Tí ESTACADA All the News All the Time PROGRESS Only Paper in East Clackamas ESTA CA D A , OREGON, TH URSDAY, JA N U A R Y 2. 1913 NO. 17 op VOI,. 5 HELP FOR STOCKMEN Gill W ou ld R epeal County Law V oting to Pen Stock ESTACADA STATE BANK $25,000 CAPITAL W e w ish all a prosperous N e w Y e a r | TO LET PRECINCTS DECIDE W ill alao W ork lo Have P eople o f Road D istrict, have Full Charge o f Road M oney—Sign the Petition,. Representative F. M. Gill has prepared a bill and will introduce it at the coining session of the legis­ lature, repealing the law empower­ ing a county vole on stock running at ’.arge. His bill will provide that lbe matter be left to the precincts to decide at a special or general electiou. He thinks, in this wav, no injustice will be done. “ I believe” he added, discussing the matter, “ that the vote last elect ion on this question is void, as the law was not followed ill putting it on the ballot and the result has not l>eeu published 60 days in a news­ paper as provided by law. A , to Road D istrict, |n|i.|, I 4, M n i m i ||,||<| |! 1)1 III III) » “ At the request of Garfield Grange, petitions asking tlie C!:"-k amas county delegation in the leg is lature to work for a bill to organize a road district the same as a school district is uow organized, giving the people of the road district full charge of tax money paid in the district will be left at the Iistacada Mercan­ tile Co., and at Dales’ for for sig­ natures of legal voters These pet­ itions were ready New Years day.” Opportunities are afforded all to sign at the .Mercantile Co. and at U'llliam Dales store ou main street. M H i-H u f r I ♦— I AN APPRECIATION Christmas Jollity Herbert Scupum, engineer of the P. R. I,. ffc 1 ’ . at Three Links on Christmas gave a dinner party to a W IS H IN G you, first o! all, a Happy and Live number of young ladies from Port­ New Year. W e desire to extend our thanks land aud incidentally demonstrated his aptness as a chef and his indiff for the business given us during the closing erenoe as to whether equal suffrage year and assure you that the best efforts to is likely to destroy womens’ effect­ iveness as housekeepers and cooks. retain your trade, will be put fourth through For Mr. Scupum not only hid his the year now opening. apartments shining like the prover­ bial pin and as neatly arranged as could be desired, but he prepared the feast and served it. The room was beautifully decorated with green atid Oregon grape, aud the table bore an artistically arranged centerpiece of Oregon grape and candy canes, aud there were shaded candles at each guest's plate. Mr. Scupum served the followiug repast in courses: Bouillon, olives, celery, ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. Shrimp salad, Turkey aud dressing and Cranberry Sauce, Sweet pota­ W . D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors toes, Irish potatoes, June peas, Odd Fellows Building Mince and Pumpkin pie, Coffee, k****u*,X Tea, Nuts, Raisins, Candy. And then say, if you dare, that Herbert Scupum, engineer aud cook, would­ n’ t make about the best ever hus­ band for a suffragette. Miss Margaret Williams and Mr. Edgar Williams of Vancouver. Wash. j,i A YEAR oil the affirmative by Malcomb| J Woodle and Chester Womer while I Fellows and Harry Morgan debate | ---- ----- Mr. and W. S. Pyle were dinner Voter* D ecide upon 10 Mil's the negative side of the question, W atch Parties Give 1913 an the same night, at Park Place. 1 Enthusiastic Reception For G ood Roads guests, on Christmas, of Mrs. A. K I Pitted against Estacada here are) ---------- Morton and Miss Florence Kendall Gweudolon Jones and Ruth Hudson. Bells Ring. Guns Roar and P eopl« Cheer- The dance given at Eagle Creek, C row d has Dance. Card Party and while at Park Place, Minnie Heme- Christmas night was attended by a Baaquet at Hot-sl Estacada. Three Busineat Men to C onfer on Hew rick aud Edith Lilly oppose Esta- ! crowd of Estacada people who re- , $1,500 Shall be Spent—V ote For cada. Estacada welcomed with loud acclaim port an enjoyable evening. The Tax is 18 to 8 For it Practice debates have been held the New Year. The fledging 1913 w u music was furnished by an orchestra regularly under Prof Ford and no ushered in by watch parties, the two At a fairly well attended meeting from Sandy. New Years night set speeches are allowed. The jud­ largest o f which were at the Hotel Esta­ Sandy gave a dance, which with of taxpayers at the City ball Satur­ ges to officiate here include B. I, cada and the M. E. Church, white a the dance given New Years eve bv day afternoon, a road tux of 10 Paget ot Portland. Attorney Loder large number o f neighbors and friends gathered at private homes to wish each the Garfield Couutry club, attracted mills was voted and a decision of Oregon City, and Rev. Louns- other good luck and happiness during reached to fix up the roads entering many local people. borough of Oregon City. the coming twelve month«. A f uutly reunion was held at the the city. At the Hotel Balacada about forty The work is to be done under the Hourly Railroad Service people met during the early hours play­ home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. March- Sunday is Discontinued ed cards and danced until 11 o'clock, bank, Christmas. Attending were, supervision of the city council with when they sat down to an excellent Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marchbank of an advisory committee composed of 'Begiuing Jan. i, the hourly ser­ banquet served by N. L S . Lauryy, the W. F. Cary, C E Dubois and Kd- vice oil Sundays, heretofore, in op- i 1 po| j « i lar boat. Promptly at midnight Camas, Wash , Mr. and Mrs Wash­ ivin Bates, who are detei mine where eration on the P. L. & P. line to tin-guests rose and wishing each other burn of North Yukama. Mr aud Mrs. James Marchbank of Spring- the fund of $1,500 to be raised may Estacada is discontinued until fur- , Happy New Year, gave three cheer* water. and Mr. and Mrs. John tie best applied for road improve, ther notice. This follows as a re- j i and a tiger. Afterward dancing wa* ment. The meeting decided to suit of a policy of retrenchmeut, ’ resumed unti until 2 u clock. Mr». E. E. Marchbank of Estacada. grade and gravel the road to the ordered ou the system, which iu- Sating and Mrs. A 1 Lindaey organized Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Sparks and party. Springwater bridge and after that eludes also the laying off o f the the A t watch the E Church quite a party Mr. Douglass were dinner guests the other roads needing repairs will assistant depot agents for three gathered and watched the New Year of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sparks at be attended to. The vote on the mouths. in. When midnight came the bell» tlie latter's ranch, Christmas. tax was 18 to 6 J. S. McCurdy F. D. Hunt, traffic manager, J. were rung joining their clamor to the Mr. and Mrs A 1 Lindsey took was chairman of the meeting aud E discharge o f firearm* and akyrocket* li. Reinke, superintendent of bridge set off over the city by other watch dinner at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. S. Vl'omer, secretary. Charles Du­ and buildings and J. W. Hewitt, parties. Branch Tucker, Christmas bois proposed the advisory com­ superintendent of transportation ou Mr. and Mrs. H, M. James en­ mittee. the O. W. P. lines were here last tertained at dinner. Christmas, Prof, Thursday inspecting the company and Mrs. Guthrie. property at Estacad A and at Caz­ High School D ebate is adero. The stoue crusher has been Billed Friday Night NURSERY STOCK closed for the winter. While here Debating the question, “ Resolved Now is the time to buy your the officials conferred with Mayor . W . A. JO N E S that the electoral college should trees and shrubbery for Spring Reed regarding the proposed new 1 P K .O P R IK TO R be abolished aud the president of road through the park to the bridge planting. Set out an apple or Gcipd rig* imd careful drivers always the LT. S. nominated and elected by i aud talked over cleaning the streets prune orchard. W e have the direct vote of the people” the teams SPECIAL ATTENTION aud the company right of way. goods, you want them. W. H. G iveu Hun lift si aud F ish in g Parties of the Estacada and Park Place Holder, agent. high schools meet in forensic fray They have it— good fresh vege- Capital G ty Nursery j Friday night Jau. 3. tables. Go and see them. Fred WOOD & LUMBER Locai and Long Distance Telephone Estacada will be represented here Jorg. ESTACADA - . ■ OREGON WELCOME NEW YEAR IN ESTACADA VOTES TJB COMMITTEE WITH THE COUNCIL Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE HAPPY NEW YEAR TO cALL RUGS OF ALL S IZ E S AND PRICES Dubois Lum ber Co. C . E. DUBOIS, M a n a g e r. W e deal in all kin ds of building m aterial includin g L u m ber, L a th , Sash, Doors, Sand, G ravel, L im e, P laster, Brick. Cem ent, E tc. A ll orders p rom p tly filled. Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103 A HAPPY NEW YEAR W e wish you all joy and happiness during the holiday season and continued prosper­ ity the New Year. W e thank our patrons for their support REMEMBE* me Estacada Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heylman were hosts Christmas, to a number of their friends, who were most de­ lightfully entertained. The beauti­ ful home was decorated appropriate­ ly in Christmas colors and a fine Christinas dinner was served at 3 o'clock by Mrs. Heylman assisted by Mrs H. Heylman of Spokane, and Mrs. Clark R. Belknap of Portland During the afternoon music engag­ ed the attention of the company and after dinner, when pretty souvenirs of the occasion had been distributed, the floor of the spacious living room was cleared and an informal dance took place. Games were also play­ ed injwhich a'l joined. Altogether it was a very eujojabfe occasion, to be long remembered by those pres­ ent, which included: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heylman of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Belknap and Miss Miriam Stevens of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. VV. Boner, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Boswell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frazier and children. Ed­ ward Bouer and G. E. LaFollette. Mr and Mrs. Fred Dittebrandt of Portland and S. R. Bartlett of Bandoti, were Christmas dinner IS HEADQUARTERS guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. \V. Bart­ FOR BOOM lett and family. AND STATIONARY Mr, and Mrs. Charles Frazier, entertained at dinner, Christmas, T H IS S T O R E IS F IX IN G F O R BU SY C LO SIN G UP IN V O IC E A N D A C LE A N U P SA LE , ANNOUNCE­ M E N T O F W H IC H W IL L SOON BE G IVEN . TAKE THE P L E A SU R E IN E X T E N D IN G W IS H E S P O R T H E Y E A R 1913 A N D WE B E ST IN V IT IN G Y O U T O V IS IT US. B E G IN IN G JA N . 1 AND E X T E N D IN G TO A P R IL I, T H IS S T O R E W IL L O PE N A T 8 O’C L O C K A . M. A N D CLOSE A T 6 O ’C LO C K P. M. Estacada Mercantile Co.