Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1912)
DOINGS O F T M E K A V IA T O R ’ S P R «N K S U PSE T BOAT | ------------ Excited Crowd Rushes to One Side; Launch Turns Over. i INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE S tantqn that there wa« just one thing In Ilf# worth while." The girl shivered slightly, her gaze on his firm profile with Its Hues ot re lentless strength. “ You meant to punish them,” she faltered. “ Revenge? No; it was not worth taking I will not deny I thought of that as a boy; as a man I was too practical to waste my time. What 1 decided to have was money. 1 found in my aptitude for this automobile racing my best and quickest way to secure a starting capital. If I killed myself In doing it. very good; that was better than poverty. I was poor for six years; poor for a lifetime 1 will not be.” “ No, you will not be,” she agreed, her voice quite low and agitated. “ You were born to bend circumstance, for good or 111.” “ Circumstance bent me, when It set your brother in my path,” he cor rected. “ 1 never before had a friend, or cared—” He shook his head Impa tiently, turning fully to her. "Bah, what dead history am I boring you with! Forgive me; I only meant to say there might be some small excuse for my savagery. It Is after four o’clock, I was promised tea.” Jessica rose to cross to the little tea-table, but lingered for an Instant. “Jes once told me that he had been guilty of the impertinence of saying his driver had the best dlsposRion and the worst temper he had ever seen. I think that If he were here, he would apologize for the last part.” “ Perhaps he may yet retract the first,” he warned lightly, yet touched. When she summoned him to take his cup, Stanton looked at the brown beverage, then in quizzical surprise at his hostess. "Yes,” she laughed, coloring. “ With three lumps of sugar in I t Jes told me that whenever he was out with you, you drank chocolate syrup and sweet. I thought !t was only girls who liked sweet, syrupy things.” "And do you always give people what they like?” he asked, amused and oddly pleased. “ I would like to," she retorted. “Then I would like very much to have you go to the theater with me, to-night.” "As you like,” she conceded, her heavy lashes sweeping her cheeks. The first step was made. For the next two weeks they saw each other frequently. Twice Stanton brought one of the Mercury cars and took Jes sica for sedate afternoon drives. Sev eral rainy days she gave him sweet chocolate and sat opposite him before the bright little hearth, listening or talking with the equable sunniness so like Floyd’s. Indeed, Stanton soon came to feel with her the sense of companionship and certainty of being understood that he felt with her broth er. But he never was rough to Jes s lea. During that Interval he did not meet Floyd. Jes was busy thirty miles up the Hudson valley, at the Mercury factory, Jessica said, and as Stanton of course knew from his mechanician’s own statement. Only It impressed him as rather strange that Floyd could not get away even once or twice to «ee his sister. Chicago—The tipping over and res PRUNE TREE S T O C K SH O R T. cue o f eight spectators in a launch, P O T A T O E S INJURED. the disabling o f two hydro aeroplanes far out in the lake and the "pranks” Nurseries Unable to Supply Demands Tualatin Valley Crop Reported Shorl o f Prospective Planters. Fully One-Halt, o f an aviator dressed as a woman Aurora— Charles J. Roth, the Canby Hillsboro— That tne potato crop in brought Chicago’s aviation meet to a nurseryman, was in Aurora this week this vicinity will he short fully 50 per close. on business«, and says there is a re Great crowds near Grant Park, on markable shortage in the supply o f cent as a result o f early blight, is the General Résumé o f Important Evente the lakefront, were startled to observe prune trees in the Pacific Coast nur prediction made by Howard Evarts Dresented In Condensed Form Practically every Weed, an authority on plant diseases. what appeared to be a woman diving series this fall. fo r Our Busy Readers. nursery in Oregon has exhausted its “ For several days past 1 have exam in a biplane almost straight down supply already, for the fall planting, ' from an altitude o f 3000 feet, and which means that there will be no ined the potato fields in this vicinity, Dr. Sun Y at Sen denies the rumor then with her arms off the levers and more trees on the market for a year. and find very few places but that "Did he know of It?” she asked in o f discord in the new government of her skirts fluttering about her face, This indicates a remarkably heavy show great damage to the growing SYNOPSIS. counter-question. flying as low as 10 feet over the heads planting and a great revival o f inter crop. The recent windy weather made China. Floyd had kept the confidence given A t the beginning o f gr ea t au/omopllo Government reports say crops all o f the spectators. To make the scene est in the prune industry. Mr. Roth the conditions much worse than would him. then, although no formal re ruce the mechanician or the Me rcury over the world are greatly above the more startling, the “ woman” flew out has just received an order for 5000 Stanton's machine, drops dead. Strange of the course and skimmed up and trees, but could supply only 500. The otherwise have been the case, as the youth, Jesse Floyd, volunteers, and Is ac straint had been made. The expres average. down Michigan avenue, sending auto larger part o f the orders seem to come wind caused a wide distribution o f the cepted. In the rest during the tw enty- sion that crossed Stanton’s dark face four hour race Stunton meets a strunger. was warm and very gentle. T aft urged before the national hy' mobiles in all directions to seek from California, where the planting is spores o f the fungus causing the dis Miss Carlisle, w ho Introduces herself. The “ He knew, yes. I wish I could have giene congress the establishment of a safety. Me rcury wins race. Stanton receives the heaviest and the interest greatest. ease. The excessive rains during Au flowers fr om Miss Carlisle, which he ig met your brother years ago; I might National Health bureau. The “ woman” was Lincoln Beachy, In this particular section, the great notes. Stanton meets Miss Carlisle on * gust made weakened, tender vines full train. T h e y alight to tuke walk, and have been less hard a man, more fit to The Greek minister in London who disguised himself as “ Mile. Clar- est activity in horticultuie is in logan train leaves. Stanton and Miss Carlisle know him, and you. now.” denies any knowledge of a Greek-Bul- ise Lavateur, ” for the purpose of berries, there being hundreds o f acres o f moisture, while the atmospheric fo llo w In auto. Accident hy which Stan “ You hard!” Salem. conditions were such as cause all fun ton is hurt is mysterious. Floyd, at lunch gariar.-Servian alliance against Tur creating a new aerial sensation for planted between here and with Stanton, tells o f his boyhood. Stan “ Has he not taught you that I am Chicago. So excited were eight spec Many apples, pears and peaches will gus diseases to develop most rapidly. ton aga in meets Miss Carlisle and thev key. so?” tSIne together. Stanton comes to track tators in a launch in the harbor that also be put out this fall in the Fargo " F o r a month past there have bee •lek, but makes race. T h e y hav e accl Miss Elsie Crose, daughter o f the they all gathered at one side o f the neighborhood. In her earnestness she leaned for Ihmt. Flo yd hurt, hut not seriously. At American governor o f Samoa, was craft and it tipped over. They were small brown spots upon the leaves dinner Flo yd tells Stanton o f his twin ward. her eyes fearlessly on his. ■later. Jessica. Stanton becomes v e r y ill proclaimed a "princess” by the na rescued by a tug. “ Never. Do not Imagine he thinks showing the presence of tne disease and loses consciousness. On recovery, INDIANS TO THRESH GRAIN. tives. hotel Stanton receives Invitation and you that, do not so wrong his memory Bechwith Havens, while driving a known to science as macrosporium his visits Jessica. T h e y go to theater t og et h A party o f Frenchmen visiting Ber hydro-aeroplane with a passenger, Third Sawmill Will Be Built on Klam solani, or the early blight, but it has er and meet Miss Carlisle. Stanton and of your kindness. A rough word— what Is it? The first gentleness cancels it; Both men Flo yd meet again and talk business lin say they are astonished at the evi punctured his pontoon. ath Reservation. only been during the past week that Th ey agr ee to operate automobile fa ct o ry what Is a friend worth who does not dence of high living and luxury to be were picked up as they were sinking. *s partners Fl o yd becomes suspicious o f understand?” Anthony Jennus, in a hydroaaero- Klamath Falls— Edson Watson, In the disease has developed rapidly and Miss Carlisle. seen everywhere. plane, had a similar accident. His dlan agent, has purchased a steam the infection become widespread. Stanton bent his head, looking at A girl's dream revealed fatal errors machine had to be towed in. CHAPTER IX— (Continued). the fire. threshing outfit for the Klamath res "T h e vines now have yellow leaves in the indictments against an Illinois “ Jessica has the right to a chance,' Armed with a stout club, Weldon B. ervation. There are several antiquat “ I have not had much gentleness school superintendent for embezzle Cooke, an aviator o f Oakland, Cal., ed threshing outfits on the reservation at the bottom of the plant, while the 6c agreed. “ I’m not goln’ to meddle top leaves have their edges turned with things beyond my understandln’. shown me,” he said. “ My mother died ment, forgery, etc. defended his wrecked aeroplane for now, but the progress of the Indians when I was born; when I was thirteen black. Growth o f tubers has practi Pascual Orozco, Sr., was marched several hours against a crowd o f sev in agriculture calls for more modem callv stopped. Some fields are worse An’ I’d rather have her your wife than my father married again. My step have anything else In the world. Only mother was a good woman, whom I through the streets o f El Paso from eral hundred souvenir hunters. When methods and Mr. Watson ¡9 helping than others, hillside fields being the —you’ve seen her just once— you can’t loved as well as my father did. Hut He hopes to the station to the jail, and was hooted flying on the South Side he fell, them in that direction. worst affected. tell If you want her, yet.“ wrecking his biplane. He was have the outfit here in time to do within the second year after the mar and jeered by Mexicans. “ Potato blight is now practically Stanton shot him one straight, ex riage, the horses they were driving stunned by the fall, and when he re much o f thi9 season's work. Upon the peremptory demand o f the worldwide in its distribution. First pressivo glance. gained consciousness he found a large ran away, dragging the carriage over A third sawmill will soon be in described in 1882, it now occurs American ambassador, an American “ She Is like you,” slipped from him an embankment, and my parents died crowd around his machine breaking operation on the reservation, as the throughout the United States, Canada, Involuntarily; then, furious at his be confined in a Mexican jail was re pieces from it to carry away as sou two now in use are proving insuffi within a few moments of each other Europe, Asia and Australia. Its con trayal of sentiment, he dropped the leased and placed in the hospital. venirs. Seizing u club, he held the cient to meet the demand. The new while being taken to the hospital trol by means o f the Bordeaux mix other’s hand. “ W e had better go, or crowd back until the police arrived Have I said that my father was mill will be located on Sprague river The battleship Wyoming is com ture is easy, thanks to the experi we’ll miss the train,” he bruskly re wealthy? He was so. He had made between Yainax and the agency, and pleted and turned over to the govern ments made in 1899 by Professor L, minded. h!s will, a year before, leaving every will be manned by Indians. KAISER RIDES ON W H ISK E Y. ment. She will participate in the na R. Junes o f the Vermont experiment “ Oh, she is like me,” confirmed thing to his wife; well knowing that An advertisement for the sale of val review in New York harbor next station. Ployd; he turned to look again at the she In her turn would pass all on to month. Tires on Emperor’s Automobile Made 1,500.000 feet, board measure, stand "These experiments were very thor factory. “ We are pretty close chums. me. She was much younger than he. ing timber, on the reservation, an From Alcoholic Beverage. nugh, and the results so conclusive Yes, you an’ I had better be gettln’ to almost certain to outlive him. and A witness in the Standard Oil in nounces that bids will be opened Oc that spraying with Bordeaux mixture the train.” Chicago— Emperor William o f Ger tober 15. vestigation says the corporation has entirely to be trusted. But she had The minimum figure for assigned fixed sales territory to each many rides in an automobile, the tires p ne and sugar pine, which constitute is now conducted as a part o f farm They walked back to the nearest never made a will, delayed by chance practice by the best growers o f the o f its former subsidiaries, making the of which are made from whiskey, ac three-fourths of the timber to be sold, or forgetfulness. I suppose. When he trolley line, both silent. monopoly as complete and perfect as cording to Dr. H. A. Bernson, head of is $3 25 a thousand feet. On the re Central states. In the experiments at The subject was not touched again, died five minutes before her, all bis the Vermont station the sprayed po the chemistry department o f Heidel mainder o f the timber the minimum is ever. until the following morning, when they fortune passed to his wife; then, upon tatoes gave a yield o f 291 bushels per left the train in New York. her death without a will, again legally berg university, who with 300 other The agent has a Jacob Foy Guthrie. the college scientists, is in Chicago to attend $1.50 a thousand. acre against 99J bushels per acre for “ When shall I see you?” Stanton passed on to her relatives. I was left graduate on trial in Chicago for rob the eighth annual international con number o f offers for timber, one of the unsprayed potatoes, showing questioned, as they exchanged fare with no share or claim.” which is for 400,000,000 feet. bing the homes o f wealthy people o f gress of applied chemistry. difference o f 1 9 lj bushels an acre in wells in the noisy depot. “ To-mor “ But It was yours by every right! over $2500 worth o f silks, jewelry and favor o f spraying.” row?” He says that rubber has been made Surely, surely, your step mother’s rel A PPLE YIELD REDUCED. bric-a-brac, went raving crazy in from whiskey for several years at sev * I’m going to be out of town for the atives did not take It?" court. NEW FISH CAR IN USE. eral experimental laboratories in Ger “ They took every penny and every next two weeks, Mr. Green tells me.” Early Estimates at Hood River Cut Floyd replied. “ They want me at the inch. Miss Hoyd. And I, at fifteen, A strike of 150 shingle weavers has many, and recently a set o f automo Fifty Per Cent. 20,000 Trout Being Distributed East Mercury factory, and there are some was sent out into the world, a beggar closed nine shingle mills on Puget bile tires made from the alcoholic bev erage were presented to Emperor W il Hood River — Representatives of other trips, too. I believe. Jessica Is ed orphan. They had no interest in Sound. o f The Dalles. liam and that he is now using them on four of the apple selling agencies o f going to be rather deserted; If you me, and I was old enough to support The firat “ fish c a r" that has ever Railroads are breaking all records one o f his private automobiles. Hood River valley, the Applegrowers’ happen to look her up, no doubt she myself. One of them offered to get in furnishing cars to handle the North According to Dr. Bernson the pro union, Davidson Fruit company, N a been used in Oregon le ft Portland would be glad to speak to some one me a position as office boy.” Monday night for the Bonneville Cen “ Oh! You—” cess of manufacturing is quit« intri tional Apple company and Hood River west grain crop. besides her nurse." ” 1— lived,” he grimly answered. ” 1 cate. By special processes of fermen Apple & Storage company, met here tral Fish Hatchery to stock up with a ‘Thank you.” accepted Stanton, as A man at Kamloops, B. C., who had tation the scientists asked them for nothing. What per increase the to go over the returns from orcharch large shipment o f trout fry that is to carelessly. “ Take care of yourself.” been deaf and dumb for 14 years, sud amount o f fusel oil in whiskey, then ists as to the crop prospects, and have be distributed at various Oregon He had not reached the exit when sonal trinkets belonged to me. I sold, denly recovered both voice and' hear extract the oil and use it in place of given out the following figures: points to encourage the propagation for the first needs; then I set to work. Floyd overtook him. ing when he saw another man crushed the raw gum that is tapped from rub My father had wished me to be a Reports from 228 orchards repre o f the trout species in the Oregon “ Here are the entries for the Cup and mangled beneath the wheels o f a ber trees. senting over 60 per cent o f the bear streams. race.” he panted, thrusting a folded moving freight train. This car is equipped with various ing acreage, give a careful and ac newspaper Into Stanton’s hand. “ There CURB ON FLYERS SO U G H T. curate estimate o f the Spitzenberg mechanical devices necessary to the are two Atalanta cars to run against Two were killed and several ser care o f fish and with living quarters crop at 125,000 boxes, or a little more iously injured when a passenger train us. It’s you wh® need to take care struck a streetcar on a grade crossing Aviators' League Proposed to Stop than one-fourth of the total crop. Of for the caretakers. It has acco/nmo- of yourself, until afterward.” dations for 20,000 fish. this quantity, 75,000 will be o f the near Denver. Reckless Aerial Flights. "Floyd, wait! What do you mean? On the present trip the car will drop extra fancy grade four tier size. The Officials at Washington think the London— The death o f H. J. D. Ast- balance o f 50,000 including the four 100 cans, each containing 10 gallons Do you really think—” But his mechanician evaded the Mexican revolution is weakening, on ley by the fall o f hi9 aeroplane at Bel and one-half tier size will be packed o f trout fry, at The Dalles, Dufur and question. account of the many apparently aim fast has given impetus to the move other points farther East, and will as fancy and choice grades. ‘Some people ar« hoodoo«,” he less moves being made by the insur ment to found a National Aviators’ The recent additions to the storage loop back through The Dalles to pick laughed. “ Keep away from them, gents. league. capacity here givin g a total capacity up the empty cans. Later it is in please. Good-by.” Astley was the twentieth British o f 600,000 boxes, w ill accommodate tended to distribute fish at favorable Roosevelt says he is willing his He had not spoken Valerie Carlisle’s airman to lose his life. A similar points along all o f the railroad lines name, yet Stanton knew against whom election shall be subject to the recall. movement has begun in the United within a few thousand boxes o f every apple raised in the valley this year, In Oregon. warned. And the melodramatic The car used in this work was do absurdity of the idea did not prevent Striking Utah coai miners have States to forbid unnecessary flying in and the selling agencies have agreed stolen large quantities o f dynamite volving dangerous risks. The move among themselves not to sell any of nated to Warden Finley hy the O -W. an odd thrill of discomfort and inse ment has the support o f the leading the Spitzenberg crop until the market R. A N., and equipped at the expense and serious trouble is feared. curity. from which he took his usual aviation authorities. o f the railroad. The car and accom refuge in roughness. is good. Canadian Pacific telegraph opera Astley, who met death while exe panying employes are given free Early estimates placed the Spitzen “ I’m not in the habit of hiding from tors have accepted compromise terms cuting too sharp a turn, w ore-no transportation on all o f the official people, hoodoos or not. Good-by.” by the company and the impending safety helmet. He received thereby berg crop at 250,000 boxes, but drop trips. This donation serves as pings have reduced these figures, “Oh, very well.” acquiesced Floyd strike has been declared off. injuries to his head. He was the hsir much to the disappointment o f the great accommodation. oddly. “ But If you won’t take care of Communication has again been es o f a millionaire and a descendant of orchardists. Heretofore shipments have been by yourself, Stanton— ” the usual baggage car route, which tablished with Cananea, Mexico. Cromwell. Well, what?” Many o f the spectators o f the acci Clover Growers Profit. necessitated many delays in transfer. Food has been sent in and a trainload 'Never mind.” dent are of the opinion that Astley of copper bullion shipped from the McMinnville—Clover growers in this It is probable that the “ fish car” will sacrificed his life in a brave attempt section o f the valley have received be placed on display in Portland soon. mines. CHAPTER X. to avoid colliding with the crowd. from one firm in McMinnville $27,000 Branch Line Completed. in one week for part o f this season’s An Interval. PORTLAND MARKETS Auto Burglars Get Gems clover seed. The same firm shipped Klamath Falls— The ballasting crew It was on the second day after his New York — Automobile burglars, five cars o f clover seed, o f which four on the line north from Klamath Falls arrival In New York that Stanton Wheat — Track prices; Club, 78(a) called upon Jessica Floyd. This time accompanied by a woman, who re were o f the Alsike variety. has finished its work as far as Rocky 79c; bluestem, 32(1183c; forty-fold, It is estimated that 50 carloads of he went more confidently up the stairs Williamson 79f«80c; red Russian, 77(ii78c; val mained outside in a machine, the en clover seed will be the output of the Ford, the crossing o f of the quiet apartment house, sure of gine o f which the chauffeur kept rac river. The section completed will now ley, 79(<r.8l)c. country stretching from Forest Grove his right. be turned over to the operating de Bariev— Feed, $25 per ton; brew ing in readiness for flight, at the to Independence. As before, the little old Irishwoman point o f a revolver bound and gagged partment. A t Chiloquin, the present ing, $27(if29. A record yield o f Alsike clover seed clnd in black silk was waiting to ad Hay— No. 1 timothy, $17 per ton; George Richman, a jeweler, in his is that o f Charles Mitchell, near Perry- terminus o f the work, there is a rumor mit him; as before, he could have oat and vetch, $11; alfalfa, $12 50(rr' store at 111 Second avernue, and ob dale, who harvested 11 bushels of fine that the Big Basin Lumber company cried out in the wonder of seeing this tained $5000 worth o f loot. They is preparing to erect a large sawmill. 13. quality clover seed to the acre. girl who turned Floyd’s candid face I f true it will add considerably to the Oats— Spot, $27 per ton; futures, stole $820 in cash, two trays o f dia to him and smiled with Floyd's gray mond rings ami pendants, and other importance o f that town as a ship $25(</ 26. Sheepmen Buy Bucks. eyes. Only, this afternoon Jesslcia ping point, and also be a great benefit Fresh fruits — Apples, 50c(i|i$l.50 trinkets that had been le ft to be re did not rise from the piano seat to Independence— Smythe Brothers, of to the surrounding country. per box; peaches, 4<K(( 60c per box; paired. Richman was bound hand and greet him. but from a cLair near a pears, 60cf<r$1.50; grapes, 90c(</$1.10. foot and a towel tied around his mouth. Pendleton, were in Independence, Mc “ Will You 8ing It to Me Now?" window. Onions— Walla Walla, 75c per sack; Coy and Corvallis for a few days buy Grain Harvest Continued. “ Jes is away again,” she regretted, mechanical engineer, and I meant to Federal Force Is Routed Oregon, $1 25 per sack. ing up all the registered bucks they Meanwhile the Cup race was ap Echo— Weather conditions here are giving him her hand. fulfil his plan. Perfect health I did proaching. On the last evening before Potatoes — Jobbing prices: Bur Monterey, Mexico—A body o f fed- could get. They succeeded in gather favorable for the harvesting o f the *1 came to see you, by his permis have— for six years I regularly worked Stanton went out to the Long Island banks, 60( k 60c per hundred; sweet erals numbering about 100, sent to ing up nearly 700 head. Hawley & grain. Some anxiety was fe lt ten sion.” Stanton returned. twenty hours out of each twenty-four, course, he called on Jessica. potatoes, 2 p o2 ic pound. drive the rebels from Labadia ranch, Son gathered 200 head in the McCoy days ago on account o f the unexpected The rich color flushed under her until 1 was graduated from college. “ It Is possible to come into New V egetables— Artichokes, 6fi(if75c barely escaped annihilation by a re section. All these bucks are spring rain, but the warm, clear days that marvelous skin, that was like no other per dozen; beans, 2c pound; cabbage. bel force Monday, but were com stock, having come in April, and all have followed have dispelled all fears woman’s he had ever seen. Floyd dif For six years I was always tired, oc York, of course,” he said to her. “ But casionally hungry, and took just one I shall stay out there until after the Id/ l i e ; cauliflower, $1(</1.25 dozen; pletely routed, although it is said only but 20 head are registered. They sold and the harvesting has gone on rap- fered there, man from girl, bis com I walked race. After that, after Floyd and I celery, 60(>r.75c dozen; corn, 75c(>/$l ten were killed. The news o f the for about $20 per head. These bucks I idly. Wheat is being hauled to the plexion being much darker and less recreation: every night through the avenue where my former come back, shall 1 see as much of sack; cucumbers, 50c box; eggplant. defeat was brought here by one o f the are to he distributed among the big local warehouses, averaging 1600 translucent. home stood, and looked at It. I saw you? Or won’t you want me around 8(n 6c pound; head lettuce, 20(x 25c fleeing soldiers. The whereabouts of sheepraisers at Arlington, Heppner sacks a day. There is such an im ‘It Is too early to give you tea and the people who had robbed me go when you have him?” dozen; peppers, 5 a 6c per pound; to Major Vallareal, who commanded the and Pendleton mense quantity o f wheat in this lo cake,” she told him, with a playfulness handsomely clad and sleek, I saw Startled, she met his eyes, them matoes, 36(>i40c per box; garlic, 8(a federals, is unknown. General Blan- cality that it w ill take two more partly shy. "But If you will talk to their carriages and servauts pass and turned away hurriedly to the piano. 10c per pound; carrots, $1.25 per quet, who has been stationed at Ped- Grading Is Nearly Done. months o f hauling before this season’s me for half an hour, it will be after repass. I watched, and I concluded (TO BE C O N TIN U E D .) sack; turnips, $1; beets, $1.10; par ricina, is said to be on the way to Eugene— Grading for the Eugene- crop is cared for. four o’clock and 1 can offer you hos snips, $1.25. Musquiz, at the head of a strong force. Monroe section o f the Portland, Eu pitality. Eggs -Case count, 27J/n28c dozen; Apple Disease Prevalent. gene & Eastern's Eugene-Portland "What shall I talk to you about?” he candled, 28J(</29c; extras, 32(i(34c. Women May Storm Jail Corvallis— Professor H. S. Jackson, doubted. “ I am better at listening, I line probably will be finished within Butter — Oregon creamery, cubes, Dublin — Phoenix Park was the two weeks. Out of the 24 miles of department o f plant pathology, O. A. think.” ‘ 33c per pound; prints, 34(iz34ic. scene o f a disorderly suffragist meet roadway, eight have been completely C., has just returned from an extend “ Oh. anything, everything. Suppose Pork— Fancy, U}(ri>12c pound. ing Sunday. A letter was read from graded and with the placing of con ed trip o f inspection through Eastern were Jes; I like what he likes, rac Gravity and Other Agenda* Ar# at stars become a new one, the tremen Veal— Fancy, 14}(fil5c pound. Mrs. Mary Leigh, who recently was crete culverts and a Oregon. Professor ing factories, motor-cars.” few small and Southern Work In Bringing Start dous speed Is suddenly converted Into Poultry — Hens, 14}('>;15c pound; released from Mount Joy prison on ac bridges, will be ready for the steel. Jackson reports that the abundant Together. Although the season was early, a heat, and the explosive force expands broilers, 14$(/il6c: ducks, young, 12c; count of ill health, declaring that un With grading camps covering the re rains o f this season have brought the new star at the rate of millions of geese, 8(r£l2c; turkeys, live, 20c; less Gladys Evans, now serving a sen maining work completely there prom about conditions especially favorablp fire burned in the tiny hearth, on either side of which they were seated, There le food reason (o believe that miles an hour. This, Professor Blch- dressed, 25c. tence of five years for an atempt to ises to he no difficulty in finishing up to the spread o f the apple tree an- facing each other. In the ruddy light the bodies In space— both luminous erton believes, explains the origin of Hops— 1912 crop, 150i l8c. burn a theater, was liberated within a the work as required. There was but thracnose in the orchards o f the Wool — Eastern Oregon, 14(d) 18c few days, she would lead a march on a short stretch that required blasting. Southern and Western parts o f the Stsnton contemplated the smiling girl, and dead—occasionally fall together, Nova Persel, which suddenly flashed in her pale-blue gown with Its lace and his conception of such an event out In 1901 with 10.000 times the brll- pound; valley, 21i(d22ic; mohair, the prison to effect her release, and state. ruffles foaming around her full young was given by Prof. A. W. Blckerton llancy of our sun. This star became choice, 32c pound. would succeed or die in the attempt. New Market Found for Rye. throat and falling low across her In a late Royal Institution lecture. (he brightest In the heavens except Cattle—Choice steers, $6.85(/£7.25; State T o Exchange Land, Aurora—A new industry that is hands. Tbe collisions do not come at ran Sirius, and was the most brilliant new Chinese Rob and Murder good, $6 25(d6 66; medium, $6(d6.25; likely to bring a large income to Salem— Governor West, State For "Your brother has told you of the dom. Gravity and other agencle* are star that has appeared In 300 years. choice cows, $6(d6.50; good, $5.500/ St. Petersburg -Atrocities commit Mackshurg farmers is the growing of ester Elliott and Aasistant District business partnership that w « plan for at work, and before two suns collide 5.75; medium, $5/d5.26; choice cal ted by Chinese expeditionary troops in rye, both for the grain and straw. Forester Andrews as a representative this winter. Miss Floyd?” they come Into each other’s Influence In a Different Senee. ves, $7(d,8.60; good heavy calves, Mongolia are reported in Harbin dis Through the efforts o f Franz Krax- of District Forester Cecil, le ft this She nodded her bronze crowned for hundreds of years, being drawn " I understand Pufferabulk was a re $6 26(d7; bulls, $3(d4.50; stags, $5(d patches. A fte r plundering and burn herger. offers have been received from week for the Cascade mountains near head. towards each other with constantly In markably small baby.” 6 76 ing several monasteries, the troops the Portland manufacturers of horse Detroit to make a selection o f 50,000 "Yes: I am very glad.” creasing speed. As the velocity would "H e must weigh over two hundred H ogs—Light, ’ $8.50(d8.66; heavy, massacred 1000 Mongolians and muti collars for large quantities o f rye acres o f government forest reserve “ Did he.” a sudden fancy prompted be proportionate to site, the collision pounds now.” $7.R0(d 8. lated the bodies o f women and child straw, the prepared straw being used land to exchange for scattered school the question, “ did he tell you that I would take place In the same time— ’’No doubt he does, but a great many Sheep — Yearlings, $3.5(Y«I4.66; ren. Prince and Princess Un A i es for the filling o f the collars. Prac sections in this state. The state for was coming here to see you. If I about three-fourths of an hour—for all people s»T he Is a remarkably small wethers, $40/4.65; ewes, fC'ti 3.85; caped. but all [other members o f their tically all the horse collars now in use est reserve o f 50,000 acres will be Bight?” bodies. With the collision the two man.” lambs, $5(d6. . family were murdered. are made in this manner. thus centralised. Current Events of Interest Gathered From the World at Large. V X ELEANOR M INGRAM o f The Game am i (he C onJhi The Thjin^ M ercury e/c. M I C TtDENBURGIl W hy the Planets Collide . .