DOES OF THE WEEK Current Events of Interest Gathered From the World at Large. AVIATO R SE TS M ARK. American Endurance Hydroplane Flight Record Is Made. Annapolis, Md.— A new American record for an endurance flight was made here in a hydro-aeroplane by John H. Towers, a lieutenant o f the Navy aviation corps. He was contin­ uously in the air for 6 hours, 10 min­ utes and 36 seconds. The best pre­ vious American record, made by Paul Peck, was 4 hours 23 minutes 38 sec­ onds. The distance covered by Lieutenant Towers was approximately 389 miles, with six miles to a lap. When the best previous record was made, Peck covered 176 miles. The course just covered was not a measured one, how ever, and Towers’ distance record not official. The flight was quietly arranged by the American Aero club. Towers rose from the water in front o f the aviation field, across from Annapolis at 6:05 a.m ., and did not touch the water again until 35 seconds after 1 p. m. There was only a glassfull of fuel in the tank when he alighted He had 42 gallons when he started ” ! am ready," he signified. The Mercury camp waa a scene of animated preparation, twenty minutes later, when Floyd emerged from the dense press of arriving spectators and gained the Inclosure. The assistant manager almost received him In bin arms, the rest of the force clustered around. Oay, blithe, triumphant, here. If It wasn’t tor you.” he de­ clared, onoe. -"I'm awfully brlghL” Floyd agreed, but be did not smile. Tbe machines were preparing to go to their stations for the start, Stan­ ton waa In his seat at the wheel, when Floyd came over, and leaning against the car, looked up Into the driver's face “ What have I done?” he naked sins INOUSTniKL DEVELOPMENT OF THE S M SHOW S S T A T E ’S INDUSTRIES. 840 AC RE8 SELL $360,000. Maps In Forthcoming Book o f Graat Largs Tract at Medford Bought By Statistical Value. Oakland, Cal., Company. A valuable statistical description of Medford — The largest real estate the state o f Oregon, its resources and transaction o f 1912 was consummated its industries, will be provided in here when A. A. Davis this week General Resume o f Important Event« booklet now being prepared under the direction of the Oregon State Immi sold to the M. T. Minnie Realty com Presented In Condensed Form gration commission and its chief offi pany, o f Oakland, Cal., 840 acres of fo r Our Busy Readers. per, C. C. Chapman, state immigra land for $360,000. Two hundred acres tion agent. The first edition will be o f the land adjoins the Medford city out about November 1 and will be limits on the East, and until recently Philadelphia’s registration is 17,208 600,000 copies. rest after whet you put him through Pi/- Both meu were still unmasked, their less than four years ago. SYNOPSIS. A, This book will be the first reliable was used as a golf course by the Med out weaL be asked me not to tell you prlvaoy of speech was secured by the ford Country club. The balance i record or condensed statistical com about 1L Hello—454— " Turks continue active prepara A t the beginn in g o f g re a t au tom obile pendium of the resources and Indus orchard property five miles northeast Stanton paused for e moment, dumb, uproar around them. Stanton looked tions for war with the Balkan states rsoe th « m echan ician o f the M ercury, tries o f the state that has ever been of Medford on the Pacific & Eastern S tan ton ’ « tnarhln «. d ro p « deed g lr a n s « then turned on his heel end went out grimly beck. "Lied to me. You were net kept California women suffragists held prepared. Every figure and state Railroad, 430 acres being in young youth. Jesse Flo yd , volu nteers, and Is a c­ He was so stunned and bitterly an­ cepted. In the rest du rin g the tw e n ty - away from New York by work with the first political convention ever held ment will be based upon data which apple and pear orchard from two fou r hour rsce Stanton meets a stran gsr, gered that little red flecks danced be­ exclusively by women. M ies Carlisle, w ho Introduces h e rse lf T h « fore ble vision. Floyd bad lied to btin. Green, or any other work, for the lent has been obtained from every avails five years o f age. M ercu ry wins ra ce Stanton re c e iv e « two weeks.” The new owners will plant the bal flow ble source o f national, state and local ers fro m M iss C arlisle, w hich he Ig­ systematically deceived him; In order A revenue cutter in San Francisco A tinge of scarlet streaked Floyd's records, and will have been rechecked ance to orchard, subdivide and sell it nores. Stanton m eets M ies C a rlisle oa e to escape from bis too pressing friend­ bay fired upon a smuggling launch train. T h e y a lig h t to take w alk, and several times and revised to present in small tracts. lie remembered that pallor, he bent his head. but was unable to stop or overtake her train le a v e « Stan ton and M lse C arlisle ship, no doubt, The orchard property which brought fo llo w In auto. A ccident by w hich Stan the mechanician had always shrunk “ Yes, I lied to you,” be admitted. date, so far as possible. la hurt Is m ysteriou s. Flo yd , a t lunch Stanton’s gauntleted hand closed on President T a ft and party on a vaca The only illustrations will be 13 $400 an acre consists of a square mile ton w ith fUanton. tells o f his boyhood. S ta n ­ from his personal advances and only tion through Vermont were enter­ maps showing complete statistical di of land, bisected by the railroad. The ton a ga in m eets M iss C a rlisle and th ev yielded to tbem under compulsion. his wheel. l a e to g eth e r S tan ton com es to track entire tract is under water. It There was no need. Your time was tained by a son of Abraham Lincoln. rections upon the following public •■ok, but m akes race. T h e y h ave acci­ Now he understood th# letter which themes: Educational institutions of ideally located for orchard purposes dent. F lo y d hurt, but not seriou sly. At he had received the previous night your own. Floyd; I claimed no control Prosecutions [In the dynamite cases dinner F lo v d telle gta n ton o f his tw in The land is well drained. Included over you. I don’t know why you did It, the state, creameries, cheese factories charge that it was at one time planned , l*le r. Jessica Stan ton becom es v e r v III from Green, and Mr Bailey's confused New York— Postoffice inspectors of and condenseries, precipitation map, are the buildings at Davis and the and lo se« consciousness. On re cov ery , at answer to his question about Floyd. to be rid of me for a while, I suppose, to blow up the lucks on the Panama hotel Stunton re ceives In vita tion and but the reason doesn't matter. Last two countries, secret service men and map showing the distribution o f pop­ townsite. The Minnie company will hie canal. visits Jessica. T h e y go to th e a ter to g e th ­ He had been put off to be amused by the W. J. Burns detective agency are ulation by counties, map showing carry out Mr. Davis’ original inten er and m eet M ies Carlisle. Stanton and Jessica, until Floyd was again ready night I thought a good many wild A t the capture o f Leon, Nicargua, investigating the mysterious disap­ rural population distribution, a com tion o f subdividing and selling F jo yd m eet a ga in and talk business things about you. and your sister, but T h e y a gree to op era te au tom obile fa cto ry to use him In the plans for tbs Comet by Americans, 3 were killed and pearance o f a registered mail package pendium of the forest reserves in Ore­ small tracts. The property is laid out ae p a rtn ers F lo y d becom es suspicious o f factory. Jessica! Stanton stopped this morning I've got my grip again. wounded, while the rebel loss was containing $200,000, consigned from gon and separate maps locating the with roadways for division into five, Miss C arlisle. Stanton a gain visits Jes­ Had Jessica No doubt you had all you could stand sica, and th ey b-enm e fa st frien d s S ta n ­ short In the dark hall. over 50. Havana to the National Park bank, of distribution o f swine, horses, dairy seven and ten-acre tracts. Mr. Davis ton becom es suspicious o f M iss C arlisle also deceived him? Was she too play­ of me, I'm not precisely lovable and purchased the property five yearB ago Just b efore Im porta n t ra ce tir e « needed cattle, beef cattle, minerals, railroads ing a part In order to keep him in a I would have understood If you had Postal inspectors have found part this city. fo r S tan ton 's c a r a re delayed. The loss was discovered last Wed and fruits. Each o f these maps will at a fraction o f its present value, but o f the $200,000 stolen from a regis good humor? He struck his clsnched lust told me so. But I will hays no asserts he can do the same thing over cover half a page in a 92-page book tered mail sack en route from Havana nesday or Thursday, when a ragis hand violently against the wall beside friend I can't trust all the way. Get CHAPTER X I— (C o n tin u ed ). again Ind probably will. In— we will finish this race, and pnrL" tered mail pouch from Havana was with pages sized 5$ by 8$ inches. to New York. The assistant manager stared In a him. There w ill also be brief descriptive Floyd raised his head and gave te opened in the New York postoffice. reproach touched with hyaterla. His "W hat’s that?" cried the affrighted Fnrique Maza. a Cuban newspaper When and where the package disap­ articles upon the soil, climatic and collar was wilted, his eye glasses den Mr. Green, within the room. "Who— " the stern scrutiny hie candid gray E LE C TR IC LINE PRO M ISING . man, who recently assaulted Hugh S, peared, whether in Havana, aboard geographical qualities of Oregon gled by their cord. "I ran against the wall. In the dark," eyes. Gibson, the American Charge d ’Af- ship or the train which brought it or written by eminent authorities upon “ Stanton, trust me all the way now," Stanton called, his voice a little Buy them? Buy enough racing faires, was sentenced to two and The book has Grand Ronde Citizens Pleased Over Urea fitting the Mercury to last you hoarse, but evenly controlled. "Good he appealed. "Can yon do that? Caa thereafter, no one has been able to those special lines. Prospects Now. half years’ imprisonment. been arranged by Lester Davis, of you take my word that your friendship discover. for a three hundred mile road race, night.” Postoffice authorities are working Salem, who has served as active ed La Grande— Grand Ronde citizens and get them here by to-morrow morn­ "Good night. W e’ll fix things all is the only thing in the world I want? Instead o f going to church last Sun zealously on the case in the two re­ itor. Many o f the maps and figures are much pleased over the prospects ing? What’a the matter with you. right, Stanton; you take a good sleep.” If I deceived you. It waa so I could be day the neighbors o f Mrs. Marguerite here to race with you to-day. I will publics, as a matter o f course, while were prepared by the department of for an electric line which is to girdle Stanton?" “ I shall,” promised the driver. Field, a noted writer o f Los Angeles tell you afterward. I can't now." private detectives have been set to animal husbandry at the Oregon Agri the valley. Much talk has been going He did not. Well, since there le nothing to do gathered and built her a new house, "You mean— ” work by the shipper, whose name is cultural collgee. the rounds the past few years o f the but eat, come to dinner. Floyd." eald At seven o'clock, the next morning, to replace the one destroyed by fire a The pamphlet was designed primar feasibility o f such a line and several the other. not revealed. The National Park Floyd held out his hand Ur. Green burst into the hotel dining­ week before. ‘T v# got everything badly mixed up, bank has no more than a normal in ily to benefit and inform the prospect­ parties o f capitalists have had the room where Stanton was at breakfast It Isn’t dinner. It’s cupper,” cor­ The clerk of the Cleveland Juvenile terest in the case, as by no possibility ive Oregon immigrant, but will be for matter under consideration, though rected his mechanician. ’’This le the "He's got them! They’re coming," but It’s clean to offer you, Stanton." free distribution within the state, and nothing o f moment has been done un­ As swiftly Impulsive as bis condem­ can the loss fall upon it. and Insolvency court will Bummon he rejoiced maniacally. "The car w ill serve as a valuable reference til lately. A survey extending from country and you had your dinner at jury composed entirely o f ball-players wasn't at Brighton, but be located It nation was Stanton's movement as he noon. But I’ll come, anyhow.” MRS. SAGE BUYS BIRD ISLE. book for everyone. It will be bound La Grande to Cove, thence to Imbler bent to give tbe clasp. to serve during the winter, Baying At the table In the course of the ten miles farther over, on a sldtng. in paper and be fit for use as a text and back via Alice! and Island City "A ll right,” he said curtly. “ Get In; they are trained to think and act And he raised such a disturbance meal, a small tea pot was set before Many ap­ having just been completed. without hesitation and should make Refuge for Migratory Flocks In Gulf book in the public schools. around the express people’s ears that I ought to have given you a chance." Stanton. plications have been received already Purchased for $160,000. The surveying party worked with good jurymen. they unloaded the tires then and there, And as the other obeyed: "I didn’t "Chocolate, sir,” he was apprised. by the commission from persons who the utmost secrecy, and no definite in­ and rushed out two motor trucks to mean to meet you as I did. an hour New York— Announcement is made "Why, you had none at luncheon!" The first farm survey ever attempt­ knew that the book was in the process formation could be gained. Rumors, cart them across to us. They'll be ago, anyhow; It slipped me." that Mrs. Russel Sage has purchased The pompadoured waitress giggled. ed west of the Rocky mountains is in of production. Their names will be however, have it that the company "They're signaling," warned Mr. "No. sir. But the gentleman sent a here by eight and the race starts at Green, hurrying over. "Are you ready? progress in the Waldo hills and Marsh Island, off the coast o f Louis- placed upon the waiting list prepara­ which owns the Boise and Idaho Inter nine. I have been up all night—an ana, and will make of it a bird refuge boy after some and came down and Howell prairie section o f the Wiliam urban lines is the one interested in hour ago It looked as If you would Both of you?” for all migratory birds. It is Mrs. tory to the first distribution. ette valley, Oregon. Issuance of the book and an appro­ this new project. The route as pro­ saw the cook, and cook's that fond of have to be withdrawn from the con­ From bis place beside Btanton, Sage’s intention to dedicate the island nonsense, and she fifty-four next De­ test for lack of a few seta of rubber Floyd turned s face of Incarnate sun­ Aviator Walsh was killed while at- in perpetuity to this purpose. The priation o f $25,000 to cover the cost jected covers only the level portion cember— " tires. That fool tire company 1” He shine to the assistant manager, a face tempting the “ spiral g lid e " at Tren plans o f administration have not yet o f publication was authorized by an o f the valley. However, it is under Stanton looked across Into Floyd’s act o f the 1911 legislature. How­ stood that Summerville, lying in the wiped his forehead. “ Don't you want so changed In Its color and glow and ton, N. J. been made. Mrs. Sage will place the mirthful gray eyes. to*come out to the course, after you warmth that all who saw drew breath control in whatever hands seem best. ever, there was no provision in the extreme north end of the level valley I hadn’t anything better to do." One was killed and 55 injured when It has not been decided yet whether bill making anyone responsible for the and Elgin, lying a little further north finish here? Floyd Is due on the train In sheer wonder. "W e’re ready," his lilting tones as­ a runaway streetcar in Pittsburg jump­ these hands w ill be those o f the Fed­ disbursement o f funds, so Governor across a small range o f hills, will bid was the malicious explanation. "And which arrives In fifteen minutes, If he ed the track and struck a telephone eral government, the State o f Louis- West refused, temporarily, to release for the line to be extended to their I wai afraid your nerves would go to Isn’t smothered by the crowd. 1 never sured. "Don’t worry." pieces If you didn't get your usual saw'such a mob of people; they hare the funds, although he approved the towns. Stanton laughed with him, fastening pole. ana or some association organized for drug and then you'd wreck us to-mor­ been coiblng since dawn; all night. In on the mask, and sent the Mercury passage. It was not until last April the purpose. row.” Eight were killed and many injured that he designated C. C. Chapman, rolling forward. The world wa* right PR O JE C T U N IT UNDER WAY. fact,' and thdy’re still coming.” The island cost Mrs. Sage about in a train-wreck in Connecticut. "H e’d coax a bird off a tree, elr," "Yes," acquiesced the other un­ once more, and life sane. $150,000. I t is in the gu lf some 200 state immigrantion agent, to superin­ tittered the departing maid. It was an exquisite morning; wind­ emotionally. His dark face gave an Railroads count on a much heavier miles southeast o f New Orleans. Its tend the publication. Since that time Reclamation In Lost River Country to "Give me your cup and have some,” less, cool, with happy little effects of colonist travel to the Coast this year length is about 18 miles and the the book has been in the process of Start Immediately. Stanton briefly commanded. snowy cloud against a cobalt-blue than last. width nine miles at the broadast part. preparation. The state will pay the Klamath Falls— The contract for sky. The October air was a summer- Going to throw It at me. like you The area is approximately 75,000 cost o f distributing 200,000 copies. Mine owners at Ely, Nev., have de­ the second unit o f the United States did that jug of water on the first night distilled cordial, an ethereal Intoxi­ acres. The birds will be given abso The Southern Pacific railroad has or­ cided to close the mines for the winter cant. The racers bad no time to no­ dered a purchase o f 100,000 for its reclamation work on this project has we raced together?" teased hJs com­ lute protection from poachers o f every on account o f the strike. panion. obeying. own distribution and the Hill officials been let. The bids were opened Au­ tice 1L Yet the effect was there. The description. gust 20, and forwarded to Washing­ speed made on the first laps was reo- are contemplating a similar order. Stanton's bead lifted slightly, the re­ Bulgarian troops have crossed the ton, D. C., and the contract has now ord breaking gard In which he enveloped Floyd was Turkish frontier and a battle is re­ ICE INVASION PREDICTED. been completed by the secretary of almost savage In Its leap of Intense The brown or gray streak of road Potato Harvest Begins. ported in which 400 were killed. the interior. ahead, the deadly turns, the treacher­ and tenacious passion. Such a glance La Grande— To accommodate the The board o f health o f Vancouver, Scientist Says AM Human Skill Will It is believed that the season is so from man to woman would have been ous smooth hill down which It was so immense potato crop o f the Elgin Wash., has aboslihed public drinking Be Needed to Fight Glaciers late that only enough work will be easy to make speed and still more declaration, from man to man it was country, H. H. Weatherspoon is build­ cups and glasses o f every description. done this fall to comply with the terms easy to meet disaster— for the first not a thing to be voiced. Floyd him­ Ithaca, N. Y .— " I have no doubt ing a frost proof addition to his ware­ o f the contract, which requires 10 per hour Stanton had no attention to spare self faltered before It, startled Into A Los Angeles court has decided that we are now in an inter-glacial house in Elgin. The addition is 240x cent o f the whole excavation to be pallor. from these. Moreover, the spectators that loan sharks cannot collect the period similar to those which have 40 feet and will house 410,000 sacks done by December 81, 1912. were massed over the course In many "You can throw It at me, If you like, wage of a victim rhen his w ife and already existed, and in future the hu­ f potatoes. The potato digging will The work is divided into seven places, recoiling Just enough to leave and square up,” was all Stanton said, man race will have to use all its begin at once, and a hundred or more children need it. schedules and covers more than 300,- a lane for each car's passage, and sc and reached for the sugar-bowl with knowledge in another fight fo r its life men will be needed to care for the Imposing another anxiety upon the bis customary nonchalance. Thirty-four young married couples against the encroaching ice,” said crop. The excellent prices obtained 000 cubic yards of excavation. The steel '’ ■'me across lost, river is drlvera who knew the swerve of a fool 'Thanks; It’s boiling, I guess I returning from their honeymoon on an Professor Nathaniel Schmidt, o f the for potatoes last year and the public­ must bring death to gome one. Atlantic liner, formed an "A n ti-N a g ” history department at Cornell. ity gained by that neighborhood by its being built by the Reclamation ser­ won't," Floyd acknowledged, But he vice, as is the connecting canal from did not look at the other, and his "Car behind," Floyd’s clear accents league for the purpose o f avoiding any Speaking o f the ice age, he added: shipment of a full trainload o f pota­ the end o f the main canal on the first gave the familiar cautions, from tlms manner was troubled. future family jars. “ 1 wish to call attention to recent toes to Kansas City has given impetus The flume structure is done The meal was ended and the even­ Played Billiards With Three of Hie to time. "He's tryln' to get us befort discoveries in Switzerland o f four dis­ to the industry, which has caused the unit. President Elliott, o f the Northern tinct periods o f glaciation, and to the and the steel on the ground. the turn. The Atalanta'a head In th« ing had commenced, when a telegram Fellow Drivers. planting o f several hundred acres. Pacific will pay $10 per box for the fact that Professor Winchell, o f Min­ came In from New York. dusL” best 10 boxes o f apples exhibited at nesota, has been able to produce The pace maintained waa the fastes« "Car marked Ruby Co. consigned to effect of bronzelike Immobility, his Waldport After Creamery, O LD LAN D 'S YIE LD LARGE. the Northwestern Products exposition definite proofs that Kansas has gone at which the Mercury could be held tf Mercury Co. Coney Island, left here blue-black eyes held steel glints. Waldport— Waldport is elated over at Minneapolis Nov. 12 to 23. "W ell," the assistant manager re­ the road. It was Stanton's way to gain through the same four periods. This the prospect o f a fru it cannery here Tract Farmed Since I860 Produces ast night." the lead first, when possible, thez Mr Green uttered a howl and felt sumed, and paused. important, because it proves the next year. Parties have been looking II Bushels an Acre, The pompadoured waitress was keep a ateady average regardless ol for the telephone. contemporaneousness of the glacial for a site. The coast counties are es­ PORTLAND MARKETS | ages in both hemispheres.” Albany— The remarkable record of They’ve shipped the car to Coney leaning between them, placing a tea­ bis rivals’ spurts of spaed; unless th« pecially adapted to the raising of yield o f 11 bushels o f clover seed an Island Instead of to Long Branch,” he pot on the table. race were too abort to permit such small fruits and vegetables, but owing Wheat—Track prices: Club, 76(a) "Chocolate, sir," she giggled. tactics or the contest too close. Now Uniform Changes Anger. to the cost and risk o f transportation acre on land which has been farmed raged. "The tires must be out at the 77c; bluestem, 80c; forty-fold, 75c; 8tanton pushed back his chair, then at tbe end of the second hour Floyd Washington, D. C.— Naval officers the farmers at present produce only since 1850, was established this sea­ Beach track, or near I t " valley, 77c. made the desired announcement, as "Don't telephone; send some one checked himself as sharply. enough for home consumption and lo­ son by EM Meeker, ex-county recorder are up in arms against the latest or­ "No,” he stated, and set the pot they shot past the grand stand and the MillstufTs— Bran, $21 ton; shorts, Linn county, on his farm seven out there to get them,” advised Stan­ cal trade. Wild berries such as black­ $23; middlings, $20. away from before him. der of the department making changes bulletin boards. berries, blue, black and red huckle­ miles north o f this city. He raised an ton practically. The movement was not violent, but 1 "W e’re leadin'. The tires have been their uniforms. Each -officer will Hay—Timothy, choice, $17(