Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 12, 1912, Image 3

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    ; new social creed ;
" tv , »on
WOMAN IN P _______
T jo you really believe, doctor, that
Can g e t you fancy price« for Wild Ducks
and other uaine in season. W rit« us for
cash off or on all kinds o f poultry, pork. ate.
ltee® an3r' Of Considerable Convenience to Kee?
Federal Council of Churches of
Christ Announces Platform.
We want
' Complete Justice to Be Demanded —
Right o f All to Opportunity
o f M aintenance Asserted.
Enjoyed by Children of Larger Growth
as Well as by Little Folks— How
Chicago Cheers th a t greeted its
first reading insure the adoption by
the Federal Council o f the Churches of
C hrist in A m erica o f a new creed th a t
contrasts strongly w ith the old style
declarations of faith .
The new declaration o f fa ith by the
32 P ro te stan t denom inations says th a t
the churches m ust stand for the fol­
lowing :
Equal rig h ts and com plete justice
for all men in all stations of life.
Protection o f the fam ily by the
single standard of purity, uniform d i­
vorce laws, proper regulation o f m ar­
riage and proper housing.
For the fullest possible developm ent
for every child, especially by the pro­
vision of proper education and recrea­
Abolition of child labor.
Such regulation of the conditions of
toil for women as shall safeguard the
physical and moral health of the com­
m unity.
A batem ent and prevention o f pov­
Protection of the individual and so­
ciety from the social, economic and
m oral w aste of the liquor traffic.
Conservaton of health.
Protection of the w orker from dan­
gerous m achinery, occupational dis­
eases and m ortality.
Protection o f the rig h t o f all men to
the opportunity o f self-m aintenance,
safeguarding this rig h t a g ain st en­
croachments of every kind, and fo r the
protection o f w orkers from the hard­
ships of enforced unemployment.
Suitable provision for the old age of
w orkers and for {hose incapacitated by
The principle of conciliation and a r­
b itra tio n in industrial disputes.
Release from em ploym ent one day
in seven.
Gradual and reasonable reduction of
the hours o f labor to the lowest prac­
ticable point, and for th a t degree of
leisure for all which is a condition of
the highest human life.
L iving wage as a minim um in every
industry, and for the highest wage
th a t each industry can afford.
The m ost equitable division o f the
product of industry th a t can ultim ate-
lybe devised.
In com m enting on the new creed, in
the Olympic th eater, Rev. W alter
Rausehenbusch, of Rochester, N. Y.,
declared it was sim ilar to the P rogres­
sive party platform .
A lso Land P laster, Lim e, Cem ent, W all P la s­
ter and Shingle«. W rite for prices.
1 0 2 Front Street.
Seventh and Ankeny Streets
C onvenient from All D epots by Streetcar.
D R . P E E R Y ’8
in fla m e d
E y e lid s
P repared by
W riqht ’ s I ndian V eoetable
P IL L C O .
yiîui Vrea?« B
th° blu°
1,11 Lluo
Obsolete Garment.
A New York firm of petticoat manu­
B S f f l B W I E v e m S a lv e
H e a lth - b u ild in g
re m e d ie s
the Chine«« doctor.
Try once more if you hare been doctoring with
thf« one find that one and have not obtained per­
manent relief. Let thi* great nature healer diag­
nose your cane and prescribe some remedy wheae
action i* quick, sure and t-afe. Hia preemption«
are compounded from Roots. Herb«. Buda and
Barks that have been gathered from every quar­
ter of the glot»e. The secret« of these medicine«
are not known to the outside world, but hare been
handed down from father to son in the physician«’
families in China.
If you live out o f town and cannot call, write for
■ymptom blank and oircular. enclosing 4 cents in
« ta m p « .
162} Fint St., Cor. Morrison
P ortlan d . O r c fo n .
A tourist from the east,
an old prospector In hts lonely cabin
In the hills, commented: "And yet
you aeem to cheerful and happy."
"Yes," replied the one of the pick
Be Kind Today.
and ahovel. "I spent a week In Bos­
Never, never wait for post-mortem
ton one«, and no matter what hap­ praise. Speak the kind words which
pens to me. I've been cheerful ever love prompts, and remember that
words of loving kindness are the best
possible tonic which can be given,
even to the happiest of the mortals.—
Hie Limit.
The Father—“Can you support my Kate Tannatt Woods.
daughtor In the style to which she hap
Not Saying Much.
been accustomed7” The Suitor—"Yea,
A oelebrated woman lawyer says
but not In the style to which her
mother and you have been trying to women are Just as honest as some
make me think for the past six men, but perhaps that Isn’t saylnf
rery much.—Grand Rapids Press.
months she has been accustomed.”
Philosopher’s Tip.
House Plane Important.
”1 was riding In the park with the
great Carlyle one morning when his
wideawake blew ofT. A working man
very civilly ran and picked It up. In­
stead of giving the man a pourboire,
however meager, Carlyle took the re­
turned hat with a bow, and said:
"Thank ye, my man; ye can just say
ye’ve picked up the hat of Thomas
Carlyle."—"That Fourth Generation,"
by Janet Rosa.
The care In the home and all other
forms of household work are greatly
facilitated by right planning and the
use of suitable materials fbr the
construction and furnishing of the
home. An adequate and convenient
water supply and other conveniences
are essential, not only for comfort
and for saving labor, but also from
the standpoint of home hygiene.
Hard to See Under Water.
There le no scientific Instrument of
the "scope” character which enables
one to see down to 50 or 60 feet under
water. When the sun shlneB vertical­
ly over water, a box or bucket with a
glass bottom is often used to look
Into the water. A cloth covering to-
exclude light from the box or bucket
Is sometimes employed. But without
electric or some otier light In the wa­
ter these devices are not very satis­
The Coughs
o f Children
fa um«, fold by Dr***i«ta.
P. N. U.
No. « - ’ l l
to arfrw tlai, -a.
th ia p ains.
They may not cough today,
but what about tomorrow?
Better be prepared for it
when it comes. Ask your
doctor about keeping Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral in the house.
Then when the hard cold or
cough first appears you have
a doctor's medicine at hand.
T h is cou gh m ed icin e is
especially good for children.
No anodynes. No alcohol.
W ashington, l ) . C. An am endm ent
offered by Republican Leader Mann,
proposing a rigid regulation of the is<
suance of stocks and bonds, prevented
passage by the house of the Adamson
bill th a t would authorize a special
commission to ascertain the physical
valuation of railroads and other in te r­
s ta te c a rriers w ith the view of aiding
the In te rs ta te Commerce commission
in fixing equitable fre ig h t rates.
D ebate on the bill, which was favor­
ably reported by the in te rsta te and
foreign commerce com m ittee a t the
last session, had been in progress
nearly five hours and a vote was about
to be taken when Mr. Mann moved
th a t the m easure be sent back to the
com m ittee w ith instructions th a t it be
reported w ith his proposed section
added. A fte r an extended debate on
a point of order a g ain st the am end­
m ent, the m a tte r
w ent over by
unanim ous consent.
Mr. M ann’s am endm ent would pre­
scribe in detail how an in te rsta te c a r­
rie r should incur indebtedness and
would prohibit the issuance of stocks,
bonds or notes except in re tu rn for
money or o ther consideration approved
by the In te rs ta te Commerce comm is­
W ith a perm anent corps of experts
inquiring into the value of c a rrie rs’
property, ajie proposed law would
m ake it possible for the In te rs ta te
Commerce commission to fix ra te s on
the basis of profits to be realized on
actual investm ents instead of on paper
Senate Democrats Show Desire to
Prevent Confirmation.
W ashington, D. 'C .—President T a ft
sen t more than 200 recess appoint­
m ents to the senate W ednesday, and
im m ediately indications of a move­
m ent among some o f the D em ocratic
senators to prevent th e ir confirmation
became evident.
Senatore Gore, it
was said, would have the active sup­
port of several colleagues in holding
the movement.
The cam paign is directed specially
a g ain st nom inations which had been
postponed from tim e to tim e, thus
brin g in g the new term s close to the
beginning of the Dem ocratic adm inis­
tration. Dem ocratic senators contend
the president already has deprived the
D em ocrats of the privilege of appoint­
ing 50,000 postm asters by placing
them w ithin the civil service law by a
single order.
Most of the D em ocratic senators e x ­
pressed them selves as favorable to a
“ discrim inating ob stru ctio n ,” b u t sev­
eral “ progressive” senators, whose
assistance had been counted on, did
not appear to be w illing to co-operate,
it is said.
Illinois Receives $110,885 From
Burlington Under Protest.
Springfield, 111.—One of the largest
T af’s Offer o f Battleship to Take
fees ever received into the sta te tre a s­
Him to Panama Is Declined.
Solution of Puzzle.
the diagram so as to break up all
squares—that is, lea we as many match­
es as possible, but have no absolute­
ly perfect squares in the arrangement
The accompanying diagram shows
how the removal of nine matches
breaks up all squares.
Indoor Pastime In Which No One 1«
Allowed to Smile or Laugh Dur­
ing Progress of Game.
Possibly the Reason.
"The trouble is that my boss haa fa-
rorltea. You can’t deny It” "I won t
Peaceful Beginning.
Jeny It. But have you noticed that
A young barber was telling one of
^Is favorites do all the hard work hie regular customers of bis recent
«bout the place?*’—Louisville Courier- wedding. “You bet we had a good
time at my wedding," he said. “Lots
of young people there, a big crowd
and we had dancing and singing and
iota of fun, and there wasn't one
i 0 » f h § y r u p . T ss tsa O ood. T h
ferent rectangles can you find in thie
arrangement of forty matches?
One hundred rectangles of which
thirty were perfect squares could be
found In the diagram of forty matches
Another interesting puzzle consista
In discovering the least number ol
matches that may be removed from
at mealtime for a few days. It
does the work. All Druggists.
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally
w e ll and Is guaianteed to give perlect results. Ask dealer, or w e wlU send postpaid at 10 c a package. W rite for free
booklet h o w to dye, bleach and mix colon.
MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Quincy, Illinois.
cun receivenrompt trent-
m e n tH o f Non-Polaoooa«,
Arrangement of Matches.
What Made Him Resigned.
I f y o u a r e a fflicted w it h e it h e r R h e u m a tis m o r N e u r a lg ia , se n d m e y o u r n a m e an d
a d d r e s s . I w jll fo rw a rd b y m a il F R E E a s im p le H erb a l R e c ip e t h a t w ill c u r e y o u . I
w ill a lso m a il y o u a T ria l T r e a t m e n t - —A ll a b s o lu te ly f r e e . E n c lo s e a t w o - s e n t s ta m p
t o p a y p o s ta g e . A d d r e s s W . H . S u t t o n , 2600 O rchard A v e ., L o s A n g e le s , C a lifo r n ia .
Remembering that a square Is al
ways a rectangle, but that a rectangle
Is not always a square, how many dif
That always means a
facturers failed with $700,000 of lia­
bilities recently, and gives the ex­
planation that women’s skirts are so
tight they have quit wearing petti­
coats. Did you know that?—Kansas
City Star.
Trick 18 to Find How Many Rectan
flies May Be Made By Removing
Little Bits of Wood.
You w ant
“ your rights
of $100 or more by buying your
Piano or l ’layer Piano direct
from factory store.
Willing to Do Anything.
A little girl, now a famous artist,
long ago was caught using her crayoni T h ere's one way to g e t them — take
355 Washington St., Portland, Or.
on Sunday. As the forbidden Joys
were taken from her she sobbed out:
When in PORTLAND atop at
“Mamma, do let me have them. I’ll
draw a church an'—a—a—graveyard
if vou will!”
L arge, li^ht rooms: steam heat: biff lobby;
clean and orderly: close to business section:
best place for fam ily in city . BOOMS 50c UP.
R a í a s ft a y r ,ur u“ u cuiw*a-
Liquid blue la a w eak solution. A . o H f t
It Is Played.
Fruit basket is a game which is en
Joyed by the “children of larger
growth" almost as well as by the lit­
tle folks. It is so mirth provoking
that no one can take part without hav­
ing a jolly time. The players seat
themselves In a circle, with a leader in
the center, who gives to every one the
name of a fruit, also a number and Im­
mediately counts also a number. He
then calls out a number and immedi­
ately counts 10 very rapidly. The per­
son who has the number must answer
with his fruit name before the leader
stops counting If he does not do this
he has to give up his seat to the lead­
er and take his place, otherwise the
leader continues with other numbers
until he catches some one. Every lit
tie while the leader shouts “fruit bas
ket,’’ which means all are to change
seats. The one who Is left standing
takes the floor.
Machinery 2
1'hyHical Valuation for Big Corpor­
ations Once Near Vote.
body alive? auknd
th« uknntie
"u,. ra l
_ _
aaket) the
ukeptic. “Sur*
Record of Profit and Loaa of
ly,” returned the doctor. “My pr»
Flock of Mongrels.
■criptlons have kept three druggists
Pearson-Page Co., Portland end their families alive In this town
my MIlg JOHN r ,.Tofi )
lor twenty years. —Harper* Weekly, j j «|d not realize until a few year.
S B 9 S S B B e 9 e n = 9 B S 9 S = ^ ^ Igo how much it paid to keep account
I of the profit and ions from the flock.
Last year I tried this with a mongrel
flock of 65 head, with the following
T O N S of Dressed Turkeys
I I psld for feeding, the year, $80 65
T O N S of Dressed Geese
and for chickens $13.40, a total cost
T O N S of Dressed Ducks
! of $54 05. I sold poultry for $47 91;
eggs. $57.56; eggs used and for set-
T O N S of Dressed Chickens
j ling, $54.86; value of pullets, roosters
and 10 hens on hand, $78.75. Total,
1 $239 08.
W . h a re i s m ark ets in Portland «ml v icinity, «nd w . w an t to «upply them w ith fre«h herm.--
This would leave a profit of $145.0$.
ffS T S
..» f p .a s s t s n i »tor««« .to o k fi.r Sm ith ) Mark your stu ff FRANK L. SMITH
M KATCO.. Portland <i n f » . P lan) your nam e ami tuldreiw on the p a c ta * «
Ship by enure««
This Includes the value of the chicks
to arrive hare Deceinber Slid or 2Zd. Your atuff will be w eighed im m ediately uu arrival We
or pullets from the 65 hens.
su aran to e you the t hriatnma m arket price. We do not charge cummiaaiun W e will prom ptly
mail you Mir cheek on the h irst N ational Hank o f Portland. Oracon Tliia ia surely the heat and
1 The 65 hens were kept In one flock
aquarest deal th a t any reliable firm can ofier you. We are p a y in s today:
on a side hill. The house was 16x20x6,
up to 1
lacing south, with a concrete wall and
NO COMMISSION Sm all Hlock H ogs. 10c.
dirt floor. One end was partitioned
I«arger H ogs, 8 c and 9c.
Live Chickens, 12c.
off and made fireproof for an Incu­
Wild Ducks and G«*«*«., m arket pric«. Ship u s all kinds o f H ides. P elts and Tallow. W« want
bator room I ran a small Incubator
your pruduco every day in the year.
of 60-egg size until April, when I pur-
! chased one of 80-egg size.
During the fall months all of this
"fighting the Beef Trust’*
Portland, Oregon
flock was sold but ten hens. I had on
hand from the season's hatching ’ 15
pullets. They were kept In threi
| ony houses until late fall, when they
S T S S S ' Ä ’Ä ! v ■ !« •
— «xchanged: e n g in e s, )
VerHiflcations, not only of the Were divided Into three flocks; one of
White Leghorns, to be kept for lay­
« X ^ " ,ll - f o r ^ ï » p r& f ‘“ PBa,m’ but ° f the
books of the
Bible, were numerous In the sixteenth ers; one of Rhode Island Reds, to be
. m i r T , . T u.
a . century. One of the most prolific used for raising broilers, and the third
R A lV I I M r ! I V * 7 e a ce ^olc Terslflers was Wiliam Ilunnls, who, lock of mongrels.
a - L y i v l l - i l v « Agents for under such fanciful titles as "Seven
N o th o u g h tfu l person u se s liquid blue,
o f blue in a la rg e bottle o f w ater. Al
j Sobs of a Sorrowful Soul for Sin,’’ pinch
itevi Cross Hail Rluc, th e blue th a t's all blue.
baml instrum enta. The m ost com plete stock | "A Handful of
Honeysuckles," “A
o f Musical M ercham tise in t h . N orthw est.
Hiveful of Honey," etc., published a
W rita for Catalogue«.
The Danger.
number of. rhyming versions of Gene­
"It may seem a trifling matter,"
134 Second S tr ee t
Porlland, Oregon sis and Job, which .are now worth
says a writer In the Observer, "but I
their weight tn gold to the blblio- i think that the man who wears his
gloves seems to be smarter than the
man who carries his gloves In his
« M o th er , w ill fin d If.-s. W l n . W a S o o tn in g
hands " Surely It is no trifling mat­
ter. One might meet the Observer
49 Front St.. Portland, Oregon
writer any day, and then If one were
W e soli your stu ff a t Top Prieoa. Drefuted Hogs,
Musical Family.
carrying one's gloves Instead of wear-
Veal, Live ami Dressed Poultry. W« return your
m oney every 4S hours.
Stlgglns— Are there any musicians ' *ng then». what an outsider one would
In your family?“ Wiggins—“Rather! I feel.—The Bystander.
V E A L , H O G S, P O U L T R Y Why, my father Is an adept at blowing !
What Did He Mean?
Ills own horn, and# mother ia equally ^
V e al, fa n c y , 76 t o 10 U lbe, 13 to 13 l- 2 o. lb.
P o rk , fa n cy , 100 t o 176 H im . 10 to 11c lb.
export at harping on one string; ma-1 “Now look here, Maria," said Mr,
C h ick en * . iicit h a m i Hprinu«. l i\o , 12 1-2 to 13u lb.
D u c k s, P ek in . 13 to l ie lb.
In-law has to play gecond fiddle, and Wombat, “If you don't stop playing
G e ese, liv e. 11 to 12c II..
T u rk e y s , live, 17 to 18c 11»,: d re s s e d . 20 to 22c lb.
Aunt Tabltha leads a humdrum ex- \ bridge all the time I'll take a hand."
W e K u a ra n te e t o g e t you tlie above price« on nil
shipment»« t h a t a r riv e on o r b e fo re D e c e m b e r 5,1912. Istcnce; grandpa gives a solo on hlB ,
8 I 1111 u$ soon iih . mmi cu n . C h eck s e n t by r e tu r n m ail.
V . H. St TIM AI /. 4k CO
Paid-up Capital $10.000. nasal organ every night, without the i
141-143 Front Street, Portland. Oregon
stops; uncle spends his time wetting
his whistle; Harry Is fond of his pipe,
and Gerty la forever ringing the
changes on her admirers."
This Is a game In wtTich no one Is
allowed to smile and laugh. All the
players, except one, sit In a row or
half-circle, one goes out of the room
and returns with a Btick or poker In
his band, and a grave and solemn
face. He Is supposed to have just re
turned from a visit to Bull.
The first player asks him: "Where
do you come from?”
"From Buff.”
The next asks: “Did he say any
thing to you?”
To which the reply la:
"Buff said 'Baff.”
And gave me this staff,
Telling me neither to smile or to
Buff says 'Baff' to you all hla men,
And I say 'Baff' to you again.
And he neither laughs nor smiles.
In spite of all your cunning wiles,
But carries his face with a very good
And passes hla staff to the vary next
If he can repeat all this without
laughing he delivers up hla staff to
some one else, and takes bis seat;
but If he laughs, or even smiles, he
pays a forfeit before giving It up.
"What la the matter, dearest7” ask
■ ed the mother of a small girl who
had been discovered crying In the
"Someflng awful's happened, moth
W ashington, D. C. — It became
known here Sunday th a t P resident­
elect Wilson has declined to accept
P resident T a f t’s offer to place a t his
disposal one o f the navy’s b ig b a t­
tleships to m ake a trip to the P ana­
m a canal zone.
I t is understood th a t Mr. W ilson,
while expressing a strong desire of
seeing the work on the canal and ap­
preciation of the president’s thought­
fulness, w rote th a t, w ith the New J e r ­
sey legislature about to m eet, his du­
tie s as governor would m ake it im­
possible for him to leave the country.
As P resident T a ft him self is con­
tem plating a trip to the isthm us in the
near future, i t has been suggested th at
he and the president-elect m ight m eet
“Unreasoned and U nscientific”
Banking and Currency System
Responsible for Panics.
W ashington, D. C.—Strongly u rging
radical reform of the “ unreasoned and
unscientific banking and currency sys­
tem of the U nited S ta te s,” Franklin
MacVeagh, secretary of the treasury,
freely w arns congress in his annual re­
port th a t the Federal governm ent, as
long as the present scheme exists, will
be exclusively responsible for the com­
m ercial, industrial and social disasters
which flow from panics, and attack
directly or indirectly every home in
the nation.
He outlined his idea of
the necessary general provisions of an
relief m easure, such as
should bring the banks into organized
co-operation and provide for a central
agency, through which they could
work together, free o f political or
tru st control. The secretary foresees
a deficit of $22,556,023, exclusive of
Panam a canal expenditures, for the
fiscal y ear ending June 30, 1914. In ­
cluding the canal expenses, the deficit
is estim ated a t $52,730,455.
The es­
tim ated receipts for th a t y ear are
$710,000,000, while the ordinary ap­
propriations are estim ated a t $732,-
556,023, and the canal expenditures a t
These estim ates are
based upon present laws.
For the cu rren t fiscal year, ending
June 30, 1913, MacVeagh estim ates
th a t th ere will be a surplus of $40,-
200,000, exclusive of Panam a canal
expenditures, and a deficit of $1,800,-
000, including the canal transactions.
He estim ates receipts for this y ear at
$711,000,000, and ordinary disburse­
m ents a t $670,000,000.
Portland, O r.— By a tie vote of five
to five, O regon’s first woman jury, in
Municipal court, declared itself unable
to agree on the g u ilt or innocence of
Marcelle Bortell, a woman of the
North End, accused of keeping a dis­
orderly house. The agreem ent to dis­
agree came a fte r one hour and 40
m inutes of deliberation, in the course
of which Judge Tazwell was summoned
four tim es to the juryroom to untangle
Gordian knots in the negotiations.
California Senator Proposes Curb­
ing Extravagance.
Sacram ento — The U nited
H igh
School S tu d en ts’ federation of C alifor­
nia had b e tte r send a strong lobby to
Sacram ento beginning Jan u ary 6, and
also send along rep resentatives of the
union of education and dress prepared
to spend from three to four m onths in
the capitol to w atch the legislature
and E rn est S. Birdsall, sen ato r from
Placer county. Senator Birdsall does
not like boys’ silken hose and dainty
patent leath er ties. He does not like
the g irls’ mode of skirts, picture hats
and m atinee a ttire .
Senator B irdsall’s plan is to in tro ­
duce a bill in the next legislature re g ­
ulatin g the dress of high school s tu ­
dents. He will aim to m ake the style
of dress worn by girls and boys in Cal­
ifornia high schools uniform in cut and
m aterial.
The bill will provide th a t goods in
the g irls’ sk irts, coats and w aists shall
be of the same m aterial for all the girl
students. T h eir hats are to be of a
standard price.
T heir stockings and
th e ir shoes shall be uniform .
Costly picture hats, high-heeled
shoes and a ttra c tiv e silk stockings
m ust go. The g irls o f the poorer fam ­
ilies will not be made to fee) the d if­
ference in dress distinction.
Balkan Credit Ia Good.
Marshall Lauds Cooks.
New Y ork—George A. C rater, J r.,
who has homes in London and San
Francisco, arrived here on the steam ­
ship Cedric from Liverpool.
He said
th a t he hail represented London finan­
cial in te rests in nego tiatin g the loan
to the Balkan sta te s in th e ir w ar w ith
T urkey. The Balkan countries, he de­
clared, had gotten all the money they
w anted a t 3 per cent and could g e t as
much m ore as they desired. T his in­
dicated, he pointed out, the feeling of
security of the European hankers in
the face o f world w ar talk.
Assay Offices Are Issue.
Indianapolis—“ Good cooks are more
necessary than governors,” said Gov
ernor M arshall in his address before
the Indianapolis Council of Women.
“ I think there is no one in this world,
aside from my w ife, th a t is more com­
p e te n t than my cook.
I think she is
well educated.
I don’t suppose she
would be received a t m any of the so­
cial functions, b u t she does her work
as it should be done. Any w orking
man in th is city doing honest work is
more im p o rtan t to th is sta te than the
governor of In d ian a .”
W ashington, D. C.—The fight over
W estern assay offices is to be renewed
a t th is session, the house com m ittee
on appropriations
having stricken
from the legislative bill reported all
appropriations for assay offices except
those a t S eattle, Deadwood and New
A t th e last session the house re ­
versed the com m ittee on this issue, and
probably will do so again this session.
If the house does not, the senate will
restore the appropriations and thereby
keep the offices open.
Mexicans Jail Americans.
Liberty Statue Finished.
El Paso, T ex.—J . Long and Oscar
Langendorff, Am erican m ining men,
are in jail in P arral, Mexico, accused
of m urder, according to letters re ­
ceived in El Paso. The letters explian
th a t the cam p of the two men Was a t ­
tacked by outlaw s and they sent to
P a rral for aid. The P arral chief of
police and a band o f civilians respond­
ed, and when they arrived w ithout un­
iform s the A m ericans thought they
were outlaw s and fired on them .
chief o f police was killed and the
A m ericans were arrested.
Armistice Is Not Limited.
Berne, Sw itzerland The sta tu e of
L iberty which the U nited S ta te s gov­
ernm ent will present to the Philippine
Islands and which will be erected a t
M anila in the n ear fu tu re has been
com pleted by the Sw iss sculptor, H err
K issling, whose design was chosen in
an international com petition.
sta tu e , which will have cost $1,200,-
000 when delivered a t Manila, is a
huge work in bronze, consisting of a
series o f life-size figures dom inated by
the g ia n t figure o f the Philippine n a ­
tional hero, Jose Rizal.
Constantinople — An official note
issued by the governm ent s a y s :
“ An arm istice has been concluded
with B ulgaria, Servia and Montenegro.
The sta te of w ar w ith Greece contin­
ues. ’ ’
Although the complete term s of the
protocol have not been made public,
it is learned th a t the question of re ­
victualing the beleaguered towns was
abandoned, the governm ent being s a t­
isfied th a t the towns were sufficiently
supplied w ith foodstuffs to last until
the conclusion of peace.
Turks Disregard Armistice.
C ettin je, M ontenegro — N otw ith ­
standing th a t an arm istice had ju st
been concluded, the T urks from T ara-
bosch made a heavy atta ck ag ain st the
M ontenegrin front.
In accordance
w ith orders, the M ontenegrins refused
"Well, what la It. sweetheart?”
to return the T urkish fire, which did
"My d-doll-baby got away from me no dam age. The M ontenegrin troops
and broked a plate In the pantry."— received the news of the arm istice
w ith g re a t discontent. The army was
aw aitin g a general offensive m ove­
Bobby's Query.
m ent for the capture of Scutari.
Bobby, aged four, at the railroad sta
tlon—"Mamma, are you going to buy
my ticket now?”
Mamma—“Why, you do not have to
have any ticket. Good boya do not
need tickets "
Bobby—"Are you bad?"
ury was paid under p ro test W ednesday
by the Chicago, B urlington & Quincy
railroad company. .A check for $110,-
885 was paid to S ecretary Doyle as a
fee fo r an extension for 50 years of
the road’s c h arter in this state. A t­
torneys for the railroad contend the
road is o perating under a perpetual
charter, b u t to be on the safe side
they decided to tak e advantage of the
recent act of the leg islatu re allowing
corporations the rig h t to extend their
c h arters 50 years.
The law in question is silent on the
subject of fees in connection w ith such
extensions, b u t the secretary of sta te
held they m ust be paid.
A ttorneys for the railroad have
given notice th a t action will be insti­
tu ted in the Suprem e court to recover
the fee.
Secretary ef Treasury Sees Deficit
Looming in Future.
M ontana Favors W ashington Plan.
“ Arson T rust” Unearthed.
Dr. Sun Yat San is Coming.
Madison, Wis. An “ arson tr u s t,”
which is charged w ith having caused
the destruction of $1,000,000 worth of
property, has been discovered by W is­
consin S ta te F ire Marshal Purtell, he
said. W arran ts have been issued for
the a rre st o f several o f the principal
alleged offenders, m ost o f whom, the
sta te officers said, lived outside of
W isconsin. Investigation of a hotel
fire in W aukesha last w inter is said to
have exposed the alleged offenders.
S eattle— Instructions were received
from W ashington, D. C., by the local
customs and im m igration officers to
prepare for the early arrival a t th is
I» rt of Dr. Sun Y at San, form erly
provisional president o f the Chinese
republic, and other Chinese d ig n itaries
who are expected here soon.
The de­
partm ent at W ashington ordered the
loeal officers to arran g e the landing of
Dr. Sun and his p arty and to show the
distinguished Chinese every courtesy.
Only Woman Nurse Is III.
Japanese Premier Quits.
T o k io - Prem ier Saionji and the o th ­
Constantinople — The T urkish Red
B utte, M ont.—A com m ittee re p re ­
sen tin g labor organizations o f the C rescent has collected and spent $325,- j e r m em bers of the Japanese cab in et
state, including the S ta te Federation 000 in the T urkish hospitals. U n ­ have resigned as a result o f the crisis
o f L abor and the W estern Federation fortunately, the Red Crescent society brought about by the difficulty of find­
Just So.
o f Miners, which has been in session does not extend to the cholera camps. ing a successor as w ar m in iste r to
Curiosity Is finding out something
It ia
here to discuss labor legislation, has As a re su lt of overwork. Miss Alt, L ieutenant General Uyeherx.
about somebody else that don’t con Many a child is called dull and stupid
Natural Plaything*.
d ra fte d a w orkm an'a compensation hill who a t one tim e was the only woman expected th a t e ith e r Prince T aro Kat-
cera you and which would make you when the whole trouble is due to a lazy
"Pop, what kind of snakes were the cloaely resem hling th a t now in effect atten d an t in the cholera camp a t San sura or L ieutenant G eneral Count Ter-
mighty mad If aomebody else found liver. We firmly believe your own doc­ ones the baby Hercules played with in in the sta te o f W ashington. The bill . Stefano, has been brought to the B rit­ auchi, Japanese governor general of
It out about you when It didn't con­ tor will tell you that an occasional dose hla cradle?"
It is not believed ! Corea, will be asked to form a new
will be presented a t the coming legis­ ish hospital here.
of Ayer’s Pills, sugar-costed, will do such
cern aomebody els*
"Don't know, son, but I guess they lative session.
she is suffering from cholera.
t cabinet.
children a great deal of good. Ask him.
Itou a , u , ; o. area co , Losreu. Maaa.
» ere rattlesnake' "