ESTACADA PROGRESS Standing oí the Contestants in the $400 Piano Contest. Given O id tis have been issued to Post­ master Johnson, requiring him to J F. L fivila'c left for Erstem I weigh and classify all mail to and Published f«erv I|iur»d«> Mornioq at by CRUSE BROS. Oregon lo buy grain, from Spriiiguater and to and front »SIATtl»*. ORFGOk H«l> Morton went to Portland Ivstacada rural route. Patrons are C.. H. I. a I'OI.I.I I 1 !•. I 'litor >n.l Mgr. rettirninn Monday. asked to be patient if mail Is a bit late on account of the extra work. W illis Cox left Monday for Hull at the roatcffice ln Fs raduta. Oregon second class mail Run where lie has received a po- This work is to continue 60 days Another order of the postoflice de­ s u b s c r ip t io n r a t e s 1 xition as carpenter. partment is that newspapers must One year .„ ...........00 ; Mrs. J. S. McCurdy left Tuesday Six months .................................... 50 I publish the names of their owners for her home at Paola Kan, where and stockholders and file sworn ADDITION NEWS BRIEFS. Thursday, October 3 , 1912 'she will spend the winter. statett.cuts with the local postmas­ Warren Barr went to Portland yester­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Yocum, ter and at Washington. Vole ‘ *318 X Y es" that means' day to arrange for a ball game here Sun­ last Saturday a son, weight to'., Principal Ford of the Estacada day. Nick Williams of the Portland Cascade county. pounds. schools is endeavoring to induce Northwestern may bring out a bunch. A ll the candidates for president A. W Botkin and Jerome Schultz business men to visit the schools Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jorg returned yes­ ofess confidence in being returned i of Gai field, were among those who and make brief addresses once a terday from Portland where they attend­ Taft talks most con- left for Portland Saturday, to be week. The custom was inaugurated ed the funeral of Mr. Jorg’s father, who a w in n er, died a few days ago at an advanced age. gone a day. fid en tly . | by W . Givens, who spoke last week Job Denning and Mrs Ollivant of Rose The Misses Oussie Gitliens and and suggested that others be asked Most encouraging are reports brought burg, are here visiting Mr. Dennings Mrs. Foster left yesterday for the from the Roundup by Kd Saling, who to appear and give their views. Mr. daughters, Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. W ill­ campaigned for county division among Dalles where they will visit friends, Ford is encountering some difficul­ iams. Mr, Denning is 86 years old but visitors from over the state. .Mr. Salim; j a few days. ty in securing speakers, for the hale and hearty. states that not one person declined to ( E. W . Bartlett combined pleasure business men modestly affirm they vote f >r Cascade county. The only trouble Thistles Blight Potatoes is that many had not heard of the pro- j w ith business at Portland Monday are not speakers. However, the A unique theory is being ad­ posed division, but said the\ hadn't read by ta k in g in the ball g a m e betw een next four weeks have been arranged vanced for the cause of the blight, tliu state voters pamphlet je t. The fact t„ e K„inis , lf , he tw o leagues. for. which has affected the potato crop ” ‘ Cascade ~ ’ c u y is the only measure that A. L. Bigelow, a member of the The Womens’ Christian Tempe- in the Willamette valley this year, ot the sort on the ballot, will attract fa­ mounted police of Portland, accomp­ ranee Union met last Wednesday g onle nf the agricultural experts vorable attention anied by his wife was here visiting at the hom e of Mrs Emmett. After c]aini that the destructive fungus is Ben Selling, republican candidate his brother in-law, I. A. Botiney the regular routine of business, carrie(j py thistle down, blown tor the U. S, Senate has completed and family. A several interesting articles were read across the fields. It is urged that a tour of the eastern section of the Warren Barr who has been away for the good of the Union. These farmers and road supervisors should state and is certain he will be elect- meetings are conducted along the see to it that the thistles are mowed ed He finds republicans, generally abo!,t six weeks v,siUl>« vanous lining up for the ticket. He will ■ ,owns’ «turned Sunday. He lines of Mother’s meetings. Tw elve down before coming to seed. I f this mothers were present. The next is done, it is said that the potato spend some time in Central Oregon I "'orkei1 for 11 vvl“ le at Norlh Y a ' meeting will be at the home of the blight will become unknown. and the last two weeks of the camp-1 konlah «’hich he reports is quite Pres. Mrs Inglish, on Wed. Oct prosperous. ign will be devoted to Portland and At the meeting ofUtlie school 9th. This is to be an all day meet-1 vicinity, School has begun with Miss Wilson board. Monday evening, a few ad­ ing. A ll Mothers are invited. C U V N LWS BRIEFS (I ncorp 6 b * t k i >) J L b l THE V tR V CUT you want 1. what you ¿el uheu you order meat from this market Just the very quantity too. We don't cut off u half a pound or so ov er iu order to increase sales. We don’ t have to. Our meats are so well known that it keeps us busy supplying the demand of regular customers. But we have room for y ou on the list. away Owing to the early issue of The Progress this week, the standing of the contestants for two weeks, will appear in this space next Thursday, Oct. 10. See bulletin board at Cruse’s. p GEORGE These beautiful fall days have started the boys who dote on rain, to moaning about the east wind That ‘ ‘east wind” you hear so much about, apparently is responsible for about every ill. mental and physical that flesh is heir to, if you believe in the theory. It causes aching corns, two-headed calves, single tax the morning after feeling, warts, hook worm, foreclosure of mortga­ ges, torpid liver, panics, peanut politics, obesity, emaciation, ring spavin, poison oak, procrastination, housemaids knee and pip. A number of Pels organs are ham mering a wav at F. M. G ill, since the latter told the people in no un­ certain language and showed it by the single-taxers patron saint, Henry George, that the ultimate end of the propaganda is to make all the land the common property of all the people. I t is a socialistic doctrine and no amount of sugar coating, such as the single tax agi­ tators attempt to use this year, will make the pill any less bitter. Re­ member this is wliat George tbe single-tax apostle says: " It is a ve­ ry easy tiling to sweep away all private ownership of land and con­ vert all occupiers into tenants of the state by appropriating rent. It is necessary only to tax land up to its full value.” A s Gill properly says, do you wish to hold ati empty title to your land and pay a rent to the state instead of tax ? An effort was made to secure the as teacher. ditional seats were ordered and bills A p arty o f young people enjoyed a were allowed. The high school Portland Northwestern league club social evening at the home o f Henry to come here and play Estacada registration is 46. nearly double Johnson, during which games were Sunday, but Manager Nick W ill | played. last year. Nick Scheel m arketed several fat Fanton Bros ' shingle mill has iams said all bis men with the e x ­ resumed operations and will conti­ ception Pitcher Easterly and him-I steers at Sandy, H. Joyner and his mother were at nue ail winter. Better prices for self would leave before Sunday. Ed Eagle Creek. Bartlett interviewed the manager. shingles is responsible for reneved The Rebeccas are planning activity, Shingles are higher now than they have been for four years. for a big time Hallowe’ en when an Cruse Bros, piano contest is be­ entertainment, in keeping with the coming more and more interesting. occasion, and a supper will he g iv ­ There are a good many contestants en at Odd Fellows hall and banquet ia the field and the rivalry promises room. Committees are working out to be brisk. T he plan will be e x ­ the details and the affair promises plained to anyone who calls at the to be a decided event socially. store. Ed Saling. Bob Marchbank, Archie and Harry Howell. Mort Congdon, Bob Duncan were among Estacadans who took in the Round­ up at Pendleton. All agree that it was the biggest and best e' er and well worth seeing, even tor a west­ ern man. T. F. Murray, R. P. Parker and Aldermen Jones and Underwood, returned Thursday evening from an eight d a js outing in the mountains. They landed 110 deer but caught many fish. The trailers claim the weather is too dry for deer, but su­ fficiently wet for trout, Peter Rath, road boss, is making some good improvements on the road. Henry Johnson hauled lumber from Sandy. There will be i> mission feast a t the George church, October 6. Kveryuody invited. The ladies w ill serve lunch at noon. Miss Irene Paulsen went to Portland to accept a position. Mrs. W. T. W right of Roseburg Gus Jennsen was home on a visit. stepmother of Mrs. L. E. Belfils Frank Marshall is working for Mr. and aunt of Miss Fanny Campbell Henderson. who visiled here is the guest of Mr, William Held secured some seed oats j from Ed Miller of Viola, & Mrs, L. E. Belfils. Miss Irene Hunt, daughter o f 1 Carl Rath is improving his place by . C a .t_ putting up . .. a wire c fence along the road. of the . , 4 , . „ ^ , , . Mr. and Mrs. Scheel were guests of P. R. L. & P. was here last week Mr anJ Mrg K|inker- visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewing FOR S A L E — 40 acres in Iilwood and Mrs. Gertrude Grimm. S. E. of N .E 3 acres improved From a two acre patch oi potatoes F. J, Harkenrider dug •-■ oq sacks, a good with house and barn, balance in V ¡eld. The t»t»crs were all of excellent burnt timber, easy to clean practic'y quality. The first half acre yielded 100 level and good water, Price $1500 sacks. Apply to C. E. Surfus, Elwood. James D, Benson went to Port -1 Oregon. 50-5 land yesterday evening, to act as Jewelry work of all kind neatly best man at a wedding and is visit- ¡an- promptly done, L allatt. FOR R E N T — Tw o 5 room cott­ ing the Gresham fair today. ages, city water, electric lights and A. |. H am m er of W ap initia has been - . . bath. Inquire Dr. A flix. tf. v isitin g F. J. D avis several d ays. He 1 t They have it— good fresh vege- will leave for home today. Chris Johnson of George was in tables. G o and see them. Fred Jorg. town Tuesday on business. . ^ .. rw rx TT Traffic Manager F. D. Hunt Y Y Palace Meat Market The Hotel Estacada A L L M ODERN C O N V E N IE N C E S D r . L. A. W E L L S Local and Tourist Trade Solicited D E N T IS T PO RTLAND. OREGON Will 1 The Best Light At I The Lowest st § ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suit­ § able for homes, offices, shops and other s I $ § § % places needing lights, Electricity can be used in any quantity,large or small, there­ by furnishing any required amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps can be located in any place, thus affording any desired distribution of light. No other lamps possess those qualifi­ cations, therefore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. -------------- I Portland Railway, Light 4 Power Co. § § A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W and ' , N O T A R Y P U B L IC g 3 E stacad a, Oregon J. W. MILLER BLACKSMITH K X I'E K T HOKSBSHOKK All work guaranteed J . V. BARR 33 B L A C K S M IT H li still at the old stand and w illirg to do any of the work in his line GIVE HIM A CALL Team Work and Hauling the Day or Contract 33 3 0 W. M. Y NCE The Oregon Fire Relief A*so- ciation of McMinnville with f2.t2.ouo reserves, solicits your business through 3 . The dance givcu by the committee of 1 will likely spend tile winter, return- ladles last Saturday evening was »trend jng to Oregon in the spring. Mr. ed by a large number of invited quest- Murrav will Irv to dispose of his and proceeds of the «Hair went to tin . . , . x . , » , .... music whs furnished , . . business and home at Oxford, K - piano fund. The nuiMc fore coming west. He says he by the Estacada nvh» ti. 1 hopes to spend no more winters in The Duplicate Whist club met at the t , . , home of Mr. M ond ay «,„1 even in g Mr». K W U -.rlM t,, ,,R ‘ M ,Udk' U/ St' w llere th e P™J>le Two tables ,Urtici- are eiilier frying or freezing most of ' the time. We deal in all kinds of building material including Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Sand, Gravel, Lime, Plaster, Brick. Cement, Etc. All orders promptly filled. J o h n B ro w n Gresham. Oregon Phone G re s h a m . S I 3 Or leave word at this office I also have the OREGON MERCHANTS i and BEAVER STATE INSURANCE COS. L U M K lX A A M i h U b B k s i w K l S I S CEDAR If Yo Are Going To Build Dubois Lumber Co. by WOOD delivered in any quantity or length, ist class 4 foot wood slahwood delivered at $2.00 per cord. 16 inch at $2.50 per load. Seventh and Alder Sts. C. E. DllBOIS, Manager. be in Kstacada on Fridays and Saturdays. Appointments may be made with Dr. Adix. C L A U D E W. D E V O R E E IL E R S M U S IC H O U S E oilers FREE, with the exception of cost of postage on papers ami cost of the I’ nivr sitv FxUntion bulletin, to CITIZENS OF OREGON, forty UNI­ VERSITY COURSES In MAIL. Ability to profit by the courses selected is the only requirement lor enrollment in the Correspondence Department. Courses art* offered in the departments of Botany, Debating, Economics, F.ducition. Electricity, English Literature, English Com position, History, Mathematics, Drawing, Physical Education. Physics, Plivsiolo- gv. Sociologv, and Surveying. Write to the Secretary of the Correspondence School, I'mvers tv of Oregon. Eugene, for information and catalogue.. COURSES IN KFSIDENCE at the University prepare for the Professions of ENGINEERING. JOURNALISM. LAW . MEDICINE, and TEACHING, Fall semester opens Tuesday. Sept. 17 Address the Registrar for catalogues descriptive ■: the College of Fngineeritig. the College of Literal Arts, the Schools of Education, Commerce. Law, Medicine, and Music. WOOD & LUMBER One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast SHINGLES We manufacture all kinds of Cedar Shingles and are prepared at all times to deliver the same. Also to sell at the mill, haviug stock on hand at all times A. KRIEGER ----PROPRIETOR---- Estacada A g en t— A. Morrow A. MORKOW & SON Livery, Board, Sale and Exchange Stahle ESTACADA. - . OREGON Reed & Sparks Successors to 0. R. Jacobs SOCIAL FUNCTIONS. The University of Oregon Correspondence School A T TE N T IO N Hunting and Fishing Parties Local and Long Distance Telephone ANYTHING YOU WANT IN MUSIC. SEE OUR LINE BEFORE BUYING to t)e 1)cre> SPECIAL Given Tile doctor's phone can tie connected with your home phone at night if re­ quested. One loug ring. We claim to carry the best material and want to prove it All of our No. 2 stock and better is kiln dried. and piano solo by Mias ,]e F R O PK 1 KTOR Good rigs and carctul drivers always OFFICH, ADJOINING RKSIDHNCR LOOK AT OUR STOCK G E T O U R P R IC E S Wash W. A. JONES P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G E O N The Estacada Lumber Yard Kva STABLE H E N R Y V .A D IX . M .D GO TO Rachael R. ed. Games were played until II o’clock. Light refreshments Mr and Mrs. T. F. Mttrrav and were served by the league committee, son "M ulligan” will leave soon for headed by Miss Rachael R,cd. I Oxford I 1 their home, where they Feed 4 Sale Local aud Long Distance Telephone Sz a day Phones: Main 6688, A 6131 ^ Tom Morton returned Frtdaj from a two’ months stay in Eastern | £ 5 ® <£$ 3 © Oregon and Washington, where he was with a threshing crew. Crops were delayed in harvesting, by rains. Around Coltax the farmers have just finished. Fred Bartho- Fat cattle wanted; the fattei the Striken wjth apoplexy, at his ranch lemew attended the Roundup and j better.— See Fred Jorg. Visit Canby Fair and in Springwater, Thursday or Friday of and will likely return here for the For Sale— Rubber tired surrey last week, brought to Estacada, Joshua winter. Talk for Cascade Co. Coyne, aged 65 , died hero Saturday cheap, in good condition. Inquire Mr. and Mrs. Chris Smith of night, without regaining consciousness, W ith A. E. Sparks at the wheel of Stewart at McCurdy Lumber & lie was found lying on the floor of his Rosland, Wash., arrived Saturday of his auto, Mayor J W. Reed, J. j Hardware Co. tf house, where he lived alone, by J. J. and were taken to Garfield by Ed­ S. McCurdy, Judge Bates and A 1 j can g x anything that is wrong March bank, Friday. ward Shearer to arrange for making Lindsey motored over to Canbv wj||j y0llr watch.— L allatt. Coyne came from Scotland years ago anil settled in Springwater. He was their home upon 7O acres ot fruit last Thursday and spent the day, j guarantee aU work done. _ peculiar in that be wanted no friends land purchased not long ago from looking over the Clackamas fair and LaHatt. and insisted that there should be no Charles Wonacott. The land has putting in some good licks for Cas . ., funeral services over the remains of his four vear old growing apple trees ^ K I W a n t e d — Highest price paid cade county, among the big crowd wife and two children, who have died for eggs at the Palace Meat Market and is one of the desirable pieces of of visitors. during the past twenty years. In con- E. D. ALLEN, Proprietor Fred Jorg. fruit ground in Garfiield. formity to his wishes no service was T hey distributed a considerable j NOTICK FOR PU BLICATION. held at Springwater cemetery. His J. C. Foster, an electrical en­ amount ot litetature and interviewed ; Cinteli States Land Office, 134S Port­ wife and son are buried there an I his gineer ot Pittsburg, Pa. spent Sun­ a good many people, finding many land 154 List b o 03607, Portland, Ore. daughter at Salem. He left a ranch of 60 acres partly improved. He has no day in Estacada inspecting the in the west part of the county fa August zo, 1913, I want a Girl, etc. T h e y w ere ■ Notice is hereby given that the N'ortli- A ll Alone power plants and visiting at tile vorable to division. heirs in this country so far as known. At the Rag time Ball Skeleton Rag home of Mr. and Mrs. J W. Antrim treated courteously by th ose w h o ern Pacific Railway Company, whose Beautiful Isle of Love Trolley Car Swing Mr Foster is a tepresentativc of oppose division and considerably to 1 ***' " * cr is st MinnMOt* I Temptation Rag , . , , , ,, has this 30th d ay of August 1913 filed in Dreams just Dreams A delightful reception was tendered the Westinghouse Electric & Mfg their surptise they found a goodly , . _ , I , Take a Tip from Father I Under the Tents, March * ^ J tins office its application to select . under by the Epworth League of the q 0 ¡„ c]large 0f ,]ie installation of number of Oregon City residents Railroad Rag G,e provisions of the A ct of Congress, Mysterious Rag 1st church, last Thursday cvenfhg, at ' , . , , • Some one else will if volt dont , , electrical machinery in the new among them business men who'approved July 1, 1898 ¡30 Stat. 597. 630) | Moonlight Bay Oiltl bellows to the High school students I Oceana Roil You'll do the same thing over again I believe it no more than fair that the j as extended by the Act of Congress ap­ and members of the faculty of the Es power plant at Bull Run. : Honey Moon Love proved May 17, 1906 the NK 1-4 SK 1-4 Red Rose Rag people of the east section have a tacaila schools. 1 he banquet room of| Ragtime Violin I Honey Man N. C. Jatinsen oi the Jannsen Sec. 14, Twp. 2 Sou h, R. 5 East W. M. the lodge was hcatifully decorated w ith ; , Hands Up Drilling Co. ot St.Johns isdrillitig a 1 chance at running their own govern Any and all persons claiming adversely If you talk in Your Sleep the school colors, green and white, in­ tuent. the lands described, or desiring to object terwoven in festoons with the color , f we 11 at EagleCreek and is prepared to T h e p a rty retu rn ed b y w a y of ; because of the mineral character of the the league, red and white. College move his machine into this section, P o rtla n d , M r. M cC u rd y rem ain ing land, or for any other reason, to the dis- pennants were also liberally used, the when needed. Some time ago a H . M. C R U S E , M A N G . room presentingapleasing sight. number of farmers m ar here were over to a tte n d to some busin ess P” ”-'1 «I'Pbcant. should file their affi­ davits of protest in this office, on or be­ The program included an address f inquiring about a well drilling out- matters. The others reached Esta- fore the loth day of October J 9 U- welcome by Rev. W. R. F. Hr. wne, i:ada alxnit 3 o’ clock. H. F . H ’ x b y , R egister. I pastor of the M. K. church; recitation. fit and if aoy of them desire 'to 111- by Miss Abide S lit. ; vocal solo by Mrs te rv ie w Mr. Jannsen. they can do Claude W. Devore: recitation l.y Mias | so th e la tte r p a rt of the w eek, for J. Coyne, Pioneer, Dies. L iv e ry , Repairing of All Kinds Plumbing and Electric Wiring OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. This great institution opens its doors for the fall sem ester on Septem ber 20 th Courses of instruction include: General j Agriculture, Agronom y, Animal Hus- ! bandry, Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology Botany and Plant Pathology, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture, Entomology, j Veterinary Science. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical En­ gineering, Mining Engineering, High- ; way Engineering, Domestic Science, i Domestic A rt, Commerce, Forestry, | Pharmacy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics Mathematics, English Language and ! Literature, Public Speaking. Modern Languages, History, art. A rchitecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Educa- ! tion. Military Science and Tactics, and Music. Catalogue and illustrated literature mailed free on application. Address: | Registrar, Oregon A gricultural College i Corvallis. Oregon. Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103 School Year Opens September 20lH