DOIÑGSOFTHEWEEK GREEKS LEAVE FOR FRO NT. M L DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE /S tantqn ^\A/TM Steal Mills Depopulated By D eparture ot F oreigners. Chicago—G rave fears are expressed LINN TIMBER ALL SA FE. by Gary, Ind., officials th a t the “ Steel H O O D RIVER HAS REPUTATION _____ ' 4 C ity ’’ will be depopulated unless som ething happens soon th a t will No F orest Fires O c cu rre d in County A pplet Bring T o g eth er People From This S um m er. Many L endl. stop the w ar in the Balkans. The A lbany—For the first tim e in more Hood R iver—Seven men sa t in the g re a t steel m ills, piled to the lim it w ith orders, are being badly crippled. than a q u a rte r of a century Linn reading room of the Com mercial club th e o th er evening. One laid down his W ithin the last week m any Ser­ county has passed through a sum m er G eneral Resum e o f Importen» E ventt paper, then another, until the seven o f i f Game anJ /he Cancffe w ithout a fo rest fire. vians, M ontenegrins, Greeks and Bul­ w ere engaged in conversation. N a t­ P re se n ta d In C o n d en ted Form Though this was p a rtially due to Tie Mercury e/c. garians have departed to join the u ra lly the talk turned to apples, and fo r O u r Buey R eeders. allied army, and now 400 Macedonians heavy rains the system of protection th en to orchards. Four of the men have announced th a t they will cast established by the new fire patrol w ere unacquainted w ith any o f the -9S Jtr/he*/A«seu /36c. On one acre he cleared over $300, do­ pairs of golden pheasant* have been gained a t Lowell. He looked very was devoted to anim als. It covered B u tte r—Oregon, cream ery, b utter, Prince Gets Nickname. ing little or no cultivation. L ast released in a reserve for gam e con­ young and strangely grave, as the sun­ opened a free anim al dispensary in twenty-live acres and was divided Into cubes, 36ic pound; prints, 30Jo/,37c. London — The Oxford undergradu­ spring he planted a m ixture of w a te r­ sistin g o f several thousand acres east light and tree-shadows flickered back this city are regarded as pioneers In a proper w ards and courts for th* ac­ P ork— Fancy, l i e pound. ates have nicknamed the Prince of melons and muskm elons. For the of this city, and it is th e intention of and forth across bis colorless face and good work. As a m a tte r of fact one commodation of the patients. W hen m ust go to the O rient and look back V eal—Fancy. 13'// 13Jc pound. W ales, who has ju st entered there, past ten days he has been selling these the sta te gam e comm ission to lib erate shining bronze waves of hair. an anim al was sick or Injured It* Poultry — Hens, 12}c; broilers, the “ P rag g er W agger.” It had been melons. Floyd," Stanton articulated hoarse­ more than 2,000 years to find the first m aster had only to bring It to the ho» The m uskm elons average m any o th er v arieties. Farm ers in anim al hospital known. 12Jc; ducks, young, 12jr<£13c; geese, an established custom of the under­ nearly 25 salable melons to the hill, this section have signed up to keep all ly. "F loyd!” H e ; turkeys, live, 18(