Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 28, 1912, Image 3

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Can get you fancy prices for Wild Ducks
snd other lam a in season. W rit« us for
rash offer on all kinds o f poultry, pork. etc.
IVarson-I’age Co., Portland
Madero's Troops Wage War ol
Extermination on Zapatistas.
Machinery S 3 S 3 5
boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st
St., Portland. Bend for Slock List and pricea
Also Land Plaster, Lime, Cement. Wall Plas­
ter and ShingleB. W rite for prices.
102 Front S tm t.
Only Three to Five of Beet Limbi
Should Bo Treated, Saye a Colo­
rado Proaa Bulletin.
A great many factors enter Into thi
determination of Just how a tret
should be cut back. In this article
saya a Colorado bulletin, only a gen
eral rule can be given. Only three t<
live of the beat llmba should be cu
Iloss and G irh wanted to manufacture and
sell Perfectio n Furniture Polish. A gen ts pay
15c. Retails 25c. Send 50c fo r form ula and
M aterial costs 8c.
A rtis M fg.
Co., Dept. G, 311-12 Bernice Bldg., Tacoma,
Wa k
of $100 or more by buying your
Piano or Player Piano direct
from factory store.
1155 Washington St., Portland, Or.
W e want dressed Turkeys, Ducks and Geese
for Thanksgiving: trade. Write for our print­
ed booklet on dressing and marketing to get
highest prices. Write today. We also want
Veal. Pork and all kinds o f Live Poultry.
Paid-up Capital 910.000.
141-143 Front Street
Portland, Oregon
Economical Lighting Co.
Gasoline Hollow Wire Lighting Systems
Mantle > and Glassware
Mantles for Cancheater, Aladdin, all the differ­
ent makes o f Kerosene Mantle Lamps.
Rag Mantles 60c per dozen. W rite us.
Agcab Wasted.
597 Williams Art.. Partial
Insane Asylum«.
The great Greek physician» had de­
voted much attention to Insanity, and
some of their precepts anticipated
modern discoveries, but no lunatic asy<
lum appears to have existed in an­
In the first period of the
monastic life a refuge is said to have
been opened for the insane at Jerusa­
lem, but this appears to have been a
solitary Instance, arising from exi­
gencies of a single class, and it may
be said that no lunatic asylum ex­
isted in Christian Europe until about
the time of the fifteenth century.
Pruning Young Apple Trees
. Planting.
back to 8 or 12 Inches, making the cut
Just In the direction In which the
limb should grow.
Ail trees should be kept low headed.
Be careful not to cut off the lower
limbs when it la not necessary, us they
are usually the very ones to be left.
Lowest limbs should be from 18 to 24
Inches from the ground.
If the tree
has been pruned so that the top Is
much higher than this, it la usually
beat to cut the entire top off about
three feet from the ground and de­
pend upon forming the top frt>m limbs
which come out below this point.
Peach trees can stand more severe
pruning than either cherry or apple.
Peach trees should generally be cut
off about 18 inches from the ground,
and if there are any branches below
that point they should be cut back to
the flrst or second bud. CherrieB or
plums need practically no pruning ex­
cept to cut the branches off a foot or
so from the trunk.
Daniel in Second Place.
Little Willie’s grandmother had
been telling him Illbie stories, hla
favorite being that of Daniel in the VINE CUTTINGS FOR SPRING
lions' den. At the age of four he was
taken to a circus for the first time. Should Be Kept Molat Until Rooted,
When the lion-tamer put his head Into
and Then Given Frequent Culti­
the lion's mouth little W illie's excite­
vation— Hoe Often.
ment knew no bounds. Jumping up
and down, he gleefully screamed:
Currant and grape cuttings, planted
‘‘Oh. my! That knocks the spots off in beds in early spring, are mulched
In late summer, preferably with saw­
dust or tan bark, and kept moist until
Courage of Their Opinion.
the cuttings are rooted. I.ater on the
Thirty-five Is a very attractive ago propagating bed la given frequent
London society Is full of women who and shallow cultivation. Hoeing 1 b fre­
of their own free choice have remain­ quently done between the rows of
ed thirty-five for years.—The Taller. planta, which are 18 Inches
This keeps fresh soil around them,
His Line of Work.
keep* down the weeda and water la
“ Sam, have you got a Job now?" given when the soil Is very dry.
“ Oh, yea, sah.” “ What are you doing,
A propagating bed for strawberry
''Why, I ’s get tin’ my wife planta also needs some attention. The
washln', boss.”
weeda must be kept out. It la best
to cut off the late runnera, as the early
ones make the strongest planta. If
several varieties are In the bed set
up boards between each to prevent
them running together, and be sure to
label each division with the name of
the variety.
Miss C. M a h o n e y , o f 2708 K. St.,
W . Washington, D.C., w rites: “ 1 suf­
fered with rheumatism lor live years
and I have Just got hold o f your Lini­
ment, and it has done ine so much
good. My knees do not pain and the
swelling has gone.”
Quiets the Nerves
M rs . A .W k id iia n , o f 403 Thompson
8t., Maryville. Me»., writes • — “ The
nerve In my log was destroyed live
years ago and left me with a jerking
at night so that 1 could not sleep. A
friend told me t«> try your Liniment
and now 1 could not do without it. I
find after Us uso 1 cau sleep.”
Unique Arrangement Patented by Ore­
gon Man Composed Mostly of Ar­
ticles Around Home.
The illustration shows a unique ar-
rangement for catching and destroying
Insects, patented by a resident of Oan-
by, Ore. It la composed of articles or­
dinarily found around a house, and In­
cludes a barrel, diahpan, lantern, and
“ Is a good Liniment. I keep it on
hand all the time. My daughter
sprained her wrist and used your,
Liniment, and it has not hurt her
Insect Catcher.
three sticks for a tripod. The upper
section of the barrel is cut out and the
lower part contains fruit or other odor­
ous materials The pan contains liquid.
M C ftfk S p iip .
T s*«s Good. Css I
ta tim«. S-ilS ¥y Dregr *ta.
Preparations for Winter.
Currants and gooseberries may b<
pruned aa soon aa the leaves fall, oi
the work may be left until
spring. Cut back one-third of this
year's growth, and thin out surplus,
diseased or unthrifty shoots. Old
bushes may have two-thirds of the
present yesr's growth removed. Do
not prune the new canes of raspber
rles and blackberries until spring;
the old canes should have been cut
oat long ago. It la too early to prune
Old raspberry canes should be re
moved from the patch before tbs
freeze-up snd the new ones mulched
with oat straw or barnyard fertiliser
But Little Real Headway Is Made—
Inaurrectot Demand Heavy Trib-
ure From Landowner*.
Mexico City— No fewer than 25 v il­
lages have been destroyed in the state
o f Oaxaca in the last ten days by gov­
ernment troops. The administration
believes the revolutionists in that v i­
cinity have been cowed by the terrible
warfare that baa been waged, and
sanctioned orders for the retirement
o f the greater part o f the federal»
from that state.
Five hundred Indians have surren­
dered. but a large part o f these were
without arms, affording some basis for
the unofficial declarations that little
of real value had been accomplished
towards the subjugation of the rebels,
who it is feared by the residents of
the City o f Oaxaca will redouble their
efforts with the added motive of re­
In spite o f the fact that the federal»
in all districts containing Zapatistas
have been using the right conferred
by the suspension of the guarantees to
execute summarily, there is little, if
any, improvement in the general situ­
ation. In no fewer than 40 engage­
ments reported last week the federals
claim victories, but these for the most
part have been insignificant, since the
rebels ordinarily retire as soon as
possible, doubtless to save ammuni­
Two circulars have been issued,
signed by Zapata. One demands that
the owners of the haciendas unite to
contribute 3000 pesos a week to the
rebels’ cause in certain fixed areas,
the other urges planters to hurry the
work of the peons on their plantations
as much as possible, because Zapata
soon will require all able-bodied men.
Destruction of their properties iB the
alternative offered.
Plans for withdrawing a large num­
ber of federals from the north to join
the campaign against rebels in the
south are maturing. Many volunteers
who enlisted to fight Orozco are being
mustered out, having served the stip­
ulated six months. Efforts are being
made to maintain the strength o f the
army, however, and as a result many
prisoners are being drafted, and rebels
taken in battle are being forced into
the government ranks.
The government is cot inclined to
regard seriously the movements in
Northern Mexico. It insists that the
situation throughout the republic is
much improved.
Nervy Detective Disables Man Load­
ed With Dynamite,
Los Angeles — Armed with an in­
fernal machine containing enough dy­
namite to destroy an entire city block,
a bottle of nitro-glycerine and a 45-
caliber revolver, a masked maniac
took possess o f the central police sta­
tion and held it for more than an hour,
while hundreds o f occupants of the
building and those for blocks around,
panic-stricken, sought the safety of
When Detective
James Hosick
knocked the man unconscious with a
leather biily after slipping up behind
him, the fuse o f the infernal machine
was automatically ignited, and with­
out thinking o f the consequences, De­
tective Samuel L. Browne carried the
box outside, the fuse spluttering and
spitting sparks, and hurled it into the
Sticks of high-power dynamite scat­
tered over the pavement, while hun­
dreds o f spectators Btood apparently
paralyzed by fright, awaiting a deton­
ation that would send them into etern­
Through a freak o f chance
there was no exposion and Browne
continued kicking the sticks o f dy­
namite and jumping on the fuse
until he had broken the connections
and extinguished the fire.
Lying manacled to a cot in the re­
ceiving hospital the would-be dyna­
miter, who was identified as Carl
Warr, a German laborer, is B u ff e r in g
from several severe scalp wounds, but
the police surgeons say that his in­
juries are not serious.
Fresh Troops and Supplies Enable
Firm Stand at Tchatalja.
London — Dispatches from Nazim
Pasha, the Turkish commander-in-
chief, Bhow that the artillery duel
along the Tchatalja lines has contin­
ued for two days, but the Porte an­
nounced that Bulgaria had consented
to negotiate, with a view to an armis­
tice and to a discussion of peace
The Turks claim successes against
the Bulgarians, but there iB nothing
to indicate that the Bulgarians have
made any serious attempt to pene­
trate the lines. The battle may be
ended at any moment by Turkey ac­
cepting the allies’ terms for an armis­
tice, which are said to include the
sutrender o f the Tchatalja lines, Ad-
rianople, Durazzo and Scutari.
There is a possibility, however, that
Turkey may decline to surrender Tcha­
talja. While her western army has
been completely defeated, she still
possesses, according to the correspon­
dents at the front, a homogeneous
army behind the Tchatalja fortifica­
tions largely composed of some o f her
beat fighting material from the Asia­
tic provinces, which has not yet been
in action.
Moreover, the demoralization and
disorganization that followed the Kirk
Kilisseh and Lule Burgas retreats ap­
Socialist Leader Charged With " O b ­ pear to have been remedied and the
army is now well supplied with food
struction of Justice,”
and ammunition.
Fort Scott, Kan.— On a Federal in­
dictment returned here against Eu­
gene V. Debs, Socialist candidate for
president; Fred D. Warren, editor of
the Appeal to Reason, a Socialist Chief Firemaker, Blackfoot. to See
newspaper published at Girard, Kan.,
Eaitern Land Show.
and J. I. Shepard, Warren’s attorney,
Chicago— Wahhah Gun Ta, Chief
Warren and Shepard were arrested
here by a deputy United States mar­ Firemaker, the 131-year old Blackoot
Indian from Glacier reservation, is on
The indictment charged ‘ ‘ obstruc­ his way East to attend the United
tion o f justice by inducing witnesses States Land show.
Chief Firemaker is believed to be
to leave the country.”
Warren and Shepard were released the oldest human being in the world,
having been born in the region now
on $1000 bond each.
The offense charged in the indict­ known as Glacier National Park in
ment is alleged to have been commit­ 1781, according to well-authenticated
ted in connection with the case o f J. traditions. He was the first red man
A. Wayland, owner o f the Appeal to in that territory to visit the Great
Reason, City Editor Pfiffer, o f that White Father, and his journey to the
paper, and Fred Warren, charged in a national capital when President J ef­
Federal indictment issued last May ferson was in the White House was a
with misuse o f the mails in posting memorable event in his life.
He is regarded in his tribe as an
obscene matter concerning the Federal
oracle. A t the time of his birth, so
prison in Leavenworth, Kan.
Wayland committed suicide
re­ the Indian legend goes, the Father of
A ll Spirits, standing on a mountain,
shot an arrow near his father’s tepee.
prophecy as interpreted by the
Speeder Runs Into Lake.
Chicago — Two Chicago motorcycle medicine men is that he would live
forever, and assist the gods in their
policemen pursued a speeder on a ma­ councils.
chine through Lincoln Park at the
rate o f 40 miles an hour and were
Mena is Not Set Free.
astonished to see the man turn his
Wasington, D. C. — Chief Justice
motorcycle into the lagoon, in which
he vanished in a cloud o f spray. The Gudger, o f the Supreme court o f the
officers arrived in time to drag the Panama canal zone, has refused to
man from the water. Instead of say­ grant a writ of habeas corpus in the
ing he was going only eight miles an case o f the Nicaraguan revolutionist
hour he thanked them for saving hig leader, General Louis Mena, “ de­
life, as it was his maiden ride on a tained” at Ancon by the United
motorcycle and he had forgotten how States. General Mens and his son
were taken to Ancon on a United
to stop it.
States warship after their surrender
to American maiines September 26,
Wilton Attend« Church,
Hamilton, Bermuda— The President­ following the battle at Rarranca.
elect, accompanied by Mrs. Wilson is the intention to restrain them until
conditions become normal.
and family, attended the oldest Pres­
byterian church in Hamilton. The
Travelers in Quarantine.
pastor, the Rev. Archibald Cameron,
Denver— Eight passengers and a
offered a prayer for the king and then
for the success o f the close o f Presi­ Pullman porter will be compelled to
dent T a ft’ s administration, and that remain under quarantine for two
the “ new president o f the United weeks in the sleeper at Castle Rock,
States be imbued with thy spirit, and Colo., as a result of the discovery of s
fearing thee, have no other fear; that case o f smallpox by the conductor of
he be honored as the leader o f a na­ Santa Fe passenger train No. 5, en
tion and that his administration be route to Denver from Chicago. R. C.
one of peace, honor and prosperity.” Jones, the patient, boarded the sleep­
er at La Junta, Colo.
State Board of
Health officials ordered the Pullman
30,000 March for Peace.
Basel, Switzerland — The opening cut off the train and the passengers in
session o f the Socialist International the car were thoroughly fumigated.
congress, which is being held here in Jones was hurried to the pesthouse.
opposition to war, was attended by
Mountain of Paint |Found.
600 delegates, representing all na­
Vancouver, Wash.— Believing that
tions. Thirty thousand persona joined
in a parade through decorated streets they have a mountain o f material
to the cathedral, wh£re addresses which in its present raw state is noth­
were delivered in various tongues. ing less than valuable raw paint,
Four platforms were erected outside three men of Battleground have or­
and speakers harangued great crowds ganized a company and filed articles
of incorporation for $500,000.
unable to find room within.
large deposit o f the mineral there
owned by the incorporators, when pul­
Anti-War Riota Fatal.
Berlin — According to mesaagea to verized is said to have the quality of
the Berlin morning papers from Buda­ being made the body o f any kind of
pest, serious disturbances occurred paint desired.
there Sunday on the occasion o f So­
Reprieve Given Allens.
cialist anti-war meetings.
A great
procession marched through the streets
Richmond, Va.— Governor Mann has
and sanguinary encounters occurred granted a reprieve for Floyd and
between the police and demonstrator*. Claude Allen until December 13. They
Many were wounded by revolver shots were sentenced to death in the electric
and sword thrusts, 14 mortally. Thirty chair November 22 for their part in
arrest* were made.
the H iilsvflle.Va., courthouse murders.
City. Men Vie Witt) Farmers in
Studying Exhibits.
For the protection
o f the public we have
brought suit against
a firm o f dentists
near our office, to
preven t them from
placing our name in
large white letters on
the fron t o f their
building. I t has tak­
en us 25 years o f con­
scientious, painstak­
in g and sk illfu l work
to make T H I 1 1 I
D E N T A L CO. known
thru’out the N o rth ­
west as absolutely re­
liable and a t the top
o f the professfon. W e
Wisconsin Man la k e First Honora in
Butter and Cheese—Oregon
Scores High
Portland— Attendance boomed at the
bairy Show. Every streetcar to the
stockyards was crowded, and hundreds
came in automobiles. Members of the
Ad club, wearing badges telling their
names and lines of business, put in
much time admiring the aristocratic
milk producers, and with a large dele­
gation of the Progressive Business
Men’s club, and representatives of the
Commerical club and Chamber of com­
merce, learned a few o f the fine points
o f the game o f breeding superlatives
in dairy stock.
Fully 5000 in all saw the show, in­
cluding the milk, butter and cheese
displays. Hundreds were given an in­
sight into the business o f preparing
meat for market by a tour o f the
Union Meat company’s
plant, conducted by uniformed guides,
who explained each step in the ani­
mal's progress from the hoof to cold
storage. Many “ made a day o f it” by
visiting the Land Show in the morn­
ing and the Dairy Show in the after­
Interest centered in the judging of
the Jerseys and the agricultural col­
lege students’ general stock judging
Competition was keen in
the Jersey class, but in the Guernsey
class the splendid herd o f D. H. Loon­
ey, of Independence, Or., was opposed
by no other entries.
Washington Agricultural college took
first in the students’ judging contest,
with 1750 out of a possible 2500
points. The first team of the Oregon
Agricultural college was second, with
1714, and the second team o f the same
school third, with 1600. Utah was
fourth with 1530. For a time it was
thought that Oregon had won, but
final averages gave first place to
Washington by 36 points.
Many o f the blue and red ribbons
for Jerseys were hung on the stalls of
the Utah cattle, herds entered under
such well-known names as Smoot,
Smith and Cannon furnished prize­
winners. However, John B. Stump &
Son's Deercombe herd, of Monmouth,
Or., were the leaders, taking seven
firsts and four seconds. W. O. Mor­
row, of Independence, Or., was a
strong contender in this class, his fine
herd taking Beveral firsts and seconds.
In the butter and cheese competi­
tions Wisconsin appears to have car­
ried off first honors, with Oregon a
close second in both cases. L. W.
Turner, of Montfort, Wia., took first
for butter, with A. A. Oswald and
Peter Beier, both of Portland, second
and third, the scores being 97, 96j
and 96J. It is possible that when the
judges complete their grand averages
Oregon will be found leading although
the highest single score goes to the
Badger state.
F. A. Geirguts, of Appleton, Wis.,
led the cheesemakers, with a score of
97. Hugh Barber, o f Mohler, Or.,
was second, with 96, and A. A. Kirby,
o f Tillamook, third, with 95}. Again
the general average may result in an
Oregon victory, although Wisconsin
has the highest individual score.
w ill not allow our
good name to be je o ­
pardized by men who
h ave no connection
w ith this office.
have only O N E o f ­
fice, snd that is in
the F A I L IN G build­
ing, southeast corner
Th ird and W ashing­
ton streets.
and an elevato r car­
our floor.
Do not be
fo rg et
these im portant in-
in personal attendance. A«ik to see him, so that you can be sure you are in the risrht place.
S t l THAT
Our Interchangeable
Facing, a “ Wise” Idea
Our Bridge Work has been brought to
the highest state o f perfection. The teeth
on this bridge are interchangeable at will
without removing from the mouth.
Barr UP I
The very latest in modern dentistry.
more falling plates.
We Give a 15-Year Guarantee.
25 Yrs* Active Practice in Portland
Failing Building, Southeast Corner Third and Washington Sts., ENTRANCE on THIRD ST.
Phones: Main 2029; A 2029.
Portland, Oregon.
DR. P E E R Y ’ S
F o r In fla m e d
P rep a red
E y e lid s
W right ’ s I ndian V egetable
P IL L C O .
Hair Mussed by Lightning.
E d w a r d H o n e s p r e fe r s In t h e fu t u r e
Most Centrally Located
t o c o m b h is o w n lo c k s a n d
w is h e s ‘
lig h t n in g w o u ld le a v e
th e m
a lo n e .
W h e n h is h o u s e , In S u lliv a n c o u n ty , |
w a s s tru c k th e
e le c tr ic ity
p lo w e d
The Cinnamon Scimitar’s financial
q m a ll fu r r o w s a b o u t h is s k u ll, t a k in g
editor writes: “ The dental profession
t h e h a ir o f f h is h e a d In e v e r y p la c e
Is looking down
U\o mouth.
I t to u c h e d .
H is In ju r ie s , b e s id e s de-1
the scavenger, ucw<*gtr, everything Is
s t r o y in g h is h a ir , It Is
s a id ,
w ere
picking up. The steeplejack’s busi­
s lig h t .— P h ila d e lp h ia N o r t h A m e r ic a n .
ness, If he is not careful, will be fall­
ing off. In the automobile and rail­
road line everything is running down.
The sausage and scrapple trade is on
ether* Could Tell Him.
the pig. With the astronomer, how­
“ Have you any object In piling up ever, things are looking up.”
wealth? Perhaps you have an ambi­
Red Crr.3s Ball Blue will wash double aa many
tion to gratify. Is there anything you
aa any other blue. Don’t put your money
want to do?” ’’There is. When I am clothes
into any other.
fixed financially I propose to see If
there Is really any money In the chick­
To Make Tires of Paper.
business.”— Louisville
Experiments have recently been
made In Europe looking to the utiliza­
tion of paper In the manufacture of
Her Experience.
pneumatic tires, tests recently made
Mrs. Bacon— “ I understand one can having convinced the experimenters
learn different languages from the that paper has the strength of metal,
phonograph?” Mrs. Ebert — “ Well, the elasticity of rubber, and a cheap­
since our neighbor got his I know my ness that is to be found in neither of
husband has used language I never these materials: all Important qua^
heard him use before.”
L ettit's EVe Salve
Red Cross Ball Blue, all blue, best bluing valuo
In the whole world, makes the laundress smile.
Ancients Knew of Elevators.
That the ancient Romans knew
how to works lifts Is the latest discov­
ery reported from Rome In connection
Portland— Diversified farming is re­
with the Palatine excavations. Pre-
ceiving a whole lot o f substantial
Romulan remains have been found, In­
encouragement at the land show.
cluding 12 ancient lifts. One of the
Many Portland people, who hereto­
latter, which descends Into the earliest
fore thought the Northwest could not
known city, Is now being cleaned and
produce much other than wheat and put Into working order for the Arch-
fruit, have acquired some beneficial oeological Congress.
education in the last few days. They
have learned particularly that Orgeon
Whale Whip« Five Crews.
is a corn state and that all varieties
The largest whale ever captured In
o f vegetables can be grown here with that vicinity was caught In Fred Pe­
almost unvarying success.
rez’ fish nets, near Santa Cruz. Five
Thus the land show is fulfilling its
launches tried to tow the menster to
mission— bringing the people o f the the pier without success. Nets and
city into contact with the land, show­ ropes broke and the task was aban
ing them what the land is capable of doned. The whale was fifty feet long
The exhibit o f the Oregon Agricul­
Mothers w ill find Mrs. W inslow's 8ootftIng
tural college was one o f the most in­ Byrup tJ e best remedy ti» uso fur th eii uhiidrea
*u rin g .ho toothing period.
teresting o f the whole show.
It con­
sists entirely of a demonstration of
No W ife for Him.
the various experimental methods
•"What do I want with a wife?”
practiced at the big school in Corvallis. snorted Rachelor Rockwedder, on read­
ing an old maid's reasons for not
"Idle Women” Are Blamed.
wanting a husband. “ I have a game
St. Louis— Delegates to the first an­ rooster that Is vain about his fine
nual convention o f the National Fed­ feathers, a goat, that chew's the rag,
eration o f Retail Merchants were an aeroplane that gets me up In the
warned against making false state­ air. and an automobile that keeps me
ments in advertisements and against all the time broke!”— Judge.
cutting retail prices until profits were
sbaorbed, by H. D. Robbins, of New
Blobbs— "W hy do those two girls
York, chairman o f the vigilance com
both hate you so?” Slobbs—“ I once
mittee o f National Ad clubs.
Innocently remarked that they looked
“ Too many idle women in the world” alike.”— Philadelphia Record.
was the cause assigned for the high
cost of living by Mrs. N ellie Hencke,
proprietor o f a dry goods store in St.
Exhibit o f Products at Portland In­
teresting and Instructive.
Slone Leads Coon Hunt.
Moberly, Mo.— Coon hunters, 150
strong, mounted, booted, and equipped
like days o f old, with United States
Senator Stone heading the procession,
paraded down main street amid the
hooting o f horns and barking o f dogs.
They were on their way to Milton,
where a three days’ hunt will be
held. Many were mounted on mules
and carried old-fashioned powder and
ball muskets. Visitors are arriving
on every train to take part, among
them many leading
Democrats o f
the state.
The en­
trance is on Third St.,
Still at It.
T wonder what has become of ray
husband. Three days ago I sent him
to match a sample at a department
store. He hasn’t been seen since.”
"I saw him yesterday. He was at the
third counter of the fourteenth aisle,
and was Just starting for the four­
teenth counter of the third aisle.”—
Washington Herald.
O H ! “ You -
/■M ealtim e” ^
Do you look forward
mealtime with real pleasure
or do you have that “ don’t
care” sort o f feeling? Then,
by all means, try a bottle of
H ostetler’s
Stomach Bitters
It coaxes the Appetite, aids
Digestion, prevents Consti­
Grippe and Malarial
and Colds
can recel reprom pt treat­
m ent« o f Hon-Polsonens,
H n a lt h - b a lld lu g
r e m .41.*
You could not please us bet­
ter than to ask your doctor
about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
for coughs, colds, croup, bron­
chitis. Thousands of families
always keep it in the house. -
The approval of their physi­
cian and the experience of
Carnegie Gives *2 ,0 0 0 ,OOO.
many years have given them
New York— An addition o f $2,000,-
confidence in this
000 to the endowment fund o f the
standard cough medicine. THE C.6EEW0
Carnegie foundation for the advance­
St., Cor. Morrison
ment o f teaching was announced by
Sold for seventy years
Andrew Carnegie at a meeting o f the 1
the Chinóse doctor.
Try once more if you hare 1-eon doctoring with
thin one and that one end have not oU'alned per­
manent. relief. Let this »re»»? nature healer diag-
noae vour case and prescribe some remedy whose
action in quick, sure and safe. Mis prescriptions
are compounded from Ron's. Herb*. Muds and
Harks that ha\e been gathered from every quar­
ter o f the globe. The secrets of the«e medicines
are not known to the outside world, hut have Keen
handed down from father to son in the physicians’
families in China.
I f yon lire ont o f town and cannot call, write for
symptom blank and circular, enclosing 4 cents in
Portland. O rcfoa .
trustees o f his foundation. The en-
dowment now stands at $14,000,000
with a million dollar surplus. The
g ift was part o f a grant o f $6,000,000
made in 1903 on which another $2,-
000,000 is yet to come.
The money
was in Steel corporation bondi.
j Any
good doctor will tell you that a medi
clns Tike Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
do Its best work If the bowels are son-
1 ■tlpated. Ask your doctor If he knows
‘ anything hetter thin Ayer's Pills for cor­
j seting this sluggishness of the liver.
! ■ m . s, . . l . 5. srsa co . u n u , i m *
P. N. U.
W H E N w rltin c to U rm
U sa th is p o u r .
No. «S -'IS
tim n . pèmm ■ » !