All the News All the Time NO. 5 ESTACADA E ST A C A D A . OREGON. TH U R SD A Y . OCTOBER io. i y i 2 VOL. 5 of PROGRESS b, iug made, The following officers were elected for theellMiing year.— Pres. Mrs. Howard James; Vice Pres, M rs.J.W . Reed; Treas. Mrs. Jas Somer; Sec. Mrs. W. R. F. Browne, Com. on work Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. McLean. Mrs. Dale. Com. on Church Decoration. Mrs Lewis, Mrs. Bel fils, Mrs. Mattoon. Social and Visiting, Mrs. Kaake, Mrs. Somer, Mrs. Womer. Mrs. Reed, Mrs. VV, H. Mattoon. A r­ rangements were made to hold the Annual Ba/aar and Supper, Dec 6. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Womer's Wednesday, Oct. 16 im­ mediately after dinner, IE, BY 3 TO 1 County Division w i n s i n Gresham Fair straw vote. ESTACADA STATE BANK CAPITAL • $25,000 I HEADQUARTERS ARE OPENED W e Pay” on Tim e Certificates This bank will receive contributions to any : and ail national political parties and transmit - same free of cost, to the proper finance j committee. After Harvest Ring When you have squared away for the fall, why not make, yourself or your wife or girl, a present of a Solid Gold Ring, with or without Jewel ed single The following gfficers and teach- tax and called it confiscation o f lands. ers were elected at the annual meet­ J. D. Stevens followed with an attack ing: Snpt. Prof. B., F. Ford; Asst. on single tax and Mr. Pierce again ad­ Mrs. Reagan; Secy, Mary Woodle: dressed the audience asking it to vote against the millage bill thus keeping Treas. Mrs. Smith; Asst. Sec. Alva Adams; Organist. Rachel Reed; Snpt. of Primary Dept. Miss Eva Wash, with four teachers. The Misses Ellen Hicks. Laura Stormer Myrtle Woodle and Miss Fanning; Men's Bible Class, Rev. A. Demoy Women’s Bible Class, Mrs. Hannah Voting Mens class Prof. Guthrie; Young Women's class, Mrs. Reagan Senior Bov’s class. Hurley Fellows; Intermediate Bovs' class, Mrs.Reed Junior Boys' class. Malcolm Wood­ le, Harry M argan; Senior Girls class, Mrs. Smith; Junior Girls class, Mis a Reagan H EATER If you— gentle reader— are neeeding any of the articles mentioned, you will be doing yourself a rank injustice, if you buy before seeing us (¿¡Js) <¿§ 3 ) <5§3> The Yellow Front Emporium— “ God save the Mark’ ’— stands with opten arms— unconcealed— awaiting your pleasure. W e lo v e a C h e e r f u l B u y e r . We have them and can give you clubbing rates and secure them for you cheaper than you can yourself and save you expense and the risk of sending. The Ladies Aid Society of the Remember the Yellow Front Emporium and Get tlic Habit of Methodist Church met at the par­ Let us renew your subscription. Subscribe through this Agency. Buying at Estacada. sonage last Wednesday for the election of officers. A review of the \ W e have Review cf Reviews, W om aa’ i Home Companion, Ladies Home Jour­ past years work was verv eticourag- j nal, Cosmopolitcn, McClure’s, Popular Mechanics, A ll Story, Popular, Saturday ing the sum of $2 to.00 being earned Evening Post, in fact any and all of the be t publications. Yellow Front Emporium towards the various church ex R F * » MRt-p r * ■ « r* i pen -vs H r w * > 11 ! .-side t < f * [ 1 ,! i Hr & Hardware Co. A