Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 26, 1912, Image 4

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H. R Worden and Roger Cary
PuMbhed lv*rv Uiurwdav Mtrning at j pent Sunday in ParlLud,
C . K. LtPoM .K TTK . Kilitor «»».1 Mgr.
Fresh Xmas candies of all kinds
at Boner's
Miss Helen Bartlett arrived from
in tstacada. Or «gen u
MCDftd cuos mat.
Palo Alto. Cal. . Saturrtsy evening
to spend the holidays with her
subscription ratils
On« y««r
............... ...... ..—
00 enls Mr. aud Mrs. K W. Bartlett.
gis months..................... ............... .
Miss Rachael Reed left for Seattle
Thursday, December 26 . 1912
Friday to spend the holidays with
her aunts. Mrs. Reed accompanied
her as tar as Portland.
Tile Progress wishes e\ ery reiuler
The first snowfall of the season
ami those who are not reader«, a came last Friday morning. It was
Merry Christmas and a Happy New merely a skim and melted, almost as
Year. All things considered the tapidly as it fell.
past year lias been kind to most of
R. J Furlieck, formerly associat­
ns and there i* every reason why all
ed witli R. M. Standish in the real
should join in felicitations.
estate business here ami at Portland
Good cheer, charity to ones neigh­
is confined to his home the result of
bor, a get-tcgether spirit shruld
breaking his ankle.
possess us all. Out of it Ivstacada
Buy your husband, brother or
and the surrounding country -none
better iu the state-will come profit, sweetheart a neatly packed box of
real cigars, standard brands, 12 iu
materially and spiritually.
a box at 30 cents aud $ 1. See
Now that the democrats have an Marchbanks.
nounced their intention of holding
The Kstacada Mercantile Co.,
up all appointments sent in by will close i's store all day Monday
President Tail, until President-elect Dec. 30, ou account of invoicing.
Wilson takes his seat, there is a
Ladies are invited to attend the
tremendous uproar front the Ore­
gonian because of the public crib New Years live ball to be given at
tendencies of the party.
But in the Garfield Country club next
rapping the democrats for keeping Tuesday night. Gentlemen must
the republicans away from the present cards at the door or lie vou­
"tro u gh ", the Oregonian uncon­ ched for by a member of the club.
Inttrtd at tU
$10 a week
$2 a day
here is no lottery.
There is no
possible chance for even the least
experienced to choose a tough,
tasteless, stringy chicken, duck or
turkey. For we handle only choict,
yoting, fresh killed birds that make
purchasing here a surety of obtain­
ing the finest poultry you ever
tasted. The test is iu the taste.
The Hotel Estacada
One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’s pliuue can be connected
with your home phouc at flight if re*
»I nested One Ionic riiiK.
Dr. L. A. W E L L S
Palace Meat Market
Best Wishes for Xmas
sciously admits the republicans who
have had sixteen > ears at office hold­
ing, are still enamoured of the
loaves and fishes. For goodness
Sake, let the dtms have a chance at
the offices They have been out in
the wilderness a long time.
Meetings to levy special road tax
arc in progress now throughout the
county. There should be a lilieral
respond by the taxpayers, for with­
out good roads the country can't
develop. It does no good to sav
that the district doesn't get its share
of the road money —that's a condit­
ion that can's lie cured right away
The thing to do is to fix the roads.
Deputy Sheriff Miles was here
last week investigating a complaint
that liquor is being peddled here
lie found no evidence ot any aud
it is likely the sheriff will hereafter
ignore auuoymous communications
from this section,
H. M Cruse now traveling sales­
man for the Chippeyva Shoe Co. in
Washington and Idaho, reached
here Ftiday for a brief visit. Mr.
Cruse finds business conditions
quite encouraging ou the coast and
is well satisfied with his position.
ductiou of lithographers at March-
Chris Johnson of George was at
Portland Saturday returning Sun­
day. School is closed for the week
and the teacher Miss Nora Wilson
has gone to Portland to visit her
relatives during the
Last Friday the teacher had charge
of a school entertainment and Chiist-
ntas tree at Gecrge church.
A box of onr high grade Xmas
stationery makes a suitable present
at Boner's.
S E. Wooster took out 1000
prune trees, some of them 8 feet
high, to plant ten acres of his fine
ranch 111 Springwater. Press How­
ell a neighlior, also planted 300
last week. Quite a number of the
fruit growers of Springwater are
going in for prunes, as this crop is
usually certain aud profitable.
move to Sell .vood in the near future.
D ive Ilofimeister returned from
Sandy where he delivered some beef
Miss Echo Githeus, a teacher,
called on Mrs. Cahill, last week.
Rev. Mr. Boud, who resided here
last summer, has given over liis
ranch to Arthur Heittnan and gone
hack to the ministory, having acc­
epted it charge at Portland.
Erl Burnett has moved his family
to Portland to make his home.
Mr. aud Mis Meek have decided
to spend the winter in Oregon and
are at the bottle of Mis. Garett, Mrs
Meek's sister.
]. A. Smith will farm Mr. Boyce s
place next year.
The basketball team is diligently
practicing and will soon be iu shape
for games. It is understood the
K. B. Byers and J. S, Osborn re­ girls will organize a team after the
turned Thursday from White Sal- holidays.
mou, where with E. M. Miller, W
E Straight, K. E. Hanah, Bert
Jones and "C u sh " Cushman, they
have Ieen working at the new
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Randolph
power plant. It is expected the aud Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton
latter five will be home Christmas were iu Estacada.
and it is possible they may not re­ Rev. C. C. Coop went to Portland
turn to White Salmon, ou accouut to attend a ministerial meeting.
of living conditions, the bunk
There was a Christmas tree at
houses being especially objection­
the Viola Church Friday evening,
December, 20. The pupils of the
Fresh candy for the holidays, School gave the program.
kept in glass jars. Our stock is
Miss Ruth Welch, left Saturday
gauranteed clean and pure. Nuts
to spend the Christinas
of all kinds and at prices within the
holidays iu Portland.
reach ot all at Marchbauks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Standish and
daughter Margaret were here last
yveek, attending to shipping of their
furniture from the ranch iu Garfield
TbeOregouCity Live Wires have to Portland. As stated, elsewhere,
decided to help Judge Beatie to the the ranch has been sold.
U. S. Marshalship That should set­
Reports from Oregon City are
tle all doubt on the question. that Representative Schitebel who
Olliers seeking the marshalship has lieen operated upon for gall
should quit now and save their stones, at Portland, Is recovering
faces. After the Live Wires have and likely will be home within two
Mrs. Frank Cockerline and Sora
placed Judge Beatie in his new job. weeks.
Cockerline were in Oregon City.
they will select his successor.
The Greshatu Outlook issued an
One of the most enjoyable events
Restoration to Entry of Land In National Pores
the season took place Saturday
Notice is hereby given thvt tlie lands
The Oregon City Courier is still
below, embracing 55 acres,
hammering away on the typhoid tained a writetip from practicall evening at the home of Mr. aud 1 described
the Oregon National Forest, Ore­
every community in which it cir­ Mrs C. C. Saliug when they en- gon, will
he subject to settlem ent and
fever situation. It wants the city
culates and typograpicallv the paper tained five couples at a 7 o’clock entry under the provisions o f the home­
council to wake up and the Com
stead laws of the United States ami the
yvus yvell done.
dinner. The table and the rooms act
of June 11,1906 (34 Stat., 233), at
inercial club to quit talking about
the United .states land office at Portland
Chriatmas trees aud help get a pure
A sum sufficient to pay the de­
ou March 4, 1913. Any settler
holidays, the table having a Christ­ j Oregon,
who has actually and in good faith claim­
water supply. Flushing out hydr­ ficit of the football season was real­
mas tree as centerpiece.
From it ing any of said lauds for agricultural
ants with typhoid fever germ-, ized by the students of the high
purposes prior to January 1, 190«, and
doesn't purify the water, says the school at the basket social given by presents to the guests were distri­ has not ahandunded same, has a pref­
buted. After all had partaken of erence right to make a homestead entry
them last Ftiday evening.
for the lands actually occupied- Said
the fine diutier, three tables of lands
were listed upon the applications
was a good attendance and bidding
whist competed, a Christmas cake of the persons mentioned below, who
Ftoiu every section of tlie state on baskets was spirited.
a preference right subject to the
going to Mrs. E. E. Saling who have
prior right of any such settler, provided
comes strong endorsement of J. N.
Miss Maude Sturgeon and her woa the ladies prize and a pie to R- such settler or applicant is qualified to
Teal for Seeretaiy of the Inerior.
mother and nephew, Don Newman H. Ctirriu, winner of the gentle­ to make homestead entry and the prei
erence right is exercised ptior to March
He is. without doubt, one of the
will leave this week for California mens prize.
Mr. Cttrrin immed­ 4, 1913, on which date the lands will be
best equipped men lor the position
to s|iend the winter. They will go iately offered to share his gift with subject to settlem ent and entry by any
qualified person. The lands are as fol­
in the entire nation.
to Los Angeles for a month and any gentleman present in a pie bit­ lows: The N 1-2 of SW1-4 of NW 1-4,
probably will visit San Jose, aud ing contest. An informal musical See. 29, T. 2 S , R. 7. K., W. M„ con­
taining 20 acres, application of George
Sau Diego before returning.
program completed a most enjoy­ Pickett, Hrightwood, Oregon; L ist 6 - 3 ^ .
Notice is hereby given to the
S\V 1-1 of S\V 1-4 of NK 1-4, the
The Dodge hall which was restor­ able evening. Those present, be­ SW 1-4 of SE 1-4 of SW 1-4 of N El-4,
property owners in the Sewer Dis
ed to its foundation by J W. Reed sides the host and hostess, were: the N 1-2 of NW 1-4 of NW 1-4 of SE
tlict No. j, (said sewer district be­
1 1-4, the N H 1-4 of NW l-4ofSK 1-4, the
last week, was the scene of a bas­ Mr- and Mrs. R. H. Currin, Mr. I SW 1-4 of NW 14 of NE 1-4 of Sit 1-4,
ing comprised of all that portion of
and the N 1-2 of SW 1-4 of NE 1-4 of
ketball game Saturday which yvas
the City of Kstacada, Oregon, sit­
j SE 1-4, Sec. 8 , T. 8 S„ K. 7 E.. con­
won by the Y. M. C. A. Pontes Adix. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Saliug, taining 35 acres, application of James W.
uated in Blocks 6, n and third
Creighton, Rowe Oregon; Mat 5-716.
over Springwater. Since the storm Mr. and Mrs L. K. Belfils.
street between the north line of lot
| Approved, Hecember 10, 1912 S. V.
blew the hall off the foundation the
Proud fit, Assistant Commissioner of the
3 and 37, Block 6 and the south
The Garfield Country club is | j General
Land Office.
Springwater lioys had no chance to
line of lot 3 and lot 14, Block 11
preparing to give a New Years eve
practice and this had something to
Original Plat to the town of Ksta­
dance, which promises to surpass
Fat cattle wanted; the fattei the
do with their loss.
cada: situated in Block 7 and third
in interest and enjoyment any of the lietter.—See Fred Jorg.
Alderman William Underwood, former social affairs of this popular
street between the north line of lot
F or S a lk —O ne horse, ch eap to r
1 sn>l lot 34, Block 7 and the south last week closed a deal at Pcrtland, organization.
line of lot 1 and lot 14, Original whereby a resident of the city be­
All ladies are invited and gentle­ cash. Inquire M. J. Anderson.
tf '
Plat to the town of Kstacada, and comes the owner of the Underwood men will be admitted upon present­ Garfield.
situated in Blocks 3, 8 . 9, 16. 17 property of ten acres and an unfir- ation of tnvations at the door or by
F or R k n t - H ouse and five acres
The voucher of a member. The dance
and third, fourth and fifth streets, nished house near Morroyv.
water in house, fruit and g ard en —
The will continue until morning and re­
between the south line of lot 1 ami consideration was $2,700.
Inquire The Progress.
lot 74 ol Block 3 Original Plat to Portland buyer is a man of family freshments will be served.
the town of Kstacada. and the south and will finish the house and move
line of Blo.'k 34 first addition to the into it soon.
town of Kstacada,) that the under­
Chas K. Short, a business man
S t r a t f d — F rom my premises
Mrs. H. G. Huntington, after
signed assessors appointed by Ord. of Portland was here last week
spending the past three months with two yearling calves, as follows: Ooe
No. 73, have filed their apportion­ Mr. Short was the purchaser of the
her son and wife at Portland, has half Jersey heifer, brown with large
ment of the costs to lie assessed on second town lot sold in Kstacada
bell; red steer, white spots, point
returned home.
the property owners in said district and Short Street is named after him.
of horn broken off. both have slit
John Henkle, one of Eagle
for building a sewer therein, aud Thirty years ago Mr. Short was
in right ear and upper bitt in left
yon sre notified that said asseaors editor of a paper at Crawford, Neb. Creek’ s merchants, lost his delivery ear; Reward for information leading
will meet at the sflice of the Citv and proved bis famiJarity with the horse some time ago.
to recovery. Joel B. Bowman,
Recorder for the City of Kstacada. business, by yanking the Washing­
Russell Jones is working for H. Estacada. R F. D. No. i.
Oregon, at the hour of 7 P, M. on ton hand press a few times. Mr. S. Gibson.
Monday January 3. 19 13. for the iShoitsaid he hadn’ t seen one of
E s t r a y N o tic e.
Fred Hoffmeister butchered some
purpose of hearing any objection tlu«e presses for thirty years.
S t r a v k ii from my
hogs last week;
that any person interested may
oue cow, daik red Jersey, four
The ladies of Kstacada have ar­
Chas. Cluster, accompanied by
years old, Swiss bell attached to!
ranged to give a dance at Elliott's his sister, Mrs. Ed Douglass went
Dated this 34th day of Dec 19 13
hall Krgle Creek, Jan. it. They ! to Molalla last week to see thetr chain around neck. Reward for
William Kuhrach.
had planned to give a New Years parents, having heard their father ¡information leading to recovery. |
W. D. Heutborn.
John Tra.schel, Estacada.
eve ball, but Sandy has arranged was ill.
J. V. Barr
for one at Sandy and it was thought
W a n t e d —Highest price paid
Mr and Mrs. H. H. Udell and
children visited wdth James Gibson for eggs at the Palace Meat Market j
For Sale—Heating stove at your best to postpone the affair.
own price- Dr. Adix.
23 tf I Christmas cards, the latest pro- Mr. Ellis and fatuity expect to Fred Jorg.
Estray Notice.
Will be in Katacaria on Frida) s *ud
Suturda>B. Appointment, may be
made with Dr. Adix.
1 The Best Light At
I The Lowest Cost
------------------------------------------------- §
ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suit-
able for homes, offices, shops and other
places needing lights, Electricity can be
used in any quantity .large or small, there-
by furnishing any required amount of
light. Furthermore, electric lamps can
be located in any place, thus affording
any desired distribution of light.
No other lamps possess those qualifi-
cations, therefore it is not surprising that
electric lamps are rapidly replacing all
others in modem establishments.
§ %
§ S
Portland Railway, Light
C L A U D E W. D E V O R E
A T T O R N E Y -A T -LA W
Estacada. O re g o n
All work guaranteed
q JI
q )
J. V. B A R R
It still at the old stand atid willing to do
•ny ot the wort In Ms lint
learn V/ork and Hauling by
the Day or Contract
WOOD delivered in an y quantity
or length, ist claaa 4 foot wood
xlabwood delivered at $2.09 per
cord. 16 inch at $2.50 per load.
Tht Oregon Fire Relief A»»o-
ciation ot McMinnville
with $ 141.000 reserves, solicits your
tmcineM through
& Power Co.
John Brown
O r e s h a m , O re g o n
Seventh and Alder Sts.
6683 ,
G re s h a m . §13
Or leave word at thl. ulfioe
I also have the OREOON MERCHANT«
The Estacada Lumber Yard
We manufacture all kinds of Cedar
Shingles aud are prepared at all
times to deliver the some. Alio
to aell at the mill, having stock an
baud at all time.
A. K R IE 6 E R
Kstacada Agent—A. Morrow
I am handling a full line of Grain
and Chicken Feed.
All of first class quality and weights
are guaranteed to be as represented.
Give me a trial and rest assured you
will be dealt with honestly.
Remember the Place — THE OLD
Livery, Board, Salt and
Exchange Stable
Reed & Sparks
SuucMon H
0. R. Jacobs
M ain
Repairing of AN Kind«
Plumbing and Electric
Look Here! Get Wise!
Our Prices of Flour and Fe«d
Bran. 60s sack .................................................
Shorts, 80s sacks (Country)................ ......... .
Shotts, 80s ton lots
Wheat, per 100 lbs
Ground Wheat, (pure) per 100 lbs
Rolled Barley, per sack....................... ....................
Oil Meal, (Linseed) 120 lb. sack
Soy Bean Meal, 100 lbs
Alfalfa Meal 100 lb*
Dement’s Best Flour, sack
“ “ bbl
Superior “ “ “
“ “ sacks
“ Flour in ICO lb. sack .......................
No. 1 Mixed Hay Timothy and Alsyke, per 100 lbs
“ “
“ ton lots ..................
Subject to
ch an g e
without notice.
1 50
2 90
2 50
1 25
1 20
4 50
4 50
1 25
2 10
10 50
Free city delivery Thursday.
At Home Residence.
to do any thing.
Garfield X 6 SS
NaHce for Law at Spatial Road Tax
Notice i* hereby given that we, the
undersigned taxpayers representing ten
per cent, of the tax payers in Road
District No. 48, Clackamas County,
Oregon, hereby give notice to the tax
payers of said Road District No. 43
that there will be a meeting of the tax
payers of said District in Wilbern’s
Hall at Eagle Creek, on the 28th. day
of December. 1912, at 1 o. clock p. m..
to vote an additional tax for road pur­
pose*. as provided by an act of the leg­
islature in 1909.
H. S. Gibson
R. B. Gibson
H. G. Huntington
W. Douglass
Roy Douglaaa
Fred Hoffmeister
Alex Baker
E. M. Clark
1 Geo. W. Judd
E. E. Elliott
L. S. Baker
W. B. Baker
H. Hoffmeister
H. B. Ballou
i Wm. E. Douglas*
Wm. J. Houlett
C. W. Murt hry
W. C. Congwell
J. M. Henkle
G. B. Preston
FOR R E N T --T w o 5 room cott­
ages, city water, electric lights and
bath. Inquire Dr. Adix,