NEWS OF THE WEEK GASOLINE _________ WAR FOR COAST | Shell Transport Interests To Bring Asiatic. Product. U THk® H k h i h « STATE NEWS IN GENERAI d lÄ n m iiT W the new drill <• to ting .** Bailey pulled out a handkerchief and rubbed hit brow "Excuse me. It's warm. Yes, he wants me to strengthen a knuckle he's spoken couelderable about I t I guess he's right; better toe much than too little ” "1 do not see that follows. I should Imagine that you understood building chassis better than this racing driver. You had best consult outside experts In construction before making a change." . ' 1 "U ncle!" Emily cried. “T here’s a twenty-four hour race starts tomorrow night,” Bailey sug­ gested uneasily, “It's easy fixed, aud we might be wrong.” “We have always made them this way?” “ Yes, but—” "Consult experts, then. 1 do not like your m anager’s tone; be la too as­ suming. Now let me see those pa­ pers.” Emily's parasol slipped to the floor with a sharp crash us she stood up. quite pale and shaken. “Uncle, Mr. Lestrange knows,” she appealed. "You heard him say what would happen—please, please let It be fixed.” Amazed, Mr. Ffrench looked at her, his face Betting. “You forget your dignity,” he re­ torted In displeasure. "This Is m ere childishness, Emily. Men will be con­ sulted more competent to decide than this Lestrange. That will do.” From one to the other she gazed, then turned away. “I will wait out In the cart,” she said. “I—I would rather be outdoor»." Dick Ffrench was up stairs, stand­ ing with Lestrange lu one of the nar­ row aisles between lines of grimly ef­ ficient machines that bit or cut their way through the steel and aluminum fed to them, when Rupert came to him with a folded visiting card "Mias Ffrench sent It," was the ex­ planation. “She's sitting out In her horse-motor car. and she called me off the track to ask me to demean myself by acting like a m essenger boy. All right?" "All right,” said Dick, running an astonished eye over the card. “No answer?" “No answer." “Then I'll hurry back to my em ­ broidery. I'm several laps behind In my woFk already " "See here. I.estrange." Dick began, as the mechanician departed, sitting down on a railing beside a machine steadily engaged In notching steel disks Into gear-wheels. "Don’t do th a t!” Lestrange exclaim­ ed sharply “Get up, Ffrench.” “It’s safe enough." "It’s nothing of the kind. The least slip—’’ "Oh. well," he reluctantly rose, "If you're going to get fuasy. Read what Emily sent up." Lestrange accepted the card with a faint flicker of expression. "Dick, uncle U making the steering- knuckle wait for expert opinion," the legend ran. In pencil. "Have Mr. Bai­ ley strengthen Mr Lestrange's car, anyhow. Do not let him race so." Near them two men were engaged In bnbblttlng bearings, passing tadle- Los Angeles A great struggle for i supremacy in the gasoline industry Interest To Oregonians along the Pacific Coast and the W est­ ern part of the United S tates general­ ly will soon be in progress between PLAN IS TO BLOCK HILL LINE CROOK COUNTS WINS PRIZE the Standard Oil company and its principal European rival, the A siatic Harriman Interests Kush Survey Eastern Oregon Has Best Forage Petroleum company, according to an­ l Tp McKenzie Valley. Exhibit al Minneapolis. O' A U T H O R OF THE GAME AND THF CAUDLE, made here. President-elect Wilson declines to nouncements T. P. S. H arris, of London, head of Eugene Intention of the H arrim an W ashington, I). C. Crook county, make any more »peakingengagem ents. the Shell Transport & Trading com­ interests to forestall the Hill people Oregon, secured the N orthern Pacific Roosevelt urges successful third- pany, one of the many subsidiaries of in the building of a railroad up the railway * »ilver cuk offered for the COPY/f/cA’r /9/0 o r oaeas-stf/r/t/it McKenzie Valley is evidenced by the the A siatic Petroleum company, made party legislators to work hard to carry the announcement afte r a m eeting copy of a resolution of the hoard of best disj/lay of forajje plants exhibited dismissing the boy who had ushered SYNOPSIS. out party pledges. w ith J. C. Van Eick, of San Fran­ directors of the Oregon & C alifornia at the recent Northwestern Land Pro­ them In “Sit down. FJmlly; Halley A ustria is assem bling her entire war cisco, T h« «tory opens on L ong Island, n ear will return directly, no doubt.” president of the American Gaso­ Railroad company, filed w ith the sec­ ducts exposition at Minneapolis. fleet at Pola, the chief naval station line company, York city. w here Miss Emily and H. G. G allagher and retary of state and w ith the Lane The display at the exposition was F fre nc h, ------- a relative But Emily had already sat down, for of E th a n W ren ch, o f A ustro-Hungary. m a n u f a c tu r e r of the celebrated " M e r ­ ahe knew the voice speaking beyond H. L. Burleson, also officers of the county clerk. u ry '' automobile, loees her way. The the half open door, and that the long B utter advanced two cents a pound latter concern. This resolution authorizes the con­ made by the Prineville Commercial c oar haa stopped a nd her cousin, Dick in Portland, Or., m arkets, on account H arris said ho had comfe from Lon­ struction Of a trifle over 24 m iles of club jointly w ith tht Oregon and W est­ Ffrench. Is too m uddled with drink to prevented meeting was now Immi­ dire ct It arig ht. T hey meet a n o th e r c ar nent. of scarcity of the supply. don especially to establish along the raiim ad from a jo in t on the Natron ern Colonization company. which la run by a professional racer n a m ed L eatrange. T he la tte r fixes up Coast from San Diego, CaL, K l.unath cut-off, a few m iles east of The foragjt jilant/ In this disj/lay the "It will not do," Leatrange was stat­ The money tru st investigating com­ to Pacific Ffrench o a r and directs Mlsa Ffrench ing definitely. "It should be rein Springtied, up the McKenzie Valley to Vancouver, B. C., a series of im ­ to proceed hom ew ard. E th a n m ittee listened to a strung defense of porting stations for m otor sp irit and M artin’s rapids, where the Oregon consisted o f various bundles of alfalfa, how Ffrench haa disinherited hla son, who forced." field peas, m am m on and medium clo­ ha the clearing house system. s disappeared. He Inform s Em ily th at active work along th at line would Power company is doing the prelim i­ ver, "It’s always been strong enough." plainly th a t he would like to have her wild jieas, brorae grass, red to|j, Train robbers got a shipm ent of be begun imm ediately. nary work on a hydro-electric project. w heat grass, veteh, sw eet clover, fili­ m a r ry Dick, w ho le a go od -n atu red but Bailey's slower tones objected. "For fellow. It a p p ea rs th a t a $20,000 in gold that was being sent to He said I*o8 Angeles would be the The action of the H arrim an in ter­ gree, tim othy and wild rye. The ah Irresponsible a r tn e r of E tlm n Ffrench w anting an e x ­ years. It’s not a thing likely to the F irst N ational bank of T aft, Cal., center of the series o f , im porting sta ­ ests came rather as a surprise here, as falfa was of the first cutting and p pert to race with the " M e rc u ry " at auto break.” has engaged I.estrange, and at from Bakersfield. tions, m aking it the distributing it was definitely known th at Portland, m easured seven feet in length. Sev­ events, "Not likely to break? Look at last Ffrench factory Emily e ncou nters the Eugene & Eastern surveyors had been eral heads of the tim othy were 14 the yo ung man. T hey refer pleasantly to year's record. Mr. Bailey, and tell me G reat B ritain has presented in w rit­ point. m eeting w hen Dick com es along and R. H. Gibson, of New York, con­ at work all sum m er checking up on inches long, while a bundle of the wild their ing a vigorous protest against the ex recognizes the young racer. Dick likes that A broken steering knuckle killed the w ay L e s tra n g e Ignores their first Brook In Indiana, another sent Little emption of American coast-wise ship­ nected w ith the Indian Refining com­ old surveys made when Al Welch first rye m easured 11J feet in height. eeting w hen he app eared to a d is a d ­ to the hospital In M assachusetts, the pany, held an informal conference planned the Portland, Eugene & East ping from Panam a canal tolls. forage was raised in the inter­ m vantage. L e s tra n g e tells Emily th a t he with the others after they had con­ em system, and it had been understood ior This will tr y to e du ca te her Indifferent cousin sam e thing wrecked the leader at the of Oregon from ten to 30 miles The Corn Products company of New cluded their principal m eeting, but his th at an electric line was to bp built distant from Redmond, a station on a s an autom obile expert. last Beach race and dashed him York is accused by dealers of m aking connection, if any, w ith the predicted In fact. President Strahorn, of the the new Oregon Trunk railw ay, an through the fence Do you know what C H A P T E R V. w ritten contracts for rebates in viola­ struggle for supremacy in the gasoline Portland, Eugene & Eastern, has made affiliated line of the N orthern Pacific It m eans to the driver of a machine tion of the Sherman anti-trust law. announcement th at his company was road. industry was not disclosed. hurling Itself along the narrow verge There was a change In the Ffrench considering the building of this line destruction, when the steering General Maus, commander of the a lightening of the atmos­ of but at th at tim e had'no definite news OREGON IS RICH IN SHEEP affairs, wheel suddenly turns useless In his departm ent of the Columbia, has rec phere, a vague quickening and stir of to give out. Can you feel the sick helpless­ ommended to the W ar departm ent the healthful cheer In the days that fol­ grasp? The Oregon Electric, since it has ness. the confronting of death, the fortification of Grays harbor and lowed The somber m aster of the acquired w ater jx/wer rights at Clear More Than 2,000,000 Animals In house met It In Bailey’s undisguised compressed second before the crash? WMiapa harbor. Eastern Part of State. la It worth while to risk It for a bit Vienna The fate of Dr. Jules Con­ Lake, capable of developing 33,000 and pride when they discussed of By sending large quantities of rice stantin, costless steel?" a French avaitor in the Bul­ horsejjower, was also popularly sup­ Salem There are 2,225,000 sheep elation the successful business now taxing the to the Philippine m arkets to be sold at garian service, was decorated by posed to' be [Wanning the construction in E astern Oregon. There are sheep factory's resources, met It yet again The clear realism of the picture reasonable prices, the government King Ferdinand who for bravery, is de of a railroad up the McKenzie, and on 6818 farm s in Oregon, or on 14 per In Emily's pretty gaiety and content forced a pause, filled by tlie dull roar foiled the gam e of rice speculators and scribed in a dispatch ju st received thence to a junction w ith the Oregon cent of all the farm s in the state. But most strikingly was he confronted and throb through the machinery prevented a rice famine. crowded building here. Dr. Constantin started from Trunk east of the Three Sisters. These are figures shown in the re|>ort with an alteration in Dick A 14-inch gun exploded while being Surm a village on his last flight over FIRST EQUAL SUFFRAGE VOTE of the S tate Board of Shee|> commis­ It was only a week after his first “They were not our cars that broke, of them ,” Bailey Insisted. tested at the Sandy Hook naval prov­ the Tchatalja lines w ith the object of sioners which has ju st been received morning ride with Lestrange. that any "Not cars, no But the steering ing grounds, but did not cause a dropping bombs on the Turkish troops here. Dick electrified the company at din knuckle our of my own machine broke un scratch to anyone, though explosions His biplane was seen to descend some Oregon Women Take Prominent Oregon, states the rejjort, stands ner. by turning down the glass at his der my hands last Match, on the road, o f sm aller guns have taken many hours later near the Bulgarian camp. Part in City Elections. sixth in the sheej) producing states plate and If I had been on a curve Instead The aviator was found lying on the lives. "I’ve cut out claret, and that sort of There are 10,000 |/eople directly in ground dead, w ith a wound in his Oregon City -M rs. K ate «N ew ton, terested in handling Oregon sheep and thing," he announced “It's bad for of a straight stretch there would The common towel was ordered chest. The wings of the biplane had first woman candidate for mayor in 40,000 have been a wreck. As It was, 1 people, more or less dependent the nerves.” the state, lost by 836 votes, Linn E. on the industry. abolished from railroad cars, vessels, been pierced by bullets. brought her to a stop In the ditch. Hi* three companions looked up In It is estim ated that all other interstate vehicles and from The instrum ents showed th at he had Jones going in easily. There were one m an is required to handle 400 complete astonishm ent It was Satur There Is no other thing that may not stations, by Secretary MacVeagh in an reached a height of nearly 4000 feet. 1182 votes cast. Powder puffs, m ir­ sheep, m aking a total of 45,562 j/eople day night and by ancient custom Bal leave a fighting chance after It breaks amendment to the interstate quaran­ He had photographed the Turkish rors and um brellas w ere left in booths intim ately connected w ith the indus­ ley was dining at the house but this leaves absolutely none. I Albany—Complete new city charter try. tine regulations. know, you both know, that the steer­ lines. “W hat has happened to you? Have adopted; E. A. Johnson elected to A total of $2,265,000 is paid to la­ you been attending a revival facet­ ing-wheel Is the only weapon In the American resident is Sm yrna fear COST OF LIVING AGAIN ISSUE council, although nam e did not appear grasp If It falls him. he for the cost of caring for the sheep ing?” the young man's uncle Inquired driver's the vanquished Turks will wreak ven- on ballot. Women cast 194 votes or bor goes out and his mechanician with with sarcasm. and the annual income from the sheep gence upon them. cent of num ber cast. President-Elect Favors Interna­ 28 N j/er is estim ated at $8,000,000. Sheep "It's bad for the nerves,” repealed him.” ew port—"D ry s” win 237 to 191. and One of the Italian Camorri&ts who Emily paled, shrinking She re­ equipm ent are valued at $23, Dick “There Isn't any reason why I membered tional Study of Causes. $10,000 bond issue for w ater system 407,000. was sentenced to 30 years’ im prison­ the road under the maples shouldn't like to do anything other W ashington, D. C.—-President-elect carries. Women defy rain to vote. m ent became violently insane. and Leetrange's laughing face as he fellows do. I,«s—thnt Is, none of the as in favor of the G ladstone—All election officials are who drive cars ever touch that leaned breathless across his useless Senator Poindexter, of W ashington, Wilson is quoted bill providing for an women; Mrs. Minda Church elected NEW ROAD MEASURE URGED men wheel. That was what It had meant, stuff, and look at their nerve.” declares T aft should be impeached for Sulzer-Crawford international conference on the high city treasurer over m ale opponent by then, the lightly treated episode! Mr. Ffrench contemplated him with im proper use of Federal patronage. cost of living. R epresentative Cur­ 25 votes. Lane County (.range Will Work the Irritation usually produced by the "You’d better fix It like he wants Greece refused to sign the peace ley, of M assachusetts, presided over a Tillamook W ets win by eight votes. for Road Patrol. display of ostentatious virtue, but It,” advised Dick's disturbed tones protocol with Turkey, and it is be­ m eeting to discuss chances of passing Women cast half of votes, favoring found no comment. Emily gazed at "Remember, he's got to drive the car Springfield At the last m eeting o lieved she may continue the w ar alone. the bill, at which others present in­ " d ry ” candidates for mayor. Mayor the- table, her red mouth curving in Friday and Saturday, Bailey, not us." the Pomona grange of Lane county a cluded Frank S. Gardner, secretary of H arter’s election may be contested. "It's not alone for my racer I'm spite of all effort at seriousness. resolution to be presented to the Vancouver, W ash., is overrun with the New York Board of Trade and speaking, but for every car that leaves "You’re right. Mr Dick," said Bai­ county commissioners, asking them to tram ps and beggars. Transportation, and Professor Irving Oxygen Explosive Is Made. the shop,” Lestrange caught him up take under advisem ent the suggestion ley dryly. "Stick to It.” of Yale University. "I'm not flinching; I've driven the car A storia—“ On Thanksgiving day, And Dick stuck, without as much Canada proposes to build three b at­ Fisher, of a county road patrol, was ununi It is understood the bill will have 1912, we began the commercial manu as a single lapse Ffrenchwood saw tleships, at an aggregate cost of $35,- little opposition. Commercial, ag ri­ facture of oxygen explosives at our mously adopted and a com m ittee ajj- com paratively little of him, as time 000,000, as an adjunct to the B ritish cultural pointed to present it to the court. and scientific organizations Oregon p lan t.” went on, the village and factory navy. and influential individuals were quoted Such was the word contained in a The resolution says “ th at expert much. lost some weight, and ac­ ence in several American states dem quired a He coat Several groups of Mexican rebels as indorsing the movement for le tte r received by Frank Patton, cash­ of reddish tan. onstrates th at a system atic road pa have joined forces, m aking an army of world-wide study of the cost of living ier of the A storia Savings bank, from trol, by sections, for road repair work Emily watched and admired In si 1000 men under command of General from England, France, Germany, Aus­ E. E. Hoffman, president of the Gov­ wherever needed at the tim e when it is lence. She had not seen Lestrange tria, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, ernm ent Standard Powders company, Orozco. again, but It seemed to her that his Italy, Japan, New Zealand and the which is establishing a powder factory needed and when it can be done most Influence overlay all the life of both Aeroplanes used by the Bulgarian United economically, is the only satisfactory States. at Woods Landing, near the eastern method of keeping roads in usable con­ house and factory. Sometimes this forces are said to have been an im ­ line of Clatsop county. mense help in her operations against and the county court would showed so plainly that she believed Bold Outlaw Robs Train. W hile the m anufacture of powder dition, Turkey. seem, under the law, to have full Mr. Ffrench m ust see, m ust feel the Vancouver, B. C.- A train holdup has been started, the construction silent force at work. But either he power to adopt put in j/ractice a did The National League of Democratic th at for boldness has never been equal­ work is not yet completed and several patrol system , and sectioning not see or chose to Ignore. And the road clubs does not favor holding the inaug­ ed in Vancouver was perpetrated Sun weeks will necessarily elapse before therefor and placing in charge of each Dick was Incautious. ural parade a t a later date than the day night ju st as the Canadian Pacific the jilant will be in full operation. As section some person, w hether super­ "I’m going to buy one of our road­ railw ay’s "Im perial L im ited” trans­ the new mill will utilize by-products actual taking of oath of office. myself,” he stated one day. "Can passenger train was pass th at have heretofore been regarded as visor or other employe, whose duty it sters A fter two days of discussion, the continental I have It at cost?" shall be to inspect his section of road of the city lim its. worthless, its establishm ent is pre­ at frequent intervals and m ake repairs Mr. Ffrench felt for his plnce-nes. peace treaty between Turkey and ing A out single highwayman, disguised by dicted to provide a m arket for large Italy, concluded a t Lausanne, was ap­ black "You? Why do you not use the mask, boarded the train as it quantities of m aterial now thrown which may be called for at any tim e.’ limousine?" proved by the French chamber of dep a was running slowly a mile and a half away. uties. "Because I don’t want to go around More Livestock Is Plea. entered the Pullman car and at In a box driven by a chauffeur. I want Colonel Archibald G rade, of W ash­ out, the point of a revolver forced the pas­ If the N orthw est continues to in­ Rich Oil Strike Is Expected. a classy car to run myself I’ve been ington, D. C., died in New York. He and the Pullman conductuor to Portlands—Oil w ithin 30 days is the crease its livestock production as it driving some of the stripped cars, was one of he last persons to leave the sengers pass over their money and valuables, has shown a tendency to do in the last expectation of the Central Oregori Oil lately, and I like It." steam er T itanic, and with one other to the amount of $300. The man few years the price of m eat is certain & Gas company, which is sinking its I will give you a car. If you want man clung all night to any empty dropped off the train ju st before it ar­ decline, believes J. Odgen Armour, first well in its properties in Harney to answered bis uncle, quite kind crate. rived at B arnett, six miles out. head of the big Chicago packing one.” county about 18 m iles south of Burns. houses "Go select any you pr /fer." bearing his name, who was on ly. "Thank J. C. Turney, president of the com­ a pleasure you.” Dick sat up. beaming to Oregon. Health Must Be Show n. pany, who was in Portland this week, "F arm ers visit have PORTLAND MARKETS But I'll have to wait my turn, we’ve neglected the live­ orders Reno, Nev. The Episcopal church from Bums, made this prediction. now. Lestrange says departm ent of their business,” I’ve no ahead W heat Track price Club, 78c; Should the expected success come stock right to come In and make the d istrict of Nevada, in convoc bluestcm , 81/« 82c; red Russian, 76c of said Mr. Armour, “ and that, w ith the upon the enterprise, a pipeline from tion here, has adopted a resolution the Harney County fields to Portland, natural increase in population and the some other fellow wait.” valley, 80c. pledging the clergymen to require to deliver the product will soon be constant increase in demand, has cre­ Mr. Ffrench slowly stiffened. Barley Feed, $24 ton; brewing, certificate of health before perform ing projected. This has been under con­ ated a constant demand for m eats w ith “We do not require lessons In ethics nominal; rolled, $27/« 28. this Lestrange.” was the cold re m arriage ceremony “ in any case sideration the supply has been hárvF from Corn Whole, $36; cracked, $37 ton. a where the prelim inary sur­ which huke. "I shall telephone Bailey to there is a reasonable doubt as veys of the since pressed to keej) pace. Millstuffs Bran, $23 ton; shorts, to the fitness fields were begun in 1909 send up your car at once." of either party for m ar­ and the engineers of the company de­ "W ith more attention to the live $25; middlings, $30. Rupert the slxty-horse-pow riage. ” As a part of the resolutions, Hay Tim othy, choice, $17/« 18 ton; the convocation also advocated the en­ clare it to be a perfectly feasible plan. stock end of farm ing there should be er roadster brought to the door, three hours a greatly [increased production in the mixed E astern Oregon tim othy, $ 12/« actm The project was begun following the ent of a law in Nevada requiring discovery in the wells of the Pacific next few years and a resultant down­ later. And Emily appreciated that Le­ 15; nat and vetch, $12; alfalfa, $12; th at such strange was discreet as well as com a certificate of health he Livestock company of unm istakable ward tendency of the m ark et.” clover, $10; straw , $6/«?. pelting, when she found the black- presented to the county clerk upon ap­ Oats No. 1 white, $26 ton. signs of oil and gas, when the drill eyed young mechanician was detailed plication for a license to m arry. Fresh F ru its Apples, 50e(ii$ 1.60 had reached a depth of only 6690 feet. School Children’s Fair Organized. to accompany Dick's maiden trips; l*ox; pears, 75c/« $1.50; grapes, Orenco— B. W. Barnes, county su- which duty was fulfilled. Incidentally, City Runs Picture Show. $1.60; M alagas, $8 per barrel; cran- Cm/s Hay Canning Finished. j/erintendent-elect; S. S. Duncan, su­ with the fine tact of a Richelieu. berries, $11.50 barrel. Chico, Cal. The trustees o f the Marshfield In May there was a still greater ac­ The salmon canning perintendent of Yamhill county; W. cession Potatoes .lobbing prices; Bur- town o f Biggs, a short distance south of work at the factory. In ad­ T. Macey, president of Yamhill county season on Coos Bay and the Coquille hanks, 60/«65c |* r hundred; sweet po­ of Chico, have taken the initiative in dition, the first of June was to open school fair association, and M. Mc­ tatoes. 2Jc pound. N orthern C alifornia in providing a river has closed. On the latter w ater­ with a twenty-four hour race at Beach Donald, president of the Oregon N ur­ Onions Oregon, 90cfri$l per sack. municipally-controlled and owned mo­ way the co-operative cannery put up track, and Lestrange was entered for sery coumpany, w ere the speakers at Vegetables Beans, 12c; cabbage, tion picture show. The venture is about 7000 cases of salmon, and did It. Excitement was In the air; Dick an enthusiastic m eeting here recently lc pound; cauliflower, $1.75 crate; financed by the city and has proved a not have as good a season as usual. came In the house only to eat and to organize the Orenco School Chil­ 7 celery. $3.50; cucumbers, 50dj 60o doz­ success. The show is conducted by In Marshfield, the T allant cannery had sleep. dren’s F air association. F ifty adults Ayain In Emily's Pretty Gaiety and Content. en;- eggplant, 10c [xiund; head let­ appointed officials and the admission about the most successful season of The day before the race. Mr have already joined and 80 of the tuce. 50r/«$l crate; |>eas, 12Jc [>ound; fee of 10 and 15 cents is put hack into any of the plants o f the county, and Ffrench walked Into the room where before and I will again It may hold fula of molten metaF carelessly back peppers, 10c; radishes, 15/820c dozen; the business, providing especially se­ turned out about 15,000 cases. The school children. All are enthusiastic his niece was reading I for ever, that part, but I’ve tested It and forth, and splashing hissing drops and a splendid fair next year will no sprouts, 8c; tom atoes, $1.50 box; lected films and pictures o f educational salmon brought to the fishermen of the 1 want to see Bailey," he said and It’» a weak point—take the warn­ over the floor; at them [.estrange doubt be the result. garlic, 5/« 6c poiyut; pumpkins, ljc interest. The prom oters of the plan county quite a large sum of money, briefly. "Do you wish to drive me ing for what It's worth." gazed in silence, after reading, the- pound; turnips, 75c sack; carrots, believe it can be made profitable. and many received employment both down to the factory, or shall I have There was a movement as If he card still In his hand 75c; beets, 75c; parsnips, 75c. Kails for Eugene-Coos Bay. as fishermen and in the canning plants. Anderson bring around the limou­ rose with the last word. Emily laid (TO BE C O N T IN U E D .) Eggs Fresh locals, candled, 42Je King May Meet Wilson. Eugene M aterial for the W iliam sine?".. her hand on the arm of the chair ilozen; E astern, 22J/