The New Womanhood. The new education must meet the needs of womanhood as well as of Can get you fancy priced for Wild Ducka manhood. How strange that only with­ and other game in scueon. Write ua for in a generation have we really begun cash offer on all kinda of poultry, pork, etc. to provide natural education for girls. This is not so surprising, however, in Pearson-I’age Co., Portland view of woman’s position of relative _____________ - ___________________ / inferiority down even to the present hour. Many a man, though born of woman, still unconHciously holds his W a i a o a F. C o le m a n , own mother in such contempt as to I aloni Lawyer,WushingUm I».< Advice him I itookH tree class her. in the eyes of the law, with Hatea reasonable. Highest rulerencea. Best services Infants, imbeciles and convicts, and therefore incompetent to participate in the government of the race she U OW ARI) K. itt'HTDN Aaaayer and T h e m « l i L e a d v t lle . C o lo r a d o . H p eciiu ou p rices t (.¿old, bears! O liv e r , L e n d , SI. H o ld , ¿R iver. lô o ; Ü o ld . 6üo; Z m o To keep woman in that position is or Copper. SI. Mailing envelopes a .d full price lint sent on application. Control nnd I'm pi re work au not only unjust and illogical, but it is United. Ho foro uce: Carbonato Nations! Hank. against nature, and therefore must and shall be reformed. And you men, my Second-Hand Machin­ readers, will yet be the leaders in this ery Umpht. aold and reform, writes the editor of Farm and exchanged: engines. , aawmilla, etc. 'Ihe J. E. Martin Co.. 83 lat Home. BU Portland. Bend for Stock List and prices. Nor will you, who abolished black slavery 50 years ago, wait another half century before abolishing white slav­ WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE ery. POULTRY AND GAME] P A T EN T S Machinery information and booklet» o f value to you. PACIFIC GUANO & FERTILIZER CO. 182 Madiiton St.. Portland. Or. BANDM EN: Ü I “ 1IOLTON and HU esc HER band instruments. The meat complete stock o f Musical Merchandise in the Northwest. W rite for Catalogues. 8EIBERLINC.LUCA8 M l> i( CO. 134 Second Street, Portland. Oregon " ..... ^ Learn to be a DETECTIVE Earn from $ 1 5 0 to $ 3 0 0 per month Full course in ten weeks: actual experi­ ence mot hods used. Rasy payment plan. For full particulars write laierutional Detective Training Correspondence School 510-12 ltl.1- Portland. Oregon. Si DAISY FLY KILLER ftSfTBPBBrtt 11:«». Neat, clean, or- luiucntal, convenient, clicap. L a sts all season. Made of metal, can’tipillortip over ; will not s >¡1 or IrJ ure a n y th in g . C.naranfeed effective, fold by dealers, or 6 *mt l y expreas pre­ paid l o r jl. 160 Do Kalb A to ., Brooklyn. M. L The choir of a village church had Bung an anthem in the fine style, with History of the Key. The key was one of the first things invented by man. The primitive key was probably a thorn or splinter. Af­ terward fish bones seem to have come into use. Wooden pegs followed these. In modern times the process of manu­ facturing keys is very highly develop­ ed. Fifty years ago there were only some hundred varieties of keys, each having its special name and distinct use. Today they are legion.—Harper’s This Poet’s Wife Was Practical. “ If I can do anything to cheer and Weekly. brighten the lives of my fellow men I Thorny Pathway of Genius. shall be perfectly satisfied,” remarked An advertisement taken from a Chi­ the long-haired poet. “ Then,” replied his weary wife, “ why don’t you quit cago morning paper shows to what a writing poetry and get up a comic pass a genius may come in a great series in which the humor is furnished city: “ Wanted—A collaborator, by a by some one who hits another over young playwright. The play Is al­ ready written; collaborator to furnish the head with a club?” board and bed until play is produced.” all its might and strength, till the very roof of the old church seemed to vibrate with tremendous uproar. At the close of the anthem the lesson for the day was begun. “ And after the uproar was ceased,” the parson read out, in a clear and sonorous voice. The whole congregation immediately tittered audibly, but the choir could not understand the joke. W ater in bluing ia adulteration. Glass and wa- M* make liquid blue costly. Buy Red Cross Ball Hue, makes clothes whiter than snow. Must Be a Joke. A correspondent informs us that he read on a down-town menu: “ Prices Something New on Hen. A young Boston college woman was subject to advance during interval of following the suburbanite about his j giving order and being served.” place and doing her best to show her I full appreciation of the semi-rural i When Your Eyes Need Care beauty of the establishment. On vis- j Try M urine E ye Rem edy. N o Sm arting— Feels iting the hen-yard she became enrap­ F in e — A cts Q u ick ly. T ry it fo r R ed , W eak, atery E yes an d G ra nulated E yelids. Illu s­ tured. One hen was unusually well | W trated B ook In e a c h P a ck a g e . M urine is marked. “ Oh!” the young woman ex-j compounded by our Oculists—not a “ Patent Med­ — but used in Successful Physicians’ Prac­ claimed enthusiastically, “ What beau icine” tice fo r many years. Now dedicated to the Pub­ lic* and sold by liruggistK at 26o and 60c per Bottle. tiful foliage that hen has!” Marino Kyo Salvo In Aseptic Tubes, 2&o and 60a M u rin e Eye R em e dy C o ., C h ic a g o Unwelcome Prescription. An English doctsr, recommending exercise to prevent nervous break­ downs, says: “ If you are feeling stale and unprofitable and longing for some active exercise, you may obtain it by walking briskly up and down the Habits of Men. stairs.” Most of us, however, will con­ Some men carry a pint of small tinue to prefer to press the elevator change and others never break a dol­ button. lar bill until the fragments of the Martyr's Rewards. previous dollar have been totally ex­ In Algiers there is a beautiful mos­ pended. _________________ que used Entirely by women. And in M other* w ill find Mrs. W ln a lo w s Southing Byrup the beat rem edy to use lo r their ch ildren Algiers, too, if a woman dies in child­ birth she has ascribed to her all the d u rin g the teethiu g period. rich spiritual rewards accorded to martyrs who died in warfare for their Jackdaw Refused to Go. A Jackdaw followed some children ! religion, and the graves of such wo­ to a school at Wargrave-on-Thames, men are marked in a special way. the other day, and when lessons begau Don’ t buy water for bluing. Liquid blue ia al­ tried to go inside. When a teacher at­ most ail water. Buy Red Cross Ball blue, U m tempted to catch it the Jackdaw de­ blue that’s all blue. fiantly exclaimed. 4 Get out! Get out!” Didn’t Quite Understand. It remained in the playground until Mrs. Ponsonby visiting Paris, is re­ the children were let out. ceiving her friends at a “ little even­ ing,” and thinking to have a pleasant Game Always in Order. Ruth—Love is a nice game to play change after talk, suggests to a guest: at. Fred—Besides, it’s the only game “And now, M. Dubois, shall we have I know of that’s never postponed on a rubber?” “ Ah, madame,” said M. account of darkness.—Boston Herald. Dubois, with perfect politeness, but I piteously, “ a thousand thanks, mais- —je—je— n’aime pas le massage!” reason why you should be without appetite—why you suffer distress after eating— why your liver and bowels should be inactive. Try Hostetler’s STOMACH BITTERS It will help you overcome all Stomach, Liver and Bowelills GET A BOTILE AT ONCE After All-Night Session Pleas for Harmony Compel Associa­ tion to Yield. Banish All Skin Troubles Do You hear Well?i There is no common-sense Hood River Growers Complete North­ west Selling Ageney. Hood River, Or..—The Hood River Apple Growers’ association has decid­ ed to join the North Pacific Fruit Dis­ tributers. This action was taken af­ ter a session of the board of directors of the North Pacific Distributers that lasted all Saturday night and until af­ ter 6 o ’clock Sunday. Hood River growers yielded on their demand that a clearing office be estab­ lished here, which issue deadlocked R em ark able R em ed y T h a t the session, hut as a compromise H. F. Davidson, o f Hood River, a mem­ W orks W o n d e rs A g a in st ber o f the executive committee o f the distributers since its organization last E czem a an d A ll R ash fall, was given the presidency of the I f y o u h a v e b e e n fig h tin g Rom e b lo o d association in the place of W. T. tro u b le , s o m e s k in d is e a s e , cu ll It e cz e m a , Clark, of Wenatchee, who resigned lu pu s, p s o r ia s is , m a la ria , o r w h a t y o u because his district voted against join­ w ill, th e r e la b u t o n e su re , s a fe w a y to g e t rid o f it. A s k a t a n y d r u g s to r e fo r ing the North Pacific association. a $1.00 b o ttle o f S. S. S. an d y o u a r e then Hood River also retains its present o n the r o a d to h ea lth . T h e a c t io n o f th is markets, and William Sieg, sales man­ r e m a r k a b le r e m e d y Is Just a s d ir e ct, Just a s p o s itiv e , Just a s c e r ta in in its influ­ ager o f the Hood River association, e n c e a s th a t t h e su n r is e s in th e E a st. wili be retained by the distributers I t is o n e o f t h o s e ra re m e d ica l fo r c e s and made a member of its selling w h ic h a c t In th e b lo o d w ith the s a m e de­ force. g r e e o f c e r ta in t y th a t is fo u n d In all n a t­ This action really placed the North u ra l te n d e n cie s. T h e m a n n e r in w h ich It d o m in a te s a n d c o n t r o ls th e m y s te rio u s Pacific Fruit Distributers on its feet, tr a n s fe re n ce o f rich , red, p u re a rte ria l because other districts in the Pacific b lo o d f o r th e d is e a s e d v e n o u s b lo o d Is Northwest have been awaiting Hood m a rvelou s. River’s decision. The new association O u t t h r o u g h e v e r y sk in p o r e a cid s , g e r m s an d o t h e r b lo o d Im p u ritie s ara proposes to market the apple crops of fo rc e d in the fo r m o f in v isib le va p o r. Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Mon­ B e n e a th th e s k in is a fine n e t w o rk o f tana. n erves, a m y ria d o f them in w h ic h S. S. S. w o rk s w ith u n tir in g e n e r g y to p r e v e n t th e fu r th e r d e s t r u c t iv e w o r k o f th e a c id s a n d b lo o d Im p u ritie s. T h ese a re sca t­ te r e d In to th e v e in s to b e d r iv e n fro m T h e lu n g s b r e a th e It ou t, Test, without risk, in your own | th e sy s te m . home, the Audiphone—with latest I t h e liv e r Is s tim u la te d to c o n s u m e a instant une« »us adjustment. It is g r e a t p r o p o r tio n o f im p u ritie s , th e s to m ­ almost humanly sensitive to sound, | a c h an d in te s tin e s c e a s e to c o n v e y in to and /fc r /iv s a t once keen, distinct, I th e b lo o d s tr e a m the ca ta r r h a l, m a la ria l aided hearing power to those who 1 are almost totally deaf. W e will i g e r m s ; th e b o w e ls , k id n e y s, b la d d e r a n d let you take an Audiphone home ail e m u n c to r le s o f th e b o d y are m a rs h a le d for a month. We ask a j in to a fig h tin g f o r c e t o e x p e l e v e r y v e s ­ small rental. Rental ap- 1 tig e o f e r u p t iv e d is e a s e . plied on purchase. This 1 T h e re is s c a r c e ly a c o m m u n it y a n y - should appeal to you as a proposition Inai ought . w h e r e b u t w h a t h a s Its liv in g e x a m p le o f th e w o n d e r fu l c u r a t iv e e ffe c t s o f to be investigated. S. S. S. G e t a b o t t le o f th is fa m o u s re m ­ STOLZ ELECTROPHONE CO. e d y to -d a y, an d If y o u r c a s e is s tu b b o r n o r p e c u lia r w r it e to T h e S w ift S p e cific 230 Lumbermen's Bldg. Fifth and Stark, Portland, Ore C o., 160 S w ift B ld g ., A tla n ta , Ga. T h e ir m e d ica l la b o r a t o r y is fa m o u s a n d is co n ­ d u c te d b y r e n o w n e d e x p e r t s In b lo o d an d s k in d is e a s e s . Choir Couldn’t See It. Art as Amusement. Post Impressionist—Of course I paint purely for my own amusement, you know. Visitor to Studio—Non­ sense, my dear fellow. They simply tickle us to death, too!—London Opin­ ion. JOIN FRUIT COMBINE BIG FIRE LOSS A T B A K E R , OR. Mill and Lumber W orth $200,000 Burn in Few Minutes. Baker, Or.— In 35 minutes Satur­ day afternoon fire consumed over $200,000 when the Baker White Pine Lumber company’s plant at South Baker was burned to the ground. The blaze started at 5:55 o ’clock from sparks from the engine room, carried to the shavings pile. H. J. King, engineer of the com­ pany, saw the fire and tried to fight it with a hose. The flames burst upon him, badly burning his hands and face. He escaped just before the building was a mass of flames. The fire spread rapidly and the fire department was powerless because of low water pres­ sure. Soon the mill, the box factory and the huge pile of lumber were burning and by 6 :30 o’ clock there was nothing but a good-sized bonfire. The planing mill and box factory were valued at $150,000 and the lum­ ber at $50,000. Nearly 100 men are thrown out of work. The plants were covered fully by isurance. Leper Colony Is Temporary. Washington, D. C.— Some conster­ nation and uneasiness has been occas­ ioned by the presence o f lepers at Dia­ mond Point, Wash., and the fear that the Public Health and Marine Hospi­ tal service was to make this not only a permanent establishment but to send lepers there from other states. The feeling became so intense that Senator Jones and the other members of the Washington delegation were appealed to to have the matter investigated. The Washington members were in­ formed by Dr. Blue that the Marine Hospital service was endeavoring to find a place off the coast of California, and as soon as this was located and fitted up as an abiding place for these unfortunates they would be sent to this permanent colony. Roosevelt W ins Libel Suit. Marquette, Mich.—Colonel Theodore Roosevelt won his libel suit against George a Newett, who charged the Colonel with drunkenness. The Colo­ nel received damages after the de­ fendant had uttered a retraction and the jury awarded the nominal damages o f 6 cents provided in such cases by the law of Michigan. Each party to the suit will have to pay his own ex­ penses. Judge Flannigan instructed the jurors to bring in a verdict for the paintiff, which they did without leav­ ing their seats. Heir Goes On Plowing. Birmingham, Ala.— Louis F. Downs, a farmer at Rogersville, Ala., has es­ tablished a reputation as the calmest stoic in the business. He was plowing for his modest crop when he received notice that he was one-third heir to an estate in Virginia valued at $30,000,- 000, left by a great uncle, but he clucked to his mule without betraying the least excitement and finished the row before he would discuss the sub­ ject. Downs says he is too busy with Dr. Pierce’ s Pleasant Pellets cure his crop to stop now, but will take up constipation. Constipation is tha cause the matter when planting Is finished. of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. Easy to take. ^Tariff Bill Is]Delayed. Washington, D. C.—Another week’s Chivalry Interpreted. The phenomena of courtesy and delay in getting the tariff bill reported chivalry are simply additional proofs back to the senate now seems certain. that women have no souls, and that It will probably be June 21 or 23 be­ when a man is being “ polite” to a fore the bill is reported back. This is woman, he is simply ascribing to her a week later than the calculations a the minimum sense cf personal im­ few days ago and two weeks later portance is attached precisely in the than the calculations ten days ago. measure that it is understood.—Wein* These successive delays tend to make inger. the date for final passage o f tariff legislation more remote. September Brevity. 1, it is now generally admitted, will Barber (beginning the haircut)— be close at hand before the President “ Have you heard the story about the guy that— (resuming business)—want signs the bill. it short, sir?” Customer (a tired Race Dissension Arises. editor)—“ Yes; a mere synopsis will d o!”—Judge. Washington, D. C.— One of the first problems that ’ Alexander H. Stevens, Daily Thought. o f San Francisco, recently appointed Never does a man portray his own general auperintendent of the railway character more vividly than In his mail service, will have to solve when manner of portraying another.—Rich­ he reaches Washington, will be the ter. big row now on in the service because Complimented. of race dissensions. Stella—“ Was Mrs. NVwrich called .*» The white mail clerks are demand­ parasite?” Bella—“ Yes, but she ing that the white clerks be separ­ thought it had something to do with ated from the negro clerks on all rail­ Pari*.” way mail cars. J A P A N ’S REPLY IS D ELAYED Tokio, However, Does Not Intend to Drop California Case. SIGN PEACE TREATY Washington, D. C.- Although the American reply to the Japanese pro­ test against California land legislation was made 10 days ago, there has been no rejoinder, formal or informal, as yet. The Japanese ambassador did not appear at the State department on “ diplomatic Thursday,” because he Actual Ceremony Very Brief— Dele­ had not received from Tokio the in­ gates Signing Treaty W ith­ structions necessary for the prepara­ out Final Reading. tion of his note. This delay, however, is not con­ strued as an indication of any purpose on the part of the Japanese govern­ London—The eight months’ war be­ ment to drop the negotiations. As a tween Turkey and the allied Balkan matter of fact, it is known that extra­ states is ended. The “ peace of Lon­ ordinary pains have been taken to pre­ don” was signed May 30 in the pict­ pare a diplomatic communication to ure gallery of St. James palace. cover every point set out in the last Sir Edward Grey, the British fore­ note of Secretary Bryan. It is be­ ign secretary, presided over the form­ lieved that there will be a polite dis­ alities. The following peace dele­ sent from the California declaration, gates signed the preliminary treaty: drafted into the State department’s Osman Nizami Pasha, for Turkey; reply, that the Webb act is not in vio­ Dr. Daneff, for Bulgaria; Stefan No- lation of the existing treaties. This vakoviteh, forServia; Stephanos Sko- will probably he directed particularly loudis, for Greece, and M. Popovitch, to the Japanese claim that the Cali­ for Montenegro. fornia provision that Japanese may The only dramatic feature of the not inherit real property conflicts with historic occasion was M. Popovitch’s older treaties than that of 1911. expression of keen disappointment Tokio advices regarding the confer­ that Montenegro had “ been despoiled ence of the Japanese cabinet with the of her just share of the spoils of a tri­ opposition leaders is understood here umphant war, ” and of the hope that to forecast the presentation by the 1 “ England, which took the lead in the Japanese of a united front in all the spoliation,” would take every step to subsequent stages of the negotiations. compensate Montenegro for her sacri­ This, while adding to the weight of fice. the Japanese note, is expected to make The actual ceremony was brief. easier the task of negotiation. The delegates signed the treaty with­ out reading it, evidently in full confi­ RULE HITS A T FR IE D M AN N dence that all the seven articles were in such wording as the powers chose to New York Health Board Limits Use have them. The Bulgarian delegate proposed o f Living Bacteria. that peace become immediately effec­ New York—The board of health has tive without ratification of the treaty. adopted a resolution forbidding the This proposal was rejected, and the use of living bacterial organisms in delegates then left after having the inoculation of human beings for agreed to meet early in June to con­ the treatment o f diseases unless per­ sider the advisability o f an eventual mission is first obtained from the annexed protocol. board. After informing the ambassadorial Although Dr. Friederich F. Fried­ conference of the signing of the peace mann was not mentioned in the resolu­ draft, Sir Edward Grey suggested that tion, the effect o f the measure, it was the conference limit its discussions to announced, will be to prohibit the fur­ three questions—a constitution for Al­ ther administration o f his treatment bania, the delimitation of the south­ for tuberculosis except under special ern frontier of Albania, and the status permit from the board. The resolu­ of the Aegean islands. tion, however, refers to the Fried­ mann cure as follow s: N IC AR AG U A N C A N A L FOR U. S. “ Certain tests of the efficiency and safety of an alleged cure for tubercu­ losis, now being made in this city, are Treaty Negotiated by Taft Admin­ istration To Be Ratified. being rendered unsatisfactory, un­ scientific and practically futile Washington, D. C.—The United through the insistence of the origina­ States will secure perpetual and ex­ tor of the alleged remedy on condi­ clusive franchise for the building of tions which involve inadequate obser- ( an interoceanic canal through Nicar­ vation, inaccurate methods of adminis­ agua and also a naval station, togeth­ tration and the insistence of secrecy er with several small islands, on the regarding the substances employed in Pacific coast of that country. This is some phases o f the treatment. Evi­ insured through a decision just reach­ dence already is at hand to show that ed by the Wilson administration to the so-called remedy not only does not support a treaty negotiated in the fulfill the promises o f efficiency and closing days of the Taft administra­ safety under which its use was first tion between this country and Nicar­ permitted in this city, but that pa­ agua. It was learned Saturday that tients under treatment have suffered Secretary Bryan has asked the senate serious and rapid progress of their dis­ j committee on foreign relations to rati- ease.” _________________ I fy the treaty now pending before it, SHOE CONTROL W A S SOUGHT with only one or two minor changes. Through the ratification o f this treaty, the Nicaraguan route will be Purchase o f Machinery and Plant forever closed to every nation except f o f Competitor Described. the United States. Now that Secretary Bryan, with the Boston—The Thomas G. Plant com­ pany, of Boston, was an active com­ weight of the Wilson administration, petitor when the United Shoe Machin­ has decided to stand behind the treaty, ery company acquired it, according to there is no doubt that it will be rati­ testimony introduced by the govern­ fied by the senate. It will have the ment in the dissolution proceedings support of most o f the Republicans, against the United Shoe Machinery and Bryan’s request will undoubtedly swing the Democrats into line. company. It was the largest and most import­ ’ Aviator Mocks Ship’ s Guns. ant of the 55 subsidiary companies Nogales, Ariz.—Ariator Didier Mas­ bought up by the defendant, and its purchase is regarded as one of the son Saturday sailed his big biplane principal points in the government’s over the gunboat Guerrero in Guay- mas Bay. The ship’s gunners at­ case. Plant had acquired a complete line tempted to shell the aeroplane, which of shoe machinery and had fitted his remained at a height of 5000 feet. shoe factory with it in place of the None of the shells took effect, nor did defendant’s machines, when the latter Masson attempt to drop any bombs. bought him out for $6,000,000. This To show his defiance of the federal was after St. Louis manufacturers had gunners, he made five flights over the opened negotiations for the purchase bay. In the meantime the state troops of a half interest in Plant’s shoe ma­ were driving the federals back toward chinery business. Guaymas. The fighting occurred at Batametal, south o f Santa Rosa. Election Change Mooted. Washington, D. C.—The new plan Body o f Heroine Moved. for national election and the assem­ Frederick, Md.—The body of Bar­ bling of congress was proposed by Senator Works in two bills. He bara Freitchie, heroine o f Whittier’s would change election day from No­ poem, and that of her husband, John vember to August and provide for an­ C. Freitchie, which recently were dis­ nual sessions of congress from the interred from the old Reformed Con­ first Monday of October to the first gregational cemetery here, were form­ Monday in June. Congressmen would ally deposited in the new mausoleum assume office in October, immediately in Mount Olivet cemetery Friday. The after the election, and the President mausoleum is adjacent to the grave of and Vice President would take office Francis Scott Key, author o f “ The Star in November. The plan is not looked Spangled Banner.” The reburial was the occasion for interesting ceremon­ upon with favor to any extent. ies by the Grand Army of the Republic and other patriotic organizations. “ Drys” W in Fight in Idaho. Weiser, Idaho—After a lively battle Tacoma Plants Damaged, during the past month, the wet forces Tacoma, Wash.—Three serious acci­ met defeat in the local option election held in Washington county last Wed­ dents that will necessitate an expendi­ nesday. Twelve out of 15 precincts ture of $15,000 to remedy have oc gave “ drys” a majority of 776. Only curred on Tacoma’s two big light and two precincts were carried by the water projects within the past few “ wets.” The remaining precincts days. Either'dynamite or lightning are expected to slightly reduce the destroyed the lower half of a 45-inch majority. The results were a big wooden waste pipe, splintering it to surprise,aS the majority is nearly four slivers, and a half dozen plates on the times greater than that of two years floor of the reservoir at La Grange Practically the same ago. The “ drys” carried Weiser by were cracked. thing happened at the big reservoir at 179 majority. McMillan, on the Green River gravity system. Astor House Is Closed. New York—The Astor House front­ Mud Saves Falling Man. ing lower Broadway opposite the gen­ New York— Falling 400 feet from eral postoffice, formally closed its his­ toric career of 77 years Wednesday an aeroplane Arthur Lampham, a with a jollification of transients and youthful parachute jumper, landed tradition-loving New Yorkers. A cau­ feet first in a Staten Island marsh and cus o f aged guests, grown gray on the was buried to his neck in the mud. premises, berated fate for taking the With ropes and boards he was extri­ roof from over their heada and spoke cated. At a hospital he was found to hopefully of a petition with more than be sufferinng from shock. Lampham 6000 signatures that the building be was taken up by Harry B. Brown, an aviator, and was to have made a 500- not razed. foot drop. His parachute failed to Explosion Kills Five Men. work when he made his leap. Port Vendres, France—A terrible Postoffice Job Refused. explosion o f dynamite in a factory Galesburg, III.— Political precedent just outside this port killed five men and injured 20 others. The report got a jolt in Vermont, III., when was heard at a distance o f 20 miles. George Kirkbride, recently appointed The men killed were blown to pieces postmaster by President Wilson, de­ and portions of their bodies were clined. The postmaster’s salary at pick«! up a long distance out in the Vermont is $1400. Kirkbride says he prefers to run his bakery shop. Mediterranean. W . L . D O U G L A S » .* 3 .0 0 » .* 3 .5 0 » 4 - 0 0 » 4 ..s o AND » f l o p SHOES Balkan-TurKish War of tight Months Officially Ended. FCR M EN A N D W O M EN BEST BO YS SHOES In the YYORL D $2.00. $2.60 and S3.00. The largest makers of Men’s $3.50 and $4.00 •hoe« in the world. ik y o u r t!«H i«r to s h o w you I.. D o u g la s 9 3 .AO. * 14.00 and 1.60 sh oea. Just as g o o d in stvle, t an d w e a r as o t h e r n ia k os c o s t in g « '» .0 0 tin» o n ly d iff e r e n c e is th e p r ic e . Shoe* le a t h e r s , s ty le s a n d s h a p e s to su it ev e ry hod I f y o u c o u ld visit W . D o u g la s la r g e fact« | ries at B r o c k t o n , M ass., an d see f o r you ra e h o w c a r e fu lly W . I.. D o u g la s s h oes are ina« y o u w oiil«l th en iinderstany mail, anil why you can »are money on your footwear. SUBSTITUTE W . I .. D U l ’ U L A H - • H r u r k to n , M ass. Simply Couldn't Come. The Judge—“ Unless you have a most satisfying excuse I shall have 10 fine you for contempt of court for failing to respond to the jury sum- mons.” The Taleswoman—“ I meant no disrespect, judge, but I hadn’t a thing suitable to wear, and I couldn't find a ready-made jury costume auy place.”—Woman’s Cause. N o m a n is S tro n g e r T h a n h is S to m a c h Expensive Drop. Hiram Jones, says Lippincott’s Mag- azine, had just returned from a tour of Europe. “ I suppose,” said a friend, “ that when you wire in England you did as the English do, and dropped your H’ b ?” “ N o ,’’ moodily responded the returned traveler, I didn’t. I did as the Americans do. I dropped my Vs and X’s.” ET the greatest athlete have dyspepsia and his strength will soon fail. One’s stamina—force- fullness and strength of mind or muscle depend upon the blood, and the blood in turn, requires a healthy stomach, t o r the stomach is the laboratory where the food is digested and such ele­ ments are taken up—or assimilated—which m a k e b lo o d . In consequence all the organs of the body, such as heart, lungs, liver ami kidneys, as well as the nervous system, feel the bad effect if the stom­ ach is deranged. L P r . P ie r c e 's G o ld e n M e d ic a l D isco v e ry The Medical Adviser by Ji. V. Pierce, M. D ., Buf­ fa lo , N. Y. answers hosts o f d elica te q u e s tio n s about which every man or woma n, single or mar­ ried ought to knou\ Sent fr e e on receipt o f SI one- cent stamps to pay fo r wrapping and mailing . h elp » the Btomach t o d ig e s t f o o d prop erly, starts th e liv e r into new a ctiv ity , rem ov in g th e poisons from the blood, and the various organs g e t rich, red blood, in ­ stead o f bein g illy nourished. T h e refresh in g influence o f this e x tr a c t o f n ative m edicinal plants has been fa v o r a b ly know n f o r o v e r 40 years. E v eryw h ere som e n eigh b or can te ll y o u o f th e g o o d it has d one. Sold by «11 m edicine dealers In H u u ld or tablet io m u or send 5 0 on e-ce n t stam p s to D r. P ierce, Invalid* H o te l, B u ffalo« and a t r k l b o x w ill bo m ailed you* “ Rings” From Smoking Volcanoes. A smoking volcano very often blows rings just like a man who is medita­ tively puffing a cigar. Sometimes these rings are five or six hundred feet across. In both cases the “smoke” consists of a cloud of fine particles which show the existence of a vortex­ ring, the ring itself being a rotating mass of gas or air. To Breaf: m New Shoes. Alw ays shake in A lle n ’* F o o t-Käse, a pow der, it cures h ot, sw ea tin g, Belting, sw ollen feet. Lures corn s, in g row in g nails and bun ion s. At i ll druggists and shoe stcres, 2f><\ D ont accept iny substitute. Sam ple m ailed FREE. Addresa Alien 8 .O lm sted, Le Kojr, N. Y. Apt Description. Little Robert, who was just learning to talk, was never timid in thunder showers. During a heavy storm when the thunder and lightning were simul­ taneous he said: "Oh, mamma, see the pretty sunshine go bang!’’ Provide Fresh Air for Patients. One Chicago hospital maintains beds on Its roof for treatment of cer­ tain patients to whom plenty of fresh air is a necessity. Sure Enough. Frank and Fred, aged 6 and 4, re­ spectively, w’ere discussing a little sis­ ter who had died before the latter was born, and Fred said: “ When I go to heaven I’ll go right up to her and say, ‘Hello! this is Freddy.’ ” “ Why,” said Frank, “ she won’t know you, be­ cause when she was, you wasn’t.” Modern Drama. The plays we think we ought to see, they send us fast asleep; the plays that we would like to see— to them we daren’t creep; the plays that peo­ ple talk about strike us as rather small; and the plays that people take ua to—oh, they’re the worst of all. a. A. H. POWELL, Manufacturing ('hemiat |>okane. Wash. I>ear S ir : Having suffered with stomach trouble for a number of years, and tried a great many doctors ami a great many pro­ prietary preparations tint obtained no per­ manent relief until I took your stomach remedy, and am pleased t*> say that I have no further stomach trouble and can eat any­ thing 1 desire and suffer no bad results. I am a professional nurse, havin ' nursed for 10 years. some of the tune for I>r. Holb of New York City, the greatest specialist on child reu’s diseases also bad charge of Wardner Hospital at Wardner. Idaho, for two years. Hince learning by my own experience the great benetlt from the use of Powell’s ritorn- ach Remedy. 1 have recommended it to a great many for children and adults, and in each «*ase it has been remarkable for the i ood it has done. 1 cheerlfully recommend it to anjone Muttering with nny kind of s*om­ sch tro lidi*, as i ani aux io is to aid anjoue sufferin g from siekn c*s o any kind, and 1 Imvo inever known o f medi«•ino to compare with 1«»well's ritornai•h Item,edy forali kinds of atomach trouble Yours truly. KLHIK HT KIN Kit 21- llooae A e m St. Helens Hall P o r t l a n d , O r boon R esid en t and D ay S c h o o l for Gir ls In chsrgo of Sister* of St.Jolin Baptist (Episcopal) Collegiate, Academic and Elementary Departments, Music. Art, Elocution. Domestic Art. Domestic Science, gymnasium. F or catalog uddruss— T H E SISTER SU PE RIO R, O ffice 30 St. H elens UuU Primitive Farming in Spain. In some parts of Spain, as in the Seville district, there are many large farms ranging from 1,000 acres up to 10,000 or even more. In other ¡»arts of the country thousands of peasants till little plots of from two acres to five acres apiece. There the use of modern farm machinery makes very slow progress. HOW THiS WOMAN FOUND HEALTH 8 “DIDN’T HURT A BIT” is what they all say of our I’ainkfls Methods of Extracting Teeth. Would not give Lydia E.Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound for All Rest of Medicine in the W orld. Utica, Ohio.—“ I suffered everything from a female weakness after baby came. I had numb spells and was dizzy, had black spots be­ fore my eyes, my back ached and I was so weak I could hardly stand up. My f a c e was yellow, even my fingernails were colorless and I had displacement, I took Lydia E. Pink- ham’s V e g e t a b le Compound and now I am stout, well and healthy. I can do all my own work and can walk to town and back and not get tired. I would not give your Vegetable Compound for nil the rest of the medi­ cines in the world. I tried doctor’s med­ icines and they did me no good.” —Mrs. M ary E arle '. vine , R.F.D. N o . 3, Utica, Ohio, A n o th e r Case. Nebo, lit.—“ I was bothered for ten years with female troubles and the doc­ tors did not help me. I was so weak and nervous that 1 could not do my work and every month I had to spend a few days in bed. I read so many letters about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- ponnd curing female troubles that I got abottle of it. It did me more good than anything else I ever took and now it has cured me. I feel better than I have for years and tell everybody what the Compound has done for me. I believe I would not be living to-day bnt for that.” — Mrs. HETTIB GRt-ENSTEXET, Nebo, Illinois, Out-of-town perv- plo can have their plate and bridge- work finished in one day If necessary. A n absol u t e gu ar- antee. backed by 24 years in Portland. W ise Dental Co. OFFICE HOURS: rt A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday* 9 to 1 Phones: A 202 9: Main 2029. Tailing B ldg., Third and W ashington, Portland O U T o r TOW N PEO PLE C. GEE WO the Chinese doctor. Try once more if yon have been doctoring with this one snd thst one nnd have not obtained per­ manent relief. Let this great nature healer diag- nnee yonr esse snd prescribe solus remedy whose set ion Is quick, sure snd safe Mis prescription# sre compounded from Root«. Herf*#, Buds and Barks thst have been gathered from every quar­ ter of the glol>*> I ho «<-< ret* of theae medicine# sre not known to the outside world, bet hare bee» banded down from father to mm in tho physiols»#' families in Chins. CONSl’ LTATION FREE. If you lire out of town snd cannot cell, write fpr symptom blank sod ircnlar, enclosing 4 o stamps. THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162} firs* S*., Cor. Morrison Portland, Oregon. P. N . U. N o. 2 3 - ’ ! * ^UIIKN writing to adrertisers, please men- ” tien this paper.