P O U LT R Y A N D GAM E Can jfet you fancy prices for Wild Ducks and other iram* in season. Writ* ua for rush offer on all kinds of poultry, pork. ate. Pearson-page Co., Portland Machinery ( Second-Hand Mac hin- ery bought, sold and exchanged: engines, boiler«, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 lat St.. Portland. Send for Stock List und price*. YOUNG MEN AND LADIES, berome telegraph operators; easy to learn, steady work, short hours, fine opportunity to travel. Students as­ sisted to good paying positions on railroads, steamships und in cities when qualified. Wire- less and Morse telegraph courses taught quickly. W rite for our free scholarship plans. Pacific Telegraph & Railway Institute. Washington Hu tiding, Seattle. Wash. GALL EXTRA SESSION Wilson’s First Move Is to Quiet Business Unrest. Oats Will Be Not Later Than April 16 —Revision o f Tariff lo Be Principal Question. YOU’RE “All to the Good” Proclamation Names Rate of St 20 when the appetite is keen and your digestion perfect; b u t w h a t a d if f e r e n c e when the stomach “ goes back” on you, when the liver becomes lazy and the bowels clogged. In such cases you need New York — Governor Wilson an­ nounced that immediately, after hie inauguration as president of the Unit­ ed States he would call an extraordi­ nary session o f congress to convene not later than April 16 for the purpose Also Land Plaster. Lime. Cement. Wall Plas­ ter and Shingles. W rite for prices. of revising the tariff. right away. It really does the NOTTINGHAM & CO. The president-elect sailed for Ber­ 102 Front Street. PORTLAND, OR. work. All Druggists. muda at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon for a vacation and will return Decern- i her 16. To set at rest speculation as to what he would do with regard to tariff revision, he issued the following statement: N E W P E R K IN S H O T E L of $100 or more by buying your “ 1 shall call congress together iD Piano or Player Piano direct extraordinary session not later than from factory store. April 16. I shall do this not only be­ HUSH & LAME PIA N O COMPANY cause 1 think that the pledges of the 355 Washington St., Portland, Or. party ought to be redeemed aB promptly as possible, but also because I know it to be in the interest o f busi­ When in PORTLAND stop at ness that all uncertainty as to what the particular items of tariff revision N E W S C O TT H O T E L are to be should be removed as soon as Large, light rooms; steam heat; big lobby: possible.” clean and orderly; close to business section, best place for family in city. ROOMS 50c UP. NEW Seventh and Ankeny Streets HALF BILLION INVOLVED. HOTEL' EUROPLAN Convenient from All Depots by Streetcar. WITH BATH PERKINS Suit Begins to Quiet Title to Califor­ P0RTIAND.0RE' $1»PCR DAY UP nia Oil Lands. BATH *1«» UP •IN THE HEART Of THE CITY Washington, D. C.— T itle to West­ NOTE REDUCED RATES ern oil lands valued at the stupendous We want dressed Turkeys. Ducks and Geese Most Centrally Located T/. for Thanksgiving trade. Write for our print­ figure o f $600,000,000 is said to de­ ed booklet on dressing and marketing to get pend upon the outcome o f the legal highest prices. W rite today. We als.» want Veal, Pork and all kinds of Live Poultry. controversy which opened in earnest F. H. SCHMALZ & CO. Saturday before the Supreme court of Paid-up Capital $10,000. the United States. Edmund Burke 141-143 Front Street Portland, Oregon filed before the court his printed argu­ ment in favor o f a claim to a portion of the land in controversy, scathingly arraigning the Southern Pacific Rail­ way company, also fighting for the BUSINESS COLLEGE property. The case will be argued W A S H IN G T O N A N D T E N T H S T S orally January 6. The land in contro­ I PO RTLAN D . OREGON versy in this particular case is in the L W RITE FOR CATALOG •hool that Places You in a Uood Position oil fields o f Southern California. The Southern Pacific claims it under the land-grant act and Interior department patents which contained the provision and at the same time get your “ excluding and excepting all mineral own Piano at factory cost. We lands, should any such be found in the are the only wholesale Piano house west o f the Mississippi, tract.” and sell by mail in place o f us­ To sell Trees for the oldest The validity and effect o f this ex­ ing expensive travelers. W rite nursery on the Coast. Pio­ ception is receiving unusual attention at once for full details. You neers o f 1849. Since 1863 at save big money on your own because o f its having been included in the present location Three purchase and can make splen­ the land grants to other railroads for generations of growing trees. did profit selling to your decade after decade. Mr. Burke con­ 420 acres Commission paid friends. N o experience nec­ tends that all oil land is mineral -land. weekly. essary. According to the brief filed the inter­ pretation o f the exception would de­ THE WOODBUHN NURSERIES termine the Southern Pacific's claim F. W. SETTLEMIER, Proprietor. to oil land worth more than the entire WOODBURN, OREGON road itself. H O S T E T T E R ’S Stomach Bitters LIME FERTILIZER S A V E M ID D LE M A N ’S P R O FIT TURKEYS WANTED M a k e Money O lM E S i Act as Our Agent SALESMEN WANTED R A M A K E R B RO S. CO. Teach Australian Boya to Farm. Australia has established a train« ing school for boys who wish to bo- come expert farmers, but who lack the mean* to obtain proper instruc­ tion. it EAT HEARTY RELIEVE DISTRESS AFTER EATING Get Well and you can very easily THE CHINESE DOCTOR Both the American and the Chines« physicians use medicines made from plants and herbs. But the Chinese have extended their re-searches and use Roots, Herbs and Barks that have never been heard o f in this country. And with these harmless and non-injur- ious remedies Dr. C. Gee Wo has cured hundreds o f patients o f all sorts of dis­ eases and who had previously been tak­ ing the medicines prescribed by well known American physicians. He has testimonials from patients all over the northwest as to the fine results he ob­ tained with the use o f these nature remedies. Should you live out o f town and wish to begin treatment, send 4 cents in stamps for a consultation blank and circulars. Office open evenings and Sundays. CONSULTATION FREE T h e C. G e e W o Fruit Union is Assured. Spokane, Wash.— The first definite step toward effecting a permanent or­ ganization o f fruitgrowers in Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Washington with a view to marketing fruit through a common channel was taken here with the adoption o f a resolution by repre­ sentative fruitgrowers, bankers, rail­ road traffic men and others at a ban­ quet tendered by the management of the apple show here. The resolution calls for a convention o f delegates, one from each fruit dis­ trict in the states named to be held in Spokane December 16. The resolution, which was adopted unanimously, was introduced by N. C. Richards, representing the Yakima Fruitgrowers’ association and was the result o f a private conference of fru it­ growers. Taft Favors Free Tolls, Washington, D. C. —President T a ft told official visitors he did not expect to recommend to congress the repeal o f the free toll provision made in the Panama canal bill last summer for American coastwise vessels. A second portion o f the report o f Professor Johnson, the expert upon whose inves­ tigation the president based his recent proclamation o f tolls, contains strong recommendation againsst free tolls for American ships. Professor Johnson’s report did not discuss the diplomatic aspect o f the canal toll measure. Border Bullets Find 23. Washington, D. C.— Twenty-three persons at least were killed or wound­ ed badly on the American side o f the Mexican boundary last year by bullets fired during the fighting between the rebelB and government forces under Madero. This fact was developed by the special army board, headed by Colonel Francis Kernan, which has just returned from an inspection trip to El Paso, Tex., and Douglas, Ariz., where most o f the trouble occurred The board said that other persons, many o f them Mexicans, were injured. Powers Approach Allies Paris— An official note issued by the diplomatic corps says the ministers of the powers have approached the vari­ ous Balkan states with the view to mediation and that the foreign minis­ ters o f the allies replied that they would refer the suggestion to their governments. The Montenegrin min­ ister added that his government con­ sidered itself unable to consent to an armistice except on condition that the Turks surrender Scutari. St. Lawrence I* Tied Up. Montreal — The storm which has raged throughout Quebec Province the 1621 First St., Cor. Morrison past 24 hours has effectually tied up PO RTLAND . OR. navigation on the SL Lawrence. The suspension o f activity in the local har- bor comes at a time when the lake Aspen Beet Wood for Mstches. steamers are pouring in huge cargoes Aspen wood Is used almost exclu­ o f grain, which if not quickly export­ sively In the manufacture of matches ed will cause a congestion. In Sweden, as It Is easily cut and porous enough to be easily Impregnat­ Strikers Attack Train. ed with sulphur or paraffin. Charleston, W. Va.— Striking min­ ers attacked a passenger train on the Cabin Creek branch o f the Chesapeake ì'i/ O i l l è i A Ohio railroad. The miners stopped 1 " I B«et C r « * h Hyr«p. Good. t'*6 the train and refused to allow it to » « tim *. Sold Y j Drwrnvt«. proceed because two carloads o f al­ leged strikebreaken were attached. | C h i n e s e M e d ic in e C o . L TOLLS FIXED 1627-29-31 Third Avenue SEATTLE Caution. "Shall I empty your wastebasket?*’ asked the Janitor. "It Is brimful of correspondence.” “ No," answered the man who is combining politics with high finance. “ Just hand me my bonds and stock certificates and I’ll stuff ’em In some pigeonhole so that you can lock the waste-basket In the safe.” Willing Panhandler. Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, was accosted one day by a drunken panhandler, who asked for a dime. The archbishop gave him the dime and said: "M y friend, don’t you think It would be possible for you to walk In the straight and narrow path?” The panhandler straightened up, "Who? me?" he asked. "Show It to me. I used to be a tight rope walker.”—Sat­ urday Evening Post. Truest Moments. Count always your highest moments your truest moments. Believe that, in the time when you were the great­ est and most spiritual man or woman, then you were your truest self.—John Wesley. Per Ton on Merchantmen. British Protest it Ignored By [P resi­ dent — American Coastwise Vessels Are Exempt. Washington, D. C.— President T aft has issued a proclamation fixing the rates that foreign shipping shall pay for passage through the Panama canal. The proclamation, made under authority o f the canal hill passed by congress in August, establishes a mer­ chant vessel rate o f $1.20 per net ton in actual carrying capacity, with a re­ duction o f 40 per cent for ships in bal­ last. The provisons o f the proclamation are as follows: “ 1. On merchant vessels carrying passengers or cargo, $1.20 per, net vessel ton—each 100 cubic feet— of actual earning capacity. “ 2. On vessels in ballast without passengers or cargo, 40 per cent less than the rate of tolls [for vessels with passengers or cargo. “ 3. Upon naval vessels other than transports, colliers, hospital ships and supply ships, 60 cents per displace­ ment ton. “ 4. Upon army and navy trans­ ports, colliers, hospital ships and sup­ ply ships $1.20 per net ton, the ves­ sels to be measured by the same rules as are employed in demanding the net tonnage o f merchant vessels. “ The secretary o f war will prepare and prescribe such rules for the meas­ urement o f vessels, and such regula­ tions as may be necssary and proper to carry this proclamation into full force and effect.” American coastwise shipping was exempted from toll payment by con­ gress. It was to this provision o f the act that Great Britain potested, but no reference to the protest was made in the president's proclamation. American naval vessels are exempted without specific mention either in the act of congress or the proclamation, because the authorities believe it un­ necessary to explain the uselessness of payment from the navy pocket to the Treasury department. Aviators Direct Battery. Junction City, Kan.— The aeroplane tests conducted by the War depart­ ment at Fort Riley, Kan., came to a close with unusually successful exper­ iments. Lieutenant Thomas DeW. Milling, with an observer on an aeroplane, lo­ cated an infantry train consisting of dummy figures of supply wagons and an infantry escort three minutes after ascending. The information was flashed to a batter on the other side o f the hill and the train was destroyed at the first volley. Lieutenant Milling ascended again with an observer, and by dropping cards transmitted the range o f an enemy to the battery. Battle at Tchatalja Stops. Constantinople — In the last 48 hours, according to advices received here, there has been no fighting on the Tchatalja lines, owing, it is believed, to the fact that the negotiations for an armistice are proceeding direct with the Bulgarians. Another factor which probably has contributed to up­ set the Bulgarian plans is the out­ Their III Success. break o f cholera. The Englishman in Chicago doctor opines that the aver­ charge of the Karaburun lighthouse age woman loves a cave man. But reports that Bulgarian scouts fired up­ most of them have to be content with on a tug loaded with refugees from fiat dwellers. Silifri, wounding one. Small Eggs of Silkworm. Patriarch Needs No Help The egg from which the silkworm Baker, Or.— “ Uncle Tom” Keating, cornea la so small that It takes one probably the oldest voter in this coun­ hundred of them to weigh a grain. ty, surprised his many friends at the recent election here when he read and marked his ballot without anyone's aid and without even the aid o f glasses. Mr. Keating is in his 89th year, and was much better informed and readier 'with his judgment as to candidates and measures than many of his younger brothers. Mr. Keating is a resident o f Lower Powder R iver valley, about 20 miles east o f this city. Want Long Hair? M ade b y th e J. C. A T E it I O „ L o w e ll, M — You Con Get Allen'» root-Eosc TREE. W rite A lle n s . Olmsted, I,e Hoy, N. Y . , f o r » free «am ple o f A lle n ’« F o o t - I t cure* sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. I t make« new or tig h t «h o c» ea«y. A certain cure for corn«. Ingrow ing nails and bunion». A ll drug- guta «eU it. U&c. iJon’ t accept any »ubatitul*. 8lmple Club Doings. While Mrs. W. was busy In her kitchen preparing the light refresh­ ments for her bridge club, which In­ cludes the more well-to-do of the neigh­ boring county, Sally Hill, a poor farm­ er's child, came In with a donation of home-made pickles. “ My mother be­ longs to a club, too,” said Sally. "Does she? And what do they do? Play cards?” “ No.” "Sew?” "Oh, no; they just draw names out of a hat to aeo who’ll have the next meeting.” Lad Steals Long Trip. Los Angeles— Henry Wheeling, a 12-year-old boy from Crawfordsville, Ind., who said he had ridden the en­ tire distance on the rear o f automo­ biles, arrived here Thu sday. Young Wheeling was discovered at Pomona. 36 miles east o f Los Angeles, wedged in a large tire on the rear o f a trans­ continental automobile. He was taken out, dined and rode on a seat the remainder o f his journey. The lad aaid the trip required two months. New Typewriter Record Made. New York— Miss Florence F. W il­ son, o f this city, eclipsed all fast type­ w riting records by writing at the rate o f 117 words a minute for one hour. The beat previous record was 112 words a minute. “ Real Fisherman's Luck for Duke’s Mixture Smokers’ Good tobacco and a good r e e l! That’ s surely a lucky combination for the angler— and here’s the way you can have them both. nsr ii__________ _________ _ ter make liquid blue costly. Huy Red Cross liali , Blue, makes clothes whiter than snow. Should Have Some Superstition. We would not give a rap for the \ person who Is without all supersti­ tion. W e would a little bit prefer the I man whose superstitions are pessi-1 mlstlc to the one who is so exceed­ ingly superior as to think there Is no luck In life, no favor nor disfavor In anything that may happen or In any circumstance that may surround our Uvea.— Exchange. Origin of Popular Saying. The origin of the saying that It fakes nine tailors to make a man la thought by some to be a corruption of “ nine tellers make a man," the "tel­ lers” being another name for "tolls" of a bell. The English custom was to strike three times three tolls or “ tel­ lers” on the passing bell for the death of a man. It was three times two for a woman. Two-Edged Sword. Curiosity Is finding out something about somebody else that doesn't con cern you and which would make you mighty mad if somebody else found It out about you when It didn't concern somebody els®— Milwaukee Sentinel. Woman of Narrow Mind. A woman lacking true culture is SPE LLIN G O LD FASHIONED. said to betray by conversation a mind of narrow compass, bounded on the Governor Wilson Says Simplified Way north by her servants, on the east by her children, on the south by her ail­ Is “ Too Bull Moose.” ments, and on the west by her clothes. Princeton, N. J. — President-elect — Burton Klngsland. Wilson does not approve o f simplified spelling. He expressed himself em­ Locusts Blinded Aviator. phatically in opposition to the new A Spanish aviator nearly lost his idea when a contract from the water­ ways department o f the state o f New life by colliding with a swarm of lo­ Jersey was laid before him for his sig­ custs. He was flying at a height of 60 feet when he ran Into the Bwann, nature. A fte r having read the docu­ which bo blinded him that he lost con­ ment he said: “ What kind o f spelling is this? I trol of the machine. see the word ‘ thoroughfare’ spelled Delicately Expressed. ‘ thorofare’ here, and some other long Little Bobby had been eating rasp words contracted in the same man­ berry pie and had left the marks of It ner.” “ This is the simplified method of at both sides of his mouth, when a spelling that has been adopted in our little friend of three came In and said department,” said the clerk who had to Bobble’s mother: “ Mrs. C— , can 1 have some of what Bobbie’s got on brought the contract. “ Well, I don’t approve of it at a ll; his face?” it is too Bull Moose to suit me,” said A La Batrachian. Wilson, laughing. But he signed the A frog, credited with being 100 contract, and it is just as legal as if the words were spelled in the old- years old, has been presented to the New York aquarium, where he Is ex­ fashioned way. pected to remain until he croaks. Woman and Suffrage. I f a woman demands votes, offices and political equality with men, as among the Shakers an elder and elder- ess are of equal power—and among the Quakers— It must not be refused. It Is very cheap wit that finds It so droll that woman should vote.— Ralph Waldo Emerson. And you would lik e long hair? Rich, heavy h air? Beautiful, luxuriant h air? That is perfectly natural, and we are here to help you. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a great aid to nature in producing just the kind o f hair you de­ sire. Do not be afraid to use it. No danger o f its col­ oring your hair. The ingre­ dients are all given on each label, thus enabling your doctor to wisely advise you concerning its use. Consult him freely. He knows. Beauty In Expression. I f the great number of women who believe that they are sadly lacking In beauty who pass valuable time and money In vainly trying to acquire It could but be brought to realize that the highest form of beauty Is that of expression 1 This Is attained by the possession of Inward graces, which frequently transform a so-called plain face Into one more beautiful and win­ ning than the combination of a per­ fect complexion and regular features. The Ginger Man. Sometimes the weather puts ginger into some men. Then there is a kind of man that all the time puts ginger Into everybody around him. Nobody In this old world is more useful to it than the chap who gives his fellow men shots of ginger in all kinds of weather. Rheumatism Neuralgia Sprains Miss C. M a h o n e y , o f 2708 K . St., W . Washington, I).C., writes : “ I suf­ fered with rheumatism for five years and I have lust got hold o f your Lini­ ment, and it has done me so much good. My knees do not pain and the swelling has gone.” Quiets the Nerves M r s . A .W k id m a n , o f 403 Thompson St., M aryville. Mo., writes : — “ The nerve in iny leg was destroyed five years ago and le ft mo with a jerking at night so that I could not sleep. A friend told me to try your Liniment and now I could not do without it. I find after its use 1 can B le e p . ” L IN IM E N T “ Is a good Liniment. I keep it on hand all the time. My daughter sprained her wrist and used your Liniment, and it has not hurt her since.” J o s e p h H atc h er , of Selma, N. C.t K.F.D., No. 4. A t A ll Dealers Price 25c., 60c., $1.00 Sloan’s book on horte*, rattle, hog« and poultry sen t Dr. Earl S. free. Address Sloan, B o s to n , M aas. A ll smokers should know Duke’ s Mixture made by Liggett ¿J* Myers at Durham, N. C. Pay what you will, you cannot get better granulated tobacco for 5c than the big ounce a n d a h a lf sack o f Duke's Mixture. And with each o f these big sacks you get a hook o f cigarette papers F RE E . Get a Good Fishing Reel Free by saving the Coupons now packed in Liggett «J* Myers Duke's Mixture. Or, if you don’ t want a reel—get any one of the hundreds of other articles. In the list you will find something for every member of the family. Pipes, cigarette cases, catcher’s gloves, cameras, watches, toilet articles, etc. These handsome presents cost you nothing—not one cent. They simply express our appreciation o f your patronage. Remember—you still get the same big one and a half ounce sack for 5c —enough to roll many cigarettes. 1 During N ovem ber and D ecem ­ b er only , we will send our new illustrated catalogue o f presents FREE. Simply send us your name and address. Coupons from Duke's M ix tu re may be assorted with tags from HORSE SHOE, J.T.,TINSLEY’S N A T U R A L LEAF. GRANGER T W IS T , coupons from FOUR ROSES ( lOc-ttn double coupon), PICK P LU G C U T. PIED- M O N T CIGARETTES. CLIX Cl- GARETTES, and other tags or coupons issued by us. Premium Dept. f K ik * WM 1^ *V'/rfpAAA/ l JcrJaooo St. Louis. Mo. African Ants. These Insects sometimes set for­ ward in such multitudes that the whole earth seems to be in motion. A corps of them once was seen to at­ tack and cover an elephant quietly feeding in a pasture. In eight hours nothing was to be seen but the skele­ ton of that enormous animal complete­ ly picked. The business was done, and the enemy marched on after fresh prey. Such power have the smallest creatures acting in concert. Slow Suicide. "The entirely self-centered man Is always a man slowly killing himself. . . . Bachelors do not usually llv « as long as married men; yet no ob­ server of the world would maintain that bachelors really take less car« of themselves. No, they are always taking care of themselves, and it 1« the care that shortens their lives.”— “ In Cotton Wool,” by W. B. MaxwelL The Friend In Need. The man who la willing to share his last dollar with a friend can alwaya find the friend, without much hunt­ ing. __________________ i Must Be Warned. The Prussian building code has Just received a rather remarkable amend­ ment. It provides that the huts, for the use of laborers connected with building operations must be suitably w'armed between November 1 and April 1—wThen the outside temperature reaches fourteen (V'grees, that is, j eighteen below freezing. Idea for Poultry Raleera. Electric food and water heaters ar« said to increase hens’ egg laying pow­ ers and to prevent poultry disease« due to cold food. Don’ t buy water for bluing. Liquid blue is al­ most all water. Huy Red Cross Hall blue, the blue that’s all blue. HOW GIRLS MAY AVOID PERIODIC PAINS Fleeting Shade. "B y Jove, I am glad to see you look­ ing so gay and festive!” said Mr. Olde Frend. “ You were all In black the last time I saw you.” “ Yes,” de­ murely replied Mrs. Brown, who had Just taken a second husband; “ but it wasn’t a fast black.” — Judge. Different Kind. W ife (anxiously)—I do wish you were In some other work, dear. I am in constant fear that you will touch a charged wire at the shop.” Hub— “ Oh, the charged wire at the shop doesn’t bother me; what I have more dread about is the charged account at the store.” ^ The Experience of T w o G irU Here Related For The Benefit of Others. Rochester, N. Y . —“ I have a daugh­ ter 13 years old who has always been very healthy until recently when she complained o f dizziness and cramps every month, so bad that I would have to keep her home from school and put her to bed to get relief. Mothers w ill find Mrs. W inslow 's Soothing “ A fte r giving her only two bottles o f Byrup tf e b e s t remedy to use tor their uhiidx&u during #*16 toothing ¿»eriod. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ pound she is now enjoying the best of health. I cannot praise your Compound Up-to-Dat® Cookery. Harassed Prisoner— “ Pray, great' too highly. I want every good mother chief, why do you keep your servant j to read what your medicine has done for tied up so long?” Cannibal King— j my child.” —Mrs. R i c h a r d N. D unham , “ A thousand pardons, dear mission­ 311 Exchange SL, Rochester, N .Y . ary, but we are waiting for the con-! Stoutsville, Ohio. —“ I suffered from signment of paper bags from Sidney.” headaches, backache and was very irreg­ ular. A friend ad­ — Sydney Bulletin. vised me to t a k e Lydia E. Pinkham’s P M SMARTING tilt's Eve Sa 1 1 Ü SORE LIDS V e g e t a b l e Com­ pound, and before I Surely Justified. had taken the whole Txidy Motorlet—"Oh, Mr. Policeman, o f two b o t t l e s I «hen I tell you why I speeded you'll found relief. I am let me go.” Officer— "W hy were you ^ only sixteen year* speeding?" Lady Motorist—” 1 was T j S old. but I have bet­ trying to catch up to that car ahead ter health than for to see how the lady had her hat trim, two or three years. mod.”—New York Globe. I cannot express my thanks for what Lydia E. Pinkham’s 8ome Lose. Vegetable Compound has done for me. -Did you lose much In that bank I had taken other medicines but did not failure, Jim?” asked Hawkins. “ I find r e l i e f . ” — Miss C o r a B. F o s n a u u h , should say I did,” said SlabBldes. “ I Stoutsville, Ohio, R.F.D ., No. 1. had an overdraft of a hundred and Hundreds o f such letters from moth­ sixty dollars In that bank, and gee! ers expressing their gratitude for what bow I had to hustle to make good!”— Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ pound has accomplished for their daugh­ Harper’s Weekly. ters have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, M ass. Ideal Teacher. Blessed le the teacher who Is not No. 47 — ’ l l P. N. U. wasteful of words, who Is not waste­ ful of time, who le not wasteful of opportunities, but who is wasteful of p i « — - J W H F N writ in . In " lion this p*t«r. e miles. I PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10 c package colors silk, w o ol and cotton equally w e ll and is guaranteed to give perfect result«. Ask dealer, or w e w ill send postpaid at 10 c a package. W rit» for fr « « booklet h o w to dye, bleach and mik color«. MONROE DRUG COMPANY. Quincy, iUinola.