Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, May 29, 1913, Image 5

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Local Newa
M elvin
S h an k lan d
W oodw ard p ain ters for th e P. R.
L. & P are paiDting th e pavillion
th is week.
Misses K ath erin e Booth and Lu*
cile D anforth both of P o rtlan d sp en t
the day at F.stacada w ith th e Bos­
wells at O rch ard H om e.
Boos! the Town— Boost Yourself
Subscribe for the
Mrs. B. S Joselyne and a p arty
of tw enty ladies of P o rtlan d cam e
out to E stacada T u esd ay in P resi­
The management will endeavor to give the patrons of this
dent Jo se ly n 's p riv ate car “ P o rt­
lan d ’'a n d took lunch at th e H otel show, the best service available. Show starts promply at 7:30
E stacad a.
Joseph C a h ill of E agle C re :k ,
w ho was severely injured by being
jam m ed betw een a car and wood
dock at B arton some tim e ago has
recovered sufficiently to be able to
get around w ith th e aid of a p air of
Has a
Motion Picture Show
The<-e was a man near T ro u td ale
purchased enough clover seed, so
Every Saturday and Sunday Evenings
he th o u g h t, to seed dow n ten acres
H e sowed and behold w hen th e
Methodist Episcapal Church
clover as he supposed, cam e u p he
had a lovely stand of radishes S unday School - - - 10 a. m.
i l a. m.
Y ou can p urchase rad ish es a t foui S e r m o n ..........................
8 p m.
bunches for five but d o n 't ask w hat
E p w o rth I.eague - - - 7 P- «n
kind of a stand of clever he has
P ray er m eeting T h u rsd a y 8 p. m
In regard to th e w eight of
T h e public cordially invited to all
D is io n s
Ply m o u th Rock bird killed at Or-
C O R V R tO H T S A C -
Anyone se n d in g _
• sketch and descript ion map
ch a id hom e by th e Boswells, last
quickly a s c e ____
rta in o o a t r o p in io n fre e w h e th e r mm
W . R. F. Browne, Pastor.
p ro b ab l peiantakia _ i>omaiw»laa
_______ _ Is probably
week here we come w ith an o th er
tlons s tric tly oonfldoutuLHANOBOOK
so n t fr#«. O ldest 1 agency
e g e n r- -------------
for securing peteni
Patents ______
taken I th
i ro u g h M unn A Co. ree
stro n g er th a n ever and I w ant tt
Mr. an d Mrs. R oger C ary re ­ special
notice, without charge. In the
understood Mrs. B. O Boswell is tu rn ed last week from th eir honey
th e chicken raiser on th e ranch moon tr ip th ro u g h so u th ern Cali
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest etr-
o f any sdentino tournai. Term s, M a
W ell th e pullets w hich were h atched fornia and M exico and w ent to rotation
year : four months, | L Bold by aU newsdsalara.
o u t th e 2 nd of Ja n u a ry are now keeping house in th e ir hom e here
laying, can you beat it. If anyone Mr. C ary says th a t th ey did not
d o u b ts it Mrs. Boswell will be glad v en tu re far into th e in terio r of M ex­
to e n tertain a com m ittee w hile they ico b u t they saw a garrison w hich
The Christian Church.
investigate and would I believe was in possession of a handful of
10 a. m.
tre a t them to some very nice cake soldiers of th e re g u la r arm y and it
I t a. m.
and sweet cider or a beautiful bunch is h is opinion th a t one of Uncle
Y . P. S. C. E .
7 p. tn.
of flowers. Come and see and con­ S am 's boys arm ed w ith a six gun Preaching .
7:45 p. tn.
vince yourselves.
The public cordially invited to all aer*
would 'p u t th e e n tire g arrison to
vices. W. G ivens , Pastor.
B O Boswell.
P atents
Scientific American.
tiM SK ïSSB Sftl