Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1912)
Judge Campbell at Oregon Citv ’ Standing of the Contestants in JUST THH NtRV CUT Inst Friday decided the case the $400 Piano Contest, Given you want is what you get when ^ !< W Cary «.is at rortluiid J of the Mstacada Telephone & Tel ■ you order unat from this market. away by CRIISI BROS. ¡Pubii*,. d 1 % er* I burse«-, y Moruimj et Tuesday. ; grapt» Co. against the Horn** Tele Just ibe very ijiiantity too. We I M « UH. üktbON 2665 R A. Wilcox of Springwater was phone company, in favor of the No don’ t cut off a half a pound or so 15 t£i. K. L\FU LU IiTTh. Editor »nid M«r. in town this week W . A . JO N E S former. The Horae company sought over in order to increase sales. We 33 2790 PKOFKIKTOK don't have to. Our meats are so 34 2325 K. \V Bartlett went to Porlaud ‘ to enter t under an ordin EntsreJ at th® poatofftco In Estacada Oregon as Good rigs mill careful drivers alwnyt attce granted by the City council two 2800 well known that it keeps us busy second class inai. 39 business. i Monday on leva’ " SPECIAL ATTENTION years or more ago The local com 6a 8 205 supplying tlie demand of regular J C. March of Ashtahula, Ohio. . . . . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Given Hunting ami Pishing Parties , . , . , , . pane first secured an injunction and customers. But we have room for 79 847.S . One year .......................................... ............... Si 00 arrived for a weeks visit ' with Ins 1 . . . . . 5l* months ....... 50 tin 11 brought suit, claiming lights you on the list. 8.1 2985 brother " B ill" March. WOOD & LUMBER to streets and alievs under deed by 88 2665 Thursday.Sepiembcr 26,1912 Local a it«1. Long Distance Telephone PdlritC Merit M dlket Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewing were the original townsite company. lofi 2050 guests of Phil Standish at his Gar- 2010 With Selling. Lane, Mulkev, Harry Snyder of Snyder & North '53 fi- Id ranch, Sunday. iK "3 H E N R Y V .A D 1X .M .D 2380 Paget. Clark and Bourne a'l stiiv- Cazulero, went to Boll Run Mon «57 $2 a day Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Pyle were J t o a week day to arrange for a branch grocerv .TV'S P H Y S IC IA N A SURGEO N ,ing for llie seilateri ¡al toga. Oregon « 5 » guests <f Mr. and Mrs. Charles ***** is well supplied with patiiots. store which the firm will establish j Spai ks at the latter s ranch Sunday. there at once. The firm will have Portland outing Party O FFIC E, ADJOINING RESIDENCH Bryan on the trail ol T. K j|,st Mrs R G. ralmaleer of Garfield, exclusive rights for Uie store aud a Calls upon Progress. Local and Long Distance Telephone Irehiitd Harlan and Bede also ou left Monday morning for a brief guarantee of bills run up by em- The doctor’s phone can be connected A L L MODERN C O N V E N IE N C E S T. K .’ s trail, keeps the head of the! Lead by F. 1 ) Hunt, traffic ma stay at Portland. ployes. There are probably 2.000 with your home phone at night if re* Bull Moose party busy shooting in, quested. One long ring. Miss Mary McWillta has accepted men employed at or near the power nager of the P. R L . & P. Mrs. the rear. Most of his shots are Hunt and Mrs. W. T. Buchanan, a position with a telephone comps- \ plants One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast aimed at Bryan. wife of Publicity Manager Buchan _______________ "V at Portland. \ water pipe broke in the apart- D r. L. A. W E L L S One of the encout: Ring signs is! Ilettrv Githens left Monday for mints of Mr. and Mrs. Milliard an, a paity of Portland people made Local and Tourist Trade Solicited a call upon the editor of the Prog D E N T IS T the number of converts to county lleppner for a months visit with Sarver above the Estacada Jewelry PORTLAND. OREGON division ‘ ii Clackamas county Do- j George Curtin and family. 1 Co. store, last Saturday, and flooded ress. last Thursday. The parly was ELT.fH zens of men who formerly opposed Ikn ¡, i>arsons of Lebanon is the rooms. Aftet a half hour search in honor of Attorney 1 C, A. Genest Will be in Kstacada on Frida)s «nd of Tillamook. They came in a Saturdays. Appointments may be or were non comni'.tal. are among V'tsitiny; his cousin Henry Fan- : tor the proper tools, the water was special ear, had dinner at the Hotel made with Dr. Adix. the st ton Rest boosters for Cascade tcn IIe is a |lceMswj chaffettr. turned off in the street The Sar Estacada, spent un hour or so at county at present. D M Marshall, who suffered a vers were absent at tin- dine of the the power plants and at Estacada C L A U D E W. D E V O R E -One of the most interesting shows slight stroke of paralysis, is rc[>ort breakage. nark and then looked over tlie town J. D. Hamlin of Lane count v and Incidentally they called at The at the state fair, rvas a moving pic ed b\ I)r. Adix to be recovering A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W at one time a resident of list a ad.1 Progress office, where they com and ture teaching poultry raising Tlt.s j nicely. N O TA R Y P U B L IC (interesting picture, which drew Edmund C) S iw y c r jr ., editor of was here last week looking over pletely filled tlierooin. examining Estacad a, O r e g o n .children as well as adu'ls, taught the Daily News of Portland, was a aud making improycinents 011 his the mystery ot pruning and watched citv jrroperty, Mr. Hamlin is a some valuable lessons 111 how to caller at The Progress office, last tlie compositor trv to kick the job booster for countv division aud is press and keep from feeding bis handle poultry profitably. Prof, j Saturday. J. W. MILLER James Dryden of the O. A C. con Wj„ Citliens of Canhy who has doing effective work for the cause hands into the machine There BLACKSMITH ceived the idea of the moying hen visiting Ins parents Mr and in Coos ami Lane counties. were several mighty pretty girls! A uumtier of conductors of tlie P. R. observing his efforts ami they ap KM'KKT HOKSKSHOKK picture. _______________ Mrs Henry Githens of Cmrinsville it l*. wtrt* piloted by K. M. StandlsU All work guaranteed peared to enjoy his confusion. The shameless socialists of Port- ! Y°r home, Monday, through the trait districts around I-bt.i Anyhow tiny had a good time land, finally field a meeting and by j L F, Stephens of Portland oc cada yesterday. They are preparing an overwhelming vote endorsed the'enpied the pulpit of the Chiistian themselves to discuss the country with and they promisseil to call again E L E C T R IC L IG H T is the most suit singly or collectively, whenever scurrilous leaflet, attacking Fot liter church, last Sunday H oming He the traveling public. able for homes, offices, shops and other Cruse tiros, piano contest promises to they come to I t Those in President Roosevelt and family j preached an excellent sermon. he one of the most popular ones ever tlie party inrlinh < 1 : Mr. and Mrs B L A C K S M IT H Then- were a few socialists men places needing lights, Electricity can be Supervisor lames is making the held in tins cuunlry. Everybody lias h with decent instincts whooppostd the rounds of the public schools in chance to help a friend get this great F. 1 ). Hunt Mrs \V. T. Buchanan l> dill at the old stand and willing to do used in any quantity,large or small, there Superintendent J W Hewitt, Mrs tlie leaflet advocates, but they wert his district, afoot, wherever lie can present. any ol thr work in hii lino brushed aside with the charge of reach them Since he began work Mr. an t .Mrs. T. I.. Itonnev, parents ol Warren, Mrs James, Mis B nston by furnishing any required amount of Mrs Irvin, the Misses Geneve Or I.A. Ponney, visited him hire vest r»i n faint heartedness. Most of those he has walked 125 miles. GIVE HIM A CALL light. Furthermore, electric lamps can They returned to Nortli Plain tod.iv. Tlie ton, Irene Brtindtz Muble Warren, fire eating obscenity circulators Robert T. Cahill of Horton Kan elder ltonney lias Ireen hj years a resid Irene Hunt, Paul Hunt, all of Port would take to the tall timber, if is visiting with Iris brother J. W ent of Oregon. be located in any place, thus aF fr.rri.n g land and Mr. K. A, Gents! of T ill Team Work and Hairiing by Portland officials would get after Cahill of Eagle Creek He likes K 1 Sabng left yesterday for the Pend any desired distribution of light. them in earnest. San Diego methods this section of Oregon ami will like leton Roundup where he will visit amook. the Day or Contract of handling tlie 1 W. \V. would ly remain here. friends, see the show and boost for Cas- No other lamps possess those qualifi FOR R E N T Two 5 room roll WOOD delivered iu any quantity cade county. , probably help some. ages, city water, electric lights and Mrs. William Kuraseh was at cations, therefore it is not surprising that or length, ist class 4 foot wooc| A lire last week destroyed a consider hath Inquire Dr. Adix. tl M ay In vestigate C ounty court. Portland, last week at the fiedside able amount of cordwood owned hv K. si ah wood delivered at $2.00 per electric lamps are rapidly replacing all They have it good fresh vege cord. 16 inch at $2.50 per loud, Doublers of the wisdom of conn of her sister, Mrs Bert Freeman, S. Worrier and Geoige Kdwards. tables. Go and see them. Fred Mr. anil Mrs. Prank Stenzel of Port others in modern establishments. ty division may find food for ! who is ill at Good Samaritan liospi- W. M. Y0NCE land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Jorg thought in the resolutions passed tal of heart trouble. Sp irks. Fat cattle wanted; the fattei he Jim Linn is quite ill and it is by the Milwaukie grange, last Sat The Methodist church will hold a better.- See Fred Jorg. tirdav. selecting a committee to in possible he may have to Ire taken meeting Oct. 2. at tlie parsonage to elect For Sale— Rubber tired surrey The Oregon Fire Relief Asso tir a hospital. He is so weak that vestigate the Clackamas county officers for this coming year. cheap, in good condition. Inquire court, in an effort to find out why he has to Ire helped in ami oui of ciation of McMinnville of Stewart at McCurdy Lumber & w ith $242.111» reserves, solicita you r S O C IA L F U N C T IO N S . the court is building bridges with trevi. Hardware Co. tf business through out advertising for bids The charge A large crowd Inani George C. The reception and welcome given to John Brow n I can fix anything that is wrong is made the court is grossly violat Brownell of Oregon City, speak on the teachers o f the Estacada schools G re s h a m , Oregon ing the state law in not filing I wonmti .suffrng at the methodist last Friday evening was well attended. with your watch.— LaHatt. Phone G resh a m . 5 / 3 sworn statements in regard to hi id - church Snuda» I guarantee all work done.— Mr. Brownell s It was largely an informal affair, hut Or leave wont at this office ges where bids are not asked for. talk was 111 lieti appreciated by the none the less enjoyable. A brief pro LaHatt. I also have Uie OREGON MERCHANTS gram which included solos by Mrs U. It is tlie claim of Cascade enmi adémales lor tqitul stiffiage. W a n t e d — Highest price paid and BEAVER STATE INSURANCE COS. 1 W. Devore and Phil Standish, a recita .. „ . . .. . . . ty supporters that its business can Seventh rind Alder Sts. Halve Gibson of Barton was here ; t^ fJEX 3 E 3 EX 3 SE 3 aG 5 iaGS 6 0 3 EEK 3 E 3 a sa H be handled much more economic alb Monday, lie is recovetitig from tion by Stanley Belfils and remarks by L. E. Belfils, member o f the Board o f ^*rL‘d Jorg. Phonos: Main U 8 8 , A 6 1 J I under the eye of the taxpayer-, and an rq>erHioii fo ra fraettmd knee, Education was pleasing. Following the NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT, ,ihe proposed investigation of the broken while he was playing ball program, an opportunity was given to Estate of Henry Dubois, deceased, cotut indicates that there might lie about a mouth ago. Surgeons tell I become acquainted with the new teach- Notice is hereby given that the under* We manufacture all kinds of Cedat era and renew acquaintances with those signed as Executors of the estate of Hen- a vast saving to the county if a him the knee will not be stiff. Shingles and are prepared at all vvho have been associated with the ry Dubois deceased have filed their final closer scrutiny of finances weie ob times to deliver the same. Also The Progress is prepared to club schools for some time. Refreshments I account in the County Court of the State served. Moreover, it is known that to sell at the mill, having stock on were served by Mrs. J . W. Heed, Mrs. of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, subscriptions with the Portland the county books have not been hand at all times [2, E. Belfils and Mrs. .1. I\ Woodle in the above entitled estate, and that Daily News, the Oregonian aid subjected to expetl accountants tor Ths teachers are: Principal Burgess F. Monday, the 30 day ol September 1912. the Portland Journal. Those desi; Ford, Prof. F. B. Guthrie, Mrs. VV. at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. of said years and it may be that some in mg to it new subscriptions can do Ih vore, Mrs. Minnie Altman, Mrs. M. j day, and the court room of said Court, A. K R IE G E R ti reuiltg things may Ire shown E. Graham, Miss Ellen Erickson, Miss has been appointed by said Court as the so at a profit tf» themselves now. -----P R O P R IE T O R ----- when the hooks are examined. Eva VVai h and Miss Abbic Stites. time and place for the hearing of objec- Kstacada A «ent—A. Morrow The estate of the late George Ely The territory embraced 111 Cas - lions to said final account and the settle- .cade county, pays £6,000 as its who died at Gardena Cal., was One of the jolliest parties of the year ment th e re o f A. MORROW & SOM Jos. R . Ryan share of officials salaiies, more than passed to probate at Oregon City, w h s t h a t o f the local order of Rebeccas Cbas. h . Dubois LOOK AT OUR STOCK enough fo pay for our officials after Monday aud igure.s iq> about £»(noo who celebrated the sixty-first anniver Executors of the Estate of Henry Dubois division. If our share of taxmonev in cash and propntv. John lily sary of the founding o f the lodge, last GET OUR P RI CE S Livery, Board, Sale and deceased. Saturday evening at odd Fellows hall. were spent in Cascade county dist was appointed exeeutoi and C. VV. There wa< a le g e attendance and the Date of first publication Thursday Aug W e claim to carry the best material and want to prove it Exchange Stable rict, the roads anil the bridgis Devore is attorney. 22. 1912. Date of last publication Thurs CMAÇ/VDA PROGRESS C U Y N E W S B R IE F S Livery, Feed & Sale ( I h ’C q itF Q IlA T K tn STABLE The Hotel Estacada « I T he Best Light At * The Lowest Cost J. V. BARR 8 g § I I § Portland Railway, Light 4 Power Co. § I 8 § s CEDAR SHINGLES If You Are Going To Build G O T O The Estacada Lumber Yard would lx- in better condition and farmers wouldn’ t Ire subjected to heavy sjrecial tax and vollinteci work in order to get about F< r. after deducting from our share of the taxes at present, the amount which goes to the state, Cascade county people would have $70 000 t<> s | h nd. Do we get it now ? A 11 those «ho desite lo assist in the organization of a Woodrow Wilson and Marshall club at Ksta- cadn, are asked to write to W. A. Heilman, democratic county cottt- niittretuatl, Mr. lie . lman d isiu s to learn the sentiment, before going ahead with the organization. The Mazamas club visited Caza dero and Estacada last Sunday. The Elwood district finishes Threshing; is prosperous. members walked to the north fork of the Clackamas and back Lunch \\ ill* a good road, due to special' »vas taken along. On the way home tax, and other public improvements a vote 011 president was taken re- continuing as fast as the fanners sidling, Wilson 21. Roosevelt 10, can reach them. Elwood district 1. , am| .catti-ring 6 becoming one of the most destrabfi Manager Ed Boner of Boners' the other side of the Clackamas Theatre presented two excellent The farmers have finished threshing bills to the patrons ot the house. and a good deal of hniMinw is going Saturday and Sunday evenings. on. Chops, however, in common Sunday evening an extra attraction with other sections were not quin much i-njoved, was the singing of Up to standard, yet tin- quality is M iss R obbins of Portland, who con gixxl and altogether the people enter tributed two numbers. Upon another year in a prosperous rombtn ui Goviinot West is receiving letters There are a lot of hustlers in tin front somebody in Estaiada alleging Elwood district and I lit- stC|..n is that blind pigs an- in ojieralion. strongly for county division due Slu i iff Mass i.s authority for the partir to the high taxes and. judg statement that be lias hieti notified ing by tin- assessments this », ,r, In I lie governor anti lias Iw-eu in higher taxes to come. Tlie» have vestigating Neither the sheriff or received very little county money anybody else, so tar as know, lias id on their roads, the pie-cut good knowledge of a blind pig ht-re. The condition of the thoroughfares l e- .sheriff would like to liavv the per- ing due to volunteer work and to son writing the governor, tell hint special tax of ,8 mills. where it is located. entertainmert and 1- freshments, ar- range ! by committee:', were thoroughly enjoyed. The program i-egan with a piano solo by Miss Haitii LI, ItiIs. The company then cxircii- »1 its ingenuity t Rtn sing the identity of members ftnm hahy pictures. Mrs. 1!. V. Adix picked out 15 o f a possible 22 at I was rewarded with a book. The age contest was »von by l harlt-s Sparks, who re ceived a box of candy and Dr. Adix won the per nut race, which consisted in carrying the largest number of pea nuts across the hall on a knife blade. 1 within a minute. His hatting average was 8. A tong by a “ m ixed" quartet, composed ,*f Mrs. A. K. Morton, Mrs. H. V. Ailix. Kd Sali-'g and Dr. Adix, each singing a different- song created much amusement and *tl - rd that required a fill- to reduce f.dks t-,-th t, normal condition. Supi'er partners, U r til« delectable feast that followed .-, n- i hosen, by nundicring the sides of the ladies' feet with elralk and giving the gentlemen a chance to pick a number. ESTA CA D A , E. D. ALLLN, Proprietor cutors. N O T R E IV .K PU BLIC A T IO N . United States Land Office, 1348 Port land 154 List o 03607, Portland, Ore. ANYTHING YOG WANT IN MUSIC. SEE OUR LINE BEFORE BUYING Notice is hereby given that tlie North- ! A l l A l o n e ern Pacific Railway Company, whose th e R a g tim e Ball jHist office address is St. Paul. Minnesota ! B ealltiflll Isle of L o v e hits this 20th day of August 1912 filed in j D r e a m s just D r e a m s th.s office its application to select under j ^a ^e a 1 ip fro m F a t h e r the provisions of the Act of Congress, M y s t e r i o u s R a g approved July 1, 1S9S .30 St*t. 597. 620)1 M o o n lig h t B a y as extended b\ the Act of Congress op I Oceatia R o ii proved May 17. 1906 the NE 1-4 SIC 1 j i Rose Rng Sc« 1 j, Twp. 2 Sou h, R. 5 East \V. M. | R a g t i m e \ 10Iin^ A ii \ and all persons claiming adversely 1 ^ ta lk ill \ o u r ^ ]e e p the l.m s dest ribed, or desiring to object j I„ , .1 -, , ! lit, mineral character of the' i.,,,,;. . , lor any other reason, to the dis j»,.. to ap),hunt, should tile their alii- davits of protest tn this edict on t.r Ire- »he loth day of October 1012. jp p Il gl.v. Register. I offers;, FREE, with the exception of cost of post »u on p i t ** and cost of th» I'nivt- sits Extuntion Bulletin, t«> CITIZENS OF OREGON . fo;tv UNI VERSITY COURSES 1 v MAIL. Ahtlitx u* i : fit 1 t’.u. conrsvs selected is tin -on ly requirement 1 «• r enrollm ent in tin- O »> ndence Deportm ent, Courses are offered in tin-departm ents ot Debating, E conom ics, Education E lectricity. English Literature. I t v i> C om position. 11 ¿story, Mathematics. M echanical Drawing. Physical E> • n. Physics. PhvM ,do p e. Sinrudog\, and Survevitijf. Write to the Secret irv ot the Corresj om lence S c h o o l , Umvi r* tv o? Oregon, EHigene, for infnrm.iti »n ami catalogue C O U R T S IN R F T T H E N C E * th» r i n c - .................. re for the l ’ n fe^-'ons » t ENGINEERING, J J l u A A llSM LAW. MLD1 C!NE. and TEACHING. Fall setmster »»pens Tuos»U> . Sept. 17 Address the kef(i»trar for catak ^ues in scriptive «*f tin College of En^ineerintj;. the College of I.i-* Arts the Schools of Education. Commerce, Law. Medicine, and Music. H. M. C R U S E . M A N G . Dubois Lumber Co. C. E. Dl'ROIS, Manager. i , W e deal in ail kinds of building r I material including Lumber, Lath, j Sash, Doors, Sand, Gravel, Lime, Plaster, Brick. Cement, Etc. All orders promptly filled. Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103 . OREGON Successors to I want a Girl, etc. , Skeleton Rag Trolley Car Swing Temptation Rag Under the Tents, March Railroad Rag 1 Some one else will if vou dont You'll do the same thing over again Honey Moon Love Honey Man Hands Up E IL E R S M U S IC H O U S E . Reed & Sparks A u gust 20 , 1 9 1 2 . The ^University of Oregon Correspondence School i All of our No. 2 stock and better is kiln dried. day, September 26. 1912. Claude \V. 1 evore, Attorney for E x e 0. R. Jacobs Repairing of All Kinds Plumbing and Electric Wiring OREGON AGRICULIliRAL COLLEGE. I This g n a t institution o|»-ns its doors for the fall semester on September 20th ! Courses of Instru-tion include: General Agriculture. Agronomy, Animal Hus bandry, Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology Botany and Plant Pathology, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture, Entomology, | \ t-ltrinary .Science. Civil Engineering. Electrical Engineering. Mechanical En g in e e r ng. Mining Engineering, High way Engineering, Domestic Science. Domestic Art, Commerce, Forestry, Pharmacy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics Mathematic*, English Language and I.iteiatire, Public Speaking, Modern Languages, History, art. Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Educa- 1 tion. Military Science and Tactics, and » Music. Catalogue and illustrated literature mailed free on application. Address: • Registrar, Oregon AgricniUirai College Corvallis. Oregon. School Year Opens September 20th