reconsider was taken in
the sub-com m ittee on a motion made
by Senator Simmons, ex-officio m em ­
ber of all the sub-com m ittee handling
the tariff schedules, when he returned
“ I’m going to tak e a long ocean
to the capital from a conference w ith
voyage, to nobody knows w here, and
the President.
come back, nobody knows when. I
In his enlargem ent o f the free list,
shall sit down by the wayside w her­
ever I please and play with the chil­
P resident Wilson is known to have
dren of the street, the little brown ba­
taken a leading part, as he did in the
bies of the O rient, perhaps, or the
m a tte r of raw wool and sugar before
little blue-eyed Saxons, who knows?
the ways and means com m ittee. As
’Tis g re at to go as you please and ‘CURE’ DECLARED VALUELESS he still is standing uncomprom isingly
come as you please, w ith no telegram s
w ith the wool and sugar schedules, so,
to send, no stre ss of m eeting friends
and m issing friends, and all th a t.”— Clinical Analysis of Serum Patients it is declared, he will stand firmly for
free cattle, sheep and hogs, and free
New York Times.
Issued by Health Board.
w heat and oats, now th a t this has
New Y ork—The first clinical an­ been determ ined upon as the party
Voyage Somewhat Unique.
Steam ers often load cargoes of wood alysis of the conditions of any of the policy.
pulp at Chicoutimi, at the k u d of Friedm ann p atien ts trea te d in this
navigation on the Saguenay river, th at country have been published in the Twin Falls to Get New Railroad.
w onderfully picturesque trib u ta ry of Medical Record.
The results show
San Francisco— It is au th oritatively
the St. L aw rence w hich flows out of th a t some a re worse and th a t the dis­
Lake St. John, and take their freight ease was not checked in a single case. declared by a W estern Pacific official
t the W estern Pacific railroad will
stra ig h t to M anchester, England. The
Twelve o f the cases w ere pulmonary
shortly be extended to Twin Falls,
voyage begins on the deepest river in
the world, in the Canadian wilderness,
Idaho, the h eart of a rich mineral and
and ends with nearly 40 miles of canal, e r sum m arizes the e n tire 18 cases as tim b er belt, and Boise C ity, the late r
through the mill d istric ts of England.
extension heading off the often-dis­
“ In not a single one of these cases
cussed line from Boise to San F ra n ­
T o Keep Silver Bright.
was there definite im provem ent to date
Silver will keep bright, and much a ttrib u ta b le to the vaccine. In some cisco.
Plans for these extensions have
laborious cleaning and polishing saved the disease progressed unchecked. In
if once a week it is im m ersed in sour no instance did the tem p e ra tu re return been divulged in the last few days
milk and left there for tw enty m inutes to norm al. Five of the 18 developed during the W estern Pacific’s efforts to
secure sufficient money w ith which to
or longer. W ash it in very hot w ater
and polish ns quickly as possible. Soft abscesses, four of them small and one m ake improvem ents.
By the e x te n ­
pieces of old flannelette are excellent
sion into Idaho the road expects to
to use in wiping and polishing silver.
acquire a large fre ig h t business in
progress of the disease w here it oc­
tim b er and ore.
Constipation causes many serioue I curred. ’’
diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. One
Demand for Children Big.
Wireless Strike at End.
a laxative, three for cathartic.
Springfield, 111.—The com m ittee in­
S eattle, W ash.—The strik e of w ire­
Welcome Delusion.
less telegraph operators on the Pacific v e stig a tin g home-finding institutions
Doctor (to sick m an’s w ife)—“ Does Coast, which was called m ore than a in Illinois reported to the lower house
your husband suffer from delusions, m onth ago by the Commercial Tele­ o f the legislature as follows:
Mrs. Jo n es?” Mrs. Jones—“I hope so,
“ In m ost of the home-finding in sti­
doctor. H e’s been w orrying for a week g ra p h e rs’ union of A m erica, was se t­ tutions the demand for children has
over w hat he thin k s your bill will be.” tled Saturday and the union operators been g re a te r th an the supply. The so­
began to retu rn to work.
Local offi­
cers of the Marconi company said they cieties sta rte d out to find homes for
Hunters Contribute to Revenue.
homeless children, but they are now
One of the im portant functions of had no details of the settlem en t from
the governm ent in Germ any Is the is­ San Francisco, but th a t b e tte r w ork­ seeking children for childless homes.
suing of perm its to hunters. The rev­ ing conditions had been agreed to, al­ The m oment a society so forgets its
enue thus obtained is about $1,500,000 though complete recognition of the un­ purpose, its license should be can­
ion was not granted.
The wage in­ celled. as i t is a standing m enace to
the homes of the poor and ig n o ran t.”
crease demanded was not granted.
P o r t la n d , O r e g o n .
Re«l C r o ss B a ll B lu e, a ll b lu e , b e s t b lu .n g v a lu e
in th e w h o le w o r ld , m a k e s t h e la u n d r e s s s m ile .
“ W hat’s the m a tte r? ” “She has re ­
jected me again. She says this la
“ Did she say how final?” In­
Chameleon Paint.
A red p aint has been recently de­ quired the older and m ore experienced
vised which changes its color to black m an.—W ashington H erald.
when subjected to heat. It is especial­
Foolish Egotism.
ly desirable for bearings to give the
T he true egotist is the man who Im­
alarm when they a re becoming over­
agines he is a ttra c tin g attention to hie
particu lar line of comedy in a crowd
of baseball rooters.
Work for Greatest Artists.
Designing, etching, and engraving
Napoleonic Luck.
of fine bookplates is a thriving pro­
Luck consists in alw ays m aking
fession in Vienna. Some of the g re at­
est a rtists are engaged in the produc­ preparations for every alternative.—
tion of these w orks of art.
th e C h inese doctor.
T ry o n ce m ore i f yon h e r e t e e n d o cto r in g w ith
th i* o n e *nd th a t o n e nnd h ave n ot ob tain ed p er­
m an en t r e lie f. I/«*t th i* great n atu re h e a le r d ia g -
none your cane and pro*cril>e aomn rem edy whose
actio n i* q u ick , *ure and *afe. Hi* p rescrip tion s
are com pounded from Root*. Herha. Hilda and
Bark* th a t have been gath ered from every quar­
te r o f th e clot*«. T h e secret* o f th e se m edicin e«
are n ot known to th e o u tsid e world, but h ave !>een
h anded down from fa th e r to aou in th e phyaidana'
fa m ilie s ia C hiaa.
Besuty of Spider’s Web.
T here a re few m ore beautiful ob­
jec ts than a spider's web covered with
dew. In sym m etry, in perfection of
geom etrical arrangem ent and in the
prism atic reflection of color It Is a
gorgeous object.
And consider the
wonderful devices th at our garden
spider has for attending to its toilet.
Was ever comb in wom an’s boudoir
m ore perfect or more a ttrac tiv e than
these combs th at the spider has a t the
end of the claw s to aid in m anipulat­
ing the cobweb threads, in clinging to
a rough object, and as aids in walk­
ing over the web?
A curious e aste rn custom has been
observed for m any centuries in the
w estern Alps. One hundred eggs are
distributed over a level space covered
w ith sand and the young men and
women perform a dance around them .
If a couple a re fortunate enough to
finish the dance w ithout breaking an
egg it is taken as a token of the com­
Pol'ion Oak or Ivy Poisoning
patibility of th eir tem peram ents and
is quickly relieved by bathing the af­
they a re betrothed.
fected p a rts in a solution of two tea­
It Spread Easier.
spoonfuls of T yree’s A ntiseptic Pow­
One cold night a few years ago, der to a pint of w ater. 25c. a t all
we w ere all seated, a t the table e at­ druggists or sam ple sent free by J. S.
ing our dinner. T he b u tte r was very Tyree, W ashington, I). C.—Adv.
hard, and, consequently, rem arks were
Torture of Tantalus.
m ade about it. The next week the
w eather was very warm and the but­
The golf bug’s soul cam e back from
te r w as som ew hat soft. L ittle Billy, a little range around S atan ’s preserve
six years old, suddenly exclaim ed: w ith a sm ile as wide as the Amazon
“ Mamma, the b u tte r is easy tonight, river. “ I say,” he exclaimed, “ I don’t
call this much of a hell. T hey have
isn 't it? ”
the finest golf course out there I
ever saw in my life.” A droll-looking
If women could be granted a decade old soul who was sittin g on the safety
of happiness beginning now, a decade valve looked up. “ But did you see
of lovers of th e ir own choosing, men anybody playing on it? ” he asked.
of delicacy and wisdom—th irty years "No,” the new com er adm itted. “I did­
from now th ere would be th a t poise n ’t.” The old-tim er chuckled. “T h at’s
and sw eetness In the world that it,” he said. “ He won’t let anybody
dream ers descry for the future ages.— play on It.”—Exchange.
Will Levington Comfort.
"Did you ever cause your wife any
tea rs.” "I don’t think so. Certainly
not as m any as leading actors and
Jones—“Jam es, I heard you using
actresses a t m atinees have caused profanity to the horses this forenoon.”
h er.”
Coachm an—“No, suh! no, suh! I’se
very careful of de horses, suh! I was
It Was Tough.
talking to my wife, su h !”
“W ill you give me a pie, m adam ,”
asked the tram p, “ If I saw ye some
Tut, Tut.
wood?” The woman agreed to the
“I w ish,” said th e brown sugar to
bargain, gave the m an a pie and s ta rt­ the sand, “th a t you’d get out of this.
ed him in the direction of the wood- You’re alw ays in m y w eigh!”
pile. In th ree m inutes he was back
a t the door saying, ‘‘Madam, if It’s all
one to you, I’ll eat the wood an* saw
the pie.”
a. N . o .
Prominent Senators Resent Idea
That Lobby Influences.
North Pacific Distributora Associa­
tion Gets Another Hacker.
“ Buffet” Service Passes.
M i t,. R o
m e
C olot m o re ro o d s b rig h te r a n d fa* tar c o lo rs th a n a n y o th e r d y e. O ne 10c p a c k e r * c o l o n silk , w o o l a n d o k : on e q u a lly
w a ll an d la r u a r a n te e d to g ive p e rfe c t re su lts. A M d e u r , o r w e w ill u n d p o stp a id a : 10c a p a c k s e e . \ \ ;te for fre e
b o o k le t h o w to d y e. b leach a n d m ix c o lo n .
uincy. Ilim ola.
Spokane, Wash. — All tran sco n ti­
nental railroad lines op eratin g in this
sta te have discontinued the sale of in­
toxicatin g liquor on th e ir train s. This
will end the " b u ffe t service” on the
O riental lim ited, of the G reat N orth­
e rn ; the Columbian and Olym pian, of
the Chicago, M ilwaukee & St. Paul,
and th e N orth Coast lim ited, of the
N orthern Pacific.
The winner is always the
person who possesses a
keen appetite, and enjoy3
perfect digestion—whose
liver is active and bowels
regular. The sickly per­
son lacks the stamina and
strength n e c e s s a ry to
win. They should try
Senate Investigation Likely to Cause
Laws Proposed Requiring All “ Lob­
byists” to Register—Prohibit
“ Making” of Sentiment.
W ashington, D. C.—N eith er P resi­
dent Wilson nor the Dem ocratic m ana­
gers of the two branches of congress
can estim ate w hat effect the sen ate’s
rem arkable “ lobby in v estig a tio n " will
have upon the progress o f the tariff !
■ It tones, strengthens and Wt
bill, the currency reform plan, or
rebuilds theentiresystem.
other business of congress.
Begin today. L a i d substitutes.
In the six days of g rillin g to which
it has subjected senators them selves
the in v estig atin g com m ittee has se­
cured inform ation and opened channels
Out Of Date.
of investigation th a t are likely to have
M ajor Bankstick (of the Indian
an im portant influence upon the whole arm y )—“Tell your sc o u tm a ste r that,
now I’m home, I shall be pleased to
course of legislation in the future.
help him, if he’d like it, with field­
Progress on the tariff bill has not work and so on.” H orace (of the Boy
been hindered by the lobby investiga­ S couts)—“Thanks, awfully, dad, but-^
tion, but it is believed th a t before the e r—are you quite up-to-date?—d rill’*
reconstructed Underwood bill finally altered a lot since you were home
gets into th e senate for debate the ; last.”—Punch.
lobby investigation will have become
a direct issue in the fight. None of
the alleged “ lobbyists” has been ques­
tioned as yet, but facts brought out by ;
senators on the w itness stand and the may be either a transient or per­
course the com m ittee has determ ined manent affliction, arising from
on for the future m ake it clear th at some error in diet or as a result
congress will be urged to consider
of constantly weak digestion.
these issu e s;
A reg istratio n law requiring every For temporary and obstinate cases
" lo b b y ist,” legislative agent or other the best relief is
person who comes to W ashington to
influence legislation to identify him ­
self and the in te rests he represents at
The condem nation, and possible pro­
hibition, o f the present system of
“ m anufacturing se n tim e n t” in a sta te 1
to influence th a t s ta te ’s senators or
Won Papa's Dollar.
rep resentatives on certain legislative
M artha’s school report card had very
m atters.
low m arks. H er father prom ised her
Already three bills have been intro­ a dollar if she got a hundred in any­
duced in the senate to require regis­ thing. Shortly a fte r th a t she fell sick.
tratio n of lobbyists.
W hen th e doctor had taken her tem ­
p erature the m other asked him w hat
the tem perature was. “A hundred
four,” was the reply. “ M other,”
cried M artha, “ I have won the dollar
Maine Drinkers Gladdened by New from papa. I’ve got over a hundred.**
Way to Circumvent Laws.
New Breed of Dairy Cattle.
Bangor, Me.—A Maine sheriff m ight] A new breed of dairy cattle known
find a barrel of beer or even a ju g of as the Illaw arra breed has been de­
whiskey, b u t he cannot find a beer veloped in N m South Wales. It was
lozenge or a cocktail tab let, and over obtained by crossing Shorthorns,
th a t glad fa c t the th irsty of this sta te L onghorns, Devons and Ayrshires.
T his new breed of cattle has become
are rejoicing now.
a favorite for dairying in the Illaw arra
For a tabloid booze drum m er h a s 1 district, New South W ales, though It
come to Maine and is doing a rushing is hardly known in Am erica.—Farm
business in condensed drinks of all and Fireside.
kinds, from plain whisky to cocktails,
and from beer to gin fizzes.
The I When Your Eyes Need Care
drum m er carries a considerable stock T r y M u r in e E y e R e m e d y * N o S m a r t i n g — F e e l s
of tab lets w ith him for im m ediate de­ F i n e — A c t s Q u i c k l y . T r y i t f o r Ki «l, W e a k ,
W a te r y E y e s a n d G r a n u la te d E y e lid s . I llu s ­
mand and arranges for fu rth e r and un­ t r a t e d B o o k i n e a c h Package* M u r in e la
m p o u n d e d b y o a r O cu U hi . s n ot a “ P a te n t M ed­
lim ited supplies by mail.
i c i n e ” — b u t u s e d In s u c c e s s f u l P h y s ic ia n s ’ Prao-
a r s . N uw d e d ic a te d to t h e P u b -
Nobody here knows anything about c u e a n f o d r s o m ld a n b y y y D e ru
ggist s a t 26c a n d 60c p e r B ott le.
the constituent elem ents o f the tab ­ M a r in e Myo S a lv o in A s e p tic T u b e s , 25c a n d 60c.
lets, but nobody cares, so long as they M u rin e E ye R e m e dy C o ., C h ic a g o
produce som ething
th a t looks and (
Tracing Journey of Storks.
tastes like liquor. The tablets come [
putting rings on the legs of
in little paper boxes or glass bottles sto By
rk s about to m igrate southw ard
of a dozen each, and the price varies. from countries in northern Europe,
A small vial of tab le ts costing 13 w here they spend the warm mourns,
cents, dissolved in a gallon o f w ater, it has been found th at they often go
w ith o ther ingredients costing 5 0 ; all the way to South Africa, usually
cents, m akes a gallon of w hat passes passing around the east end of the
for whisky, a t a total cost o f 63 cents. ] M editerranean instead of across the
Militant Suffragette Dies.
London — Emily W ilding Davison,
first m arty r to the m ilita n t efforts of
women to obtain the suffrage, died a t
the Epsom hospital as the result of a
fracture of the skull sustained in an
a tte m p t to stop the k in g ’s horse, An-
mer, during the running of the Derby
on Wednesday last. Only th e m atron
of the hospital and two nurses were
present a t the deathbed.
A few m om ents before her death
two comrades draped the screen su r­
rounding the cot w ith the fateful col­
ors of the W omen’s Social and P o liti­
cal Union, which she wore when she
made her sensational a tte m p t to in­
te rfe re w ith the g re at classic of the
B ritish turf.
“ Woman” Escapes Bandits.
Douglas, A riz .—George B ogartis, a
M exican-Am erican rancher o f w ealth,
a ttrib u te s his personal sa fety and the
possession of his money to his success
a t fem inine im personation. Captured
near Oputo, Sonora, B ogartis was or­
dered to pay $5000 for his life. He
took the bandits to his ranch house
and told them to w ait outside while he
went a fte r the money. In the house he
put on women’s clothing and secreting
his money in his clothing, ^boldly
passed through the picket lines which
had been placed around the prem ises.
Stefanason la Pleased.
V ictoria, B. C.—V ilhjalm ar Stefans-
son, the A rctic explorer, arrived at
E squim alt and took charge o f the work
of-preparing the expedition which he
will lead into the A rctic th is sum m er
for scientific research under the aus­
pices of the Canadian governm ent.
A fte r a conference w ith C aptain Rob­
e rt B a rtle tt, who will command the
old w haler K arluk, on which Stefans-
son party will sail, Mr. Stefansson
said he
w as
well pleased w ith
Rain Makes Crops Glad.
T opeka— More than an inch of rain the preparations m ade for the expe­
was reported in Southern and South­ dition.
eastern K ansas W ednesday, bringing
Lightning Destroys Inn.
g re at re lief to crops which, it was
feared, would suffer heavily from dry
Los A ngeles— When W. B. Dewey,
w eather there.
proprietor of the Sum m it Inn, on top
From Tulsa, O kla., it was reported of Mount Baldy, a t an a ltitu d e of 10,-
th a t show ers
in th a t section had 200 feet, made his first trip to the ho­
broken a hot wave extending over tel since last December, he found only
five days and which had threatened the blackened stone walls and charred tim ­
bers. The fa c t th a t the peak is snow­
oats and potato crops.
bound during the w inter m onths makes
Invention Brings Pardon.
it certain th a t a bolt o f lightning
W ashington, D. C.— P resident W il­ struck the building and set it on fire,
son pardoned Dr. Theodore K haras, of for it is known th a t several storm s
E lm ira, N. Y .f sentenced a t Omaha, passed over it this spring.
N eb., to four m onths in jail and to
Quebec Has Earthquake.
pay a fine ot $300 for alleged misuse
I.achute, Que. — An earthquake
of the m ails, in connection w ith the
selling o f stock o f a company prom ot­ shock was experienced here a t 12:39
It lasted about two
ing an invention.
Since his convic­ a. m. Sunday.
tion th e invention is said to have m inutes, but no serious dam age re­
proved successful.
Must Be in the Balkans.
She—“Anyhow, you m ust ndm lt he
is a well-bred man. Did you notice his
knowledge of A ristotle?” He—“I did,
and if you w ant my tru e opinion, I
don’t believe he’s ever been there.”
Men— and Vaudeville.
All men may be divided into two
classes—those who like vaudeville and
those who can stand it when they are
drunk.—S m art Set Magazine.
Has Temperament.
W hen a girl is intense th a t m eans
her m other needn’t expect much help
with the housework.
Advice to Expectant Mothers
The experience of Motherhood ia a try­
ing one to m ost women and m arks dis­
tinctly an epoch in th. ir lives. Not one
woman in a hundred is prepared or un­
derstands how to properly care for her­
self. O f course nearly every woman
nowadays has medical trea tm e n t a t such
times, b u t many approach the experi­
ence with an organism unfitted for the
trial of stren g th , and when it is over
her system has received a shoek from
which it is hard to recover. Following
rig h t upon this comes the nervous strain
of caring fo r the child, and a distinct
change in the m other results.
There is nothing more charm ing than
a happy and healthy m other of children,
and indeed child-birth under the right
conditions need be no hazard to health or
beauty. The unexplainable thing is
th at, with all the evidence of shattered
nerves and broken health resulting from
an unprepared condition, and with am­
ple time in which to prepare, women
will persist in going blindly to the trial.
Every woman a t this tim e should rely
upon Lydia E. Pinkham 's V egetable
Compound, a most valuable tonic and
invigorator of the f.-male organism.
In m a n y homes
once childless there
are now children be­
cause of the fa ct
th a t Lydia E. Pink-
ham 's V e g e t a b l e
Compound m a k e s
womsn normal,
healthy and strong.
If yon wsnt speclsl advice writ* to
Lydia K. Plakham Medicine Co. (confi­
dential! I.ynn, Mass. Tour letter will
be opened, read snd answered by •
woasan and held In strict eonfidene*.