All the News Ail the Time ESTACADA PROGRESS E ST A C A D A . OREGON. TH U R SD AY, OCTOBER 31. 1912 NO. 8 OP VOL. 5 iison and Mias Harriet Jellisonof Port­ M AY SUE TH E COURT land, Ur. and M rs. H . V. Adi* E. LaF ollette. ESTACADA STATE BANK CAPITAL - $25,000 Mass Meeting of Divisionists Pass Strong Resolution«. ASK COURT TO RETURN MONEY T h u Refer« to S u m Appropriated O ut of Taxpayer« to Fight Now County- May Invoke Corrupt Practi«#« A ct. W e Pay* At a mass meeting of Cascade county advocates at Boner’ s theatre, Tuesday, attended by represents tives of practically every precinct in the section, strong resolutions were passed calling for legal advice to determine whether suit may be brought to compel the Clackamas county court to put back in the treasury $449.05 appropriated to fight division In 1910 and $143 43 this year. The story published last week by The Progress had been read by al­ most every person in the theatre and the resolutions which were re ported by George EpfWMu of Sandy, J. S. Johnson *4 B a o i and C. C. Miller of Vlo»«, were adopted unanimously. The com­ mittee on investigation is composed of prominent ranchers, as follows: J. A. Randolph, Viola; John Stor- . »».»i».»»« > 4 "NM mer, Spring water; George Upper- son, Sandy; C. C. Miller, Viola; H. F. Gibson, Barton; Adolph Mil­ » ♦ » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ■ M uH h * * * * * * * * * * * ler, George and J. Meiliki, El wood They are empowered, also to de­ termine whether law can be found to prosecute under corrupt practices act both the court and the Oregon City Commercial club members who solicited funds from the court. J. A. Randolph of Viola was chairman of the meeting and P. F. Standish of Garfield, secretary. Be­ fore the county court matter came This store proposes to m ove stock, preparatory to order­ up encouraging reports were heard ing next spring's goods. W e have a fine, line of attractive from every precinct. atteras, at 15 to 3 5 cent« a roll; were 20 to 4 5 cents, on Time Certificates This bank will receive contributions to any and all national political parties and transmit same free of cost, to the proper finance committee. m Only Paper in East Clackamas Cleanup on Wall Paper largains! Get ready for W inter by securing one of our W arm R ugs, Prices $15 to $23, for the 9 x 1 2 kind. Smaller rugs"$2.50 to $4.50 Special Beds $10.75, cream or brass finish. Blankets, cotton or woolen, Bedding. C osy rocking chairs for the L iving R oom . ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. W . D . and L . M . Henthom, Proprietors Odd Fellows Building M ay Condemn Route Over Stubbe Tract for W ater. A s m first step toward improving the water system of Estacada the city council at a special meeting, Friday night, passed a resolution to begin condemnation proceedings to take the main across the Mary Stubbe land above the intake. Ac­ tion was taken as a result of the ap­ pearance before the council of Prof. F. B. Guthrie, bead of the agricul­ tural department of the high school, who told of an investigation the physics class made recently of the system. It was suggested a filter might do temporarily, but the coun­ cil would like to follow out the plan of using pipe from the intake to a second reservoir to be established above the Stubbe farm. The council ordered the return to Parker St Wilkinson, saloon men, of $158, same being for licenae time ■ till to run when the city was de­ clared dry. The council met Tuesday to in­ spect plans and specifications for the new sewer district and the as­ sessors will get busy immediately Mayor Reed and Alderman Lind- aey, Underwood, Mil's and Haw­ kins were present at both meetlugs. Onr dubbing rates will help you to save money. ADDITION NEWS BRIEFS. Mrs. W. A. Heylman attended the Ladies of the Maccabees ban­ quet at Portland, last Tuesday night. Judge Samuel White, an orator, will speak for the democrats next Monday night, taking the place of Harry Lane, who is compelled to campaign in Portland. Notice for Licciue. Notice It hereby given that the undersigned. Hen­ ry Raymond, will make application at tha first meet­ ing of the city council of Estacada. Oregon, after November I t . 19 12, for a license to aell at retail In­ toxicating beverages, including vinous and malt liquor« In the City of Estacada for the year 1912-13. Said sale of liquors Is to be conducted In a building located on lot 2. block 4. City of Estacada. HENRY RAYMOND. Raymond Makes Statement T o the T axpayers and Voters o f Ea- tarada: I f I am granted a license I propose to operate in a building located at the com er o f Main and Second streets, known as the Michaels building. 1 propose to put a partition through the center o f the building using the front part as a liquor stone and the rear end for a bar with main entrance on Second street, thus avoiding tha nuisance o f the main business thoroughfare and out o f sight o f people going to and from the depot. I f the license is granted it will add to the c ity 's finances, also avoid a heavy tax. which otherwise will have to be paid and restore all trade that now goes to Oregon City, Sandy and other places tributary to Estacada. I guarantee to run a first class place. HENRY RAYMOND. (Paid Advertisem ent.) Grows First Class Cora on Place Across the River Clark Denny who owns a tract of land across the Clackamas has been experimenting with white dent corn the past four years and has had good success, this season picking over 23 bushels from a half acre, after feeding his stock out of the patch a month, Mr. Denny brought to The Pro­ gress office several stalks each bear­ ing a 9 inch ear of fully matured corn. The stalks were 9 and 10 feet high. He also brought a sam­ ple of pop corn which thrives well. Mr. Denny is firmly of the belief that corn can be made a big crop in the Estacada country and next year will plant several acres. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS. CASCADE WAGON STARTS and G. A t the evening Mr. and M in H a rriet Jettison o f Portland, entertained at d im e r Mr. and Mrs. C. C . Baling. M r. and M r«. E. E. S alln f, Rev. Browne Speaks Up. A lter the service o f on e term as Coun­ ty Assessor o f Clackamas County, I have concluded to seek the election for the il term . I ask that you investigate m y past record and should it meet your pproval I would appreciate your support the regular election in November. In conclud ing my first term o( office, I take this opportunity to thanjc you on behall o f m yself and corps of deputies, for the many courtesies shown us. W e have worked hard to m ake a fair and im partial assessment of property and have constantly been untile to feel that our labor has lieen appreciated. Sincerely Yours, A report has come to the writer that he is afraid and dare not publicly state his opinions regarding the question o f license or non license o f the saloons in Estacada. That because o f tho adher­ ence o f certain people to the M . E. church, who are supposed to be in favor For Cash G ive me a trial and rest assured you will be dealt with honestly. Remember E. D. ALLEN c ip le to ha c o rra c t." B y W U I H . D a l y , Prssidsnt, Oregsa Stute Federation o f I-ubor : “ .No argu­ ment eaa successfully combat tho Weusdt to the stats that will follow the adoptioa of the m illags tax piali.” E a d s n s d b y P s r lla n d T u a rs L sa g n a . Phone, Main 112 P ay« (THESE NUMBERS WILL Bill preparad by committee o f Qovsr- Commission, Hoards of Regents, and administrativa officesn o f the twe las ti tati one. B or’s I BAR 3 IM Q L E T A X IN O R E G O N f \ Q\A/ W . K. NRWKLL cn aiB M ax o r a o v a a n a a 'a C o m m ission Livery, Feed & Sale A g a i n s t SincÀeTax O U oXYes S TA B LE W . A. S in g lçjax. JO N E S C la c k a m a s PR O PR IET O R Good rigs and careful drivers always SPECIAL Given ATTENTION Hunting and Fishing Parties Estacada Pharmacy O LD Calwar- Secure Your Winter Reading THE the Place — TH E PLANING M ILL STAND! B y E~ R . « I t w s a , Stato Saperia tendent Publia Instruction : “ Expórtenos In other states shows m illag« hill prim j For Cash are guaranteed to be as represented. The Bill is endorsed by O s i w a l l W e s t ! “ This Bill is In the Inter*«» ef good business nod should pass.” T o Benjamin E. Joy, the above named defendant: In the name o f the State o f Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and I answer the complaint filed agairat you in the above entitled court and cause, on or b e fo re Friday the 29th day of N ovem ber, A . D. 1912, and if you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff for w ant thereof will apply to the c o u r t: for the relief prayed for in the c o m -! plaint, which is that the marriage now existing between you and the plaintiff be forever dissolved. Most A ll of first class quality and weights i an. S U M M O N S FO R P U B L IC A T IO N In the Circuit Court o f the S tate o f Ore. F O R T H E C O U N T Y OF CLACK AM AS Elgivia M . Joy Plaintiff va Benjam in E . Joy, Defendant, or on Sale at $2.00 Estacada Merc. Co. K II rspaala tha « « « « . « — alty ap pro priation M il. I Cold Handle and Chicken Feed. It provides six-tenths of a mill tax for support o f Agricultural College and Uni­ versity of Oregon, giving them peruio- sen t support snd taking them out ol ittle«. It also provides one Hoard of i n t o , thus solving tho prohlemo of eo-operetloa, consolidation, division of sourtee and economy o f ■ninngeiuoah. J. E. JACK of our Discount Family I am handling a full line of Grain Vote for Millage Bill Number 320 X Yes County Assessor. ____________IM 4 Advartlsamant.] A COLD HANDLE NEW FEED STORE ! (Paid Advertisement) ![ REMEMBER A HOT IR O N more so than his accusers. y / . R. F. B R O W N E . fo r A sse sso r. This summons is served upon you by publication order o f the Hon. J. U . Cam pbell, Judge o f the Circuit Court o f the S tate o f Oregon, for Clackamas County, which order is dated October 16, 1912. The date o f the first publication o f this summons is October 17, 1912, and the last publication Novem ber 28th, 1912. PR IC ES $1.25 & UP. Most Begiuing Friday, Nov. 1, there will be staff work in all the degrees. o f saloons, he dare not make a public stand. The writer once and for all Work in the Initiatory degree will states that he intends to vote against be put on Friday evening. Nov. 1. license, and will use all legitim ate Lodge opens each Friday evening _ m eans in his power to prevent sam e. Degree work 1 but does not intend to be used as a at 8 o’clock sharp at 8:30. A large attendance is de­ “ catspaw to pull the chestnuts out o f the fire for the m onkey.” Perhaps sired. when it comes to a real vote, the writer O. E. S m i t h , Noble Grand. will be found to be as loyal or perhaps C is d iA lt Call in and let us show you our many styles of heaters. effectively advertising the county division movement. The oxen ate intelligent animals and obey the line and bitt as well as horses and make their four miles an hour without trouble. Bert Byers is along as pilot and booster for Here is one of the many new ones I Stand 3 Hot Irons and Cascade. The wagon is a typical schooner such as early Oregonians F O R O N E B O O K O F S T A M P S used to cross the plains. Men and women dressed in costumes WOOD & LUMBER CROSS A N D H A M M O N D o f before the w ar and so frazzled that Local am! Long Distance Telephone Attorneys for Plaintiff a scarecrow would have hesitated be­ fore accepting the raim ent, thoroughly enjoyed a “ hard tim es p arty’ ’ held by the ladiea o f the Christian church last Thursday evening at the I. O . O . F. hall. A big crowd took in the cafeteria luncheon served by the ladle« and after A « the newspaper man i« ro prona to exclaim , “ Now is the Time to Sub­ the tabiee had been cleared away a s c r ib e " for any and all o f your favorite periodicals and publications. grand march waa organised, which the W e have them and can give you clubbing rates and secure them for you judges, W . Givens, A l Lindsay and U . S. Morgan viewed. A s a result they cheaper than you can yourself and save you expense and the risk o f sending. picked out the pooreat dressed couple« who receivRi prizes. Mr*. A l Havens Let U» renew your subscription. Subscribe through this Agency. and Edwin Bates won for adults and Thelma Eschleman and Joe M arks for W e have Review o f Reviews, W om an’s Hom e Companion, Ladiea Home Jour« juveniles. G am es and singing were nal. Cosmopolitan, M cClure’s, Popular Mechanic«, All Story, Popular, Saturday other features o f the evening's enjoy­ Evening Post, in fact any and all of the best publications. m ent. _________ * M r. and Mra. C. C . Saling at their home in Currinsville last week had as dinner guesta M r. and M rs. W . D . Jel- This is a very handsome air tight Heater, with heavy cast linings which are ventilated. j B. Lee Paget, Prohibitionist can­ didate for the United States Senate addressed a good crowd here Satur­ day afternoon, in the interests of his candidacy. Mr. Paget made bis position on tho subject of pro­ gressive legislation clear, insisting that he stood not only for naiion wide prohibition bat for all practi­ cal progressive measures, stating his sincere belief that on this plat­ form, he was going to receive a splendid endorsement trom the peo­ ple in the shape of votes. YEAR For wood fuel 18 weight 1301b. $14,50 “ “ “ 20 “ 1401b. $1 55) << it 22 *• 1551b. $16 50 N(GK SCHEEL IS AT THE HELM T he Ladies Aid o f the Eagle Creek Catch* Saga« Originated by O r. Adia church held their semi-monthly m a tt­ and Painted by Rev. Browne Adver- ing at the home o f Mrs. Iloyce Isat tiae Need of County Diviuon. W ednesday. A very pleasant after­ noon was spent, nearly every member “ Our Roads are Rough; present and tw o new ones added to the Our Traveling T ough; list. A ll showed • very lively interest, Give U s Y our Votes, which promises good for the growth of Please, T h a t’ s Enough.” the society. Officers were elected for the coming year aa follows: M rs. 1 Vote 318 X Y e s for Cascade County, Strahl, president, Mra. M. C. Glover, l uss T axes, Better Roads anil Schools vice-president; Mra. G arrett, treasurer; an(j p rogreHS M rs. Rose Suter, secretary. The Aid is also planning a baxaar to be held in Cascade County’ s prairie schooner W ilb ern ’a halt N ov. 22nd. A fine with Nick Sched of Bissel driving chicken supper will not be the least on an ox team, ‘ Buck and Bright,’’ is the program and everyone will be wel­ com e, from the oldest to the youngest. now at Portland giving the people E fforts will he made to make tho affair of that city a chance to see old time both profitable and amusing to all. Fur­ methods of travel and incidentally ther notice to appear later. Paget Makes Speech. A SUPERIOR HEATER WITH CAST LININGS Prairie Schooner, Ox Team Parades Portland M r. and M rs. J. A . Somer and Mr*. L. E. Beifils. A n hour at card* followed, W rite in Given«' Name. W. Givens, who was nominated for justice of the peace at the pri­ mary, has been notified bis name will not appear on the ballot be­ cause he failed to send in an accept­ ance, after he bad been nominated by writing in his name. The law is .that a petition should have been circulated for bim, thus eliminating an acceptance. He was notified that he had been nominated and supposed that an acceptance was unnecessary. All persons desiring to vote for him, should-write in his name next Tuesday. $1 IS HEADQUARTER FOR BOOKI AND STATIONARY «VW S, V «I T .. 1 «w Lfaju» Co.