Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 09, 1913, Image 1

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    A ll the News
All the Time
NO. i» o V VOL. 5
Tells that County Paid $6,000
too Much for Bridge Steel
Estacada State Bank
Ha« Steal W eighed, G et. M arket Price,
A llow . 20 p e r cast Profit and Show .
Cost Should ha Only $11,962
E. D. Olds is alter the county
court with a sharp stick.
He has
prepared a statement based upon an
investigation be has conducted,
showing the court paid $6,000 too
much for steel for bridges at Eagle
Creek, Pudding River, Suunysid
Gulch and Clear Creek,
Olds is the man who introduced
a resolution last summer in the Mil
.vaukie grange calling for an invest
igation of the court in the matter of
bridge building. He alleged:
T hat the court has not complied with
section 6368 Lords Oregon Laws gover
ning the construction of bridges.
T hat the court has not publicity in­
vited competition in all bridge m atters
That the court has not excersised
what we call good business judgm ent
in this m atter, in this, th at they have
paid far in excess of the value of the
steel for these bridges.
Failed to Get in n Bid
We are at Your Service
10 % Off For Cash
We have decided to reduce our Big Stock
of Furniture, Graniteware, Dishes and Rugs
by making a substantial reduction in prices
and in addition giving you a discount of
10 percent for Coin of the Realm
■ r-
You, who have visited this Store, know our Goods and
those who haven’t should come and get Acquainted
The White Sewing Machine, a Standard
Make,Reliable and a Labor saver, for $35 cash
W. D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors
Odd Fellows Building
Only Paper in
East Clackamas
Lumber Co.
E. DUBOIS, Manager.
We deal in all kinds of building
material including Lumber, Lath,
Sash, Doors, Sand, Gravel, Lime,
Plaster, Brick. Cement, Etc. All
orders promptly filled.
Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103
. i
THIS STORE will soon add to its stock a full line of Rex-
all Remedies. Everybody knows about them.
Stationary, Books of all kinds and School Supplies
W hat the Steal W u W orth
Olds then goes to show the county
paid $6,000 more than the market
price for steel. First, he hired an
expert to weigh the steel based on
specifications. Jay S. Groo, expert
civil engineer, reported a grand tot­
al of 273,720 pounds.
He gave
also the amounts of the various
kinds of steel, in pounds.
thereupon secured the prices being
paid for steel at the time the con­
tract was signed.
Olds found fab­
ricated sttel worth 4 cents and
heavy steel 3 cents. Then he com
puted the amount of steel in the
four bridges and found, after add
ing 20 per cent profit to the bridge
company, that the steel should cost
$11,962.92. The county, however,
paid $17,965 for it. Olds, in con­
clusion, savs he does not accuse
the court of dishonesty but he sub­
mits that the figures show the court
has beeu negligent in business
Springwater Wins Again
The Springwater Basketball team
took the Archer 61 Wiggins "Weo-
nes” into camp Saturday night 25
to 5. Kilgore of Springwater was
back in the game after a layoff of a
month owing to a strained side.
The game was exciting and fast.
Springwater meets Colton at the
Dodge Hall next Saturday night
and is expecting to better their per­
formance two weeks ago when they
beat the Colton five at Colton by
the close score of 19 to 17.
will be called at 8:00 p. m. Admiss­
ion 25 cents.
Girls Win all Around
In Debating Contest
Taking up the first charge he
says the court did not call for bid
by advertisement; no notice was
ever published: they did not, so far
as records go, employ any super­
intendent to construct the bridges
they filled no statement of cost of
bridges as required by law.
Regarding his second charge he
submits affidavit of A- W. Sever
ance of a rivial bridge company
(The Coast Bridge Co, secured the
contract) in which Severance States
he tried to bid but Judge Beatie
told him they might not put iu the
bridge but would let him know i
they did.
Later he met W. H
Matooit, commissioner, who told
him the contract had been let to the
Crast Bridge Co. without Mattoon's
When Judge Beatie
was asked about it, he said he was
too busy to discuss it.
Four Parkplace High school girls
competing against four high school
boys of Estacada, trimmed the latter
both here and at Parkplace.
this point the judges B. Lee Paget,
Rey. Mr. Lounsborough and Attor­
ney Loder, the two latter of Oregon
City made it unanimous and at Park
place the judges, H. J. Dalzell of
Portland and Revs, Edward* and
1 for Parkplace.* The two Oregon
i Citv
City ministers
ministers were
were for
for Park»»'«/'**
Parkplace i
1 he girls had carefully prepared
speeches wb'cb they memorized and
delivered with much effect.
road money, thus limiting the pew-
_ era of the county court. It is said
-I-----...........................the Clackamas county court is iu
tavor of this measure, but whether
other counties wi 1 stand for it, Mr.
CSill doesn’ t kuow. There appears
Proposed That State Donate
to Progressive Districts
Big Meeting Arranged Sat­
urday by Estacada Aasn.
cipal Ford was agaidst "canned" \
*,° ,,,ever« a fee'*ng that the
speeches and he trained the boys to '
____ _
couuty courts have too much to do
speak extemporaneously.
It was Repreientative Gil! Will Support sll aud too much power and there is a
the judgment of the audience that
Good Roads Measures—Leaves
disposition to relieve them of some Everybody il Urged to Come and C iv.
President Newell and O. A. C. Ex­
For Ssdcm, Next Saturday.
the Estacada lads made a great
of the labor, placing road matters, (
pert a Hearty Waleonia
showing and it was something of a
Representative F. M. GUI wbo «SP^»«»V. >u the hands of the tax-
shock to hear of their deteat.
As a result of considerable corres­
will leave next Saturday for Salem :
ers’ _
pondence, the Estacada Fruit Grow­
to attend the session of the legisla
ers association has arranged for a
ture, hopes to see some good roads
mass meeting of fruit growers and
laws enacted that will count.
He j
1 City Recorder DeVore, W. I) is pledged to support a number of , Mrs Ii. M. Miller, recently elect-, farmers and citizens generally, to
Henthom aud B. R. Kimmel, Mon­ measures proposed bv the state ed to the city council iu place of he held at Boner’ s Theatre next
day chose the following for service grange of which he is a mem tier.
Lindsey resigned, will participate Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
as jurors in trial of criminal or civil
One is a bill providing a tax of in the meetiug of that body uext
These meetings are being held
cases in Estacada for 1913:
one-teuth of a mill to be voted by Tuesday night. Since her election throughout the fruit sections and
Win Dale, E. S. Womei, W.F. thestate, appropriations from which she lias been posting herself aud as much benefit is being derived.
Cary, L. A. Chapman, J S. Mc­ fuud will be made to the districts she is a strong advocate of good is urged that everybody turn out
Curdy, J. R. McCurdy, C. E. Du­ voting special road tax.
It is pro­ roads, streets aud sidewalks, it :is apd show appreciation of the com­
bois. A. A. Hannah, Willis Cox, posed for the districts voting spec­ likely she will be actively engaged ing of these experts and speakers.
J. P Woodle, A. E. Sparks, W. S. ial tax to secure for them a sum from the start.
Among those who will be present
Pyle, W. H. Mattoon, \V, W. Bon­ proportionate to the amount of tax
There are really two vacancies are: President W. K Newell of the
er, Earl Jones. A. P. Hawkins, W. they vote and will thus increase iu the council, both Underwood aud Oregon Horticultural Board: Com­
A Jones, Smiley Lovelace, J. O. their means of improving roads to a Jones having announced their resig­ missioner A. C. Goodrich, Prof.
Osborne. J. C. Morgan, B. O. Bos­ large extent. Those who vote no nations. Neither, however, have Wilson ot the Oregon Agricultural
well, Chas. Linn, L, E. Belfiis. J. special tax will get nothiug from the filed written resignations and the college; T. W. Sullivan of the P.
A. Sagncr. Walter Gribben. Adolf state.
council can’ t act until each has ab- R, L. A P. and O. E. Frevtag,
Sagner, O. 6 . Bland, A. Havens.
Another grange bill is to arrange seuted himself from three consecut- publicity manager of the Oregon
O. D. Sarver, John Zobrist, Edwin for the state to buy tools so that ive meetings. Uuderwoixl will be City Commercial club accompanied
Bates, O. E. Smith. J. W. Reed, A. convict labor may be used on the 1 out next Tuesday night, but Jones by several others whose names have
Morrow, Willis Yonce, R. G. Mar- roads. Still another is one ptovid has two more mouths to run, unless not been furnished.
chbank, Fred Jorg, \Vm. Kuhrash, ing for a tax of 50 cents per horse­ he files.
Anybody who is interested in
O. O. Sarver, A. J. Mills, Warren power for automobiles to be used in
The principal business of the fruit, even to the evteut of having
Barr, J. V. Bart.J. W. Millar, John the construction of trunk lines for council will be passing au ordinance
only one apple tree or one Logan­
Arquette, J. F. Lovelace, G, Els- autos the location of which is at the assessing for the tiew sewer and ad­
berry bush or a prune tree, is espec­
worth. Clyde Havens, Wm. Kaake. discretion of owners of machines.
vertising for bids.
ially invited to come.
Curtail Court’. P .w .r .
The meeting will be concluded
F or R knt -House and five acres , In addition to these Mr. Gill will F or S a lk -O n e horse, cheap tor
in time for those coming at a dis­
water in house, fruit and gárdeu— introduce a bill providing tor road cash. Inquire M. J. Anderson,
tance to arrive home in time to att­
Inquire The Progress.
tf districts to have the handling of Garfield.
tf' end to the evening chores.
Jurors Who Will Serve
Estacada for This Year
Mrs. Miller Begins Work
on Council Next Tuesday
Starting next Monday January 13 to 18
inclusive, We will Place on Sale
Mens, Ladies and Childrens’. To
clear*, these shoes have been Re­
During the same Days we w ill give 20 per cent
off on a ll Quilts and Woolen Blankets.
Blankets are made by Oregon labor in
Oregon factories, the Wool from the
Backs of Oregon Sheep.
Estacada Mercantile Co