Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1912)
Fanners and Merchant! W ritr us fur our cash offer on your Farm and l»airy Produce. I f we don’t handle it will refer you to re liable buyer. PBAR80N .PA(JE ( 0 I'ortlund. Oregon. Machincni Set-und- II uik I Machin. »*ry houifht. Bold and . ,, - • KCh U ■ nifi nua. M W r ». aawmilln. etr lh * I K Martin Co.. 7« Ist 8 t» Portland. Send for Stock I int und prices. OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE W A S H I N G T O N A N O T E N T H 8TI PORTLAND. OREGON A Colossal Schema. The groat highway of the commerct )f the future will be the Pacific ocean. Mighty capitalist* throughout the world are putting their heads together j :o erect the most colossal system for tireless telegraphy in the world. The ! lystem contemplates the linking to gether of all points along the western -oast of America from Herlng sea to lie Straits of Magellan, and spanning :he isles of the ocean, to link with this -haln the whole easterly shore of Asia, running on down to the Straits Greater Influence on Commerce Than Settlements. The contemplated sys- ,£uez--Issues o f Tolls Drop :em will cost in the aggregate many ped for Present millions of dollars. England Forgets Criticisms and Admires American Energy. Water in hluing ia adulteration (Iluss and wa- ter make liquid lane contly. Huy Red Cruas Ball Blue, inakea clothe« whiter than ttnuw. London -The announcement from Washington that the Panama canal Rumanian Amazons. will he opened formally next year is a M. Vechiu, the superintendent of a signal for fresh discussion o f all the large farm at Buzco, Rumania* was at broad possibilities to the undeitaking, tacked by an army of 50 women, says i So far as the question of tolls is con- a Bucharest correspondent. M. Vechiu | cerned, there seems to be a growing rol» « d e velo p -!. I Oc. any had refused to allow their cows to *. I.'irgeut and l*est disposition to think Europe has been graze on his land and to frighten the sh..p in N irthweat. Com precipitate in charging Americans plete prie • list on request. deputation away he had fired over the It St resu'ts 'filaranLee«I. with bad faith or with taking an un heads of the women. Infuriated the advantage. JA C O B S SUSP 1 milkmaids rushed upon him and it was fair Everywhere effusive compliments only by the Intervention of some shep a *.-I. Huild’ g, Seattle are written and spoken in light of the herds that he was rescued from theii tremendous display o f engineering vengeance. skill on the isthmus. Pictorial papers Made His Demands Definite. here and in Paris and Berlin give The “ minimum wag*.*" idea appeals sketches o f the chief objects o f inte- to one English buy wlio was asked the | rest along the route and in the con other day by his teacher to write, as struction work. Long special articles, the daily composition, a letter to his I deal with the “ revolution the canal is futhcr asking for an increase in pock to bring about in international trade.’ * et money. The boy set forth the need One able Berlin writer thinks that of large funds, and ended with a “ the Panama will necessitate greater courteous demand for a ‘‘minimum modifications o f the established sys TRY A BOTIIE O f sum of money .” One of the reasons tem o f foreign commerce than were for the demand was that the boy did ! necessitated by Suez” and adds that not get enough taffy to eat and had “ it is as if Dame Nature had suddenly no papers to read. decided to alter the course o f her trade winds.” Mother? w ill find Mrn. W .dow*n ftoothlnq Byrup Hi.- h.’fct remedy to n.:o »or U ieit children Another, declaring in London Week C ’ ui ing tho leu thing iKiriud. ly, that the canal is the “ crowning achievement o f American force and The Old Wagon Show. enterprise,” makes the significant ad- The wagon show of long ago, it ha< | mission that the “ best business minds a funny clown; we lined the way a of the empire— Britain— are concen it acts directly on break of day to see it into town. Oui trating upon the commercial revolu the Stomach, Liver money went to the last cent to get ui tion which is imminent in order that, and Bowels — stim boys inside. Hut what of that? Foj | irrespective of the willingness of ulates them in the hours we sat with eyes distended wide | Americans to arbitrate concerning p r o p e r p e rfo rm The wagon show of long ago, it onlj tolls, we may use the new waterway ance of their duties had one ring, ami we could sit close ti to the full and may begin to use it the -- keeps the bow It, and never miss a thing. els free from Con I day it is opened.” stipation — assists Quite the strongest censure crop- digestion — and Proofreader In Embryo. , ping out anywhere is the “ hope that A primary grade boy in Fred Colonel Roosevelt, Dr. Wilson or Mr. %as told to write a sentence con lin ! Taft, whichever may be the next pres REALLY KEEPS YOU WELL ing the word “ chicken/* He w’ai not ident, will do all he can to prevent our quite sure how to spell the worj. so | admiration of the phenonmenon of he wrote: “ A Jiken is a small h«n. (I mechanics being long diminished by can .spell hen.)“ different emotions as to the interna tional use to be made of it.” No an Health and Cheer. anywhere in There is longevity in the sunny soul noyance is exhibited that eases our jolts and makes our Europe, not even in Spain, over the sides shake with laughter. There is latest admonitions addressed directly a wonderful medicinal effect in good or indirectly by the Washington gov cheer. Good news and glad tidings ernment to Mexico, Nicaragua and have a magic effect even upon inva Cuba. On the contrary, the prevail lids. W e often see a whole store or ing sentiment is one of approval. European capitalists who have in factory or home transformed by one sunny soul. On the other hand, we vestments in many o f the republics For Fourteen Years. Restored have seen them blighted and made south o f the Rio Grande long have chafed at the chronic confusion creat To Health by Lydia E. Pink* dark by a gloomy, morose, fault-find ed by the local politicians for selfish ing person. ends, and would welcome the applica ham’s Vegetable tion o f a strong hand. A London Pass the Bouquets Now. Compound. Never, never wait for post-mortem financial paper is “ astonished at the praise. Speak the kind words which forbearance of Americans in their Elgin, III.— " A f t e r fourteen years of love prompts, and remember that dealings with the Mexicans.” Iufferinff everything from female com words of loving kindness are the best plaints, 1 am at last possible tonic which can bo given, 82 EGGS LAID IN 82 DAYS restreed to health. even to the happiest of the mortals.-* " I employed the Kate Tannatt Woods. Product for Ten Months Totals 237 b e s t d o c to r s and even went to the Don’ t buy water fo r bluing. Liquid blue is al — Prizes Won Are Many. most all water. Buy Red Cross Ball blue, the hospital for treat blue that’s all blue. St. Louis—“ Lady Show You.” a 2- ment and was told year-old white Plymouth Rock hen there was no help for When Wrinkles Come. from Millersville, III., is breaking all me. But while tak The first wrinkle of age comes on records in the national egg-laying con ing Lydia E. Pink- the side of the cheek just In front of ham’s V e g e t a b le the ear and its possessor Is. as a rule, test at the Missouri State Poultry Ex periment station at Mountain Grove. Compound I began the last person to notice it. Just be to improve and I hind the ear there is usually a falling She is leading the egg producers, numbering 640, representing 39 vari continued its use until I was made well. ’ ’ off of the roundness of the neck, and eties from 25 states and Canada. — Mrs. IlE N K Y LnisEBERC.743 Adams St. the hair becomes thin, leaving a bald Her record for 10 months is 237 Kearneysville, W . Va. —” I fee! it my look on the woman over 40 If she Is eggs, and her nearest competitor is a duty to write and say what Lydia E. not careful to remedy these Important barred Plymouh Rock hen, which has Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has blemishes. Massage will do more for produced 216 eggs in the same period. done for me. I suffer«! from female these growing imperfections than al Lady Show You also has broken the weakness and at times felt so miserable most any other facial defect. world’s record so far as known for I could hardly endure being on my feet. continuous egg production with 82 " A f t e r taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s London's Smoke Nuisance. eggs in 82 days. Vegetable Compound and following your Half of London’s smoko nuisance Is When she had reached a record of special directions, my trouble is gone. caused by the coal fires In private 65 eggs on consecutive days, the ad Words fail to express my thankfulness. dwellings, the owners of which are not visory board tacked the prize ribbon I recommend your medicine to all my liable for prosecution. It is expected on her nest and gave her an extra por friends.” — Mrs. G. B. W hittington . that a good deal of missionary work tion o f meal, but she kept right on for The above are only two o f the thou will have to be done among household more than two weeks. She hHs six sands of grateful letters which are con ers before the smoke evil can bo les weeks more to complete her record for stantly being received by the Pinkham sened appreciably. the year’s contest. Government sta Medicine Company of Lynn,Mass..which tistics give the average egg produc You Can Get Allen’s Foot-Ease FRCP. show clearly what great things Lydia E. Write AUenS. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y .,fo ru tion as about 80 per hen a year. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound does free sample of Allen’s Foot-Ease. It cure« sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes for those who suffer from woman’s ills. new or tight Bi y Gives Leg for Girl. shoes easy. A certain cure for I f you want special advice writs to forns. ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug Gary. Ind.— William Rugh, a news Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine C o . {confi gists sell it. 26c. Don’t accept any substitute. boy, will permit the amputation o f his dential) Lynn, Mass. Vour letter will Eight Who De.erve Slap*. be opened, read and answered by a crippled le ft leg in a few days so that Eight men who deserve to be »lap woman uud held in strict contldcucc. its skin may he grafted on the body ped on the face: He who deaplaes a man of power; he who enters a house o f Miss Ethel Smith, a girl he has uninvited and unwelcomcd; he who never seen. Miss Smith has been in gives orders In a house not his own: bed for four weeks as a result o f se he who takes a seat above hla p o r vere burns and the attending physi tion; he who apeaka to one who does cians say that the only hope o f her not listen to him; he who Intrude» on recovery is to graft enough skin on the conversation of other»; he who her body to cover the wounds. When seek» favor* from the ungenerous, and Rugh was appealed to he promptly he who expects love from hla ene consented to make the sacrifice. tnle».—From a Persian Saying. Coins Mads In Prison Why It Ha» Laited. Cairo, Egypt— Officials have finally Linen that was wrapped around mummies 4.000 year* ago and 1* still traced the silver counterfeits which a* good a* new ha* been found In have been in circulation to the Tourah Egypt by Prof. Flinders Petrie. It la prison, where they were made by sev One o f the convicts assumed that the linen has never dur eral convicts. ing the 4.000 years since It was first was found in possession o f an ingen ious instrument, made to coin 6-pias used been sent to a laundry. tre pieces, and a quantity o f silver bullion. The prisoner confessed and Pettits Eve Salve implicated a fellow convict. An in THE CHINESE DOCTOR vestigation has been ordered, as the When It a Man Otdf authorities believe that several pris The various diseases which people commonly A man of 70 writes to the New York oners and minor officials o f the priton suffer with succumb to the penetrating action of Times to complain because a reporter the remedies compounded by me from Roots, were concerned in the plot. Herbs. Buds and Barks which have been known referred to a man of 60 as "aged.’’ To for their medicinal value for many centuries by the cub reporter It seems all right to Maid o f Mist on Rocks. the physicians’ families o f the Chinese. N o t only refer to a man of 60 as "venerable.”- . Niagara Falls, N. Y . —The Maid of are moat of these vegetable remedies rare, but Boston Globe. are gathered at »re s t expense in remote quarter« j the Mist, the little steamer that for o f the »lobe. years has carried tourists close to the I can refer you to hundreds o f well-known peo tumbling waters o f Niagara Fails, ran ple in the Northwest who have taken my treat MEXICAN on the rocks Sunday a short distance ments and were quickly and permanently cured. | below the cataract. L ife boats were S o sure am 1 of the reliability o f my methods that , made ready for launching and the 20 lo g e r passengers were equipped with life FR EE CONSULTATION preservers. By skilful maneuvering, however. Captain Carter released the Open Evening, and Sundays. steamer by its own power and brought People who live out o f town ond esnnot eoli, the passengers to the landing. s e r i» fo r .ymptoro blank and eireular. inrlcain* l ____ ___________ W R I T E F O R C A T A L O G Th* School that /‘Luces 1 ou m a Hood /’tuition K O D A K BILIOUS Hostetler’s Stomach Bittei s SUFFERED EVERYTHING In Remarkably Short Time— MUSTANG L IN IM E N T cents in stamps. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. First St., Cor. Morrison I W 1 L A N U . OR. FOR SPRAINS. G . M Northrop. B U b ra . A rt... w r i « » l " I h .r r h e m tuin* M r a k .il M o r t .n * L ia - inu-nt for a sprained foot with groat r s n lt i. I t , a n »wfuTiinr rrtortly for ailment. I f n e s r fr .fr , qu ick ly , rem oves Ml! inflmut- a u ttto n uud reduces th e sw elling. 25c. 10c. $ 1 abattla .t D r . » A G n ' l S t a r a Coffee Export Tax Increased. Guatemala City— An additional tax o f 60 cents gnld per hundred pounds on coffee exported has been ordered. The total tax now amounts to $1.50 gold. STATE S M E N FIGHT POLICE. 1 REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES Hungarian Parliament Is Scene of Unprecedented Uproar. Budapest— The Hungarian parlia ment. which began its opening session Wednesday, was the scene of a free fight between the police and the dep uties. The violence was unprecedent ed and the din o f trumpets, motor horns and cowbells continued all day long. Count Stephen Tisza, president of the lower house, who was jeered from the moment he entered the chamber, surrendered the chair at 3 o'clock to Vice President Boethy, but the uproar did not abate. A t 4 o ’clock a strong force of police entered the building. Count| Tisza, who was in the lobby, said he would summon them into the chamber itself i f necessary. This eventually was done. The commandant o f police called upon individual opposition deputies to leave the house. About 100 gathered in the center o f the chamber, while their leaders, Count Apponyi and Count Zichy, stood in the gangways and were joined there by Count An- drassy and Count Semsey. who are not affiliated with any particular party All attempts to induce them to leave peaceably failed. When the police advanced to expel them a fierce strug gle ensued. In some cases it required six police men to remove one legislator. One of the arms o f a deputy was nearly pulled from its socket. Count Karo- lyi, who has had several experiences of the kind, struck out like a madman and succeeded in freeing himself from the police at the door. He rushed back and fell fainting on a bench. A fte r a prolonged struggle only Count Apponyi and 14 deputies were left. The count told the commandant that they would leave voluntarily if the police went first. This was done. K «t Golden Cereal Foods and recommend them to your acquaint ances. You ifet better qu ality and more fo r your money. T h ey are made* in your home state from the beat Oregon Oats and Wheat. L a w * packages contain a Handsome Prem ium and all goods are guaranteed. Ask your grocer. National Forests of Sierras Are Avallatile (or Cutting. Golden Rod Oats. (.olden Rod Pancake Flour. Golden Rod Wheat Flakes. Ralston Select Bran. Golden Rod Wheat Nuts. Golden Rod ('hick Food. Absent-Minded Professor. Linger Long In Service. California Firm Buys 800,000,000 A certain university professor was Vital statistics ascribe short lives Feet — Growth Will Replace noted for his absent-mindedness. One to printers, on the average, but the Small Percentage Used. morning as he sat at the breakfast ta report of the public printer states ble with a scientific magazine prop that there are emplo>ed at present In ped up before him, hiB wife was aston the government office at Washington Washington, D. C.— Final arrange ished to see him reach out for the 250 persons over sixty-five years of ments for the sale o f 800,000,000 feet maple sirup, pour it down hla, back, age. The saying that among the gov of government timber to the Sierra and lean over and scratch his pan ernment employes, “ few die and none resign,” seems the only explanation.** Sugar Fine company, a California cor cake. poration, will shortly he concluded in San Francisco by Chief Forester Henry S. Graves, who is due to arrive there on September 28. The timber, which stands in the Si erra national forest, has already been awarded, after public advertisement, but, under the terms o f the advertise ment, the contract will not become binding until the company has been shown on the ground what timber the government will reserve in order to provide for reproduction, and as agreed in writing to the terms im posed. The company will be allowed to cut in full 800,100,000 feet, but it will not be allowed to cut clean. As a rule, the Forest Service reserves about one-third o f the stand. “ Such large and long-term sales are a new development of the service,” “ This said Chief Forester Graves. “ Great bodies o f mature but inaccessible tim is M y Choice of ber can be put on the market only if sale contracts are let on terms which Duke’s Mixture Presents” will justify a very heavy initial in Among the many valuable presents now given away vestment in transportation facilities. with L ig g e tt & Myers Duke's Mixture there is someth ing to In entering into such contracts, how suit every taste— and m this all-pleasing satisfaction the ever, special safeguards to protect the presents are exactly like the tobacco itself. For all classes public against monopoly and to pre o f men like the selected Virginia and North Carolina bright vent an undue speculative profit to the T R U S T MADE L IT T L E PROFIT. purchaser are employed. leaf that you get in “ The national forests contain the International Harvester Company Nev equivalent of Pearly 600,000,000,000 er Paid Dividends. feet o f timber now o f merchantable Chicago — Although it sold $100,- size, besides young growth for future 000,000 worth of farm implements, harvest. Because o f its remoteness the International Harvester company from market, only a small percentage of America last year made only $150,- can now be sold on any terms. The 000 in profits, or fifteen hundredths of sale o f less than one-fifth o f 1 per cent 1 per cent, said R. C. Haskins, the of our total supply to one company president, who testified before a spe leaves plenty of room for competition cial examiner in the government’ s suit by other companies. to dissolve the corporation. “ The timber which has been sold to Now this famous old tobacco w ill be more poprlar Questions were asked by the govern the California companies lies well than ever— for it is now a L ig g e tt d f A/yers leader, and ment attorney to show that the Inter back in the Sierra Nevada mountains is equal in quality to any granulated tobacco you can buy. national Harvester company of Amer and will require the construction o f 70 I f you haven’ t smoked Duke’ s Mixture with the ica was merely the selling agent of miles o f standard gauge railroad to L ig g e tt & Myers name on the bag— try it now. You the International Harvester company open up the area. The company is will like it, for there is no better value anywhere. o f New Jersey, and that the latter given a cutting period o f 22 years to For 5c you get ono a n d a h a lf ounces of choice granulated company was to make all the money. remove the timber, besides an addi tobacco, unsurpassed by any in quality, and with each sack you “ Is it not your object to buy from tional two years for the construction get a book of cigarette papers FREE. the New Jersey corporation at such a o f logging and manufacturing facili N o w A b o u t the F re e Presents price as will enable you to sell so that ties. The coupons now packed with Liggett & Afyers Duke's you will have neither loss nor profit?” “ For several years the Forest Ser Mixture arc good for all sorts of valuable presents. These pres asked Edwin P. Grosvenor, special as vice has been selling in the neighbor ents cost you not one penny. The list includes not only sistant attorney general. hood of $1,000,000 worth o f national smokers* articles — but “ Our object is to buy as cheaply as forest stumpage each year, but this, many desirable presents for we can and to make as much as possi combined with what is cut for free women and children—fine ble. We try to buy from the New use, is only one-eighth of what might fountain pens, umbrellas, Jersey company at prices we would be cut without reducing the perma cameras, toilet articles, get from any other company,” replied nent stock o f the forests. The supply tennis racquets, catcher’s gloves and masks, etc. will be kept up through growth. By Haskins. “ But you never have paid a divi making long-term sales, it will he As a special offer d u rin g dend?” possible greatly to increase the S e p t e m b e r an d O c t o b e r “ No. we never have.” amount available for present needs of only, we w ill te n d y o u o u r new illu s tra te d ca ta lo g u e o f the timber-consuming public, without AIR SC O U T S EFFECTIVE. presen ts F R E E . Just send endangering future supplies through uaine and address on a postal. over-cutting. Aviators Prove Value In Great Mili Coupon* from Duke's A fir tu r e tnrry be (u s o rte i w ith tags from H O R S E tary Maneuvers in France. S H O E , J. r .. T IN S L E Y S N A T U R A L I Ì ! a S 1 Paris— The French army maneuvers, which began on September 11 in Tour- aine and Poitou, and in which 120,000 soldiers participated, were concluded with a grand battle in which the en tire front o f the defending army, headed by General Marion, successful ly held the superior forces o f the enemy in check until the arrival o f re inforcements. President Fallieres witnessed the battle traveling from point to point in an automobile. The great feature of the mimic war was the flying scouts, who in a few hours were able to accomplish work that the cavalry would take days in doing. The military aviators were able to unmask every position and to keep the respective commanders fully informed regarding the movements of the opposing forces. Bicycle scouts also proved useful. Bluefields Keeps Order. Bluefields, Nicaragua — Order has been restored in Bluefields, following Sunday night's threatened clash be tween American marines and Nicara guans. An official investigation by the American authorities here served to clear up in a manner “ eminently satisfactory” to them the attack upon Hailors from the Tacoma, reported to have been the work of Nicaraguans of anti-American feelings. There re mains, however, an under current o f antipathy toward Americans. The marines are still at Camp Durell. STRIKERS CAPTURE UTAH M INE; FIRE ON SHERIFFS Bingham, Utah—Forty-five hundred men employed in the copper mines here laid down their tools Thursday morning, after the operators refused to meet their demands for an increase in pay o f 50 cents a day. Every mine in the camp, with one exception, is idle. The strikers are mostly foreigners and are determined that no one shall enter the mines or buildings until their demands have been granted. Shots were fired when deputies marched to the mines to draw the fires. A striker was shot by a deputy at another point. L E A F . G R A N G E R T W IS T , coupons from F O U R R O SES l h e - t in double coupon), PIC K P L U G C U T . P IE D M O N T C IG A R E T T E S , C U X C IG A R E T T E S . and other tu£ t o r coupons issued by us. Premium Dept. ! A/ tfc&woo ^ 3 St. t. L Louis, o u is, M Mo. o. ^ World’s Biggest Book Store. A placard has been put up within the last day or two in ( ’baring Cross road, where there are many old book stores, saying that one or more is about to be opened with a stock of 1,000,000 volumes. This leads a Lon don newspaper to state that tho big gest book store In the world Is the Melbourne Hook Arcade, which has Criminal Bureau Is Plan Wenatchee, Wash. — The organiza never less than a couple of million volumes in view.—New York Sun. tion o f a bureau for the detection of Found in Old Battle Ground. criminal* in Oregon, Washington and While cutting turf in Corlara bog, British Columbia was one o f the prin cipal matters discussed at the semi County Roscommon (Ireland) on the annual convention o f the State Sher estate of Mr. J. J. Doyle, J. P., a num iffs’ association, which was in session ber of copper battleax heads, armor here for two days. It is proposed to and military utensils were unearthed establish a Northwest identification the other day at a depth of about bureau for the purpose o f keeping an thirty feet. On this spot was former accurate record o f all criminals in the ly fought a fierce battle between the West. A bureau where thumb prints, clans of the O’Rourkes of Hreffnl and photographs and descriptions may be a sept of the O’Connors of Roscom «o n . kept is to be established. Hard Times. New Southern Line Short. “ Well," said HInkley affably to the Spokane, Wash. — Construction on eld countryman to whom he was giv the new Harriman line between Spo Ing a lift over the highway, “ how’e kane and Los Angeles is proceeding farming around here?" “ Had.” said rapidly. Los Angeles officials o f the the countryman, “ powerful bad. What Southern Pacific in charge o f the witlf the farm hands turnin’ shuffers building o f the line from the southern and the farmers turnin’ garragers, terminus say that the survey for the farmin’ sort of went out o’ fashi’n.”— line has been completed and that the Harper’s NVeekly. distance will be 1175 miles, only 100 miles further than the shortest route now between Spokane and San Fran-1 cisco and 475 miles shorter than the shortest existing line between Spo kane and Los Angeles. p X Was Good— Didn’t Get Measles. The subject of measles came up In a family that had a small boy In It “ Have you had the measles yet Charles Robert?” asked tho visitor. “ No.” the youngster replied. “ I did think I was going to have them Iasi week, but I was real good for three or four days, and I guess I won’t have them now at all.” Aerial Mails In Italy. Italy Is experimenting with aerial mails, an aviator recently carrying a sack of letters 101 miles In 88 m l» utes. L. '•' ; \ - \ % BE W1 HOTELS P E R K IN S ^ ^ ^ > V. . I ' - I I - f J # / FRAltS FE.^PlAlt Boston ” L” Indicted. WITH I Í BATrt Boston — As a result of the recent r $|s?PtR DAY UP PORTIAND.ORE^ streetcar strike in this city an indict MR TMHURTOf TWECirf* ^ ai THCUTBATH SI if up ment charging coercion was returned Most Centrally Located. Wednesday by the Suffolk county grand jury against the Boston Ele NOTE THE RATES. vated Railway company. The indict ment charged that certain employes were forced into an agreement to be come members o f an organization of “ loyal” employes, aa a condition to their continuing in the employ o f the In o a r p ride—o u r hohhY— o a r rtudjr fo r »«•nr» mn<i now o a rs u rre M , »n>l oom i$ th e ->■ $t paini« w«>rl$ Heat Record Is Broken. corporation, and that others had to to !>e found unywh<*r«\ r > m a tte r how m uch you agree not to join a labor union, as a San Francisco— San Francisco and p ar C o m p a r o o u r l'rlco n . a- . Wo flni«h pl»?o nn«l condition of getting employment. Sacramento were singled out as points r«r' Ut « o r i >*» uh of attack by a heat wave Thursday, U H one fiT'.i! Crop Reports Assailed. I’HinbH« •■ tr n r tio a Ask your doctor how often both cities recording temperatures of froo wlion p i»t« $ or I«*« w«>rk o* ord e r Cleveland, O.— Charges that the re about 10 degrees above the average I he prescribes an alcoholic ComulUl.on trr*. ports o f the department of agriculture for the rest of the state. The San | stimulant for children. Me .5 c . ‘j i . c 5 5 0 ri on the season’s crop were fictitious Francisco maximum was 94 degrees, a o f 22k B. I,-. I n 4. CO The prophecy is \ will probably say, “ Very, and misleading were made by Dr. C. record for the year. Gold ilinj, 1.00 Prinz, o f Manitowoc, Wis., in address for a drop in the thermometer o f from | very rarely.” t r i . f . 1 f !l 1.00 Ask him how ing the national convention of master 5 to 10 degrees, with indications of , w i .5 0 often he prescribes a tonic for nod Rubber _ AA to fol- brewers. "T h e barley crop is poor clear weather immediately r .i-i 5 .0 0 them. He will probably an and will not exceed 100,000,000 bush low. 8 * 1 ' K* iRubber - ___________ !«!.$ 7 .5 0 els,” he said. “ Yet the government swer, “ Very, very frequently." __ ________ him s ,s .. .5 0 Shingle Market is Firm. report says it will exceed 160,000.000 Il TliU « M U M >• M«TU« BEUT METHODS Then ask him about Ayer’s bushels. There never was and prob Seattle, Wash.— Efforts o f whole A l l w « »r k f u l l y B u iirn iito o d f o r f y ra r*. Sarsaparilla as a strong and ably never will be so large a yield.” sale shingle dealers to break the mar W i s e D e n t a l C o ., me. ket and force prices down so far has safe tonic for the young. Not P ain less Dentists $100.000 Left for Lutheran Home met with little success. Seattle a drop of alcohol in it. Ft flint Bti'Minf, Th -<1 and fVMNngtan P0RTIAN0 OR* Philadelphia— One hundred thous wholesalers have recently sold clear O fttc e H o u r* i A M tu !» t « » u u d A »« . « M l and dollars for a home for poor Luth shingles for future delivery at $2.60 | Always keep a box of Aver s Pills *n the I erans o f all ages and both sexes is the in the East, the prevailing price at | house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and N O . 39 So far as I then, will ward off many an attack of principal beouest in the will of the the mills on the Coast. biliousness, mdigest on, tick-headache late E. R. Artman, o f this city The known the wholesalers have been un will disposed £of an] estate valued at able to fill all the orders taken at the ■ How many years has your doctor know n N writim r In ad /¿rii.««! % W fllE turn the*e pills? Ask h:m all about them th is !W|fv 1 cut prices. $ 1 , 000 , 000 . Jfu4* by the J O. Ait I E CO.. Lowell. Me»» Stimulate Children ? > Painless Dentistry