NEWS O F W WEEK Cenerai Resume of Important Events Itirouptiout the Word Action of the Balkan allies and the forces defending Scutari puzzles all Europe. Two p a rties of Japanese have gone to Sacram eno to keep w atch of anti- alien legislation. NEW YORK JA PA N ESE APPEAL New Y ork— Resolutions appealing to the au th o rities and “ fair-m inded citizens” of this country and Ja p a n to solve fairly the question arisin g be­ tw een the two nations through the pending legislation regarding alien land ow nership in C alifornia were adopted a t a m eeting of several hun- dred Japanese residents of this c ity in Carnegie*ha*r '" " s a c h e s denouncing the contem contem ulated action of of the the C Cali for- the plated action a lifo r "ia legislature w ere m ade and tele- gram s sent to P resident W ilson and S ecretary of S ta te Bryan thanking them for the friendly sp irit they have , . l . i i shown tow ard the Japanese. The N icaraguan governm ent is con in n a n L ah f stru c tin g heavy fortifications about the city of M anagua. C hina’s cabinet officers and the sen- W ashington, D. C.—Not the slight- ate d rift fa rth e r a p art than ever over es t change in the a ttitu d e of the Ja p - the question o f a big national loan. anese tow ards the alien land bill has Governor Hatfield, of W est V irgin­ taken place here in the past few days. R eports th a t Am bassador Chinda has ia, visited the scene of the m iners’ the strik e and advised the men to return re ite ra te d the displeasure of Mikado over any alleged d iscrim ina­ to work. tion ag ain st citizens were denied at Two B ritish officers will accompany the W hite House and the S ta te depart- about th irty Am erican officers on a 50- m ent day ride over the battlefields of the The Japanese protest was m ade Civil war. more than two weeks ago, and no Doubt is expressed w hether the nec­ o th er representations have been made essary num ber of acceptable recru its by A m bassador Chinda since th a t tim e. Sensational reports th a t Japan had can be found in Germ any to supply the adopted a more aggressive a ttitu d e proposed m ilitary increase. were denied by S ta te departm ent offi­ A num ber of French officers were cials. killed or injured by a bomb in Hanoi, Indo-China, hurled by an adherent of WIRELESS OPERATORS STRIKE the pretender to the A nnam ite throne. _____U — . . . . Em peror W illiam was w arned th at W’estern Men Will Be Supported by an a tte m p t would be m ade upon his East If Necessary. life while on a visit to F ran k fo rt, and San Francisco—-According to Sylves­ ex traordinary precautions have been te r J. Konenkamp, international pres­ taken. ident o f the Commercial T eleg rap h ers’ B ankers throughout the country are union of Am erica, who is here d irec t­ much averse to the governm ent’s ing the strik e ag ain st the Marconi “ laundered” paper money, and char­ W ireless company, general orders call­ acterize it as ^ ‘c o u n te rfeiters’ de­ ing out all w ireless operators employ­ lig h t.” ed by the corporation in the E ast will be issued as soon as it becomes evi­ W ilson’s m essage to the C alifornia legislature, delivered in person by Sec­ dent th a t the b a ttle of the strik e rs retary Bryan, seems to have little cannot be won on the Pacific Coast. Konenkam p professed to be op tim ­ effect in changing the m inds of the istic concerning the outcome of the law m akers. strike, and is o f the opinion th a t the R epresentative Sisson, o f Missis­ affair will term inate where it began, sippi, openly declares him self in favor in the W est, and th a t the company of w ar w ith Jap an , if necessary to will be forced to accede to the demand back up C alifornia in her anti-alien of the union for a higher wage sched­ ule. legislation. “ We are asking $60 a m onth for A New Y ork herm it, a fte r his death first operators and $50 for second key was accidentally identified by a rela­ man, now receiving from $30 to 45 for tiv e as Dudley Jard in e, a wealthy th e ir services,” said he. “ We did builder o f church organs, and worth not order the strik e until every effort over $100,000. to se ttle the m a tte r by a rb itra tio n had An old sea captain who died in San failed. The San Francisco L abor Francisco le ft a large fortune, provid- Council then took up the m a tte r w ith ing in his will th a t his widow should the Marconi people, and P resident have only her legal share, his children Andrew J. G allagher, a fte r a confer- nothing, and the balance of the money ence w ith A. H. Ginman, the Marconi to homeless s tre e t w aifs and orphans, m anager, advised us to ‘go ahead, the M ontenegro accepts a new frontier quicker the b etter. ’ line and in exchange yields up Scutari. ‘There are 53 men now on strik e in this city. The men a t A storia are Twenty-five per cent of the officials also out, and the operators a t E ast a t the coming election in Portland, San Pedro have le ft th e ir keys. Many will be women. of the m aritim e unions have assured us of m oral and financial su p p o rt.” O rtie E. McManigal will soon be re­ leased from prison, and declares he CARNIVAL IDEA ORGANIZED will s ta rt life all over again. ------------- International law yers o f several Pacific Coast Cities to Co-operate countries spoke in W ashington in fav­ in Civic Gaiety. or of equal canal tolls for all coun­ tries. S a n ta B arbara, C al.— W ith the de­ Miss M argaret W ilson, eldest velopm ent of the carnival s p irit and daughter of the President, spoke be­ the m aking of the e n tire W est into a fore the general council o f wom en’s g igantic playground as its object, the C alifornia C elebrations com m ittee has clubs a t B altim ore. been organized here. The m eeting was attended by prom ­ A rope-m aker of Cherbourg, France, has ju st awakened from a 77-day inent C alifornia officials of several railroads and re p re se n tativ es from sleep. civic bodies. A com m ittee to form u­ A labam a’s senators declare the late the general plans o f the new o r­ South has not its proper share of fore­ ganization and to inv ite re p re se n ta ­ ign consuls. tives of o ther cities to a tten d another The governm ent sees no cause to m eeting to be held here as soon as change its plans for the naval cruise possible was appointed. The com m ittee expressed the hope to the M editerranean on account of th a t Portland, S eattle, Honolulu and the Japanese controversy. o th er c ities would co-operate w ith the E ighty m iners are m issing and 39 organization in a plan to have the fes- bodies have been recovered from a tivals in the various c ities arranged to Pennsylvania coal m ine which was follow one another, instead of being wrecked by explosion o f foul gases. held sim ultaneously, and to have fea- tu res typical of the c ities as well as historical. PORTLAND MARKETS W heat — T rack prices: Club, 87(ii 88c per bushel; bluestem , 98(3 99c; red Russian, 85c; valley, 88c. O ats—No. 1 white, $28.50(329 per ton; valley, stained, $24(3 26. Corn—Whole, $27; cracked, $28 ton. M illstuffs — Bran, $23 per ton; shorts, $25; middlings, $30. Barley— Feed, $24.50(3 25 per ton; brewing, nom inal; rolled, $25.50(3 26.50. H ay — E astern Oregon tim othy, choice, $16(ii 17 per ton; alfalfa, $12 fil l 3; clover, $9; straw , $7(38. V egetables - A rtichokes 75c per dozen; asparagus, Oregon, $1.25; cab- hage, 1 J(3 U c ; Per pound; cauliflower 35efu$l per dozen; celery, $4 per c ra te ; hothouse lettuce, 90c(3$l per dozen; peppers, 35(3 40c per pound; radishes, 10(3 12c per dozen; rhubarb, 2(3 3c per pound; spinach, 75c per box; garlic, 5(3 6 c per pound; turnips, 85c per sack; parsnips, 85c; carrots, 85c. Onions Oregon, 75(3 90c per sack; Bermuda, $2.25 per crate. Potatoes — Burbanks, 40(3 50c per hundred; Florida new, 5(ii6c per pound; sw eets, 4c. Apples 30cf(i$1.50 per box. S tra w b e rrie s—Florin, $3(33.50 per crate. P o u ltry —H ens, 17(8T8c per pound broilers, 35c; turkeys, live, 20c dressed, choice, 25c; ducks, 18(u20c geese, ^ W lS c . E ggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, 20c per dozen. B u tte r — C ity cream ery, cubes, 28c per pound; prin ts, 29(3 29Jc. Pork— Fancy, 11 |(3 l2 c per pound. V eal—Fancy, 14(3 14}c per pound. Hops 1912 crop, 10(3l5c p r pound. Wool E aste rn Oregon, 14(0 17c per pound; valley, I4fi6.75. medium, $ 6016 .60; choice calves, $8f<(9: good heavy calves, $6.50(0 7.50: bulls, $5.85(0 6.25. Hogs — L ig h t, $8.75(3:9; heavy, $7.75(0 7.90. Sheep -Y earlin g w ethers, $6.25(0 7.25; ewes, $ 4 . 75 ( 3 6 . 2 5 ; lambs, $7 (riiS. ^.romclei oj- fsddi pylori Peace Meeting Adopts Resolutions Re­ garding California Case. Hunger R anks W avering. Colorado Springs — F our o f the 17 m em bers of the In dustrial W orkers of the W orld, now on a hunger strik e in the city jail, notified C hief o f Police Burns Monday n ig h t th a t they w ere ready to work out the rem aining seven days of th e ir jail sentence, provided they received the regulation prison fare. The decision cam e a t the con­ clusion o f a storm y “ s ta r cham ber” session a t which those tirin g of the bread and -w a ter on which they had subsisted for 48 hours were called “ in- surKent9.. by th eir companions, _1__________ Store Accused of Fraud. Minneapolis--The first case under the advertising law recently passed by the M innesota legislature m aking liable to prosecution individuals or firms who m isrepresent the value of th e ir goods in an advertisem ent was begun in D is­ tric t court here Monday m orning. A store was accused o f having advertised a certain line of shoes and th e induce­ m ent held out to prospective pur­ chasers is declared fraudulent. An association of advertisers furnished the evidence on which the prosecu- tion is based. Rebels Busy in N orth. Mexico City— F u rth e r evidence of the aggressiveness of the northern rebels was given Saturday when sev­ eral hundred of them , well armed and mounted, captured the town o f Vane- gas, on the National railw ay in the sta te of San Luis Potosi. They cut the railw ay to the north and then moved to Mntequala. a m ining and sm elter center. The rebels continue to cover new te rrito ry and cripple transportation facilities. Postcards Ordered Bark. W ashington, D. C. — Postm aster- General Burleson has ordered th a t un­ paid, m isdirected, unm ailable and un­ claimed postal cards, as well as post cards deposited for local delivery, be returned to the sender when they bear card address. Twelve m illion post cards annually. It is estim ated, will be returned under the order to senders. VETERANS GIVEN WARNING MEDFORD PLANS CANNERY Sec Physician Before Going to G et­ M errhants an d Growers of Rogue tysburg, Says Fin/.er. Valley Behind Move. Salem —Old veterans who will at- tend the 50th anniversary celebration a t G etty sb u rg in Ju . ly from j Oregon u , are advised in a bulletin issued by Ad- ju ta n t General Finzer, through Gover- . - .. , nor W est’ to consuU th e lr fa m l|y phy- c sician w ilan n a f n r u n a n u l i n n r ♦ a t o I /, i f K a In n er before deciding to tak e the long trip in th e h o tte st tim e o f the year. Rules and regulations have been issued re la tiv e to the expenditure of the sta te appropriation providing for paying th e expenses of survivors of the b a ttle back to a tte n d the an n iv ers­ ary. These are signed by Ja m es P. Shaw of dep artm en t headquarters, and Colonel Lew is C. G arrigus, C onfeder­ a te veteran, and com m issioners. The cam p will be open for the re ­ ception o f v isitors Ju n e 29, and will close Ju ly 6. No one not a v eteran of the Civil w ar will be given food or sh elter w ithin the cam p. Those not provided w ith proper credentials will be barred from the cam p. The cam p will be a t the H igh W ater Mark m on­ um ent on the battlefield, com plete in all its equipm ent of tents, cots, blank­ ets, etc., but each veteran m ust pro­ vide his own towel, soap and to ilet a r­ ticles. The “ mess k i t ” provided by the governm ent will become the prop­ erty o f the veteran upon breaking camp. No trunks will be allowed in the baggage. LIVESTOCK RULING IS MADE Ballot W ording Knocks Out Clack­ am as Provision, Says Judge. Oregon C ity —The “ double negative th a t m eans a p o sitiv e ,” w as the basis of a decision by C ircuit Judge Camp­ bell th a t knocks out for the tim e be­ ing the county provision th a t livestock shall not be allowed to run a t large. Judge Campbell based his action upon the w ording of the ballot when the m a tte r was voted upon a t the last election. The instruction on the bal­ lot a t th a t tim e read : “ For stock running a t la rg e —Y e s.” “ A gainst stock running a t larg e — N o.” The form , as prescribed by the leg­ islativ e law of 1907, indicates th a t the same title for the m a tte r to be voted upon shall precede both the words “ Y e s,” and “ N o .” In ru lin g the pre- sen t vote inadequate to express popu­ la r opinion in the m a tte r, the judge, a fte r review ing the sta te m e n t printed on the ballot, said : “ No fa ir in te rp reta tio n can be given the words as they appeared upon the ballot, using th e ir o rdinary m eaning, save th a t every elector who voted was in favor o f stock running a t la rg e .” A storia W ants Public Dock. M edford— As an auxiliary to the ir- rigation m ovem ent plans w ere formu- l a t e d S aturday a t a joint m eeting of m em bers of the comm ercial club and the M erchants’ association to secure a canning factory in the valley. The m erchants of the city will be asked to subscribe $2000 and the fru it grow ers will fu rn ish $5000. A com­ m ittee, consisting of John II. Carkin, W. F. Isaacs, George T. Collins, P. S. S teen stru p and E. A. Welch was named, to solicit subscriptions from the m erchants and active work has been sta rte d . It is expected th a t the $2000 will be readily secured. As soon as th is money is obtained a m ass m eeting of ranchers will be called, the outline of the proposed cannery presented and the $2000 will he loaned w ithout in te re st to the pro­ posed association. The cannery will be sim ilar to the one now o p e ratin g at Puyallup, Wash. R anchers m ay subscribe for stock at $10 a share to any amount, but each subscriber will have but one vote. The profits of the association above o p eratin g expenses will be divided am ong the grow ers. A large board of directors and a sm all executive board will be named, and if the cannery is b u ilt a practical m an from Puyallup will be secured to tak e active charge. LATE HARVEST IS ADVISED Oregon Growers Told How to M ar­ ket P ears Successfully. W ashington, D. C. — If the pear- grow ers o f the Rogue R iver valley, in Oregon, will delay picking th e ir fru it for a t lea st tw o weeks beyond the usual picking season, and then proper­ ly cool and sto re th e ir fru it prior to shipm ent, they can, in the judgm ent of the d e p artm en t of agriculture, ex­ tend th e ir m ark e tin g season six or seven w eeks and g e t b e tte r prices in the E ast, a fte r the C alifornia pears are gone. This conclusion is reached by A. V. Stubenrauch and H. J. Ramsey, who were sent to the Rogue R iver country last fall to m ake experim ents to d e te r­ mine ju st how th e Oregon pear-grow ­ ers can handle th e ir fru it in order to m ark et it to b est advantage in the E ast. T heir report, which contains much technical inform ation for the pear-grow ers o f the Rogue R iver valley and o th er sections of Oregon w here pears are grow n comm ercially, has ju st been published in Bureau of P lan t Industry C ircular No. 114. Crop C ontracts Secured. Hood R iver— The m anagem ent of the Apple G row ers’ association, Hood R iv e r’s new am algam ation of apple m ark etin g agencies, is now securing the sig n atu res o f grow ers to contracts for the shipm ent o f the y e a r’s apple and stra w b erry crops. The g re ater portion o f next week will be passed by the m em bers of the association in holding a series of m eetings in the im portant sections of the valley, w here all of the details of the new selling concern will he explained. P. S. Davidson has been elected president o f the new association and C. W. Hooker, secretary, the la tte r having been a m em ber of the board of directo rs of the A pple G row ers’ union. A storia—A modern public dock, not less than 1000 fe et in length, bu ilt w ith slips to accom m odate several vessels a t a tim e, and equipped w ith all the modern electrical appliances for handling freig h t, and not less than 35 fe e t of w ater in the channel across the shoal a t the mouth of the Columbia riv er are two things which th e people o f A storia are demanding. The m ovem ent in support of these projects was sta rte d a few days ago. U nder the leadership of Dr. A lfred Kinney, a com m ittee of direction of over 200 m em bers from the various sections of the country is being C la tso p P u p ils P rogressing. formed, and each m em ber is pledged A storia L. R. H arrington, sta te to back the P o rt of A storia commis­ sion in bonding the port to the e x te n t field w orker for the juvenile industrial of $1,000,000 if necessary to raise the fa ir branch of the Oregon Educational departm ent, passed the p ast week, in funds required. company w ith County Superintendent O. H. Byland, v isitin g schools in this $800,000 Bonds Secured. A sto ria—A m ortgage given by the county, w ith a view of arousing the K erry T im ber company to the Central in te re st of the pupils and paren ts in T ru st company 0f Illinois to secure the work- $800,000 in bonds was filed for record Mr. H arrington is fa m ilia r w ith jn the county clerk 's office W ednesday Niis branch o f school work and he sue- afternoon. The m ortgage covers sev ceeded in enlistin g pupils and parents He compli­ eral thousand acres of tim ber land in in the industrial w ork. C latsop and Columbia counties and m ented the county superintendent and bonds which are dated Jan u ary 1 of the teachers on the progress th a t has this y e ar and run from two to 11 been m ade and predicted th a t Clatsop years, w ere issued to secure funds for county will rank high am ong the coun­ the purpose of building a logging ra il­ tie s of the sta te in its exhibits, both road from Woods landing on the Co­ agricu ltu ral and industrial, a t the lo­ lum bia river, to the Nehalem valley, a cal and sta te fairs. distance o f 31 m iles, as well as to Ashland Farm ers to Exhibit. e rect m ills and establish and operate logging camps. Ashland — A g ric u ltu ralists in this locality are prep arin g to e n te r the Seaside Cheese Sells High. lists of E astern land show e xhibits, on S easide—Cheese brought $1 a pound recom m endation of th e Oregon Devel­ here a t a public auction held a t Main opm ent league. Inasm uch as the and B ridge stre ets, when the first out­ S ta te Im m igration commission bears put of the Clatsop County Incorporated Cheese company was placed on sale. the expense of fo rw arding and exhib­ itin g these displays, it is planned to Dan J. Moore acted as auctioneer. Jam es Peterson, a grocer, was the g ath er a large collection of dry farm first successful bidder and paid $25 for and other products from th is d istric t 25 pounds; Seaside C ornet hand was during the coming sum m er and have second and R. E. S te w a rt w as third. them classified in a system atic m anner Bruce Perry, a lad o f 10, was among to forw ard E ast in due season. the successful bidders. The p lant plans Broken C ontract Charge. to put out 400 pounds o f cheese a day when in full running order. Salem —T hat the C entral Oregon Ir­ rigation company will be compelled to show cause w ithin the next 15 days Board Gives More Time. Salem — Discussion cam e up before w'by it should not fulfill the provisions the n P9ert Land hoard recently of the o f its contract re la tiv e to the enlarge- possibility of calling for the surrender m ent of the C entral Oregon ditch, and o f $25,000 surety bonds given to pro . why the bond o f $25,000 given to in­ tec t the sta te in connection w ith the sure the enlargem ent o f th a t ditch enlargem ent o f the C entral Oregon should not be foreclosed, was the suh- canal of the Central Oregon Develop- stance of an order made by the D esert m ent company. The purpose would Land board Monday. In addition the be to use the money in construction of company is called upon to m ake a fi- nancial sta te m en t as to how its money the canal. It was decided to give the company was expended during 1912. m ore tim e to determ ine w hether it Students Study Engines. will be able to raise money for the Oregon A gricultural College. Cor­ im provem ent. vallis— Advanced students o f farm - power m achinery a t the college are 1913 Colonists Bring Families. Hood R iver—“ It seem s th a t all of studying four types of traction en­ recently have been the colonists th a t arc com ing W est gines which this y ear have small fa m ilie s,” says shipped to the college for dem onstra- Mrs. H arrison Miller, who arrived tion purposes. The students are te s tin g th e ir en­ here recently for a v isit w ith her father, D. I. Stone, a local o rhardist. gines on the cam pus and college farm . " I d o n 't think I ever saw so many Eight-H our Day to Be Urged. babies to g eth e r as were on one of the Salem —Plans to in itia te a bill pro­ cars attached to the Soo-Spokane train . T here w ere 23 little fellows in viding for an eight-hour day generally the car, and the oldest was not over 5 for women were announced by Colonel years. I can assure th a t they kept E. H ofer and a m ass m eeting will be things g a y .” held here to prom ote the move. % ^ ¡5 . F l e t c h e r R o b i n s o n w M /I. Cu/Mft jÜoy/f c f ~ 7 J u / i o w n J c / s / n ' ¿t óy U / f t THE MYSTERY OF THE CAUSEWAY (Continued.) “The detective gentlem an wired th a t he wanted to Bee me," said W arner, anxiously. “ Do you know why, sir?" 1 told him no. and he dropped into an uneasy silence. I am used myself by walking from picture to picture, lor the w alls were hung with splen­ did ]>ortraits—Gainsborough, Lely and Romney—it was a veritable exhibition of those g reat m asters. At last the door opened and the little man ap­ peared. glancing from one to the other of us with his shrewd, observ­ ant eyes. “Will you follow me, If you please?” he said. We tram ped up the g re at staircase, a wide sweep of polished oak, where a dozen men could have walked abreast, and so down a high-roofed passage into a m ajestic bedroom. In th e .c e n te r stood a venerable four-post bedstead. The columns th a t support­ ed the canopy were finely carved, and over the head was a faded coat of arm s pictured in the needlew ork of two hundred years ago. The lattice windows were open. From without, came the faint piping of the nestling birds. Upon the bed lay som ething covered with w hite sheeting. Peace walked up to it and paused, staring hard at the keeper, who stood beside me. Then with a gentle hand he lifted the sheet. On the pillow lay the head of an elderly man, d a rk and full bearded. W arner stepped back, clutching my arm. “ It’s the botanist,” he stam m ered. “W hat is he doing here? W as it him as killed my m aster, sir? ” “Yes.” said the little detective; "he killed Sir Andrew Cheyne.” For a m oment he stooped, busying him self about the head. W ith a gen­ tle pull he lifted the heavy beard away. It was a face younger by a score of years th a t lay upon the pil­ lows, a face handsome, a fte r its fash­ ion, though deep lined with evil days and ways. “Sir Andrew him self,” cried W arner, with a sob of terror. “T hat is also true,” said Inspector Addington Peace, reverently replac­ ing the w hite sheet. It was an hour afterw ards that Peace gave me the details. We were leaning against the stone balustrade of the terrace looking over the lake to the pleasant park land beyond. The breeze-swept rushes th a t marked the line of the causeway, the gables of the island pavilion th a t peered above th e foliage, lay to our right, fram ed In the rippling blue of the mere. "My first Im portant discovery,” he said, “was a strand of pack-thread tied to a young sapling a t th e spot where the body of Sir Andrew was found. On the o ther side of the path was a narrow hole betw een the slabs of granite, w here a peg had lately been driven In. The rushes about It were broken here and there. The conclu­ sion of a spring gun was obvious, and the reason suggested by the track of foxes along the edge of the reeds. W as the death an accident, a fte r all? If so, w hat business had the stranger ____ _______ ______ I now ___ under a rre st—Fenton. find. Is his name—upon the island a t so late an hour? "My conversation with the keeper gave me some Interesting results. It was plainly m urder, and no accident. Some one had raised the muzzle of the gun so th a t It m ight kill a man LAST A RACE KINGS Michael, Prince of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Syria, Died Recently In Charity Hospital. In the charity ward of a hospital In St. P etersburg there died of can­ cer a few days ago the last of a dynasty of fam ous kings. T his pauper was Michael, prince of Cyprus, Jeru ­ salem and Syria, aged fifty-four. W ith him perished the family of Luslgnan. which had been reigning m onarchs for m any centuries., Prince Michael was the only son of Ixmis de Luslgnan, who was driven from the throne of Cyprus by the T urks In 1821. He t a d Intrusted his vast treasu res to the P atriarch of Constantinople, but the T urks confis­ cated these and appropriated them to th eir own use. In the w ar for the liberation of Oreeca the prince tried to regain his throne, but in 1827 he had to flee to Russia, where Czar Nicholas gave him a commission as captain In the army. Prince Louis fought tn the Crimean war. but the result of this was disas­ trous to his hopes. W hen Greece re­ gained Its Independence the throne of the newly created nation was twice offered to Prince Louis, who refused It. Napoleon III took up Prince Louis' cause and Count Debussy m ade a for­ mal contract to supply him with the necessary means. He expected to wring from the T urkish l ivernm ent about $250.000.000. But the Franeo- Prusslan war resulted In Napoleon III. being driven from the throne of France and once more the hopes of IVW.Y and not a fox. Some oue had ex­ pected a visitor to the island th at night against whom he desired to re­ venge himself. W as Fenton guilty? The evidence ugainst him seem ed al­ most conclusive. He had adm itted, you will rem em ber, th a t he had an appointm ent with Sir Andrew. Yet, a fte r he had set the trap, why had he continued to risk discovery by loitering about the causew ay? How had he known th a t the spring gun was there a t all? Why had he brought a loaded revolver? Why had he bor­ rowed the punt and reached the island by so unexpected a m anner? W as he also afraid of some one or some thing? My mind began to turn from him to the second stranger, the botanist with the collecting case. He a t least had inform ation about the settin g of the gun. “T h e r e ' was still a further point. Sir Andrew had been shot full in the chest. If he had been walking down the causeway he would have been hit in the side. How was that? “ Yesterday m orning after I sent you away I walkeo Into the village to m ake inquiries. They have few visitors, and the landlord of the inn rem em bered the bearded naturalist. He had only once visited the place, driving over from the station, and dis­ appearing for several hours. A hot- tem pered man, nervous and excitable —so he described him. W hen the cab was late he had broken out in a for­ eign tongue. T hat was all he knew of him. "I caught the 3:15 to London and Vnesday evening. The w elter who had taken him up to the baronet's sitting- room told me th a t the first Interview hud been long, and th at they had quar- ■ eled violently ou the stairs. " ‘You shall never so much as see the place. If you go there before se t­ tling with me I com m unicate with the police a t once.' He rem em bered some such th rea t shouted by Fenton on leaving. T he second Interview had been short, and, so far as he knew, friendly. “I m ade a careful Bearch of Sir An­ drew 's room. It was th ere th a t I solved the problem of the m ystery; for In his dressing case was an old 'm ake-up' box, no doubt a survival from his days upon the stage; and In the box was a full brown b eard!” "And so he was the botanist?” 1 said w ith a shiver. “Yes, Mr. Phillips, he was the bot­ a n ist.” T here was silence betw een us for a while. I looked up a t the splendid front of the ancient hall, aud then across the lawns, over the sparkling m ere to the park and the forest landB beyond. ‘‘W as It for this?” I asked with a wave of the hand. "Y es," said Peace, ‘T believe It to hnvo been for Alrlte Hull th a t he tried to kill Fenton Heaven knows what dism al scandal the man held over him ; but It was probably suffi­ cient to drive Sir Andrew from Eng­ land for ever. From Inquiries that we have made, It appears th a t Fen­ ton had been living on Sir Andrew for over two years. It was undoubtedly a bad case of blackmail. The young man; on hearing of his uncle's death, gave his persecutor the slip, and crossed to London. Fenton followed, and discovered him a t his hotel. Prob­ ably he dem anded a large sum, which was refused him. W hereupon he de­ clared th a t the baronet should never so much as see All-lie Hall unless he paid, and left the young man with th at th re a t upon him. "F or days Sir Andrew stayed sulk­ ing In his rooms. He was a man of violent tem per and unscrupulous past. Heaven knows w hat schem es of re- THEN WITH A GENTLE HAND HE LIFTED THE SHEET. 0.lP*i/A| found Scotland Yard In the possession of some additional details. Sir An­ drew had been In town for a fortnight living very quietly a t a sm all hotel off Piccadilly. He had no servant with him. He had been a wild, extrav­ agant lad, they told me, and when bis uncle had tired of paying his bills he had tried the stage, got deeper Into debt, and finally fled to the Continent, w here he lived on a small allowance th at the old man m ade him. All this stru ck me as curious. The rake had Indeed reform ed if he heralded his accession to g reat wealth by dropping a servant and living quietly In a small hotel. Had he o ther reasons than economy? "I visited the hotel th at night. Sir Andrew had received few visitors, the po rter told me. I described the botanist, w ithout success. T hen I tried Fenton. The porter recognized my description a t once. He had called tw ice, the first tim e shortly a fte r Sir Andrew's arrival, the second tim e on Prince Louis to regain the throne of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Syria were dashed to the ground. In 1884 Prince Louis died, leaving his only son nothing but aspirations and a royal name. Prince Michael was then 24 years old. He lived al­ most as a recluse, but never gave up his hopes. Those who knew him con sldered him a crank because of the stra n g e costum e he alw ays wore. This consisted of a Russian arm y overcoat with gold buttons on which were the three crowns of his kingdom. Resourceful. In the club they were com paring the resourcefulness of th eir wives In difficult social situations. The man who lives in a Harlem flat had been a good listener, but he finally found an opening. at "thaV s o r t'o f ’ th in g 7 hav- Ing some people to luncheon one Sunday last spring, and Just a t an hour when all the delicatessens were closed she discovered th a t she needed some m ustard and didn't have a grain of tt In the kitchen. And she Isn't the sort that will borrow from peo­ ple next door that she doesn't know It was a bad fix. all right. But Bhe got m ustard enough." “W ent to the delicatessen m an's house snd routed him out. I suppose?" suggested a m em ber from the Bronx. "N ot much. Ju st went to the m edi­ cine closet, got down a box of ready­ m ade m ustard plasters, put 'em to soak, and squeezed enough of the hot stuff off." “Good night." said the man from th e Bronx —New York Globe. venge he hatched In his rage and de­ spair. Finally, on Monday last, he risked discovery, disguised himself In the beard and went down to see the old place again. Ills m eeting with the keeper was a chance, and their talk of spring guns an equal accident. But tlje suggestion gave the baronet an Idea. ‘A spring gun for a fox'— you rem em ber his words as W arner told us. He laughed with hysterical Joy a t a m eans th at would rid him of his enem y so simply and certainly. He m ade the excuse of the Indian friend, and saw Fenton again on Tuesday, giving him an appointm ent on the island a t eleven o'clock on the following T hursday night, and a t the sam e tim e prom ising to pay him w hat he asked at the m eeting. By the last post on W ednesday he sent the plans to W arner In disguised hand­ w riting and under a false nam e and address. "F enton suspected this sudden ac­ quiescence. The scamp knew to w hat a sta te of Im potent fury he had brought his victim. He took a revolv­ e r with him, and having spied out the ground, crossed by the punt, Instead of approaching the rendezvous by the causeway. Also he came an hour and more before he was expected. "P erh ap s you now understand the plan. Sir Andrew Intended to alter the gun ami leave for the station be­ fore ten. Fenton would bo killed at eleven, and the blam e re st on W arn­ er. No otle could suspect the young baronet who would be In the train a t the tim e of the accident. “Sir Andrew found the trap, lifted the gun off the supporting props, and drove the outer one a foot deeper Into the ground. I could see the m arks of his feet, w here he had stood while he pushed and tw isted the stick through the clay. He replaced the gun, which would now be a t an angle to hit a man In the chest or neck. He stepped back, looking to see If there was a sign of lurking death to alarm a passer-by. "W hat happened I can only guess. He may have slipped on the old slabs. But It was enough th a t he touched the th read , and the trigger, oiled and 1 ^ It was In a m anner suicide.” "80 th a t Is the explanation,” I said, when he had ended. "It Is partly guess-work, of couvse.” Peace told m e; "but 1 think you will find th a t I am not far wrong when F enton’s trial comes on and, to save his neck, he m akes a clean b re ast of his share In the business." (C H R O N IC L E S TO BE C O N T IN U E D .) W hen Doves Disagree. "W hat's the latest among suffra­ gists?" "M rs. W allaby called Mrs. W ombat a deliberate and unqualified fibber." “D ear me, have women come to th a t? W hat happened next?" “T hen they both cried, kissed and m ade up, and we all w ent to a b a r gain m atinee."