Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 26, 1912, Image 3

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Greece Continues Hostilities and
Turks Wait Instructions.
Yaquis Trained By Maderistas Now
Turn Bandits.
Slaughter Follows Victory of In­
dians -Young Women Carried
Oft Into Mountains.
El Paso, Tex.— Yaqui Indians, after
an attack lasting two days, have cap­
tured the Sonora town o f San Marcial
slaughtered many o f the inhabitants
and carried otf several girls to the
The inhabitants o f the town, the
Bpecial says, fought until their ammu
nition gave out, when the Indians,
who attacked in force o f several hun
dred, gained entrance.
Scenes of
terrific slaughter followed, only a few
escaping to carry the tale to the out­
side world.
The Indians retreated to
the mountiatins, carrying the young
women with them.
San Marcial is in the center o f the
Sonora ctal district, a little more than
60 miles southeast of Hermosillo, This
is the first time so far as known here
where Yaquis successfully assaulted so
large a town.
The Indians are said to' be using
military tactics acquired during two
years o f training in Maderos forces to
advantage, gathering force 'until they
have practically what might be termed
an army. A ll are armed with high-
power rifles secured during the gov­
ernment service.
Official apprehension o f another re­
bel attack on Juarez was aroused by
the operations o f the Yaquis in San
A recommendation from the State
department in Washington in Septem
ber that 1000 men be kept rn Juarez to
avoid a repetition o f the casualties in­
cidental to the Madero revolution has
not been complied with. The town
has a garrison o f 500 men and a small
artillery force.
jffB B c a a r o i
London The peace conference was
launched only to be interrupted by a
complication resulting from the policy
o f Greece in waging war and negotiat­
ing peace simultaneously. The Turk­
ish delegation announced that it was
empowered to confer only with the
three Balkan kingdoms which signed
the armistice at Tchatalja, and as a
consequence adjournment was taken to
obtain instructions.
A ll the conferees expressed the be­
lie f that the suspension is merely tem­
porary and that a’ pathway toward the
resumption o f the meetings will be
The prospects for a successful issue
o f the conference are enhanced by the
declaration o f the Turks that they
have plenary powers to arrange and
sign a treaty o f peace. How far their
improved military position, with the
encouragement Austiia is credited
with giving them, may stiffen their
backs against the allies’ terms re­
mains in doubt.
The first sitting o f the ambassador­
ial court o f ^appeals, as it is called,
was held in the foreign office.
ambassadors o f five continental powers
conferred with Sir Edward Grey, the
British secretary for foreign affairs,
for more than three hours. The differ­
ent nations advanced their views on
the Eastern problem.
The contingency that mediation may
offer the only solution o f the war has
been the subject o f much discussion.
The heads of the Bulgarian and Serv­
ian delegations, in interviews, recog­
nized that the United States might be
in a position to act as peacemaker.
The naval fight off the Dardanelles
in which both Greece and Turkey
claimed victory, was resumed Thurs­
Athens announces that the
Greek army is about to capture Janina.
The friction between Austria and
Servia appears not to have abated.
The Servians complain that Austrian
gunboats in the Danube are indulging
in provocative tactics, throwing their
searchlights on Belgrade, which has
caused a panic among the residents.
Morgan Interests Control Finances
of Whole Nation.
“ Human Bomb” Gets Writ.
Los Angeles — Attorneys for Carl
Riedelbach, the “ human bomb,” who
captured the Central police station
some weeks ago, obtained a w rit of
habeas corpus directing the county au­
thorities to appear in court Monday
and show cause why the prisoner
should not be released. Riedelbach’s
attorneys argued before Judge Willis,
o f the Superior court, that their client
had committed no crime, according to
the state’s statutes. He merely ap­
peared at the central station carrying
an infernal machine.
Naval Battle Is a Draw.
Sedil-Bahr, Dardanelles — Another
naval battle was begun between the
Turkish and Greek fleets Thursday
morning near the entrance to the Dar
danelles. The firing was heavy.
A fte r the naval battle off the Dar
danelles, the Turkish warships re
turned to their anchorage with flags
flying and bands playing amid the en
thusiastic applause of the crowds lin
ing'the shore.
According to an eye witness who
verifies the official report o f the en­
gagement, after a long-range ex­
change o f shots, the smaller Greek
vessels retired, leaving the pride o f
the Greek navy, the cruiser Georgio
Averoff, to bear the brunt o f the fight­
ing. The cruiser seemeij.'to be using
only her small
caliUer guns and
showed signs o f having been sturck by
three or four shells.
Finally she
slowly retired from the combat.
Robbers Find Bank Empty.
Tremonton, Utah — A fte r laboring
half the night to break into the old
concrete money vaults o f the State
Bank o f Tremonton, four robbers were
dismayed to discover that the bank had
moved away the day before.
Anna Rauber, a telephone exchange
operator in the building opposite, dis­
covered the men just as they broke
through the three-foot walls. She tel­
ephoned Marshal Brown and a running
fight followed, but the robbers escaped
in a buggy stolen from a physi­
Servians Drunk With Future.
Puts Eggs in Her Hose.
Richmond, Cal.— Mrs. D. Kavinet,
a shoplifter, was caught with enough
eggs in her stockings to make a family
omelet. Eggs have disappeared every
time she visited a market, conducted
by T. D. Morgan. He marked some of
the eggs and waited.
They faded
from sight on her next visit to the
market and Morgan called a policeman.
A woman at the jail made a search
and reported nothing doing in the egg
line. Morgan averred that Mrs. K avi­
net had the eggs.
More searching
brought them to view in her stocking.
Aid for Park Asked.
Washington, D. C.— Senator Cham­
berlain has been urged by the Mazama
society, o f Portland, to aid in obtain­
ing an appropriation o f $250,000 from
this congress for widening the road
into the Mount Rainier National park,
in the State o f Washington, from the
south construction o f the branch road
to the Indian Henry hunting grounds,
the construction o f horse trails in the
park and the survey for a highway into
the park along Carbon river.
Garrison Has Typhoid.
Hanau, Germany— An epidemic o f
typhoid fever has broken out among
the troops o f the garrison here. Two
hundred and eleven soldiers are lying
in hospitals suffering from the disease.
The river Main is believed to be in­
fected and i f this is proved to be so,
the health o f the entire population
will be imperiled.
Paris — “ The Servians are drunk
with the future and forgetful o f the
past, and perhaps o f the present,” ac­
cording to Rudolph Sieghart, who was
recently appointed governor o f the
Credit Foncier o f Austria by Emperor
W ritin g to the
Temps, Sieghart complains o f what he
calls the campaign o f detraction and
suspicion against Austrian policy cur
rent in Europe. The Austrian govern­
ment, he says, has been observing for
some time the massing o f Russian
troops on the Austrian frontier.
Flynn Succeeds Wilkie.
Washington, D. C. — William J.
Flynn, o f New York, was appointed
chief o f the United States secret serv­
ice by Secretary MacVeagh, o f the
Treasury department, succeeding John
E. W ilkie, chief supervising agent
of the customs service.
For many
years Mr. Flynn has been in charge of
the New York division o f the secret
service, and during the early days of
Mayor Gaynor’s administration was
deputy police commissioner.
Swiss Prepare Against War.
Berne, Switzerland— The Swiss gov­
ernment, in view o f the possibility of
war, is augmenting the amount of
ready cash at its command.
A con­
signment o f $5,000,000 in gold and
silver has arrived here by special train
from Paris and was lodged in the
Swiss National bank.
The govern­
ment also continues to order quantities
o f grain from America.
Second-Hand Machin­
ery bought.' sold and
exchanged: engines,
boiler«, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st
bt,. Portland. Send for Stock List and prices.
Brigandage and Lawlessness Rouse
Ire of American Government,
and Must Be Stopped.
Washington, D. C.— Henry Lane
Wilson, United States ambassador to
Mexicp, who has been here in confer­
ence with the State department offi­
cials regarding conditions in Mexico,
has gone to New York, preparatory to
sailing for his post.
He is without
the expected note o f representation
this government is preparing to send
to the Mexican government demanding
protection for citizens and their prop­
This action is taken as a further
evidence o f the intention o f the ad­
ministration to
deal circumspectly
with this delicate situation. The com­
munication is being prepared with the
greatest care in the State department,
and will be transmitted to the United
States ambassador early in January.
The deliberation with which the
officials are moving is expected to re­
sult in the ’production o f a b rief that
is expected to be well-nigh unanswer­
able except by a promise o f prompt
and adequate action on the part o f the
Mexican government to meet fairly
and fully the demands o f the United
States in the matter o f the plain
American interests in Mexico.
Justification for this demand by the
United States is declared to be found
in the numerous reports from every
quarter that conditions in Mexico have
grown worse since the dispatch o f
Secretary Knox’s note o f protest last
September, and that there has been a
marked increase in brigandage and ’ n
the kidnaping o f citizens o f the Uni­
ted States for ransom and in the levy­
ing o f forced war loans by rebels on
American mines and plantations.
Judge Mayer in the United States
District court in the $300,000 damage
suit brought by E. Locker & Company,
Brooklyn tobacco jobbers.
The Met­
ropolitan Tobacco company, co-defend­
ant, received a similar verdict.
The plaintiffs sought treble damages
under the Sherman anti-trust law, al­
leging they incurred losses through
violation o f the law by the defendant
Judge Mayer told the jury that the
questions involved were o f law, not o f
fact, hence it was for the court to de­
cide the case. John E. Locker, o f the
plaintiff campany, said he would take
the case to the Supreme court o f the-
United States i f necessary.
Now who
H ob b y«
o v j c
1m Soye 'thsSt I
d id
1 won dev 'tf
w K tle
X w as o o f
Me .Ovoke info
A î r < r f T ~ . * _ : _____ _
Curious Manner In Which Children
Observe Month of February— An­
swers to St. Valentine’s Day.
Taft Full Professor.
Big Drydock Asked For.
of $100 or more by buying your
Piano or Player Piano direct
from factory store.
M others w ill find M r«. W in slo w 's Sootfling
Byrup t’ e beat reiaedy to uiiu »or th eir children
i*uriug .he teething iieriod.
about 15,000 words; Milton had one of
about *.000 words. The average learn­
ed man ha* a vocabulary considerably
smaller than Milton'«; the overage
man who 1 « not learned can get along
with 3,000 or 4.000, and the man who
doesn't do much of any thinking cau
get along with about 1,000 worda
You rouM tell lie had
A Jag on
By th. way hla tongu«
Would wag on.
Concrete an Old Story.
Rome was not bulk in a day, nor
built as fast as Taramanytown, nor
built In structural steel, but it turns
out that most of Rome’s mighty
structures, temples, circuses, baths,
aqueducts, were built In concrete, not
reinforced with Iron and steel, as we
build now, but a good quality of sand,
stone and cement nevertheless. On
this powerful central core of cement
was fitted an ornamental facing of
finest marble.
Low Altitude.
“ Mr. Wombat, you ought to go in for
aviation. Many of our prominent peo­
ple are taking it up.’’ “ I suppose I
ought. Have you got a machine that
will skim along nicely about seven
feet from the ground?”— Judge.
Mr. Meekton’s Mean Idea.
“ Why did you Insist on having your
wife join the Suffragette Club?” "Be­
cause,” replied Mr. Meekfon grimly,
“ I want to see that Suffragette Club
get all the trouble that’s coming to
Ancient mariner (at the Grot foot
ball game)— Where’s the tackle we
hear so much about? Smart Land­
lubber— Don’t you see the lines all
over the ground?—Judge.
Wise Precaution.
Stopper—I want to buy a necktie
suitable for my husband. Salesman—
Sorry, madam, but we are not per­
mitted to sell neckties to women who
are unaccompanied by men.— Puck.
h ,
causes anxiety among those who are
sickly and run down, whose blood is
eration you are entitled to.”— Kansas impoverished, and vitality low; but
City Journal.
don't remain in that condition.
Has Its Advantages.
“ Nations are not fed, clothed and
London Largely Built on Marsh.
housed by legislation,” says a sapient
Abundant evidence as to the ruarshj
contemporary. Certainly not. But it
sometimes pays well to be a member nature of the ground upon which t
of a legislature, just the same.—Louis­ largo pert of the city of London wax will build you up, strengthen the
originally built Is still to bo discover
ville Courier-Journal.
entire system and prevent Stomach
ed in such name3 as Fenchurck
Ills, Colds and Grippe. Try a bottle
Rod Cross Ball Blue, all blue, best bluing value
in the whole world, makes the laundress smile.
and be convinced.
Start today.
One of His Worst.
The Doctor— Did you hear about
that Methodist preacher’s daughter
Since the advent of the “ hound
down south who turned sleuth, hunt­
ed up the pickpocket who had robbed dawg” song everybody has heard of
her of her purse, and finally landed the Ozarks. But the Ozarks have long
him In the penitentiary? The Profes­ been contributing to letters.
sor—Good for her! She wa» an M. greater part of the lead pencils of the
E. sis, with a vengeance.— Chicago world are made from the red cedar
of the Ozarks.—Boston Transcript.
M O S T E T T L R ’S
Pettits Eve Sa m
To Exterminate Vermin.
Mix and let stand for several hours
one-half gallon of gasoline and ten
cents' worth of corrosive sublimate.
(our bulbs, one at each corner, con
stltutlng a square?
1 Pnt the mixture into a pint oil can,
with a long spout, and spray into ev­
The second diagram shows b o*
ery place where there are bugs. Air
the room thoroughly. After a few ap­
plications the vermin will have entire­
Indexing Extraordinary.
Indexers have been responsible for ly disappeared.
many errors, but possibly the strang­
Resolutions Too Fragile.
est example of curious Indexing oc­
“ Resolve to live a hundred years,
curs In a law book. Turning over its
index, a correspondent of the London and you will do It,” declared a St.
But being a physi­
Chronicle noted the entry: “ Best. Mr. Louis physician.
Justice, His Great Mind,” and refer­ cian, he ought to know that good res­
ence to the page brought this: “ Mr. olutions are easily broken.
Justice Best said he had a great mind
Europe’s War Material.
to commit the witness for contempt
Europe withdraws from industry 4,-
of court.” _________
500,000 men to make soldiers of them.
They are kept from one to three
Reasonable Stipulation.
“ Shall we admit Wombat to our Sub years. What an appalling waste;
limated Order of the Kibosh? He al how doubly preposterous If efficiency
ready belongs to seven secret socle can be insured with militia training;
ties.” “ I’m in favor of admitting bin: — New York World.
if there’s enough of him left to work
Solution of Puzzle.
our ritual on.”— Knnsns City. Journal
Electric 8lgn Puzzle.
Nriw Haven, Conn.— President T a ft
w ill make his permanent residence in
this city when he takes up the duties
o f the Kent professorship at Yale Col­
lege next spring.
He has requested a
friend to find him a house. In con­
nection with the professorship it is
understood that at the next meeting o f
the corporation the tender o f it will be
formally made and will be accepted by
President Taft.
Besides filling the fifty-one different squares can
duties o f Kent professorship, the pres­ found on tbe electric light sign
ident will lecture on constitutional
For Emergenciee.
and international law in the law school.
In some of the college settlements
there are penny savings banks for
Wealthy Galicians Fleeing.
Paris— Austria-Hungary is spending
One Saturday a small boy arrived
$800,000 a day to defray the expendi­ with an important air and withdrew 2
tures o f the mobilization o f her army, cents from his account. Monday morn
according to an estimate made by a ing he promptly returned the money.
correspondent o f the Temps, just re­
"So you didn’t spend your 2 cents,"
turned from Galicia, Austria.
The observed the worker In charge.
whole o f the commercial and indus­
“ Oh, no,’’ be replied, “ but a fellow
trial life o f the country has been dis­ Just likes to have a little cash on band
organized, he adds. In Galicia neith­ over Sunday.’’— Harper's Magazine.
er money nor food is to be had and the
wealthier part o f the population has
How Many Words Do You Uee?
fled from the country.
Shakespeare had a vocabularly of
Washington, D. C.— A $1,000,000
drydock in San "Francisco bay will be
asked o f congress by Secretary o f the
Navy Meyer in a recommendation he
will soon send to the house appropria­
tions committee. The secretary defi­
nitely decided to ask congress for the
$1,000,000 dock at this session. The
appropriation will be included in the
naval appropriation bill.
I f the sum
is granted work on the dock will be
begun within the year.
Stop coughing! Coughing
rasps and tears. Stop it!
Coughing f . «pares the throat
and lungs for' more trouble.
Stop i t ! There is nothing so
bad for a cough as coughing.
Stop i t ! Ayer’s Cherry Pec­
toral is a medicine for coughs
and colds, a regular doctor’s
medicine. Sold for seventy
years. Use it! Ask your doc­
tor if this is not good advice.
L ittle Rock, Ark.— Characterizing squares can you find on the big T,
the Arkansas penitentiary under the
lease system as a burning, seething
hell, consuming human beings, who
are being fed into it in a manner
which resdlts in nothing but making
fortunes for contractors, Governor
Donaghey, issued a statement in de­
fense o f his action recently in issuing
pardons to 316 state convicts.
According to a newspaper compila­
tion, based on the state records, 43 o f
those pardoned by Governor Donaghey
were convicted o f murder or man­
slaughter, 111 o f grand larceny, four
assault, five robbery, 19 forgery, 32
burglary, 26 assault to kill and 76 of
crimes ranging from hog stealing to
Sacramento — Fewer bankers and
more barbers die o f tuberculosis than
any other workers classified by the
state board o f health, according to
a report just made public. Bankers,
brokers, business men and those in gen­
eral whose work is mental rather than
physical and whose surroundings at
work and at home are almost ideally
sanitary, show the highest resistance
Barbers and hairdressers show the
astonishing death rate from tuber­
culosis o f a fraction more than one in
every four.
Why cough?
Stop it!
For a New Umbrella.
Before using a new umbrella Inject
a small quantity of vaseline into the
Deal direct with manufac-
W e pay the highest I hinge portions of the frame.
prices for Raw Furs.
W rite line will not Bpread like oil and spoil
for free price list and shipping
the covering, and Is a sure preven­
tive against rust. W et umbrellas
' 191 Sena SMS. PORTLAND. ORE. Bhould be stood on their handles to
dry; this allows the water to run out
of them. Instead of Into the part
where the silk and ribs meet, thus
causlug the metal to rust and the
Check sent by return mail for veal, pork, poultry, Bilk to rot.
Unless there is daily action of the bow­
hides. Highest prices guaranteed. Tags, price
els, poisonous products are absorbed,
list free. A re you receiving honest weights, top
causing headache, biliousness, nausea,
prices and check by return mail? I f not, ship us.
Uncle Pennywise Says:
F. H. S C H M A L Z & CO.
Things political are moving so fast dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your
Faid b p Capital $10.000
that some of the old wheelhorses are doctor about correcting your constipation
141 143 F r w t Street,
PO RTLA N D . 0R £ G 0 N
by taking laxative doses of Aver’s Pills.
having hard work to keep from being
M ad e b y th e J. C. A Y E R C O .. L o w e l l , M m
run o v e r ._______
Obliging Clerk.
An out-of-town man walked Into a
In that land of feasta and festivals BUSH & LAN E PIA N O COM PANY Fort Scott store and asked If the
— Japan—the mosl popular one with
“ boss” was in. A clerk who sat laz­
355 Washington St., Portland, Or.
the children Is the feast of dolls,
ily gazing into space blinked several
which takes place In the month of
times, muttered his lips, and lapsed
February. It perhaps answers to our
back into his former stage. “ I say,
St. Valentine festivities.
Is the boss in?” Inquired the man in
The fun lasts for three days, and if
not a very mild tone. “ No, he’s gone
Also Land Plaster, Lime, Cement, W all Plas­
little Miss Japan's father and mother
out,” returned the clerk, without tak­
ter and Shingles. W rite for prices.
and grandfather and grandmother
ing his eyes off the space. “ W ill he
have laid up In store for this occa­
be back after dinner?” Inquired the
102 Front Street.
sion, dolls by the hundred are
“ Nope,” yawned the clerk,
brought forth to celebrate the feast,
“ that’s w’hat he went out for.”— Kan­
and many of the dolls are years and
sas City Star.
years old— hundreds of years, even,
Destiny of America.
for every doll that enters a Japanese
A nation is not a conglomeration of
home Is treasured and kept for this
voters, to be represented by hungry
great day.
band instruments. The most complete stock
politicians empowered to
of Musical Merchandise in the Northwest.
The best room In the house Is
W rite for Catalogues.
the spoils of office, but a people ani­
chosen, here shelves covered with
8 E IB E K U N G -L U C A 8 M USIC CO.
mated by a common impulse and
rich silken hangings, gay In color, are
134 Second Street.
Portland, Oregon
seeking to work out a common des­
arranged, perhaps five or six shelves,
tiny. The destiny of America is mu­
extending the length of one side of
tual service; labor Is the corner stone
the room.
of our nationality, the labor of each
The principal dolls are the emperor
for all.— Ralph Waldo Emerson.
and empress of Japan, or two dolls
dressed to represent these august per­
Highest Market Price Paid
His Best.
sonages In their court attire. Every­
“ He’s a brute.” “ How so?” “ When
thing centers about them; dolls to
* »t' H. LIEBES & CO.
J. P. Plagemann, Mgr.
g W
she promised to be his wife he said
represent maids of honor, courtiers,
he would do everything In his power
and statesmen, each In appropriate
2 9 8 M orrison Si.
Corbett Bid?.
to make her happy." “ W ell?” “ He
R e t First N at’l Bank.
dress, are ranged next in order.
spends all of his time at the club!”
Everythlftg which their imperial
“ Well, if he is really a brute that
majesties can possibly need In the
ought to help some.”
way of household furniture Is repre­
Lucrative Find In South Africa.
sented In miniature; silver cups,
Roil Cross Ball Blue will wash double as many
South Africa’s possibilities as a pro­ clothes as any other blue. Don’t put your money
bowls, and rice buckets, on lacquered
of vegetable oils are wide in­ into any other.
trays, are placed before the emperor
and empress, and each day the little deed If the results of recent experi­
What’ He Called It.
child for whom this festival Is pre­ ments under the auspices of the Mo­
“ Are you troubled with insomnia—
pared fills the dishes with the differ­
sleeplessness?” “ I should say I am.
ent kinds of food used in a Japanese into commercial realities. For In­ Some nights I don’t sleep three
household— rice, fruits,
and stance, the fruit of the “ macua- hours.” “ That so? I ’ve got it awfully
cake, or sweet wine.
macua” was shown to yield no less bad. I ’ve been afflicted now about
▲t the end of the feast the dolls than 60 per cent of fine edible oil, and two years. The doctor calls It neurls
are packed away for another year, of the “ pombula” 52 per cent.
Insomnia paralaxltls.” “ I ’ve had It
except two or three, which are left
about eighteen months, and we call It
Law of the Harvest.
out for dally use.
The law of the harvest is to reap Ethel.”— Ocean View’ Vldette.
more than you sow. Sow an act and
Sliding Scale.
G O O D E L E C T R IC S IG N P U Z Z L E you reap a habit; sow a habit and you
“ I’m a taxpayer,” gibbered the citi­
reap a habit; sow a habit and you
Object Is to See How Many Squares reap a character; t o w a character and zen, “ and I demand consideration.”
"Lemme see your tax certificate,” re­
Csn Be Found on the Big " T ,”
you reap destiny.—George D. Board- sponded the city official calmly, “ and
One at Each Corner.
then I’ll know Just how much consid­
Arkansas Governor Tells Why He
T b ls electric sign la studded with
Freed 316 State Convicts.
Barbers’ Mortality High.
rraan’t Done 80 Bed?y.
“ I might have married a mltllon-
alre,” declared Everywoman. “ One of
my old schoolmates Is now one.”
“ And several, of your schoolmates are
working right In this town for $10 a
week,” retorted Everyman, “ while one
of them Is In jail. I guess In marry­
ing a chap getting $1,500 a year your
, average Is fairly good." And then
Everybaby set up a howl and they
had to stop quarreling to attend to
I him.—Pittsburg Post.
J ffW iS h c d
Verdict in Suit Brought by Jobbers
New York— A movement to reduce
Is for Defendants.
was started by the national executive
committee of the Housewives’ League
o f America. An appeal has been ad­
dressed to every state chairman and
local city political league, urging them
to join in the movement in an effort to
make the campaign general.
The leaders o f the country were
urged to begin their crusades by ap­
pealing to dealers in their immediate
locality. This plan follows the meth­
od adopted in Greater New York, as a
result of which the league announced
that three o f the largest grocery firms,
controlling places in every part o f the
city, had acceded to the dennand for
cheaper eggs and had cut the price to
25 cents a dozen.
Other dealers are expected by the
women to do likewise.
Can gat you fancy price« tor W ild Ducks
and other g u n * in season. W rite as for
cash offer on ail kinds of poultry, pork, etc.
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
President and Party to Inspect the price of eggs in every city in the
New York— The American -Tobacco
country to 25 cents or less a dozen,
Work in Canal Zone.
company won a verdict by decision o f
Key West, Fla.— With the guns of
the United States battleships Dela­
ware and Arkansas roaring a welcome
President T a ft and his party late Sat­
urday afternoon boarded the Arkansas
and set out for the Panama Canal
zone. It was shortly after 4 o’clock
when the president, after making a
short speech here, boarded one o f the
launches o f the Arkansas, together
with Mrs. T a ft and the remainder of
the presidential party, and was taken
to the battleships.
A few minutes
later both the Arkansas and the Dela­
ware, which will act as an escort, had
weighed anchor and were steaming out
o f the harbor.
The presidential party will spend
three days in the canal region.
ident T a ft plans to get back to Key
W est on December 29, and two days
later to be in Washington.
Investigations o f conditions in the
canal zone to determine whether the
time is opportune for establishing civil
government there is the announced
purpose o f the presdent’s visit. Mr.
T a ft has said that he expected to issue
the order establishing civil govern
ment immediately i f he found condi­
tions favorable.
The president for six hours rode
through the fruit-bearing country o f
Florida and part o f the everglades.
His train then passed out over the
open sea railroad extension.
A spe­
cial observation car had been attached
to the train in Miami and the Presi­
dent spent much time in it.
A short talk was made by President
T a ft in Miami, in addition to the one
here. In both addresses he said he
thought it incumbent upon him to es­
tablish civil government in the Pana­
ma Canal region and not leave the
task to President-elect Wilson.
Doing Good.
W e are to relieve the dlstresseu,
put the wanderer into hlB way, and to
divide our bread with the hungry
which Is but the way of doing good tc
ourselves; for we are only several
members of one great body.— Seneca.
Painless Dentistry
in oar pride—our hobby—oar «tody fo r year« and
now our success, and oura ia the beat painless work
to be found anywhere, no m atter how much yaa
pay. C o m p a re o u r Price#.
"J W*> flnifih plate and
| bridge sorfe for out-
of town patron« in
one day i f rioHired.
Painless extraction
free when piates or
bridge work it» ord er­
ed. Consultation 1rs«.
MolarCrowns $ 5 . 0 0
22k Brid,. T e .th 4 .C 0
Gold .‘ illin,, 1 . 0 0
Enamel Fillings
Silver Filling«
Good Rubber
p u t»
5 .0 0
Best Red Rubber —
OR. W. â.
Wlîf, Prunus? »»D M KâBiN
21 TilU ISTâ^'.ISMID 1« PtRTlâND
■ Put*
Painless Extr’ tlon
. 50
A l l w ork fu lly g u a ra n te e «! fo r f.ft e e n year*.
i s e D e n t a l C o . , m e.
P a in le s s D e n t is t s
flilln, Building. Third and Washington PORUi "O ORS
O lh e ilo u t :
U M .ta
l u n i u i , 1 1 .1
can recai vep rompt treat-
m en t« o f Non-Poisonoua,
Had to Know the Time.
“ I understand,” said the judge, “ that
you stole the watch of the doctor who
had Just written a prescription for
you at the free dispensary.
have you to say to this charge?”
“ Well, your honor,” said the prisoner,
“ it Is true, but I found myself In a
hole. His prescription said a spoonful
every hour, and I had no watch.”
Andrew Lang’s Handicap.
The London Spectator says that
Andrew Lang always had poor health,
and most of his work was done when
he was tired and sick. This being
the case. It Is easy to understand and
forgive hla frequent crankiness.
j m
. i
ÍB «*tC c B | h 8/rqp.
la tim«.
t b
Ta*?»« Good.
Sold by Drum**«-
the Chinese doctor.
T r y on ce m ore i f yon h a ve been d o c to rin g with
th 1« on e and th at on e and have no t ob ta in e d per­
m anent r e lie f. L e t th is g re a t nature h e a le r d ia g ­
nose yon r rase and proscribe som e rem ed y whose
a c tio n ia qu ick , sure and safe. II in p re s c rip tio n «
a re com pounded fro m Roots. H e rb «, B ud » and
Harks th at have been »fathered fro m e v e r y quar-
t e r o f th e glob e. T h e aecreta o f th ese m ed icin es
a re not known to th e ou taid e w orld , but have been
handed dow n fro m fa th e r to aon in th e physiciana’
fa m ilie s in C hina.
I f yon l i r e out o f tow n and cann ot c a ll, w r ite fo r
sym ptom b lan k and circ u la r, en closin g 4 cents in
«tam ps.
In the Cyclone Belt.
“ I tell you what." said Gotham, en­
tertaining hie western cousin, “ every­
thing'* (o high here It’s almost Impos­
sible to keep a house going.” "W ell,"
replied the Kanean, "the winds are so j
high out our way It's almost Impossi­
ble to keep a house from going.’’—
Catholic Standard and Times.
162$ First St., Cor. Morrison
Portland. Oregon.
P. N. U.
No. 52—Ml
W H E N writing to ad v e rt!««*, plena« i
1 tion thia p a;er.
Color m or. goods brighter and faster colon than any other dye. On. 10c package colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally
w e ll and la guaranteed to give perfect result«. Asa dealer, or w e w ill send postpaid at lOc a package. W rite lor (reo
booklet h ow to dye, bleech and mix colors.
MONROE DRUG COMPANY. Quincy, Illinois.