Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, May 08, 1913, Image 1

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    All the News
Ail the Time
4 * p VOL. 5
Just Received
An Excellent Stock
Of Wall Paper
Which we are selling at a very
see tills
Came in
stock before going
We also have an up-to-date line of
Axminister & Tapestry Rugs of all Sizes
Furniture of all kinds, also Queensware and
W. D. and L. M. Henfhom, Proprietors
Odd Fellows Building
8, 1913
Guy LaFollette’s Father Dead
William T. LaFollette, whose
death at Madison, Wis., occurred
yesterday, was well aud favorably
kuowu in Sioux City aud South
Dakota. His son, Guy LaFollettc
was tor seveial years sports editor
aud city editor for The Tribune,—
Sioux City. Ia , Tribune (May 1.)
Guy E- LaFollette, up until Mar.
1st., was editor of the Progress
when be weut to Helena, Mont., to
take the management of a daily
paper. He has a host of friends
here who will extend to him their
Butter Makers Attention
C o n c e rt
Fruit Growers
Night May 10
Why allow your crop to be destoyed
when with a little expense and time you can destroy
«uSoffS, Family Theatre
the insects.
W e have Lime and Sulphur, Arsenate of Lead, Quassia
Chips, Whale Oil Soap, Blue Stone, Formaldehyde and
■ Hellebore. We also have Nicotine for the rose bushes.
This concert is given under the auspices of the Civic Improve­
ment Club to raise funds for improving the streets of Estacada.
General Amission 15 & 25c.
Seats 35c.
Christian Church Notes
Mortgage Loans on
Farm Lands
We Solicit Your Patronage
Do You Know?
T h a t w e w a n t the trade
of every reasonable fair
minded man in this part of Clacka­
mas County.
There are desirable and undesirable customers.
We want the desirable customer—one who is fair minded
—who does not think we steal the goods we offer for sale—who
realises that a merchant who pays for his goods must have a pro­
fit on what he sells or otherwise his name would be Dennis. We
know that we sell on a mighty small margin of profit. We pay
cash tor our stock and buy as cheaply as cash money can procure
them and we sell in the same way. Give us a chance to supply
your wants. If we cannot give you as much for your money as
others then we will make no complaint. We try and buy strictly
first class goods, inch aa will prove of good value to the purchaser.
Let ns figure with you on your paint bill, give you prices on
buggies and farm implements, make you a set of good servicahle
harness, quote you on sash and doors and show you the American
Field Fence. Our “ Yaller” Front is not very imposing or
attractive but we are not offering "Yaller Fronts." \\ e t all it
the Yellow Front Emporium." You understand that ¡s a joke.
McCurdy Lumber & Hardware Co.
For sale at
The Estacada Pharmacy
The Christian Endeavor Society
A herd of "Moose" from the
The statutes regulating the man­
of the Christian Church held their
woods near Portland invaded our
ufacture and sale of butter provide
regular monthly business meeting
city Sunday afternoon and went
for the branding of creamery but­
at the home of Mr and Mrs. W.
| direct to the ball park where they
ter, but not for the branding of
Givens on Wednesday evening of
represented themselves as being a
dairy butter except that each roll
this week. A social hour followed
base ball team, composed of stars of
or square must lie plainly marked
the business session.
first magnitude. The gracefulness
16 ounces full weight or 32 ounces
The services throughout the day of the members, no doubt, was their
full weight. We fiud some dairy
butter that is not so marked and at the Christian church last Sun­ j reason for adopting the name
we also find soute that is short day were attended by the largest J "Moose ” Outside of the battery,
audiences of rihe season. The j Odell and Johnson, they were about
We would be glad to hold the Bible School was the largest in its j the worst buuch it has ever been
manufacturer responsible for the history and it is a certainty that | our misfortune to see perform. Not
misbranding and also for the short the aim of too for this quarter will | only were they unable to field or
weight, but in the absence of any lx: realized. The evening service 1 throw a ball but several of them
name and address on the butter so was especially well attended the demonstrated by their inability to
as to positively identify the manu­ church being comfortably filled. play the inside game that should
facturer we cannot do so. The There will he the usual services vou liore into their heads nothing
following ruling is therefore made: next Lords Day, beginning with a would come out but bone shavings.
All dairy butter offered or ex­ rousing Bible School Service at Pitcher Odell certainly cannot be
posed for sale will be considered to A. M., Preaching at n A. M. called a quitter for with his team 1
misbranded if it does not have and 7:45 P. M. Morning theme, mates practically worthless to him
plainly marked on each roll or Lifes Mission.’ ’ Evening theme he continued to pitch ball to the J
end and in many cases, covered the
square the works, "Dairy Butter,"
Gethsemane.’ ’
“ 16 ounces full weight,” or ‘ ‘32
bases rather than take the chances
ouuces full weight’ ’ and the name
of having the base <i?tt add auother
and address of the manufacturer.
error to their already large list.
Ativ person offering or ex posing for
Catcher Jamison the bull moose of
M. H. T a.lo r a farmer residing the herd was the only one of the
sale dairy butter not branded in
compliance with this rilling will be near Currensville received injuries bunch who could solve the offerings
prosecuted under the statutes pro­ last Friday by falling from a load of our own Neal Bronson to any
vided for the branding of food of hay which caused his death a fe .v extent aud that very late tu the
hours later. Mr. Taylor was bind­ game when he sent a screamer ever
ing the !jad of hr. on the rack, , Simon's bead for two sacks and
J. D. Mickle.
usiDg the pole and rope. The pole ¡sent another in the same direction,
Oregon Dairy & Food Com.
was fastened at Ike front of the which was gracefully "glommed"
wagon aud he was throwing his by "Sim ."
Altogether they got
Estacada School Notes
weight on the pole at the rear when 15 hits. The home team played
The local high school will con­ it broke off causing him to full to I more like proffessionals than ama-
test with Gresham High at Gres­ the hard floor on the barn headfore­ teurs. C. Douglass at short, shone
ham on the 17th. And will also
most. He received a severe fract­ 1 brightly handling a number of diffi­
enter the County Meet to be held
ure of the skull which caused in­ cult cbances with apparent ease.
at Gladstone on the 24th.
stant paralysis of the right side. Parks who cavorted around the 3rd
The Aleohic and Websterlan Lit­ Mr, Taylor never regained con­ corner after the 4th frame also cov­
erary Societies will give a joint pro­ sciousness Dr. Adix was sum­ ered his position well. Our heroes
gram on May 16th at 2 o'clock. moned immediately and worked got a total of 8 hits, two each by C,
All eighth pupils in this section of over the injured man hut to no Douglass, Bittner aud Simons and
Clackamas County are invited.
avail. He was placed upon a car one each by Smith and Shultz.
Milton Evans, Malcolm Woodle. hoping to get him to a hospital in
The score.
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R . H E
Lloyd Ewalt and Keune’.h Bartlett Portland in time for an operation Innings
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 16
aud Mr. Ford left yesterday for the hut death was the victor. The re­ Moose
3 2 0 0 0 2 1 2 x 1 0 8 4
State Interscliolastic Track and mains were taken to an undertaking | Estacada
Field Meet at Eugene. The entire parlor and prepared for burial.
student body gave the boys a send The deceased was about sixty years
Lee Bronson was struck on the
of age aud had lived at Currens­ kuee by a foul tip in the 3rd aud
off to their first State Meet.
The school gardeu is going in ville for about three years. He is had to retire from the game. Boy-
full blast now. 73 boys and girls survived by a widow and four chil­ lan finished catching the game.
Big Jamison the Moose receiver
of the grades have taken individual dren who have the sympathy of the
was up twice in pinches, two men
plots from which exhibits will be community.
on and two out but was unable to
taken for the Estacada School Fair
come through with a hit.
the latter part of June. And also
the majority will take plots for the
Eagle Creek was well represented
Eastern Clackamas School Fair to
J A. LaFrance, wife and family at the game aud they had reason to
be held on Sept. 13th. In addition were brought to Portland last week fee! proud of their fellow towns­
to these plots the freshmen and where the two former must answer man "D oc" Douglass.
sophomores have charge of a gener­ to the charge of defrauding Insur-
And now they call him Hal Chase
al school gardeu. Watch ’em grow. sance companies out of $15,000. Smith. The big athelete can cer­
Following are the lists of prizes Mr. LaFrance since his return has tainly play the initial sack.
to be given to the winners in class boasted about the way he fooled the
A (6th, 7th and grades) and class detectives, whom he knew were
Portland has a "Big Sisterhood,’ ’
B(4th and 3th grades.)
trailing him. It is quite evident an unique society, which invites
that he has talked too much for his the interest and co-operation of
June Fair:
A — 1st. and 2nd prize, automobile own good. He stoutly denies tha mothers and daughters and other
his wife was in anyway implicated members of families throughout the
trip to Portland by J. W. Reed.
A — 3rd. prize, $3 00 pair of shoes in the matter and that she did not state of Oregon. This society is
by Cary’s Mercantile Co.
know that he was still alive until quite intormal in its organization
A — 4th prize. 2 lb. box of bou bons after the insurance money had been its aim being to give friendly aid
by Bob Marshbank.
collected by her. Attorney C. W. and counstl to girls who are alone
B — 1 st. and 2nd prizes, automobile Devore of this place who was in­ , in Portland or who for any reason
strumental in collecting the money are in need of a "Big Sister.” The
trip to Portland by J. W. Reed.
B— 3rd. prize.
fottntaiu pen from the insurance companies, was work of the society is not offered as
(Century) by Estacada Pharmacy. called to Portland last week and re­ a charity, but is just the friendliness
B —4th prize, ball mitt or 2 lb. box tained as attorney for Mrs. La­ of one woman for another, or a
of Iran bons by Ed Boner.
France. It is the opinion of some I "B ig Sister" for a "Little Sister.”
Watch for the fall list.
thit there will he others implicated '• So many girls going to the city
in the affair before it is through.
front the country or small towns
Ed Boner and VV’m. Marsh pre­
The identification of the dead have fallen into misfortune through
sented the Progress family with a matt found on the batiks of the the want of a friend, or in some
mess of fine fish last Saturday. Clackamas still remains unsolved cases have tieen utterly lost to their
This is the first opportunity we
A headstoneon which is inscribed home people, that these Portland
have had to pass opinion upon the I the name of J. A. LaFrance, plate women have associated themselves
quality of fish caught in the Clack­ of birth and age, marks the grave to extend the friendly hand to girls
amas aud our verdict is — the best ot the unknown in Lone Oak ceme­ and women who need any kind of
help whatever.
Estacada State Bank
Only Paper in
East Clackamas
And visit ,our
Thursday of
each week be­
tween 12 m.
and 4 p. m.
Double amount of trad­
ing stam ps given during
the musical hours on
Hardware, Dry Goods, Shoes
or Gents Furnishings.
On and after Monday, May 12th only
one delivery a day not later than 10:30 A. M.
orders in early.
Get your
Cary’s Merc. Co.
Carries a complete line of Kilm Dried flooring,
Finish Lumber and all grades of dementions and
ship lap
Pressed and Common Brick
always on hand.
Grain and Chicken
Feed always on hand.
At the Old Plaining Mill Stand
E. D. Allen
Phone Main 112