'»-•. .T; .- ESTACADA All the News All the Time N O. Id of VOL PROGRESS Only Paper in Fast Clackamas EST A C A D A . OREGON. T H U R SD A Y , D EC EM BER 26. 191* 5 $1 A V K A k last week and Mrs. K im ball mills tax was voted Many wanted 8 ing a less tax for the coming year. takes possession at once. mills, but they wereoutvoted. This Heretofore it has been about 10 will raise about $1.800 which with mills on an average, The ranch includes over 20 acres Charles Dubois suggested a sup­ Santa Claus Pays a Visit amt is one of the best improved in Taxpayer« of Various Dis- the $800 left from last year and the ervising committee to co operate j ^ to Every Section ) "eneral tax of $ 1.10 0 gives $3,700. Garfield, a portion of the orchard tricts Hold Meeting« About $500 is apportioned to the with the supervisor and the idea being in hearing. The house is Keagan road, $300 to the road from [ was adopted enthusiastically by the modern and new and is one of the , /ioti to Bannockburn and $250 to | election of S K. Wooster. Eail Kil- most desirable properties m the It was de- ! the Thomas road. Charles Duncan Kore alM* T E. Schenk The consideration is not Christian Church had Program Tuesday country. Estacada to Hold Meeting Saturday to cided to use the money for niacad- Night and M. E. Church, Monday j was elected supervisor. announced Raise Money for a New Road to Bridge- Í amizing the Springwater hill from Night—Programs in other Plecae New Supervisors in Three Districts Votes 10 mill Road Tax the bridge over the Clackamas up. Looney Buys Estate of Practically every church in the Residents of Road District 49, o l ; Meetings held, thus far, in East­ Claussen for $ 2 ,500 Estacada country, including Esta ern Clackamas, show that the tax- which G. T. Hunt is supervisor, at Parcels Po*t Jan. 1; Ballard I.oonev, who sold his cada itself, observed, or will observe papers are for good roads. They a meeting held Saturday at Garfield Some of the Rules. Christinas this year with entertain­ ranch in Garfield, last spring ami Country club house, voted a 10! htve voted from 5 to to mills in January 1 the Parcels post law ments, Christmas trees and gifts went to West Virginia, his old home, mills tax for the coming year ex a ctin g to remain there, has con­ each district. There are two meet­ ■ a.all IkM 4 •* ,. IT ./tV D . . /1 b n t w. There were 40 voters present present ami ^ e^oct Packages up to for everybody. Santa Claus ha cluded to stay by Oregon, for the ings to be held, one in Estacada all were for good roads and a tax. 1 1 P°un(ls may !>e shipped at a cost bad a busy week. last week he bid iu the Peter Clan and the other at Eagle Creek Both An enlertaiumeut was held at »sen ranch of 120 acres iu George. The vote was 35 to 5 for 10 mills. of ir," ‘ S to 12 Cc“ u a P01" " 1- de' are next Satuaday. The Estacada the five dissenters desiring a slight-! lauding upon distance. At the Eagle Creek Monday night, where The propettv is partly cleared and meeting is for the purpose of rais­ ly smaner j ax 1 latter rate shipments abroad may be Rev. Mr. Aue of Springwater added the balance is easily cleared. The buildings are not ot much value, ing money to build a new road ac-, to the program with cello selections. hut the land is choice. Another cross the northeast corner of the. After the meeting the voters and llla,' e' A tree and a Santa Claus helped in item of interest is that it is suppos Ordinary stamps will be invalid for park to connect with the Spring- their wives and families enjoyed a the enjoyment. Tuesday evening ed about $5,000 in gold is buried luncheon and dancing to music fur- P',rct-T s post, a distinctive stamp Clau­ water road which is to be macad­ uished bv the club orclieslra. Nora Memorial in Garfield and the somewhere on this ranch. having Iteen issued and in amized to the top of the hill. The | the hands of postmasters or those Presbyterian church in Springwater ssen during the panic became fright­ ened and withdrew his money from road has been surveyed and ease­ 10 Mills at George [ delegated by him to have charge of W c w ish all a M e r r y ' C h ristm as celebrated with trees and enter­ a For laud hank So far ax known ment across the P. R. L & P. tainments. At the road meeting held in Geo- them. A parcel up to 3 feet long he never re-deposited it and he did property will hi issued immediately rge recently a 10 mills tax was vot-j a,Ml i Teet thick will be accepable. Next Saturday uight the church not speud it. and a prosperous N e w Year* it is promised. Local people feel County Commissioner Mattoon ed and A. N. Jennsen was eltcted They must be securely wrapped m George will have an entertain­ that good roads from the country road supervisor. Twenty three and bear the return card of the ment and tree. The program is in was administrator and C. W. De­ are neccessary to the town's pros­ vore, attorney in the settlement of voters weie present. Plans were sender otherwise they will not lie charge of Mrs. H Joyner. The the estate. perity and it is expected a sufficient talked for securing powder to blast accepted for mailing, Viola church held its program iast sum wtli be raised to make the new Friday evening. out the stumps ou the new road to Farm and factory products will ' road to the bridge. The Estacada Estacada, preparing it for grading be acceptable for mailing under cer- Math odist Church Program ! meeting is at ttie city hall at 1 P. later. tain regulations. Already fresh At the Methodist church, Esta ! m . ♦ **4 I ) cada, Monday eveuing. the Sabbath ; At the meetings so far held sup- Elect Reid, Supervisor e« 8 l,ave been slliPPe(l by miU STABLE safely. school gave a Christmas Cantata ! ervisors and tax are as follows: Voters of the Springwater road . , ‘ 'Santa Claus and the Xmas Can­ , . I Later on Postmaster Johnson A. N. Jetinsen, No. 9, 10 mills; W. A. JO N ES district. No. 33, at a special meet- . . . . , dles.” All departments participât . . . . , , ■ „ will have a supply of literature bear- ¡G . T. Hunt. No. 49, to mills; Chas. tng .. Saturday, voted a tax of 6 mills , , PROPRIETOR ed. A real Santa distributed gifts , .. , .. . , I ing on the subject, so that all pat- Duncan. No. to, 5 mill*; J. A. for Good rigs anil careful drivers always the roads the coming year and s , , . * from a tree. A featureot the even , ; rons may have a good unuerstand- Reid, No 33, 6 mills. elected J. A. Reid, road supervisor. 7 SPECIAL ATTENTION ing was the presentation to Mrs , , iug of lue uew rules. Duncan in District 10 1 hire was a good attendance of “ Given Hunting and F k h tag Parties Reagan of a Madonna, as appréciai They have it—good fresh vege- At the Tracy school house Sat­ voters. Roads in the Springwater We have received a shipment of beautiful Ja p ­ ion of her work as superintendent sectio 1 are in pretty good condition tables. Go and see them. Fred urday 30 voters turned out and WOOD & LUMBER anese ware direct from the land of Cherry of the Suuday school for seven Local and Long Distance Telephone , after considerable discussion, 5 and there was a sentiment of levy- Jorg. HI ot. soma. Come and examine them. There years. The program: •re dainty cups and sausers $ 1.7 5 a set; salt Primary Department and pepper ahakers, gravy boats, etc., from R e e it-T ’is Xmas Night, Bertha Devore S j to Aj cents. Sung-X m as brings a Happy time,Scholars ; • VOIE FOR G000 ROADS ENTERTAINMENTS AND TREES ESTACADA STATE BANK CAPITAL AT TAX RUNS FROM 5 TO M I L S $25,000 Livery, Feed & Sale DAINTY XMAS PRESENTS K ccit-Im itatiu g Santa Claus, Concerted Soug-M arching, Marching hear the lit­ tle teet, - . Scholar» CHINA A aelection of new ware «qua! in appear­ ance to hand-painted china. From 25 cents to $t 50 each. Nothing more suitable. Junior D rpartsnoai K ecit.-X m as Lights - Concerted Song--Lift the Xmas Candles, - Scholars Kecit.- Lighting the Xm as Candles, - - - - Virgil Yonce R écit.-L ove Light best ot all, Kdna Jorg Revit. -Helping Santa Claus. Concerte,) R écit.- Share and Serve, Douglass D ill K ecit.—Grandmother is growing to old lor Xm as - Concerted Song 6 L ittle Grandmothers FO R T H E BOYS W c have Hohner’a Mouth Harpa, from the 2 5 cent Harmonica up to the $1 Blow accordeooa. RliGS O F A L L S IZ E S AND PRICES ESTACADA FURNITURE CO, W . D. and L . M. Henthom, Proprietors O dd Fellows Building, Lu m b e r Co. C. E. DUBOIS, Manager. W c deal in ail kinds of building m aterial including L u m b er, L a th , Sash , Doors, Sand, G ravel, Lim e, P laster, B rick . Cem ent, E tc . A ll orders p rom p tly filled. Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103 H A P P Y XM AS AND NEW YEAR W e wish you all joy and happiness during the holiday season and continued prosper­ ity the New Year. We thank our patrons for their support T h e grow nups and children en­ jo yed a fine program at the C h rist­ ian chu rch C hristm as eve. T h ere w as a tree fu ll of presents for everybod y and San ta C lau s w ho pleased the children. T h e Program : Holy Night By the Choir Scripture reading and prayer, \V Givens Welcome - - Thelma Eshleman Santa Claus is coming - - Class Santa’s Mistake - Jam es Marks Scaring Santa Claus - Arelena Kimmel Share and Serve - Francis Lax head Schuberts’ Serenade - Violin solo A Christmas Tree - Marie Marks Ma’s Wish - - Eddie Fleming A diamond wedding on Christmas Eve - - - - - Eva Looney Song o f the Candles - - Class I f You’re Good - Dorothy Eshleman The Hobby Horse - Clifton Sarver Bible recitation - Class Month o f the year - Mary Treynor The Journey of the wise men - - - - Gertrude Morrow Low in the manger - - Class The Kuggles Dinner Party - . - Mrs. Bobbie Grimm The A ngl's song - Berniee Morrow The Lookout Man - Violet Sarver The Christmas Star - Nora Smith Santa Claus and the Mouse, Gaye Sarver The old House in the Meadow - - - - Mr. C. L, Allen Oh Little Town of Bethlehem - Choir Santa Claus is coming, coming - Byerly Morrow 1 Merry Christmas - Little Folks I Standish Ranch Sold to Luella Kimball, Salem REMEMBER THE Estacada Pharmacy We will dose, Monday, December 3 0 , to Invoice Intermediate Department Song-Boys will be boys - Scholars S o n g -R in g around a rosy - Girls R écit.-G ivin g away the Dol lie* Con verted R écit.—Comrade on the road, Phil Adams Song--Helping each other - School Récit. -Santa Claus in his Auto, Himsell Song-Santa running an Auto. - School R écit.-X m a s spirit - - Kivu Adams Song—Pass the Xmas light along. School Song—Joy to the World - School At the Chriotiaa Church a ****# » D u b o is COMPLIMENTS OF IS HEADQUARTERS FOR BOOKS AND STATIONARY Mrs. Luella Kimball has pnrehased of R. M- the latter's fruit ranch in The deal was closed at of Salem Standisli, J Oarfiield | Portland • ne join the universal acclaim of good cheer and best wishes lor a Happy ” Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. The year past has dealt with us kindly and we owe a debt of gratitude to our loyal patrons for their support. This store appreciates good treatment and it endeavors to return good for good. We respectfully solicit your further patronage and promise to maintain our reputation for square dealing and goods, just as represented. ESTACADA MERCANTILE