U ( 'U * j " All the News ESTACADA All the Time NO. 1 4 or VOL. 5 PROGRESS E ST A C A D A . OREGON. TH U RSD A Y. DKCKMBKK 1 Only Paper in East Clackamas m i; $i A Y E A R MBS. MILLER IN COUNCIL ESTACADA STATE BANK Is Elected to Serve T erm of 4 Lindsey, Resigned I $ 25,000 CAPITAL SUITE’S FIRST ALDERMANESS A ccep t* Position end W ill S e rv e in ih * C o u n cil until J u n e —Fo> m erly O p p ­ o sed to E q u a l S u ffra g e Mrs, Myrtle Miller, wife of It. M. Miller, was elected as a member of the council at a meeting of that Irody Tuesday night, to serve the uuexpiretl term of Alderman Lind- | sey retired. Mortgage Loans On Time Deposits DAINTY XMAS PRESENTS We lisve received a shipment of Ireautifnl Ja p ­ anese wars direct from the land of Cherry Blossoms. Come and examine them There are dainty cups and sausers $ 1.7 5 a set; salt and pepper shakers, gravy Ixiats, etc., front 25 to 8s cents. CHINA A selection of new ware equal in apfiear- ance to hand-paiuted china. From 25 cents to 51.50 each. Nothing more suitable. FOR THE BOYS W e have H ohner’s M outh the 2 5 cent H arm onica Harps, from up to the $1 B low accordéons. RUGS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES ESTAC AD A FU R N IT U R E CO. W . D . and L . M . Henthom, Proprietors Odd Fellows Building D O W N , F O R C A S H ! All streets, roads and lanes lead to this the XMAS STORE you will think so yourself when you see our Christmas Without a doubt Mrs. Miller is the first woman in the state of Oregou! to be chosen to such a |>ositiju, ! since equal sttflfisge ctniicd. She j lias accepted and will >et\e out f.incsey’s term which expires next June. The meeting of the council was j btief After allowing the bill for street lighting, Alderman Hawkins nominated Mrs. Miller to take Lin-; dsey's place Ma\or Reed put the motion and she was declared elect- ! ed. stock. while just to whet your appetite here are a few things we are offering. See Our Prize Windows They are the talk of the town. by the ladies of the M. E. Church and the Church of Christ. Mrs. Miller said she had been doubtful as to the wisdom of wom­ en entering the political arer» but now that they have been given tie ballot she believed they should a.- sunie the burdens and responsibili­ ties of government. “ I don’ t know much about run­ ning a city “ she added," but I can learn. I will do my best to serve the city's interests and believe the experience will be worth while,” Mrs Miller is prominent in the Kebekah lodge and is past noble grand and has been delegate several times to the grand lodge. At pres­ ent she is a mem tier of Acme lodge of Fortland. She is the mother of three children. K ilg ore-W ilco x W e d d in g Earl Kilgore of Dodge is the Progress correspondent from that Ntction and Springwater, yet he neglected to turu in an important item a week